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ポケットモンスター (2019)

  • Japanese: ポケットモンスター (2019)
  • Japanese (TL): Pocket Monsters (2019)
  • Korean: 포켓몬스터W
Aired from: 2019-11-17 until 2023-03-24
Popular Characters
Ash Ketchum/サトシ/Satoshi
Ash's Pikachu/サトシのピカチュウ/Satoshi's Pikachu
Goh's Rotom Phone/ゴウのスマホロトム/Go's Smartphone Rotom
Professor Cerise/サクラギ博士/Sakuragi-hakase
Goh's Grookey/ゴウのサルノリ/Go's Sarunori
Jessie's Wobbuffet/ムサシのソーナンス/Musashi's Sonansu
Chloe Cerise/サクラギ・コハル/Koharu Sakuragi
Episode List
PM2019 3: フシギソウってフシギだね?
  • Fushigisou is Quite Mysterious, Don't You Think Sou?
  • Ivysaur’s Mysterious Tower!
PM2019 4: 行くぜガラル地方!ヒバニーとの出会い!!
  • Let's Go to the Galar Region! An Encounter with Hibanny!!
  • Settling the Scorbunny!
PM2019 6: ポケモン大量ゲットだぜ!ミュウへの道!!
  • I'm Gonna Get a Ton of Pokémon! The Road to Mew!!
  • Working My Way Back to Mew!
PM2019 7: 激闘のホウエン地方!挑戦バトルフロンティア!!
  • The Houen Region, Site of Fierce Fights! The Battle Frontier Challenge!!
  • Serving Up the Flute Cup!
PM2019 8: 負けるなポッチャマ!シンオウ地方の流氷レース!!
  • Don't Give In, Pochama! An Ice Floe Race in the Sinnoh Region!!
  • The Sinnoh Iceberg Race!
PM2019 9: あの日の誓い!ジョウト地方のホウオウ伝説!!
  • The Pledge We Made That Day! The Houou Legend of the Jouto Region!!
  • Finding a Legend!
PM2019 11: コハルとワンパチと、時々、ゲンガー
  • Koharu, Wanpachi, and Sometimes Gangar Too
  • Best Friend...Worst Nightmare!
PM2019 13: サトシ対ダンデ!最強への道!!
  • Satoshi VS Dande! The Path to Power!!
  • The Climb to Be the Very Best!
PM2019 14: 初イッシュ地方!遺跡でレイドバトル!!
  • The First Visit to the Isshu Region! Raid Battle at the Ruins!!
  • Raid Battle in The Ruins!
PM2019 17: ヒバニー、炎のキック!明日に向かって!!
  • Hibanny, Use Your Flaming Kick! Face Tomorrow!!
  • Kicking It from Here Into Tomorrow!
PM2019 21: とどけ波導!サトシと不思議なタマゴ!!
  • Hit Your Mark, Wave Guidance! Satoshi and the Mysterious Egg!!
  • Caring for a Mystery!
PM2019 25: 命爆発バトルフェス!VSメガルカリオ!!
  • A Battle Festival Exploding With Life! VS Mega Lucario!!
  • A Festival Reunion!
PM2019 26: はねろ!コイキング / かぶれ!ヤドキング
  • Splash, Koiking! / Crown Yourself, Yadoking!
  • Splash, Dash, and Smash for the Crown!
PM2019 27: 英雄伝説!ダンデ最強バトル!!
  • The Legend of Heroes! Dande's Ultimate Battle!
  • Toughing It Out!
PM2019 29: パチパチやきもち!ワンパチのきもち
  • One Crackling Fit of Jealousy: Wanpachi's Fantasy
  • There's a New Kid in Town!
PM2019 30: いやいやピカチュウ、やれやれバリヤード
  • The Reluctant Pikachu and the Exasperated Barrierd
  • Betrayed, Bothered, and Beleaguered!
PM2019 36: サトシとゴウ、砂地獄から這い上がれ!
  • Crawl Out of the Sand Tomb, Satoshi and Go!
  • Making Battles in the Sand!
PM2019 38: 奇跡の復元、化石のポケモン!
  • The Colossal Restoration and the Fossil Pokémon!
  • Restore and Renew!
PM2019 41: ピカチュウアテレコ大作戦! / 半分、ヌマクロー。
  • Operation: Dub Pikachu! / Half, Numacraw.
  • Pikachu Translation Check... Up to Your Neck!
PM2019 42: ソード&シールドⅠ「まどろみの森」
  • Sword & Shield I: Slumbering Weald
  • Sword and Shield, Slumbering Weald!
PM2019 44: ソード&シールドⅢ「ムゲンダイナ」
  • Sword & Shield III: Mugendaina
  • Sword and Shield: From Here to Eternatus!
PM2019 45: ソード&シールドⅣ「最強の剣と盾」
  • Sword & Shield IV: The Ultimate Sword and Shield
  • Sword and Shield... The Legends Awaken!
PM2019 46: バトル&ゲット!ミュウツーの復活
  • Battling & Getting! Mewtwo Comes Back
  • Getting More Than You Battled For!
PM2019 50: ガラルの化石!がっちゃんこ!!
  • Galar Fossils! Stick 'em Together!!
  • A Pinch of This, a Pinch of That!
PM2019 52: 農業体験!ディグダはどこだ!?
  • Hands-On Agriculture Studies! Where is Digda?!
  • How Are You Gonna Keep ‘Em Off of the Farm?
PM2019 53: 伝説ゲット!?水の守護神スイクンを探せ!!
  • Getting a Legend?! Search for Suicune, the Guardian Deity of Water!!
  • Healing the Healer!
PM2019 55: 君とルミナスメイズの森の物語
  • The Tale of You and Me in Luminous Maze Forest
  • The Tale of You and Glimwood Tangle!
PM2019 56: 四天王ガンピ!騎士道の館!!
  • Elite Four Ganpi! The House of Chivalry!!
  • Searching for Chivalry!
PM2019 57: 恋はコダック
  • Love is a Koduck
  • Memories of a Warming Kindness!
PM2019 58: パニック!ゴクリン球!! / カモンカムカメカメレース!
  • Panic! The Gokulin Ball!! / Come On, Kamukame Turtle Race!
  • A Rollicking Roll… / Eyes on the Goal!
PM2019 60: めざせネギマスター!つらぬけ騎士道!!
  • Aim to Become Leek Master! Stay With Me, Chivalry!!
  • Beyond Chivalry… Aiming to be a Leek Master!
PM2019 61: まるっとおまかせ!プラスルマイナン便利屋さん!!
  • Leave Everything To Us! The Plusle and Minun Handymen!
  • Searching for Service With a Smile!
PM2019 63: 挑戦!ポケモンマリンアスレチック!!
  • Challenge! The Pokémon Water Obstacle Course!!
  • On Land, In the Sea, and to the Future!
PM2019 72: 地下迷宮シャッフルパニック!?
  • Shuffle Panic in the Underground Labyrinth?!
  • Everybody's Doing the Underground Shuffle!
PM2019 75: クレセリア真夏の夜の光
  • Cresselia's Midsummer Night's Light
  • A Midsummer Night's Light!
PM2019 76: ゼンリョク!アローア無人島レース!!
  • Fully Powered! The Alola Desert Island Race!!
  • All Out, All of the Time!
PM2019 77: 超電磁ハイパークラスバトル!
  • A Super-Electromagnetic Hyper Class Battle!
  • Ultra Exciting from the Shocking Start!
PM2019 78: 狙われたサクラギ研究所!
  • The Sakuragi Laboratories Become a Target!
  • Detective Drizzile!
PM2019 79: 月と太陽、コハルとハルヒ
  • The Moon and the Sun; Koharu and Haruhi
  • Night and Day, You are the Ones
PM2019 84: ルカリオナイト!メガ島大冒険!!
  • The Lucarionite! Adventure on Mega Island!!
  • An Adventure of Mega Proportions!
PM2019 88: トライアルミッション!深海潜水調査団!!
  • Trial Mission! The Deep Sea Diver Research Team!!
  • Looking Out for Number Two!
PM2019 90: 冬SP第2話!ディアルガ&パルキア!時空大決戦!!
  • Winter Special #2! Dialga & Palkia! The Decisive Space-time Battle!!
  • Showdown at the Gates of Warp!
PM2019 94: ヘラクロスロス、恋するカイロス
  • The Heracros Loss and the Kailios in Love
  • Suffering the Flings and Arrows!
PM2019 95: サラバ! さすらいのロケット団!
  • Farewell! The Wandering Rocket Gang!
  • The Good, The Bad, and The Lucky!
PM2019 97: ヤドキング!カレーなる遭遇!!
  • Yadoking! A Curry-zy Beautiful Encounter!!
  • An Evolution in Taste!
PM2019 103: サトシとシトロン!友情大特訓!!
  • Satoshi and Citron! Special Friendship Training!!
  • The Future is Now, Thanks to Strategy!
PM2019 105: イーブイとニンフィア! 出会いと再会!
  • Eievui and Nymphia! Encounters and Reunions!!
  • Reuniting for the First Time!
PM2019 106: 新番組!ロケット団ないしょ王国ラジオ!!
  • A New Show! The Rocket Gang Undercover Kingdom Radio!!
  • Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!
PM2019 108: ルカリオとゲッコウガ!運命の波導!!
  • Lucario and Gekkouga! The Wave Guidance of Fate!!
  • Catching the Aura of Fate!
PM2019 112: 凱旋! アローラチャンピオン!!
  • A Triumphant Return! The Alola Champion!!
  • Helping the Hometown Hero!
PM2019 114: 炎の特訓バトル!サトシ対シンジ!!
  • Fire Training Battle! Satoshi VS Shinji!!
  • Friends, Rivals, Lend Me Your Spirit!
PM2019 115: 開幕!マスターズトーナメント!!
  • The Curtain Rises! The Masters Tournament!!
  • Curtain up! Fight the Fights!
PM2019 118: サトシ出陣!VSダイゴ!!
  • Satoshi Heads Into Battle! VS Daigo!!
  • Battling as Hard as Stone!
PM2019 120: コハルとイーブイ、可能性は無限大!
  • The Possibilities are Endless for Koharu and Eievui!
  • Infinite Possibilities!
PM2019 124: セミファイナルⅢ・”武勇”
  • The Semifinals III: Valor
  • Valor: A Strategic Part of Battling!
PM2019 127: ゴウとエースバーン!はじまりの場所!!
  • Go and Aceburn! The Place Where It All Began!!
  • Just a Scone's Throw From Here!
PM2019 136: サトシとゴウ!あらたなる旅立ち!!
  • Satoshi and Go! Setting Off Anew!!
  • This Could be the Start of Something Big!
PM2019 139: タケシとデントともりのまじょ!
  • Takeshi, Dent and the Forest Witch!
  • Must Be Our Heroes and the Witch!
PM2019 142: そして、おなじ月をみている!
  • And We're Looking at the Same Moon!
  • The Same Moon, Now and Forever!
PM2019 144: ジュペッタのさがしもの!
  • What Juppeta Is Looking For!
  • Getting to the Heart of it All!
PM2019 147: 虹とポケモンマスター!
  • The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!
  • The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!