CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on January 27th, 2023. They also
tweeted about the page on the official CoroCoro Comic Twitter account to promote it.
Anipoke is just around the corner! Takeshi and Dent make an appearance! Unexpected reunion with former travel companions!
The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! It airs every Friday at 6:55 p.m. and it is very popular! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other Anipoke information you won't find anywhere else! Satoshi's old travel companions are in today's broadcast!?
Satoshi and Pikachu are on a carefree journey. While having lunch with Kasumi, who has decided to join them in their travels again, find that the master of the restaurant is...... Takeshi! And then Dent shows up! They are unexpectedly reunited with their former travel companions!
▲ Takeshi, like Kasumi, was once a fellow traveler with Satoshi.
▲ The excitement of their reunion is short-lived, however, as Takeshi's heart is broken before Satoshi and his friends' eyes.
▲ The two of them are both relieved...... to see that Takeshi is still the same as ever.
▲ Dent is a Pokémon Sommelier who once traveled with Satoshi through the Isshu region.
Takeshi, who is feeling low after a heartbreak, is lead away when a wild Brimuon, also known as "the Forest Witch", suddenly appears in front of him. What is the fate of Takeshi, who has been kidnapped by Brimuon? What is Brimuon's purpose for doing this?
▲ Takeshi is taken deep into the forest after hallucinating because of Brimuon's Psychic powers.
▲ Dent, the "Sommelier Detective (self-proclaimed)", deduces why Takeshi has disappeared deep into the forest!
▲ According to Dent's reasoning, Takeshi's negative aura is the reason why he's depressed and heartbroken...!?
▲Satoshi and his friends decide to look for Takeshi with the help of Mibrim!
▲Will Satoshi, Kasumi, and Dent be able to rescue Takeshi!?
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】タケシ、そしてデントも登場!! かつての旅の仲間たちとまさかの再会!!
この記事はアニメ放送直前に、今日の放送回に登場するポケモンやキャラクターの紹介、声優さんや監督からのコメントなどなど、ほかでは聞けないアニポケ情報をお届けするコーナー!! 今日の放送でサトシの懐かしの旅の仲間が!?
あてもなく気ままな旅をつづけるサトシとピカチュウ。再び旅を共にすることになったカスミとランチをしていると、そのお店のマスターは……なんとタケシ!? そしてさらにデントまで! かつての旅の仲間たちとまさかの再会を果たすことに!!
失恋してどん底の気分のタケシの前に、突然野生のブリムオンが現れ、タケシが連れ去られてしまう。別名「森の魔女」と呼ばれているブリムオンにさらわれたタケシの運命は!? そしてブリムオンの目的とは一体!?
なんだかすべてが懐かしい! 久々の仲間たちが大集合のアニポケは、本日よる6時55分から放送スタート!!