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Pokémon: Indigo League

Aired from: 1998-09-08 until 1999-05-01
Popular Characters
Ash Ketchum/サトシ/Satoshi
Ash's Pikachu/サトシのピカチュウ/Satoshi's Pikachu
Ash's Bulbasaur/サトシのフシギダネ/Satoshi's Fushigidane
Ash's Squirtle/サトシのゼニガメ/Satoshi's Zenigame
Ash's Pidgeotto/サトシのピジョン/Satoshi's Pigeon
Ash's Charmander/サトシのヒトカゲ/Satoshi's Hitokage
Nurse Joy/ジョーイ/Joy
Episode List
PIL3 1: Pokémon - I Choose You!
  • Pokémon! I Choose You!
  • ポケモン!きみにきめた!
PIL3 2: Pokémon Emergency
  • Confrontation! Pokemon Center!
  • たいけつ!ポケモンセンター!
PIL3 4: Challenge of the Samurai
  • Challenge of the Samurai Boy!
  • サムライしょうねんのちょうせん!
PIL3 5: Showdown in Pewter City
  • The Fight at Nibi Gym!
  • ニビジムのたたかい!
PIL3 6: Clefairy and the Moon Stone
  • Pippi and the Moon Stone
  • ピッピとつきのいし
PIL3 7: The Water Flowers of Cerulean City
  • The Water Flowers of Hanada City
  • ハナダシティのすいちゅうか
PIL3 8: The Path to the Pokémon League
  • Road to the Pokémon League
  • ポケモンリーグへのみち
PIL3 9: The School of Hard Knocks
  • Pokémon Victory Manual
  • ポケモンひっしょうマニュアル
PIL3 10: Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village
  • Fushigidane of the Hidden Village
  • かくれざとのフシギダネ
PIL3 11: Charmander-The Stray Pokémon
  • Stray Pokémon Hitokage
  • はぐれポケモン・ヒトカゲ
PIL3 12: Here Comes the Squirtle Squad
  • Enter the Zenigame Squad!
  • ゼニガメぐんだんとうじょう!
PIL3 14: Electric Shock Showdown
  • Electric Shock Showdown! Kuchiba Gym
  • でんげきたいけつ!クチバジム
PIL3 15: Battle Aboard the St. Anne
  • Battle Aboard the St. Anne!
  • サントアンヌごうのたたかい!
PIL3 16: Pokémon Shipwreck
  • A Pokémon Robinsonade
  • ポケモンひょうりゅうき
PIL3 17: Island of the Giant Pokémon
  • Island of the Giant Pokémon!?
  • きょだいポケモンのしま!?
PIL3 18: Tentacool & Tentacruel
  • Menokurage and Dokukurage
  • メノクラゲドククラゲ
PIL3 19: The Ghost of Maiden's Peak
  • Pokémon Ghosts and the Summer Festival
  • ゆうれいポケモンとなつまつり
PIL3 20: Bye Bye Butterfree
  • Bye Bye Butterfree
  • バイバイバタフリー
PIL3 21: Abra and the Psychic Showdown
  • Casey! Psionic Confrontation!
  • ケーシィ!ちょうのうりょくたいけつ!
PIL3 22: The Tower of Terror
  • Getting one in the Pokémon Tower!
  • ポケモンタワーでゲットだぜ!
PIL3 23: Haunter vs. Kadabra
  • Ghost VS Psychic!
  • ゴーストVSエスパー!
PIL3 24: Primeape Goes Bananas
  • Don't Get Mad, Okorizaru!
  • おこらないでねオコリザル!
PIL3 26: Hypno's Naptime
  • Sleeper and Pokémon Regression!?
  • スリーパーとポケモンがえり!?
PIL3 27: Pokémon Fashion Flash
  • Rokon! Breeder Showdown!
  • ロコン!ブリーダーたいけつ!
PIL3 28: The Punchy Pokémon
  • Fighting Pokémon! The Big Battle!
  • かくとうポケモン!だいバトル!
PIL3 29: Sparks Fly for Magnemite
  • Do Coil Dream of Electric Mice!?
  • コイルはでんきネズミのユメをみるか!?
PIL3 31: The Ninja Poké-Showdown
  • Sekichiku Ninja Showdown!
  • セキチクにんじゃたいけつ!
PIL3 32: The Flame Pokémon-athon!
  • The Blazing Pokémon Race!
  • ほのおのポケモンだいレース!
PIL3 33: The Kangaskhan Kid
  • Garura's Lullaby
  • ガルーラのこもりうた
PIL3 34: The Bridge Bike Gang
  • The Stormy Cycling Road
  • あらしのサイクリングロード
PIL3 35: Ditto's Mysterious Mansion
  • Metamon and the Copycat Girl
  • メタモンとモノマネむすめ
PIL3 37: The Battling Eevee Brothers
  • The Four Eievui Brothers
  • イーブイ4きょうだい
PIL3 38: Wake Up Snorlax!
  • Wake up! Kabigon!
  • おきろ!カビゴン!
PIL3 39: Showdown at Dark City
  • Showdown! Pokémon Gyms!
  • たいけつ!ポケモンジム!
PIL3 40: The March of the Exeggutor Squad
  • March of the Nassy Squad!
  • ナッシーぐんだんだいこうしん!
PIL3 43: Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon
  • Revival!? Fossil Pokémon!
  • ふっかつ!?かせきポケモン!
PIL3 44: A Chansey Operation
  • Lucky's Clinical Records
  • ラッキーのカルテ
PIL3 45: Holy Matrimony!
  • Gardie and Kojiro
  • ガーディとコジロウ
PIL3 47: Who Gets To Keep Togepi?
  • Whose is Togepi!?
  • トゲピーはだれのもの!?
PIL3 48: Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden
  • Fushigidane's Mysterious Flower Garden
  • フシギダネのふしぎのはなぞの
PIL3 50: Pokémon Paparazzi
  • Pikachu in Focus
  • シャッターチャンスはピカチュウ
PIL3 51: The Ultimate Test
  • Pokemon Certification Test!?
  • ポケモンけんていしけん!?