Home / Dex / Kingler/ Kingler

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Basic Info

Introduced: Generation 1
Species: Pincer Pokémon
Type: Water
Height: 1.3m
Weight: 60kg
Catch Rate: 60
Base Happiness: 70
Gender Ratio: 50% Female / 50% Male
Pokédex 3D AR: AR Marker
Generation 6 Cry


Language Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 巨鉗蟹
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 巨钳蟹
English Kingler
French Krabboss
German Kingler
Italian Kingler
Japanese キングラー
Japanese (Romanized) Kingler
Japanese (Trademark) Kingler
Korean 킹크랩
Spanish Kingler

Dex Numbers

Dex #
National Dex #99
Kanto #99
Johto (G/S) #165
Johto (HG/SS) #167
Galar #99


  • Hyper Cutter: The Pokémon’s proud of its powerful pincers. They prevent other Pokémon from lowering its Attack stat.
  • Shell Armor: A hard shell protects the Pokémon from critical hits.
  • Sheer Force: Removes additional effects to increase the power of moves when attacking. [Hidden Ability]

Evolutionary Chain

Level 28


Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon

Damage Taken

Electric 2x
Fire 0.5x
Grass 2x
Ice 0.5x
Steel 0.5x
Water 0.5x

Base Stats

8 Water 55
7 Water 55
6 Water 55

Dex Flavor Text

Game Dex Flavor Text
United States Pokémon Red The large pincer has 10000 HP of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use.
United States Pokémon Blue The large pincer has 10000 HP of crushing power. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use.
Japan Pokémon Stadium 1まんばりきの パワーの ハサミを つかえば シェルダーや パルシェンの カラでも こじあけて しまうらしい。
United States Pokémon Stadium Said to be capable of prying open Shellder and Cloyster shells using its 10,000-horsepower pincer.
United States Pokémon Yellow One claw grew massively and as hard as steel. It has 10,000-HP strength. However it is too heavy.
United States Pokémon Gold It can hardly lift its massive, overgrown pincer. The pincer's size makes it difficult to aim properly.
United States Pokémon Silver Its pincers grow peculiarly large. If it lifts the pincers too fast, it loses its balance and staggers.
United States Pokémon Ruby Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the Pokemon quickly tires.
United States Pokémon Sapphire KINGLER has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the POKeMON quickly tires.
United States Pokémon Emerald It waves its huge, oversized claw in the air to communicate with others. But since the claw is so heavy, this POKeMON quickly tires.
United States Pokémon LeafGreen The large pincer has 10,000-horsepower crushing force. However, its huge size makes it unwieldy to use.
United States Pokémon FireRed Its large and hard pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy to move.
United States Pokémon Pearl The larger pincer has 10,000-horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
United States Pokémon Diamond The larger pincer has 10,000-horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
United States Pokémon Platinum The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
United States Pokémon HeartGold It can hardly lift its massive, overgrown pincer. The pincer’s size makes it difficult to aim properly.
United States Pokémon SoulSilver Its pincers grow peculiarly large. If it lifts the pincers too fast, it loses its balance and staggers.
United States Pokémon White The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
Japan Pokémon White おおきいほうの ハサミの パワーは 1まんばりき。しかし おもすぎるため ねらいを つけることが にがてだ。
United States Pokémon Black The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
Japan Pokémon Black おおきいほうの ハサミの パワーは 1まんばりき。しかし おもすぎるため ねらいを つけることが にがてだ。
United States Pokémon Black 2 The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
Japan Pokémon Black 2 おおきいほうの ハサミの パワーは 1まんばりき。しかし おもすぎるため ねらいを つけることが にがてだ。
United States Pokémon White 2 The larger pincer has 10,000- horsepower strength. However, it is so heavy, it is difficult to aim.
Japan Pokémon White 2 おおきいほうの ハサミの パワーは 1まんばりき。しかし おもすぎるため ねらいを つけることが にがてだ。
Germany Pokémon X Die Kraft seiner großen und harten Schere entspricht 10 000 PS. Durch die Größe ist sie aber auch äußerst unhandlich und sperrig.
Italy Pokémon Y Una delle sue chele è particolarmente grande. Se la alza troppo rapidamente può perdere l’equilibrio.
Spain Pokémon Y Su pinza es muy grande. Si la levanta demasiado rápido, pierde el equilibrio y se tambalea.
South Korea Pokémon Y 볼품없이 크게 자라난 집게를 기세 좋게 들고 걷다 보면 밸런스가 무너져 뒤뚱거리게 된다.
France Pokémon Y Sa pince devient énorme. S’il la soulève trop vite, il risque de perdre l’équilibre.
Germany Pokémon Y Seine Scheren werden sehr groß. Hebt es sie zu schnell, verliert es die Balance und strauchelt.
Japan Pokémon Y ぶかっこうに おおきくなった ハサミを いきおいよく もちあげると バランスがくずれ よたついてしまう。
United States Pokémon Y Its pincers grow peculiarly large. If it lifts the pincers too fast, it loses its balance and staggers.
Italy Pokémon X La chela più grande sprigiona una potenza di 10.000 CV. Le dimensioni gli rendono difficili gli spostamenti.
Spain Pokémon X La pinza tan grande que tiene posee una fuerza de 10 000 caballos de potencia. Pero, por su gran tamaño, cuesta moverla.
France Pokémon X Sa grosse pince développe une puissance de 10 000 CV. Toutefois, sa taille imposante la rend difficile à utiliser.
Japan Pokémon X かたい ハサミは 1まんばりきの パワーを もっているが おおきすぎて うごきが にぶい。
United States Pokémon X Its large and hard pincer has 10,000-horsepower strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy to move.
South Korea Pokémon X 단단한 집게는 1만 마력의 파워를 지녔지만 너무 커서 움직임이 둔하다.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Kingler tiene una pinza enorme y descomunal que usa agitándola en el aire para comunicarse con otros. Lo malo es que, al pesarle tanto, se cansa enseguida.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 킹크랩은 거대한 집게를 휘둘러 동료 간에 신호를 보내지만 집게가 무거워서 곧 지쳐버린다.
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Kingler è dotato di un’enorme chela, che brandisce nell’aria per comunicare con i suoi simili. Tuttavia, dato il notevole peso della chela sovradimensionata, il Pokémon si stanca in fretta.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Kingler tiene una pinza enorme y descomunal que usa agitándola en el aire para comunicarse con otros. Lo malo es que, al pesarle tanto, se cansa enseguida.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Krabboss est doté d’une pince gigantesque, surdimensionnée. Il l’agite en l’air pour communiquer avec ses semblables. En revanche, sa pince est tellement lourde que ce Pokémon se fatigue très vite.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Kingler hat eine riesige Schere. Es winkt damit, um mit anderen zu kommunizieren. Da seine Schere aber so schwer ist, wird dieses Pokémon schnell müde.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire キングラーは きょだいな ハサミを ふって なかまどうしで あいずを おくりあっているが ハサミが おもすぎて すぐに つかれてしまう。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the Pokémon quickly tires.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 킹크랩은 거대한 집게를 휘둘러 동료 간에 신호를 보내지만 집게가 무거워서 곧 지쳐버린다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby Kingler è dotato di un’enorme chela, che brandisce nell’aria per comunicare con i suoi simili. Tuttavia, dato il notevole peso della chela sovradimensionata, il Pokémon si stanca in fretta.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Krabboss est doté d’une pince gigantesque, surdimensionnée. Il l’agite en l’air pour communiquer avec ses semblables. En revanche, sa pince est tellement lourde que ce Pokémon se fatigue très vite.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Kingler hat eine riesige Schere. Es winkt damit, um mit anderen zu kommunizieren. Da seine Schere aber so schwer ist, wird dieses Pokémon schnell müde.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby キングラーは きょだいな ハサミを ふって なかまどうしで あいずを おくりあっているが ハサミが おもすぎて すぐに つかれてしまう。
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby Kingler has an enormous, oversized claw. It waves this huge claw in the air to communicate with others. However, because the claw is so heavy, the Pokémon quickly tires.
United States Pokémon Sword Its large and hard pincer has 10,000-horsepower strength. However, being so big, it is unwieldy to move.
United States Pokémon Shield Its oversized claw is very powerful, but when it’s not in battle, the claw just gets in the way.
United States Pokémon Stadium 2 It can hardly lift its massive, overgrown pincer. The pincer's size makes it difficult to aim properly.

Sprite List

Gen/Game Normal Shiny
First Generation
Red and Green (Japan) Back Picture Front Picture
Back Picture Front Picture
Red and Blue (US) Back Picture Front Picture
Back Picture Front Picture
Yellow Back Picture Front Picture
Back Picture Front Picture
Back Picture Front Picture
Second Generation
Gold Back Picture Front Picture Back Picture Front Picture
Silver Back Picture Front Picture Back Picture Front Picture
Crystal Back Picture Front Picture Front Picture Back Picture Front Picture Front Picture
Third Generation
Ruby/Sapphire Back Picture Front Picture Back Picture Front Picture
Emerald Front Picture Front Picture Front Picture Front Picture Front Picture Front Picture
Fire Red / Leaf Green Back Picture Front Picture Back Picture Front Picture
Fourth Generation
Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Fifth Generation
Black/White anim anim
Sixth & Seventh Generation

anim anim

anim anim

Character Appearances

Character Thumbnail
  • United States Giovanni's Kingler
  • Japan サカキのキングラー
  • Japan Sakaki no Kingler
  • Japan Sakaki's Kingler
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Kingler
  • Japan サトシのキングラー
  • Japan Satoshi no Kingler
  • Japan Satoshi's Kingler
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gary's Kingler
  • Japan シゲルのキングラー
  • Japan Shigeru no Kingler
  • Japan Shigeru's Kingler

Episode Appearances

Ep # Title
SL 42
SL 52
SL 63
SL 75
SL 77
SL 78
SL 82
OI 6
OI 11
OI 12
OI 31
OI 35
GS 29
GS 44
GS 82
GS 99
GS 101
GS 139
GS 151
AG 134
PC 14
Movie 1
Movie 2
SPH 12
DP 89
Movie 15
BWS2 3
Movie 22
PM2019 31
PM2019 46
PM2019 114
PM2019 118
PM2019 124
PM2019 129
PM2019 132
PM2019 135
PM2019 136
PM2019 143
PM2019 146

TCG Cards

#38: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#15: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy
#50: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy
#26: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy
#22: Kingler (Delta Species)
Type Type
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#20: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#14: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#28: Kingler V
Holo Rare V
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#29: Kingler VMAX
Holo Rare VMAX
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy
#99: Kingler
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy

Voice Actors

Note: Move names that have a colored checkmark beside the name receive a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) when used by this Pokémon

Level Up Moves

Wide Guard Type Icon Status 10 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mud Sport Type Icon Status 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Metal Claw Type Icon Physical 35 50 95 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 1
Type Icon Special 30 40 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Leer Type Icon Status 30 100 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 1 1
Vice Grip Type Icon Physical 30 55 100 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 12 12 20 20
Harden Type Icon Status 30 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 16 16 16 16 16 49 49
Bubble Beam
Type Icon Special 20 65 100 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Mud Shot Type Icon Special 15 55 95 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 23 23 23
Stomp Type Icon Physical 20 65 100 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 23 23 34 34
Guillotine Type Icon Physical 5 30 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 27 27 25 25
Protect Type Icon Status 10 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 42 49 49 38 38
Type Icon Physical 10 100 90 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 49 49 42 42
Slam Type Icon Physical 20 80 75 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44
Type Icon Special 10 65 100 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51
Flail Type Icon Physical 15 100 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 65

TM/HM Moves

Confide Type Icon Status 20
Quash Type Icon Status 15 100
Hail Type Icon Status 10
Rain Dance
Type Icon Status 5
Sleep Talk Type Icon Status 10
Attract Type Icon Status 15 100
Swagger Type Icon Status 15 85
Protect Type Icon Status 10
Substitute Type Icon Status 10
Rest Type Icon Status 10
Double Team Type Icon Status 15
Toxic Type Icon Status 10 90
Swords Dance Type Icon Status 20
Hone Claws Type Icon Status 15
Captivate Type Icon Status 20 100
Endure Type Icon Status 10
Curse Type Icon Status 10
Mimic Type Icon Status 10
Giga Impact Type Icon Physical 5 150 90
X-Scissor Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Fling Type Icon Physical 10 100
Rock Tomb Type Icon Physical 15 60 95
Brick Break Type Icon Physical 15 75 100
Facade Type Icon Physical 20 70 100
Frustration Type Icon Physical 20 100
Return Type Icon Physical 20 100
False Swipe Type Icon Physical 40 40 100
Thief Type Icon Physical 25 60 100
Rock Slide Type Icon Physical 10 75 90
Type Icon Physical 10 80 100
Secret Power Type Icon Physical 20 70 100
Rock Smash Type Icon Physical 15 40 100
Dig Type Icon Physical 10 80 100
Strength Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Cut Type Icon Physical 30 50 95
Natural Gift Type Icon Physical 15 100
Fury Cutter Type Icon Physical 20 40 95
Bide Type Icon Physical 10
Rage Type Icon Physical 20 20 100
Double-Edge Type Icon Physical 15 120 100
Take Down Type Icon Physical 20 90 85
Body Slam Type Icon Physical 15 85 100
Type Icon Special 15 80 100
Round Type Icon Special 15 60 100
Hidden Power Type Icon Special 15 60 100
Hyper Beam Type Icon Special 5 150 90
Blizzard Type Icon Special 5 110 70
Ice Beam Type Icon Special 10 90 100
Type Icon Special 15 90 100
Type Icon Special 10 65 100
Water Pulse
Type Icon Special 20 60 100
Type Icon Special 15 35 85
Icy Wind Type Icon Special 15 55 95
Mud-Slap Type Icon Special 10 20 100
Snore Type Icon Special 15 50 100
Bubble Beam
Type Icon Special 20 65 100
Water Gun
Type Icon Special 25 40 100

Egg Moves

No egg moves found

Move Tutors

Iron Defense Type Icon Status 15
Sleep Talk Type Icon Status 10
Substitute Type Icon Status 10
Mimic Type Icon Status 10
Swords Dance Type Icon Status 20
Swagger Type Icon Status 15 85
Endure Type Icon Status 10
Knock Off Type Icon Physical 20 65 100
Superpower Type Icon Physical 5 120 100
Type Icon Physical 10 80 100
Fury Cutter Type Icon Physical 20 40 95
Double-Edge Type Icon Physical 15 120 100
Body Slam Type Icon Physical 15 85 100
Water Pulse
Type Icon Special 20 60 100
Icy Wind Type Icon Special 15 55 95
Snore Type Icon Special 15 50 100
Ancient Power Type Icon Special 5 60 100
Mud-Slap Type Icon Special 10 20 100
Ice Beam Type Icon Special 10 90 100