Home / Dex / Moves / Mud Shot
Move Details

Mud Shot Introduced in Generation 3


Types Move Type Damage Class Special Tough
PP 15
Power 55
Accuracy 95


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 泥巴射擊
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 泥巴射击
English Mud Shot
French Tir de Boue
German Lehmschuss
Italian Colpodifango
Japanese マッドショット
Japanese (Romanized) Maddoshotto
Korean 머드숏
Spanish Disparo Lodo

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0.5x 2x 2x 0x 0.5x 2x 2x 2x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Poliwag Type Icon
Poliwhirl Type Icon
Krabby Type Icon
Kingler Type Icon
Omanyte Type Icon Type Icon
Omastar Type Icon Type Icon
Kabuto Type Icon Type Icon
Kabutops Type Icon Type Icon
Wooper Type Icon Type Icon
Quagsire Type Icon Type Icon
Marshtomp Type Icon Type Icon
Swampert Type Icon Type Icon
Groudon Type Icon
Tympole Type Icon
Palpitoad Type Icon Type Icon
Seismitoad Type Icon Type Icon
Stunfisk Type Icon Type Icon
Landorus Type Icon Type Icon
Chespin Type Icon
Quilladin Type Icon
Chesnaught Type Icon Type Icon
Bunnelby Type Icon
Diggersby Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

Sandshrew Type Icon
Poliwag Type Icon
Shellder Type Icon
Goldeen Type Icon
Kabuto Type Icon Type Icon
Swinub Type Icon Type Icon
Remoraid Type Icon
Surskit Type Icon Type Icon
Trapinch Type Icon
Barboach Type Icon Type Icon
Relicanth Type Icon Type Icon
Gible Type Icon Type Icon
Basculin Type Icon
Bouffalant Type Icon
Grubbin Type Icon

By Machine

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Ash's Palpitoad BW 35 Dent commented that it was able to switch between its moves like Mud Shot very fast
Thumbnail Edmund's Seismitoad BW 72 Used to so that Dageki couldn't get close
Thumbnail Clemont's Bunnelby XY 1 Wobbuffet dodged the attacks
Thumbnail Dolan's Diggersby XY 12 A getaway attack used against a perusing Officer Jenny
Thumbnail Goh's Inteleon PM2019 110 Attacked multiple times against Shunya and Lyla's Pokémon.
Thumbnail Clemont's Diggersby XY 1 Learned as a Bunnelby.
Thumbnail Rika's Clodsire PM2023 56 Liko's Floragato blocked it but was hit by Rika's Dugtrio's Rock Slide.