Pokémon Gold
Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its trainer must be careful. |
Pokémon Silver
It is small but rough and tough. It won't hesitate to take a big bite out of anything that moves. |
Pokémon Ruby
Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile's jaws are very powerful. While the Pokemon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury.
Pokémon Sapphire
Despite the smallness of its body, TOTODILE's jaws are very powerful. While the POKeMON may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. |
Pokémon Emerald
Despite its small body, TOTODILE's jaws are very powerful. While it may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough strength to cause serious injury. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its TRAINER must be careful. |
Pokémon FireRed
It is small but rough and tough. It won't hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. |
Pokémon Diamond
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon Pearl
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon Platinum
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon HeartGold
Its powerful, well-developed jaws are capable of crushing anything. Even its Trainer must be careful. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
It is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. |
Pokémon White
はったつした あごを もち なんにでも かみつく しゅうせい。 トレーナーも ちゅういが ひつよう。 |
Pokémon Black
はったつした あごを もち なんにでも かみつく しゅうせい。 トレーナーも ちゅういが ひつよう。 |
Pokémon Black
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon White
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon Black 2
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon Black 2
はったつした あごを もち なんにでも かみつく しゅうせい。 トレーナーも ちゅういが ひつよう。 |
Pokémon White 2
It has the habit of biting anything with its developed jaws. Even its Trainer needs to be careful. |
Pokémon White 2
はったつした あごを もち なんにでも かみつく しゅうせい。 トレーナーも ちゅういが ひつよう。 |
Pokémon X
Es pequeño pero violento. No dudará en morder cualquier cosa que se mueva cerca. |
Pokémon Y
Le sue potenti mandibole possono frantumare qualsiasi cosa. Anche l’Allenatore dev’essere cauto. |
Pokémon Y
Sus desarrolladas y potentes fauces pueden romper cualquier cosa. Su Entrenador debe tener cuidado. |
Pokémon Y
Sa mâchoire surdéveloppée est capable de tout broyer. Même son Dresseur doit s’en méfier. |
Pokémon Y
Seine starken Kiefer können alles zermalmen. Selbst sein Trainer muss sich vor ihm in Acht nehmen. |
Pokémon Y
발달한 턱은 파워풀해서 뭐든지 깨물어 부수기 때문에 어버이 트레이너라도 주의해야 한다. |
Pokémon Y
はったつした あごは パワフルで なんでも かみくだいて しまうので おやのトレーナーでも ようちゅうい。 |
Pokémon Y
Its powerful, well-developed jaws are capable of crushing anything. Even its Trainer must be careful. |
Pokémon X
Piccolo, ma forte e deciso. Non esita ad avventarsi su qualsiasi cosa si muova. |
Pokémon X
Petit mais costaud, il n’hésite pas à mordre tout ce qui passe à portée de ses dents. |
Pokémon X
Es ist klein, aber zäh und stark. Es zögert nicht, jeden anzugreifen, wenn dieser ihm zu nahe kommt. |
Pokémon X
ちいさいながらも あばれんぼう。 めのまえで うごくものが あれば とにかく かみついてくる。 |
Pokémon X
It is small but rough and tough. It won’t hesitate to take a bite out of anything that moves. |
Pokémon X
작아도 성격은 아주 거칠다. 눈앞에서 움직이는 것이 있으면 무조건 물어버린다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Totodile tiene cuerpo pequeño, pero fuertes mandíbulas. A veces, piensa que solo está dando un mordisquito y hace unas heridas bastante considerables. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
몸은 작지만 턱의 힘은 강하다. 리아코 나름은 살포시 물려고 하지만 큰 상처를 입힐 정도의 힘이 있다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Nonostante il suo corpicino minuto, le mascelle di Totodile sono molto potenti. Sebbene creda solo di giocare, il suo morso è così forte e pericoloso da causare serie ferite. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Totodile tiene cuerpo pequeño, pero fuertes mandíbulas. A veces, piensa que solo está dando un mordisquito y hace unas heridas bastante considerables. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Malgré son tout petit corps, la mâchoire de Kaiminus est très puissante. Parfois, ce Pokémon mordille les gens pour jouer, sans se rendre compte que sa morsure peut gravement blesser quelqu’un. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Karnimani ist zwar sehr klein, aber seine Kiefer sind sehr stark. Wenn die Pokémon denken, dass es nur spielerisch an ihnen knabbert, sollten sie vorsichtig sein, denn sein Biss kann zu schweren Verletzungen führen. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
ちいさな からだでも アゴの ちからは つよい。 ワニノコじしんは あまがみ している つもりでも おおけがを してしまう ほどの ちからが ある。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile’s jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
몸은 작지만 턱의 힘은 강하다. 리아코 나름은 살포시 물려고 하지만 큰 상처를 입힐 정도의 힘이 있다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Nonostante il suo corpicino minuto, le mascelle di Totodile sono molto potenti. Sebbene creda solo di giocare, il suo morso è così forte e pericoloso da causare serie ferite. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Malgré son tout petit corps, la mâchoire de Kaiminus est très puissante. Parfois, ce Pokémon mordille les gens pour jouer, sans se rendre compte que sa morsure peut gravement blesser quelqu’un. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Karnimani ist zwar sehr klein, aber seine Kiefer sind sehr stark. Wenn die Pokémon denken, dass es nur spielerisch an ihnen knabbert, sollten sie vorsichtig sein, denn sein Biss kann zu schweren Verletzungen führen. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
ちいさな からだでも アゴの ちからは つよい。 ワニノコじしんは あまがみ している つもりでも おおけがを してしまう ほどの ちからが ある。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Despite the smallness of its body, Totodile’s jaws are very powerful. While the Pokémon may think it is just playfully nipping, its bite has enough power to cause serious injury. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Stadium 2
Its well-developed jaws are powerful and capable of crushing anything. Even its Trainer must be careful. |