Home / Dex / Moves / Scratch
Move Details

Scratch Introduced in Generation 1


Types Move Type Damage Class Physical Tough
PP 35
Power 40
Accuracy 100


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong)
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan)
English Scratch
French Griffe
German Kratzer
Italian Graffio
Japanese ひっかく
Japanese (Romanized) Hikkaku
Korean 할퀴기
Spanish Arañazo

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0x 0.5x 0.5x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Charmander Type Icon
Charmeleon Type Icon
Charizard Type Icon Type Icon
Sandshrew Type Icon
Sandslash Type Icon
Nidoran♀ Type Icon
Nidorina Type Icon
Nidoqueen Type Icon Type Icon
Paras Type Icon Type Icon
Parasect Type Icon Type Icon
Diglett Type Icon
Dugtrio Type Icon
Meowth Type Icon
Persian Type Icon
Psyduck Type Icon
Golduck Type Icon
Mankey Type Icon
Primeape Type Icon
Kabuto Type Icon Type Icon
Kabutops Type Icon Type Icon
Totodile Type Icon
Croconaw Type Icon
Feraligatr Type Icon
Sentret Type Icon
Furret Type Icon
Aipom Type Icon
Sneasel Type Icon Type Icon
Teddiursa Type Icon
Ursaring Type Icon
Torchic Type Icon
Combusken Type Icon Type Icon
Blaziken Type Icon Type Icon
Slakoth Type Icon
Vigoroth Type Icon
Slaking Type Icon
Nincada Type Icon Type Icon
Ninjask Type Icon Type Icon
Shedinja Type Icon Type Icon
Sableye Type Icon Type Icon
Zangoose Type Icon
Anorith Type Icon Type Icon
Armaldo Type Icon Type Icon
Kecleon Type Icon
Absol Type Icon
Chimchar Type Icon
Monferno Type Icon Type Icon
Infernape Type Icon Type Icon
Ambipom Type Icon
Glameow Type Icon
Purugly Type Icon
Stunky Type Icon Type Icon
Skuntank Type Icon Type Icon
Weavile Type Icon Type Icon
Purrloin Type Icon
Liepard Type Icon
Pansage Type Icon
Pansear Type Icon
Panpour Type Icon
Drilbur Type Icon
Excadrill Type Icon Type Icon
Zorua Type Icon
Zoroark Type Icon
Axew Type Icon
Fraxure Type Icon
Haxorus Type Icon
Druddigon Type Icon
Pawniard Type Icon Type Icon
Bisharp Type Icon Type Icon
Fennekin Type Icon
Braixen Type Icon
Delphox Type Icon Type Icon
Espurr Type Icon
Meowstic Type Icon
Binacle Type Icon Type Icon
Barbaracle Type Icon Type Icon
Litten Type Icon
Torracat Type Icon
Incineroar Type Icon Type Icon
Salandit Type Icon Type Icon
Mimikyu Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

By Machine

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Ash's Primeape SL 29 Used during the P-1 Grand Prix
Thumbnail Ash's Totodile GS 35 First used against James Weezing's face
Thumbnail Misty's Psyduck SL 32 Attacked Rocket Gang but didn't really hit them
Thumbnail Anthony's Primeape SL 29 Used during the P-1 Grand Prix
Thumbnail Iris' Axew BW 9 First seen in a battle against Dent's Yanappu
Thumbnail Cress' Panpour BW 5 Slashed out at Pikachu
Thumbnail Weiss' Zangoose BWS2N 6 Hurt N with the attack
Thumbnail Serena's Fennekin XY 26 She was ordered to use it to save Serena.
Thumbnail Heath's Meowstic XY 45 Used in the battle against Bakuong.
Thumbnail Blake's Meowstic XY 45 Used in the battle against Bakuong.
Thumbnail Serena's Braixen XY 26 Learned as a Fennekin
Thumbnail Celosia's Manectric XYZ 9 Hit Satoshi Greninja and Satoshi was also able to feel the attack on hits shoulders. Both paused a bit to wince from the pain. As of Generation 6, Scratch is not a move that Livolt can learn.
Thumbnail Ash's Litten SM 24 Hanako confirmed the attack in the battle against Skull Gang.
Thumbnail Ash's Torracat SM 24 Learned as a Litten.
Thumbnail Matori's Meowth SM 62 The English dub closed captions confirmed the move.
Thumbnail Professor Kukui's Incineroar SM 125 Learned as a Litten.
Thumbnail Ash's Incineroar SM 24 Learned as a Litten.
Thumbnail Iris' Haxorus BW 9 Learned as a Axew.
Thumbnail Professor Kukui's Litten SM 125 Ash thought it looked a lot more like Tickle.
Thumbnail Iris' Fraxure BW 9 Learned as a Axew.
Thumbnail Serena's Delphox XY 26 Learned as a Fennekin
Thumbnail Liko's Sprigatito PM2023 7 Tried to hit Captain Pikachu during a training battle.
Thumbnail Onia's Golduck PM2023 22 Pikachu hit it from the side, catching it completely off guard.
Thumbnail Liko's Floragato PM2023 7 Learned as a Sprigatito.
Thumbnail Liko's Meowscarada PM2023 7 Learned as a Sprigatito.