Pokémon Gold
Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. |
Pokémon Silver
It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance. |
Pokémon Ruby
Aipom's tail ends in a handl-like appendage that can be cleverly manipulated. However, because the Pokemon uses its tail so much, its real hands have become rather clumsy.
Pokémon Sapphire
AIPOM's tail ends in a hand-like appendage that can be cleverly manipulated. However, because the POKeMON uses its tail so much, its real hands have become rather clumsy. |
Pokémon Emerald
Its tail ends with a dexterous, handlike appendage. However, because it uses the tail so much, AIPOM's real hands have become rather clumsy. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. |
Pokémon FireRed
It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance. |
Pokémon Diamond
It uses its tail to pluck fruits that are out of reach. Its tail is more adept than its real hands. |
Pokémon Pearl
It lives atop giant trees. It wraps its tail around a branch so it won't fall off while asleep. |
Pokémon Platinum
It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. |
Pokémon HeartGold
Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance. |
Pokémon White
てよりも じゆうじざいに うごく しっぽを たくみに あやつりながら たかい きのうえで くらしている。 |
Pokémon Black
てよりも じゆうじざいに うごく しっぽを たくみに あやつりながら たかい きのうえで くらしている。 |
Pokémon Black
It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. |
Pokémon White
It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. |
Pokémon Black 2
It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. |
Pokémon Black 2
てよりも じゆうじざいに うごく しっぽを たくみに あやつりながら たかい きのうえで くらしている。 |
Pokémon White 2
It lives high among the treetops. It can use its tail as freely and cleverly as its hands. |
Pokémon White 2
てよりも じゆうじざいに うごく しっぽを たくみに あやつりながら たかい きのうえで くらしている。 |
Pokémon X
Vive en lo alto de los árboles. Cuando salta de rama en rama, usa su cola para equilibrarse. |
Pokémon Y
La sua coda è così forte che può appendersi a un albero e rimanere sospeso. |
Pokémon Y
Su cola es tan potente que puede usarla para agarrarse a la rama de un árbol y no caer. |
Pokémon Y
Sa queue est si forte qu’il peut l’utiliser pour se suspendre aux branches des arbres. |
Pokémon Y
Sein Schweif ist so kräftig, dass es sich stundenlang damit an einem Ast in der Luft halten kann. |
Pokémon Y
힘이 센 꼬리만으로 나뭇가지에 매달려서 몸을 지탱할 수 있다. |
Pokémon Y
ちからづよい しっぽだけで きの えだに ぶらさがって からだを ささえることが できる。 |
Pokémon Y
Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. |
Pokémon X
Vive in cima agli alberi più alti. Usando abilmente la coda, mantiene l’equilibrio quando salta di ramo in ramo. |
Pokémon X
Il vit sur les plus hautes cimes. Sautant de branche en branche, sa queue lui assure un bon équilibre. |
Pokémon X
Es lebt in den Kronen großer Bäume. Es hüpft von Ast zu Ast und balanciert mit seinem Schweif. |
Pokémon X
たかい きの うえで くらしている。 えだから えだへ とびうつるとき しっぽで たくみに バランスをとる。 |
Pokémon X
It lives atop tall trees. When leaping from branch to branch, it deftly uses its tail for balance. |
Pokémon X
높은 나무 위에서 살고 있다. 나뭇가지에서 가지로 건너뛸 때 꼬리로 능숙하게 밸런스를 잡는다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
La cola de Aipom termina en una especie de mano a la que, con un poco de cabeza, se le puede dar muy buen uso. Pero hay un problema: como se ha acostumbrado a usarla mucho, las de verdad se le han vuelto algo torponas. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
능숙하게 움직이는 꼬리 끝을 손바닥 대신 사용하다 보니 반대로 양손이 둔해져 버린 포켓몬이다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
La coda di Aipom termina in un’appendice a forma di mano dotata di grande abilità. Tuttavia, poiché il Pokémon usa così tanto la coda, le sue vere mani sono diventate molto maldestre. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
La cola de Aipom termina en una especie de mano a la que, con un poco de cabeza, se le puede dar muy buen uso. Pero hay un problema: como se ha acostumbrado a usarla mucho, las de verdad se le han vuelto algo torponas. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
L’extrémité de la queue de Capumain ressemble à une main et peut être utilisée de façon ingénieuse. Malheureusement, ce Pokémon utilise tellement sa queue que ses véritables mains sont devenues très maladroites. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
An Griffels Schweif befindet sich ein handähnliches Anhängsel, mit dem es geschickt zu Werke gehen kann. Da dieses Pokémon sehr häufig seinen Schweif einsetzt, wirken seine Hände eher plump. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
きように うごく しっぽの さきを てのひらの かわりに つかっていたら はんたいに りょうてが ぶきように なってしまった ポケモンだ。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Aipom’s tail ends in a hand-like appendage that can be cleverly manipulated. However, because the Pokémon uses its tail so much, its real hands have become rather clumsy. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
능숙하게 움직이는 꼬리 끝을 손바닥 대신 사용하다 보니 반대로 양손이 둔해져 버린 포켓몬이다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
La coda di Aipom termina in un’appendice a forma di mano dotata di grande abilità. Tuttavia, poiché il Pokémon usa così tanto la coda, le sue vere mani sono diventate molto maldestre. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
L’extrémité de la queue de Capumain ressemble à une main et peut être utilisée de façon ingénieuse. Malheureusement, ce Pokémon utilise tellement sa queue que ses véritables mains sont devenues très maladroites. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
An Griffels Schweif befindet sich ein handähnliches Anhängsel, mit dem es geschickt zu Werke gehen kann. Da dieses Pokémon sehr häufig seinen Schweif einsetzt, wirken seine Hände eher plump. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
きように うごく しっぽの さきを てのひらの かわりに つかっていたら はんたいに りょうてが ぶきように なってしまった ポケモンだ。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Aipom’s tail ends in a hand-like appendage that can be cleverly manipulated. However, because the Pokémon uses its tail so much, its real hands have become rather clumsy. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Stadium 2
Its tail is so powerful that it can use it to grab a tree branch and hold itself up in the air. |