Home / Dex / Moves / Seed Bomb
Move Details

Seed Bomb Introduced in Generation 4


Types Move Type Damage Class Physical Smart
PP 15
Power 80
Accuracy 100


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 種子炸彈
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 种子炸弹
English Seed Bomb
French Canon Graine
German Samenbomben
Italian Semebomba
Japanese タネばくだん
Japanese (Romanized) Tanebakudan
Korean 씨폭탄
Spanish Bomba Germen

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 2x 0.5x 2x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Bulbasaur Type Icon Type Icon
Exeggutor Type Icon Type Icon
Sunkern Type Icon
Shroomish Type Icon
Breloom Type Icon Type Icon
Pansage Type Icon
Simisage Type Icon
Chespin Type Icon
Quilladin Type Icon
Chesnaught Type Icon Type Icon
Skiddo Type Icon
Gogoat Type Icon
Pumpkaboo Type Icon Type Icon
Gourgeist Type Icon Type Icon
Celesteela Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

Hoppip Type Icon Type Icon
Shroomish Type Icon
Roselia Type Icon Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Turtwig Type Icon
Budew Type Icon Type Icon
Cherubi Type Icon
Snover Type Icon Type Icon
Maractus Type Icon
Ferroseed Type Icon Type Icon

By Machine

By Tutors

Bulbasaur Type Icon Type Icon
Ivysaur Type Icon Type Icon
Venusaur Type Icon Type Icon
Ekans Type Icon
Arbok Type Icon
Oddish Type Icon Type Icon
Gloom Type Icon Type Icon
Vileplume Type Icon Type Icon
Paras Type Icon Type Icon
Parasect Type Icon Type Icon
Meowth Type Icon
Persian Type Icon
Mankey Type Icon
Primeape Type Icon
Bellsprout Type Icon Type Icon
Weepinbell Type Icon Type Icon
Victreebel Type Icon Type Icon
Exeggcute Type Icon Type Icon
Exeggutor Type Icon Type Icon
Tangela Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Mew Type Icon
Chikorita Type Icon
Bayleef Type Icon
Meganium Type Icon
Bellossom Type Icon
Hoppip Type Icon Type Icon
Skiploom Type Icon Type Icon
Jumpluff Type Icon Type Icon
Aipom Type Icon
Sunkern Type Icon
Sunflora Type Icon
Teddiursa Type Icon
Ursaring Type Icon
Remoraid Type Icon
Octillery Type Icon
Delibird Type Icon Type Icon
Mantine Type Icon Type Icon
Phanpy Type Icon
Donphan Type Icon
Celebi Type Icon Type Icon
Treecko Type Icon
Grovyle Type Icon
Sceptile Type Icon
Zigzagoon Type Icon
Linoone Type Icon
Lotad Type Icon Type Icon
Lombre Type Icon Type Icon
Ludicolo Type Icon Type Icon
Seedot Type Icon
Nuzleaf Type Icon Type Icon
Shiftry Type Icon Type Icon
Pelipper Type Icon Type Icon
Shroomish Type Icon
Breloom Type Icon Type Icon
Roselia Type Icon Type Icon
Gulpin Type Icon
Swalot Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Cacturne Type Icon Type Icon
Lileep Type Icon Type Icon
Cradily Type Icon Type Icon
Tropius Type Icon Type Icon
Turtwig Type Icon
Grotle Type Icon
Torterra Type Icon Type Icon
Budew Type Icon Type Icon
Roserade Type Icon Type Icon
Wormadam Type Icon Type Icon
Pachirisu Type Icon
Cherubi Type Icon
Cherrim Type Icon
Ambipom Type Icon
Munchlax Type Icon
Carnivine Type Icon
Snover Type Icon Type Icon
Abomasnow Type Icon Type Icon
Tangrowth Type Icon
Leafeon Type Icon
Shaymin Type Icon
Snivy Type Icon
Servine Type Icon
Serperior Type Icon
Patrat Type Icon
Watchog Type Icon
Purrloin Type Icon
Liepard Type Icon
Pansage Type Icon
Simisage Type Icon
Sewaddle Type Icon Type Icon
Swadloon Type Icon Type Icon
Leavanny Type Icon Type Icon
Cottonee Type Icon Type Icon
Whimsicott Type Icon Type Icon
Petilil Type Icon
Lilligant Type Icon
Maractus Type Icon
Trubbish Type Icon
Garbodor Type Icon
Minccino Type Icon
Cinccino Type Icon
Deerling Type Icon Type Icon
Sawsbuck Type Icon Type Icon
Foongus Type Icon Type Icon
Amoonguss Type Icon Type Icon
Ferroseed Type Icon Type Icon
Ferrothorn Type Icon Type Icon
Virizion Type Icon Type Icon
Chespin Type Icon
Quilladin Type Icon
Chesnaught Type Icon Type Icon
Flabébé Type Icon
Floette Type Icon
Florges Type Icon
Skiddo Type Icon
Gogoat Type Icon
Phantump Type Icon Type Icon
Trevenant Type Icon Type Icon
Pumpkaboo Type Icon Type Icon
Gourgeist Type Icon Type Icon

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Angus' Simisage BW 72 Was dodged by Zuruggu
Thumbnail Ash's Rowlet SM 97 Initially it was being taught the move Bullet Seed, which isn't a move Rowlet can normally learn but its training eventually lead to it learning Seed Bomb instead.
Thumbnail Brassius' Dolliv PM2023 55 It blocked Hassel's Flapple's Acid Spray from hitting Roy's Fuecoco.