Home / Dex / Chesnaught

Official Art

Sugimori Artwork

Official Art

Global Link Art Image

Basic Info

Introduced: Generation 6
Species: Spiny Armor Pokémon
Type: Grass Fighting
Height: 1.6m
Weight: 90kg
Catch Rate: 45
Base Happiness: 70
Gender Ratio: 12.5% Female/ 87.5% Male
Generation 6 Cry


Language Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 布里卡隆
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 布里卡隆
English Chesnaught
French Blindépique
German Brigaron
Italian Chesnaught
Japanese ブリガロン
Japanese (Romanized) Brigarron
Japanese (Trademark) Brigarron
Korean 브리가론
Spanish Chesnaught

Dex Numbers

Dex #
National Dex #652
Kalos (Central) #3


  • Overgrow: Powers up Grass-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low.
  • Bulletproof: Protects the Pokémon from some ball and bomb moves. [Hidden Ability]

Evolutionary Chain

Level 16
Level 36


Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon Small Icon

Damage Taken

Dark 0.5x
Electric 0.5x
Fairy 2x
Fire 2x
Flying 4x
Grass 0.5x
Ground 0.5x
Ice 2x
Poison 2x
Psychic 2x
Rock 0.5x
Water 0.5x

Base Stats

8 Grass Fighting 88
7 Grass Fighting 88
6 Grass Fighting 88

Dex Flavor Text

Game Dex Flavor Text
Japan Pokémon X たいあたりで 50トンの せんしゃを ひっくりかえす パワー。じぶんが たてと なって なかまを まもる。
United States Pokémon X Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.
South Korea Pokémon Y 얼굴 앞에 주먹을 맞대어 방어 포즈를 취하면 폭탄의 직격도 견뎌낸다.
Italy Pokémon Y In posizione difensiva, con i pugni in guardia, è in grado di resistere persino a un’esplosione diretta.
Spain Pokémon Y Cuando adopta una postura defensiva juntando ambos puños delante de la cara, es capaz de resistir incluso el impacto directo de una bomba.
France Pokémon Y Il se défend en joignant ses poings devant son visage. Dans cette posture, il peut même résister à l’onde de choc d’une explosion.
Germany Pokémon Y Wenn es seine Fäuste vors Gesicht hält und so eine Verteidigungshaltung einnimmt, kann es selbst eine Explosion überstehen.
Japan Pokémon Y かおの まえで こぶしを あわせて ぼうぎょの ポーズを とると ばくだんの ちょくげきも たえる。
United States Pokémon Y When it takes a defensive posture with its fists guarding its face, it could withstand a bomb blast.
South Korea Pokémon X 몸통박치기로 50톤 전차를 뒤집는 파워를 지녔다. 자신이 방패가 되어 동료를 지킨다.
Italy Pokémon X Attaccando può rovesciare un carro armato da 50 t. Protegge gli alleati facendo loro scudo con il proprio corpo.
Spain Pokémon X Su fuerza es tal que, de un empellón, puede hacer volcar un tanque de 50 toneladas. Protege a sus aliados cuando hace de escudo.
France Pokémon X Il est si puissant qu’il pourrait renverser un char de 50 t d’un seul assaut. Il se sert de son corps comme d’un bouclier pour protéger ses alliés.
Germany Pokémon X Es ist so stark, dass es selbst 50 t schwere Panzer umkippen kann. Es schützt seine Artgenossen, indem es sich ihnen als Schild anbietet.
South Korea Pokémon Alpha Sapphire 몸통박치기로 50톤 전차를 뒤집는 파워를 지녔다. 자신이 방패가 되어 동료를 지킨다.
Japan Pokémon Omega Ruby かおの まえで こぶしを あわせて ぼうぎょの ポーズを とると ばくだんの ちょくげきも たえる。
Italy Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Attaccando può rovesciare un carro armato da 50 t. Protegge gli alleati facendo loro scudo con il proprio corpo.
Spain Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Su fuerza es tal que, de un empellón, puede hacer volcar un tanque de 50 toneladas. Protege a sus aliados cuando hace de escudo.
France Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Il est si puissant qu’il pourrait renverser un char de 50 t d’un seul assaut. Il se sert de son corps comme d’un bouclier pour protéger ses alliés.
Germany Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Es ist so stark, dass es selbst 50 t schwere Panzer umkippen kann. Es schützt seine Artgenossen, indem es sich ihnen als Schild anbietet.
Japan Pokémon Alpha Sapphire たいあたりで 50トンの せんしゃを ひっくりかえす パワー。じぶんが たてと なって なかまを まもる。
United States Pokémon Alpha Sapphire Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.
South Korea Pokémon Omega Ruby 얼굴 앞에 주먹을 맞대어 방어 포즈를 취하면 폭탄의 직격도 견뎌낸다.
Italy Pokémon Omega Ruby In posizione difensiva, con i pugni in guardia, è in grado di resistere persino a un’esplosione diretta.
Spain Pokémon Omega Ruby Cuando adopta una postura defensiva juntando ambos puños delante de la cara, es capaz de resistir incluso el impacto directo de una bomba.
France Pokémon Omega Ruby Il se défend en joignant ses poings devant son visage. Dans cette posture, il peut même résister à l’onde de choc d’une explosion.
Germany Pokémon Omega Ruby Wenn es seine Fäuste vors Gesicht hält und so eine Verteidigungshaltung einnimmt, kann es selbst eine Explosion überstehen.
United States Pokémon Omega Ruby When it takes a defensive posture with its fists guarding its face, it could withstand a bomb blast.
United States Pokémon Sword
United States Pokémon Shield

Sprite List

Gen/Game Normal Shiny
Sixth & Seventh Generation

anim anim

anim anim

Character Appearances

Character Thumbnail
  • United States Millis Steel's Chesnaught
  • Japan ミリス·スティールのブリガロン
  • Japan Miriss Steel no Brigarron
  • Japan Miriss Steel's Brigarron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chapman's Chesnaught
  • Japan イチガヤ博士のブリガロン
  • Japan Ichigaya-hakase no Brigarron
  • Japan Professor Ichigaya's Brigarron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Alain's Chesnaught
  • Japan アランのブリガロン
  • Japan Alan no Brigarron
  • Japan Alan's Brigarron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Calem's Chesnaught

Episode Appearances

Ep # Title
Movie 17
XYZ 15
Gen 18
PM2019 115
PM2019 116
PM2019 121

TCG Cards

#14: Chesnaught
Rare Holo
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy Energy
#5: Chesnaught
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy Energy
#5: ブリガロン
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy Energy
#11: Chesnaught
Rare Holo
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy Energy
#12: Chesnaught BREAK
#15: Chesnaught V
Holo Rare V
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy Energy
#171: Chesnaught V
Holo Rare V
Retreat Cost:
Energy Energy Energy Energy


Note: Move names that have a colored checkmark beside the name receive a Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) when used by this Pokémon

Level Up Moves

Spiky Shield
Type Icon Status 10 1 1 75 75
Feint Type Icon Physical 10 30 100 1 1 1 1
Needle Arm
Type Icon Physical 15 60 100 1 1 26 26
Hammer Arm
Type Icon Physical 10 100 90 72 72 60 60
Belly Drum Type Icon Status 10 1 1 1 1
Tackle Type Icon Physical 35 40 100 1 1 1 1
Growl Type Icon Status 40 100 1 1 1 1
Vine Whip
Type Icon Physical 25 45 100 5 5 5 5
Rollout Type Icon Physical 20 30 90 8 8 8 8
Bite Type Icon Physical 25 60 100 11 11 11 11
Leech Seed
Type Icon Status 10 90 15 15 15 15
Pin Missile Type Icon Physical 20 25 95 19 19 20 20
Take Down Type Icon Physical 20 90 85 29 29 30 30
Seed Bomb
Type Icon Physical 15 80 100 35 35 35 35
Mud Shot Type Icon Special 15 55 95 41 41 41 41
Bulk Up
Type Icon Status 20 48 48 44 44
Body Slam Type Icon Physical 15 85 100 54 54 48 48
Pain Split Type Icon Status 20 60 60 52 52
Wood Hammer
Type Icon Physical 15 120 100 66 66 55 55
Giga Impact Type Icon Physical 5 150 90 78 78 70 70

TM/HM Moves

Confide Type Icon Status 20
Work Up Type Icon Status 30
Bulk Up
Type Icon Status 20
Taunt Type Icon Status 20 100
Nature Power Type Icon Status 20
Sunny Day Type Icon Status 5
Sleep Talk Type Icon Status 10
Attract Type Icon Status 15 100
Swagger Type Icon Status 15 85
Protect Type Icon Status 10
Substitute Type Icon Status 10
Rest Type Icon Status 10
Reflect Type Icon Status 20
Double Team Type Icon Status 15
Toxic Type Icon Status 10 90
Roar Type Icon Status 20
Swords Dance Type Icon Status 20
Hone Claws Type Icon Status 15
Flash Type Icon Status 20 100
Bulldoze Type Icon Physical 20 60 100
Low Sweep
Type Icon Physical 20 65 100
Smack Down Type Icon Physical 15 50 100
Stone Edge Type Icon Physical 5 100 80
Shadow Claw Type Icon Physical 15 70 100
Giga Impact Type Icon Physical 5 150 90
Poison Jab Type Icon Physical 20 80 100
Fling Type Icon Physical 10 100
Payback Type Icon Physical 10 50 100
Gyro Ball Type Icon Physical 5 100
Dragon Claw Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Aerial Ace Type Icon Physical 20 60
Rock Tomb Type Icon Physical 15 60 95
Brick Break
Type Icon Physical 15 75 100
Facade Type Icon Physical 20 70 100
Frustration Type Icon Physical 20 100
Return Type Icon Physical 20 100
Rock Slide Type Icon Physical 10 75 90
Earthquake Type Icon Physical 10 100 100
Power-Up Punch
Type Icon Physical 20 40 100
Retaliate Type Icon Physical 5 70 100
Secret Power Type Icon Physical 20 70 100
Rock Smash
Type Icon Physical 15 40 100
Dig Type Icon Physical 10 80 100
Strength Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Cut Type Icon Physical 30 50 95
Round Type Icon Special 15 60 100
Grass Knot
Type Icon Special 20 100
Energy Ball
Type Icon Special 10 90 100
Focus Blast
Type Icon Special 5 120 70
Hidden Power Type Icon Special 15 60 100
Sludge Bomb Type Icon Special 10 90 100
Solar Beam
Type Icon Special 10 120 100
Hyper Beam Type Icon Special 5 150 90

Egg Moves

No egg moves found

Move Tutors

Worry Seed
Type Icon Status 10 100
Block Type Icon Status 5
Iron Defense Type Icon Status 15
Helping Hand Type Icon Status 20
Type Icon Status 5
Pain Split Type Icon Status 20
Dual Chop Type Icon Physical 15 40 90
Iron Head Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Zen Headbutt Type Icon Physical 15 80 90
Drain Punch
Type Icon Physical 10 75 100
Seed Bomb
Type Icon Physical 15 80 100
Endeavor Type Icon Physical 5 100
Type Icon Physical 5 120 100
Focus Punch
Type Icon Physical 20 150 100
Iron Tail Type Icon Physical 15 100 75
Super Fang Type Icon Physical 10 90
Low Kick
Type Icon Physical 20 100
Thunder Punch Type Icon Physical 15 75 100
Grass Pledge
Type Icon Special 10 80 100
Frenzy Plant
Type Icon Special 5 150 90
Giga Drain
Type Icon Special 10 75 100
Snore Type Icon Special 15 50 100