Pokémon Red
A Pokemon that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago. |
Pokémon Blue
A Pokemon that was resurrected from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor eons ago. |
Pokémon Stadium
こだい うみだった ちそうから でた かせきを さいせいさせた ポケモン。 ひっくり かえされると おきられない。 |
Pokémon Stadium
A Pokémon that was resurrected from a fossil found in an ancient seabed. Unable to right itself if it is flipped over. |
Pokémon Yellow
A Pokemon that was recovered from a fossil. It uses the eyes on its back while hiding on the sea floor. |
Pokémon Gold
On rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor. |
Pokémon Silver
This Pokemon lived in ancient times. On rare occasions, it has been discovered as a living fossil. |
Pokémon Ruby
Kabuto is a Pokemon that has been regenerated from a fossil. However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have been discovered. The Pokemon has not changed at all for 300 million years.
Pokémon Sapphire
KABUTO is a POKeMON that has been regenerated from a fossil. However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have been discovered. The POKeMON has not changed at all for 300 million years. |
Pokémon Emerald
It is a POKeMON that has been regenerated from a fossil. However, in rare cases, living examples have been discovered. KABUTO have not changed for 300 million years. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
A POKeMON that was regenerated from a fossil found in what was once the ocean floor long ago. |
Pokémon FireRed
This POKeMON was regenerated from the fossil of an ancient creature. It protects itself with a hard shell. |
Pokémon Pearl
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon Diamond
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon Platinum
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon HeartGold
On rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
This Pokémon lived in ancient times. On rare occasions, it has been discovered as a living fossil. |
Pokémon White
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon White
3おくねんまえの すなはまで くらしていたと かんがえられている。 かたい カラが みを まもる。 |
Pokémon Black
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon Black
3おくねんまえの すなはまで くらしていたと かんがえられている。 かたい カラが みを まもる。 |
Pokémon Black 2
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon Black 2
3おくねんまえの すなはまで くらしていたと かんがえられている。 かたい カラが みを まもる。 |
Pokémon White 2
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon White 2
3おくねんまえの すなはまで くらしていたと かんがえられている。 かたい カラが みを まもる。 |
Pokémon X
Man geht davon aus, dass dieses Pokémon vor 300 Millionen Jahren die Strände bevölkerte. |
Pokémon Y
Questo Pokémon è stato rigenerato dal fossile di un’antica creatura. È protetto da un guscio coriaceo. |
Pokémon Y
Es un Pokémon regenerado a partir de un fósil de una criatura ancestral. Está protegido por un duro caparazón. |
Pokémon Y
고대 생물의 화석에서 재생된 포켓몬. 단단한 껍데기로 몸을 지키고 있다. |
Pokémon Y
Ce Pokémon a été reconstitué à partir du fossile d’une ancienne créature. Il se protège à l’aide de sa carapace. |
Pokémon Y
Dieses Pokémon wurde aus dem Fossil einer altertümlichen Kreatur geschaffen. Es schützt sich mittels eines harten Panzers. |
Pokémon Y
こだい せいぶつの かせきから さいせいしたポケモン。 かたい カラで みを まもっている。 |
Pokémon Y
This Pokémon was regenerated from the fossil of an ancient creature. It protects itself with a hard shell. |
Pokémon X
Si ritiene che vivesse sulle spiagge 300 milioni di anni fa. È protetto da una conchiglia robusta. |
Pokémon X
Se cree que habitó las playas hace 300 millones de años. Se protege con una dura concha. |
Pokémon X
On pense qu’il peuplait les plages il y a 300 millions d’années. Il est protégé par une coquille robuste. |
Pokémon X
3おくねんまえの すなはまで くらしていたと かんがえられている。 かたい カラが みを まもる。 |
Pokémon X
It is thought to have inhabited beaches 300 million years ago. It is protected by a stiff shell. |
Pokémon X
3억 년 전에 모래 해변에서 살고 있었던 것으로 추측된다. 단단한 껍질이 몸을 보호한다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kabuto es un Pokémon regenerado a partir de un fósil, aunque, en raras ocasiones, se han encontrado casos de ejemplares vivos en estado salvaje. En 300 millones de años, este Pokémon no ha cambiado en nada. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이지만 드물게 살아 있는 투구를 발견할 수 있다. 그 모습은 3억 년 동안 변치 않았다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kabuto è stato rigenerato da un fossile, sebbene in rarissimi casi siano stati scoperti esemplari viventi. Il Pokémon non ha subito alcuna mutazione nell’arco di oltre 300 milioni di anni. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kabuto es un Pokémon regenerado a partir de un fósil, aunque, en raras ocasiones, se han encontrado casos de ejemplares vivos en estado salvaje. En 300 millones de años, este Pokémon no ha cambiado en nada. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kabuto est un Pokémon ressuscité à partir d’un fossile. Cependant, on a découvert des spécimens vivants. Ce Pokémon n’a pas changé depuis 300 millions d’années. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kabuto ist ein Pokémon, das aus einem Fossil reproduziert wurde. Höchst selten wurden lebende Exemplare dieser Art entdeckt. Dieses Pokémon hat sich seit 300 Millionen Jahren überhaupt nicht verändert. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
かせきから ふっかつした ポケモンだが まれに いきつづけている カブトを はっけん できる。 その すがたは 3おくねん かわっていない。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kabuto is a Pokémon that has been regenerated from a fossil. However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have been discovered. The Pokémon has not changed at all for 300 million years. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
화석에서 부활한 포켓몬이지만 드물게 살아 있는 투구를 발견할 수 있다. 그 모습은 3억 년 동안 변치 않았다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kabuto è stato rigenerato da un fossile, sebbene in rarissimi casi siano stati scoperti esemplari viventi. Il Pokémon non ha subito alcuna mutazione nell’arco di oltre 300 milioni di anni. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kabuto est un Pokémon ressuscité à partir d’un fossile. Cependant, on a découvert des spécimens vivants. Ce Pokémon n’a pas changé depuis 300 millions d’années. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kabuto ist ein Pokémon, das aus einem Fossil reproduziert wurde. Höchst selten wurden lebende Exemplare dieser Art entdeckt. Dieses Pokémon hat sich seit 300 Millionen Jahren überhaupt nicht verändert. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
かせきから ふっかつした ポケモンだが まれに いきつづけている カブトを はっけん できる。 その すがたは 3おくねん かわっていない。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kabuto is a Pokémon that has been regenerated from a fossil. However, in extremely rare cases, living examples have been discovered. The Pokémon has not changed at all for 300 million years. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Stadium 2
On rare occasions, some have been found as fossils which they became while hiding on the ocean floor. |