Home / Dex / Moves / Sandstorm
Move Details

Sandstorm Introduced in Generation 2


Types Move Type Damage Class Status Tough
PP 10
Power -
Accuracy -


Language Local Name
Chinese (Cantonese Hong Kong) 沙暴
Chinese (Mandarin Taiwan) 沙暴
English Sandstorm
French Tempête de Sable
German Sandsturm
Italian Terrempesta
Japanese すなあらし
Japanese (Romanized) Sunaarashi
Korean 모래바람
Spanish Tormenta Arena

Damage Done

Bug Dark Dragon Electric Fairy Fighting Fire Flying Ghost Grass Ground Ice Normal Poison Psychic Rock Steel Water
2x 0.5x 2x 2x 0.5x 2x 0.5x

Pokémon List

By Level Up

Sandshrew Type Icon
Sandslash Type Icon
Onix Type Icon Type Icon
Steelix Type Icon Type Icon
Larvitar Type Icon Type Icon
Pupitar Type Icon Type Icon
Tyranitar Type Icon Type Icon
Nosepass Type Icon
Trapinch Type Icon
Vibrava Type Icon Type Icon
Flygon Type Icon Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Cacturne Type Icon Type Icon
Baltoy Type Icon Type Icon
Claydol Type Icon Type Icon
Gible Type Icon Type Icon
Gabite Type Icon Type Icon
Garchomp Type Icon Type Icon
Probopass Type Icon Type Icon
Roggenrola Type Icon
Boldore Type Icon
Gigalith Type Icon
Drilbur Type Icon
Excadrill Type Icon Type Icon
Sandile Type Icon Type Icon
Krokorok Type Icon Type Icon
Krookodile Type Icon Type Icon
Landorus Type Icon Type Icon
Zygarde Type Icon Type Icon
Sandygast Type Icon Type Icon
Palossand Type Icon Type Icon

By Breeding

By Machine

Charizard Type Icon Type Icon
Sandshrew Type Icon
Sandslash Type Icon
Nidoqueen Type Icon Type Icon
Nidoking Type Icon Type Icon
Diglett Type Icon
Dugtrio Type Icon
Geodude Type Icon Type Icon
Graveler Type Icon Type Icon
Golem Type Icon Type Icon
Onix Type Icon Type Icon
Cubone Type Icon
Marowak Type Icon
Lickitung Type Icon
Rhyhorn Type Icon Type Icon
Rhydon Type Icon Type Icon
Chansey Type Icon
Kangaskhan Type Icon
Tauros Type Icon
Gyarados Type Icon Type Icon
Omanyte Type Icon Type Icon
Omastar Type Icon Type Icon
Kabuto Type Icon Type Icon
Kabutops Type Icon Type Icon
Aerodactyl Type Icon Type Icon
Snorlax Type Icon
Articuno Type Icon Type Icon
Zapdos Type Icon Type Icon
Moltres Type Icon Type Icon
Dragonite Type Icon Type Icon
Mewtwo Type Icon
Mew Type Icon
Sudowoodo Type Icon
Wooper Type Icon Type Icon
Quagsire Type Icon Type Icon
Pineco Type Icon
Forretress Type Icon Type Icon
Gligar Type Icon Type Icon
Steelix Type Icon Type Icon
Scizor Type Icon Type Icon
Shuckle Type Icon Type Icon
Magcargo Type Icon Type Icon
Swinub Type Icon Type Icon
Piloswine Type Icon Type Icon
Corsola Type Icon Type Icon
Skarmory Type Icon Type Icon
Phanpy Type Icon
Donphan Type Icon
Hitmontop Type Icon
Miltank Type Icon
Blissey Type Icon
Raikou Type Icon
Entei Type Icon
Suicune Type Icon
Larvitar Type Icon Type Icon
Pupitar Type Icon Type Icon
Tyranitar Type Icon Type Icon
Lugia Type Icon Type Icon
Ho-oh Type Icon Type Icon
Celebi Type Icon Type Icon
Nincada Type Icon Type Icon
Ninjask Type Icon Type Icon
Shedinja Type Icon Type Icon
Nosepass Type Icon
Mawile Type Icon Type Icon
Aron Type Icon Type Icon
Lairon Type Icon Type Icon
Aggron Type Icon Type Icon
Numel Type Icon Type Icon
Camerupt Type Icon Type Icon
Trapinch Type Icon
Vibrava Type Icon Type Icon
Flygon Type Icon Type Icon
Cacnea Type Icon
Cacturne Type Icon Type Icon
Lunatone Type Icon Type Icon
Solrock Type Icon Type Icon
Barboach Type Icon Type Icon
Whiscash Type Icon Type Icon
Baltoy Type Icon Type Icon
Claydol Type Icon Type Icon
Lileep Type Icon Type Icon
Cradily Type Icon Type Icon
Anorith Type Icon Type Icon
Armaldo Type Icon Type Icon
Castform Type Icon
Absol Type Icon
Relicanth Type Icon Type Icon
Metang Type Icon Type Icon
Metagross Type Icon Type Icon
Regirock Type Icon
Registeel Type Icon
Latias Type Icon Type Icon
Latios Type Icon Type Icon
Groudon Type Icon
Rayquaza Type Icon Type Icon
Jirachi Type Icon Type Icon
Torterra Type Icon Type Icon
Cranidos Type Icon
Rampardos Type Icon
Shieldon Type Icon Type Icon
Bastiodon Type Icon Type Icon
Gastrodon Type Icon Type Icon
Bronzor Type Icon Type Icon
Bronzong Type Icon Type Icon
Bonsly Type Icon
Gible Type Icon Type Icon
Gabite Type Icon Type Icon
Garchomp Type Icon Type Icon
Munchlax Type Icon
Hippopotas Type Icon
Hippowdon Type Icon
Lickilicky Type Icon
Rhyperior Type Icon Type Icon
Gliscor Type Icon Type Icon
Mamoswine Type Icon Type Icon
Probopass Type Icon Type Icon
Uxie Type Icon
Mesprit Type Icon
Azelf Type Icon
Dialga Type Icon Type Icon
Palkia Type Icon Type Icon
Arceus Type Icon
Roggenrola Type Icon
Boldore Type Icon
Gigalith Type Icon
Drilbur Type Icon
Excadrill Type Icon Type Icon
Sandile Type Icon Type Icon
Krokorok Type Icon Type Icon
Krookodile Type Icon Type Icon
Dwebble Type Icon Type Icon
Crustle Type Icon Type Icon
Tirtouga Type Icon Type Icon
Carracosta Type Icon Type Icon
Archen Type Icon Type Icon
Archeops Type Icon Type Icon
Ferrothorn Type Icon Type Icon
Klink Type Icon
Klang Type Icon
Klinklang Type Icon
Accelgor Type Icon
Stunfisk Type Icon Type Icon
Pawniard Type Icon Type Icon
Bisharp Type Icon Type Icon
Durant Type Icon Type Icon
Cobalion Type Icon Type Icon
Terrakion Type Icon Type Icon
Landorus Type Icon Type Icon
Bunnelby Type Icon
Diggersby Type Icon Type Icon
Binacle Type Icon Type Icon
Barbaracle Type Icon Type Icon
Helioptile Type Icon Type Icon
Heliolisk Type Icon Type Icon
Tyrunt Type Icon Type Icon
Tyrantrum Type Icon Type Icon
Amaura Type Icon Type Icon
Aurorus Type Icon Type Icon
Carbink Type Icon Type Icon
Zygarde Type Icon Type Icon
Diancie Type Icon Type Icon
Volcanion Type Icon Type Icon
Yungoos Type Icon
Gumshoos Type Icon
Oricorio Type Icon Type Icon
Mudbray Type Icon
Mudsdale Type Icon
Sandygast Type Icon Type Icon
Palossand Type Icon Type Icon
Type: Null Type Icon
Silvally Type Icon
Minior Type Icon Type Icon
Jangmo-o Type Icon
Hakamo-o Type Icon Type Icon
Kommo-o Type Icon Type Icon
Nihilego Type Icon Type Icon

Pokémon Anime Characters

Thumbnail Ash's Roggenrola BW 37 Satoshi's Pokabu pushed forward through it
Thumbnail Ash's Boldore BW 37 Learned as a Roggenrola
Thumbnail Clay's Krokorok BW 63 Satoshi's Mijumaru got sand in its eyes because of it but it used Water Gun to suppress the storm
Thumbnail Cilan's Crustle PSFC 7 Nyarth tried to sharpen its claws on its top
Thumbnail Chris' Larvitar BWS2 4 Second attack it used
Thumbnail Raihan's Duraludon PM2019 27 See the full episode note for more details about it knowing this move.
Thumbnail Raihan's Flygon PM2019 109 Blow forth, wind! Conjure a Sandstorm!
Thumbnail Zirc's Rhydon PM2023 25 The attack was called but wasn't used as they were distracted.
Thumbnail Poppy's Copperajah PM2023 55 Poppy's Copperajah and Tinkaton are both Steel-type Pokémon and were unaffected by the Sandstorm.