Home / Episode Guide / 新たなる空へ!ブレイブアサギ号!!/Taking to New Skies! The Brave Asagi!!
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Titles and Airdates


  • Japan 新たなる空へ!ブレイブアサギ号!!
  • Japan Aratanaru sora e! Brave Asagi-gō!!
  • Japan Taking to New Skies! The Brave Asagi!!


Episode Actors Regions

Japanese Summary:



Japanese Summary Translation:

Liko and the others are overjoyed at reuniting with the other members from the Rising Volt Tacklers. When Friede returns the ancient monster balls he had been looking after for Liko, the Six Heroes suddenly appear from them to battle?!

With the Terastal training over, Liko and the others board the now restored Brave Asagi and once again set off on a journey in search of the Six Hero Pokémon! As the trio is overjoyed at reuniting with the other members and Pokémon from the Rising Volt Tacklers, Friede returns the ancient monster balls he had been looking after for Liko. But then the Six Heroes suddenly appear from them! Are Liko, Roy and Dot now going to battle the Six Heroes?!



Corocoro Comic October 2024 Issue (月刊コロコロコミック 2024年10月号) was published by Shogakukan on September 13th, 2024. There was a page dedicated to this episode and the announcement of the new arc.

Oliva, Galar Fire and Laplace from the Six Heroes come out of their balls on the Brave Asagi's Wing Deck! Liko decides to test her strength against Oliva, Roy against Galar Fire and Dot against Laplace!! WE PLUNGE INTO A NEW CHAPTER! ITS NAME IS...

Liko and Roy's new adventure starts October 11th! What lies in wait is a certain legendary Pokémon!!
*It appears Rayquaza is the key to this story.

You can get a preview of Rayquaza Rising's highlights from its key visual!
You can see Basagiri and Entei on the key visual as well! Does that mean all the Six Heroes will finally be together?!
*Three of the six have currently joined the group. Where could the remaining three be...?!
Roy's Hogator finally evolves into an Achigator?!
*Corocoro has been supporting Hogator all along and will be paying close attention to what's about to happen!
We're also going to meet characters from Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero; Seille, Sazare and Briar.

Corocoro recommends these two episodes:

Scheduled for September 27th: "Shine, Terastallization! Liko VS Roy!!"
We can't reveal any details on this episode yet, but... take a look at that title! Will we get to see the result of Liko and Roy's Terastal training?! Massive Pokémon anime fan Nitoryu Koma is super excited for this episode from the title alone! Make sure to check it out!

Scheduled for October 11th: "Taking to New Skies! The Brave Asagi!!"
Oliva, Galar Fire and Laplace from the Six Heroes come out of their balls on the Brave Asagi's Wing Deck! Liko decides to test her strength against Oliva, Roy against Galar Fire and Dot against Laplace!!


A press release was published on September 13th, 2024 which revealed the key visual for the Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising arc.

The popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") sees its story about protagonists Liko and Roy approach its 4th chapter, titled "Rayquaza Rising".

A new main poster has just been unveiled, depicting the Black Rayquaza and the other members of the Six Heroes that serve as the key to the story, as well as characters from the video game Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero.

In this poster for chapter 4, "Rayquaza Rising", we can see Liko, Roy, Dot and their Pokémon with courageous looks on their faces as if they're in the middle of a battle, depicted alongside the remaining members of the Six Heroes; Basagiri, Entei and the Black Rayquaza. We can also see Roy's Hogator evolved into an Achigator and Dot's Kanuchan evolved into a Nakanuchan.

In addition, we can see Seille, Sazare and Briar from the video game Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero, as well as Gardie (Hisui Form) and Yabasocha, all of which further increase expectations for the upcoming events. Further information on the new chapter Rayquaza Rising will be released weekly from here on.

アニメ『ポケモン』新章突入、副題は「レックウザ ライジング」に決定 ゼイユ、サザレ、ブライア登場!

人気アニメ『ポケットモンスター』(公式略称:アニポケ テレビ東京系 毎週金曜 後6:55~)で、主人公リコとロイの物語が第4章を迎え、副題が「レックウザ ライジング」に決定した。

ストーリーのカギとなる黒いレックウザをはじめとした六英雄ポケモンや、ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝』に登場する人物たちが描かれた、新たなメインビジュアルが初公開された。

第4章となる「レックウザ ライジング」のメインビジュアルには、残りの六英雄ポケモンのバサギリ、エンテイ、そして黒いレックウザと共に、勇ましい表情でバトルするかのようなリコ・ロイ・ドット、そしてポケモンたちが描かれている。さらに、ロイのホゲータがアチゲータに、ドットのカヌチャンがナカヌチャンに進化している様子も。

ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝』にも登場するゼイユ、サザレ、ブライアの姿や、ガーディ(ヒスイのすがた)、ヤバソチャも描かれており、今後の展開に期待が高まる。新章「レックウザ ライジング」編の続報は、今後毎週解禁していく。


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted the key visual for the Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising arc on September 13th, 2024.

Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising:
A new chapter of the Pokémon anime starts Friday October 11th! Here is its key visual! It even shows some people from the Land of Kitakami that will be appearing in the future! Look forward to it!

ポケットモンスター レックウザ ライジング
10/11(金) #アニポケ 新章スタート!


A press release was posted on September 20th, 2024, which announced additional cast member for the Rayquaza Rising arc. Misato Fukuen played Seille, Yu Shimamura played Briar and Marika Kohno played Sazare.


A new trailer for the popular anime Pocket Monsters (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") has been released. Additional cast members have be announced, with Misato Fukuen playing Seille, Yu Shimamura playing Briar and Marika Kohno playing Sazare, all of them characters from the video game Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero that will have central roles in the new chapter.


The trailer reveals the Land of Kitakami, which is also the setting of the Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero game, as well as popular characters Seille, Briar and Sazare from this game, and also details on Basagiri, one of the three remaining members of the Six Heroes.


It's said that the more chipped a Basagiri's axe is, the more battle-hardened it is, and the one from the Six Heroes has an abnormally distinctive one. All attention is now focused on the upcoming events: What adventures await Liko and the others in their next destination, the Land of Kitakami, and how will Seille, Briar and Sazare enter the picture?


A comment from Misato Fukuen, the voice of Seille:
I've been given the opportunity to play Seille in the Pocket Monsters TV show! I've been with this franchise for quite a while through my roles in past series, so I'm really and truly happy to be able to make a return to it in this manner. At first glance, Seille comes across as a very beautiful and aloof girl, but she's actually a very distinctive character with intense emotions, as well as an abnormally sore loser, so I had tons of fun playing her. We spent a lot of time on the dubbing sessions, but it felt like the time just flew by in an instant. Look forward to Seille's anime debut, okay?


A comment from Yu Shimamura, the voice of Briar:
My name is Yu Shimamura, and I'll be playing Briar in the Pocket Monsters TV show. I've been in a Pokémon movie before, and back then my heart was fluttering with excitement at hearing the Pokémon voices too, but the Pocket Monsters TV show is just so soulful and really gave me the feeling that THIS truly is Pokémon. Briar turned out to be a lot more passionate that I thought she'd be, and I'm looking forward to facing Pokémon alongside her with all the excitement that comes with it. Even though I'm technically a teacher in the eyes of Liko and Roy, I look forward to working with everyone as a fellow adventurer on the same quest.


A comment from Marika Kohno, the voice of Sazare:
It's no exaggeration to say that Pokémon was the start of my voice acting life. It's already been an entire 10 years since I first started saying I'll take any role I get offered if it's in the Pokémon anime, and I never thought I'd actually get to play Sazare-san of all characters. I'm a gamer myself, and Sazare-san was a very memorable character to me due to her rewarding story in the Pocket Monsters Scarlet/Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Zero video game. While she looks very cool and aloof at first glance, I hope my voice will make her come across as sociable and kind. Just like everyone else that know her from the game, I'm looking forward to seeing how she'll get involved with Liko and the others. I can't spoil too much, but... I really want to get to know her better, you know! I hope you'll all come to love Sazare-san through the anime alongside me!

YouTube Clip - Anime Pocket Monsters | Latest information on the New Chapter Rayquaza Rising ②

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s05GoJlP3_o

『ポケモン』新映像公開で追加キャスト発表 ゼイユ役・福圓美里、ブライア役・嶋村侑、サザレ役・高野麻里佳【コメントあり】

人気アニメ『ポケットモンスター』(公式略称:アニポケ テレビ東京系 毎週金曜 後6:55~)の最新映像が公開された。追加キャストが発表され、ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝』に登場し、新章の注目キャラクターでもあるゼイユ役を福圓美里、ブライア役を嶋村侑、サザレ役を高野麻里佳が担当する。
映像には、ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝』の舞台でもあるキタカミの里の様子や、ゲームに登場する人気キャラクター・ゼイユ、ブライア、サザレの姿が描かれ、さらに、残る3体の六英雄のうちの1体、バサギリの詳細も明らかになった。 バサギリは歴戦の個体ほど、斧が大きく欠けているといわれているポケモンで、六英雄のバサギリも通常の個体より特徴的な斧の形をしている。リコたちが新たに向かうキタカミの里ではどんな冒険が待っているのか…? そして、ゼイユ、ブライア、サザレが、どんな形でリコたちに関わってくるのか、これからの展開に注目が集まる。



【サザレ役・高野麻里佳】 ポケモンは私の声優人生の始まりと言っても過言ではありません。「ポケモンに出られるならどんな役でもやります!」と言い続けて早10年。まさかサザレさんを演じさせていただけるとは思ってもいませんでした。ゲーム『ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝』で、やりごたえのあるストーリーだっただけに、ゲーマーの私にとっては思い出深いキャラクターです。一見クールなお姉さんですが、私の声で人懐っこい優しい人に聴こえたら良いなと思っています。

これからリコたちとどう絡んでくるのか、私も楽しみにしている1人ですし、ゲームでお馴染みになった皆様にも…多くは語れませんが…サザレさんのことをもっと知りたいですよね! アニメを通して、サザレさんを一緒に愛していただけたら嬉しいです!



The official Japanese AniPoke Twitter account posted news about voice actors that would be in the Rayquaza Rising arc.

"Rayquaza Rising", the New Chapter of the Pokémon Anime:
The people Liko and the others encounter in Kitakami Village will be played by the following voice actors:
Sazare will be played by Marika Kohno
Seille will be played by Misato Fukuen
Briar will be played by Yu Shimamura
Make sure to tap the images and read the comments as well!

Sazare (voiced by Marika Kohno), Partner Pokémon: Gardie (Hisui Form) - A traveller who loves photography. Is accompanied by a Gardie (Hisui Form). It seems she caught a certain rare Pokémon on camera...?!
Seille (voiced by Misato Fukuen), Partner Pokémon: Yabasocha - A Pokémon Trainer native to the Land of Kitakami. Her Partner Pokémon is Yabasocha. Is quite harsh with the "outsiders" from the Rising Volt Tacklers.
Briar (voiced by Yu Shimamura) - A teacher that Raifort-sensei introduced to the group. Appears to know something about Terapagos as well...

アニポケ 新章「レックウザ ライジング」
サザレ役 高野麻里佳 さん
ゼイユ役 福圓美里 さん
ブライア役 嶋村侑 さん



Misato Fukuen posted a comment on the official Japanese AniPoke Twitter accounts post on September 20th, 2024, announcing she'd be the voice of Seille.

I will be voicing Seille in the Pocket Monsters anime.
It's been quite awhile since I've been in the Pokémon world but I'm back!
Check out the comments too!



Marika Kohno posted a comment on the official Japanese AniPoke Twitter accounts post on September 20th, 2024, announcing she'd be the voice of Sazare.

I will be appearing as Sazare in the new Pokémon anime chapter "Rayquaza Rising."
My love of Pokémon, and my voice acting career, have a long history.
I have always admired Ikue Otani, so to finally be able to co-star with her in something that I love...it feels like a dream, but it's actually come true.

アニポケ 新章「レックウザ ライジング」
サザレ役 で出演させていただきます。



A press release and a PV were released on September 27th, 2024 to promote the new chapter of the Pocket Monsters anime Rayquaza Rising.

YouTube Clip - Pocket Monsters Anime | New chapter Rayquaza Rising PV

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs6IVwrmMZo

New footage from Pocket Monsters's new chapter Rayquaza Rising revealed! Opening Theme to be performed by ZEROBASEONE

A new trailer where you can get an early sneak peek of the of the popular anime Pocket Monsters' (airs on the TV Tokyo Network every Friday at 6:55pm, officially abbreviated "Anipoke") new chapter "Rayquaza Rising" has been released.


The trailer shows the Rising Volt Tacklers reunited with Liko, Roy and Dot, suggesting that they're about to set off on a new adventure.


The trailer also shows intense scenes featuring the Six Hero Pokémon Basagiri and the Black Rayquaza, as well as Seille, Sazare and Briar. Liko and the others have grown a lot through their Terastal training in the Paldea region, so the expectations for their battles against the Six Heroes are higher than ever.

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We also received news on the opening theme. The opening theme for the new chapter will be "Only One Story", a new original Japanese song sung by the 9-member global boys' group Zerobaseone, representing the hugely popular 5th generation of K-pop.


"Only One Story", an original Japanese song released about 7 months after the group's Japanese debut in March, is a pleasant and cheerful song of encouragement telling people that are setting off on an adventure that everything is going to be okay. It gives Pocket Monsters protagonists Liko and Roy the courage to be able to continue making progress alongside the companions and Pokémon they've met while creating their own unique story.

This very first anime tie-in song from Zerobaseone will be released digitally October 11th, the same day Pocket Monsters Chapter 4, Rayquaza Rising, premieres. Zerobaseone was formed in April last year through the Korean audition show "Boys Planet", and is a 9-member group consisting of Sung Han Bin, Kim Ji Woong, Zhang Hao, Seok Matthew, Kim Tae Rae, Ricky, Kim Gyu Vin, Park Gun Wook and Han Yu Jin.

The members of the group were overjoyed as they told us "Pokémon is one of our favorite anime series, and we've been watching it since we were kids. We've always wanted to do an opening theme for it, so we're really happy for this opportunity!" They also said that "this is a really fun song everyone will be able to sing and dance to, so please enjoy it alongside the anime!"

A comment from Zerobaseone:
Pokémon is one of our favorite anime series, and we've been watching it since we were kids. We've always wanted to do an opening theme for it, so we're really happy for this opportunity! Only One Story's chorus is extremely catchy, and we don't think you'll be able to get it out of your heads once you hear it. The end of the chorus also has some really memorable lyrics that go "Nankai mo naitatte kimi nara so daijobu", so make sure to keep your attention on those as well. This is a really fun song everyone will be able to sing and dance to, so please enjoy it alongside the anime!

ポケモン新章「レックウザ ライジング」新映像が初公開 OPはZEROBASEONEに決定

人気アニメ『ポケットモンスター』(公式略称:アニポケ テレビ東京系 毎週金曜 後6:55~)の新章「レックウザ ライジング」の冒険を先取りできる最新映像が初公開された。 映像には、リコ、ロイ、ドットと再会したライジングボルテッカーズたちの姿があり、新たな冒険への出発を予感させる。
さらに、ゼイユ、サザレ、ブライアの姿や、六英雄ポケモンのバサギリ、黒いレックウザの迫力ある登場シーンも公開。パルデア地方でのテラスタル研修で成長を遂げたリコたちは、六英雄たちとどのようなバトルを繰り広げるのか 今後の展開に期待が高まる。
また、オープニングテーマの新情報も初公開。新章のオープニングテーマは、大人気の第5世代K-POPを代表するグローバルボーイズグループZEROBASEONE が歌う『Only One Story 』に決定した。


ポケモンは幼い頃から観てきた大好きなアニメですし、いつかオープニングテーマを担当してみたいと思っていたので、本当に嬉しかったです!「Only One Story 」はサビの部分がとてもキャッチーで、一度聴いたら耳から離れないメロディーになっていると思います。中でもサビの最後に「何回も泣いたって君ならそう大丈夫」という印象深い歌詞も出てくるので、ぜひ注目してください。みんなで歌って踊れるような楽しい楽曲なので、ぜひアニメと一緒に楽しんでください!



The official Japanese AniPoke Twitter account posted a video by ZEROBASEONE announcing that they would be singing the opening theme to the new chapter Rayquaza Rising. The video was also posted on the official Pokémon YouTube channel on September 27th, 2024.

The opening theme for the new chapter of the Pokémon anime
The opening theme for the new chapter "Rayquaza Rising", which premieres Friday, October 11th, 2024 will be...
"Only One Story", sung by Zerobaseone
We've received comments from all the members of Zerobaseone:

Ready...? "D1, Be the ONE! Hello, we are Zerobaseone! It has been decided that our new song "Only One Story" is going to be an opening theme for the Pocket Monsters TV show. "Only One Story" is a song that contains our wish for everything to be all right for the protagonist Liko, and for her to be able to continue making progress alongside the companions and Pokémon she's met while creating her own unique story. The Pocket Monsters Rayquaza Rising TV show will premiere at 6:55pm Friday, October 11th, 2024, on the TV Tokyo Network! We're looking forward to this premiere as well. Make sure to watch it, okay? This has been Zerobaseone! Bye-bye!

アニポケ 新オープニングテーマ
10月11日(金)からスタートする新章「レックウザ ライジング」のオープニングテーマは…
ZEROBASEONE が歌う「Only One Story」です

YouTube Clip - New Opening Theme for the TV anime Pocket Monsters Announced! ZEROBASEONE's comments

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTLQWejGPK0



The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a wallpaper on October 1st, 2024 by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie.

Every month we'll give you a mobile wallpaper calendar made by Mojacookie. October sees Liko, Roy and Dot back on the Brave Asagi. You can truly see how much the three have grown now that they're standing on the deck of the ship for the first time in so long! But... are there Pokémon on board that weren't there before...?

(by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie)

Episode Music Regions
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Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 0
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 0
12 Sep 2024 10:47 AM
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Titles: 新たなる空へ!ブレイブアサギ号!!/Taking to New Skies! The Brave Asagi!!
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03 Oct 2024 12:14 PM
Adamant Administrator
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Liko and the others are overjoyed at reuniting with the other members from the Rising Volt Tacklers. When Friede returns the ancient monster balls he had been looking after for Liko, the Six Heroes suddenly appear from them to battle?!

With the Terastal training over, Liko and the others board the now restored Brave Asagi and once again set off on a journey in search of the Six Hero Pokémon! As the trio is overjoyed at reuniting with the other members and Pokémon from the Rising Volt Tacklers, Friede returns the ancient monster balls he had been looking after for Liko. But then the Six Heroes suddenly appear from them! Are Liko, Roy and Dot now going to battle the Six Heroes?!

Voice Cast:
Minori Suzuki: Liko
Megumi Hayashibara: Nyarote
Yuka Terasaki: Roy
Daiki Yamashita: Achigator
Taku Yashiro: Friede
Ayane Sakura: Orio
Kenta Miyake: Murdock
Kei Shindo: Molly
Ikkyu Juku: Randou
Yoshino Aoyama: Dot/Gurumin
Daisuke Namikawa: Welkamo
Shun Horie: Amethio
Kohsuke Tanabe: Zir
Arisa Shida: Conia
Ikue Ohtani: Captain Pikachu
Last edited 03 Oct 2024 12:15 PM by Adamant