Home / Staff and Actor Index / Biography Details: えかきや (Ekakiya)

えかきや (Ekakiya)

えかきや (Ekakiya)
First Name: えかきや Ekakiya
Main Country: Japan Japan
Main Language: Japanese
Birthdate: 2016-09-25
Age : 7
Ekakiya is a subcontracting Animation Studio situated in Soja, Okayama whilst also having a branch office in Tokyo. Alongside anime production, they also sell goods like rice and vegetables as well as anime-related goods.

Their website is http://ekakiya.designers.jp/ and their Facebook account is available here.

The Founder and current Owner is 小林美代子 (Miyoko Kobayashi).
Role Media Title
Production Collaboration PM2019 130
Finish Animation PM2019 130
In-Between Animation PM2019 130
2nd Key Animation PM2019 130
2nd Key Animation PM2019 132
In-Between Animation PM2019 132
Production Collaboration PM2019 145
Finish Animation PM2019 145
In-Between Animation PM2019 145
2nd Key Animation PM2019 145
In-Between Animation PM2019 147
Production Collaboration PM2023 5
2nd Key Animation PM2023 5
In-Between Animation PM2023 5
Finish Animation PM2023 5
In-Between Animation PM2023 6
2nd Key Animation PM2023 7
In-Between Animation PM2023 8
2nd Key Animation PM2023 8
2nd Key Animation PM2023 11
In-Between Animation PM2023 11
Finish Animation PM2023 11
Production Collaboration PM2023 11
2nd Key Animation PM2023 14
2nd Key Animation PM2023 18
In-Between Animation PM2023 19
Finish Animation PM2023 19
2nd Key Animation PM2023 19
Production Collaboration PM2023 19
2nd Key Animation PM2023 20
In-Between Animation PM2023 20
Production Collaboration PM2023 27
2nd Key Animation PM2023 27
In-Between Animation PM2023 27
Finish Animation PM2023 27
2nd Key Animation PM2023 29
2nd Key Animation PM2023 30
2nd Key Animation PM2023 33
Production Collaboration PM2023 36
2nd Key Animation PM2023 36
In-Between Animation PM2023 36
Finish Animation PM2023 36
2nd Key Animation PM2023 39
2nd Key Animation PM2023 43
Key Animation PM2023 45
2nd Key Animation PM2023 45
In-Between Animation PM2023 45
Finish Animation PM2023 45
Production Collaboration PM2023 45
2nd Key Animation PM2023 46
Key Animation PM2023 52
2nd Key Animation PM2023 52
In-Between Animation PM2023 52
Finish Animation PM2023 52
2nd Key Animation PM2023 55