Pokémon Gold
It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning. |
Pokémon Silver
It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to build its energy. It is said to cause tornadoes as it wakes. |
Pokémon Ruby
Kingdra lives at extreme ocean depths that are otherwise uninhabited. It has long been believed that the yawning of this Pokemon creates spiraling ocean currents. |
Pokémon Sapphire
KINGDRA sleeps on the seafloor where it is otherwise devoid of life. When a storm arrives, the POKeMON is said to awaken and wander about in search of prey. |
Pokémon Emerald
It sleeps quietly, deep on the seafloor. When it comes up to the surface, it creates a huge whirlpool that can swallow even ships. |
Pokémon LeafGreen
It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning. |
Pokémon FireRed
It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to build its energy. It is said to cause tornadoes as it wakes. |
Pokémon Diamond
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon Pearl
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon Platinum
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon HeartGold
It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning. |
Pokémon SoulSilver
It sleeps deep on the ocean floor to build its energy. It is said to cause tornadoes as it wakes. |
Pokémon White
かいていどうくつに すんでいる。 キングドラが みうごきすると きょだいな うずしおが うまれる。 |
Pokémon Black
かいていどうくつに すんでいる。 キングドラが みうごきすると きょだいな うずしおが うまれる。 |
Pokémon Black
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon White
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon Black 2
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon Black 2
かいていどうくつに すんでいる。 キングドラが みうごきすると きょだいな うずしおが うまれる。 |
Pokémon White 2
It lives in caves on the seafloor and creates giant whirlpools every time it moves. |
Pokémon White 2
かいていどうくつに すんでいる。 キングドラが みうごきすると きょだいな うずしおが うまれる。 |
Pokémon X
Dicen que suele esconderse en cuevas submarinas. Puede crear torbellinos al bostezar. |
Pokémon Y
Accumula energia dormendo sott’acqua a profondità proibitive per ogni altra forma di vita. |
Pokémon Y
Almacena energía durmiendo en las profundidades submarinas, allá donde no llegan otros seres. |
Pokémon Y
Il emmagasine de l’énergie en restant dans les fonds marins, là où rien d’autre ne peut survivre. |
Pokémon Y
Kein anderes Lebewesen kann in den Tiefen existieren, in denen es schläft und so Energie speichert. |
Pokémon Y
어떤 생물도 접근할 수 없는 깊은 해저에서 자면서 힘을 비축하고 있다고 한다. |
Pokémon Y
どんな いきものも おりられない ふかい うみのそこで ねむりながら ちからを たくわえている という。 |
Pokémon Y
It stores energy by sleeping at underwater depths at which no other life-forms can survive. |
Pokémon X
Si dice che si nasconda in grotte sottacqua. Il suo sbadiglio può provocare dei vortici. |
Pokémon X
On dit qu’il se cache dans les grottes sous-marines. Il peut créer des tourbillons en bâillant. |
Pokémon X
Man sagt, es hause in Unterwasserhöhlen. Es kann mächtige Strudel generieren, wenn es gähnt. |
Pokémon X
ふだんは かいていどうくつに みを ひそめているらしい。あくびで うずしおを はっせいさせる。 |
Pokémon X
It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning. |
Pokémon X
평소에는 해저동굴에 몸을 숨기고 있는 것 같다. 하품으로 소용돌이를 발생시킨다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kingdra duerme en el lecho marino, donde apenas pueden encontrarse otras formas de vida. Cuando estalla una tormenta, dicen que se despierta y se pone a vagar en busca de su presa. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
생물이 살지 않는 심해에 서식한다. 킹드라의 하품이 해류의 소용돌이를 일으킨다고 오랫동안 믿어져 왔다. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kingdra vive negli abissi oceanici di solito privi di ogni forma di vita. Si crede che uno sbadiglio di Kingdra generi correnti oceaniche spiraliformi. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kingdra vive en lo más profundo del océano, donde no habita ninguna otra especie. Siempre se ha pensado que su bostezo causaba las corrientes en remolino que se dan en el océano. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Hyporoi vit au fin fond des profondeurs océaniques généralement inhabitées. On a longtemps cru que le bâillement de ce Pokémon créait les tourbillons dans les océans. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Seedraking lebt in den Tiefen des Ozeans, die ansonsten verwaist sind. Lange hat man geglaubt, dass das Gähnen dieses Pokémon Strudel auslöst. |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
せいぶつの すまない しんかいに せいそくする。 キングドラの あくびが さかまく かいりゅうを ひきおこすと ながい あいだ しんじられてきた。 |
Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
Kingdra lives at extreme ocean depths that are otherwise uninhabited. It has long been believed that the yawning of this Pokémon creates spiraling ocean currents. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
생물이 살지 않는 해저에서 자고 있다. 태풍이 오면 눈을 뜨고 먹이를 찾으러 돌아다닌다고 전해진다. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kingdra dorme sui fondali marini dove di solito non esistono forme di vita. Si dice che in caso di tempesta Kingdra si svegli e vada in cerca di prede. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Hyporoi dort au fond de l’océan, où aucune autre forme de vie ne réside. On raconte que lorsqu’une tempête survient, c’est que ce Pokémon s’éveille et erre dans les profondeurs en quête de proies. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Seedraking schläft auf dem Meeresboden, wo ansonsten niemand lebt. Wenn ein Sturm aufkommt, wacht es auf und macht sich auf die Suche nach Beute. |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
いきものの すまない かいていで ねむっている。 たいふうが やってくると めを さまして えものを さがしに うろつきまわると いわれる。 |
Pokémon Omega Ruby
Kingdra sleeps on the seafloor where it is otherwise devoid of life. When a storm arrives, the Pokémon is said to awaken and wander about in search of prey. |
Pokémon Sword
Pokémon Shield
Pokémon Stadium 2
It is said that it usually hides in underwater caves. It can create whirlpools by yawning. |