Under The Alolan Moon is the 2st opening song used as part of the Pokémon Sun and Moon anime in English and is performed by Ben Dixon and Haven Paschall. It has some of the clips used in the Japanese opening
Alola! as well as random episodes of the series. The song barely has a melody and is comprised of just a few beats.
Ash shows off his Z-Ring on his left wrist and it quickly transitions to showing Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini. Ash and Lillie are transported into a garden and the scene then changes to Ash and his friends running on the road. Pikachu and Ash are then skipping rope which sync's up to the song lyrics 'Training'.
Rocket Gang is scared by Bewear who comes out from behind a bush and then Ash and his friends are then seen on a boat. Lusamine, Faba, Wicke and Professor Burnet are quickly shown and then the opening finishes with Tapu Koko flying towards the moon.