The official Japanese
Anime PR Twitter account, as well as a
press release, announced on June 28th, 2024 that the ending theme
Let me battle would be getting 3 new variant versions.
High resolution pictures from the press release have been added to an Imageboard thread.
Breaking Pokémon Anime News:
The ending theme is getting new versions! Starting next week, each episode will feature one of these 3, selected at random:
"Let me battle feat. TugLanaWakaMyo (9Lana x Tug x Wakabayashi x Myomyo)"
"Let me battle feat. Muto"
"Let me battle feat. KANKAN"
Here are comments from the singers:
A comment from 9Lana:
This time around I've invited some people I really love and respect to sing with me. Each of the "feat." versions has its own unique quality to it, and it's a really fun song in general! I hope you'll enjoy it alongside the anime!
This is Tug from TugLanaWakaMyo, who just did a feat. version of this song. The Pokémon I first met in the video game are such lovely and reliable companions, and the kind atmosphere and emotional story made me start crying during the stream lol
It's an unbelievable honor to get to sing an ending theme for my beloved Pokémon, written by beloved creators, together with beloved friends and colleagues, and I was taking in all the happiness this brought me as I sang it! I hope our song will make you feel the appeal of the Pokémon world, with its kind companions and its excitement towards its ever-expanding world, more than ever.
This is Wakabayashi, who just participated in a feat. version of this song. I'm so happy to be part of the Pokémon world I was so obsessed with as a kid that I still wonder if this is all just a dream. We in TugLanaWakaMyo give it our all as we compete against each other, but also respect each other as both colleagues and rivals. Thus, I feel the version of "Let me battle" the four of us sing is a perfect fit for the Pokémon setting, where people grow and develop together with their partners and rivals. Please enjoy our super effective type of singing!
My name is Myomyo. It's written with two small "yo"s! I'm really happy to have been given the opportunity to be part of my beloved Pokémon world through my song...! My favorite Pokémon is Milokaross, by the way. Long ago I fished up a Hinbass at Mt. Tengan and raised it with lots of love and care. It's precisely because TugLanaWakaMyo's "Let me battle" is sung by four people that support each other as much as we do that it gains the power and idiosyncratic blend that gives it its appeal. I hope you'll enjoy it alongside the anime!
My name is Muto, and I participated in a feat. version of this song. When I first heard "Let me battle", I was really shocked by the different ways I perceived 9Lana-san's singing, like her expressiveness that can bring out by cuteness and coolness, her incredible skill as a singer, and more. It's a true honor to get to sing the ED to Pocket Monsters, the super popular anime I've known and loved since I was little, together with her. I put a lot of emotion into this song, so please enjoy it alongside the anime!
Hi, my name is KANKAN, and I worked with 9Lana-san for this song. When I first got word of this, I couldn't believe it, my mind just went blank. I love the Pokémon setting so much that I daydream about living there myself, and I've always wanted to sing a song for the Pokémon anime. I'm extremely happy that I get to sing this wonderful song with 9Lana-san, whose singing I'm a huge fan of. I put a lot of myself in the song I had as I sang it, filling it with the strong sense of thrilling excitement you get when you start a new journey with Pokémon! Please enjoy this slightly different take on "Let me battle"!
Press Release - Singers gather for the Anipoke! 9Lana, Tug, Wakabayashi, Myomyo, Muto, and KANKAN participate in "Let me battle" ending theme for the TV anime Pocket Monsters, and will air starting from Friday, July 5th, 2024!
It has been announced that singers with unique personalities will be featured in the ending theme "Let me battle" for the TV anime Pocket Monsters, which is currently performed by 9Lana, a singer who is active mainly on TikTok and YouTube, from Friday, July 5th, 2024, onwards! The singers are Tug, Wakabayashi, Myomyo, Muto, and KANKAN.
The unique singers have collaborate with 9Lana for a total of three different "Let me battle" variants, each with their own unique expression. The first group is 9Lana, Tug, Wakabayashi, Myomyo, commonly known as "TugLanaWakaMyo". They are a group of four close friends who usually perform together, and they are so talented and popular that they won third place in the group category of the "Utatte Mita Collection 2024 Spring" (commonly known as "Uta Collection") held this spring.
The versions scheduled to be released are: on Friday, July 5th, 2024, "Let me battle feat. TugLanaWakaMyo", on Friday, July 12th, 2024, "Let me battle feat. Muto", and on Friday, July 26th, 2024 "Let me battle feat. KANKAN".
アニポケに歌い手が大集合!7月5日(金)から放送のテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」エンディングテーマ「Let me battle/9Lana」につぐ、わかばやし、みょみょ、むト、缶缶が参加!
歌い手ならではの個性あふれる「Let me battle」が毎週ランダムに放送!
2024年6月28日 19時30分
TikTokやYouTubeを中心に活躍中の歌い手9Lana(ヨミ:クラナ)が担当するテレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」のエンディングテーマ「Let me battle」に7月5日(金)以降の放送から個性あふれる歌い手がフィーチャリングとして加わることが決定!歌い手はつぐ、わかばやし、みょみょ、むトそして缶缶の5名。個性あふれる歌い手たち各々の表現で9Lanaとコラボレーションし、全3種類の「Let me battle」が放送される。まず1組目は9Lana、つぐ、わかばやし、みょみょの通称「つぐらなわかみょ」。仲良し4人組として普段から4人での活動もしており、今年春に開催された「歌ってみたCollection2024年春」(※通称“歌コレ”)のグループ部門での3位に入賞するほどの実力・人気を誇る4人組。カメレオンボイスの9Lanaに、パワー全開な歌声のつぐ、圧倒的主人公な歌声のわかばやし、ダウナー癒し系みょみょの個性あふれる4つの歌声が魅力的でパーティ感あふれるバージョンに仕上がっている。2組目はミステリアスな雰囲気を持ち圧倒的な世界観を持つ歌い手でブレッシーで時折見せるキュートな歌声のむト。透明感あふれるバージョンに仕上がっている。そして3組目はYoutubeの総再生回数は5,000万回越えの注目歌い手の缶缶。ボーイッシュな声質でロックスター顔負けの存在感のある歌声が特徴的で、9Lanaの歌声とメリハリのあるバージョンに仕上がった。「つぐらなわかみょ(9Lana×つぐ×わかばやし×みょみょ)」、「9Lana×むト」、「9Lana×缶缶」とワクワクする企画がスタートする。それぞれの「Let me battle」は毎週ランダムで放送予定。是非お気に入りの「Let me battle」を見つけて、アニメと合わせてエンディングも楽しみにしてほしい。テレビアニメ「ポケットモンスター」はテレ東系にて毎週金曜よる6時55分から放送中だ。
楽曲のリリースは、7月5日(金)「Let me battle feat . つぐらなわかみょ」、7月12日(金)「Let me battle feat. むト」7月26日(金)「Let me battle feat. 缶缶」を予定。
「Let me battle」はGiga & TeddyLoidのプロデューサータッグにTOPHAMHAT-KYOが歌詞を紡いだ楽曲で、自身たちの作家人生の中でも特にお気に入りの1曲に仕上がったと言うほど。次々と展開する攻めたサウンドや構成で冒頭から最後まで全く聞き飽きない音の使い方、そしてそれをお茶の間でも受け入れらやすいポップスに落とし込み、ポケモンを彷彿させる言葉たちがいくつも隠されている。エンディング映像を見ながらそう言った隠された言葉を探すのも楽しみの一つだ。
この度feat. として参加させていただいた“つぐらなわかみょ”のつぐです。
YouTube Ch:
小さい頃、夢中で見ていたポケモンの世界に関わることができるなんて、まだ夢を見ているのかな?と感じるほどに幸せです。“つぐらなわかみょ”は、仲間として、ライバルとして、お互いをリスペクトしながら、全力をぶつけ合える関係性。そんな4人の「Let me battle」は、相棒やライバルと共に成長していくポケモンの世界観にピッタリだと感じています。タイプ相性ばつぐんの歌声を、ぜひお楽しみください!
YouTube Ch:
つぐらなわかみょの「Let me battle」は、背中を預け合える4人で歌うからこその力強さや、個性の響き合いが魅力です。アニメと共に楽しんでいただけたら幸いです!
YouTube Ch:
「Let me battle」を初めて聞いた時、可愛さもかっこよさも出せる表現力や桁外れの歌唱力など、色んな9Lanaさんの歌声を感じ取りとても衝撃を受けました。
YouTube Ch:
もし自分がポケモンの世界に居たら…なんて妄想してしまう程に世界観が本当に大好きで、いつかポケモンのアニメで歌を歌いたい!と思っていました。今回、歌声が大好きな9Lanaさんと素敵な楽曲を歌えることがとても嬉しいです。ポケモン達との新しい旅を始める度に強く感じるワクワクドキドキ感を、自分なりにめいっぱい込めて歌いました!また一味違う「Let me battle」を楽しんでください!
Youtube Ch: