CoroCoro Comic's Official website
posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on September 15th, 2023.
Anipoke is just around the corner! Mysterious cries echo through the air......!! What awaits them in the depths of Galar Mine......!?
Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!
The Rising Volt Tackler's have come to the Galar Mine in pursuit of the Black Rayquaza. They immediately try to explore inside, but Liko's Mibrim is trembling! Mibrim can sense the feelings of the people and Pokémon around it... Maybe it is reacting to something inside the mine!
▲ Is the Black Rayquaza that Kabu saw somewhere in this big mine...?
The mine is like a maze of similar paths. During their search, Liko and Roy get separated from Friede! Then a mysterious cry comes from deep inside the mine......! It is Rayquaza!? Roy runs deeper in the mine without thinking.
▲ Rayquaza is said to eat meteorites that fall to the earth and dust that flies in the sky. Is it possible that it's in this mine!?
Liko and Roy proceed deeper into the mine. They find Pokémon who look tired and frightened for some reason! The Pokémon look more and more frightened when they hear a mysterious cry coming from deeper in the mine, and they try to warn Liko and Roy. Deeper in, the mine workers have lost their energy just like the Pokémon did...... Is this due to Rayquaza!?
▲ The workers say that a giant Pokémon appeared. The cry is really from a Pokémon!?
Then... the Explorers Amethio and his gang also show up in the Galar Mine. When Rising Volt Tackler, Explorers, and this mysterious Pokémon meet... What will happen!?
▲ Amethio disobeys the Explorers' orders and begins to work on his own. Like Liko and the others, he is in pursuit of the Black Rayquaza!
▲ While Friede is searching the mine for Liko and Roy, Amethio appears......!?
▲ Friede's Lizardon vs Amethio's Soublades, another battle!
What's deep in the mine!!? The rest of the story will be on Anipoke at 6:55pm!
【アニポケまであとちょっと!】響き渡る謎の鳴き声……!! 「ガラルこうざん」の奥地で待つものとは……!?
黒いレックウザを追って「ガラルこうざん」にやって来たライジングボルテッカーズ。さっそく中を探索しようとするが、リコのミブリムが震えている!! 周りにいる人やポケモンの気持ちを感じ取ってしまうミブリム…。もしや鉱山の中にいる何者かに反応しているのかも!?
鉱山内は似たような道ばかりが入り組んでいてまるで迷路。探索中、リコとロイはフリードとはぐれてしまう! すると鉱山の奥から謎の鳴き声が……!!? もしやレックウザ!? ロイは思わず鉱山の奥へと駆け出してしまう。
鉱山を奥へと進むリコとロイ。すると、なぜか元気がなくおびえた様子のポケモンたちを発見! ポケモンたちは、奥から聞こえる謎の鳴き声を聞くとますますおびえた様子でリコとロイをどこかへ案内しようとする。そしてその先には……ポケモンたちと同じように気力を失った鉱山の作業員たちが! これもレックウザの仕業なのか!?
鉱山の奥には何が!!? 続きはこの後よる6時55分からのアニポケで!!