Home / Episode Guide / Pokémon Scent-sation!/エリカとクサイハナ/Erika and Kusaihana

English Official Summary

The party arrives in Celadon City, a perfectly pleasant town full of large department stores, condominiums, and fancy arcades. Brock and Misty are mesmerized, listening to a pretty young girl in a miniskirt, selling perfume. Appalled by the price of the perfume, Ash is kicked out of the department store, and heads for the Pokémon gym alone, but he is denied entrance to the Celadon Gym. The perfume that Ash criticized in the department store is produced in this gym. Brock and Misty enter the gym and befriend those who inhabit it, but Ash must go to some outrageous lengths in order to even set foot in the gym let alone prove himself worthy of battle against its Master.

French Official Summary

Le groupe arrive à Céladopole, une ville agréable qui regorge de grands magasins, d'appartements et de galeries chics.

German Official Summary

Die Gruppe kommt in Prismania City an. Dieser hübsche Ort bietet viele große Kaufhäuser, Wohnanlagen und schicke Spielhallen.

Italian Official Summary

Dopo aver insultato la Capopalestra Erika nel reparto profumeria di un grande magazzino, Ash dovrà escogitare diversi espedienti per riuscire a entrare nella Palestra di Azzurropoli. Ma anche questo non significa che lei accetterà la sfida...

Portuguese Official Summary

Após insultar o perfume da Líder de Ginásio Erika numa loja, Ash deve superar obstáculos absurdos para sequer colocar os pés no Ginásio de Celadon, ainda mais para ser considerado digno de desafiá-la!

Finnish Official Summary

Haukuttuaan salijohtaja Erikan hajuvettä tavaratalossa Ashin on mentävä äärimmäisyyksiin saadakseen edes astua Celadonin saliin, saati sitten haastaa hänet!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Tras insultar el perfume de la Líder de Gimnasio Erika en una tienda departamental, Ash debe ir a extremos increíbles para poder poner un pie en el Gimnasio Celadon, ¡sin mencionar el considerarlo digno de retarla!

Spanish Official Summary

El grupo llega a Ciudad Azulona, una ciudad tranquila llena de grandes almacenes, pisos y bonitas galerías comerciales.

English Great Britain Official Summary

The party arrives in Celadon City, a perfectly pleasant town full of large department stores, condominiums, and fancy arcades. Brock and Misty are mesmerized, listening to a pretty young girl in a miniskirt, selling perfume. Appalled by the price of the perfume, Ash is kicked out of the department store, and heads for the Pokémon gym alone, but he is denied entrance to the Celadon Gym. The perfume that Ash criticized in the department store is produced in this gym. Brock and Misty enter the gym and befriend those who inhabit it, but Ash must go to some outrageous lengths in order to even set foot in the gym let alone prove himself worthy of battle against its Master.

Dutch Official Summary

Nadat hij het parfum van Gym Leader Erika in een warenhuis heeft afgekraakt, moet Ash veel moeite doen om toegang te krijgen tot de Celadon Gym, laat staan om geschikt bevonden te worden om haar uit te mogen dagen.

Norwegian Official Summary

Etter å ha fornærmet Gym-leder Erika på grunn parfymen hennes i varemagasinet, må Ash gjøre en enorm innsats for å i det hele tatt få komme innenfor dørene til Celadon Gym, for ikke å snakke om å få utfordre henne!

Swedish Official Summary

Efter att ha sagt något olämpligt om Gym-ledaren Erikas parfym i en affär, måste Ash anstränga sig till max för att ens få sätta en fot i Celadon-gymmet, och för att inte tala om att ens komma i fråga som utmanare!

Danish Official Summary

Da Ash kommer til at tale grimt om Sallederen Erikas parfume i et stormagasin, må han gøre stor umage for at kunne sætte sine ben i Celadon-Salen eller endda få lov til at udfordre hende!