Home / Episode Guide / 休め!ロケット団!!Rest, Rocket Gang!!

Japanese Summary:


Japanese Summary Translation:

The Rocket Gang has been ordered to take a vacation by their boss Sakaki. But as they're relaxing in the Sinnoh Region, they bump into Satoshi and Go, who have shown up to conduct research. Not only that, but Matori is plotting something as well?!

The Rocket Gang has been ordered to take a vacation by their boss Sakaki. But as they're relaxing in the Resort Area in the Sinnoh Region, Satoshi and Go coincidentally happen to show up to conduct research. The Rocket Gang is ecstatic at this chance to get Pikachu, but know that if they start working now they'll be disobeying orders. Just then the Rocket Gang's elite unit, led by Sakaki's secretary Matori, shows up and starts stealing every single Pokémon in the Area. So the Rocket Gang conceal their identities and cooperate with Satoshi and Go to recover the Pokémon?!