Home / Episode Guide / An Old Family Blend!熱戦前夜!サトシのポケモン大集合!!The Night before the Fierce Fight! The Great Assembly of Satoshi's Pokémon!!

Script Error

The Japanese original narrator doesn't say anything about the ferry or Wingull.

Narrator (English): As a flock of welcoming Wingull mark the spot, our heroes' ferry cuts through the water...
Narrator (Japanese): Satoshi and his friends continued their journey, aiming to enter the Sinnoh League.
(ナレーター): シンオウリーグ出場を目指し旅を続けてきたサトシたち。

Script Error

Meowth isn't very productive or enthusiastic about a thinking of a plan in the English dub and stated that he'd think about a plan after he had lunch. Jessie then insults Meowth for his lunch comment. Musashi in the Japanese original wanted to think of a plan fast to catch all the Pokémon and Nyarth was a bit hesitant to think of a plan fast.

Character English Translation Japanese
Jessie Let's put a plan in place and poach those Pokémon. We need to think of a plan to get them swiftly! 手っとり早くゲットできる作戦を考えなきゃ!
Meowth Yeah, sure, right after lunch. Swiftly, huh...? 手っとり早くニャー…。
Jessie Keep the sarcasm to yourself. What? I'm right, aren't I? なに!? だってそうでしょ?


Script Error

A very interesting difference here where the original aired closed captions were 'censoring' what Jessie said due to the shrinkage sexual reference.

Jessie (Actual audio): No, now we're going to have shrinkage!
Jessie (Closed Caption): No, now we're going to get all wrinkly!
Musashi: How cruel! Our mecha is all wet.
(ムサシ): ひどい! メカが びしょぬれよ。

Script Error

The Japanese original used the term seika (聖火) which means "sacred fire/torch" but the English dub removed the "sacred" part from its title.

English Announcer: And with the lighting of the Sinnoh League Flame,
Japanese Announcer: The flame of the sacred torch... has been lit!
(アナウンサー): 聖火に火が… ともりました!