Home / Episode Guide / The Battling Eevee Brothers / イーブイ4きょうだい / The Four Eievui Brothers

English Official Summary

Tracing a path through the woods, the party comes across a tree baited with a plate of food and water. An Eevee is bound to the trunk with string. The address, Stan Town, block 3, number 14, along with a name—apparently that of the Eevee's master—are written on a piece of metal hanging from the Eevee's collar. Consulting their map, our heroes find that Stan Town is directly in front of them. They decide to take Eevee to the address on its collar and find out what is going on. When they reach the address, they find a huge home as exquisite as a Beverly Hills mansion. From inside, they hear loud cheers and applause. Could this be the home of this Eevee's master?

French Official Summary

Tandis qu'il traverse la forêt, le groupe découvre un arbre sur lequel se trouve un appât de nourriture et d'eau. Un Évoli est attaché au tronc par une chaîne.

German Official Summary

Auf ihrem Weg durch den Wald erreicht die Gruppe einen Baum, an dem Essen und Wasser als Köder stehen. Und: Ein Evoli ist an den Baum gebunden.

Italian Official Summary

Ash e amici incappano in un'enorme casa con un bellissimo giardino dove c'è una festa con tanti Allenatori i cui Pokémon si evolvono per mezzo delle pietre. Riusciranno a trovare l'Allenatore che ha abbandonato Eevee legato a un albero?

Portuguese Official Summary

Ash e amigos encontram uma casa onde acontece uma festa muito animada, promovida por treinadores de Pokémon que evoluíram usando Pedras Evolucionárias. Talvez lá eles encontrem o Treinador do Eevee aparentemente abandonado?

Finnish Official Summary

Ash ystävineen löytää talon, jossa pidetään puutarhajuhlia. Juhliin osallistuvat kouluttajat, joiden Pokémonit ovat kehittyneet kehityskivien avulla. Kenties sieltä löytyy myös ilmeisesti hylätyksi tulleen Eeveen kouluttaja?

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Ash y sus amigos encuentran una enorme casa con una fiesta de jardín en marcha a la que asisten los Entrenadores de los Pokémon que evolucionan usando Rocas Evolutivas. ¿Estará aquí el Entrenador del Eevee abandonado?

Spanish Official Summary

Siguiendo un camino a través del bosque, el grupo llega a un árbol cebado con un plato de comida y agua. Un Eevee está atado al tronco con una cuerda.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Tracing a path through the woods, the party comes across a tree baited with a plate of food and water. An Eevee is bound to the trunk with string. The address, Stan Town, block 3, number 14, along with a name—apparently that of the Eevee's master—are written on a piece of metal hanging from the Eevee's collar. Consulting their map, our heroes find that Stan Town is directly in front of them. They decide to take Eevee to the address on its collar and find out what is going on. When they reach the address, they find a huge home as exquisite as a Beverly Hills mansion. From inside, they hear loud cheers and applause. Could this be the home of this Eevee's master?

Dutch Official Summary

Ash en zijn vrienden komen terecht bij een tuinfeest waar Trainers van Pokémon zijn die evolueren door het gebruik van Evolutie stenen. Misschien kunnen ze hier de Trainer vinden van de Eevee die schijnbaar achtergelaten is?

Norwegian Official Summary

Våre helter finner et stort hus med en overdådig hage i full aktivitet, stelt av Trenerne til Pokémon som utvikler seg ved hjelp av evolusjonssteiner. Kanskje de kan finne den tilsynelatende fortlatte Treneren til Eevee der?

Swedish Official Summary

Ash och hans vänner hittar ett stort hus där det hålls ett flott garden party, och gästerna är Tränare med Pokémon som utvecklas genom att använda Utvecklings-stenar. Kan de hitta den till synes övergivna Eevees Tränare här?

Danish Official Summary

Ash og hans venner kommer forbi et enormt hus, hvor man er i fuld gang med en overdådig havefest for Trænere, hvis Pokémon har udviklet sig ved hjælp af Udviklingssten. Måske finder de Eevees forladte Træner her?