Home / Episode Guide / Transform! Hero of the Seas, Palafin/変身!海のヒーローイルカマン/Transform! Irukaman, the Hero of the Ocean


On March 8th, 2024, the official Japanese AniPoke Twitter account reminded that this episode was available to watch on the official Japanese YouTube channel. The video was region locked to Japan only. It was available from March 8th, 2024 to March 15th, 2024. This episode was specifically labeled as a missed-program webcast (見逃し配信).

The episode was also available on the TV Tokyo YouTube channel and the Official Corocoro Channel and were labeled as limited-time delivery (期間限定配信). The TV Tokyo version included the series trailer at the end of the episode where as the Corocoro version had beginning and ending bumpers promoting Corocoro.

AniPoke Episode 42 Transform! Irukaman, the Hero of the Ocean
What did you think?
We were looking back at Irukaman's photos and saw something...
Will the mystery be revealed next time?
In addition, we will announce a password for a Pokémon you can get!
Don't miss next week's episode!
The missed stream will be available for 1 week from today!

アニポケ 第42話「変身!海のヒーローイルカマン」


CoroCoro Comic's Official website posted an article about this episode just before the original airing on March 9th, 2024.


Anipoke is just around the corner! A superhero who protects the sea! Yes, its name is... Irukaman!!


Broadcasting every week from 6:55 pm! The anime "Pocket Monsters" will start airing soon! In this article, we'll introduce you to the Pokémon and characters that will appear in today's episode, as well as comments from the voice actors and director, and other information you won't find anywhere else!

The Rising Volt Tackler's have come to the Paldea region in pursuit of the remaining three Six Hero Pokémon and also the mystery of Terapagos. Today they are going to enjoy swimming and barbecuing together! While Friede and the others are getting food, Liko and Roy are enjoying their time with the Pokémon of the sea when...... they hear a call for help from somewhere!!?


▲ The sandy beach is full of ocean-dwelling Pokémon such as Umidigda!


▲ A voice of a person calling for help echoes throughout the beach! There was a person about to fall off the roof of a beach house!

Rushing to the desperate situation is...... the Hero of the Ocean, Irukaman! Let me explain! Irukaman is a superhero who helps people in a pinch here on the beach!


▲ Roy and Hogator are very excited to see the appearance of the very cool hero!!


▲ It is a bringer of peace who protects the ocean! But there are many mysteries about Irukaman......!?

It seems that Irukaman has many enthusiastic fans, and there are even some photo kids with cameras ready to take Irukaman's picture! Irukaman is no stranger to this sandy beach, but no one has ever seen it transform. As a photographer, they really wanted to capture the moment of its transformation on camera......!! Even if it's a bit of a forceful method...!!?


▲ It is well known that this Irukaman transforms when someone is in a pinch, but it seems that no one has ever seen that moment.


▲ The photo kids, who really want a picture of its transformation, have a plan, but......!?


▲ And then an unexpectedly big incident occurs!! The Gakegani are rampaging...!? Help me, Irukaman!!

The rest of the story will be on Anipoke at 6:55 p.m. today! Let's all call for Irukaman in front of the TV!

【アニポケまであとちょっと!】海の平和を守るスーパーヒーロー! そう、彼の名は……イルカマン!!
残り3匹となった六英雄ポケモン、さらにはテラパゴスの謎を追ってパルデア地方へとやってきたライジングボルテッカーズ。今日はみんなで海水浴とバーベキューを楽しむようだ!! フリードたちが食材を調達しているあいだ、リコとロイは海のポケモンたちとのひと時を楽しんでいると……どこからか助けを求める声が!!?
▲すると砂浜に響く、助けを求める人の声! そこには今にも海の家の屋根から落ちそうになっている人が!!
説明しよう! イルカマンとは、この砂浜でピンチの人を助けてくれる正義のスーパーヒーローなのだ!
▲海の平和を守る平和の使者! しかしイルカマンには謎も多いようで……!?
そんなイルカマンには熱狂的なファンも多いようで、カメラを構えてイルカマンの写真を狙うスナップ小僧たちも! この砂浜では知らない者はいないイルカマンだが、その変身シーンは誰も見たことがないという。スナップ小僧としてはどうしても変身の瞬間をカメラに収めたい……!! たとえそれが、ちょっと強引な方法だとしても……!!?
▲そしてまさかの大事件に!! 暴れているのはガゲガニ……!? 助けてイルカマン!!


The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a four-frame look back illustration on March 6th, 2024 by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie.

Anipoke four-panel look back
A review of episodes 38-41!
Liko's Mibrim learned Heal Pulse and Nyahoja learned Magical Leaf!
Newly joined by Kanuchan, Dot is still a member of the Rising Volt Tackler's.

アニポケ 4コマで振り返り第38~41話を4コマでおさらい
リコのミブリム が『いやしのはどう』をニャオハ は『マジカルリーフ』を覚えました!
新しく、カヌチャン が仲間になったドットは改めてライジングボルテッカーズの一員になれましたね
(by #もじゃクッキー @mojacookie)

Trying to save trapped Ikkanezumi in a den, she got into a big pinch!
With the help of Mibrim, who had learned how to use Heal Pulse, and healed the Ikkanezumi, they were able to save the day.
The ship looks like it's going to be a mess!
And a wonderful encounter...!
Dot: Let me introduce you to our new friend! It's Kanuchan!
Dot: What do you think? It's a really cool hammer, isn't it?
Liko: No matter how scary or painful it is for me, from now on I want expand my horizons with Nyahoja!
Nyahoja has learned a new move, Magical Leaf.
They were so nervous that Dot would go back with her mom, but...
Dot: I really want to stay on the airship!
Blanca: Of course it's okay!
She was able to hear her true feelings.

洞窟で弱ったイッカネズミを 助けようとして 大ピンチに!
いやしのはどうを 覚えたミブリムと、 回復したイッカネズミの 協力もあって 事なきを得ました
新しい仲間を 紹介するぜ! カヌチャンだ!
どうだ~?すっげ一 カツコいい ハンマーだろ?
私ね、どんなに怖くっても、 痛い目にあっても、

Production Art

The official Japanese Anime PR Twitter account posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Anipoke episode with a production artwork piece on March 7th, 2024. The picture featured Hogator and Irukaman (Hero Form).

An original drawing of Hogator and Irukaman (Hero Form) from episode 42.
Irukaman rushed to Hogator who was in a pinch!
Is everyone safe at sea as long as Irukaman is there?


Scene Cut

The original airing on TV Tokyo had a special First-Airing Segment with Professor Willow and the credits for that scene were included.