Home / Episode Guide / Arboliva's Forest/オリーヴァの森/The Oliva's Forest

Japanese Summary:



Japanese Summary Translation:

Liko and the others start their search in the forest where Colza supposedly encountered the Black Rayquaza, but eventually end up getting separated from each other. In the meantime, the Oliva said to live in the forest started taking action as well...?!

Liko and Roy head for the forest where Colza supposedly encountered the Black Rayquaza, with Molly deciding to come along out of interest. On the way, the three of them see the tragic remnants of a wildfire, though oddly enough the spot they're headed for didn't get burned at all. They start their search for Rayquaza, but eventually end up getting separated from each other. In the meantime, the Oliva said to live in the forest started taking action as well...?!