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Special First-Airing Segment PokéMeter Data Broadcast

Data Broadcast Pokémon: Sunaba

Trivia Quiz PokéProblem Question

Host: Kaki

"Which of these is the Pokémon that evolves in today's episode?"
Blue: Ashimari
Red: Nyabby
Green: Mokuroh
Yellow: Sunaba


Who's that Pokémon Sun and Moon


Who's that Pokémon Sun and Moon Dare da

Name (なまえ): Shirodesuna (シロデスナ)
Type (タイプ): Ghost/Ground


Special First-Airing Segment Movie Preview

The third teaser trailer for Pocket Monsters the Movie: I Choose You! was shown, and we were told the movie is Satoshi and Pikachu's story. It features their extremely unusual first meeting, as well as an adventure centered on the legendary Pokémon Houou. And just what is the deal with the mysterious Pokémon Marshadow? Go to the theater and find out with your very own eyes!


Trivia Quiz PokéProblem Answer

Answer: Sunaba