Home / Episode Guide / A Fashionable Battle!ファッションショーでバトルです!タツベイVSシュシュプ!!We Will Have a Battle at the Fashion Show! Tatsubay VS Shushupu!!

Special First-Airing Segment Data Broadcast Boardgame

Data Broadcast Pokémon: Tatsubay

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode in the dub featured Ash.

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode featured Serena.

Who's that Pokémon XY


Who's that Pokémon Pokémon Quiz

Pokémon Quiz
Name (なまえ): Tatsubay (タツベイ)
Type (タイプ): Dragon


Okido Segment Pokémon Holo Caster

Pokémon Holo Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Luxio (ルクシオ)
Japanese ルクシオが でんきでかたるよ ゆうじょうを
Romaji Rukushio ga denki de kataru yo yuujou wo
Translated Luxio conveys friendship via electricity

This Pokémon Holo Caster segment also featured Hoopa.

Special First-Airing Segment Movie Preview

This segment featured a showcase of the qualities of Dialga and Palkia, two of the six Pokémon you can choose to receive with the special pre-order movie ticket for The Archdjinni of Rings: Hoopa, pointing out that these two Pokémon also get involved in the big battle in this year's movie. Which Pokémon will you choose to receive?