Home / Episode Guide / Go, Go Gogoat!ゴーゴーゴーゴート!Go Go Gogoat!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Go, Go, Gogoat!
  • Japan ゴーゴーゴーゴート!
  • Japan Go Go Gogoat!
  • Japan Go Go Gogoat!
  • Germany Che-, Che-, Chevrumm!
  • France En avant, Chevroum !
  • Spain ¡Vamos, Gogoat!
  • Sweden Gå, Gå Gogoat!
  • Italy Avanti tutta Gogoat!
  • Mexico ¡Sigue, Gogoat!
  • Finland Vauhtia, Gogoat!
  • Netherlands Vooruit, Gogoat!
  • Brazil Vai, Vai, Gogoat!
  • Norway Gå, gå, Gogoat!
  • Denmark Giv den gas, Gogoat!
  • South Korea 고~고~ 고고트~!!
  • Portugal Vai, Vai, Gogoat!
  • Russia Встреча кометы героя!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Kato

Japan Screenplay 面出明美 (Akemi Omode)
Japan Storyboard 川田武範 (Takenori Kawada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

It's Always You and Me (Unova and Beyond)
It's Always You and Me (Unova and Beyond)
Summery Slope
Te wo tsunagou
찬란한 계절
Shimmering Season
손을 잡고
Holding Hands
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

Spending time in an island Pokémon Center on their way to the Kanto region, our heroes take a moment to relax while Alexa does some work on an upcoming story. She asks them to check on her Gogoat, a well-behaved Pokémon who doesn’t require a lot of supervision—so Ash and the others aren’t paying attention when Gogoat meets a young boy named Tony, senses that the boy wants to go somewhere, and promptly sets off with Tony on its back! Of course, as soon as our heroes discover Gogoat is missing, they rush off to find Officer Jenny and ask her for help. She’s already talking to Tony’s mom, who mentions that Tony wanted to visit the mountaintop observatory where his father works to deliver a special birthday present. Alexa thinks Gogoat might have sensed Tony’s wishes and decided to take him there on its own. But the mountain can be dangerous, so our heroes set off to make sure Tony is safe, splitting up to explore the two paths to the observatory. Ash and Alexa quickly catch up with the wayward boy and ask him to come back to town, but Tony is determined to get to the observatory, so they decide to go with him. They finally reach the top, and Tony’s dad is relieved to see him and very happy with his present: a drawing of his favorite constellation, Braviary. After some stargazing, our heroes and Alexa are ready to continue their journey!

French Official Summary

Dans le Centre Pokémon d’une île, nos héros se détendent pendant qu’Alexia travaille sur son dernier reportage. Elle leur demande de veiller sur son Chevroum, un Pokémon très bien élevé qui n’a guère besoin de surveillance. Personne ne s’aperçoit que Chevroum a rencontré un jeune garçon nommé Tony, et qu’il disparaît en sa compagnie. Bien entendu, lorsque nos héros s’aperçoivent que Chevroum a disparu, ils avertissent Alexia et se précipitent pour demander l’aide de l’Agent Jenny. La mère de Tony est déjà en train de lui expliquer que le jeune garçon voulait se rendre à l’observatoire situé au sommet de la montagne, où son père travaille, pour lui donner un cadeau d’anniversaire spécial. Alexia pense que Chevroum a deviné l’intention de Tony et qu’il a décidé de l’aider. Mais la montagne peut être dangereuse et nos héros veulent s’assurer que Tony est en sécurité. Ils se séparent pour le chercher sur les deux sentiers qui mènent à l’observatoire. Sacha et Alexia retrouvent rapidement le fugitif et lui demandent de retourner en ville, mais Tony est tellement déterminé à se rendre à l’observatoire qu’ils décident de l’accompagner. Quand ils arrivent enfin au sommet, le père de Tony est soulagé de le voir arriver, et très heureux de recevoir son cadeau : un dessin de sa constellation préférée, Gueriaigle. Après avoir contemplé les étoiles, nos héros et Alexia sont prêts à reprendre leur voyage !

German Official Summary

Während die Pokémon unserer Helden im Pokémon-Center auf einer der Decolorinseln mal wieder gründlich untersucht werden und Alba an einer Story arbeitet, nutzen unsere Freunde diesen Moment, um sich ein bisschen auszuruhen. Alba hat sie gebeten, ihr Chevrumm etwas im Auge zu behalten. Da Chevrumm aber ein sehr gut erzogenes Pokémon ist, muss es nicht besonders streng beaufsichtigt werden. Daher bekommen sie es nicht mit, als Chevrumm einen Jungen, Tony, kennenlernt. Chevrumm spürt sofort, dass sein neuer Freund unbedingt irgendwohin möchte, und macht sich umgehend mit dem Jungen auf seinem Rücken auf den Weg! Als die Freunde entdecken, dass Chevrumm verschwunden ist, informieren sie Alba und begegnen kurz darauf Officer Rocky, die sie um Hilfe bitten. Officer Rocky hat gerade mit Tonys Mutter gesprochen und von ihr erfahren, dass Tony unbedingt zur Sternwarte hoch oben auf der Spitze des Berges wollte, in der sein Vater arbeitet, um ihm ein besonderes Geburtstagsgeschenk zu bringen. Alba vermutet, dass Chevrumm Tonys Wünsche gespürt und entschieden hat, ihn zur Sternwarte zu bringen. Auf einem Berg kann es jedoch gefährlich sein, und deshalb machen sich unsere Helden sofort auf den Weg, um sicherzustellen, dass Tony nichts passiert. Da jedoch zwei Wege zur Sternwarte hinaufführen, teilen sie sich auf. Ash und Alba holen den eigenwilligen Jungen schnell ein und bitten ihn, mit ihnen zurück in die Stadt zu kommen. Aber Tony will unter allen Umständen zur Sternwarte und deshalb entscheiden sie kurzerhand, ihn zu begleiten. Als sie endlich den Gipfel des Berges erreichen, läuft ihnen Tonys Vater erleichtert entgegen und freut sich sehr über sein Geburtstagsgeschenk: eine Zeichnung seines Lieblingssternbildes, Washakwil. Nachdem unsere Freunde und Alba sich abends begeistert die Sterne angesehen haben, sind sie bereit für neue Abenteuer!

Italian Official Summary

Dovendo trascorrere del tempo al Centro Pokémon di una delle Isole Cristalline, i nostri eroi ne approfittano per godersi un po’ di relax. Alexia, invece, sta lavorando a un articolo imminente, e chiede ai ragazzi di badare al suo Gogoat, un Pokémon davvero ben educato, che non richiede molto lavoro. Infatti, Ash e gli altri non gli stanno prestando alcuna attenzione quando Gogoat incontra Tony, un ragazzino con il grande desiderio di raggiungere un posto preciso. Intuita la cosa, Gogoat si mette in marcia con il bambino in groppa! Ovviamente, non appena si accorgono che Gogoat è sparito, i nostri eroi avvisano Alexia e corrono dall’Agente Jenny per chiedere aiuto. L’Agente Jenny sta già parlando con la madre di Tony, che riferisce del desiderio del bambino di visitare l’osservatorio sulla cima della montagna dove lavora il padre, per consegnargli un regalo di compleanno speciale. Alexia crede che Gogoat debba avere avvertito il desiderio del ragazzo e che abbia deciso autonomamente di portarlo all’osservatorio. La montagna, però, può essere pericolosa e dunque i nostri eroi si mettono in marcia per assicurarsi che Tony stia bene, dividendosi in due gruppi per esplorare i due sentieri che conducono all’osservatorio. Ash e Alexia raggiungono velocemente il bambino cocciuto e gli chiedono di tornare in città, ma Tony è determinato a raggiungere l’osservatorio e dunque decidono di andare con lui. Finalmente raggiungono la cima e il padre di Tony è felice di vedere il figlio sano e salvo ed è molto contento del suo regalo: un disegno della sua costellazione preferita, Braviary. Dopo avere osservato per un po’ le stelle, i nostri eroi e Alexia sono pronti a riprendere il loro viaggio!

Portuguese Official Summary

Passando um tempo no Centro Pokémon em uma ilha a caminho da Região de Kanto, nossos heróis tiram um momento para relaxar, enquanto Alexa vai trabalhar em uma nova história. Ela pede a eles para ficarem de olho em seu Gogoat, um Pokémon muito comportado que não requer muita supervisão. Por isso, Ash e os outros não estão prestando atenção quando Gogoat encontra um menino chamado Tony, que quer ir a um lugar, e prontamente ele sai com o garoto nas costas! E claro, assim que nossos heróis descobrem que Gogoat desapareceu, eles informam Alexa e correm para encontrar a Oficial Jenny e pedem ajuda a ela. Ela já está falando com a mãe de Tony, que menciona que Tony queria ir visitar o observatório no topo da montanha, onde o pai dele trabalha, para entregar um presente de aniversário especial. Alexa acha que Gogoat deve ter sentido o desejo de Tony e decidiu levá-lo até lá. Mas a montanha pode ser perigosa, então nossos heróis vão se certificar de que Tony está seguro, separando-se para explorarem os 2 caminho que levam ao observatório. Ash e Alexa rapidamente encontram o garoto voluntarioso e pedem a ele para voltar à cidade, mas Tony está determinado a ir ao observatório, então eles decidem ir com ele. Finalmente eles chegam ao topo, e o pai de Tony  fica aliviado ao vê-lo e fica muito feliz com o presente: um desenho de sua constelação favorita, Braviary. Após observarem as estrelas, nossos heróis e Alexa estão prontos para continuar a jornada!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme ovat matkalla Kanto-alueelle ja pysähtyvät lepäämään Pokémon-keskukseen Alexan työstäessä tulevaa artikkeliaan. Hän pyytää heitä pitämään Gogoatia silmällä. Gogoat on hyväkäytöksinen Pokémon, jota ei tarvitse paljoa vahtia. Niinpä Ash ja kumppanit eivät huomaa, kun Gogoat tapaa nuoren Tony-pojan ja aistii, että hän haluaa mennä jonnekin. Gogoat ottaa pojan selkäänsä ja lähteekin samoin tein matkaan! Tietenkin heti kun sankarimme huomaavat, että Gogoat on kadonnut, he kertovat siitä Alexalle ja ryntäävät etsimään konstaapeli Jennyä pyytääkseen häneltä apua. Jenny juttelee jo Tonyn äidille, joka kertoo että Tony halusi vuorenhuipulla olevaan observatorioon, jossa  hänen isänsä työskentelee viedäkseen isälle erikoissyntymäpäivälahjansa. Alexa arvelee Gogoatin aistineen Tonyn toiveen ja lähteneen viemään poikaa vuorelle. Vuori voi kuitenkin olla vaarallinen, joten sankarimme lähtevät varmistamaan että Tony on turvassa jakaantuen kahdelle eri observatoriolle vievälle reitille. Ash ja Alexa saavat pian karkulaisen kiinni ja pyytävät häntä palaamaan kotiin. Tony on kuitenkin päättänyt päästä vuoren huipulle, joten he päättävät mennä hänen mukaansa. Lopultan he pääsevät huipulle, jossa Tonyn isä helpottuneena tervehtii poikaansa ja vastaanottaa iloisena lahjansa: piirustuksen lempitähtikuviostaan, Braviarystä. Katsottuaan tähtiä sankarimme ja Alexa ovat valmiita jatkamaan matkaansa!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras pasan el rato en el Centro Pokémon de una isla en su camino hacia Región Kanto, nuestros héroes se toman un momento para relajarse, mientras Alexa trabaja en una próxima historia. Ella les pide que vigilen a su Gogoat, un Pokémon muy bien portado que no requiere de mucha supervisión. Así que Ash y los otros no están poniendo atención cuando Gogoat conoce a un niño llamado Tony, percibe que él quiere ir a cierto lugar y rápidamente parte con el niño montado sobre él. Por supuesto, en cuanto nuestros héroes descubren que Gogoat está perdido, le informan a Alexa y se apresuran a buscar a la Oficial Jenny y a pedirle su ayuda. Ella ya se encuentra hablando con la mamá de Tony, quien menciona que él quería visitar el observatorio en la cima de la montaña, donde su padre trabaja, para entregarle un obsequio de cumpleaños especial. Alexa cree que Gogoat pudo haber percibido los deseos de Tony y decide encargarse ella misma. Pero la montaña puede ser peligrosa, así que nuestros héroes parten para asegurarse de que Tony esté seguro, dividiéndose para explorar los dos caminos hacia el observatorio. Ash y Alexa rápidamente encuentran al obstinado niño y le piden que regrese al pueblo, pero Tony está decidido a llegar al observatorio, así que deciden ir con él. Finalmente, llegan a la cima de la montaña y el papá de Tony está aliviado de verlo y muy feliz con su obsequio: ¡un dibujo de su constelación favorita, Braviary! Después de observar las estrellas, nuestros héroes y Alexa están listos para seguir con su viaje.

Spanish Official Summary

Nuestros héroes pasan un tiempo en el Centro Pokémon de una de las islas en su camino hacia la región de Kanto. Se toman un respiro para relajarse, mientras que Alexia trabaja en un artículo. Ella les pide que vigilen a su Gogoat, un Pokémon que se porta muy bien y no requiere mucha vigilancia. Por eso, Ash y los demás ni se enteran cuando Gogoat conoce a un niño llamado Tony. Gogoat percibe que desea ir a un lugar determinado y enseguida parte con el niño sobre su lomo. En cuanto nuestros héroes descubren que Gogoat ha desaparecido, informan a Alexia y corren a buscar a la Agente Mara para pedirle ayuda. Ella está hablando con la mamá de Tony, la cual les dice que el niño deseaba visitar el observatorio que está en la cima de la montaña, donde su padre trabaja, para entregarle un regalo especial de cumpleaños. Alexia piensa que Gogoat podría haber sentido los deseos de Tony y podría haber decidido llevarle allí. Pero la montaña puede ser peligrosa, por lo que nuestros héroes parten a asegurarse de que Tony está a salvo, dividiéndose para explorar los dos senderos que llevan al observatorio. Ash y Alexia rápidamente alcanzan al obstinado niño y le piden que vuelva a la ciudad, pero Tony está decidido a llegar al observatorio, así que deciden ir con él. Por fin alcanzan la cima. El padre de Tony respira aliviado al verle y se lleva una gran alegría cuando ve su regalo: un dibujo de su constelación favorita, Braviary. Tras contemplar las estrellas, nuestros héroes y Alexia se disponen a continuar con su viaje.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Spending time in an island Pokémon Center on their way to the Kanto region, our heroes take a moment to relax while Alexa does some work on an upcoming story. She asks them to check on her Gogoat, a well-behaved Pokémon who doesn’t require a lot of supervision—so Ash and the others aren’t paying attention when Gogoat meets a young boy named Tony, senses that the boy wants to go somewhere, and promptly sets off with Tony on its back! Of course, as soon as our heroes discover Gogoat is missing, they rush off to find Officer Jenny and ask her for help. She’s already talking to Tony’s mom, who mentions that Tony wanted to visit the mountaintop observatory where his father works to deliver a special birthday present. Alexa thinks Gogoat might have sensed Tony’s wishes and decided to take him there on its own. But the mountain can be dangerous, so our heroes set off to make sure Tony is safe, splitting up to explore the two paths to the observatory. Ash and Alexa quickly catch up with the wayward boy and ask him to come back to town, but Tony is determined to get to the observatory, so they decide to go with him. They finally reach the top, and Tony’s dad is relieved to see him and very happy with his present: a drawing of his favorite constellation, Braviary. After some stargazing, our heroes and Alexa are ready to continue their journey!

Russian Official Summary

Герои решают отдохнуть в Центре Покемонов, а Алекса занята подготовкой очередной статьи. Поэтому она просит друзей присмотреть за её Гогоутом – очень послушным Покемоном. Но Эш и компания не особенно за ним смотрят. Тем временем Гогоут встречает мальчика по имени Тони. Он чувствует его желания, сажает его себе на спину и увозит! Когда наши герои замечают пропажу, они рассказывают об этом Алексе и Полицейской Дженни. Прибегает мама Тони и рассказывает, что он хотел съездить в обсерваторию на горе и поздравить с днём рождения своего отца, который там работает. Видимо, Гогоут почувствовал это желание и повёз Тони в горы. Но это очень опасное путешествие! Наши герои спешат на помощь. Вскоре Алекса и Эш догоняют Тони и просят повернуть назад. Но мальчик отказывается и в сопровождении Эша и Алексы доезжает до обсерватории. Там Тони встречает отца и дарит ему свой рисунок Бревиари. А наши герои готовы продолжить путешествие!

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl onze helden onderweg naar de Kanto regio hun tijd spenderen in een Pokémon Center op een eiland, proberen ze te relaxen, terwijl Alexa aan haar nieuwe verhaal werkt. Ze vraagt hen of ze op Gogoat willen passen. Gogoat is een welgemanierde Pokémon die niet echt in de gaten gehouden hoeft te worden. Dus Ash en de anderen letten niet op, wanneer Gogoat een jongen genaamd Tony ontmoet en voelt dat hij ergens naartoe wil en er ineens met hem op zijn rug ervandoor gaat! Zodra onze helden ontdekken dat Gogoat er niet meer is, informeren ze uiteraard Alexa en gaan ze er vandoor om Agent Jenny te zoeken om haar om hulp te vragen. Ze is al met Tony’s moeder aan het praten, die haar vertelt dat Tony naar de sterrenwacht waar zijn vader werkt wilde gaan om hem een speciaal verjaardagscadeautje te geven. Alexa denkt dat Gogoat Tony’s wensen heeft gevoeld en heeft besloten hem daar naartoe te brengen. Maar het kan in de bergen gevaarlijk zijn, dus onze helden vertrekken om te zien of Tony veilig is. Ze splitsen zich op, zodat ze de beide paden die naar de sterrenwacht gaan kunnen doorzoeken en verkennen. Ash en Alexa halen al snel de eigenzinnige jongen in en vragen hem mee terug naar huis te komen, maar Tony is vastbesloten om naar de sterrenwacht te gaan, dus besluiten ze met hem mee te gaan. Uiteindelijk bereiken ze de top, en Tony’s vader is opgelucht om hem te zien en erg blij met zijn cadeau: een tekening van zijn lievelingssterrenbeeld, Braviary. Nadat onze helden en Alexa nog even naar de sterren hebben gekeken is het hoog tijd dat ze hun reis weer vervolgen!

Norwegian Official Summary

Mens de tilbringer litt tid på et Pokémon-senter på en øy på vei til Kanto-regionen, tar heltene våre et øyeblikks pause mens Alexa jobber litt med en kommende artikkel. Hun ber dem se etter Gogoat, en meget veloppdragen Pokémon som ikke trenger mye tilsyn. Så Ash og de andre følger ikke med når Gogoat møter en liten gutt som heter Tony, føler at han vil dra et sted og uten videre reise avgårde med gutten på ryggen! Selvsagt informerer heltene våre Alexa så fort de oppdager at Gogoat er forsvunnet og løper for å finne politibetjent Jenny for å be om hjelp. Hun snakker allerede med Tonys mor, som sier at Tony ville besøke observatoriet på toppen av fjellet hvor faren hans jobber og levere en spesiell bursdagspresang. Alexa tror at Gogoat har sanset Tonys ønske og bestemt seg for å ta ham med dit selv. Men det kan være farlig i fjellet, så heltene våre drar avgårde for å sørge for at Tony er ok, og deler seg opp for å utforske de to stiene som leder til observatoriet. Ash og Alexa tar raskt igjen den forsvunne gutten og ber ham komme tilbake til byen, men Tony er fast bestemt på å komme seg til observatoriet, så de bestemmer seg for å dra sammen med ham. Til slutt når de toppen og Tonys far er lettet for å se ham og blir veldig glad for gaven sin: en tegning av favoritt-stjernebildet hans, Braviary. Etter å ha sett litt på stjernene er Alexa og heltene våre klare til å fortsette reisen sin!

Swedish Official Summary

Medan de tillbringar tid vid ett Pokémon-center på vägen till Kanto-regionen, passar våra hjältar på att vila sig ett tag, medan Alexa arbetar med sin kommande artikel. Hon ber dem titta till hennes Gogoat, en mycket väluppfostrad Pokémon som inte behöver så mycket tillsyn. Så Ash och de andra märker inte när Gogoat träffar en liten pojke som heter Tony, känner att han vill gå någonstans, och raskt ger sig av med pojken på ryggen! Men så snart våra hjältar upptäcker att Gogoat är borta informerar de såklart Alexa och rusar iväg för att hitta Konstapel Jenny och be henne om hjälp. Hon pratar redan med Tonys mamma, som nämner att Tony ville besöka observatoriet uppe på bergstoppen där hans pappa jobbar och ge honom en speciell födelsedagspresent. Alexa tror att Gogoat kan ha känt vad Tony önskade sig och sen bestämt sig för att på egen hand föra honom dit! Men berget kan vara farligt , så våra hjältar ger sig av för att se till att Tony inte råkar ut för något, och delar upp sig för att undersöka de två stigarna som leder till observatoriet! Ash och Alexa kommer snart ifatt den envisa pojken och ber honom följa med tillbaka till staden, men Tony är fast besluten att ta sig till observatoriet, så de bestämmer sig för att följa med honom. Till slut kommer de upp på bergets topp, och Tonys pappa är lättad över att få se honom och mycket glad åt sin present; en bild av hans favorit-stjärnbild, Braviary. Efter att ha ägnat sig åt lite stjärnskådande, är våra hjältar och Alexa redo att fortsätta sin resa!

Danish Official Summary

På vej til Kantoregionen tager vore helte et pusterum i et Pokémon-center på en ø, mens Alexa arbejder med en ny historie. Derfor beder hun dem om at se efter hendes Gogoat, som er en meget velopdragen Pokémon, der ikke kræver det store opsyn. Men Ash og de andre bemærker intet, da Gogoat møder en lille dreng, Tony, og kan mærke, at han vil et andet sted hen, hvorfor den straks tager af sted med drengen på ryggen! Så snart vore helte opdager, at Gogoat er væk, meddeler de det selvfølgelig straks til Alexa og skynder sig ud for at finde Betjent Jenny for at bede hende om hjælp. Hun taler dog allerede med Tonys mor, der nævner, at Tony ville besøge et bjergobservatorium, hvor hans far arbejder, for at aflevere en særlig fødselsdagsgave. Alexa mener, at Gogoat kan have mærket Tonys ønske og derfor har besluttet selv at følge ham derop. Men bjerge kan være farlige, så vore helte tager af sted for at sikre sig, at Tony er i god behold, og deler sig op for at undersøge de to stier op til observatoriet. Ash og Alexa indhenter hurtigt den egensindige dreng og beder ham om at gå hjem igen, men Tony er opsat på at komme op til observatoriet, så de beslutter at gå med ham. Da de endelig når op til toppen, er Tonys far lettet over at se ham og bliver meget glad for sin gave: en tegning af hans yndlingsstjernebillede, Braviary. Efter lidt stjernekiggeri er vore helte og Alexa nu klar til at fortsætte deres rejse!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy (Unova)
  • Japan ジョーイ (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Joy (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Joy (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy's Audino
  • Japan ジョーイのタブンネ
  • Japan Joy no Tabunne
  • Japan Joy's Tabunne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny (Unova)
  • Japan ジュンサー (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Alexa
  • Japan パンジー
  • Japan Pansy
  • Japan Pansy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Alexa's Gogoat
  • Japan パンジーのゴーゴート
  • Japan Pansy no Gogoat
  • Japan Pansy's Gogoat
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Alexa's Helioptile
  • Japan パンジーのエリキテル
  • Japan Pansy no Erikiteru
  • Japan Pansy's Erikiteru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tony's Mother
  • Japan トニー のお母さん
  • Japan Tony no Okāsan
  • Japan Tony's Mother
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tony
  • Japan トニー
  • Japan Tony
  • Japan Tony
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tony's Father
  • Japan トニーの父親
  • Japan Tony no Chichioya
  • Japan Tony's Father
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Growlithe
  • Japan ガーディ
  • Japan Gardie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidove
  • Japan マメパト
  • Japan Mamepato
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Roggenrola
  • Japan ダンゴロ
  • Japan Dangoro
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ducklett
  • Japan コアルヒー
  • Japan Koaruhie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Foongus
  • Japan タマゲタケ
  • Japan Tamagetake
No notes available for this episode.

Special First-Airing Segment Data Broadcast

Data Broadcast Capture Pokémon: Tamagetake (タマゲタケ)

Who's that Pokémon Adventures in Unova and Beyond


Who's that Pokémon Best Wishes Dare da

Dare da?
Type (タイプ): Grass/Poison
Name (なまえ): Tamagetake (タマゲタケ)
Weaknesses (じゃくてん): Fire, Ice, Flying, Psychic


Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

A preview of the final episodes of Pocket Monsters DA and the new XY series was shown.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Elphoon (エルフーン)
Japanese かぜになれ どこでもいたずら エルフーン
Romaji Kaze ni nare doko de mo itazura Erufuun
Translated It becomes one with the wind and plays pranks wherever it goes, Elphoon

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M13 ポケモンセンター
Japanese (TL): Pokémon Center
The group is together with Pansy in a Pokémon Center of another island.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:08
Title: Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - Victini's Prank
Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - Pansy says she's going to work on an article about Gogoat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:30
Title: 夏めく坂道
Japanese (Romanized): Natsumeku sakamichi
Japanese (TL): Summery Slope
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:58
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:10
Title: ビクティニ現る
Japanese (Romanized): Victini arawaru
Japanese (TL): Victini Appears
Movie 14 Reshiram BGM - Satoshi (and others) finds Pansy's Gogoat outside of the Pokémon Center and tells it to wait while Pansy writes an article.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:43
Title: Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - サトシの約束
Japanese (Romanized): Satoshi no yakusoku
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's Promise
Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - The Gogoat allows the boy to ride itself.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:22
Title: わんぱくゾロア
Japanese (Romanized): Wanpaku Zorua
Japanese (TL): Mischievous Zorua
Movie 13 BGM - The group notices that Gogoat is missing.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:04
Title: 未来を知る男
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai wo shiru otoko
Japanese (TL): Man who Knows the Future
Movie 13 BGM - Pansy tells Junsa about her Gogoat to help the investigation.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:46
Title: ムヒヒヒッ!
Japanese (Romanized): Muhihihi!
Japanese (TL): Muhihihi!
Movie 13 BGM - The group and Pansy enter the mountain and then split up to find the observatory.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:55
Title: お手柄ギザみみピチュー
Japanese (Romanized): O-tegara giza mimi Pichū
Japanese (TL): The Jagged-eared Pichu's Great Achievement
Movie 12 BGM - Pansy talks about her relationship with Gogoat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:54
Title: 大地の民
Japanese (Romanized): Daichi no tami
Japanese (TL): The People of the Earth
Movie 14 Reshiram BGM - Pansy remembers meeting Gogoat for the first time.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:34
Title: 遠吠え
Japanese (Romanized): Tōboe
Japanese (TL): Howling
Movie 13 BGM - Pansy says that Gogoat has been a great friend of her since then (the music begins 34 seconds through). The music overlaps the Eyecatch Break.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:42
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:52
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:20
Title: Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - Reaching the Settlement
Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - Gogoat uses Synthesis with the solar light available from the sky.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:16
Title: 大地の剣の城
Japanese (Romanized): Daichi no tsurugi no shiro
Japanese (TL): The Castle 'The Sword of the Earth'
Movie 14 Reshiram BGM - Satoshi tries to convince Tony not to go on alone with Gogoat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:25
Title: Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - The Barrier's Limits
Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - A school of Tamagetake blocks the way to Satoshi, Pansy, Tony and Gogoat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:57
Title: 剣の城浮上!(レシラムVer)
Japanese (Romanized): Tsurugi no shiro fujō! (Reshiram Version)
Japanese (TL): The Sword Castle Rises! (Reshiram Version)
Movie 14 Reshiram BGM - Pansy notices a group of ledges in the rocks to the left side and uses Gogoat to take all of them through that path.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:50
Title: 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Future
Movie 12 BGM - Tony runs to hug his father.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:16
Title: 波打ち際
Japanese (Romanized): Namiuchigiwa
Japanese (TL): Where the Waves Hit the Shore
Movie 14 Zekrom BGM - Tony notices a Wargle constellation on the sky.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:59
Title: 手をつなごう
Japanese (Romanized): Te wo Tsunagou
Japanese (TL): Let's Hold Hands
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:20
Title: 夏めく坂道
Japanese (Romanized): Natsumeku sakamichi
Japanese (TL): Summery Slope
A preview of the final episodes of Best Wishes is shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:54
Title: XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
A preview of the first episodes of the XY series is shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:18
Title: BW M10 Rocket Gang's Operation
Best Wishes Decolora Adventure Episode 17 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: やじるしになって!(カラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Yajirushi ni natte! (Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Becoming an Arrow! (Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:30
Title: It's Always You And Me
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:42
Title: It's Always You And Me
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 25
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 3
24 Jul 2013 02:34 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3188
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ゴーゴーゴーゴート!/Go Go Gogoat!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
13 Aug 2013 04:59 PM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
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The new Pokémon Gogoat, which accompanied Pansy from the Kalos region, goes missing!? Gogoat is able to read the feelings of those who touch its horns. Is this a clue...?

Satoshi and friends, alongside the Pokémon reporter Pansy, have visited a Pokémon Center on a new island. While Pansy is working on putting together an article, Satoshi checks out Gogoat, taking great interest in this Kalos-native Pokémon.

Just then, Tony, a boy living on the island, comes over to Gogoat. While Gogoat plays with Tony, it ends up touching him with its horn. Gogoat, which can read the thoughts of those who touch its horns, sees what Tony is thinking about, and runs off with Tony on its back. As Satoshi and its friends search for the missing Gogoat, they learn that it was apparently seen heading towards the observatory where Tony's father works.

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mamoru Miyano: Dent
Aoi Yuki: Iris
Minami Tsuda: Kibago
Chika Fujimura: Joy
Chiaki Takahashi: Junsa
Aya Endo: Pansy
Yuka Terasaki: Tony
Yoshino Takamori: Tony's Mother
Tsuguo Mogami: Tony's Father
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration
Last edited 17 Oct 2013 01:49 PM by Adamant
05 Dec 2013 07:31 AM
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Posts: 39
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Finally! An episode explaining a bit more about one of the new Pokemon. A Gogoat to be exact. A mysterious horny goatse... ehm... goat Pokemon, which can sense the strongest wish of anyone touching its horns and attempts to grant that wish afterwards.
Somehow it feels like a more useful alternative to Jirachi, as Jirachi is awake only for 0.0019 % of a millenium and sleeps during the rest. Also, it is so rare that one does not simply walk into a Jirachi on his journey. Unless one is Satoshi. Satoshi actually managed to meet not just one, but two Jirachi, therefore officially becoming the Chuck Norris of the Pokémon world. But well, stuff happens.

I would rather meet a Gogoat. It seems to be a very useful Pokemon for a traveller. Good to ride on, to carry baggage and even perform precise rock climbing. I could easily imagine going on a Geocaching trip with a Gogoat. "Easy to find cache found using Gogoat-in method. TFTC". Anyway, enough of daydreaming.
This episode utilizes Pokémon abilities in the real world quite a lot. Who would guess that Pikachu can cut down trees? But that scene where Pikachu is hanging on a Vine Whip under the falling tree and after the fall it is suddenly standing on the tree trunk on the other side of the canyon, actually somehow implies that Pikachu has learned Teleport.

The plot of the episode actually is that a little boy named Tony (who turns out to be a spoiled brat) unintentionally shares his wish with Gogoat and then Gogoat tries to help him get to an observatory on a mountain, to be able to celebrate Tony's father's birthday. Part of the episode is spent by searching for Gogoat and Tony. Then, after Tony says that he hates his mother (for which he would deserve a very painful korvapuusti), Satoshi and Pansy reward him by offering to accompany him to the observatory. Is this how you raise your children, Japan? o.O
After that, they just overcome a few obstacles and they arrive at their destination.
So, nothing much really happens in this episode at all. But on the other hand it is actually a positive thing, because there was absolutely no sign of Rocket Gang :) Though this is approximately the second rocket-less episode of Decolora. Not that good score overally, but still I am happy for each episode like this.

My rating:
This was more or less an informative episode rather than an episode with a real plot. The story elements (some poisonous Pokémon blocking the way, decayed bridge over a river canyon) are somehow too over-repeated already. But still I liked this episode quite a lot and Gogoat somehow became one of my favourite Pokemon. No Rocket Gang => big plus.
I give 8 to this episode and one slap in the face to Tony.
You would totally like to be a tree.