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Pokémon Die TV-Serie: Schwarz und Weiß - Staffel 16

  • Pokémon the Series: Black and White - Season 16
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Audio Tracks:   English German
Publisher:  Polyband/WVG
Catalog #:  
Release Date:  2024-10-25
Aspect Ratio:  16:9
Region Code:  
Video Format:  PAL
Storage Medium:  DVD9
Closed Captions?:  No
Rental Only?:  No
Price:  €42.85


Ash stellt sich den Herausforderungen der Einall-Region! Er trifft dort auf altbekannte Rivalen und neue Gegner und schafft es sogar bis ins Viertelfinale der Einall-Liga! In der Zwischenzeit ist Lilia auf dem besten Weg, endlich Drachen-Meisterin zu werden, denn sie erhält die Unterstützung von Experten auf diesem Gebiet, unter anderem von der Dorfältesten aus dem Dorf der Drachen.




Episode List
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  •   The World's Most Elegant Pokémon!? Chillaccino VS Tsutarja!
  •   世界一華麗なポケモン!?チラチーノVSツタージャ!
  •   Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!
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  •   A Sky and Land Tag Battle!
  •   大空と大地のタッグバトル!
  •   A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!
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  •   Iris Returns to the Dragon Village!
  •   アイリス、竜の里へ帰る!
  •   A Village Homecoming!
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  •   Soryu Gym! Iris VS Shaga!!
  •   ソウリュウジム!アイリスVSシャガ!!
  •   Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!
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  •   Team Eievui, Mobilize! The Pokémon Rescue Squad!!
  •   チーム・イーブイ出動せよ!ポケモンレスキュー隊!!
  •   Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!
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  •   The Isshu League Higaki Tournament Begins! Satoshi VS Shootie!!
  •   開幕 イッシュリーグ・ヒガキ大会!サトシ対シューティー!!
  •   Curtain Up, Unova League!
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  •   Fierce Fighting! Win Your Way Through the Rival Battles!!
  •   熱闘! ライバルバトルを勝ちぬけ!!
  •   Mission: Defeat Your Rival!
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  •   Kibago Gets Lost!
  •   キバゴ迷子になる!
  •   Lost at the League!
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  •   Enter Dageki! Satoshi VS Kenyan!!
  •   ダゲキ登場!サトシ対ケニヤン!!
  •   Strong Strategy Steals the Show!
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  •   Satoshi VS Kotetsu! The Secret Weapon: Sazandora!!
  •   サトシ対コテツ!秘密兵器サザンドラ!!
  •   Cameron’s Secret Weapon!
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  •   The Isshu League Ends! Pikachu VS Lucario!!
  •   決着イッシュリーグ!ピカチュウ対ルカリオ!!
  •   A Unova League Evolution!
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  •   The Araragi Laboratories! Setting Off on a New Journey!!
  •   アララギ研究所!新たなる旅立ち!!
  •   New Places...Familiar Faces!
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  •   A 'Friend'... His Name is N!
  •   トモダチ...その名はN!
  •   The Name's N!
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  •   Cheren, the New Gym Leader!
  •   新ジムリーダー・チェレン!
  •   There’s a New Gym Leader in Town!
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  •   Achroma VS Handsome! The Plasma Gang's Plot!!
  •   アクロマVSハンサム!プラズマ団の陰謀!!
  •   Team Plasma’s Pokémon Power Plot!
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  •   Sangi Ranch in Mist! Denryu's Light!!
  •   霧のサンギ牧場!デンリュウのあかり!!
  •   The Light of Floccesy Ranch!
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  •   N Returns! Operation: Rescue Warrgle!!
  •   N再び!ウォーグル救出作戦!!
  •   Saving Braviary!
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  •   Hurry! The Pokémon Gulf Coast Relief Corps!!
  •   急げ!ポケモン湾岸救助隊!!
  •   The Pokémon Harbor Patrol!
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  •   Get Fired Up, Lizardon! VS Kairyu!!
  •   燃えよリザードン!VSカイリュー!!
  •   The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!
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  •   The Plasma Gang's Ambitions! The Manipulated Pokémon!!
  •   プラズマ団の野望!操られたポケモンたち!!
  •   Team Plasma’s Pokémon Manipulation!
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  •   N's Secret... Beyond the Mist!
  •   Nの秘密…霧の彼方に!
  •   Secrets From Out of the Fog!
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  •   The Rocket Gang VS the Plasma Gang! Nyarth and Achroma!!
  •   ロケット団VSプラズマ団!ニャースとアクロマ!!
  •   Meowth, Colress, and Team Rivalry!
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  •   The White Ruins! Satoshi VS N!!
  •   白の遺跡!サトシ対N!!
  •   Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals!
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  •   The Plasma Gang Strikes! The Resurrection Ritual!!
  •   プラスマ団襲撃!復活の儀式!!
  •   Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!
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  •   Reshiram VS N! Beyond Ideals and Truth!!
  •   レシラム対N!理想と真実の彼方へ!!
  •   What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!
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  •   Farewell, Isshu! Setting Sail Once Again!!
  •   さらばイッシュ!新たなる船出!!
  •   Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!
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  •   Sweet Honeymitsu is Filled with Danger!
  •   甘いハニーミツには危険がいっぱい!
  •   Danger, Sweet as Honey!
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  •   Dent the Sommelier Detective! A Locked Room Mystery on the Open Sea!!
  •   ソムリエ探偵デント!大海原の密室!!
  •   Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!
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  •   Farewell, Mijumaru!? The Path to Becoming Scallsword King
  •   さらばミジュマル!? ホタチキングへの道
  •   Crowning the Scalchop King!
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  •   The Island of Illusions! Zoroark in Mist!!
  •   幻影の島! 霧の中のゾロアーク!!
  •   The Island of Illusions!
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  •   Rotom VS Professor Okido!
  •   ロトムVSオーキド博士!
  •   To Catch a Rotom!
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  •   The Pirate King of the Decolora Archipelago!
  •   デコロラ諸島の海賊王!
  •   The Pirates of Decolore!
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  •   Satoshi and Butterfree! Till the Day we Meet Again!!
  •   サトシとバタフリー!また会う日まで!!
  •   Butterfree and Me!
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  •   Satoshi and Iris Break It Off!? Highway to Separation!!
  •   サトシとアイリスが絶交!?別れの1本道!!
  •   The Path That Leads to Goodbye!
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  •   Wish Upon Jirachi! The Seven Days Miracle!!
  •   ジラーチに願いを! 七日間の奇跡!!
  •   Searching For a Wish!
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  •   A Shining Saucer! City of the Ohbem!!
  •   光る円盤!オーベムたちの街!!
  •   Capacia Island UFO!
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  •   Enter Pansy! Erikiteru and Gogoat!!
  •   パンジー登場! エリキテルとゴーゴート!!
  •   The Journalist from Another Region!
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  •   The Mystery of the Treasure! Adventure on an Uninhabited Island!!
  •   お宝の謎! 無人島アドベンチャー!!
  •   Mystery on a Deserted Island!
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  •   Ibuki and Iris! The Alternate-colored Crimgan!!
  •   イブキとアイリス!色ちがいクリムガン!!
  •   A Pokémon of a Different Color!
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  •   Enter Onvern! The Legend of the Comet and the Hero!!
  •   オンバーン登場! 彗星と勇者の伝説!!
  •   Celebrating the Hero’s Comet!
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  •   Go Go Gogoat!
  •   ゴーゴーゴーゴート!
  •   Go, Go, Gogoat!
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  •   Emonga Joins the Rocket Gang!
  •   エモンガ、ロケット団に入る!
  •   Team Rocket’s Shocking Recruit!
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  •   Dent VS the Ice Challenger! Crisis at the Sanyo Gym!!
  •   デントVS氷の挑戦者! サンヨウジムの危機!!
  •   Survival of the Striaton Gym!
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  •   Best Wishes! Till the Day we Meet Again!!
  •   ベストウイッシュ!また会う日まで!!
  •   Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!
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  •   My Dream: Pokémon Master!!
  •   オレの夢、ポケモンマスター!!
  •   The Dream Continues!