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ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ シーズン2 デコロラアドベンチャー!

  • Japanese (TL): Pocket Monsters Best Wishes Season 2 Decolora Adventure!
Aired from: 2013-04-25 until 2013-09-26
Popular Characters
Ash Ketchum/サトシ/Satoshi
Ash's Pikachu/サトシのピカチュウ/Satoshi's Pikachu
Iris' Axew/アイリスのキバゴ/Iris' Kibago
Ash's Oshawott/サトシのミジュマル/Satoshi's Mijumaru
Ash's Unova Pokédex/サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑/Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan
Episode List
BWS2DA 1: さらばイッシュ!新たなる船出!!
  • Farewell, Isshu! Setting Sail Once Again!!
  • Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!
BWS2DA 3: ソムリエ探偵デント!大海原の密室!!
  • Dent the Sommelier Detective! A Locked Room Mystery on the Open Sea!!
  • Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!
BWS2DA 4: さらばミジュマル!? ホタチキングへの道
  • Farewell, Mijumaru!? The Path to Becoming Scallsword King
  • Crowning the Scalchop King!
BWS2DA 5: 幻影の島! 霧の中のゾロアーク!!
  • The Island of Illusions! Zoroark in Mist!!
  • The Island of Illusions!
BWS2DA 7: デコロラ諸島の海賊王!
  • The Pirate King of the Decolora Archipelago!
  • The Pirates of Decolore!
BWS2DA 9: サトシとアイリスが絶交!?別れの1本道!!
  • Satoshi and Iris Break It Off!? Highway to Separation!!
  • The Path That Leads to Goodbye!
BWS2DA 13: お宝の謎! 無人島アドベンチャー!!
  • The Mystery of the Treasure! Adventure on an Uninhabited Island!!
  • Mystery on a Deserted Island!
BWS2DA 14: イブキとアイリス!色ちがいクリムガン!!
  • Ibuki and Iris! The Alternate-colored Crimgan!!
  • A Pokémon of a Different Color!
BWS2DA 15: オンバーン登場! 彗星と勇者の伝説!!
  • Enter Onvern! The Legend of the Comet and the Hero!!
  • Celebrating the Hero’s Comet!
BWS2DA 17: エモンガ、ロケット団に入る!
  • Emonga Joins the Rocket Gang!
  • Team Rocket’s Shocking Recruit!
BWS2DA 18: デントVS氷の挑戦者! サンヨウジムの危機!!
  • Dent VS the Ice Challenger! Crisis at the Sanyo Gym!!
  • Survival of the Striaton Gym!
BWS2DA 19: ベストウイッシュ!また会う日まで!!
  • Best Wishes! Till the Day we Meet Again!!
  • Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!