Home / Episode Guide / The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!快傑ア☆ギルダー VS フリージ男!Swift Hero A-Gilder VS Mr. Freege!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!
  • Japan 快傑ア☆ギルダー VS フリージ男!
  • Japan Kaiketsu A-Gilder VS Freege-otoko!
  • Japan Swift Hero A-Gilder VS Mr. Freege!
  • Germany Der Mächtige Hydragilio - Helfer in der Not!
  • France Limagarde le Puissant à la rescousse !
  • Spain ¡El Poderoso Accelguardián al rescate!
  • Sweden Den Mäktiga Accel-vakten till räddning!
  • Italy Accelguardiano, alla riscossa!
  • Mexico ¡El poderoso Accelguardián al rescate!
  • Finland Mahtava Accelvahti rientää apuun!
  • Taiwan 敏捷☆戰士對幾何雪男!
  • Netherlands De machtige Accelwachter schiet te hulp!
  • Brazil O Poderoso Accelguardião em Ação!
  • Norway Den mektige Accel-vakten til unnsetning!
  • Denmark Den Mægtige Accel-vogter redder dagen!
  • South Korea 쾌걸어지☆리더 VS 프리지옹!
  • Portugal O Grande Accelguarda Entra em Ação!
  • Russia Могучий Аксель-страж спешит на помощь!


OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
ポケモン言えるかな?BW (バージョン2)
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW (Version 2)
하나지방 포켓몬 외워보자~!
Let's Memorize the Pokémon of the Unova Region~!
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Satoshi's Pikachu
Japan 宮野真守 (Mamoru Miyano) Dent
Japan 悠木碧 (Aoi Yūki) Iris
Japan 津田美波 (Minami Tsuda) Iris' Kibago
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Musashi
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Kojiro
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Nyarth
Japan 水田わさび (Wasabi Mizuta) Satoshi's Pokabu
Japan 福圓美里 (Misato Fukuen) Satoshi's Mijumaru
Japan 西村ちなみ (Chinami Nishimura) Koaruhie
Japan 古島清孝 (Kiyotaka Furushima) Linda's Dokkorer
Japan たかはし智秋 (Chiaki Takahashi) Junsa (Isshu Region)
Japan ふくまつ進紗 (Shinya Fukumatsu) Professor Tsurara (Freege Man)
Japan 渡辺明乃 (Akeno Watanabe) Linda
Japan 最上嗣生 (Tsuguo Mogami) Yacon
Japan 細谷佳正 (Yoshimasa Hosoya) Charles (Hero A☆Gilder)
Japan 金谷ヒデユキ (Hideyuki Kanaya) Vanipeti Gang Henchmen 戦闘員A
Japan 田尻浩章 (Hiroaki Tajiri) Vanipeti Gang Henchmen 戦闘員B
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan Uncredited
Japan 西村ちなみ (Chinami Nishimura) Vanipeti Gang Henchmen's Vanipeti Uncredited
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Charles' Agilder Uncredited
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Professor Tsurara's Vanirich Uncredited

Recording Studio
アオイスタジオ (Aoi Studio)
Audio Studio Logo


United States Tom Wayland Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Eileen Stevens Iris
United States Eileen Stevens Female Seller
United States Jason Griffith Cilan
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States James Carter Cathcart James
United States James Carter Cathcart Meowth
United States Dan Green Charles (The Mighty Accelguard)
United States Dan Green Charles' Accelgor
United States Emily Bauer Jenness Officer Jenny (Unova)
United States Emily Bauer Jenness Team Vanillite's Vanillite
United States Emily Bauer Jenness Doctor Ferrara / Cryogonal Man's Vanillish
United States Michele Knotz Jessie
United States Lisa Ortiz Ash's Oshawott
United States Joe Rodriguez Doctor Ferrara / Cryogonal Man
United States Bill Rogers Team Vanillite Henchmen (B)
United States Bill Rogers Linda's Timburr
United States Kayzie Rogers Iris' Axew
United States Sean Schemmel Clay
United States Erica Schroeder Ducklett
United States Rebecca Soler Linda
United States Marc Thompson Milkman
United States Marc Thompson Male Seller B
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Tepig
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Unova Pokédex
United States Tom Wayland Male Seller A
United States Tom Wayland Ducklett Thief
United States Tom Wayland Team Vanillite Henchmen (A)

Recording Studio
DuArt Media Services
Audio Studio Logo
Episode Director
Animation Director
Animation Production
Recording Studio

English Official Summary

Ash has finally arrived in Driftveil City for his next Gym battle. However, when they meet Gym Leader Clay, he informs our heroes that he’s too busy at the moment, so Ash and friends decide to hang out until he’s ready. They meet a friendly motorcycle rider named Charles, who offers to show our heroes around town, starting with the famous Driftveil Market. Everyone there knows Charles and his Accelgor, and our heroes are treated to lots of delicious food! When a thief targets one of the market’s shopkeepers, Ash tries to stop him, but is interrupted by the sudden arrival of a masked hero: The Mighty Accelguard! What Ash and the others don’t know—yet—is that The Mighty Accelguard is actually their new friend Charles in disguise. Charles and his Accelgor try to go after the thief, but when his motorcycle runs out of gas, it’s up to his friend Linda and her powerful Timburr to catch the crook! Linda knows all about Charles’s secret identity, and isn’t too impressed—but Ash thinks The Mighty Accelguard is the coolest, and really wants a chance to meet his awesome Accelgor in person. Charles hints to Ash that he might want to stop by the warehouse district that evening... It seems there’s been a rash of break-ins around the warehouse district recently, and Charles and Linda have both noticed a suspicious truck in the area. Linda goes to investigate and is confronted by the nefarious Team Vanillite, whose plan is to steal all the frozen food from the cold storage warehouses and give it to hungry wild Pokémon, thus gaining their loyalty and using their power to take over the whole Unova region! It looks like Linda is in a bad spot—but once again it’s The Mighty Accelguard to the rescue, this time with our heroes helping out! Together, they manage to defeat Team Vanillite and drive them away, securing The Mighty Accelguard’s title as the hero of Driftveil City!

French Official Summary

En arrivant à Port Yoneuve où Sacha doit livrer son prochain combat d''Arène, nos héros rencontrent Bardane, le Champion. Mais Bardane explique à nos héros qu''il est trop occupé en ce moment pour livrer un combat d''Arène. Sacha explique alors à Bardane qu''il va l’attendre au Centre Pokémon, et que c''est là qu''il pourra le contacter lorsqu''il aura le temps de l''affronter. Ensuite, les trois amis rencontrent un aimable motocycliste, du nom de Raphaël, accompagné de son Limaspeed. Raphaël propose à nos héros de leur montrer la ville et de les emmener au Marché de Port Yoneuve. Tout le monde y connaît Raphaël, et nos héros se voient offrir toutes sortes de spécialités délicieuses. Soudain, un vol a lieu au marché, et nous découvrons que Raphaël est en fait un héros masqué local qui se fait appeler Limagarde le puissant. Limagarde et son Limaspeed sont impressionnants, mais nos héros ne tardent pas à découvrir que leurs efforts ne sont pas toujours couronnés de succès. En effet, Linda, l''amie d''enfance de Raphaël, apparaît soudain avec son puissant Charpenti et c’est elle qui arrête le voleur. Nos héros ne connaissent pas l''identité secrète de Raphaël, mais Linda, elle, l’a devinée. Raphaël et Linda sont amis depuis toujours et elle connaît bien les faiblesses de Raphaël. Elle n''a d''ailleurs que fort peu d’estime pour les faits d''armes du héros local. Raphaël et Linda ont tous deux remarqué un étrange camion qui est entré dans la zone des entrepôts. Le véhicule est la propriété du diabolique Gang Sorbébé, qui a pour but de dérober toutes les marchandises surgelées de la région d’Unys pour les distribuer aux Pokémon sauvages afin qu''ils mettent leurs pouvoirs à leur service et que le Gang puisse prendre le contrôle de toute la région ! Linda tente de déjouer les plans du Gang Sorbébé avec son Charpenti, mais elle est capturée. Raphaël a tout de suite l''intuition que son amie d''enfance est en danger, et s''ensuit un terrible combat, auquel nos héros se font un plaisir de participer. À la fin, le Gang Sorbébé est vaincu, et Limagarde le puissant et son Limaspeed sont victorieux ! Linda, reconnaissante, a acquis un nouveau respect pour son ami d''enfance et pour son Limaspeed.

German Official Summary

Kaum sind unsere Helden zu Ahs nächstem Arenakampf in Marea City angekommen, treffen sie auch schon auf  den Arenaleiter Turner. Jedoch ist Turner im Augenblick viel zu beschäftigt und hat keine Zeit für einen Arenakampf. Kurzerhand entschließen sich unsere Helden, im Pokémon-Center zu warten und Ash bittet Turner, sich bei ihnen zu melden, sobald er Zeit für sie hat. Kurze Zeit später lernen sie einen sehr freundlichen Motorradfahrer namens Charles mit seinem Hydragil kennen. Er bietet an, unseren Gefährten die Stadt zu zeigen und führt sie auf den Markt von Marea City. Jeder dort scheint Charles zu kennen und unsere Helden werden mit den köstlichsten Speisen versorgt! Doch plötzlich findet auf dem Markt ein Raubüberfall statt und wir erfahren, dass Charles – verkleidet und mit Maske – bei den Bewohnern als Held bekannt ist. Genauer gesagt ist er ein Superheld, der sich selbst „der Mächtige Hydragilio“ nennt. Er und sein Hydragil sind auf den ersten Blick schwer beeindruckend. Aber unsere Helden stellen schnell fest, dass die beiden, was ihre Arbeit betrifft, nicht gerade sehr erfolgreich sind, denn nur mit Hilfe von Charles Freundin und ihrem starken Praktibalk können sie den Dieb aufhalten. Unsere Helden ahnen nichts von Charles geheimer Identität, Linda jedoch schon. Charles und Linda sind seit ihrer Kindheit beste Freunde, und deshalb kann sie sich denken, wer Charles wirklich ist. Trotzdem hat sie nicht gerade viel Respekt vor den Fähigkeiten ihres Freundes, wenn er als Superheld verkleidet auftritt… Plötzlich fällt Charles und Linda ein Lieferwagen auf, der auf dem Lagerhallengelände herumfährt. Dieser Lastwagen gehört den Schurken vom Team Gelatini. Die Verbrecher haben vor, alle gefrorenen Waren der Einall-Region zu stehlen, um so viele wilde Pokémon wie nur möglich zu füttern. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Einall-Region zu übernehmen! Linda versucht mit ihrem Praktibalk diesen Plan zu durchkreuzen, doch sie wird gefangen genommen. Sein Instinkt sagt Charles glücklicherweise, dass seine beste Freundin in Gefahr ist und so kommt es zu einem Kampf, in den auch unsere Helden verwickelt werden. Doch schließlich ist Team Gelatini geschlagen, und der Mächtige Hydragilio und sein Hydragil gehen siegreich aus diesem Kampf hervor! Linda ist unglaublich dankbar und entdeckt, dass sie plötzlich Respekt vor ihrem besten Freund und seinem Hydragil hat.

Italian Official Summary

Giunti a Libecciopoli per la prossima lotta in Palestra di Ash, i nostri eroi incontrano Rafan, il Capopalestra, che gli dice di essere troppo occupato per battersi. Ash, allora, gli comunica che si fermerà al Centro Pokémon e gli chiede di fargli sapere quando avrà tempo. Nel frattempo, i tre fanno la conoscenza di un simpatico motociclista di nome Charles e del suo Pokémon Accelgor. Il ragazzo si offre di mostrare loro la città e li porta al Mercato di Libecciopoli. Qui tutti conoscono Charles e i nostri eroi approfittano per assaggiare un sacco di cibi deliziosi! Poi, però, una bancarella subisce un furto e si scopre che Charles è, in realtà, un “eroe locale” (quasi un supereroe, a dire il vero) che si fa chiamare “Il potente Accelguardiano”. Lui e il suo Accelgor sono molto forti, ma, come scopriranno presto i nostri eroi, non riescono mai a portare a termine le imprese iniziate. In questo caso, è Linda, un’amica di Charles, a fermare il ladro con il suo potente Timburr. I nostri eroi non sanno ancora dell’identità segreta di Charles, ma Linda, sua amica di infanzia, sì. Tuttavia, nutre molti dubbi sulle sue capacità di “eroe locale”... Charles e Linda sono entrambi a conoscenza di uno strano camion che si aggira per la zona del porto  e che è di proprietà del Team Vanillite, il quale intende rubare tutti i surgelati della regione di Unima per darli da mangiare ai Pokémon selvatici così da sfruttarli per conquistare la regione! Linda cerca di sventare il loro piano insieme al suo Timburr, ma viene catturata. Charles percepisce istintivamente che la sua amica è in pericolo e corre a salvarla, dando vita a uno scontro in cui anche i nostri eroi fanno il possibile per dare una mano. Alla fine, il Team Vanillite viene sconfitto e il Potente Accelguardiano e il suo Accelgor trionfano! La gratitudine porta Linda a rispettare di più il suo amico di infanzia e il suo Accelgor.

Portuguese Official Summary

Chegando à Cidade Driftveil para o Desafio de Batalha do Ginásio de Driftveil de Ash, eles conhecem Clay, o Líder do Ginásio. Porém, Clay informa a nossos heróis que ele está muito ocupado para uma Batalha de Ginásio no momento, então Ash diz a Clay que eles estarão no Centro Pokémon, e para ele procurar por Ash quando estiver disponível. Enquanto isso, eles encontram um motociclista muito simpático chamado Charles, juntamente com seu Accelgor. Ele se oferece para mostrar a cidade a nossos heróis, e os leva ao Mercado de Driftveil. Todos lá conhecem Charles e oferecem várias comidas deliciosas a nossos heróis! De repente, há um roubo no mercado, mas descobrimos que Charles (disfarçado) na verdade é um herói local mascarado (tipo um super herói) que se entitula “O Poderoso Accelguardião”. Ele e seu Accelgor são mesmo impressionantes, mas, como nossos heróis logo notam --- não há só  sucesso no trabalho deles porque de repente a amiga de Charles, Linda, aparece com seu poderoso Timburr, e são eles que na verdade pegam o ladrão. Nossos heróis ignoram a identidade secreta de Charles, mas Linda sabe. Charles e Linda são amigos de infância, e ela sabe quem é Charles na verdade. Entretanto, ela também não tem muito respeito pelas habilidades seu amigo “herói local”... Charles e Linda sabem de um caminhão estranho que entrou no armazém do distrito. Esse caminhão é da diabólica Equipe Vanillite, que está conspirando roubar todas as mercadorias congeladas da Região de Unova e alimentar tantos Pokémon selvagens quanto conseguirem encontrar na esperança de controlarem toda a região! Linda tenta impedir os planos da Equipe Vanillite com seu Timburr, mas ela é capturada.   Institivamente, Charles sabe que a amiga de infância está em perigo, e uma batalha começa, com nossos heróis em ação. No final, a Equipe Vanillite é derrotada, e O Poderoso Accelguardião e seu Accelgor saem vitoriosos! Uma Linda agradecida também descobre um respeito recém descoberto por seu amigo de infância e seu Accelgor.

Finnish Official Summary

Kun sankarimme saapuvat Driftveil Cityyn Ashin Driftveilin saliotteluhaastetta varten, he tapaavat salijohtaja Clayn. Clay kuitenkin ilmoittaa olevansa tällä hetkellä liian kiireinen saliottelua varten, joten Ash kertoo majailevansa Pokémon-keskuksessa ja pyytää Claytä kertomaan, kun tämä ehtisi otella. Sen jälkeen he kohtaavat hyvin ystävällisen motoristin nimeltä Charles sekä tämän Accelgorin. Hän tarjoutuu esittelemään sankareillemme kaupunkia ja vie heidät Driftveilin torille. Kaikki tuntevat Charlesin siellä ja sankarimme saavat maistiaisiksi monia herkkuja! Yllättäen torilla tapahtuu varkaus ja meille selviää, että valeasuinen Charles on paikallinen naamiosankari, joka kutsuaa itseään nimellä “Mahtava Accelvahti”. Hän Accelgoreineen ovat vaikuttava parivaljakko, mutta kuten pian käy ilmi, heidän suorituksessaan on parantamisen varaa. Charlesin ystävä Linda nimittäin ilmestyy paikalle ja onnistuu pysäyttämään varkaan vahvan Timburrinsa avulla. Sankarimme eivät aavista Mahtavan Accelvahdin henkilöllisyyttä, mutta Lindaa hän ei hämää. Charles ja Linda ovat olleet ystäviä lapsesta asti ja hän tietää, että Charles on Mahtava Accelvahti. Hän ei myöskään pahemmin kunnioita ystävänsä mainetta "paikallisena sankarina”. Charles ja Linda ovat molemmat kiinnostuneita oudosta kuormurista, joka on nähty varastoalueella. Auton omistaa ilkeä Vanillite-jengi, joka juonii varastavansa kaikki Unova-alueen pakasteet ja syöttävänsä niitä villeille Pokémoneille, joiden avulla he toivovat kaappaavansa hallintaansa koko alueen! Linda yrittää estää Vanillite-jengin suunnitelmat Timburrillaan, mutta jääkin vangiksi. Charles aavistaa lapsuudenystävänsä olevan pulassa ja seuraa taistelu, jonka tuoksinnassa sankarimmekin nähdään. Lopulta Vanillite-jengi kukistuu ja Mahtava Accelvahti sekä hänen Accelgorinsa ovat voitokkaita! Kiitollinen Linda alkaa tuntea uudenlaista kunnioitusta lapsuudenystäväänsä ja tämän Accelgoria kohtaan.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Al llegar a Ciudad Driftveil para el reto de la Batalla de Ash en el Gimnasio Driftveil, los chicos conocen a Clay, el Líder del Gimnasio. Sin embargo, Clay informa a nuestros héroes que en ese momento se encuentra demasiado ocupado para una Batalla de Gimnasio, así que Ash le dice a Clay que se quedarán en el Centro Pokémon en espera de que él le informe a Ash cuando esté listo. Mientras tanto, conocen a un motociclista muy amigable llamado Charles, junto con su Accelgor. Él se ofrece a mostrarles el lugar a nuestros héroes y los lleva al Mercado de Driftveil. Todos ahí conocen a Charles, ¡y nuestros héroes pueden probar muchos deliciosos platillos! De repente hay un robo en el mercado, pero descubrimos que Charles (disfrazado) es en realidad un “famoso héroe local (muy parecido a un superhéroe)” enmascarado que se hace llamar “El Poderoso Accelguardián”. Él y su Accelgor son en verdad impresionantes, pero, como nuestros héroes pudieron darse cuenta, son poco menos que exitosos en su trabajo pues repentinamente Linda, la amiga de Charles, aparece con su poderoso Timburr y ellos realmente detienen al ladrón. Nuestros héroes desconocen la identidad secreta de Charles, pero Linda la conoce. Charles y Linda han sido amigos desde la infancia y ella sabe quién es Charles realmente. Sin embargo, ella no tiene mucho respeto por las capacidades de “famoso héroe local” de su amigo… Tanto Charles como Linda saben de un extraño camión que ha entrado al distrito de bodegas. Este camión pertenece al malvado Equipo Vanillite, quien planea robar todos los alimentos congelados de Región Unova para dárselos a todos los Pokémon Salvajes que puedan encontrar, ¡y así apoderarse de toda la región! Linda intenta frustrar los planes del Equipo Vanillite con su Timburr, pero es capturada. Instintivamente, Charles sabe que su amiga de la infancia se encuentra en peligro e inicia una batalla con la participación de nuestros héroes. ¡Al final, el Equipo Vanillite es derrotado y El Poderoso Accelguardián y su Accelgor resultan victoriosos! La agradecida Linda ahora tiene un recién descubierto respeto por su amigo de la infancia y por su Accelgor.

Spanish Official Summary

Al llegar a Ciudad Fayenza para el desafío de Ash en el Gimnasio Fayenza, conocen a Yakón, el Líder del Gimnasio. Sin embargo este les dice a nuestros héroes que, de momento, está demasiado ocupado para librar un Combate de Gimnasio, así que Ash le comunica a Yakón que estará en el Centro Pokémon y que le avise cuando esté disponible. Mientras tanto, conocen a un motero muy simpático que se llama Carlos y a su Accelgor, el cual se ofrece a enseñar a nuestros héroes la ciudad y los lleva al Mercado de Fayenza. Allí todos conocen a Carlos, y nuestros héroes son obsequiados con mucha comida deliciosa. De repente, hay un robo en el mercado, y descubrimos que Carlos, que estaba disfrazado, es en realidad un héroe local enmascarado, una especie de superhéroe que se hace llamar a sí mismo “El Poderoso Accelguardián”. Su Accelgor y él son alucinantes, pero pronto nuestros héroes se percatan de que no tienen mucho éxito en su trabajo porque, en ese momento, aparece Linda, la amiga de Carlos, con su poderoso Timburr, y son ellos quienes detienen al ladrón. Nuestros héroes no saben la identidad secreta de Carlos, pero Linda sí. Carlos y Linda han sido amigos desde la infancia, y ella sabe quién es Carlos en realidad. No obstante, no confía mucho en las habilidades de su amigo como “héroe local”. Carlos y Linda saben de un extraño camión que ha entrado en el distrito de los almacenes. Este camión es propiedad del malvado Equipo Vanillite, que trama robar todos los productos congelados de la región de Teselia y alimentar con ellos al mayor número posible de Pokémon salvajes, con la esperanza de apoderarse de toda la región. Linda intenta frustrar los planes del Equipo Vanillite con su Timburr, pero es capturada. Instintivamente, Carlos sabe que su amiga de la infancia está en peligro y tiene lugar un combate en el que participan nuestros héroes. Al final, el Equipo Vanillite es derrotado, y el Poderoso Accelguardián y su Accelgor salen victoriosos. Linda, agradecida, vuelve a tener un respeto nuevo por su amigo de la infancia y su Accelgor.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Ash has finally arrived in Driftveil City for his next Gym battle. However, when they meet Gym Leader Clay, he informs our heroes that he’s too busy at the moment, so Ash and friends decide to hang out until he’s ready. They meet a friendly motorcycle rider named Charles, who offers to show our heroes around town, starting with the famous Driftveil Market. Everyone there knows Charles and his Accelgor, and our heroes are treated to lots of delicious food! When a thief targets one of the market’s shopkeepers, Ash tries to stop him, but is interrupted by the sudden arrival of a masked hero: The Mighty Accelguard! What Ash and the others don’t know—yet—is that The Mighty Accelguard is actually their new friend Charles in disguise. Charles and his Accelgor try to go after the thief, but when his motorcycle runs out of gas, it’s up to his friend Linda and her powerful Timburr to catch the crook! Linda knows all about Charles’s secret identity, and isn’t too impressed—but Ash thinks The Mighty Accelguard is the coolest, and really wants a chance to meet his awesome Accelgor in person. Charles hints to Ash that he might want to stop by the warehouse district that evening... It seems there’s been a rash of break-ins around the warehouse district recently, and Charles and Linda have both noticed a suspicious truck in the area. Linda goes to investigate and is confronted by the nefarious Team Vanillite, whose plan is to steal all the frozen food from the cold storage warehouses and give it to hungry wild Pokémon, thus gaining their loyalty and using their power to take over the whole Unova region! It looks like Linda is in a bad spot—but once again it’s The Mighty Accelguard to the rescue, this time with our heroes helping out! Together, they manage to defeat Team Vanillite and drive them away, securing The Mighty Accelguard’s title as the hero of Driftveil City!

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои прибывают в Дрифтвейл Сити и встречают гим-лидера Клея. Но Клей говорит, что слишком занят для битвы. И тогда Эш говорит ему, что он с друзьями будет ждать его в центре покемонов. Наши герои, тем временем, встречают дружелюбного мотоциклиста по имени Чарльз и его Аксельгора. Он предлагает им показать город и отвозит их на рынок Дрифтвейл. Чарльза там все знают, и угощают наших героев разными лакомствами. Внезапно на рынке совершается ограбление, и мы узнаем, что Чарльз на самом деле еще и местный супергерой, который называется себя «Могучий Аксельстраж». Чарльз и Аксельгор очень впечатляют наших героев. Впрочем, остановить воров им так и не удается. Зато это получается у подруги Чальза, Линды, и ее Тимбура. Наши герои, тем временем, не догадываются, что Чарльз и Аксельстраж – это один и тот же человек. В отличие от Линды. Она дружит с Чарльзом с детства, и ей известен этот секрет. Но она  не в восторге от способностей Аксельстража. И Чарльз, и Линда желают найти загадочный грузовик, который стал появляться в складском районе. Оказывается, что он принадлежит команде Ванилайт. Они планируют похитить все замороженные продукты в регионе Юнова и скормить их диким покемонам. Таким образом они хотят захватить весь регион! Линда пытается их остановить, но ее и Тимбура берут в плен. Чарльз решает спасти подругу своего детства. Начинается битва, в которой участвуют и наши герои. В итоге команда Ванилайт оказывается поверженной «могучим Аксельстражем»! А благодарная Линда, наконец, проникается уважением к другу своего детства и его Аксельгору.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden komen aan in Driftveil City voor de Driftveil Gym Gevecht uitdaging van Ash, waar ze Clay, de Gym Leader, ontmoeten. Clay zegt echter, dat hij het te druk heeft voor een Gym Gevecht, dus legt Ash aan hem uit dat ze in het Pokémon Center zullen verblijven, en vraagt hem om contact met hen op te nemen als hij beschikbaar is. Ondertussen ontmoeten ze een vriendelijke motorrijder genaamd Charles en zijn Accelgor. Hij biedt aan om onze helden de stad te laten zien en neemt ze mee naar de Driftveil Markt. Daar kent iedereen Charles en onze helden worden getrakteerd op veel lekkere hapjes. Plotseling wordt er iets gestolen op de markt, en ontdekken we dat Charles (in vermomming) eigenlijk een gemaskerde ‘plaatselijke held’ is, met de naam ‘De Machtige Accelwachter’. Hij en zijn Accelgor zijn inderdaad indrukwekkend, maar, zoals onze helden al snel ontdekken, ze zijn iets minder succesvol in hun werk, want plotseling verschijnt Linda, een vriendin van Charles, met haar sterke Timburr en zij houden uiteindelijk de dief tegen. Onze helden weten nog niets van de geheime identiteit van Charles, maar Linda weet dat wel. Charles en Linda zijn vrienden vanaf hun kindertijd en zij weet wie Charles werkelijk is. Zij heeft echter ook niet veel respect voor de capaciteiten van de ‘plaatselijke held’ van haar vriend. Charles en Linda krijgen beide een vreemde vrachtwagen in de gaten, die het pakhuis district is binnengegaan. Deze truck is van het kwaadaardige Team Vanillite, dat van plan is om alle diepvries goederen uit de Unova regio te stelen en te voeren aan zoveel mogelijk Wilde Pokémon die ze kunnen vinden, in de hoop daarmee de hele regio in hun macht te krijgen. Linda probeert de plannen van Team Vanillite te verijdelen met har Timburr, maar ze wordt gevangen. Instinctief weet Charles dat zijn jeugdvriendin in gevaar is en er volgt een gevecht, waaraan onze helden meedoen. Uiteindelijk wordt Team Vanillite verslagen en de Machtige Accelwachter en zijn Accelgor zijn de winnaars! Een dankbare Linda heeft nu ook respect gekregen voor haar jeugdvriend en zijn Accelgor.

Norwegian Official Summary

Når de ankommer Driftveil City for Ash sin Driftveil Gym-kamputfordring, møter de Clay, Gym-lederen. Men Clay informerer heltene våre om at er for opptatt til å bli med på noen Gym-kamp for øyeblikket, so Ash forteller Clay at han vil oppholde seg på Pokémon-senteret, og at han skal gi Ash beskjed når han er tilgjengelig. De møter også på en vennlig motorsyklist med navnet Charles, i lag med hans Accelgor. Han tilbyr seg å vise heltene våre rundt i byen, og ta dem med på Driftveil-markedet. Alle der kjenner Charles, og heltene våre tilbudt mye deilig mat! Plutselig skjer det et tyveri på markedet, men vi oppdager at Charles (i forkledning) faktisk er en maskert “lokal helt (ganske lik en superhelt)” som kaller seg selv “Den mektige Accel-vakten”. Han og hans Accelgor er virkelig imponerende, men, som heltene vår snart skal se - - lykkes de ikke særlig i deres arbeid, for plutselig dukker Charles sin venn Linda opp med sin sterke Timburr, og de klarer faktisk å stoppe tyven. Heltene våre er ikke klar over Charles sin hemmelige identitet, men Linda er det. Charles og Linda har vært venner siden barndommen, og hun vet hvem Charles virkelig er. Men hun har heller ikke særlig respekt for hennes venns «lokal helt» evner... Charles og Linda er begge klar over at en fremmed lastebil har kommet til lagerhusområdet. Denne lastebilen eies av det onde Team Vanillite, som planlegger å stjele alle frysevarene fra Unova-regionen and gi dem til så mange Ville Pokémon som de kan finne, med håpet om å ta over hele regionen! Linda prøver å forpurre Team Vanillites planer med hennes Timburr, men hun tas til fange. Instinktivt vet Charles at hans barndomsvenn er i fare, og en kamp oppstår som følge av dette, med våre helter i aksjon. Til slutt beseires Team Vanillite, og Den mektige Accel-vakten og hans Accelgor går seirende ut! En takknemlig Linda har også fått ny respekt for hennes barndomsvenn –og hans Accelgor.

Swedish Official Summary

När de kommer till Driftveil City för Ashs Driftveil Gym-strids-utmaning, möter de Clay, Gym-ledaren! Men, Clay informerar våra hjältar om att han är för upptagen för att kunna strida just nu, så Ash berättar att han bor på Pokémon Center, och att Clay ska säga till honom när han är tillgänglig för strid. Under tiden träffar de på en trevlig motorcykel- kille som heter Charles, tillsammans med hans partner, Accelgor. Han erbjuder sig att visa dem runt i stan och tar med dem till Driftveil-marknaden. Alla där känner Charles,och våra hjältar blir bjudna på en massa god mat! Plötsligt sker det ett rån på marknaden, och vi upptäcker att Charles (förklädd) egentligen är en maskerad, lokal hjälte(likt en super-hjälte)som kallar sig själv ”Den Mäktiga Accel-vakten”. Han och hans Accelgor är riktigt imponerande, men, som våra hjältar snart märker, inte så framgångsrika i att slutföra sitt jobb, för plötsligt dyker Charles vän Linda upp med sin kraftfulla Timburr och de stoppar verkligen tjuven. Våra hjältar är ovetande om Charles hemliga identitet, men inte Linda. Charles och Linda har varit vänner sedan de var barn, och hon vet vem Charles verkligen är. Hon har därför inte så stor respekt för sin väns ”lokala hjälte-status”... Charles och Linda är båda medvetna om att en skum lastbil kör omkring i förvarings-magasin-distriktet. Lastbilen ägs av det ondskefulla Team Vanillite, som planerar att stjäla allt fruset gods i hela Unova-regionen, och ge det till så många vilda Pokémon de kan hitta, med förhoppningar om att sedan kunna ta över hela regionen! Linda försöker stoppa Team Vanillites plan med hjälp av sin Timburr, men blir tillfångatagen! Instinktivt känner Charles på sig att hans barndomsvän är i fara och en strid äger rum, där våra hjältar också deltar! Till slut blir Team Vanillite besegrade och Den Mäktiga Accel-vakten och hans Accelgor vinner! En tacksam Linda får också lite nyvunnen respekt för sin barndomsvän, och hans Accelgor.

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte ankommer til Driftveil City og Ash vil udfordre Sal-lederen, Clay. Men Clay fortæller vore helte, at han har alt for travlt til en Sal-kamp i øjeblikket, så Ash fortæller Clay de vil være på Pokémon Centeret og vente på ham. I mellemtiden møder de en meget venlig motorcyklist ved navn Charles, sammen med sin Accelgor. Han tilbyder at vise vores helte rundt i byen, og tager dem til Driftveil Markedet. Alle dér kender Charles, og vores helte får foræret en masse lækker mad! Pludselig er der et røveri på markedet, men vi finder ud af, at Charles faktisk en maskeret "lokal superhelt”, som kalder sig "Den Mægtige Accel-vogter". Han og hans Accelgor er imponerende, men det går dem ikke alt for godt. Pludselig dukker Charles'' ven Linda op sammen med sin kraftfulde Timburr, og det ender med at det er dem, der stopper tyven. Vores helte er uvidende om Charles'' hemmelige identitet, men det er Linda ikke. Charles og Linda er gamle barndomsvenner, og hun ved hvem Charles virkelig er. Charles og Linda er begge opmærksomme på en mærkelig lastbil, der er kommet ind på varehusdistriktet. Denne lastbil er ejet af den onde Team Vanillite, der planlægger at stjæle alle de frosne varer fra Unova regionen og fodre dem til så mange vilde Pokémon, som de kan finde, med håb om at overtage hele regionen! Linda forsøger at forpurre Team Vanillites planer med hendes Timburr, men hun bliver fanget. Charles kender hendes barndomsven og kan mærke at hun er i fare, så han og vores helte kommer hende til undsætning. I sidste ende, bliver Team Vanillite besejret, og den Mægtige Accel-vogter og hans Accelgor sejrer! En taknemmelig Linda fået ny respekt for hendes barndomsven - og hans Accelgor.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Tepig
  • Japan サトシのポカブ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pokabu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pokabu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny (Unova)
  • Japan ジュンサー (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clay
  • Japan ヤーコン
  • Japan Yācon
  • Japan Yacon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Charles (The Mighty Accelguard)
  • Japan チャールズ (快傑ア☆ギルダー)
  • Japan Charles (kaiketsu A☆Gilder)
  • Japan Charles (Hero A☆Gilder)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Charles' Accelgor
  • Japan チャールズのアギルダー
  • Japan Charles no Agilder
  • Japan Charles' Agilder
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Linda
  • Japan リンダ
  • Japan Linda
  • Japan Linda
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Linda's Timburr
  • Japan リンダのドッコラー
  • Japan Linda no Dokkorer
  • Japan Linda's Dokkorer
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Doctor Ferrara (Cryogonal Man)
  • Japan ツララー博士 (フリージ男)
  • Japan Tsurarā-hakase (Freegeotoko)
  • Japan Professor Tsurara (Freege Man)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Vanillite Henchmen
  • Japan バニプッチ団の共犯者
  • Japan Vanipeti-dan no Kyōhansha
  • Japan Vanipeti Gang Henchmen
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Vanillite's Vanillite
  • Japan バニプッチ団の共犯者のバニプッチ
  • Japan Vanipeti-dan no Kyōhansha no Vanipeti
  • Japan Vanipeti Gang Henchmen's Vanipeti
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Doctor Ferrara (Cryogonal Man)'s Vanillish
  • Japan ツララー博士のバニリッチ
  • Japan Tsurarā-hakase no Vanirich
  • Japan Professor Tsurara's Vanirich
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Patrat
  • Japan ミネズミ
  • Japan Minezumi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Lillipup
  • Japan ヨーテリー
  • Japan Yorterrie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Blitzle
  • Japan シママ
  • Japan Shimama
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandile
  • Japan メグロコ
  • Japan Meguroco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ducklett
  • Japan コアルヒー
  • Japan Koaruhie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Foongus
  • Japan タマゲタケ
  • Japan Tamagetake

Paint Edit

Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
imgimgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimg HODOMOE SHOP


Culture Reference

Swift Hero A-Gilder (快傑ア☆ギルダー) gets his name and costume from Swift Hero Zubat (快傑ズバット).

Culture Reference

Likewise, Swift Hero A-Gilder's introductory speech is based off the introductory speeches of both Swift Hero Zubat and Kamen Rider Stronger

Stronger: 天が呼ぶ地が呼ぶ人が呼ぶ!悪を倒せと俺を呼ぶ!俺は正義の戦士、仮面ライダーストロンガー!
Stronger (trans): Called by the skies, called by the Earth, called by the people! I was called to defeat evil! I am the warrior of justice, Kamen Rider Stronger!

Zubat: ズバッと参上、ズバッと解決。人呼んでさすらいのヒーロー!快傑ズバット!!
Zubat (trans): Arrives in a flash, resolves the case in a flash. People call me the wandering hero, Swift Hero Zubat!

A-Gilder: 天が呼ぶ! 人が呼ぶ!ポケモンが呼ぶ!お前を倒せと 俺を呼ぶ! 俺は人呼んで ホドモエのヒーロー!快傑! ア・ギルダー!
A-Gilder (trans): Called by the skies! Called by the people! Called by the Pokémon! I was called to defeat you! People call me the hero of Hodomoe, Swift Hero A-Gilder!


Culture Reference

A-Gilder's tendency to pose high above the ground and jump off with a forward flip also sees to mimic Zubat's tendency to do the same.

Culture Reference

A-Gilder's motorcycle and bug motif, on the other hand, are directly referencing the Kamen Rider metaseries. The forward flip might also be attributed to this series.

Culture Reference

The Vanipeti Gang (バニプッチ団) seems to be modeled after Kamen Rider's evil organization "Shocker" (ショッカー). The Vanipeti Gang has a "Vani vani!" call much like Shocker's trademark "Ii!" call, too.

Culture Reference

Professor Tsurarer seems to be based on Kamen Rider villain Dr. Death (死神博士).

Culture Reference

Swift Hero A-Gilder's "Boys' A-Gilder Squad" (少年ア☆ギルダー隊) is a reference to the "Boys' Kamen Rider Squad" (少年仮面ライダー隊) from Kamen Rider V3. The badge Satoshi is given is also a clear reference to the Boys' Kamen Rider Squad badge.

Culture Reference

A-Gilder's transformation pose sees to mimic transformation poses from later Super Sentai series rather than Kamen Rider.

Culture Reference

Tsuarer's Mr. Freege form is a reference to Dr. Death's Ikadevil (イカデビル) form. Dent wonders if he is a "human Freegeo monster" (怪人フリージオ), the term used to refer to the monstrous mutants in the Kamen Rider series. Also, his Japanese name Freege-otoko (フリージ男) is probably a reference to the naming scheme used for the monsters in the first Kamen Rider series (for instance, the very first episode's monster was named 蜘蛛男 kumo-otoko, lit. "Spider Man").

Culture Reference

The A-Gilder Kick (ア☆ギルダーキック) is a clear reference to Kamen Rider's Rider Kick (ライダーキック), and also somewhat resembles Zubat's Zubat Attack (ズバットアタック).

Who's that Pokémon Rival Destinies

The first airing of this episode on Cartoon Network did not have a "Who's that Pokémon" segment.

Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Komatana (コマタナ)
Japanese なまったな コマタナやいば こまったな
Romaji namatta na Komatana yaiba komatta na
Translated Komatana's blades got blunted, what a bother

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 道に迷ったおかげで~君のそばで~
Japanese (Romanized): Michi ni mayotta okagede ~Kimi no soba de~
Japanese (TL): Thanks to Getting Lost ~By Your Side~
Movie 13 BGM - The group reaches Hodomoe City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:39
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
Yacon appears and coldly greets the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:48
Title: BW M80 To Confess
Charles appears.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:52
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:20
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:30
Title: BW M31 Dent's Theme
Charles introduces himself to the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:27
Title: BW M29 ポケモン研究所
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon Laboratories
The fruit vendor hands Iris an apple as "reward" for being with Charles.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:12
Title: BW M36 Critical Moment
A Koaruhie runs away with a basket of stolen apples.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:58
Title: BW M83 ハンサムのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Handsome
Japanese (TL): Looker
Charles uses his A-Gilder costume to go after the thieves.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:13
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
A Dokkerer blocks the car from moving.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:54
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Linda makes fun of Charles.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:06
Title: 未来を知る男
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai wo shiru otoko
Japanese (TL): Man who Knows the Future
Movie 13 BGM - Charles and Linda look with suspicion at the Vanipeti trailer.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:29
Title: BW M83 ハンサムのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Handsome
Japanese (TL): Looker
Charles shows an A-Gilder badge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:12
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Rocket Gang reaches the shrine of Tornelos.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:29
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:35
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:45
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:51
Title: 覚醒
Japanese (Romanized): Kakusei
Japanese (TL): Awakening
Movie 12 BGM - Linda examines the Vanipeti trailer's data (the music begins 5 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:36
Title: BW M80 To Confess
Charles encounters the group again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:04
Title: カゲボウズ みやぶるだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Kagebouzu Miyaburu da!
Japanese (TL): Kagebouzu, Foresight!
Movie 13 BGM - The Vanipeti Gang confronts Linda.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:25
Title: ゾロアーク 回収
Japanese (Romanized): Zoroark kaishū
Japanese (TL): Zoroark's Retrieval
Movie 13 BGM - Charles suspects that Linda is in trouble and runs towards the warehouse.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:29
Title: BW M64 エンディング~それぞれの未来へ
Japanese (TL): Ending~To Each Future
Charles enters the warehouse with the Vanipeti Gang and Linda.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:11
Title: BW M83 ハンサムのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Handsome
Japanese (TL): Looker
Charles follows the Vanipeti trailer on his motorcycle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:37
Title: BW M58A 王になった日
Japanese (TL): The Day I Became King
Dr. Tsuraraa reveals his "true form".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:55
Title: BW M78 A Threat
Satoshi scans Vanirich with his Zukan.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:11
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Linda sends out Dokkorer to help out A-Gilder.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:28
Title: BW M83 ハンサムのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Handsome
Japanese (TL): Looker
Charles orders Agilder to use Swift.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:24
Title: BW M83 ハンサムのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Handsome
Japanese (TL): Looker
Charles leaves on his motorcycle as Junsa arrives.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version (2nd Verse)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M70 チャンピオンに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over the Champion! / Okido's Segment
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Best Wishes Episode 60 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 道に迷ったおかげで~君のそばで~
Japanese (Romanized): Michi ni mayotta okagede ~Kimi no soba de~
Japanese (TL): Thanks to Getting Lost ~By Your Side~
Movie 13 BGM- The group arrive in Driftveil city.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:52
Title: Rival Destinies
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:23
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:16
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
A timburr appears blocking the car.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:14
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Team rocket are at the Tornadus monument.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:05
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
The group fight the Vanilish team.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Rival Destinies
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 32
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 7
26 Sep 2011 08:09 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 快傑ア☆ギルダー VS フリージ男 !!/Kaiketsu A-Gilder VS Freege-otoko!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
04 Dec 2011 07:56 PM
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This episode was pretty interesting even though I didn't understand any of the Kamen Rider references. It was pretty funny that Satoshi kept saying he wanted to meet the Kaiketsu Agilder and not Charles' Agilder when it was clear that Iris, Dent, and even Pikachu had figured everything out.
I was kind of disappointed that Linda wasn't a female version of the hero or even a sidekick and just dressed in normal clothes the whole time. Also, it was rather boring that she had a Dokkora instead of a Roobushin or even a Dotekkotsu. I thought a Freejio would appear so I was also rather disappointed by that. But I must admit the Agilder was really cool. I especially liked the expression on its face when Satoshi asked it if it knew anything about the Kaiketsu Agilder.
26 Dec 2011 04:37 PM
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What I found pretty funny with the Agilder is how he seemed to be saying 'Howdy?!' when he 'spoke'.

Overall, this episode was pretty fun and original. I've got sort of a soft spot for totally goofy heroes and the obligatory equally goofy villain. However, even though I understand why they made Satoshi not realise the obvious 'connection' between Charles and A-Glider, I still foudn that a tad unnecessary, as it made him stand out as rather dumb (to say the least).

I'm so looking forward to watching the next episode... and not just because it'll be a Dent-centered episode, and I'm a huge fan of Dent, but also because we'll finally see him have a battle once again. I'm quite interested to know more about his relationship with his brother(s).
26 Dec 2011 04:42 PM
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Quote From: Chance
Overall, this episode was pretty fun and original. I've got sort of a soft spot for totally goofy heroes and the obligatory equally goofy villain.

Be sure to review the edit pages for this episode as it includes a lot of references to make it a bit easier to understand where all this A-Gilder hero stuff comes from.

Link to edit page: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1315#Edits