Home / Episode Guide / Ohbem, Doublan and the Dream Thief!/オーベムとダブランと夢泥棒!/Beheeyem, Duosion and the Dream Thief
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!
  • Japan オーベムとダブランと夢泥棒!
  • Japan Ohbem to Doublan to yumedorobō!
  • Japan Ohbem, Doublan and the Dream Thief!
  • Germany Megalon, Mitodos und der Traumdieb!
  • France Neitram, Méios et le Voleur aux Rêves !
  • Spain ¡Beheeyem, Duosion y el Ladrón de Sueños!
  • Sweden Beheeyem, Duosion och Dröm-tjuven!
  • Italy Beheeyem, Duosion e il Ladro di Sogni!
  • Mexico ¡Beheeyem, Duosion y el Ladrón de Sueños!
  • Finland Beheeyem, Duosion ja univaras!
  • Taiwan 大宇怪與雙卵細胞球與夢境小偷!
  • Netherlands Beheeyem, Duosion en de Droom Dief!
  • Brazil Beheeyem, Dousion e o Ladrão de Sonhos!
  • Norway Beheeyem, Duosion og Drømmetyven!
  • Denmark Beheeyem, Duosion, og drømmetyven!
  • South Korea 벰크와 듀란과 꿈도둑!
  • Portugal Beheeyem, Duosion e o Ladrão de Sonho!
  • Russia Бихием, Дуоужн и Вор снов!


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하나지방 포켓몬 외워보자~!
Let's Memorize the Pokémon of the Unova Region~!
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
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Animation Director

English Official Summary

As Ash and friends make camp on the way to Nimbasa City, they meet an unusual Beheeyem who offers (via Meowth’s translation) to make their wishes come true! Tired of camping in the woods, Cilan wishes for a good night’s sleep in the perfect hotel—and Beheeyem leads our heroes right to it! They settle in and quickly drift off... ...only to be awakened by Officer Jenny of the Psychic Crimes Division, who tells them that they’ve been trapped in a dream! They quickly chase down the culprit: it’s Beheeyem’s Trainer, Leon, who introduces himself as “the greatest Dream Thief of all time.” Officer Jenny figures out that as long as they’re trapped in the dream, they’ll have no power against the Dream Thief. With the help of Officer Jenny’s Duosion and its psychic powers, they break out of the dream world—but it turns out that was a dream within a dream, because all of the party’s Pokémon are still asleep and dreaming. Ash, Iris, and Cilan manage to wake their Pokémon quickly, but Meowth proves to be more of a challenge. His persistent snoozing keeps them trapped in layer after layer of dreams, until Cilan finally gets the sleepy Pokémon to wake up with some super-spicy Figy Berries! Decidedly not a “morning person,” Meowth is extra cranky at this treatment, and turns that frustration on Leon and Beheeyem, driving them away with a flurry of Fury Swipes. With the nightmare finally over, our heroes bid farewell to Officer Jenny and set off toward Nimbasa City once more. But Jessie and James have beaten them there, and they’ve managed to divert one of the subway’s trains to a different route! The city’s two Subway Bosses discover this tampering, and prepare to deal with whatever happens next...

French Official Summary

Tandis que nos héros, toujours en route vers Méanville, préparent le repas du soir, Miaouss rencontre un Neitram, qui offre à Miaouss du bois pour le feu. Miaouss invite son nouvel ami à faire la connaissance de nos héros, et Neitram leur déclare qu‘il peut réaliser tous leurs souhaits ! Et, miracle, le rêve de Rachid : passer une bonne nuit dans un hôtel luxueux au milieu de la forêt, est soudain exaucé ! Mais en réalité, Neitram est le Pokémon de Léon, le «Voleur aux Rêves», dont le but est de voler les Pokémon de nos amis en les emprisonnant dans un rêve créé par Neitram. Avertie de ce qui se trame, l’Agent Jenny et son associé Méios, de la division des infractions Psy, s’introduisent dans le rêve grâce aux pouvoirs Psy de Méios. Jenny leur explique que, pour sortir du songe de Léon et Neitram, il faut d’abord que toutes les personnes impliquées réalisent qu’elles sont dans un rêve et se réveillent. Nos héros tentent alors avec succès de réveiller leurs Pokémon. Seul Miaouss ne veut rien entendre. Même plusieurs Tonnerre lancés par Pikachu restent sans effets ! Heureusement, Rachid a l’idée de placer dans la bouche de Miaouss plusieurs Baies Figuy, et leur saveur épicée a vite fait de réveiller Miaouss ! Tout le monde est réveillé et nos héros peuvent emprunter l’ « issue de secours » du rêve, Tandis que plusieurs Combo-Griffe de Miaouss acculent Léon à la fuite. Nos héros font alors leurs adieux à l’Agent Jenny, et nous découvrons que Jessie et James ont pris en secret le contrôle à distance d’un réseau de métro souterrain. Les deux officiers chargés de la surveillance du métro se demandent anxieusement comment ils vont pouvoir éviter un désastre...

German Official Summary

Als unsere Helden auf ihrem Weg nach Rayono City gerade ihr Abendessen vorbereiten, läuft Mauzi ein Megalon über den Weg, das ihm Brennholz anbietet. Daraufhin stellt Mauzi Megalon seinen Freunden vor und Megalon behauptet, ihnen jeden Wunsch erfüllen zu können! Benny wünscht sich ein schönes Hotelzimmer mitten im Wald. Nachdem dieser Wunsch wie durch ein Wunder erfüllt wird, erfahren wir, dass Megalon in Wirklichkeit das Pokémon von Leon, dem Traumdieb, ist. Heimlich hat dieser geplant, die Pokémon unserer Helden zu stehlen, indem er sie in einen von Megalons Träumen lockt und dort festhält. Zum Glück wissen Officer Rocky und ihr Partner Mitodos von der Abteilung für Psycho-Verbrechen, was hier wirklich vorgeht. Dank der Psycho-Kräfte von Mitodos gelingt es den beiden, in den Traum unserer Helden zu gelangen. Rocky erklärt ihnen, wie sie aus Leons und Megalons Traum entkommen können. Zuerst müssen sie begreifen, dass sie sich wirklich in einem Traum befinden. Anschließend müssen sie aufwachen. Unseren Helden gelingt es, all ihre Pokémon aufzuwecken, aber Mauzi ist mal wieder ein Kapitel für sich. Pikachu versucht es mit mehreren Donnerblitzen zu wecken, doch ohne Erfolg. Als Benny Mauzi jedoch einige scharfe Giefebeeren in den Mund legt, die Megalon fabriziert hat, wacht Mauzi mit einem Ruck auf! Da nun alle wach sind, finden sie den letzten Notausgang aus ihrem Traum. Mauzi setzt eine heftige und wütende Kratzfurie gegen Leon ein, der daraufhin völlig durch den Wind ist und verhaftet wird. Während sich unsere Helden von Officer Rocky verabschieden, erfahren wir, dass Jessie und James heimlich die Unterführung der Metro unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht und die Weichen mittels einer Fernbedienung verstellt haben. Daraufhin fragen sich zwei sehr besorgte Verkehrskontrolleure der Metro, wie sie eine mögliche Katastrophe abwenden können…

Italian Official Summary

Durante il viaggio verso Sciroccopoli, mentre i nostri eroi si preparano per la cena, Meowth si imbatte in un Beyeehem, che gli offre legna per il fuoco. Meowth lo porta dai compagni e glieli presenta. Beyeehem dichiara loro di poter esaudire qualsiasi desiderio. Spighetto chiede allora di poter dormire in una bella stanza di albergo in mezzo alla foresta; la richiesta viene “miracolosamente” soddisfatta, ma ben presto apprendiamo che Beyeehem, che è in realtà il Pokémon di Leon, il “Ladro di sogni”, è stato segretamente inviato da quest’ultimo per rubare i Pokémon dei ragazzi intrappolandoli dentro uno dei suoi sogni. Consapevoli Di quello che sta succedendo, L’Agente Jenny e il suo compagno Duosion, della Divisione Psicocrimini, entrano nel sogno dei nostri eroi grazie ai poteri Psico di Duosion. Jenny li informa che, per liberarsi dalla trappola, dovranno innanzitutto rendersi conto di essere in un sogno e solo in seguito potranno svegliarsi. I nostri eroi riescono a destare tutti i propri Pokémon, ma con Meowth le cose vanno diversamente. Nessuno dei numerosi Fulmini sferrati da Pikachu riesce a far uscire Meowth dal sonno. Ci vorrà l’intervento di Spighetto che, preso un buon quantitativo di Baccafico piccanti create da Beyeehem, le introduce nella bocca di Meowth, riuscendo finalmente a farlo rinvenire. Ora che tutti i componenti del gruppo sono svegli, trovano un’ultima uscita di emergenza dal sogno. saranno le potenti Sfuriate sferrate dal nervoso Meowth a scacciare definitivamente Leon. Intanto, mentre i nostri eroi salutano l’Agente Jenny, Jessie e James, attraverso un telecomando, prendono segretamente controllo di una metropolitana e due preoccupatissimi Capimetrò si chiedono come scongiurare il pericolo di un disastro…

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto nossos heróis preparam uma refeição noturna a caminho da Cidade de Nimbasa, Meowth se depara com um Beyeehem, que oferece a Meowth um pouco de lenha. Quando Meowth leva Beyeehem de volta e o apresenta ao resto do grupo, Beheeyem alega transformar o desejo deles em realidade! Mas, após o desejo de Cilan de estar em um belo quarto em um hotel no meio da floresta ser “milagrosamente” realizado, nós descobrimos que Beheeyem é realmente o Pokémon de Leon, o “Ladrão de Sonhos”, que está planejando secretamente roubar os Pokémon de nossos heróis colocando-os dentro de um dos sonhos de Beheeyem.Consciente do que realmente está acontecendo, a Oficial Jenny e seu parceiro, Duosion, aparecem da Divisão de Crimes Psíquicos, entrando no sonho de nossos heróis graças aos poderes psíquicos de Duosion. Jenny informa a eles que para poder escapar de Leon e do sonho de Beheeyem, eles devem 1º perceber que, na verdade, estão em um sonho e têm que acordar. Nossos heróis conseguem despertar todos os Pokémon, mas Meowth é outra história. Alguns Choque do Trovão de Pikachu para poder despertar Meowth são em vão, até Cilan colocar algumas Frutas Fuguím super picantes criadas por Beheeyem na boca de Meowth, despertando Meowth! Agora que todos estão acordados, eles encontram uma última “saída de emergência” do sonho deles, após um poderoso Garra Furiosa de Meowth que deixa Leon todo confuso.Enquanto isso, enquanto nossos heróis despedem-se da Oficial Jenny, nós descobrimos que Jessie e James estão comandando, secretamente, uma fuga do metrô via controle remoto, e 2 oficiais controladores de tráfego do metrô muito preocupados querem saber o que vão fazer sobre o desastre em potencial…

Finnish Official Summary

Sankariemme asettuessa nauttimaan illallista matkallaan Nimbasa Cityyn, Meowth löytää Beyeehemin, joka tarjoaa Meowthille polttopuita. Meowthin tuotua Beyeehemin muiden luokse, se väittää että se voi toteuttaa minkä tahansa toiveen! Cilanin toiveen mukavasta hotellihuoneesta keskellä metsää toteuduttua, käy ilmi, että Beyeehem on todellisuudessa Leonin, univarkaan, Pokémon. Leon juonii varastavansa sankareidemme pokémonit laittamalla heidät keskelle Beyeehemin unta. Psyykkisten rikosten osaston konstaapeli Jenny on tietoinen tapahtumien kulusta ja saapuu parinsa, Duosionin kanssa sankareidemme uneen. Jenny kertoo sankareillemme, että paetakseen unesta heidän on ensin tajuttava olevansa unessa ja sitten herättävä siitä. Sankarimme saavat herätettyä kaikki pokémoninsa, mutta Meowth ei olekaan helppo tapaus. Pikachun useat Thunderboltitkaan eivät herätä Meowthia, mutta Cilanin Beyeehemiltä saadut tuliset figy-marjat herättävät Meowthin nopeasti! Kaikkien herättyä he löytävät unen hätäuloskäynnin. Meowthin voimakkaan vihaiset Furry Swipesit pistävät puolestaan Leonin unten maille. Sillä välin, kun sankarimme hyvästelevät konstaapeli Jennyä, näemme kuinka Jessie ja James sieppaavat itselleen metrojunan, ja kuinka kaksi erittäin huolestunut metroliikenteen ohjaajaa pohtivat miten he saisivat estettyä katastrofin...

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes se preparan para su cena en el camino hacia Ciudad Nimbasa, Meowth se topa con un Beheeyem, quien le ofrece algo de leña. Cuando Meowth trae a Beheeyem de vuelta para presentarlo con el resto del grupo, ¡este dice poder concederles cualquier deseo! Pero, después del deseo de Cilan de un lindo cuarto de hotel a la mitad del bosque es “milagrosamente” concedido, nos damos cuenta de que Beheeyem es realmente el Pokémon de León, el “Ladrón de Sueños”, quien secretamente está planeando robar los Pokémon de nuestros héroes al ponerlos dentro de uno de los sueños de Beheeyem. Advertida de lo que realmente está pasando, la Oficial Jenny y su compañero Duosion aparecen de la División de Crímenes Psíquicos, habiendo entrado a los sueños de nuestros héroes gracias a los poderes psíquicos de Duosion. Jenny les informa que para poder escapar del sueño de León y Beheeyem, deben darse cuenta de que están en un sueño y entonces despertar de este. Nuestros héroes son capaces de despertar a todos sus Pokémon, pero Meowth es otra historia. Pikachu usa varios Atactrueno para despertar a Meowth, pero sin éxito, hasta que Cilan pone varias moras picantes creadas por Beheeyem en la boca de Meowth, ¡despertándolo con un sobresalto! Ahora que todo el mundo está despierto, encuentran al fin una “salida de emergencia” de su sueño. Después de ello, unas poderosas Garras Furiosas de Meowth envían muy lejos a León en un santiamén. Mientras tanto, nuestros héroes le dicen adiós a la Oficial Jenny, y descubrimos que Jessie y James están comandando secretamente un subterráneo de escape vía control remoto. Dos oficiales de control del subterráneo muy preocupados se preguntan qué pueden hacer respecto al potencial desastre…

Spanish Official Summary

Nuestros héroes están preparando la cena en un alto en el camino hacia Ciudad Mayólica, cuando Meowth se encuentra con un Beheeyem que le ofrece leña. Meowth lo lleva al campamento para presentárselo a sus compañeros y Beheeyem les dice que puede concederles el deseo que quieran. Entonces Millo pide el deseo de una buena habitación de hotel en pleno del bosque, y como por arte de magia, el deseo se hace realidad. Pero entonces nos enteramos de que Beheeyem es, en realidad, el Pokémon de Leon, el Ladrón de Sueños, que planea robar los Pokémon de nuestros héroes tras meterlos en uno de los sueños de Beheeyem. Conscientes de lo que está pasando, la Agente Mara y su compañero Duosion, del Departamento de Delitos Psíquicos, entran en el sueño de nuestros héroes gracias a los poderes psíquicos de Duosion. Mara les informa de que para poder escapar del sueño de Leon y Beheeyem, primero deben comprender que están en un sueño y luego deben despertar. Nuestros héroes consiguen despertar a todos sus Pokémon, pero Meowth se resiste. Varios Rayos de Pikachu intentan despertarlo, pero no lo consiguen, hasta que Millo pone un montón de Bayas Higog creadas por Beheeyem y muy picantes en la boca de Meowth, consiguiendo que se despierte de un sobresalto. Una vez que todos están despiertos, encuentran una última salida de emergencia del sueño y un potente y feroz Golpes Furia de Meowth deja a Leon en el suelo en estado confuso. Mientras que nuestros héroes se despiden de la Agente Mara, descubrimos que Jessie y James se están apropiando en secreto de un tren por control remoto y dos Jefes de Metro, muy preocupados, se plantean qué pueden hacer para evitar el posible desastre.

English Great Britain Official Summary

As Ash and friends make camp on the way to Nimbasa City, they meet an unusual Beheeyem who offers (via Meowth’s translation) to make their wishes come true! Tired of camping in the woods, Cilan wishes for a good night’s sleep in the perfect hotel—and Beheeyem leads our heroes right to it! They settle in and quickly drift off... ...only to be awakened by Officer Jenny of the Psychic Crimes Division, who tells them that they’ve been trapped in a dream! They quickly chase down the culprit: it’s Beheeyem’s Trainer, Leon, who introduces himself as “the greatest Dream Thief of all time.” Officer Jenny figures out that as long as they’re trapped in the dream, they’ll have no power against the Dream Thief. With the help of Officer Jenny’s Duosion and its psychic powers, they break out of the dream world—but it turns out that was a dream within a dream, because all of the party’s Pokémon are still asleep and dreaming. Ash, Iris, and Cilan manage to wake their Pokémon quickly, but Meowth proves to be more of a challenge. His persistent snoozing keeps them trapped in layer after layer of dreams, until Cilan finally gets the sleepy Pokémon to wake up with some super-spicy Figy Berries! Decidedly not a “morning person,” Meowth is extra cranky at this treatment, and turns that frustration on Leon and Beheeyem, driving them away with a flurry of Fury Swipes. With the nightmare finally over, our heroes bid farewell to Officer Jenny and set off toward Nimbasa City once more. But Jessie and James have beaten them there, and they’ve managed to divert one of the subway’s trains to a different route! The city’s two Subway Bosses discover this tampering, and prepare to deal with whatever happens next...

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Нимбаса-Сити наши герои устраиваются на ночлег. Тут Мяут встречает Бихиема, которые предлагает ему хворост. Мяут представляет Бихиема остальным и говорит, что тот может исполнить любое желание. Сайлан загадывает ночлег в уютной комнате, и тут посреди леса и правда появляется отель! Но тут мы узнаем, что Бихием принадлежит вору по имени Леон, который планирует украсть покемонов наших героев, помести их в сон Бихиема. Пока об этом знает лишь полицейская Дженни. Она с помощью Дуоужена тоже попадает в этот сон. Она рассказывает нашим героям, что для того, чтобы вырваться из сна, надо осознать, что они находятся во сне. Наши герои просыпаются. Чего нельзя сказать о Мяуте. Даже удаоры молнии Пикачу его не пробуждают. Зато фиги-ягоды Сайлана делают свое дело. Проснувшись, наши герои находят выход из сна, а Мяут разделывается с Леоном благодаря когтям ярости. Наши герои прощаются с полицейской Дженни и продолжают путь. Нам же показывают двух начальников метро Нимбаса-Сити, которые замечают, что в подземке происходят странные вещи.

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl onze helden zich klaarmaken voor de avondmaaltijd, onderweg naar Nimbasa City, komt Meowth een Beheeyem tegen, die Meowth brandhout aanbiedt. Wanneer Meowth Beyeehem meebrengt om voor te stellen aan de anderen, beweert Beheeyem dat hij elke wens die ze maar hebben in vervulling kan laten gaan. Maar, nadat Cilans wens om een mooie kamer in een hotel te krijgen, middenin het bos, op wonderbaarlijke manier is vervuld, begrijpen we dat Beheeyem in werkelijkheid de Pokémon is van Leon, de Droom Dief, die heimelijk van plan is om de Pokémon van onze helden te stelen door ze in een van Beheeyem’s dromen te stoppen. Agent Jenny is zich bewust van wat er zich werkelijk afspeelt, en samen met haar partner Duosion verschijnt zij vanuit de Afdeling Psycho Misdaden in de droom van onze helden, dankzij de Psycho krachten van Duosion. Jenny vertelt hen dat ze aan Leon en Beheeyems droom kunnen ontsnappen als ze zich realiseren dat ze echt in een droom zitten en er dan uit wakker worden. Onze helden kunnen al hun Pokémon wakker maken, maar met Meowth lukt dat niet makkelijk. Verschillende Bliksemstralen van Pikachu om Meowth wakker te maken, blijken zinloos, totdat Cilan een paar hete, door Beheeyem gemaakte, Figy Bessen in Meowths mond stopt, waardoor die wakker schiet! Nu iedereen wakker is, vinden ze een laatste nooduitgang uit hun droom, waarna een krachtige en kwade Furie Slag van Meowth Leon laat verdwijnen. Ondertussen, terwijl onze helden afscheid nemen van Agent Jenny, ontdekken we dat Jessie en James in het geheim een metro trein laten vertrekken via afstandsbediening en treffen we twee zeer bezorgde metro verkeersagenten aan die zich afvragen wat ze moeten doen om een mogelijke ramp te voorkomen.

Norwegian Official Summary

I det heltene våre forbereder seg på et kveldsmåltid på vei mot Nimbasa City, møter Meowth på en Beyeehem, som tilbyr Meowth litt ved til bålet. Når Meowth tar Beyeehem med tilbake, slik at han får hilse på resten av gjengen, hevder Beheeyem at han er i stand til å oppfylle alt de måtte ønske seg!  Men etter at Cilans ønske om et flott hotellrom midt inni skogen på mirakuløst vis blir oppfylt, finner vi ut at Beyeehem i grunnen er Pokémonen til Leon, Drømmetyven, som i all hemmelighet har lagt planer om å stjele våre helters Pokémon ved å plassere dem i en av Beyeehems drømmer. Når hun finner ut hva som foregår, dukker Offiser Jenny og hennes partner Duosion opp fra avdelingen for spiritistiske forbrytelser, og har kommet inn i våre helters drømmer takket være psykiske evner. Jenny forteller dem at de for å kunne rømme fra Leon og Beheeyems drøm, så må de først innse at de faktisk befinner seg i en drøm og våkne opp fra den. Heltene våre klarer å vekke alle deres Pokémon, men det er verre med Meowth. Flere Thunderboler fra Pikachu for å vekker Meowth er mislykket, inntil Cilan putter flere kruttsterke og Beheeyem-skapte Figybær i munnen til Meowth, noe som vekker Meowth momentant! Nå som alle har våknet, finner de en siste nødutgang i drømmen deres, hvor en kraftig og ilter Furry Swipes fra Meowth deretter sender Leon av sted i full panikk. Samtidig sm heltene våre tar farvel med offiser Jenny, oppdager vi at Jessie og James i all hemmelighet dirigerer et løpsk undergrunnstog vi fjernkontrollen, og to bekymrede trafikkontrollører lurer på hva de skal gjøre for å unngå en katastrofe.

Swedish Official Summary

Medan våra hjältar förbereder sig för sin kvällsmåltid på väg till Nimbasa City, möter Meowth en Beheeyem, som erbjuder Meowth ved att elda med. När Meowth tar Beheeyem med sig tillbaka för att presentera för resten av gänget, hävdar Beheeyem att den har förmågan att uppfylla alla önskningar de kan tänkas ha! Men efter att Cilan önskat ett fint rum på ett hotell mitt i skogen och det uppfylls ”mirakulöst”, får vi veta att Beheeyem egentligen är Leons Pokémon och han är Dröm-tjuven, som i hemlighet planerar att stjäla våra hjältars Pokémon genom att stoppa in dem i en av Beheeyems drömmar. Medveten om vad som egentligen pågår, dyker Konstapel Jenny och hennes partner Duosion upp från avdelningen för Psychic-brott genom att ta sig in i drömmen med hjälp av Duosions Psychic-krafter. Jenny berättar för dem att för att kunna fly från Leons och Beheeyems dröm måste de först inse att det bara ÄR en dröm och sedan måste de vakna upp ur den. Våra hjältar lyckas väcka alla sina Pokémon, men det går inte så bra med Meowth. Flera Thunderbolt från Pikachu är verkningslösa, tills Cilan placerar flera mycket starka Beheeyem-skapade Figy-bär i Meowths mun, vilket väcker Meowth med ett ryck! Nu när alla är vakna, hittar de till sista nödutgången från sin dröm, och efter det sveper en arg och kraftfull Furry Swipes från Meowth Leon rakt i polisens händer. Medan våra hjältar säger farväl till konstapel Jenny, upptäcker vi att Jessie och James i hemlighet styr ett förrymt tunnelbanetåg via fjärrkontroll och att två mycket bekymrade tunnelbanetrafikkontrollanter undrar vad de ska ta sig till med den hotande katastrofen...

Danish Official Summary

Da vores helte forbereder sig til at lave aftensmad på deres vej mod Nimbasa City, støder Meowth en Beyeehem, der tilbyder Meowth noget brænde. Meowth tager Beyeehem med tilbage til de andre, og den hævder, at er i stand til at give dem lige det de ønsker sig! Men efter Cilans ønske om et dejligt værelse på et hotel midt inde i ​​skoven går I opfyldelse, finder vi ud af, at, at Beyeehem er virkelig en Pokémon der tilhører Leon, "Drømmetyven", der hemmeligt planlægger at stjæle vores heltes Pokémon. Betjent Jenny og hendes partner Duosion erdog klar over hvad der foregår, og de kommer ind i vores heltes drøm takket være Duosion, der har synske kræfter. Jenny fortæller dem, at for slippe ud af Leon og Beheeyems drøm, skal de først indse, de faktisk er i en drøm og så vågne op fra den. Vores helte er i stand til at vække alle deres Pokémon, men det er en anden historie med Meowth. Flere Thunderbolts fra Pikachu bliver sendt af sted, uden det lykkes at vække Meowth. Cilan får en idé og giver Meowth et af de Beheeyem-skabte Figy-bær some r meget stærke, og så vågner Meowth med det same. Nu, hvor alle er vågne, finder de den sidste "nødudgang" fra deres drøm, angriber Meowth Leon med Fury, og sender ham på flugt. Efter vores helte har sagt farvel til Betjent Jenny, finder vi ud af, at Jessie og James i al hemmelighed har fået kontrollen over en undergrundsbane og kører rundt med deres eget tog i denne. De to Undergrundschefer er i vildrede, og ved ikke hvad de skal gøre for at standse en potential katastrofe.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny (Unova)
  • Japan ジュンサー (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny's Duosion
  • Japan ジュンサーのダブラン
  • Japan Junsa-san no Doublan
  • Japan Junsa's Doublan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Leon
  • Japan レオン
  • Japan Leon
  • Japan Leon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Leon's Beheeyem
  • Japan レオンのオーベム
  • Japan Leon no Ohbem
  • Japan Leon's Ohbem
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ingo
  • Japan ーノボリ
  • Japan Nobori
  • Japan Nobori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Emmet
  • Japan クダリ
  • Japan Kudari
  • Japan Kudari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Tympole
  • Japan オタマロ
  • Japan Otamaro
No notes available for this episode.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Dangoro (ダンゴロ)
Japanese ダンゴロが だんだんごろごろ あなのなか
Romaji Dangoro ga dandan gorogoro ana no naka
Translated Dangoro slowly rolls into a hole

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:14
Title: BW M41 Thinking of a Way Out
A Dream Thief appears.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:10
Title: 道に迷ったおかげで~君のそばで~
Japanese (Romanized): Michi ni mayotta okagede ~Kimi no soba de~
Japanese (TL): Thanks to Getting Lost ~By Your Side~
Movie 13 BGM - Nyarth returns to the camp with firewood and an Orbem.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:29
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:38
Title: 守り人シーナ
Japanese (Romanized): Mamorito Sheena
Japanese (TL): Sheena the Protector
Movie 12 BGM - Dent ponders on which berries to use (the music begins 15 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:18
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
Orbem makes Fira Berries with a "miraculous" taste.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:36
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
Dent dreams about having a comfortable bedroom to sleep in.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:00
Title: Movie 12 BGM -ロケット団隠密作戦 2009
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen 2009
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes 2009
Movie 12 BGM - The group follows Orbem.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:04
Title: BW M73 Victory Fanfare
The group enters the bedroom Dent was dreaming about.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:24
Title: BW M28A ポケモンリーグ
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon League
The Psychic-type specialist Junsa introduces herself to the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:16
Title: Movie 13 Unused BGM - 壊れていない!? B
Japanese (Romanized): Kowarete inai!? B
Japanese (TL): It's Not Broken!? B
Movie 13 Unused BGM - The group notices that their Pokémon are fake and run after Orbem.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:56
Title: 未来を知る男
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai wo shiru otoko
Japanese (TL): Man who Knows the Future
Movie 13 BGM - The group and Junsa analyze the situation.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:39
Title: やめろ コーダイ!!
Japanese (Romanized): Yamero Kodai!!
Japanese (TL): Stop it, Kodai!!
Movie 13 BGM - Satoshi points to Leon and Orbem.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:55
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:01
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:11
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:19
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Junsa orders Doublan to use Psywave.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:49
Title: BW M46 Fix the Problem
Orbem stands unscathed after Doublan's attacks.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:41
Title: アレはマァだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Are wa Ma da!
Japanese (TL): That's Ma!
Movie 13 BGM - The group and Junsa realize that they're still inside the dream.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:30
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Pikachu uses 100,000 Volts on Nyarth and wakes him up.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:34
Title: BW M75 New Problem
Leon emerges with an UFO-like mecha.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:59
Title: BW M78 A Threat
Leon appears with an Orbem-like mecha.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:49
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Dent stuffs Fira berries in Nyarth's mouth.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:45
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Satoshi orders Pikachu to use Electro Ball.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:23
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
The music resumes as Nyarth is furious at Leon and slashes him with Fury Swipes.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:41
Title: BW M22C トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Junsa escorts the arrested Leon and thanks the group for helping.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:29
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Nobori and Kudari notice that a train is suspiciously running off schedule.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Best Wishes Episode 48 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:14
Title: BW M41 Thinking of a Way Out
A dream thief appears.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:32
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:20
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
Figi berries appear thanks to Beeheeyem.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:39
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
Cilan dreams of a nice bedroom.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:09
Title: Movie 12 BGM -ロケット団隠密作戦 2009
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen 2009
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes 2009
Movie 12 BGM-The group follows Beeheeyem.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:07
Title: BW M73 Victory Fanfare
The group arrive in the bedroom Cilan was dreaming about.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:27
Title: BW M28A ポケモンリーグ
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon League
A psychic Officer Jenny appears.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:14
Title: Movie 13 Unused BGM - 壊れていない!? B
Japanese (Romanized): Kowarete inai!? B
Japanese (TL): It's Not Broken!? B
Movie 13 BGM- The group realise their pokemon are fake.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:59
Title: 未来を知る男
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai wo shiru otoko
Japanese (TL): Man who Knows the Future
Movie 13 BGM- The group analyse the situation.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:42
Title: やめろ コーダイ!!
Japanese (Romanized): Yamero Kodai!!
Japanese (TL): Stop it, Kodai!!
Movie 13 BGM- Ash spots the dream thief.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:13
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Jenny's Duosion uses Psywave.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:43
Title: BW M46 Fix the Problem
Beeheeyem stands strong.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:35
Title: アレはマァだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Are wa Ma da!
Japanese (TL): That's Ma!
Movie 13 BGM-The group realise they are still in a dream.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:24
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Pikachu uses thunderbolt on meowth to wake him up.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:28
Title: BW M75 New Problem
The dream thief appears in a UFO
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:52
Title: BW M78 A Threat
Leon appears in a Beeheeyem mecha.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:43
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Cilan uses Figi berries to help wake up meowth.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:40
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Pikachu uses electro ball.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:17
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Meowth declines the agreement and slashes Leon.(The music resumes from before)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:34
Title: BW M22C トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Leon the dream thief is arrested.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:26
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Ingo and Emmet realise there is a train that's not meant to be running on the track.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 31
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 23
01 Aug 2011 03:00 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: オーベムとダブランと夢泥棒!/Obem to Doublan to yumedorobō!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
01 Sep 2011 09:40 PM
Sunain Administrator
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This was a great episode and finally broke away from they simple episode pattern that has been plaguing the series for a number of years. They need to make more episodes like this that aren't 'in the box' like they used to in the Kanto era.

Leon was a great villain and the references to guys like the one from Time Boken were quite evident in his character and in the little motto/song he did. The similarities to the movie Inception were also very prevalent.

Last edited 01 Sep 2011 10:15 PM by Sunain
16 Sep 2011 06:44 AM
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Now that's interesting, I didn't quite think of Inception when I watched this episode, though there are indeed a few similarities.

Quote From: Sunain
This was a great episode and finally broke away from they simple episode pattern that has been plaguing the series for a number of years. They need to make more episodes like this that aren't 'in the box' like they used to in the Kanto era.

I do really agree with you on that one. Even though this episode wasn't quite my favorite, it was really nice to have something really fresh and original (as far as the 'pattern' of the episode is concerned). Things have got quite better with this series (as opposed to the original ones), though I also wish there were more episodes like this one during the 'between gym battles' story arcs, instead of fillers using the same ol' pattern.

Anyway, I did enjoy this episode, as I found it rather amusing and refreshing.
Last edited 16 Sep 2011 06:46 AM by Chance
05 Dec 2011 05:36 PM
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I enjoyed this episode for its visuals more than for anything else. I was reminded of the Ligray episode with the references to outer space and the Psychic-moves were pretty cool. It was pretty funny for me when I saw the exit sign that they were always trying to find since it looked like the ones I saw in Taiwan when I went there this summer. I wonder if they are similar in Asia.
The gag they had of waking up Meowth was also pretty funny since they always woke him up during REM sleep which is when you are the most tired.
I had trouble understanding what Leon said at the end of every statement, though. I am pretty sure it wasn't Japanese.
I liked the UFO references they made this episode, like the previous one with Elygem. It seems like Oubem and Ligray have an interesting backstory that I would like to know about.
I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Officer Junsa hadn't come along to rescue them. It certainly would have been interesting to see how Satoshi and company would get their Pokémon back. Leon certainly had a pretty smart way of stealing things and making a getaway.
Overall a very interesting episode.
Last edited 06 Dec 2011 04:29 PM by Takeshi
06 Dec 2011 10:26 AM
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Quote From: Takeshi
I had trouble understanding what Leon said at the end of every statement, though. I am pretty sure it wasn't Japanese.

I don't remember what he said precisely, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be French... sincethere's quite the abundance of French words/expressions in Black and White. I'm sure Sunain could tell you which language the words are.

Quote From: Takeshi
I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Officer Junsa hadn't come along to rescue them. It certainly would have been interesting to see how Satoshi and company would get their Pokémon back. Leon certainly had a pretty smart way of stealing things and making a getaway.

I think they would've been royally s****** up. I mean, for once, we have a Pokémon thief who not only knows what he's doing (unless certain people... like pre-BW Rocket Team), knows how to use his Pokémon abilities well to steal, and do all that without the victim realising what's happening.
And for once, Junsa-san actually does the job she's supposed to be doing, and for once, she's actually... useful. Yup, that doesn't happen that often in the Pokémon anime series, does it? ;)

I can't help but wonder what would have happened if Officer Junsa hadn't come along to rescue them. It certainly would have been interesting to see how Satoshi and company would get their Pokémon back. Leon certainly had a pretty smart way of stealing things and making a getaway.
Last edited 06 Dec 2011 10:27 AM by Chance
06 Dec 2011 12:31 PM
Adamant Administrator
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Quote From: Chance
Quote From: Takeshi
I had trouble understanding what Leon said at the end of every statement, though. I am pretty sure it wasn't Japanese.

I don't remember what he said precisely, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be French... sincethere's quite the abundance of French words/expressions in Black and White. I'm sure Sunain could tell you which language the words are.

No, it's Japanese. It was "zansu", a variant of "gozaimasu".