Home / Episode Guide / Enter Iris And Axew!/Iris and Kibago!/アイリスとキバゴ!


Starting on Wednesday, May 31st, 2023, selected episodes from the Pocket Monsters anime were available as part of the Anipoke Selection on the official Japanese Pokémon YouTube channel but were region locked. This episode was posted on Tuesday, June 27th, 2023.

In the Isshu region, Satoshi meets Iris, who aspires to become a Dragon Master, and Dent, a Pokémon sommelier!


The script cover did not have a tentative title and was the same as the broadcast version: Iris and Kibago! (アイリスとキバゴ!)

Culture Reference

A sound effect from the Original Star Trek series can be heard just as the power goes back on in the lab. It is the ambient bridge noise from the original Enterprise captained by James T. Kirk.

Script Error

Professor Okido in the Japanese original was quite specific when he wanted Satoshi to report on rare or unusual Pokémon in the Isshu region. Professor Oak in the English dub just wanted reports on the Pokémon that Ash encountered in general. Interestingly enough, the closed captions from the originally airing of the episode on Cartoon Network differ and are more accurate than what Professor Oak actually says.

Professor Oak: I'll look forward to hearing about the new Pokémon you've met. How does that sound?
Professor Oak English Closed Captions: I'll look forward to hearing about all the rare and interesting Pokémon you've met.
Professor Okido: I'm looking forward to reports on unusual or rare Pokémon.
(オーキド ユキナリ博士): 変わったポケモンや珍しいポケモンの報告楽しみにしておるぞ。

Script Error

Keeping with tradition, the Delia in the English dub asks Ash if he packed clean underwear. Hanako just asks him if he didn't forget to pack anything in the Japanese original.

Delia: Do you have clean underwear?
Hanako: You didn't forget anything, did you?
(ハナコ): 忘れ物はないでしょうね?

Script Error

Professor Oak gives different advice and encouragement to Ash than Professor Okido did with Satoshi.

Professor Oak: Ash, good luck! And have fun!
Okido: Work hard! He's gone.
(オーキド ユキナリ博士): しっかり やるんじゃぞ! 行ってしまいましたな。

Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Script Error

Tingles?! Iris in the Japanese original states that she's been paralyzed by Pikachu's Thunderbolt.

Iris English Dub: Wow-wee, that tingles!
Iris Japanese: Wah, paralyzing...!
(アイリス): あぁ しびれる~!

Script Error

The English closed captions kept the Japanese name for Nuvema Town (Kanoko Town カノコタウン) intact for some reason in the original airing on Cartoon Network. The dub name 'Striaton City' was used in the closed captions though.

Iris English Dub: Tell me, Ash, wasn't there a thunderstorm in Nuvema Town?
Iris English Dub Closed Captions: Tell me, Ash, wasn't there a thunderstorm in Kanoko Town?
Iris Japanese: Come to think of it, wasn't Kanoko Town struck by a huge bolt of lightning yesterday?
(アイリス): そういえば昨日 カノコタウンにすんごい雷が落ちたよね?

Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Script Error

The Rocket Gang/Team Rocket motto's were pretty much identical except for a few minor differences here and there.

Character English Translation Japanese
James The answer to come as we feel the need. ...the answer we give is for the sake of tomorrow. 答えてあげよう 明日のため。
Jessie Bringing the blinding white light of evil into the future! Future! The white future wears the color of evil! フューチャー 白い未来は 悪の色。
James Thrusting the hammer of justice down onto the black darkness of the universe! Universe! The black world receives the iron hammer of justice! ユニバース 黒い世界に 正義の鉄槌。
Meowth And carving our names in the rock of eternity! We write our names onto this earth! 我ら この地にその名を記す。
Jessie The fiery destroyer, Jessie! The passionate destroyer, Musashi! 情熱の破壊者 ムサシ!
James And with thunderous emotion, I am James! The pure heart of darkness, Kojiro! 暗黒の純情 コジロウ!
Meowth Wisest of wise, Meowth! The infinite intelligence, Nyarth! 無限の知性 ニャース!
Rockets Now, gather! Under the name of Team Rocket! Now, gather in the name of the Rocket Gang! さぁ集え! ロケット団の名のもとに!