Home / Episode Guide / The Treasure is All Mine!危険がいっぱい!コジロウの宝箱!!Full of Danger! Kojiro's Treasure Chest!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Treasure Is All Mine!
  • Japan 危険がいっぱい!コジロウの宝箱!!
  • Japan Kiken ga ippai! Kojirō no takarabako!!
  • Japan Full of Danger! Kojiro's Treasure Chest!!
  • Germany Der Schatz gehört mir!
  • France Un coffre très convoité !
  • Spain El tesoro es mío
  • Sweden Skatten är bara min!
  • Italy Il tesoro è tutto mio!
  • Mexico ¡El tesoro es todo mío!
  • Finland Olet aarteeni!
  • Taiwan 充滿危險!小次郎的藏寶箱!!
  • Netherlands Geef mijn schat maar aan fikkie!
  • Brazil O Tesouro é Todo Meu!
  • Israel האוצר כולו שלי
  • Czechia Ten poklad je jenom můj
  • Norway Skatten er ene og alene min!
  • Denmark Skatten er min!
  • South Korea 디아루가와 펄기아! 최후의 싸움!
  • Portugal O Tesouro é Todo Meu!
  • Russia Моё сокровище!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM / OLM Digital

Japan Screenplay 米村正二 (Shōji Yonemura)
Japan Storyboard まついひ (Hitoyuki Matsui)
Japan Episode Director 大庭秀昭 (Hideaki Ōba)
Japan Animation Director 志村泉 (Izumi Shimura)

OP/ED List

High Touch! 2009
Dotchi Nyo?
모든 게 궁금해
Curious About Everything
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

As Ash prepares for his final Sinnoh region Gym Battle with a little training, his Monferno accidentally discovers a treasure chest buried in the forest! While struggling to open it, our heroes are approached by Team Rocket-in disguise, as usual. James remembers that he was the one who buried the treasure chest long ago! James and the rest of Team Rocket attempt to retrieve the chest, but to no avail. Meanwhile, James recalls that the chest contains a letter proposing marriage to his would-be fiancée, Jessiebelle. James knows if that letter ever falls into her hands, the results would be disastrous! And our heroes, who still have possession of the chest, are wandering by one of James's vacation mansions when Sebastian, the butler, spies them. Excited at the thought that "Young Master James" must be close by, Sebastian invites our heroes in, while Jessie, disguised as Jessiebelle (along with a disguised James and Meowth), shows up to get the treasure chest back. But when Sebastian discovers James is really there, he takes it upon himself to alert the real Jessiebelle, who arrives on the scene-all set to marry James! James sadly gives in and says goodbye to Team Rocket and our heroes. But, secretly, he asks Ash to have Pikachu use Thunderbolt and blast them off, away from Jessiebelle! To James's dismay, Jessie and Jessiebelle accidentally get switched, leaving James on the run from his crazed fiancée...with Meowth running along with him! And, tired of the nuptial nightmare, our heroes once again turn toward their upcoming challenges.

French Official Summary

Lorsque nos héros découvrent un trésor enfoui dans la forêt, ils sont loin d'imaginer qu'ils vont ouvrir la boîte de Pandore !

German Official Summary

Unsere Helden entdecken eine vergrabene Schatzkiste im Wald. Noch ahnen sie nichts von dem Unheil, das sich darin verbirgt!

Italian Official Summary

Quando i nostri eroi scoprono un forziere sepolto nella foresta, non possono immaginare che aprendolo andranno incontro solo a guai!

Portuguese Official Summary

Quando nossos heróis descobrem um baú do tesouro enterrado na floresta, mal eles desconfiam do desastre que os aguarda dentro dele!

Finnish Official Summary

Kun Ash valmistautuu seuraavaan ja viimeiseen Sinnoh-alueen saliotteluunsa pienen harjoitussession avulla, Monferno löytää vahingossa metsään kätketyn aarrearkun. Sankarimme eivät kuitenkaan saa sitä avattua. Tilannetta tarkkaillut Rakettiryhmä paukkaa pian paikalle valeasuihin sonnustautuneena. James nimittäin tajuaa, että hän on itse nuorempana haudannut arkun ja tahtoo sen nyt takaisin, mutta se ei onnistu. James muistaa, että arkussa on kosintakirje hänen kihlatulleen Jessiebellelle, ja jos se joutuisi vääriin käsiin, seuraukset olisivat hirvittävät! Sankarimme, joilla arkku siis yhä on, tupsahtavat eräälle Jamesin vapaa-ajan kartanolle, mistä hovimestari Sebastian heidät äkkää. Innoissaan siitä, että “nuori herra James” on varmasti lähistöllä, Sebastian kutsuu sankarimme vieraiksi, kun taas Jessie, naamioituneena Jessiebelleksi (mukanaan myös valeasuinen James ja Meowth), saapuu varastamaan aarrearkun takaisin. Kun Sebastianille selviää, että James on todellakin paikalla, hän päättää ilmoittaa tästä oikealle Jessiebellelle, joka saapuu oitis mennäkseen naimisiin Jamesin kanssa! Ja kun James surullisena vaikuttaa jo luovuttavan ja hyvästelee Rakettiryhmän ja sankarimme, hän pyytää salaa Ashiltä, että Pikachu käyttäisi Thunderboltia ja saisi näin Rakettiryhmän häippäisemään Jessiebelleltä. Jessie ja Jessiebelle kuitenkin vahingossa sekoittuvat keskenään ja James ei voi muuta kuin pinkoa Meowth mukanaan karkuun häähullua morsiantaan. Sankarimme ovat väsyneitä, mutta odottavat innolla tulevia haasteita! Kun Ash valmistautuu seuraavaan ja viimeiseen Sinnoh-alueen saliotteluunsa pienen harjoitussession avulla, Monferno löytää vahingossa metsään kätketyn aarrearkun. Sankarimme eivät kuitenkaan saa sitä avattua. Tilannetta tarkkaillut Rakettiryhmä paukkaa pian paikalle valeasuihin sonnustautuneena. James nimittäin tajuaa, että hän on itse nuorempana haudannut arkun ja tahtoo sen nyt takaisin, mutta se ei onnistu.James muistaa, että arkussa on kosintakirje hänen kihlatulleen Jessiebellelle, ja jos se joutuisi vääriin käsiin, seuraukset olisivat hirvittävät! Sankarimme, joilla arkku siis yhä on, tupsahtavat eräälle Jamesin vapaa-ajan kartanolle, mistä hovimestari Sebastian heidät äkkää. Innoissaan siitä, että “nuori herra James” on varmasti lähistöllä, Sebastian kutsuu sankarimme vieraiksi, kun taas Jessie, naamioituneena Jessiebelleksi (mukanaan myös valeasuinen James ja Meowth), saapuu varastamaan aarrearkun takaisin. Kun Sebastianille selviää, että James on todellakin paikalla, hän päättää ilmoittaa tästä oikealle Jessiebellelle, joka saapuu oitis mennäkseen naimisiin Jamesin kanssa! Ja kun James surullisena vaikuttaa jo luovuttavan ja hyvästelee Rakettiryhmän ja sankarimme, hän pyytää salaa Ashiltä, että Pikachu käyttäisi Thunderboltia ja saisi näin Rakettiryhmän häippäisemään Jessiebelleltä. Jessie ja Jessiebelle kuitenkin vahingossa sekoittuvat keskenään ja James ei voi muuta kuin pinkoa Meowth mukanaan karkuun häähullua morsiantaan. Sankarimme ovat väsyneitä, mutta odottavat innolla tulevia haasteita!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Cuando nuestros héroes descubren un tesoro enterrado en el bosque, no se dan cuenta del desastre que les espera adentro.

Spanish Official Summary

Cuando nuestros héroes descubren el cofre de un tesoro enterrado en el bosque, ¡no se imaginan el desastre que les espera dentro!

English Great Britian Official Summary

As Ash prepares for his final Sinnoh region Gym Battle with a little training, his Monferno accidentally discovers a treasure chest buried in the forest! While struggling to open it, our heroes are approached by Team Rocket-in disguise, as usual. James remembers that he was the one who buried the treasure chest long ago! James and the rest of Team Rocket attempt to retrieve the chest, but to no avail. Meanwhile, James recalls that the chest contains a letter proposing marriage to his would-be fiancée, Jessiebelle. James knows if that letter ever falls into her hands, the results would be disastrous! And our heroes, who still have possession of the chest, are wandering by one of James's vacation mansions when Sebastian, the butler, spies them. Excited at the thought that "Young Master James" must be close by, Sebastian invites our heroes in, while Jessie, disguised as Jessiebelle (along with a disguised James and Meowth), shows up to get the treasure chest back. But when Sebastian discovers James is really there, he takes it upon himself to alert the real Jessiebelle, who arrives on the scene-all set to marry James! James sadly gives in and says goodbye to Team Rocket and our heroes. But, secretly, he asks Ash to have Pikachu use Thunderbolt and blast them off, away from Jessiebelle! To James's dismay, Jessie and Jessiebelle accidentally get switched, leaving James on the run from his crazed fiancée...with Meowth running along with him! And, tired of the nuptial nightmare, our heroes once again turn toward their upcoming challenges.

Russian Official Summary

Во время подготовки Эша к следующей гим-битве, Монферно случайно находит в лесу зарытый сундучок. Героям не удаётся его открыть, но внезапно к ним подходят члены переодетые Команды Р, которые всё это время наблюдали за событиями из укрытия. Джеймс рассказывает, что этот сундук его, и он зарыл его здесь еще в детстве. Открыть его, впрочем, так и не удаётся. Тем временем, Джеймс вспоминает, что в сундуке находится письмо, в котором он просит руки своей старой подруги Джессибель, и, если она найдёт это письмо, ему придётся на ней жениться. Наши герои же случайно подходят к одному из загородных домов семьи Джеймса, а дворецкий Себастиан, увидив у них в руках сундучок, приходит в восторг, понимая, что его любимый господин Джеймс тоже где-то рядом. Себастиан приглашает наших героев в дом. Джесси же, переодетая в Джессибель, вместе с переодетыми же Джеймос и Мяутом, пытается вернуть сундук. Но вскоре Себастиан узнает Джеймса и даёт знать о его прибытии настоящей Джессибель, которая приезжает в дом, чтобы выйти замуж за Джеймса. Когда уже начинает казаться, что свадьбы Джеймсу не избежать, он просит Эша, чтобы Пикачу, используя удар молнии, отправил его и его друзей в пролет. Вот только Джесси меняются с Джессибель, и серия заканчивается тем, что Джеймс убегает от своей ненормальной невесты. Наши же герои, уставшие, но довольные, продолжают своё путешествие.

Dutch Official Summary

Wanneer onze helden een begraven schatkist vinden in het bos, kunnen ze niet vermoeden welke ramp in die kist hun wacht!

Norwegian Official Summary

Når Ash forbereder seg på sin neste og endelige Sinnohregion gymkamp med litt trening, oppdager Monferno ved en tilfeldighet en skattekiste som er nedgravd i skogen. Når heltene våre ikke klarer å åpne den, dukker plutselig Team Rocket i forkledning opp. De fulgt med på det som har skjedd. James husker at han faktisk gravde ned en skattekiste der i sine yngre dager, så de prøver å få tak i den, dog til ingen nytte. Samtidig husker James at kisten inneholder et brev med et frieri til sin forlovede Jessiebelle, men James vet at om det brevet noen gang havner i hendene hennes, ville resultatet bli katastrofalt! Og når heltene våre, som fremdeles er i besittelse av kisten, vandrer forbi et av James sine feriehus, blir de oppdaget av butleren Sebastian. Begeistret med tanken på at ”Unge Mester James” må være i nærheten, inviterer han heltene våre inn, mens Jessie, forkledd som Jessiebell (sammen med James og Meowth i forkledning), ankommer for å få skattekisten tilbake. Men når Sebastian oppdager at James virkelig er der, tar han på seg å melde fra til den virkelige Jessiebelle, som dukker opp for å gifte seg med James! Når James med vemod ser ut til å overgi seg og si farvel til Team Rocket og våre helter, ber han i all hemmelighet Ash om å la Pikachu bruke Thunderbolt og blåse dem av sted, bort fra Jessiebell. Men Jessie og Jessiebelle blir ved et uhell forvekslet, og vi forlater James når han flykter i panikk fra sin skrullete forlovede. Meowth flykter sammen med ham, og heltene våre er slitne, men de ser frem til deres kommende utfordringer! Når Ash forbereder seg på sin neste og endelige Sinnohregion gymkamp med litt trening, oppdager Monferno ved en tilfeldighet en skattekiste som er nedgravd i skogen. Når heltene våre ikke klarer å åpne den, dukker plutselig Team Rocket i forkledning opp. De fulgt med på det som har skjedd. James husker at han faktisk gravde ned en skattekiste der i sine yngre dager, så de prøver å få tak i den, dog til ingen nytte.Samtidig husker James at kisten inneholder et brev med et frieri til sin forlovede Jessiebelle, men James vet at om det brevet noen gang havner i hendene hennes, ville resultatet bli katastrofalt! Og når heltene våre, som fremdeles er i besittelse av kisten, vandrer forbi et av James sine feriehus, blir de oppdaget av butleren Sebastian. Begeistret med tanken på at ”Unge Mester James” må være i nærheten, inviterer han heltene våre inn, mens Jessie, forkledd som Jessiebell (sammen med James og Meowth i forkledning), ankommer for å få skattekisten tilbake. Men når Sebastian oppdager at James virkelig er der, tar han på seg å melde fra til den virkelige Jessiebelle, som dukker opp for å gifte seg med James! Når James med vemod ser ut til å overgi seg og si farvel til Team Rocket og våre helter, ber han i all hemmelighet Ash om å la Pikachu bruke Thunderbolt og blåse dem av sted, bort fra Jessiebell. Men Jessie og Jessiebelle blir ved et uhell forvekslet, og vi forlater James når han flykter i panikk fra sin skrullete forlovede. Meowth flykter sammen med ham, og heltene våre er slitne, men de ser frem til deres kommende utfordringer!

Swedish Official Summary

Medan Ash med lite träning förbereder sig för sin nästa och avslutande Gymstrid i Sinnoh-regionen, upptäcker Monferno av en tillfällighet en skattkista nergrävd i skogen. Våra Hjältar lyckas inte öppna den, och plötsligt närmar sig ett förklätt Team Rocket som har sett vad som pågår. James har insett att det faktiskt är han själv som grävt ner skattkistan där när han var yngre, så de försöker återta den – men till ingen nytta. Under tiden minns James att kistan innehåller ett friarbrev till hans fästmö Jessiebelle, men han vet att om brevet någonsin faller i hennes händer kommer resultatet att bli katastrofalt! Och våra Hjältar, som fortfarande har kistan i sin ägo, vandrar förbi ett av James semesterhus, när betjänten Sebastian får syn på dem. Begeistrad över tanken att ”Unge Herr James” måste vara i närheten, bjuder Sebastian in våra Hjältar, medan Jessie, förklädd som Jessiebelle (tillsammans med de förklädda James och Meowth) anländer för att ta tillbaka skattkistan. Men när Sebastian upptäcker att James verkligen är där, tar han till sin uppgift att underrätta den riktiga Jessiebell, som därpå dyker upp för att gifta sig med James! Medan James sorgligt nog verkar ge med sig och tar farväl av Team Rocket och våra Hjältar, ber han i hemlighet Ash att låta Pikachu använda Thunderbolt och få dem att flyga iväg – bort från Jessiebelle. Men Jessie och Jessiebelle förväxlas oavsiktligt, och vi lämnar en livrädd James på flykt undan sin vansinniga fästmö, med Meowth vid sin sida, och våra Hjältar är trötta men ser fram mot sina kommande utmaningar!

Danish Official Summary

Mens Ash træner forud for sin næste og endelige Sinnoh Salkamp, opdager Monferno ved et tilfælde en skat, der er begravet i skoven. Team Rocket har dog udspioneret dem og henvender sig nu i forklædning til vore helte, der ikke kan åbne skattekisten. James er nemlig kommet i tanke om, at det var ham, der begravede kisten dér i sine unge dage, og nu forsøger Team Rocket at få den tilbage, men forgæves. Kisten indeholder et brev, hvori James frier til sin kæreste Jessiebelle, og han er ikke i tvivl om, at hvis brevet nogensinde skulle komme i hendes hænder, ville det udløse intet mindre end en katastrofe! I mellemtiden kommer vore helte, der stadig har skattekisten, tilfældigvis forbi et af James’ godser, da butleren Sebastian får øje på dem. Spændt ved tanken om, at ”unge hr. James” må være i nærheden, inviterer han vore helte indenfor, mens Jessie forklædt som Jessiebelle dukker op for at få skattekisten tilbage (sammen med James og Meowth, der ligeledes er i forklædning.) Men da Sebastian opdager, at James allerede er i huset, kontakter han selv den rigtige Jessiebelle, der straks ankommer til stedet for at gifte sig med James! Denne overgiver sig straks og tager trist til mode afsked med Team Rocket og vore helte, men beder i al hemmelighed Ash om at få Pikachu til at bruge Thunderbolt for at få dem til at suse af sted igen, væk fra Jessiebelle. Men ved et uheld bliver der byttet om på Jessie og Jessiebelle, og miséren ender med, at James med Meowth ved sin side flygter skrigende fra sin vanvittige kæreste, mens vore trætte helte bare ser frem til deres næste udfordringer! Mens Ash træner forud for sin næste og endelige Sinnoh Salkamp, opdager Monferno ved et tilfælde en skat, der er begravet i skoven. Team Rocket har dog udspioneret dem og henvender sig nu i forklædning til vore helte, der ikke kan åbne skattekisten. James er nemlig kommet i tanke om, at det var ham, der begravede kisten dér i sine unge dage, og nu forsøger Team Rocket at få den tilbage, men forgæves. Kisten indeholder et brev, hvori James frier til sin kæreste Jessiebelle, og han er ikke i tvivl om, at hvis brevet nogensinde skulle komme i hendes hænder, ville det udløse intet mindre end en katastrofe! I mellemtiden kommer vore helte, der stadig har skattekisten, tilfældigvis forbi et af James’ godser, da butleren Sebastian får øje på dem. Spændt ved tanken om, at ”unge hr. James” må være i nærheden, inviterer han vore helte indenfor, mens Jessie forklædt som Jessiebelle dukker op for at få skattekisten tilbage (sammen med James og Meowth, der ligeledes er i forklædning.)Men da Sebastian opdager, at James allerede er i huset, kontakter han selv den rigtige Jessiebelle, der straks ankommer til stedet for at gifte sig med James! Denne overgiver sig straks og tager trist til mode afsked med Team Rocket og vore helte, men beder i al hemmelighed Ash om at få Pikachu til at bruge Thunderbolt for at få dem til at suse af sted igen, væk fra Jessiebelle. Men ved et uheld bliver der byttet om på Jessie og Jessiebelle, og miséren ender med, at James med Meowth ved sin side flygter skrigende fra sin vanvittige kæreste, mens vore trætte helte bare ser frem til deres næste udfordringer!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessebelle
  • Japan ルミカ
  • Japan Rumika
  • Japan Rumika
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Mime Jr.
  • Japan コジロウのマネネ
  • Japan Kojirō no Manene
  • Japan Kojiro's Manene
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Mother
  • Japan コジロウの母(ママン)
  • Japan Kojirō no haha (Maman)
  • Japan Kojiro's Mother (Maman)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James's Father
  • Japan コジロウの父(パパン)
  • Japan Kojirō no chichi (Papan)
  • Japan Kojiro's Father (Papan)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessebelle's Vileplume
  • Japan ルミカのラフレシア
  • Japan Rumika no Ruffresia
  • Japan Rumika's Ruffresia
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Growlithe (Growlie)
  • Japan コジロウのガーディ (ガーちゃん)
  • Japan Kojirō no Gardie (Gar-chan)
  • Japan Kojiro's Gardie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Monferno
  • Japan サトシのモウカザル
  • Japan Satoshi no Moukazaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Moukazaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sebastian
  • Japan 執事
  • Japan Shitsuji
  • Japan Butler
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sebastian's Spinarak
  • Japan 執事のイトマル
  • Japan Shitsuji no Itomaru
  • Japan Bulter's Itomaru

Culture Reference

A slight reference change about what Kojiro thought was in the treasure chest was added to make it more relatable for children.

James: Although, it might contain an allowance or two...
Kojiro: Maybe it was gift money I got for our New Year's Celebration...

Culture Reference

Rumika's castle is based off the 19th-century Bavarian palace, Neuschwanstein Castle located in southern Germany.

Culture Reference

Throughout the episode, Kojiro was trying to remember the correct password to open his treasure chest. Near the end of the episode he remembers it.

The Japanese version had a pun on the word "goma" which is "sesame". Gomazou is Phanpy. "Open Sesame" in Japanese is "Hirake Goma (開けごま)" and the password to open Kojiro's treasure chest was "Hirake Gomazou (開けゴマゾウ)".

The English dub skipped over the pun completely and didn't even bother to use the obvious "Open Sesame" and used "Open Password".

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl HD Eyecatch

Rocket Gang-centered Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Nyarth, Musashi, Kojiro, Sonansu and Manene.

Satoshi-centered Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Takeshi and Hikari.

Okido Segment Great Pokémon Examination

Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination
Pokémon Yukiwarashi (ユキワラシ)
Quiz Level Medium Level (中級レベル)
Quiz Question What is said to happen to homes visited by Yukiwarashi according to legend?
Quiz Answers
(Correct Quiz Answer in Bold)
A: Many Children B: Prosperity C: Resistance to Snow
(A:子だくさん B:お金持ち C:雪につよい)

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 劇場版ポケットモンスター2003 タイトルテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Gekijouban Pocket Monsters 2003 Title Theme
Japanese (TL): Theatrical Edition Pocket Monsters 2003 Title Theme
Movie 6 BGM - Satoshi and Hikari train their Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:30
Title: Movie 8 BGM - The Time Flower
Movie 8 BGM - The group finds a "treasure chest".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:01
Title: ハイタッチ!2009
Japanese (Romanized): High Touch! 2009
Japanese (TL): High Touch! 2009
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:28
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Subtitle
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:03
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang begins the motto, but then Pikachu sends them flying.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:37
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M29
Kojiro remembers that it was the chest that he buried as a child.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:37
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M30(NO.3)
Japanese (Romanized): (NO.3)
Japanese (TL): (NO.3)
Kojiro attempts to open the chest.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:41
Title: Movie 10 BGM - Tonio's Dead!
Movie 10 BGM - Kojiro remembers what he put in the chest.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:20
Title: アリスとトニオ
Japanese (Romanized): Alice to Tonio
Japanese (TL): Alice and Tonio
Movie 10 BGM - The second part of the music plays as the butler feels glad that "Kojiro has returned".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:11
Title: 危機
Japanese (Romanized): Kiki
Japanese (TL): Crisis
Kojiro reminds Musashi and Nyarth of Rumika.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:53
Title: アリシア
Japanese (TL): Alicia
Movie 10 BGM - Satoshi and Takeshi explain Kojiro's past to Hikari.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:51
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M31
Musashi/Rumika's verbal tick is corrected by the disguised rest of the trio, as the group watches.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:02
Title: Movie 6 Short - Escaping Destruction
Kojiro's Gardie appears and starts sniffing on his trainer.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:54
Title: 1997-1998-M30 大混戦
Japanese (Romanized): Daikonsen
Japanese (TL): Chaos
The butler sends out Itomaru to try hand Kojiro over to his parents.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:41
Title: Movie 9 BGM - Rocket Gang Spying
Movie 9 BGM - Kojiro agrees to reveal the secret behind the treasure chest. The music overlaps the Eyecatch Break.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:53
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:03
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch B
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:08
Title: ハルカの夢
Japanese (Romanized): Haruka no Yume
Japanese (TL): Haruka's Dream
Movie 9 BGM - Kojiro tries to start the story, but is interrupted.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:18
Title: ハルカの夢
Japanese (Romanized): Haruka no Yume
Japanese (TL): Haruka's Dream
Movie 9 BGM - Kojiro finally proceeds.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:42
Title: Movie 9 Unused BGM - 出発!航海へ! B
Japanese (Romanized): Shuppatsu! Koukai he! B
Japanese (TL): Depart! Towards a Voyage! B
Movie 9 Unused BGM - Kojiro's parents give him a treasure chest to hide his love letter into.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:45
Title: 1999-2001-M29 Very Sad Moments
Kojiro refuses to let his Gardie go and runs away from Rumika.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:36
Title: 城、平安~迫り来る危機
Japanese (Romanized): Shiro, Heian~Semari Kuru Kiki
Japanese (TL): Castle, Heian Era~A Crisis that is Imminently Approaching
Movie 8 BGM - Rumika and her army of guards flies towards the mansion.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:51
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M13 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Yasei Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Kojiro decides to use Gardie to destroy the treasure chest.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:21
Title: Movie 8 BGM - Mew Teleports
Movie 8 BGM - Rumika steps in to make Kojiro accept the marriage.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:15
Title: ピカチュウと再会へ
Japanese (Romanized): Pikachu to Saikai e
Japanese (TL): Reuniting with Pikachu
Movie 8 BGM - As by Kojiro's plan, Satoshi uses Pikachu to make Rocket Gang blast off.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:13
Title: Movie 8 BGM - Satoshi and Pikachu Reunite
Movie 8 BGM - The group goes on their journey.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ドッチ~ニョ?
Japanese (Romanized): Dotchi~nyo?
Japanese (TL): Which one~ is it?
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:14
Title: ファンファーレ
Japanese (TL): Fanfare
Movie 8 BGM - Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:20
Title: 舞踏会
Japanese (Romanized): Butou Kai
Japanese (TL): Ballroom Dance
Movie 8 BGM - Professor Okido asks a question about Yukiwarashi.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:15
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Diamond & Pearl Episode 154 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:44
Title: ハイタッチ!(インストバージョン)
Japanese (TL): High Touch! (Instrumental Version)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 劇場版ポケットモンスター2003 タイトルテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Gekijouban Pocket Monsters 2003 Title Theme
Japanese (TL): Theatrical Edition Pocket Monsters 2003 Title Theme
Ash and Dawn train.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:02
Title: ~Battle Cry~ (Stand Up!)
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:15
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Team rocket do a shortened motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:48
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M30(NO.3)
Japanese (Romanized): (NO.3)
Japanese (TL): (NO.3)
James tries to open the chest.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:13
Title: Movie 6 Short - Escaping Destruction
Growlithe senses James.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:06
Title: 1997-1998-M30 大混戦
Japanese (Romanized): Daikonsen
Japanese (TL): Chaos
The butler tries to battle James
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:58
Title: Movie 9 BGM - Haruka's Dream
James starts the story but is interupted.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:07
Title: Movie 9 BGM - Haruka's Dream
James continues.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:34
Title: 1999-2001-M29 Very Sad Moments
James refuses to let his growlithe go and runs away
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:40
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M13 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Yasei Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
James uses Growlithe to destroy the chest.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:11
Title: Movie 8 BGM - Mew Teleports
Jessebelle steps in for the marriage.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:05
Title: ピカチュウと再会へ
Japanese (Romanized): Pikachu to Saikai e
Japanese (TL): Reuniting with Pikachu
James wants to be blasted off by Ash.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:02
Title: Movie 8 BGM - Satoshi and Pikachu Reunite
The group continue walking.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:46
Title: ~Battle Cry~ (Stand Up!)
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 31
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 14
19 Nov 2009 12:23 AM
Joined: 19 Apr 2009
Posts: 43
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Nice to see that Kojiro`s old friend Gardie will be backing him up here. I`d like it to evolve into a Windie if at all possible, and become a permanent member of Kojiro`s team. It`s a shame is hasn`t as of yet, due to him being with Team Rocket, but I think it would make a great edition to his roster and work well in the series as well. xD Oh well, guess we`ll have to wait and see. Only 5 hours and 40 minutes until it airs.
26 Nov 2009 03:00 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 危険がいっぱい!コジロウの宝箱!!/Kiken ga ippai! Kojirō no takarabako!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
26 Nov 2009 03:00 AM
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This episode will be awesome.
27 Nov 2009 04:37 AM
Sunain Administrator
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Decent episode and it was nice to see them bring back older characters.

We are only looking for episode timers for dialog currently, if your willing to work on that send me an email at [email protected]
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net
27 Nov 2009 08:54 AM
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its a nice episode really and does feel like the old episode called holy martimony i think it is
19 Feb 2010 10:43 PM
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Can't wait to see this episode! It's like Holy Matrimony part 2. :)
12 Nov 2010 01:29 PM
Erlade Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? Yes.
Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu, Satoshi's Moukazaru, Hikari's Pochama, Musashi, Kojiro, Nyarth, Sebastian (Kojiro's butler didn't have a name in the Japanese version, this one is his English name), Gar-chan (Kojiro's Gardie), Sebastian's Itomaru, Kojiro's Manene, Rumika, Papan, Maman, Rumika's Raffresia

Pokémon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? Yes. No wild Pokémon made an appearance in this episode.

Pokémon Attacks used in Episode:
- Satoshi's Moukazaru: Flamethrower, Dig (interrupted due to hitting on the treasure chest)
- Hikari's Pochama: Bubblebeam (interrupted)
- Satoshi's Pikachu: Thunderbolt
- Sebastian's Itomaru: String Shot (interrupted by Manene's Teeter Dance)
- Kojiro's Manene: Teeter Dance
- Gar-chan: Dig, Flamethrower
- Rumika's Raffresia: Solarbeam

Episode Location: Kojiro's mansion / Forest near Asatsuki Town

Episode Highlights:
- Satoshi and his friends find a mysterious treasure chest during a battle between Satoshi's Moukazaru and Hikari's Pochama.
- While spying on them, Kojiro remembers that this chest used to belong to him. Thus, the Rocket Gang tries to steal the chest from Satoshi and the others, but their effort fails.
- Satoshi, Hikari and Takeshi come upon a big mansion, which turns out to be one of Kojiro's many mansions.
- The Rocket Gang tries to steal the chest for the second time, but Kojiro's Gardie blows their covers.
- Kojiro reveals to Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Musashi and Nyarth what the treasure chest contains.
- Kojiro's butler contacts Rumika, Kojiro's fiancée, and she arrives at the mansion shortly after.
- In an effort to hide the contents of the chest from her, Kojiro tries to open the treasure chest again. Failing for the second time, he causes the chest to transform into a powerful mecha, which after being taken down by Gar-chan, transforms into a rocket and flies off.
- Now trying to escape from Rumika, he asks Satoshi to order Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on him, Musashi and Nyarth. Even though that happens, Rumika blasts off together with Kojiro and Nyarth by accident, and Musashi lands near Rumika's bodyguards, which causes them to mistake her for Rumika.

Eyecatch info:
- first one: Musashi, Kojiro, Nyarth, Musashi's Sonansu, Kojiro's Manene (the one where Musashi, Kojiro and Nyarth shovels)
- second one: Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu (the one where Satoshi throws the monster ball)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 3
- first one: Near the beginning of the episode, due to Satoshi's Pikachu using Thunderbolt on them. (Timestamp: 03:25)
- second one: Due to Kojiro guessing the treasure chest's password wrong three times, and the chest's self defense mechanism activating.(Timestamp: 05:20)
- third one: Near the end of the episode, due to Satoshi's Pikachu using Thunderbolt on them. [This time though, instead of Musashi, Rumika blasted off along with Kojiro and Nyarth.] (Timestamp: 20:18)

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None.

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: No.

Easy to Spot Episode Edits: Kojiro's butler didn't have a name in the Japanese version. In the English dub, however, he was named Sebastian. (Timestamp: 06:10 - James calls his butler Sebastian.)

Episode Extras: [Japanese version] Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination. Theme: Yukiwarashi.
(Question: What is said to happen to homes visited by Yukiwarashi according to legend?
Possible answers: A: Many Children, B: Prosperity, C: Resistance to Snow.
Correct Answer: B)

Character Bios written:
- Rumika:
Even though Kojiro despises Rumika, she is really persistent and even uses her Raffresia in order to stop him from running away from her.

Rumika has known Kojiro since they both were children. When he saw her for the first time, he became overly infatuated, and even wrote her a love letter proposing a marriage. However, he didn't want anyone else to see it before handing it to her, so he hid it in a treasure chest his parents gave him. Later, he visited Rumika's house and he tried to offer her the chest, but she interrupted Kojiro informing him that she accepts his marriage proposal. She also notified him that their parents had already talked about it and given their consent too. Rumika, though, acted selfishly and ordered him to replace his beloved pet Gardie with an Eneko, because she didn't like Gar-chan. This made him really upset and he left her house shortly after, yelling that he doesn't want to marry her. On his way back home, in his effort to dispose of the treasure chest so Rumika wouldn't find out about the letter he wrote, he told Gar-chan to use Dig and hid it in the forest.

Rumika arrived at Kojiro's mansion in Sinnoh after being contacted by his butler (Sebastian). She tried to prevent him from escaping by having her bodyguards surround the mansion and seal off the mansion's exits. However, Kojiro managed to use one of the mansion's secret passageways as an escape route, which the butler revealed to her shortly after. Thus, she started chasing after him with the butler's aid. After Satoshi and Takeshi sealed the exit using some boulders, Kojiro's butler offered to open the door by force for her. Due to his strength not being enough to knock down the boulders on the other side, Rumika used her Raffresia's Solarbeam attack to open the sealed exit.

Seeing as there was no other way to escape from Rumika and his mischievous butler, Kojiro asked Satoshi to have his Pikachu use Thunderbolt on him, Musashi and Nyarth. Satoshi agreed, but the attack also hit Rumika by accident, resulting in her blasting off together with Kojiro and Nyarth and Musashi landing near her bodyguards, which led them to mistake her for Rumika.

- Sebastian:
Sebastian is the butler in one of James' many mansions that is located in a forest close to Asatsuki Town, in the Sinnoh region. He was watching over Kojiro's Gardie, Gar-chan, when Satoshi and his friends stopped by there. He immediately recognised the treasure chest that they had come upon as one belonging to his master, and to prove it, he showed them the drawing of Gar-chan that was on it. After seeing the treasure chest, he concluded that Kojiro would be on his way there, which made him extremely happy and impatient at the same time. He invited Satoshi and his friends to the mansion and offered them some snacks and cakes in return for discovering his master's lost object.

When Gar-chan blew Kojiro's disguise, even though he was really happy to see his master back, he immediately turned on capturing him. He even ordered his Itomaru to use String Shot in order to tie him down, so that he could accomplish his mission, which was to return Kojiro to his parents. However, his Pokémon was completely overpowered by Kojiro's Manene and the Teeter Dance attack caused him and Itomaru to become confused. This gave Kojiro the chance to use one of the mansion's secret traps to keep him away for a short while.

He seems to be very loyal to Rumika, but couldn't tell Musashi apart from her, when she was disguised as Kojiro's fiancée in one of Rocket Gang's efforts to retrieve Kojiro's lost object. Even when trapped, he managed to contact her and she arrived at the mansion shortly after. He revealed the secret passageway his master used as an escape route to her and together, they started chasing after Kojiro. After Satoshi and Takeshi sealed the exit using some boulders, he offered to open the door by force for Rumika. Due to his strength not being enough to knock down the boulders on the other side, she used her Raffresia's Solarbeam attack to open the sealed exit.

Seeing as there was no other way to escape from Rumika and his mischievous butler, Kojiro asked Satoshi to have his Pikachu use Thunderbolt on him, Musashi and Nyarth. Satoshi agreed and thus, Kojiro managed to escape from Sebastian.

- Gar-chan:
It was able to distinguish Kojiro even when disguised thanks to its enhanced sense of smell.

Gar-chan despises Rumika as much as Kojiro does. It was shown in one of Kojiro's memory flashbacks that Rumika ordered him to replace Gar-chan, Kojiro's beloved partner, with an Eneko, and that made him so upset that he left her house yelling he doesn't want to marry her. On his way back home, in his effort to dispose of the treasure chest so she wouldn't find out about the love letter he wrote, Kojiro told Gar-chan to use Dig and hid it in the forest.

After Rumika arrived at the mansion due to being contacted by Sebastian, it joined Kojiro when he tried to escape from her and his butler. When at a safe distance from them, Kojiro tried to open the chest in order to dispose of the letter it contained. However, he guessed the password three times wrong, and thus the treasure chest transformed into a mecha once again. The mecha then fired a laser beam at Kojiro, but Gar-chan prevented it from hitting its master by using its powerful Flamethrower. Kojiro then joined the puppy Pokémon's effort to take down the mecha. Even though one of the missiles hit it, Gar-chan didn't retreat, and with renewed strength, it managed to take it down using its Flamethrower and Dig attacks. The chest then transformed into a rocket, and flew off into the sky.

Seeing as there was no other way to escape from Rumika and his mischievous butler, Kojiro asked Satoshi to have his Pikachu use Thunderbolt on him, Musashi and Nyarth. Satoshi agreed, and during the blast-off, Kojiro bid farewell to his loyal Pokémon.
Last edited 13 Nov 2010 05:29 PM by Erlade
02 Jul 2011 08:34 AM
Joined: 01 Feb 2009
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The Danish title is: Skatten Er Min!
02 Jul 2011 02:37 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Quote From: Munlax
The Danish title is: Skatten Er Min!

Do you have an air date for the episode?