Home / Episode Guide / Pokémon of the South and the GS Ball/なんごくポケモンとGSボール/Pokeball Peril
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Pokéball Peril
  • Japan なんごくポケモンとGSボール
  • Japan Nangoku Pokémon to GS Ball
  • Japan Pokémon of the South and the GS Ball
  • Germany Gefahr im Verzug
  • France Le danger Poké Ball
  • Spain Peligro: Poké Ball
  • Sweden Ett tropiskt paradis
  • Italy Arrivederci Brock
  • Mexico ¡Peligro Pokébola!
  • Taiwan 南國神奇寶貝與GS球
  • Poland Niebezpieczny pokéball
  • Netherlands Een Poké Ball met Hindernissen
  • Brazil Perigo de Pokébola
  • Israel סכנת כדור הפוקימון
  • Czechia Problémy s Pokéballem
  • Norway Pokéball-fare
  • Denmark Pokéball-alarm
  • Greece Το Μυστήριο της Πόκεμπολ
  • Portugal Perigo de Poké Bola
  • Russia Загадочный покеболл


Staff List

OP/ED List

Type: Wild
Pokémon: Oltre i Cieli dell'Avventura
Pokémon: Beyond the Skies of the Adventure
포켓몬 Forever
Pokémon Forever
좋은 친구들
Good Friends
Pokémon Roll Call
With You Accompanying Me
Episode Director
Animation Director
Script Adaptation
The narrator recaps the time when Ash and co. where on the blimp duing the last episode. Ash and co. are walking down the road. Ash complains about the heat. Misty thinks that the weather is perfect. Ash suggests that they swim, but Brock tells him that they have to get the Pokéball first. The group isn't sure where Professor Ivy's laboratory is at. Pikachu points to what looks like a Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy welcomes them inside. Brock goes in one of his moods again. He takes Nurse Joy's hand, and starts talking to her. Misty takes Brock's ear and pulls him away. Nurse Joy tells them how to get to Professor Ivy's lab.

Ash and co. enters the lab. They notice that the place is empty. Suddenly, a trapdoor opens and three people come out. Ash tells them that they are looking for Professor Ivy. The triplets offer to take the group to the Professor. Walking aside on the beach, Ash and co. sees a Gyarados in the water. Professor Ivy is in the water tending Gyarados and the other water Pokémon. The triplets calls out for the Professor. They tell her that Ash and co. arrived. Professor Ivy swims back on her Gyarados. One of the assistants throws her a lab coat.

Professor Ivy shows them the golden Pokéball. On the Pokéball is the letters 'GS' which is now known the GS Ball. Brock understands that the GS Ball can't be transported. Professor Ivy's assistants demonstrates this. Afterwards, Professor Ivy adds on that the GS Ball can't be opened. Drills, hammers, saws, and other equipment don't work. Professor Ivy hands the GS Ball to Ash, telling him to give it to Professor Oak.

Meanwhile, Professor Oak is working with his experiments. The phone rings, and Ash happens to be on the other line. He shows Professor Oak the GS Ball. Professor Ivy then begins to talk to Professor Oak about the GS Ball. Then they hang up. Professor Oak seems excited about this discovery.

Team Rocket stares at their destroyed blimp. James and Meowth are scared and worried that the boss will hate them again. Jessie slaps them, and says that they have to fix the blimp. Jessie tells them that Ash and co. will have to come back soon. James and Meowth are happy by this, and all three of them start to fix the blimp.

Professor Ivy gives Ash and co. a tour of the outside of her laboratory. She tells Brock that they do a lot of breeding with Pokémon. Misty spots a flower and sniffs it. The flower happens to be a Vileplume. Ash takes out his Pokédex and scans the Vileplume. The Vileplume looks different in colors. The assistants comes in hauling a cart filled with Pokémon food. The food is made for many types of Pokémon. Ash notices that the Pokémon look a little different than the normal ones. Professor Ivy explains to the group that the differences in the island changes the Pokémon slightly. Brock asks if she has raised all of the Pokémon on the island. Surprisingly, Professor Ivy says that she has raised them all. Misty wants to see some of the water Pokémon. Ash and Misty notice that Pikachu and Togepi are eating the Pokémon food. The trainers scold Pikachu and Togepi saying that the food isn't for them. Professor Ivy doesn't seem to mind.

Stuck in a tree is a Butterfree. Professor Ivy explains that the Butterfree hasn't eaten anything in days. They tried different food combinations, but none seem to work. Brock stares at the food, and takes a sample. He swallows the food, and gets an idea. Brock starts to stir up some food. He tells everyone that nutrition isn't what Pokémon likes. Pokémon like the taste of the food. Brock sprinkles some of his ingredients into the food. Immediately, Butterfree flies down and gobbles the food up. Brock tells Professor Ivy that Butterfree like sweet things. A few berries should do the trick. Two assistants wants Brock to teach them about feeding. The other assistant reminds them about cooking dinner.

Everyone walks into the kitchen. The whole place is a mess! Professor Ivy says that the research has been using up most of their time. There was no time to clean the kitchen up. Brock decides to clean up the whole kitchen. He vacuums, washes the dishes, and does other things. Brock has even prepared a nice dinner. Professor Ivy and her assistants eat a lot of food.

It is nighttime, and everyone has gone to sleep. Professor Ivy and her assistants have stayed awake to observe the Vileplume. Brock comes out and brings a midnight snack along. The Vileplume are spreading their pollen out to protect their territory. A Raticate comes out and tresspasses the Vileplume's territory. It gets infected with the pollen. Professor Ivy runs to help Raticate, but she breathes in some of the pollen too. She tells her assistants to contact the Pokémon Center. At the Pokémon Center, Ash and Misty are disappointed that they had to wake up. Professor Ivy looks at the Raticate, and then she lays back in bed.

It's time for Ash and co. to leave. Brock and Onix are busy rebuilding the house. Brock has decided to stay with Professor Ivy. If Brock stays with Professor Ivy, he will learn more about Pokémon everyday. Ash accepts Brock's decision, and they shake hands with each other. Ash and Misty waves goodbye at Brock and Professor Ivy. They wonder how they will get back. Ash has the blimp tickets. Suddenly, out in the opening, a gigantic blimp stands strong. Two pilots (known as Jessie and James) takes Ash's tickets, and leads them on the blimp. The blimp then flies off. Jigglypuff walks near the blimp. It gets blown on the top of the blimp.

Ash and Misty want food. Team Rocket comes out. Meowth presses a button, and a cage traps Ash and co. Then Team Rocket says their motto. Team Rocket realizes that Brock isn't with them. They start to tease Ash and Misty about how they love each other. Ash tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt. James interrupts him, and tells Ash and Misty that the blimp is a flammable gas tank. If Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, the blimp will explode. Jigglypuff comes in the blimp. It starts to sing a song. Before Team Rocket falls asleep, they get their parachutes on. The wind sucks Team Rocket and Jigglypuff out of the blimp. Ash and Misty are sleeping. With no one running the blimp, what will happen to them, and how will they survive?

English Official Summary

After making a crash landing onto Valencia Island, our heroes get directions to Professor Ivy's laboratory where the mysterious Pokéball is being held. Once at the laboratory, Brock realizes that Professor Ivy and her group of scientists are Pokémon breeders just like him! Suddenly Brock begins to feel at home and thinks about staying for awhile to continue his studies on Pokémon breeding.

Italian Official Summary

Dopo il rovinoso atterraggio sull'Isola di Valencia, i nostri eroi si recano al laboratorio della professoressa Ivy, dove si trova la misteriosa Poké Ball. Pensate la sorpresa di Brock quando scopre che anche la professoressa alleva i Pokémon!

Portuguese Official Summary

Após uma aterragem violenta na Ilha Valência, os nossos heróis vão para o laboratório da Professora Ivy, onde está a misteriosa Pokébola. Brock fica encantado ao saber que a professora e seus colegas são criadores Pokémon!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Tras un aterrizaje forzoso en la Isla Valencia, los chicos van al laboratorio de la Profesora Ivy, donde está la misteriosa Pokébola. Brock se asombra al descubrir que la profesora y sus colegas también son criadores Pokémon.

Spanish Official Summary

Después de un aterrizaje forzoso en Isla Valencia, nuestros héroes se dirigen al laboratorio de la Profesora Ivy, donde se encuentra la misteriosa Poké Ball. Brock está encantado al descubrir que la profesora y sus colegas son también criadores Pokémon.

English Great Britian Official Summary

After making a crash landing onto Valencia Island, our heroes get directions to Professor Ivy's laboratory where the mysterious Pokéball is being held. Once at the laboratory, Brock realizes that Professor Ivy and her group of scientists are Pokémon breeders just like him! Suddenly Brock begins to feel at home and thinks about staying for awhile to continue his studies on Pokémon breeding.

Dutch Official Summary

Na een noodlanding op Valencia Island vinden onze helden het lab van Professor Ivy waar de geheimzinnige Poké Ball wordt bewaard. Brock ontdekt tot zijn vreugde dat de professor en haar collega's mede Pokémon fokkers zijn!

French Official Summary

Après s'être écrasés sur l'Île de Valencia, nos héros se dirigent vers le laboratoire du Professeur Flora, où se trouve une mystérieuse Poké Ball.

German Official Summary

Nach ihrer Notlandung auf der Valencia-Insel erhalten unsere Freunde die Wegbeschreibung zum Labor von Frau Professor Ivy, wo sich der geheimnisvolle Pokéball befindet.

Danish Official Summary

Efter en nødlanding på Valenciaøen finder vore helte vej til professor Ivys laboratorium, hvor den mystiske Pokéball opbevares. Brock bliver henrykt, da han opdager, at professoren og hendes kolleger også er Pokémon-avlere!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty
  • Japan カスミ
  • Japan Kasumi
  • Japan Kasumi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Togepi
  • Japan カスミのトゲピー
  • Japan Kasumi no Togepi
  • Japan Kasumi's Togepi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Samuel Oak
  • Japan オーキド ユキナリ博士
  • Japan Yukinari Okido-hakase
  • Japan Professor Yukinari Okido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Vulpix
  • Japan タケシのロコン
  • Japan Takeshi no Rokon
  • Japan Takeshi's Rokon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy
  • Japan ジョーイ
  • Japan Joy
  • Japan Joy
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nurse Joy's Chansey
  • Japan ジョーイのラッキー
  • Japan Joy no Lucky
  • Japan Joy's Lucky
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Onix
  • Japan タケシのイワーク
  • Japan Takeshi no Iwark
  • Japan Takeshi's Iwark
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Geodude
  • Japan タケシのイシツブテ
  • Japan Takeshi no Ishitsubute
  • Japan Takeshi's Ishitsubute
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Zubat
  • Japan タケシのズバット
  • Japan Takeshi no Zubat
  • Japan Takeshi's Zubat
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Staryu
  • Japan カスミのヒトデマン
  • Japan Kasumi no Hitodeman
  • Japan Kasumi's Hitodeman
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Bulbasaur
  • Japan サトシのフシギダネ
  • Japan Satoshi no Fushigidane
  • Japan Satoshi's Fushigidane
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Squirtle
  • Japan サトシのゼニガメ
  • Japan Satoshi no Zenigame
  • Japan Satoshi's Zenigame
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Psyduck
  • Japan カスミのコダック
  • Japan Kasumi no Koduck
  • Japan Kasumi's Koduck
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Felina Ivy
  • Japan ウチキド博士
  • Japan Uchikido-hakase
  • Japan Professor Uchikido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jigglypuff
  • Japan プリン
  • Japan Purin
  • Japan Purin
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Charity
  • Japan ミナミ
  • Japan Minami
  • Japan Minami
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Hope
  • Japan ツナミ
  • Japan Tsunami
  • Japan Tsunami
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Faith
  • Japan コナミ
  • Japan Konami
  • Japan Konami

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Butterfree
  • Japan バタフリー
  • Japan Butterfree
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Raticate
  • Japan ラッタ
  • Japan Ratta
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Nidoran♀
  • Japan ニドラン♀
  • Japan Nidoran♀
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Nidoran♂
  • Japan ニドラン♂
  • Japan Nidoran♂
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Vileplume
  • Japan ラフレシア
  • Japan Rafflesia
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Paras
  • Japan パラス
  • Japan Paras
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Poliwhirl
  • Japan ニョロゾ
  • Japan Nyorozo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Weepinbell
  • Japan ウツドン
  • Japan Utsudon
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Cloyster
  • Japan パルシェン
  • Japan Parshen
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Magikarp
  • Japan コイキング
  • Japan Koiking
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Gyarados
  • Japan ギャラドス
  • Japan Gyarados
No notes available for this episode.

Who's that Pokémon Orange League


Who's that Pokémon Dare da


Okido Segment Pokémon Lecture

Pokémon Lecture & Senryu
Pokémon Eleboo (エレブー)
Japanese きをつけよう エレブーかみなり かじおやじ
Romaji Ki wo tsuke yo Erebuu kaminari kaji oyaji

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: ライバル!
Japanese (Romanized): Rival!
Japanese (TL): Rival!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:31
Title: 1997-1998-M01B ~オープニング~
Japanese (Romanized): ~Opening~
Japanese (TL): ~Opening~
The narrator recaps the struggles of the group to get the airship to fly properly.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:43
Title: 1997-1998-M01C ~オープニング~
Japanese (Romanized): ~Opening~
Japanese (TL): ~Opening~
The airship arrival scene is reshown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:00
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Kanto Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:19
Title: 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme)
Professor Uchikido pets the Gyarados.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:25
Title: 晴れゆく嵐
Japanese (Romanized): Hareyuku Arashi
Japanese (TL): Calm after the Storm
Movie 1 BGM - Professor Unichikido discusses the GS Ball with the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:48
Title: 1997-1998-M26B ロケット団隠密作戦 B
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Rocket Gang witnesses the completely damaged airship.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:26
Title: Movie 1 Short - Coil Eyecatch
Rocket Gang decides to repair the airship.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:02
Title: 1997-1998-M41 All's Well That Ends Well
An alternatively colored Ruffresia appears in front of Kasumi, food is brought to many other Pokémon, who are also alternatively colored.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:25
Title: 1997-1998-M10 ピカチュウ登場
Japanese (Romanized): Pikachu Tōjō
Japanese (TL): Pikachu Enters
Takeshi prepares himself food for the Pokémon in the garden.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:38
Title: 1997-1998-M53 Eyecatch A
Dare da?
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:44
Title: 1997-1998-M54 Eyecatch B
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:20
Title: Movie 1 Short - Togepi Cries (Fast Version)
Takeshi goes into a cleaning frenzy in the kitchen.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:42
Title: 1997-1998-M17 絶対絶命
Japanese (Romanized): Zettai Zetsumei
Japanese (TL): Desperate Situation
A Ratta is exposed to pollen.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:40
Title: Movie 1 Short - Fushigidane's Lullaby
Treated by Nurse Joy, Professor Unichikido rests in the Pokémon Center.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:50
Title: ~希望の空へ
Japanese (Romanized): Kibō no sora e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Sky of Hope
Movie 1 BGM - Takeshi decides to stay with Unichikido.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:13
Title: Movie 1 Short - Okorizaru Eyecatch
Rocket Gang pushes the group into the newly-repaired airship.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:31
Title: FLYINGカイリュウ
Japanese (Romanized): FLYING Kairyu
Japanese (TL): Flying Kairyu
Movie 1 BGM - The airship is departing.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:04
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Rocket Gang Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:38
Title: 1997-1998-M36 プリンの歌
Japanese (Romanized): Purin no uta
Japanese (TL): Purin's Song
Purin wants to sing her song to Rocket Gang and Kasumi with Satoshi.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:07
Title: Movie 1 Short - Rescuing Lizardon (Higher Key)
Satoshi, Kasumi and their Pokémon are left alone inside the airship.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:44
Title: タイプ:ワイルド
Japanese (Romanized): Type: Wild
Japanese (TL): Type: Wild
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:05
Title: 1997-1998-M33A Professor Okido's Pokémon Lectures
Professor Okido's Pokémon Lecture
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:09
Title: 1997-1998-M18B トキワへの道‐マサラより
Japanese (Romanized): Tokiwa e no michi - Masara yori
Japanese (TL): The Road to Tokiwa - From Masara
Okido explains the characteristics of Eleboo.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:54
Title: Okido's Senryū Theme
Okido recites a Senryū.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:04
Title: Mezase Pokémon Master Instrumental
Orange Islands Episode 4 preview

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: Pokémon Theme
Opening Theme for the English Dub
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:11
Title: 1997-1998-M01B ~オープニング~
Japanese (Romanized): ~Opening~
Japanese (TL): ~Opening~
The narrator recaps the struggles of the group to get the airship to fly properly.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:23
Title: 1997-1998-M01C ~オープニング~
Japanese (Romanized): ~Opening~
Japanese (TL): ~Opening~
The airship arrival scene is reshown.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:40
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Title Card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:27
Title: 1997-1998-M26B ロケット団隠密作戦 B
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Team Rocket witnesses the completely damaged airship.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:05
Title: Movie 1 Short - Coil Eyecatch
Team Rocket decides to repair the airship.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:05
Title: 1997-1998-M10 ピカチュウ登場
Japanese (Romanized): Pikachu Tōjō
Japanese (TL): Pikachu Enters
Brock prepares himself food for the Pokémon in the garden.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:00
Title: Movie 1 Short - Togepi Cries (Fast Version)
Brock goes into a cleaning frenzy in the kitchen.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:22
Title: 1997-1998-M17 絶対絶命
Japanese (Romanized): Zettai Zetsumei
Japanese (TL): Desperate Situation
A Raticate is exposed to pollen.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:30
Title: ~希望の空へ
Japanese (Romanized): Kibō no sora e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Sky of Hope
Movie 1 BGM - Takeshi decides to stay with Professor Ivy.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:11
Title: FLYINGカイリュウ
Japanese (Romanized): FLYING Kairyu
Japanese (TL): Flying Kairyu
Movie 1 BGM - The airship is departing.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:44
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Team Rocket's Motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:18
Title: 1997-1998-M36 プリンの歌
Japanese (Romanized): Purin no uta
Japanese (TL): Purin's Song
Jigglypuff wants to sing her song to Team Rocket and Misty and Ash.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:47
Title: Movie 1 Short - Rescuing Lizardon (Higher Key)
Ash, Misty and their Pokémon are left alone inside the airship.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:24
Title: Viridian City
Pikachu's Jukebox
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:24
Title: Pokémon Theme
Ending Theme for the English Dub

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 26
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 16
11 Feb 1999 03:00 AM
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12 Nov 2010 09:33 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [No]
Ash, Misty, Brock, Togepi, Pikachu,Brock's Geodude, Nurse Joy, Nurse Joy's Chansey, Professor Ivy, Charity, Hope, Faith, Professor Oak, Jessie, James, Meowth, Brock's Onix, Brock's Zubat, Brock's Vulpix, Jigglypuff

Corrected: Ash's Bulbasaur, Ash's Squirtle, Misty's Staryu, Misty's Psyduck (are seen during Narrator recap section)

Written Biographies for Characters in Episode:
- Professor Felina Ivy - Professor Felina Ivy is a good friend of Professor Oak. She lives on Valencia Island where she has a a house that also functions as her laboratory and large forest where she studies and breeds Pokémon.
She has three lab assistants: Charity, Hope, and Faith who help her with her research.

Until Brock arrived, Ivy was too wrapped up in her Pokémon research to keep her house tidy and she and her assistants nicknamed their house "Our Little Dump". Her table manners are also a bit lacking as she tends to eat fast and sloppily.

She is currently collecting data and studying "How Environment Causes Variation in all our Pokémon". She has breed all the Pokémon on the island to help with her research. She is very protective of the Pokémon there and she helped rescue a Radicate without worrying about her safety.

Ash Ketchum was sent by Professor Oak to pickup the GS Ball from her lab because Professor Ivy and her assistants were unable to open it and she hoped Professor Oak would have better luck figuring it out.

She has written a preliminary report in Pokémon Researchers Monthly on "Pokémon Adaptive Variation as a Function or Regional Distribution". Professor Oak told Professor Ivy that he found it quite persuasive.

- Professor Oak - Professor Ivy read an article by Professor Oak titled: "The Challenges facing Anthro-Pokémon Global Cohabitation" and told him that she found it absolutely fascinating.

- Charity, Hope, Faith: She helps out by feeding the Pokémon on the island and collects data for Ivy's research. is a bit of a science nerd and wears glasses.

Until Brock arrived, was too wrapped up the Pokémon research to keep the house tidy. Her table manners are also a bit lacking as she tends to eat fast and sloppily.

Pokemon in Episode: Current Episode Guide Info Correct? [Yes]
Gyarados, Cloyster, Poliwhirl, Magikarp, Vileplume, Paras, Nidoran (M&F), Weepingbell, Radicate, Butterfree,

Characters Pokemon Attacks used in Episode:
- Ash's Pikachu - Thunderbolt (Charged but not Discharged)
- Jiglypuff - Sing

Episode Location: Valencia Island / Professor Ivy's Labratory

Episode Highlights:
- Ash and his friends recover from their emergency landing on Valencia Island
- Nurse Joy is the second cousin of the sister-in-law of the Joy in Saffron City.
- Professor Ivy's Laboratory is at the end of Bayview Road.
- Brock decides to stay with Professor Ivy at her lab.
- Team Rocket repairs the blimp and Ash and Misty board it to return to Pallet Town and give the GS Ball to Professor Oak.

Eyecatch info:
- English: Who's That Pokemon? Lapras
- Japanese: Dare da? Nyorozo (ニョロゾ)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: 1 - "Looks like Team Rocket is drifting off again!"

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: None, Balloon didn't make appearance.

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: no

Episode Extras:
- Oak Lab - 125 Eleboo
- Okido Senryu: きをつけよう エレブーかみなり かじおやじ
Last edited 12 Nov 2010 09:48 PM by Sunain