Home / Episode Guide / Beadull Knows!/Bibarel Gnaws Best/ビーダルは知っていた!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Bibarel Gnaws Best
  • Japan ビーダルは知っていた!
  • Japan Beadull wa Shitteita!
  • Japan Beadull Knows!
  • Germany Bidifas nagt am besten!
  • France Trois jours pour un pont
  • Spain Bibarel roe mejor
  • Sweden Bibarel gnager bäst!
  • Italy I fantastici denti di Bibarel
  • Mexico ¡Bibarel Es El Mejor!
  • Finland Jyrsijöistä parhain!
  • Taiwan 尾狸早就知道了!
  • Poland Bibarel wie najlepiej!
  • Netherlands Bibarel knaagt het beste!
  • Brazil A Greve de Bibarel!
  • Czechia Bibarel kouše nejlíp
  • Norway Bibarel biter fra seg!
  • Denmark Bibarel bider fra sig!
  • South Korea 비버통은 알고 있다! 무슨 일이 일어났는지!
  • Portugal Pedras Moles em Águas Duras!
  • Russia Что гложет Бибэрела


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Iguchi

Japan Screenplay 武上純希 (Junki Takegami)
Japan Storyboard 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

君のそばで ~ヒカリのテーマ~ Winter Version
Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ Winter Version
함께 가는길
On the Road Together
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
Ash and co. are continuing their journey towards Solaceon Town. Dawn points to a bridge that would make a great shortcut for them, but Brock states that the bridge is still under construction. Brock notices a few people are near the bridge. One of them happens to be a girl that Brock immediately falls in love with. The two men have cornered the girl at the edge of the bridge. Brock, who thinks that the girl is in danger, runs towards her. He almost falls over, but Croagunk saves him. Brock tells the girl that he will rescue her from danger, but the girl tells him that he is making a mistake. She explains that she was having a discussion with the mayor and head engineer. The head engineer wants the girl to have the bridge finished in a few days so that it can be opened to public. Then the two men leave.

The girl's name is Isis. Ash and co. introduce themselves to her. Brock offers to be her assistant to finish the job. Isis explains that the head engineer has put her in charge of the stone cutting, but work has stopped. Ash wonders why her crew isn't working. Iris tries to explain, but Brock stops her. He sees two Machoke and two Machamp lying around. Assuming that they are Iris's crew, Brock gives them all Pokémon food. The Machoke and Machamp wake up from their naps and gobble down Brock's food. Brock tells Iris that she does not have to worry anymore because his special food will give them more energy to work. Isis tells Brock that the Machoke and Machamp are not the real problem. She says that the Pokémon that does the stone work is the problem because it won't work. Brock has her lead the way to it.

Team Rocket has been watching Ash and co. from the bushes. They realize that a group of Pokémon that can build bridges are strong enough to build a secret base. They decide to capture the Pokémon and then give them to the boss. Iris has lead Ash and co. to the place where the stones are cut. She points to a ledge. Up there is a Pokémon who is sleeping. Ash looks up the Pokémon in his Pokédex and discovers that it is a Bibarel. Bibarel is the stone cutter. Brock thinks that whipping up another batch of Pokémon food will get it to work again. So, Brock prepares the food and gives it to Bibarel. Bibarel eats the food, but then it goes back to sleep. This surprises Brock.

Ash asks Isis if Bibarel is really the Pokémon who can cut stone well. Isis states that she was the one who trained Bibarel to cut stone back at the academy. Then a teacher came along and wanted to make Bibarel an expert. Several days later, Isis saw that Bibarel had become a stone-cutting expert. However, ever since Bibarel's teacher left, Bibarel had lost all hope in cutting stone. Brock realizes that Bibarel just misses its teacher. Brock offers to help cut the stone, but Isis says that is impossible to do without Bibarel. Brock doesn't care though. He tells Ash to send out Turtwig, Chimchar, and Buizel. Ash decides to help, so he sends out the Pokémon. Then Brock sends out Sudowoodo, and Piplup decides to help too. Bibarel suddenly wakes up from its nap to watch the Pokémon. Chimchar uses Flamethrower on a stone to heat it up. Then Buizel cools it down with Water Gun. Afterwards, Turtwig and Sudowoodo use their Razor Leaf attacks (Sudowoodo used Mimic) to cut the stones into equal-size blocks. Isis is impressed with the work. She measures the blocks and then finally states that they are no good. She explains that each block has to be the right size in order to work on the bridge. Ash realizes that the job may be impossible to do, but Brock doesn't want to accept defeat.

Suddenly, Bibarel jumps onto the blocks. Brock wonders if Bibarel wants to work now, but Isis thinks Bibarel is angry. Bibarel glares at Ash and co. with its dark eyes. Suddenly, Team Rocket appears in their balloon, and they say their motto. Team Rocket has captured the Machoke and Machamp in a cage. Ash and co. demand for the Pokémon back. Team Rocket states that they need the Pokémon to build them a base. Then Team Rocket uses a robot arm to capture Bibarel. To free Bibarel from Team Rocket, Ash orders Chimchar and Buizel to attack the robot arm. Then Turtwig and Sudowoodo attack as well, but the attacks have no effect. Bibarel is thrown into the cage with the Machoke and Machamp. Bibarel isn't about to give up. It gnaws its way out of the cage by breaking the bars. Bibarel and the fighting Pokémon all jump out of the cage to safety. Pikachu then uses a Thunderbolt on Team Rocket, and Team Rocket goes blasting off again.

Isis congratulates Bibarel for saving all the fighting Pokémon. Brock asks Bibarel if it will help cut the stone, but Bibarel refuses. Suddenly, the head engineer arrives. He claims that Isis can't be trusted to get the job done, so he sends out Rhydon. Isis tells the engineer that Rhydon will never be able to cut the stone properly for the bridge, but the engineer ignores her. Rhydon begins drilling its way through the stone. Bibarel gets angry from this, and it tackles Rhydon. Rhydon uses its tail to throw Bibarel to the ground, but Bibarel recovers and bites Rhydon's foot. Rhydon collapses to the ground. The engineer isn't too happy about that, so he sends out an Aggron, a Magmar, and a Metang. The three Pokémon corner Bibarel. Aggron uses Iron Head, but Bibarel dodges the attack. Metang tries to hit Bibarel with a Metal Claw, but Bibarel avoids it too. Magmar uses Flamethrower, and the attack unfortunately hits Bibarel and weakens it. However, Bibarel is still able to fight.

To even up the sides, Ash sends Pikachu into battle. Pikachu uses Iron Tail on Rhydon. Then Ash and co. have the rest of their Pokémon attack. The engineer's Pokémon have all been defeated from the attacks. The engineer is mad now. He heads into his construction vehicle and charges towards Ash and co. Suddenly, a boulder hits the vehicle, and it tips over. The boulder came from Bibarel's teacher. The teacher and his Machamp approaches Isis and Bibarel. Bibarel is glad to see its teacher. The teacher states that the bridge that the engineer was going to build would have collapsed from its own weight if it succeeded. The engineer knew about the error in the blueprints, but he didn't say anything about it because his reputation was on the line. Isis and the teacher are furious at the engineer. They scare him away.

With the engineer gone and Bibarel's teacher back, everyone is ready to work on the bridge that the teacher came up with. After a few long hours, the bridge is finally built. Ash and co. are proud of their hard work. The teacher congratulates Isis for her hard work. Isis doesn't think she will make a good Pokémon breeder, but the teacher assures her that as long as she works together with her Pokémon, she will become an excellent breeder. The teacher then thanks Ash and co. for their help. As a token of his gratitude, he gives them a scarf just like the one Bibarel was wearing. Ash and co. accept the reward, and then they continue their way towards Solaceon Town.

English Official Summary

On the way to Solaceon Town, our heroes reach a river with an unfinished bridge. Brock immediately falls for Isis, the stonecutter working on the bridge, and learns that construction has halted because Isis's Bibarel refuses to cut any more stone. With only days until the project deadline, Isis's job is in trouble, and Brock gallantly offers to help get Bibarel back to work. But to his surprise, even the lure of delicious Pokémon food can't convince Bibarel to resume cutting. Isis doesn't know what's wrong—Bibarel was trained by a master stonecutter and always used to obey her commands. But once the stonecutter left, Bibarel stopped working. Brock and his friends try to make up for the slack by having their own Pokémon cut stone instead, but without Bibarel, they don't have the know-how to cut stone to the right specifications. To make things worse, Team Rocket descends on the scene and steals the construction team's Machamp and Machoke! Bibarel beats Team Rocket and frees the kidnapped Pokémon, but the bridge's head engineer shows up at the quarry and tries to force Bibarel out of the way so work can resume. With help from our heroes, Bibarel defeats the head engineer and his Pokémon. Then Bibarel's original master returns, and reveals that the head engineer's blueprints were flawed. That's why Bibarel refused to cut any stone! Using the corrected blueprint, Bibarel gets back to work and the bridge is finished on schedule.

French Official Summary

En chemin vers Bonville, nos héros rencontrent une tailleuse de pierre inquiète qui travaille sur un pont qui doit être achevé dans les trois jours. Pourront-ils l'aider ?

German Official Summary

Auf dem Weg nach Trostu begegnen unsere Helden einer besorgten Steinmetzin, die nur noch drei Tage Zeit hat, eine Brücke fertigzustellen. Werden sie ihr helfen können?

Italian Official Summary

Sulla strada per Flemminia, i nostri eroi giungono nei pressi di un fiume con un ponte in costruzione, Brock si innamora subito della responsabile dei lavori, Isis.

Portuguese Official Summary

A caminho da Cidade de Solaceon, nossos heróis encontram uma Criadora Pokémon desesperada que está trabalhando numa ponte de pedra que deve ser completada em três dias. Será que eles poderão ajudá-la?

Finnish Official Summary

Matkalla Solaceon Towniin sankarimme kohtaavat huolestuneen kivenhakkaajan tekemässä kivisiltaa, jonka pitäisi olla valmis kolmessa päivässä. Pystyvätkö he auttamaan häntä?

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

En su camino hacia Pueblo Solaceon, nuestros héroes encuentran a una preocupada cortadora de piedras que trabaja en un puente de piedras que debe de estar listo en tres días. ¿Podrán ayudarla?

Spanish Official Summary

De camino a Pueblo Sosiego, nuestros héroes llegan a un río con un puente interminable. Brock inmediatamente se enamora de Isis, la picapedrera que trabaja en el puente.

English Great Britian Official Summary

On the way to Solaceon Town, our heroes reach a river with an unfinished bridge. Brock immediately falls for Isis, the stonecutter working on the bridge, and learns that construction has halted because Isis's Bibarel refuses to cut any more stone. With only days until the project deadline, Isis's job is in trouble, and Brock gallantly offers to help get Bibarel back to work. But to his surprise, even the lure of delicious Pokémon food can't convince Bibarel to resume cutting. Isis doesn't know what's wrong—Bibarel was trained by a master stonecutter and always used to obey her commands. But once the stonecutter left, Bibarel stopped working. Brock and his friends try to make up for the slack by having their own Pokémon cut stone instead, but without Bibarel, they don't have the know-how to cut stone to the right specifications. To make things worse, Team Rocket descends on the scene and steals the construction team's Machamp and Machoke! Bibarel beats Team Rocket and frees the kidnapped Pokémon, but the bridge's head engineer shows up at the quarry and tries to force Bibarel out of the way so work can resume. With help from our heroes, Bibarel defeats the head engineer and his Pokémon. Then Bibarel's original master returns, and reveals that the head engineer's blueprints were flawed. That's why Bibarel refused to cut any stone! Using the corrected blueprint, Bibarel gets back to work and the bridge is finished on schedule.

Russian Official Summary

На пути в город Соласеон нашим героям встречается река с недостроенным мостом. Брок сразу же влюбляется в Айсис, камнетеса, работающего на мосту.

Dutch Official Summary

Op weg naar Solaceon Town komen onze helden bij een rivier met een brug die nog niet af is. Brock valt meteen voor Isis, de steenhouwer die aan de brug werkt.

Norwegian Official Summary

På veien til Solaceon Town, møter våre helter på en bekymret steinhugger som arbeider på en steinbro som må bli ferdig innen tre dager. Kan de hjelpe henne?

Swedish Official Summary

På vägen mot Solaceon Town, träffar våra hjältar på en orolig stenhuggare som arbetar på en stenbro som måste vara klar inom tre dagar? Kommer de att kunna hjälpa henne?

Danish Official Summary

På vej til Solaceon Town støder vore helte på en fortvivlet stenhugger, som er i gang med en stenbro, som skal være færdig om tre dage. Mon de kan hjælpe hende?


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Giovanni
  • Japan サカキ
  • Japan Sakaki
  • Japan Sakaki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Turtwig
  • Japan サトシのナエトル
  • Japan Satoshi no Naetle
  • Japan Satoshi's Naetle
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Chimchar
  • Japan サトシのヒコザル
  • Japan Satoshi no Hikozaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Hikozaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Sudowoodo
  • Japan タケシのウソッキー
  • Japan Takeshi no Usokkie
  • Japan Takeshi's Usokkie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Happiny
  • Japan タケシのピンプク
  • Japan Takeshi no Pinpuku
  • Japan Takeshi's Pinpuku
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Croagunk
  • Japan タケシのグレッグル
  • Japan Takeshi no Gureggru
  • Japan Takeshi's Gureggru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Mime Jr.
  • Japan コジロウのマネネ
  • Japan Kojirō no Manene
  • Japan Kojiro's Manene
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Isis
  • Japan イシス
  • Japan Isis
  • Japan Isis
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Expert Stonecutter
  • Japan 石工の達人
  • Japan Ishiku no tatsujin
  • Japan Expert Stonecutter
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bridge Builder
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Expert Stonecutter's Bibarel
  • Japan 石工の達人のビーダル
  • Japan Ishiku no tatsujin no Beadull
  • Japan Expert Stonecutter's Beadull
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bridge Builder's Aggron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bridge Builder's Magmar

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Machoke
  • Japan ゴーリキー
  • Japan Goriky
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Machamp
  • Japan カイリキー
  • Japan Kairiky
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Rhydon
  • Japan サイドン
  • Japan Sidon
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Metang
  • Japan メタング
  • Japan Metang
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl Eyecatch

Fourth variation of the Diamond and Pearl Intro and Return Eyecatches featuring Hikari, Satoshi and Takeshi.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:26
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Subtitle
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:51
Title: Movie 2 Short - Tamatama
The group notices three persons on the half-broken bridge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:51
Title: Movie 3 BGM - An E-Mail to Okido
Movie 3 BGM - Isis explains the situation.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:01
Title: Movie 3 BGM - Bedtime
Movie 3 BGM - Isis explains further the issue about the construction site.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:42
Title: Movie 2 Short - Rolling Togepi
Takeshi gives food to every Goriky and Kairiky in the construction site.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:38
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Rocket Gang plots in the bushes, and Nyarth has a boss fantasy where Sakaki wakes up in the morning inside a secret base constructed by the Goriky and Kairiky.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:23
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M14
Isis points to the Beadull lying at a ledge of the cliff above.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:50
Title: ダイアンの気持ち
Japanese (Romanized): Diane no Kimochi
Japanese (TL): Diane's Feelings
Movie 6 BGM - Isis tells her story with Beadull.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:41
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Satoshi and Takeshi send out some of their Pokémon, and Takeshi shows with their power how to cut stones into equal-size blocks.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:25
Title: Movie 2 BGM - Fire Orb
Movie 2 BGM - Isis warns that Beadull is angry at someone "replacing" its job. The music overlaps the Eyecatch Break.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:43
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch C
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:03
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang's Diamond & Pearl Motto Variation
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:50
Title: Movie 9 BGM - オニドリル~キャプチャオン~ B
Japanese (TL): Onidrill ~Capture on~ B
Movie 9 BGM - Rocket Gang capture Beadull.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:55
Title: 活躍!
Japanese (Romanized): Katsuyaku!
Japanese (TL): Activity!
Beadull, the Goriky and the Kairiky escape from the cage and Pikachu sends Rocket Gang blasting off.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:36
Title: Movie 2 Short - Tamatama Evolves
Isis congratulates Beadull for the act.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:16
Title: 城、平安~迫り来る危機
Japanese (Romanized): Shiro, Heian~Semari Kuru Kiki
Japanese (TL): Castle, Heian Era~A Crisis that is Imminently Approaching
Movie 8 BGM - The head engineer orders his Pokémon to cut the stone for the bridge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:55
Title: 1999-2001-M38 ~OK!~ (BONUS-TRACK)
Satoshi, Takeshi and Hikari start fighting back with their Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:59
Title: Movie 8 BGM - Aaron Leaves Lucario
Movie 8 BGM - Beadull's teacher points out the errors in the blueprints of the bridge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:23
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M22 206ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 206-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 206 (Day)
Beadull's teacher shows the correct blueprints for the bridge's construction and the work on it begins.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:11
Title: Movie 1 Short - Atarashii tomodachi (Instrumental)
Satoshi, Takeshi, Hikari, Isis and Beadull's teacher talk after the construction process is over, after which the group departs.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:21
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M22 206ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 206-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 206 (Day)
Professor Okido's Pokémon Encyclopedia
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:26
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M08 201ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 201-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 201 (Day)
Okido explains the characteristics of Hipopotas.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:10
Title: Okido's Senryū Theme
Okido recites a Senryū.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:47
Title: 君のそばで~ヒカリのテーマ~Winter.VER(TVサイズ)
Japanese (Romanized): Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ Winter.VER (TV Version)
Japanese (TL): By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ Winter.VER (TV Version)
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:08
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Diamond & Pearl Episode 58 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:52
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M19
Satoshi talks while scenes of DP 58-DP 60 are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 25:09
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M13 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Yasei Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Satoshi talks while scenes of the Pokémon Contest from DP 61 are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 25:21
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M01 けんきゅうじょ(オープニング)
Japanese (Romanized): Kenkyūjo (Opening)
Japanese (TL): Laboratory (Opening)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M23 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
Cold opening scenes(Dub only)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:21
Title: We Will Be Heroes
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:10
Title: Movie 2 Short - Rolling Togepi
Brock gives food to all the Machoke and Machamp.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:05
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Team rocket spy on the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:08
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M24 新サトシのテーマ
Japanese (Romanized): Shin Satoshi no thema
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's New Theme
Ash and Brock send out their Pokémon to carve the rocks.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:19
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:10
Title: 活躍!
Japanese (Romanized): Katsuyaku!
Japanese (TL): Activity!
Bibarel bites its way out of the cage to free the Pokémon.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:46
Title: 城、平安~迫り来る危機
Japanese (Romanized): Shiro, Heian~Semari Kuru Kiki
Japanese (TL): Castle, Heian Era~A Crisis that is Imminently Approaching
Movie 8 BGM-The Construction leader sends out his Pokémon to get the job done and take out Bibarel.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:40
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M22 206ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 206-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 206 (Day)
The correct blueprints have been revealed.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:39
Title: We Will Be Heroes
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 10
06 Dec 2007 03:00 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3189
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ビーダルは知っていた!/Beadull wa Shitteita!/Bibarel Gnaws Best. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
15 Jul 2012 09:54 PM
ivantuga2 Administrator
Joined: 11 Jan 2011
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Fixed the original air date of this episode. Since DP 56 aired on 29th November 2007 and was part of an one-hour special along with DP 57, it couldn't have premiered on 6th December 2007 :)