Home / Episode Guide / An Undersea Place to Call Home!海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!!The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States An Undersea Place to Call Home!
  • Japan 海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!!
  • Japan Kaitei no shiro! Kuzumo to Dramidoro!!
  • Japan The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!
  • Germany Ein Zuhause auf dem Meeresgrund!
  • France Une maison sous-marine !
  • Spain ¡Un lugar submarino llamado hogar!
  • Sweden En plats under vattnet att kalla hemma!
  • Italy Una casa in fondo al mare!
  • Mexico ¡Un hogar en el mar!
  • Finland Merenalainen koti
  • Netherlands Een plek onder water waar je je thuis voelt!
  • Brazil Um Lugar Subaquático para Chamar de Lar!
  • Norway Et undervannshjem
  • Denmark Et hjem under havet!
  • South Korea 해저의 성! 수레기와 드래캄!!
  • Portugal Um Lugar Subaquático para Chamar de Lar!
  • Russia Под водой – как дома!


Staff List

OP/ED List

Japan OP メガV
한계를 넘어
Beyond the Limit
Pokémon Roll Call
Tình bạn vĩnh cửu
Eternal Friendship
Open your Hand
Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Satoshi's Pikachu
Japan 牧口真幸 (Mayuki Makiguchi) Serena
Japan 梶裕貴 (Yuki Kaji) Citron
Japan 伊瀬茉莉也 (Mariya Ise) Eureka
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Musashi
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Kojiro
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Nyarth
Japan 上田祐司 (Yūji Ueda) Musashi's Sonansu
Japan 佐藤めぐみ (Megumi Sato) Citron's Dedenne
Japan 寺崎裕香 (Yuka Terasaki) Satoshi's Yayakoma
Japan 生天目仁美 (Hitomi Nabatame) Citron's Harimaron
Japan 赤﨑千夏 (Chinatsu Akasaki) Citron's Horubee
Japan 岡村明美 (Akemi Okamura) Lindsay
Japan 中村大樹 (Daiki Nakamura) Eddie
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 上田祐司 (Yūji Ueda) Satoshi's Keromatsu Uncredited
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Serena's Fokko Uncredited

Recording Studio
Aoi Studio
Audio Studio Logo


United States Tom Wayland Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Sarah Natochenny Chinchou
United States Haven Burton Paschall Serena
United States Mike Liscio Clemont
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Bonnie
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Clemont's Bunnelby
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States Kira Buckland Lindsay
United States James Carter Cathcart James
United States James Carter Cathcart Meowth
United States Michele Knotz Jessie
United States Suzy Myers Clemont's Chespin
United States Suzy Myers Ash's Kalos Pokédex I
United States Lisa Ortiz Ash's Fletchling
United States Scott Rayow Eddy
United States Bill Rogers Octillery
United States Kayzie Rogers Jessie's Wobbuffet
United States Kayzie Rogers Luvdisc
United States Eileen Stevens Serena's Fennekin
United States Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Froakie
United States Billy Bob Thompson Skrelp
United States Billy Bob Thompson Dragalge
United States Marc Thompson Huntail
United States Tom Wayland Magikarp

Recording Studio
DuArt Media Services
Audio Studio Logo

English Official Summary

Our heroes take an excursion to the Muraille Coast before Ash’s Cyllage City Gym battle. They spend some time fishing until Ash pulls up a Skrelp, which attacks Pikachu with its poison! Fortunately, they meet a couple along the beach road who heal Pikachu with a handy Antidote. Eddy and Lindsey are underwater archeologists in search of the Cussler , a luxury liner that sank many years ago. Our heroes decide to help them with their quest! While Clemont and Bonnie stay above with Eddy, Ash and Serena join Lindsey in her submarine, and they dive toward the ocean floor. Sure enough, the wreck of the Cussler is there, and thanks to some crafty Dragalge who have fused it together with Acid, it’s become a home for many different kinds of Water-type Pokémon! A mysterious light lures them deeper into the wreckage, where they spot Team Rocket’s submarine. The villains have come to claim the Cussler ’s sunken treasure, and their meddling has endangered the structure of the ship. With a little help from our heroes, the wild Pokémon manage to fix up their underwater refuge. But at the same time, Team Rocket escapes with the Cussler ’s safe—only to get caught in a whirlpool! Skrelp is caught too, but Froakie comes to the rescue, showing off its spectacular jumping skills…and giving Ash some ideas he would put to use in his upcoming Gym battle against Grant!

French Official Summary

Lors de leur visite à la Falaise Muraille, nos héros pêchent tranquillement lorsque Sacha sort soudain de l’eau un Venalgue, qui attaque Pikachu avec son poison ! Heureusement, ils rencontrent un couple sur la route qui longe la plage, et les deux jeunes gens soignent Pikachu au moyen d’un Antidote efficace. Eddy et Luce sont archéologues sous-marins et recherchent Le Cousteau, un luxueux paquebot qui a sombré il y a bien des années, et nos héros décident de les aider dans leur mission ! Tandis que Lem et Clem restent à bord avec Eddy, Sacha et Serena plongent avec Luce dans leur sous-marin, et s’enfoncent vers le fond de l’océan. Il s’avère rapidement que Le Cousteau est bel et bien là, et grâce à des Kravarech qui l’ont soudé à d’autres épaves avec Acide, il est devenu une maison pour toutes sortes de Pokémon Eau ! Mais une lumière mystérieuse les attire vers l’épave, et ils aperçoivent le sous-marin de la Team Rocket. Les bandits sont venus pour dérober le trésor englouti du Cousteau, mais leurs manœuvres ont endommagé la structure du bateau ! Avec un peu d’aide de nos héros, les Pokémon sauvages arrivent à réparer leur maison sous-marine tandis que la Team Rocket s’échappe avec le coffre-fort du Cousteau, pour être aussitôt prise dans un tourbillon ! Venalgue est pris, lui aussi, mais Grenousse vient à son secours au moyen d’un bond spectaculaire qui donne à Sacha une idée pour son prochain combat d'Arène !

German Official Summary

Während eines Besuchs der Muraille-Küste vor Ashs Kampf in der Relievera-Arena angeln unsere Helden gemütlich am Küstenpfad, als Ash plötzlich ein Algitt aus dem Wasser zieht, das Pikachu sofort mit seinem Gift angreift! Entlang der Straße am Strand treffen sie glücklicherweise auf ein Pärchen, das ein Gegengift bei sich hat, mit dem sie Pikachu heilen können. Eddy und Leonie sind Unterwasser-Archäologen und auf der Suche nach der Cousteau, einem Luxus-Liner, der vor vielen, vielen Jahren gesunken ist. Ohne lange zu überlegen, entschließen sich unsere Freunde, bei der Suche zu helfen! Während Citro und Heureka mit Eddy auf dem Schiff bleiben, tauchen Ash, Serena und Leonie mit ihrem U-Boot Richtung Meeresgrund ab. Eddy und Leonie sind sich sicher, dass das Wrack der Cousteau dort liegen muss. Tatsächlich finden sie das gesunkene Schiff, welches aufgrund der schlauen Tandrak, die die Wrackteile mit Säure zusammengeschweißt haben, inzwischen zu einem Zuhause für die unterschiedlichsten Wasser-Pokémon geworden ist! Ein mysteriöses Licht lockt sie tiefer ins Wrack hinein, wo sie Team Rockets U-Boot entdecken. Die Gauner wollen den Schatz der versunkenen Cousteau bergen, doch ihr Vorhaben gefährdet die Stabilität des Schiffes! Mit der Unterstützung unserer Helden gelingt es den wilden Pokémon, ihr Unterwasser-Refugium zu sichern. Währenddessen hat Team Rocket mit dem Safe der Cousteau die Flucht ergriffen, allerdings kommen sie nicht weit, denn sie sind in einen Strudel geraten! Auch Algitt wird in den Strudel gezogen, doch Froxy rettet es mit seinen spektakulären Sprung-Künsten, mit denen es auch Ash ein paar tolle Ideen gibt, die er in seinem nächsten Arenakampf gegen Lino umsetzt!

Italian Official Summary

I nostri eroi stanno pescando alla Muraglia Costiera quando lo Skrelp che ha abboccato avvelena Pikachu! Fortunatamente una coppia sulla spiaggia ha con sé un Antidoto: sono Edoardo e Luciana due archeologhi alla ricerca del Salgari, una nave da crociera affondata anni fa. I nostri eroi si offrono di aiutarli e Ash e Serena partono a bordo del sottomarino di Luciana. Individuato il relitto, seguendo una luce misteriosa si dirigono all’interno dove trovano il Team Rocket intenzionato a impadronirsi del tesoro del Salgari! La loro stessa presenza ha però messo in pericolo la struttura della nave e, unendosi ai Pokémon selvatici di tipo Acqua, i nostri eroi riescono a metterla in salvo mentre il Team Rocket, in fuga con la cassaforte, finisce in un vortice d’acqua! Quando anche lo Skrelp viene risucchiato, Froakie lo salva grazie alla sua straordinaria agilità!

Portuguese Official Summary

Durante uma visita à Costa Muraille antes da Batalha de Ginásio de Ash na Cidade de Cyllage, nossos heróis resolvem pescar quando Ash fisga um Skrelp que ataca Pikachu com seu veneno! Felizmente, eles recebem a ajuda de um casal que passava por perto e Pikachu é tratado com um Antídoto. Eddy e Lindsey são arqueólogos marinhos em busca do Custeau, um cruzeiro de luxo que afundou muitos anos atrás e nossos heróis decidem ajudá-los em sua busca! Enquanto Clemont e Bonnie ficam na superfície com Eddy, Ash e Serena se juntam a Lindsey em seu submarino e eles mergulham para o fundo do oceano, certos de que o naufrágio do Custeau está lá. E graças a um bando de Dragalge que o fundiram a outro naufrágio usando Ácido, fica claro que o Custeau se tornou lar para vários tipos diferentes de Pokémon Tipo-Água! Uma luz misteriosa os atrai mais a fundo nos destroços, onde eles encontram o submarino da Equipe Rocket. Os vilões haviam chegado para pilhar o tesouro afundado do Custeau, e suas ações colocaram em risco toda a estrutura do navio! Com uma ajudinha de nossos heróis, os Pokémon selvagens conseguem consertar seu refúgio submarino enquanto a Equipe Rocket escapa com o cofre do Custeau, apenas para serem pegos em um redemoinho! Skrelp também é pego, mas Froakie parte para o resgate, mostrando suas formidáveis habilidades de salto... e dando a Ash algumas ideias que ele poderia usar em sua Batalha de Ginásio contra Grant!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme kalastavat Muraille-rannikolla ennen Ashin Cyllage Cityn saliottelua, ja Ash saa saaliikseen Skrelpin. Se käy Pikachun kimppuun myrkyllään. Onneksi sankarimme kohtaavat pariskunnan, joka parantaa Pikachun vastamyrkyllä. Eddy ja Lindsey ovat meriarkeologeja, jotka etsivät Cussleria, luksusristeilijää, joka upposi kauan sitten. Sankarimme päättävät osallistua etsintöihin! Clemont ja Bonnie jäävät pinnalle Eddyn kanssa, kun taas Ash ja Serena liittyvät Lindseyn mukaan sukellukselle. Pian he löytävätkin Cusslerin hylyn, joka nokkelien Dragalgejen tekemän Acidin avulla toimii nyt osana erilaisten Vesityypin Pokémonien kotia. Salaperäinen valo houkuttelee sankarimme syvemmälle hylkyyn. Sieltä paljastuu Rakettiryhmän sukellusvene. Roistot ovat tulleet hakemaan Cusslerin aarteita, mutta he vahingoittavat samalla laivan rakenteita. Sankareittemme avustuksella villit Pokémonit onnistuvat korjaamaan merenalaisen kotinsa Rakettiryhmän paetessa Cusslerin kassakaapin kera vain jäädäkseen kiinni pyörteeseen! Skrelp joutuu myös pyörteeseen, mutta Froakie tulee sen avuksi esitellen erinomaisia hyppytaitojaan. Siitä Ash saakin ajatuksen seuraavaa Grantia vastaan käymäänsä saliottelua varten! Sankarimme kalastavat Muraille-rannikolla ennen Ashin Cyllage Cityn saliottelua, ja Ash saa saaliikseen Skrelpin. Se käy Pikachun kimppuun myrkyllään. Onneksi sankarimme kohtaavat pariskunnan, joka parantaa Pikachun vastamyrkyllä. Eddy ja Lindsey ovat meriarkeologeja, jotka etsivät Cussleria, luksusristeilijää, joka upposi kauan sitten. Sankarimme päättävät osallistua etsintöihin! Clemont ja Bonnie jäävät pinnalle Eddyn kanssa, kun taas Ash ja Serena liittyvät Lindseyn mukaan sukellukselle. Pian he löytävätkin Cusslerin hylyn, joka nokkelien Dragalgejen tekemän Acidin avulla toimii nyt osana erilaisten Vesityypin Pokémonien kotia.Salaperäinen valo houkuttelee sankarimme syvemmälle hylkyyn. Sieltä paljastuu Rakettiryhmän sukellusvene. Roistot ovat tulleet hakemaan Cusslerin aarteita, mutta he vahingoittavat samalla laivan rakenteita. Sankareittemme avustuksella villit Pokémonit onnistuvat korjaamaan merenalaisen kotinsa Rakettiryhmän paetessa Cusslerin kassakaapin kera vain jäädäkseen kiinni pyörteeseen! Skrelp joutuu myös pyörteeseen, mutta Froakie tulee sen avuksi esitellen erinomaisia hyppytaitojaan. Siitä Ash saakin ajatuksen seuraavaa Grantia vastaan käymäänsä saliottelua varten!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Durante una visita a la Muralla Costera antes de la Batalla de Gimnasio de Ash en Ciudad Cyllage, nuestros héroes se encuentran pescando cuando Ash saca un Skrelp, ¡el cual ataca a Pikachu con veneno! Afortunadamente, conocen a una pareja en el camino de la playa que cura a Pikachu con un útil Antídoto. Eddy y Lindsey son arqueólogos submarinos en busca de El Cussler, un crucero de lujo que se hundió hace muchos años, y nuestros héroes deciden ayudarlos con su búsqueda. Mientras Clemont y Bonnie se quedan en la superficie con Eddy, Ash y Serena van con Lindsey en el submarino y se sumergen hacia el lecho del océano. Como pensaban, los restos de El Cussler están ahí, y gracias a un astuto Dragalge que lo ha fusionado con Ácido, se ha vuelto el hogar de muchas clases diferentes de Pokémon tipo Agua. Una misteriosa luz los atrae cada vez más cerca de los restos del barco, donde encuentran el submarino del Equipo Rocket. Los villanos han venido a llevarse el tesoro hundido de El Cussler, y su interrupción ha dañado la estructura del barco. Con un poco de ayuda de nuestros héroes, los Pokémon salvajes consiguen arreglar su refugio submarino mientras el Equipo Rocket escapa con la caja fuerte de El Cussler, ¡sólo para quedar atrapados en un remolino! Skrelp también queda atrapado, pero Froakie llega al rescate, mostrando sus espectaculares habilidades de salto… ¡y dándole a Ash ideas para usar en su próxima Batalla de Gimnasio contra Grant!

Spanish Official Summary

Durante una visita a la Muralla Costera antes del Combate de Gimnasio de Ash en Ciudad Relieve, nuestros héroes están pescando, cuando Ash saca un Skrelp que ataca a Pikachu con su veneno. Afortunadamente, se encuentran con una pareja en la carretera a la playa que cura a Pikachu con un práctico Antídoto. Eddie y Lindsey son arqueólogos submarinos en busca de El Titanus, un crucero de lujo que se hundió hace muchos años, y nuestros héroes deciden ayudarles en su búsqueda. Mientras Lem y Clem se quedan arriba con Eddy, Ash y Serena se unen a Lindsey en un submarino y bucean hacia el lecho oceánico donde, por supuesto, están los restos de El Titanus y, gracias a unos hábiles Dragalge que han fusionado el barco con Ácido, se ha convertido en un hogar para muchas clases distintas de Pokémon de tipo Agua. Una misteriosa luz los atrae a lo más profundo de los restos, donde divisan el submarino del Team Rocket. Los villanos han venido a reclamar el tesoro hundido de El Titanus, y su intromisión ha puesto en peligro la estructura del barco. Con una pequeña ayuda de nuestros héroes, los Pokémon salvajes consiguen arreglar su refugio submarino, mientras que el Team Rocket escapa con la caja fuerte de El Titanus, solo para quedar atrapados en un remolino. Skrelp también queda atrapado, pero Froakie corre al rescate, demostrando su espectacular habilidad para saltar y dando a Ash algunas ideas que pondrá en práctica en su Combate de Gimnasio contra Lino.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Our heroes take an excursion to the Muraille Coast before Ash’s Cyllage City Gym battle. They spend some time fishing until Ash pulls up a Skrelp, which attacks Pikachu with its poison! Fortunately, they meet a couple along the beach road who heal Pikachu with a handy Antidote. Eddy and Lindsey are underwater archeologists in search of the Cussler , a luxury liner that sank many years ago. Our heroes decide to help them with their quest! While Clemont and Bonnie stay above with Eddy, Ash and Serena join Lindsey in her submarine, and they dive toward the ocean floor. Sure enough, the wreck of the Cussler is there, and thanks to some crafty Dragalge who have fused it together with Acid, it’s become a home for many different kinds of Water-type Pokémon! A mysterious light lures them deeper into the wreckage, where they spot Team Rocket’s submarine. The villains have come to claim the Cussler ’s sunken treasure, and their meddling has endangered the structure of the ship. With a little help from our heroes, the wild Pokémon manage to fix up their underwater refuge. But at the same time, Team Rocket escapes with the Cussler ’s safe—only to get caught in a whirlpool! Skrelp is caught too, but Froakie comes to the rescue, showing off its spectacular jumping skills…and giving Ash some ideas he would put to use in his upcoming Gym battle against Grant!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Силладж-Сити, где Эша ждёт очередная Гим-битва, герои заходят на Побережье Мурэйль. Они решают порыбачить. Эш вылавливает Скрелпа, который нападает на Пикачу. Хорошо, что неподалеку от пляжа они встречают пару, у которых есть противоядие для Пикачу. Эдди и Линдси – подводные археологи, которые ищут «Касслер», роскошный лайнер, затонувший много лет назад. Наши герои решают им помочь! Клемонт и Бонни остаются на берегу с Эдди, а Эш, Серена и Линдси погружаются на подводной лодке на дно. Там действительно оказывается остов «Касслера». Более того, он стал домом для огромного количества водных Покемонов! Загадочный свет манит наших героев внутрь остова корабля, где они замечают подлодку Команды Р. Злодеи орудуют здесь в поисках сокровищ с борта корабля, и их деятельность ослабила всю его конструкцию. При помощи наших героев подводным Покемонам всё же удается спасти свой дом, но Команда Р скрывается, прихватив сейф с «Касслера». Правда они почти сразу попадают в водоворот! В него же попадает и Скрелп, но Фроки приходит ему на помощь, демонстрируя потрясающие прыжки. Наблюдая за этим, Эшу приходит в голову идея, как использовать эти прыжки в Гим-битве против Гранта!

Dutch Official Summary

Tijdens een bezoekje aan de Muraille Kust, voorafgaand aan het Cyllage City Gym gevecht van Ash, zijn onze helden aan het vissen, als Ash een Skrelp vangt die Pikachu aanvalt met zijn gif. Gelukkig komen ze langs het strand een stel tegen dat Pikachu geneest met een handig Serum. Eddy en Lindsey zijn diepzee archeologen op zoek naar de Cussler, een luxe cruiseschip dat vele jaren geleden is gezonken. Onze helden besluiten om hen te helpen met hun zoektocht. Terwijl Clemont en Bonnie aan dek blijven met Eddy, gaan Ash en Serena mee met Lindsey in haar duikboot en duiken ze naar de zeebodem. Inderdaad ligt het wrak van de Cussler daar en dankzij een paar handige Dragalge die de wrakstukken met elkaar verbonden hebben met Zuur, is het nu een leefplek voor vele verschillende Watersoort Pokémon. Een mysterieus licht lokt ze dieper het wrak in, waar ze de duikboot van Team Rocket ontdekken. De boeven zijn daar om de gezonken schat van de Cussler mee te nemen en door hun toedoen brengen ze de constructie van het schip in gevaar! Met hulp van onze helden weten de wilde Pokémon hun onderwater verblijf weer te herstellen, terwijl Team Rocket vlucht met de kluis van de Cussler. Echter, zij worden meegezogen door een draaikolk! Skrelp wordt ook meegezogen, maar Froakie schiet hem te hulp, waarbij hij zijn spectaculaire springkracht laat zien. Dat brengt Ash op ideeën die hij kan gebruiken in zijn komende Gym gevecht tegen Grant.

Norwegian Official Summary

Våre helter fisker langs Muraille-kysten i det Ash drar opp en Skrelp, som angriper Pikachu med giften sin! Heldigvis møter de et par langs veien som leger Pikachu med en hendig motgift. Eddy og Lindsey er undersjøiske arkeologer som leter etter Cussler, et luksusskip som sank for mange åre siden, og våre helter bestemmer seg for å hjelpe dem med søket! Mens Clemont og Bonnie blir i båten med Eddy, blir Ash og Serena med Lindsey i ubåten hennes, og de dykker ned mot havbunnen. Ganske riktig, vraket til Cussler er der, og takket være noen flinke Dragalge som har smeltet det sammen med Acid, har det blitt hjemmet til mange forskjellige Vann-type-Pokémon! Et mystisk lys lokker dem dypere ned i vraket, der de oppdager Team Rockets ubåt. Skurkene har kommet for å ta Cusslers senkede skatt, og innblandingen deres har satt konstruksjonen til skipet i fare! Med litt hjelp fra våre helter, klarer de ville Pokémon å fikse undervannshjemmet sitt i det Team Rocket stikker av med safen til Cussler - før de blir tatt av en malstrøm! Det blir Skrelp også, men Froakie kommer til unnsetning, og får vist fram de spektakulære hoppe-ferdighetene sine..og dette gir Ash noen ideer til den neste Gym-kampen hans mot Grant!

Swedish Official Summary

Under ett besök vid Muraille-kusten före Ashs Cyllage City-gym-strid, höll våra hjältar på att fiska längs Muraille-kusten, när Ash drog upp en Skrelp som attackerade Pikachu med gift! Lyckligtvis mötte de ett par på stranden som botade Pikachu med ett motgift. Eddy och Lindsey visade sig vara undervattens-arkeologer som letade efter Cussler, en lyxkryssare som sjönk för många år sedan, och våra hjältar bestämde sig för att hjälpa dem i deras sökande! Medan Clemont och Bonnie stannade kvar däruppe tillsammans med Eddie, följde Ash och Serena med Lindsey i hennes ubåt, och de dök ned mot havets botten. Helt riktigt låg Cusslers vrakdelar därnere, och tack vare några händiga Dragalge som hade svetsat samman delarna med Acid, hade det blivit ett hem för många olika sorters Vatten-typ Pokémon! Ett mystiskt ljus lockade dem djupare in i vraket, där de fick syn på Team Rockets ubåt. Skurkarna hade kommit för att sno åt sig Cusslers sjunkna skatt, och deras intrång hade äventyrat hela skeppets konstruktion! Med lite hjälp från våra hjältar lyckades de vilda Pokémon rädda sitt undervattens-hem, medan Team Rocket flydde med Cusslers kassaskåp; bara för att sedan bli fångade i en strömvirvel! Skrelp blev också fast, men Froakie kom till undsättning och visade prov på sin spektakulära hopp-skicklighet, vilket gav Ash lite idéer inför hans nästa Gym-strid!

Danish Official Summary

Vore helte er ude at fiske på Muraille-kysten, da Ash får en Skrelp på krogen, som angriber Pikachu med sin gift! Heldigvis møder de et par på kystvejen, som helbreder Pikachu med en modgift. Eddy og Lindsey er undervandsarkæologer og leder efter Titania, luksuslineren, der sank for mange år siden, og vore helte beslutter nu at hjælpe dem med deres søgen! Mens Clemont og Bonnie bliver over vandet samme med Eddy, tager Ash og Serena med Lindsey i hendes ubåd, som dykker ned til havbunden. Vraget af Titania ligger der ganske rigtigt, og takket være nogle behændige Dragalge, som har loddet det sammen med Acid, er det nu et hjem for mange forskellige slags Vandtype Pokémon! Et mystisk lys lokker dem dybere ind i vraget, hvor Team Rockets ubåd venter. Skurkene er kommet for at få fat på Titanias sunkne skatte, og deres indblanding sætter skibskonstruktionen i fare! Med lidt hjælp fra vore helte lykkes det de vilde Pokémon at redde deres undervandshjem, mens Team Rocket flygter med Titanias sikkerhedsboks – kun for at blive fanget i en hvirvelstrøm! Skrelp bliver også fanget, men Froakie kommer den til undsætning med sine fantastiske springfærdigheder... og giver Ash en idé til hans næste Salkamp mod Grant!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena
  • Japan セレナ
  • Japan Serena
  • Japan Serena
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bonnie
  • Japan ユリーカ
  • Japan Eureka
  • Japan Eureka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont
  • Japan シトロン
  • Japan Citron
  • Japan Citron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Froakie
  • Japan サトシのケロマツ
  • Japan Satoshi no Keromatsu
  • Japan Satoshi's Keromatsu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Dedenne
  • Japan シトロンのデデンネ
  • Japan Citron no Dedenne
  • Japan Citron's Dedenne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Bunnelby
  • Japan シトロンのホルビー
  • Japan Citron no Horubee
  • Japan Citron's Horubee
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Fletchling
  • Japan サトシのヤヤコマ
  • Japan Satoshi no Yayakoma
  • Japan Satoshi's Yayakoma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena's Fennekin
  • Japan セレナのフォッコ
  • Japan Serena no Fokko
  • Japan Serena's Fokko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Chespin
  • Japan シトロンのハリマロン
  • Japan Citron no Harimaron
  • Japan Citron's Harimaron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rodman
  • Japan ルダン
  • Japan Louden
  • Japan Louden
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Eddy
  • Japan エディ
  • Japan Eddie
  • Japan Eddie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Lindsay
  • Japan リンジー
  • Japan Lindsay
  • Japan Lindsay
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Kalos Pokédex I
  • Japan サトシのカロスのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Kalos no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Kalos Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Goldeen
  • Japan トサキント
  • Japan Tosakinto
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Starmie
  • Japan スターミー
  • Japan Starmie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Chinchou
  • Japan チョンチー
  • Japan Chonchie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Qwilfish
  • Japan ハリーセン
  • Japan Harysen
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Remoraid
  • Japan テッポウオ
  • Japan Teppouo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Octillery
  • Japan オクタン
  • Japan Okutank
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Huntail
  • Japan ハンテール
  • Japan Huntail
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Luvdisc
  • Japan ラブカス
  • Japan Lovecus
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Alomomola
  • Japan ママンボウ
  • Japan Mamanbou
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Skrelp
  • Japan クズモー
  • Japan Kuzumo
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Dragalge
  • Japan ドラミドロ
  • Japan Dramidoro


On April 16th, 2014, the South Korean ferry Sewol (세월호) carrying 476 people capsized and many people died in the accident.

On April 21st, 2014, TV Tokyo announced that they would be delaying the airing of XY24 - The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!! (海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!!) as the episode featured Satoshi and friends diving underwater to look for the luxury ship "The Cussler" which was assumed to have sunk. Pokémon Get TV 28 did have the preview for XY24 though. XY25 - The Shoyo Gym Match! Pikachu VS Chigoras!! (ショウヨウジム戦!ピカチュウ対チゴラス!!) aired on April 24th, 2014 instead.

This is the message that TV Tokyo posted on the Official Pocket Monsters XY anime website: "Due to the current situation, the episode planned to be broadcast April 24th, "The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!", has been temporarily put on hold. It is scheduled to be broadcast at a later date. Once an airdate has been decided, it will be announced on our website." (4/24に放送を予定していた『海底の城!クズモーとドラミドロ!!』は、都合により放送延期になりました。今後、改めて放送する予定です。日程は決まり次第、HP上等で発表します。)

Source: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/program/detail/22836_201404241900.html


Pokémon Fan - Issue 35 (ポケモンファン 35月号) had the schedule for April and May 2014 which lists XY24 - The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!! (海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!!) as airing on April 24th, 2014. The issue was released on April 19th, 2014 about three days after the ferry accident on April 16th, 2014, so there was no time to adjust the printed schedule in the issue. A small summary of the episode was included.

While fishing in the sea, Satoshi reels in a Kuzumo. However, Pikachu gets badly poisoned from Kuzumo's attack...
海でつりをしていたサトシが、クズモーをつりあげた。ところが、ピカチュウが クズモーのこうげきでもうどくじょうたいになってしまい...。


Pocket Monsters XY Sound Director Mima Masafumi (三間雅文) posted the following on his Twitter account on April 27th, 2014 at 12:30 PM:

A last minute desicion was made to skip last week's episode of Pocket Monsters XY. This was done out of consideration for those involved in the tragic accident in Korea. I hope they find everyone as soon as possible.
『ポケットモンスターXY』に関しては、先週の放送が急遽、差し替えられた。これは、韓国の痛ましい海難事故に配慮しての事だ。一日も早く、全員を見つけ て欲しい。

The tweet was accompanied with a photo of the front cover of the script.


Pocket Monsters XY writer Akemi Omode (面出明美) replied to a Tweet on April 23rd, 2014.

Omode: "While Pokemon is airing tomorrow... the episode that was scheduled to air has been postponed. That means "The Shoyo Gym Match! Pikachu VS Chigoras!!" is airing a week early. It's the rematch with Zakuro!!"

"nido_climax": "So I was thinking... when episodes get postponed like that, won't it affect the flow of the story or create inconsistencies?"
(思うのですが放送休止になった部分で ストーリーの進行や矛盾に影響は出ないのでしょうか?)

Omode: "Yes, it hurts the flow to an extent... such postponements are done purely because we have no other real choice."

"acsctdfg": "When you say it creates issues, do you mean the episode had hints towards the counter for Rock Tomb Satoshi used in today's episode or something?"

Omode: "I can't give any further information, sorry! I hope the episode will eventually air."

Script Error

The Telebi-kun issue for May 2014 (てれびくん 2014年 05月号) which was released on April 1st, 2014 was the first source to reveal the title for XY 24 as The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!! (海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!!).


The Turner Broadcasting press site, a site that is provided for journalists and members of the media to access the assets and information needed to write about and share with their audiences, initially posted that XY24 English dub would air in the United States on July 5th, 2014. The press site listed the title as: An Undersea Place to Call Home! and had the following description: A visit to the Muraille Coast sets our heroes on an aquatic adventure filled with undersea Pokémon!


On September 25th, 2014, the official Pocket Monsters XY TV Tokyo website posted the following message:

The postponed episode "The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!" will now air on November 20th.
放送延期となっていました 「海底の城!クズモーとドラミドロ!!」を11月20日に放送致します。


During the first airing of this episode on TV Tokyo on November 20th, 2014, an on-screen note told viewers that: "Today's Pocket Monsters XY episode, 'The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!'', is an episode that was scheduled to air on April 24."

Special First-Airing Segment Data Broadcast Boardgame

Data Broadcast Pokémon: Kuzumo (クズモー)

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode featured Satoshi.

Who's that Pokémon XY


Trivia Quiz Pokémon Quiz

Pokémon Quiz
Name (なまえ): Kuzumo (クズモー)
Type (タイプ): Poison/Water
( どく・みず)


Mega Evolution Mega Evolution Journal

Manon's Illustrated Mega Evolution Journal (マノンのメガシンカ絵日記) featured Manon and her Pokémon Hari-san as she introduced the mega evolved Pokémon Alan had battled.

Featured Mega Pokémon
Name (なまえ): Mega Ellade (メガエルレイド)
Type (タイプ): Psychic/Fighting
Height/Weight (高さ・重さ): 1.6 m / 56.4 kg

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:02
Title: 一緒に行こうぜ!
Japanese (Romanized): Issho ni ikou ze!
Japanese (TL): Let's Go Together!
Movie 15 BGM - The group takes a break at a beach.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:30
Title: ダルマッカ弁当
Japanese (Romanized): Darumakka bentō
Japanese (TL): Darumakka Lunches
Movie 15 BGM - Serena decides to fish.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:09
Title: XY M45 フレンドサファリ
Japanese (TL): Friend Safari
Satoshi feels something biting his rod...
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:46
Title: メガV
Japanese (Romanized): Megavolt
Japanese (TL): Megavolt
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:14
Title: XY M02 ジムバッジを手に入れた!
Japanese (TL): Obtained a Gym Badge! / XY Title Card
Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:40
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Kuzumo jumps into the water and Satoshi scans it.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:30
Title: 修行 ビリジオン
Japanese (Romanized): Shugyō Virizion
Japanese (TL): Training with Virizion
Movie 15 BGM - Satoshi looks up to Zakuro's face while trying to climb (the music begins 2 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:49
Title: XY M23B 連れて行く
Japanese (TL): Going Together
Pikachu is healed by the medicine of Eddie and Lindsay.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:41
Title: XY M35 Sneaking In
Lindsay depicts the sinking of Cussler.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:12
Title: XY M53 マスタータワー
Japanese (TL): The Master Tower
The group observes the whirlpools from the ship.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:19
Title: XY M24 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4 / Citron's Inventions
Citron presents his Lottery Machine.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:52
Title: XY M61 裏スーパートレーニング!
Japanese (TL): The Other Super Training!
Satoshi and Serena win the "race".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:27
Title: XY M20 8番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 8
Lindsay, Satoshi and Serena submerge into the ocean on the submarine.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:05
Title: XY M50 戦闘!ゼルネアス・イベルタル
Japanese (TL): Battle! Xerneas/Yveltal
The trio finds the wrecked Cussler.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:56
Title: XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:02
Title: XY M22 バトルハウス
Japanese (TL): Battle House
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:12
Title: XY M09 It's This!
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:34
Title: XY M26 The Rocket Gang Lurks
The group spots Rocket Gang's Koiking submarine.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:48
Title: Movie 15 Unused BGM - Kyurem
Movie 15 Unused BGM - The Kuzumo attack Rocket Gang.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:27
Title: XY M13 The Rocket Gang is on the Scene!
The Rocket Gang does their self-introduction
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:10
Title: XY M15 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
Rocket Gang starts escaping.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:13
Title: XY M58 バトルスポット
Japanese (TL): Battle Spot
A Kuzumo blocks Rocket Gang's sub's binocule.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:53
Title: Movie 12 Remixed BGM - 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Future
Movie 12 Remixed BGM - Eddie's team heads back to the surface.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:21
Title: XY M14 The Rocket Gang Attacks!
Rocket Gang is suddenly surrounded by whirlpools.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:34
Title: XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
The group waves goodbye to the Kuzumo.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:59
Title: ドリドリ
Japanese (Romanized): DreaDrea
Japanese (TL): DreaDrea
Ending Theme for Japanese Version (If it had aired on its regularly scheduled air date, the ending should have been The X Strait and the Y Scenery)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:20
Title: 修行 コバルオン
Japanese (Romanized): Shugyō Cobalon
Japanese (TL): Training with Cobalon
Movie 15 BGM - Manon's Illustrated Mega Evolution Journal (the music begins 1:19 minutes through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:31
Title: 修行 コバルオン
Japanese (Romanized): Shugyō Cobalon
Japanese (TL): Training with Cobalon
Movie 15 BGM - Manon explains the characteristics of Mega Ellade (the music begins 44 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:15
Title: XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
Pocket Monsters XY Episode 26 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: XY M27 ジムリーダーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Gym Leader!
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:46
Title: Be a Hero (A Hero's Journey) [From "Pokémon the Series: XY"]
Opening Theme for the English dub (If it had aired on its regularly scheduled air date, the opening should have been Pokémon Theme Version XY)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:16
Title: XY M02 ジムバッジを手に入れた!
Japanese (TL): Obtained a Gym Badge! / XY Title Card
Title Card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:21
Title: XY M24 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4 / Citron's Inventions
Clemont presents his "No Hard Feelings Fair And Square Lottery Device".
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:18
Title: XY M13 The Rocket Gang is on the Scene!
Team Rocket does their self-introduction.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:27
Title: XY M08 殿堂入りおめでとう!
Japanese (TL): Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!
The group waves goodbye to the Skrelp.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Be a Hero (A Hero's Journey) [From "Pokémon the Series: XY"]
Ending Theme for the English dub (Instrumental version) (If it had aired on its regularly scheduled air date, the ending should have been Pokémon Theme Version XY Instrumental version)

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 30
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 6
29 Mar 2014 10:02 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3189
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 海底の城! クズモーとドラミドロ!! / Kaitei no shiro! Kuzumo to Dramidoro!! / The Castle on the Seabed! Kuzumo and Dramidoro!!. Please comment below!
Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot!
16 Apr 2014 06:04 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1363
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Satoshi and friends help a married couple of underwater archeologists with their search for the luxury ship "The Cussler". However, the Rocket Gang have heard about the luxury ship as well, and wanting to get the treasure from it, they sneak around in the shadows, waiting to...

While fishing for Pokémon at the Muraille Coast, Satoshi hooks the "Mock Kelp Pokémon" Kuzumo. Pikachu gets badly poisoned by the Kuzumo's attack, and Satoshi hands it over to a passing married couple for treatment.

The couple turns out to be a pair of underwater archeologists, who explain that they are diving in this area to look for the luxury ship "The Cussler", which is assumed to have sunk around here. Satoshi and friends offer to help. However, the Rocket Gang have heard about the luxury ship as well, and wanting to get the treasure from it, they sneak around in the shadows, waiting to...
12 Nov 2014 11:37 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
Posts: 1363
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This is an episode that was meant to have been broadcast April 24th.

While fishing for Pokémon at the Muraille Coast, Satoshi hooks a Pokémon called Kuzumo. Pikachu gets hit by a poison attack by the Kuzumo, but the flustered group receives help from the married couple Eddie and Lindsay. The two explain that they are searching for the luxury ship "The Cussler", which is said to have sunk in this area.

Satoshi and the others agree to help Eddie and Lindsay. However, the Rocket Gang has been eavesdropping and start making their move towards getting the treasure....

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
Yuki Kaji: Citron
Mariya Ise: Eureka
Megumi Sato: Dedenne
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
Yuka Terasaki: Yayakoma
Hitomi Nabatame: Harimaron
Chinatsu Akasaki: Horubee
Akemi Okamura: Lindsay
Daiki Nakamura: Eddie
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration

Manon's Illustrated Mega Evolution Journal:
Kensho Ono: Alan
Mikako Komatsu: Manon
Yuka Terasaki: Harimaron
Kensuke Sato: Lizardon
Last edited 21 Nov 2014 01:19 PM by Adamant
19 Jan 2015 05:04 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 1190
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TSS_Killer talked with Tom Wayland at PokeCon 2015 Louisville, KY and he confirmed that XY24 English dub will air in the same order as the Japanese airing. This means the episode will air as the second episode of the second XY dub series. He also confirmed as of last weekend (January 9th-January 11th, 2015), the title of the second English dub series is NOT finalized and is still tentative.

To make this very clear, airing order does not mean chronological order or Production order.

Last edited 19 Jan 2015 05:24 PM by Sunain
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net