Home / Episode Guide / The Bamboozling Forest!竹林の追跡!ヤンチャムとゴロンダ!!A Chase Through the Bamboo Grove! Yancham and Goronda!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Bamboozling Forest!
  • Japan 竹林の追跡!ヤンチャムとゴロンダ!!
  • Japan Chikurin no tsuiseki! Yancham to Goronda!!
  • Japan A Chase Through the Bamboo Grove! Yancham and Goronda!!
  • Germany Zoff im Bambus-Wald!
  • France Une forêt de bambous pleine de surprises !
  • Spain ¡El bosque de bambú!
  • Sweden Vilse i Bambu-skogen!
  • Italy La foresta di Bambù!
  • Mexico ¡Perdido en el bosque de bambú!
  • Finland Bambumetsässä kuhisee
  • Netherlands Het Bamboeste bos!
  • Brazil A Floresta de Bambus!
  • Norway På villspor i Bambus-skogen!
  • Denmark Den bambusende skov
  • South Korea 대나무숲에서의 추적! 판짱과 부란다!
  • Portugal Aventura na Floresta de Bambus!
  • Russia Приключения в бамбуковом лесу!


Staff List

OP/ED List

Japan OP Volt
The X Strait and the Y Scenery
한계를 넘어
Beyond the Limit
Pokémon Roll Call
Tình bạn vĩnh cửu
Eternal Friendship
Open your Hand
Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Satoshi's Pikachu
Japan 牧口真幸 (Mayuki Makiguchi) Serena
Japan 梶裕貴 (Yuki Kaji) Citron
Japan 伊瀬茉莉也 (Mariya Ise) Eureka
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Musashi
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Kojiro
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Nyarth
Japan 上田祐司 (Yūji Ueda) Musashi's Sonansu
Japan 佐藤めぐみ (Megumi Sato) Citron's Dedenne
Japan 寺崎裕香 (Yuka Terasaki) Satoshi's Yayakoma
Japan 赤﨑千夏 (Chinatsu Akasaki) Citron's Horubee
Japan 生天目仁美 (Hitomi Nabatame) Citron's Harimaron
Japan 三宅健太 (Kenta Miyake) Kojiro's Maaiika
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 佐藤めぐみ (Megumi Sato) Musashi's Bakeccha Uncredited
Japan 寺崎裕香 (Yuka Terasaki) Satoshi's Yayakoma Uncredited

Recording Studio
Aoi Studio
Audio Studio Logo


United States Tom Wayland Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Haven Burton Paschall Serena
United States Haven Burton Paschall Jessie's Pumpkaboo
United States Mike Liscio Clemont
United States Mike Liscio James' Inkay
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Bonnie
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Clemont's Bunnelby
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States James Carter Cathcart James
United States James Carter Cathcart Meowth
United States Jennifer Rose Forziati-DaCosta Pancham
United States Michele Knotz Jessie
United States Suzy Myers Clemont's Chespin
United States Suzy Myers Ash's Kalos Pokédex I
United States Lisa Ortiz Ash's Fletchling
United States Kayzie Rogers Jessie's Wobbuffet
United States Erica Schroeder Pancham
United States Eileen Stevens Serena's Fennekin
United States Billy Bob Thompson Ash's Froakie
United States Marc Thompson Pangoro

Recording Studio
DuArt Media Services
Audio Studio Logo
Episode Director
Animation Director
Assistant Animation Director

English Official Summary

During a lunch break on their way to Cyllage City, our heroes are being spied on as usual. But this time it’s not just Team Rocket lurking around…there are also two adorable Pancham nearby! Serena offers them some Pokémon food, but they’re not satisfied until they gobble up all of it—and our heroes’ lunch, as well! There’s no time to react, because Team Rocket takes advantage of the confusion to net Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie and speed away in their Meowth balloon! Jessie, James, and Meowth have grand visions of how the Boss will reward them for this impressive haul, but they quickly get into a fight about who should get the credit for the catch. It soon turns into a real fight between James’s Inkay and Jessie’s Wobbuffet, which causes an explosion in the balloon that frees our heroes’ captured Pokémon! Meowth is sent flying off alone and ends up hanging from a tree, where he spots the other Pokémon and convinces them to cut him down. Pikachu—who’s well aware of Meowth’s double-crossing ways from their long history together—is reluctant, and Froakie is suspicious, but Chespin and Fennekin welcome him with open paws. Jessie and James go looking for their partner in crime and run into the two Pancham from earlier—and an angry Pangoro protecting them! After it runs the villains off, Jessie trips over a Pumpkaboo sleeping in the ground—and promptly catches it, much to James’s surprise. Meanwhile, Pangoro and Pancham have run into our heroes’ Pokémon, and a frightened Chespin unleashes a Pin Missile that accidentally destroys the bamboo sprig Pangoro always carries in its mouth. Without its beloved bamboo, the Pokémon is left weak and ill. Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie finally find the Pokémon and immediately set out to find a new bamboo sprig so Pangoro can get its strength back. They’re successful, but when they get back, Meowth has shown his true colors once again, and the Team Rocket trio has Pangoro and Pancham all tied up! But as they try to drive our heroes off with their attacks, Ash makes a risky dash for Pangoro and manages to get the bamboo sprig into its mouth. Fully restored, Pangoro bursts out of its bindings and sends the villains blasting off again! All the harm has been repaired, and our heroes are ready to get going again...as soon as they finish their interrupted lunch!

French Official Summary

Au cours d’une pause déjeuner sur la route de Relifac-le-Haut, nos héros font l’objet d’un espionnage attentif. Oui, la Team Rocket rôde dans les environs, mais deux adorables Pandespiègle également ! Serena leur offre de la nourriture Pokémon, mais ils ne s’estiment satisfaits qu’après avoir tout avalé, et le déjeuner de nos héros avec ! Mais ceux-ci n’ont pas le temps de réagir, parce que la Team Rocket profite de la confusion pour prendre au filet Pikachu, Marisson, Feunnec et Grenousse et s’enfuir dans leur ballon Miaouss ! Jessie, James et Miaouss s’imaginent déjà la reconnaissance de leur Boss, quand il apprendra l’exploit qu’ils ont accompli mais, très vite, ils commencent à se disputer pour savoir qui en tirera tout le mérite. Le désaccord doit être résolu lors d’un combat entre le Sepiatop de James et le Qulbutoké de Jessie ! Le ballon des bandits finit par exploser, ce qui libère les Pokémon de nos héros ! Miaouss est catapulté au loin, et atterrit sur un arbre. De là-haut, il repère les autres Pokémon et les convainc de l’aider à descendre. Pikachu, qui sait parfaitement que Miaouss peut se montrer hypocrite, se montre réticent, et Grenousse se méfie aussi, mais Marisson et Feunnec l’accueillent à bras ouverts. Pendant ce temps, Jessie et James cherchent leur complice et rencontrent les deux Pandespiègle de tout à l’heure, accompagnés d’un Pandarbare furieux qui les protège ! Les bandits s’enfuient, et quand Jessie rencontre un Pitrouille qui dormait sous terre, elle le capture immédiatement, à la grande surprise de James. Pendant ce temps, Pandarbare et Pandespiègle rencontrent les Pokémon de nos héros et Marisson, terrifié, lance l’attaque Dard-Nuée, détruisant sans le vouloir la pousse de bambou que Pandarbare tient toujours à la bouche. Sans son bambou préféré, le Pokémon est déprimé et sans énergie. Sacha, Serena, Lem et Clem retrouvent enfin leurs Pokémon et se mettent immédiatement en route pour trouver une nouvelle pousse de bambou, afin que Pandarbare puisse retrouver ses forces. Ils réussissent mais, lorsqu’ils reviennent, Miaouss a mis bas le masque et la Team Rocket a attaché Pandarbare et les Pandespiègle ! Tandis que le sinistre trio essaye d’éloigner nos héros grâce à leurs attaques, Sacha joue le tout pour le tout et se rue vers Pandarbare pour lui placer la pousse de bambou dans la bouche. À nouveau en pleine forme, Pandarbare fonce au combat et la Team Rocket est encore une fois envoyée vers d’autres cieux ! Tout est bien qui finit bien et nos héros sont prêts à se remettre en route !

German Official Summary

Auf ihrem Weg nach Relievera City werden unsere Helden während einer Mittagspause wie üblich von Team Rocket, das die Gegend unsicher macht, ausspioniert. Sie werden aber auch von zwei entzückenden Pam-Pam beobachtet! Serena bietet den Pam-Pam etwas von ihrem Pokémon-Futter an, aber die beiden sind erst zufrieden, als sie alles ratzeputz verschlungen haben, dazu gehört auch das Mittagessen unserer Freunde! Ihnen bleibt jedoch keine Zeit, darauf zu reagieren, denn Team Rocket nutzt die allgemeine Verwirrung aus, um Pikachu, Igamaro, Fynx und Froxy mit einem Netz zu fangen und sich dann mit dem Mauzi-Ballon aus dem Staub zu machen! Schon bald schwelgen Jessie, James und Mauzi in den schönsten Fantasien. Sie stellen sich vor, wie der Boss sie für diese beeindruckende Beute wohl belohnen wird. Doch dann entwickelt sich unter ihnen ein Streit darüber, wem von ihnen die Anerkennung dieses Fanges wirklich zusteht. Kurze Zeit später beginnt ein richtiger Kampf zwischen dem Iscalar von James und dem Woingenau von Jessie. Dies hat zur Folge, dass es zu einer Explosion im Ballon kommt, die zur Befreiung der Pokémon unserer Helden führt! Durch die Explosion wird Mauzi von James und Jessie getrennt. Es wird durch die Luft geschleudert und landet in einem Baum, von dem es herunterbaumelt. Glücklicherweise entdeckt Mauzi die andere Pokémon und kann sie davon überzeugen, ihm zu helfen. Pikachu ist etwas zögerlich, denn es kennt Mauzis Doppelspiel. Froxy kommt Mauzis Verhalten auch verdächtig vor, aber Igamaro und Fynx begrüßen es unvoreingenommen in ihrer Reihe. Währenddessen suchen Jessie und James nach ihrem Komplizen und stoßen auf die beiden gefräßigen Pam-Pam, die von einem schlecht gelaunten Pandagro beschützt werden! Nachdem sie von Pandagro verjagt worden sind, stolpert Jessie über ein im Erdboden schlafendes Irrbis und fängt es überraschenderweise mit Leichtigkeit ein. In der Zwischenzeit sind Pandagro und die beiden Pam-Pam auf die Pokémon unserer Helden gestoßen. Igamaro lässt vor lauter Angst eine Nadelrakete los, die aus Versehen den Bambus-Sprössling abbricht, den Pandagro immer in seinem Mundwinkel hat. Ohne seinen geliebten Bambus fühlt es sich schlagartig schwach und niedergeschlagen. Als Ash, Serena, Citro und Heureka ihre Pokémon endlich gefunden haben, machen sich sofort auf die Suche nach einem neuen Bambus-Sprössling, damit Pandagro wieder zu seiner alten Stärke zurückfinden kann. Glücklicherweise finden sie den richtigen Sprössling, doch als sie zurückkommen, zeigt Mauzi mal wieder sein wahres Gesicht. Team Rocket hat Pandagro und die Pam-Pam gefesselt! Als sie versuchen, unsere Helden mit ihren Attacken zurückzutreiben, stürmt Ash mit einem riskanten Manöver zu Pandagro. Es gelingt ihm, den Bambus-Sprössling in dessen Maul zu stecken. Im Handumdrehen ist Pandagro wieder bei Kräften, sodass es die Fesseln von sich reißen und den Gaunern dabei behilflich sein kann, sich auf die allseits bekannte Art zu verabschieden! Da jetzt alles wieder in Ordnung ist, sind unsere Helden bereit, ihre Reise fortzusetzen – aber erst nachdem sie ihr Mittagessen aufgegessen haben!

Italian Official Summary

In viaggio verso Altoripoli, i nostri eroi hanno deciso di fermarsi a pranzare. Oltre al Team Rocket, a spiarli ci sono anche due adorabili Pancham che, una volta usciti allo scoperto, approfittano della gentilezza di Serena per papparsi tutto il loro cibo. I nostri eroi non fanno in tempo a reagire che il Team Rocket appare sulla scena, cattura Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin e Froakie, e scappa a bordo della mongolfiera. Jessie, James e Meowth stanno già fantasticando sulla ricompensa del capo quando iniziano a litigare su a chi sia da attribuire il merito dell’impresa. Il diverbio sfocia in una lotta tra il Wobbuffet di Jessie e l’Inkay di James, e una mossa sbagliata fa esplodere la mongolfiera liberando i Pokémon catturati. Meowth viene scagliato tra i rami di un albero e convince i Pokémon dei nostri eroi ad aiutarlo e a stringere una tregua. A differenza di Chespin e Fennekin, Froakie e Pikachu - che conosce fin troppo bene i doppi giochi di Meowth - tendono a diffidare del Pokémon parlante. Jessie e James sono in cerca del loro compagno quando si imbattono nei due Pancham e in un Pangoro minaccioso che li sta proteggendo. I cattivi se la danno a gambe e Jessie inciampa in un Pumpkaboo che dorme sottoterra. Senza perdere un secondo, lo cattura lasciando James a bocca aperta. Nel frattempo, i Pokémon dei nostri eroi incappano a loro volta nel Pangoro e nei due Pancham. Chespin, spaventato, lancia Missilspillo che per sbaglio spezza il ramo di bambù che Pangoro tiene sempre in bocca. Senza il suo amato bambù, il Pokémon però si indebolisce. Finalmente arrivano Ash, Serena, Lem e Clem che insieme ai loro Pokémon si mettono subito alla ricerca di un nuovo rametto. Quando ritornano dal Pangoro, trovano una sorpresa: ancora una volta Meowth ha rivelato il suo vero carattere e insieme a Jessie e James, ha legato Pangoro. Il Team Rocket sta riuscendo a piegare i nostri eroi, ma Ash rischia il tutto per tutto e corre verso Pangoro per rimettergli il rametto in bocca. Nel pieno delle sue forze, il Pokémon spezza la corda e si libera dei cattivi. Il danno è stato riparato e i nostri eroi sono pronti per ripartire… ma non prima di mettere qualcosa sotto i denti!

Portuguese Official Summary

Durante o almoço no caminho para a Cidade de Cyllage, nossos heróis são espionados como de costume. Sim, a Equipe Rocket os espreita, e dois adoráveis Pancham também! Serena oferece pra eles um pouco de sua comida Pokémon, mas eles não ficam satisfeitos até devorarem toda a comida – e o almoço de nossos heróis também! Mas não há tempo para reagir, porque a Equipe Rocket aproveita a oportunidade da confusão para capturar Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin e Froakie e se mandar em seu balão de Meowth! Jessie, James, e Meowth têm grandes expectativas de como o Chege irá recompensá-los por essa grande captura e eles acabam brigando pra ver quem deveria ficar com os créditos por isso. E acontece que isso vira uma briga de verdade, entre o Inkay de James e o Wobbuffet de Jessie, o que provoca a explosão do balão que liberta os Pokémon de nossos heróis! Meowth é mandado voando sozinho e acaba pendurado numa árvore, onde ele vê os outros Pokémon e os convence a descê-lo. Pikachu—que conhece bem a atitude traiçoeira de Meowth devido à sua longa história juntos, fica relutante e Froakie permanece desconfiado, mas Chespin e Fennekin lhes dão as boas vindas com patas abertas. Jessie e James saem à procura de seu parceiro no crime e se deparam com os dois Pancham de antes—e o Pangoro furioso que os protege! Depois dele espantar os vilões, Jessie tropeça em um Pumpkaboo que estava dormindo no chão—e rapidamente o captura, para a surpresa de James. Enquanto isso, Pangoro e Pancham encontram os Pokémon de nossos heróis, e apavorado, Chespin dispara um Míssil de Espinhos que acidentalmente destrói o broto de bambu que Pangoro sempre carrega em sua boca. Sem o seu amado bambu, o Pokémon fica fraco e depressivo. Ash, Serena, Clemont e Bonnie finalmente encontram o Pokémon e imediatamente partem para procurar um novo broto de bambu para que Pangoro recupere seu ânimo. Eles conseguem, mas ao voltar, Meowth mostra sua verdadeira face novamente e o trio da Equipe Rocket mantém Pangoro e Pancham amarrados! Mas enquanto eles tentam afastar nossos heróis com seus ataques, Ash arrisca tudo numa corrida até Pangoro e consegue colocar o broto de bambu em sua boca. Totalmente recuperado, Pangoro arrebenta suas amarras e manda os vilões decolando de novo! Todo o dano é reparado e nossos heróis ficam prontos para continuar sua jornada... assim que terminarem seu almoço interrompido! Durante o almoço no caminho para a Cidade de Cyllage, nossos heróis são espionados como de costume. Sim, a Equipe Rocket os espreita, e dois adoráveis Pancham também! Serena oferece pra eles um pouco de sua comida Pokémon, mas eles não ficam satisfeitos até devorarem toda a comida – e o almoço de nossos heróis também! Mas não há tempo para reagir, porque a Equipe Rocket aproveita a oportunidade da confusão para capturar Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin e Froakie e se mandar em seu balão de Meowth! Jessie, James, e Meowth têm grandes expectativas de como o Chege irá recompensá-los por essa grande captura e eles acabam brigando pra ver quem deveria ficar com os créditos por isso. E acontece que isso vira uma briga de verdade, entre o Inkay de James e o Wobbuffet de Jessie, o que provoca a explosão do balão que liberta os Pokémon de nossos heróis! Meowth é mandado voando sozinho e acaba pendurado numa árvore, onde ele vê os outros Pokémon e os convence a descê-lo. Pikachu—que conhece bem a atitude traiçoeira de Meowth devido à sua longa história juntos, fica relutante e Froakie permanece desconfiado, mas Chespin e Fennekin lhes dão as boas vindas com patas abertas. Jessie e James saem à procura de seu parceiro no crime e se deparam com os dois Pancham de antes—e o Pangoro furioso que os protege! Depois dele espantar os vilões, Jessie tropeça em um Pumpkaboo que estava dormindo no chão—e rapidamente o captura, para a surpresa de James. Enquanto isso, Pangoro e Pancham encontram os Pokémon de nossos heróis, e apavorado, Chespin dispara um Míssil de Espinhos que acidentalmente destrói o broto de bambu que Pangoro sempre carrega em sua boca. Sem o seu amado bambu, o Pokémon fica fraco e depressivo. Ash, Serena, Clemont e Bonnie finalmente encontram o Pokémon e imediatamente partem para procurar um novo broto de bambu para que Pangoro recupere seu ânimo. Eles conseguem, mas ao voltar, Meowth mostra sua verdadeira face novamente e o trio da Equipe Rocket mantém Pangoro e Pancham amarrados! Mas enquanto eles tentam afastar nossos heróis com seus ataques, Ash arrisca tudo numa corrida até Pangoro e consegue colocar o broto de bambu em sua boca. Totalmente recuperado, Pangoro arrebenta suas amarras e manda os vilões decolando de novo! Todo o dano é reparado e nossos heróis ficam prontos para continuar sua jornada... assim que terminarem seu almoço interrompido!

Finnish Official Summary

Syödessään lounasta matkallaan Cyllage Cityyn sankarimme joutuvat vakoilun kohteeksi kuten tavallista. Kyllä, Rakettiryhmä vaanii heitä, mutta samaa tekevät myös kaksi söpöä Panchamia! Serena tarjoaa niille hieman Pokémon-ruokaa, mutta ne eivät lopeta ennen kuin ovat ahmineet aivan kaiken, sankareittemme lounaan mukaan lukien! Aikaa ajatteluun ei ole, sillä Rakettiryhmä käyttää sekaannusta hyväkseen ja sieppaa Pikachun, Chespinin, Fennekinin ja Froakien karaten samalla Meowth-pallollaan! Jessie, James ja Meowth kuvittelevat jo miten pomo palkitsee heitä tästä huimasta saaliista, mutta pian he alkavat kinastella siitä kenen kuuluisi saada kunnia kaappauksesta. Sitten siitä tuleekin ihan kunnon ottelu Jamesin Inkayn ja Jessien Wobbuffetin välillä, joka päättyy pallon räjähtämiseen ja kaapattujen Pokémonien vapautumiseen. Meowth lentää jonnekin kauas ja jää oikkumaan puusta, jolloin se tapaa kaapatut Pokémonit, jotka se pian suostuttelee päästämään itsensä alas. Pikachu, joka on hyvin selvillä Meowthin petollisesta luonteesta, on vastahankainen, ja Froakietakin epäilyttää, mutta Chespin ja Fennekin toivottavat sen avoimin tassuin tervetulleeksi. Jessie ja James etsivät rikoskumppaniaan ja törmäävät Pancham-pariin ja niitä suojelevaan vihaiseen Pangoroon! Sen ajettua roistot pois, Jessie kompastuu maassa nukkuvaan Pumpkaboohon ja myös nappaa sen, James yllätykseksi. Sillä välin Pangoro ja Panchamit ovat törmänneet sankareittemme Pokémoneihin ja säikähtänyt Chespin tekee Pin Missilen, joka vahingossa tuhoaa Pangoron aina suussaan pitämän bambunverson. Ilman bambuaan Pokémon on heikko. Ash, Serena, Clemont ja Bonnie löytävät heidät vihdoin ja lähtevät välittömästi etsimään uutta bambunversoa, jotta Pangoro saa voimansa takaisin. He onnistuvat tehtävässään, mutta heidän palatessaan Meowth on kääntänyt takkinsa ja Rakettiryhmä on sitonut Pangoron ja toisen Panchameista. Sillä välin, kun he yrittävät hyökätä sankareittemme kimppuun, Ash syöksyy uhkarohkeasti Pangoron luokse ja antaa sille bambunverson suuhun. Taas voimissaan oleva Pangoro irrottaa siteensä ja lähettää Rakettiryhmäläiset matkoihinsa. Kaikki on nyt hyvitetty ja sankarimme voivat jatkaa matkaansa, kunhan ensin saavat keskeytetyn lounaansa syötyä!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Durante un descanso para almorzar en su camino hacia Ciudad Cyllage, nuestros héroes están siendo espiados como de costumbre. Sí, el Equipo Rocket está merodeando, ¡al igual que lo están haciendo dos adorables Pancham! Serena les ofrece algo de su comida Pokémon, pero ellos no quedan satisfechos hasta que no han devorado todo lo que hay, ¡incluyendo el almuerzo de nuestros héroes! Pero no hay tiempo de reaccionar, porque el Equipo Rocket toma ventaja de la confusión para atrapar a Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin y Froakie y se alejan rápidamente en su globo en forma de Meowth. Jessie, James y Meowth tienen grandiosas visiones de cómo el Jefe los recompensará por su impresionante botín, pero pronto los tres comienzan una pelea acerca de quién debería recibir el crédito por la captura. Es entonces cuando eso se transforma en una pelea real, entre el Inkay de James y el Wobbuffet de Jessie, lo cual causa una explosión en el globo que libera a los Pokémon de nuestros héroes que habían sido capturados. Meowth sale volando solo por los aires y termina colgado en un árbol, desde donde divisa a los otros Pokémon y los convence de ayudarlo a bajar. Pikachu, quien conoce muy bien las tramposas artimañas de Meowth por el largo tiempo que han pasado juntos, está renuente, y Froakie se siente sospechoso, pero Chespin y Fennekin le dan la bienvenida de todo corazón. Jessie y James van a buscar a su cómplice y se encuentran con los dos Pancham de hace rato, ¡y con un furioso Pangoro que los protege! Después de que hace huir a los villanos, Jessie tropieza con un Pumpkaboo que está durmiendo en la tierra y rápidamente lo atrapa, para gran sorpresa de James. Mientras tanto, Pangoro y Pancham se topan con los Pokémon de nuestros héroes, y un atemorizado Chespin lanza un Misil Aguja que accidentalmente destruye la ramita de bambú que Pangoro siempre lleva en su boca. Sin su amado bambú, el Pokémon queda débil y enfermo. Ash, Serena, Clemont y Bonnie finalmente encuentran a sus Pokémon e inmediatamente se dirigen a buscar una nueva ramita de bambú para que Pangoro pueda recuperar su fuerza. Tienen éxito, pero cuando regresan, Meowth ha mostrado sus verdaderas intenciones de nuevo, y el trío del Equipo Rocket tiene a Pangoro y a Pancham atados. Pero mientras intentan alejar a nuestros héroes con sus ataques, Ash se lanza arriesgadamente hacia Pangoro y consigue colocar la ramita de bambú en su boca. Completamente restaurado, Pangoro se libera de sus ataduras y envía a los villanos a volar por los aires otra vez. Todo el daño ha sido reparado, y nuestros héroes están listos para seguir delante de nuevo… ¡en cuanto terminen con el almuerzo que interrumpieron!

Spanish Official Summary

Durante un alto para almorzar durante su viaje a Ciudad Relieve, nuestros héroes son espiados, para variar. Sí, el Team Rocket está acechando, pero también lo hacen dos adorables Pancham. Serena les ofrece un poco de comida Pokémon, pero no están satisfechos hasta que acaban con eso y con el almuerzo de nuestros héroes. Pero no hay tiempo para reaccionar, porque el Team Rocket aprovecha la confusión para atrapar a Pikachu, a Chespin, a Fennekin y a Froakie, y parten volando en el globo de Meowth. Jessie, James y Meowth tienen magníficas visiones de cuál será la recompensa del Jefe por este impresionante botín, pero al instante empiezan a discutir quién debe llevarse el mérito de las capturas. Y se convierte en un auténtico combate entre el Inkay de James y el Wobbuffet de Jessie, lo que provoca una explosión en el globo que libera a los Pokémon capturados de nuestros héroes. Meowth sale volando solo y termina colgado en un árbol, desde donde ve a los demás Pokémon y los convence para que lo bajen. Pikachu, que es muy consciente de los hábitos traicioneros de Meowth por su larga historia juntos, se lo piensa, y Froakie sospecha, pero Chespin le da la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos. Jessie y James van en busca de su cómplice y se topan con los dos Pancham de antes y con un enfadado Pangoro que los protege. Los villanos salen huyendo, y Jessie tropieza con un Pumpkaboo, que dormía bajo tierra, al que atrapa con toda rapidez, para sorpresa de James. Mientras tanto, Pangoro y los Pancham se han encontrado con los Pokémon de nuestros héroes, y un asustado Chespin lanza un Pin Misil, que, sin querer, destruye la ramita de bambú que Pangoro lleva siempre en la boca. Sin su apreciado bambú, el Pokémon se siente débil y enfermo. Ash, Serena, Lem y Clem por fin encuentran a los Pokémon y enseguida parten a buscar una nueva ramita de bambú para que Pangoro recupere las fuerzas. La encuentran, pero, cuando vuelven, Meowth ha vuelto a ser el de siempre, y el Team Rocket tiene a Pangoro y a los Pancham atados. Tras intentar alejar a nuestros héroes con sus ataques, Ash realiza una arriesgada carrera hacia Pangoro y consigue meterle la ramita de bambú en la boca. Completamente recuperado, Pangoro rompe sus cuerdas y envía a los villanos a despegar de nuevo. Todo el daño se ha reparado, y nuestros héroes están preparados para continuar... en cuanto terminen su almuerzo interrumpido.

English Great Britain Official Summary

During a lunch break on their way to Cyllage City, our heroes are being spied on as usual. But this time it’s not just Team Rocket lurking around…there are also two adorable Pancham nearby! Serena offers them some Pokémon food, but they’re not satisfied until they gobble up all of it—and our heroes’ lunch, as well! There’s no time to react, because Team Rocket takes advantage of the confusion to net Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin, and Froakie and speed away in their Meowth balloon! Jessie, James, and Meowth have grand visions of how the Boss will reward them for this impressive haul, but they quickly get into a fight about who should get the credit for the catch. It soon turns into a real fight between James’s Inkay and Jessie’s Wobbuffet, which causes an explosion in the balloon that frees our heroes’ captured Pokémon! Meowth is sent flying off alone and ends up hanging from a tree, where he spots the other Pokémon and convinces them to cut him down. Pikachu—who’s well aware of Meowth’s double-crossing ways from their long history together—is reluctant, and Froakie is suspicious, but Chespin and Fennekin welcome him with open paws. Jessie and James go looking for their partner in crime and run into the two Pancham from earlier—and an angry Pangoro protecting them! After it runs the villains off, Jessie trips over a Pumpkaboo sleeping in the ground—and promptly catches it, much to James’s surprise. Meanwhile, Pangoro and Pancham have run into our heroes’ Pokémon, and a frightened Chespin unleashes a Pin Missile that accidentally destroys the bamboo sprig Pangoro always carries in its mouth. Without its beloved bamboo, the Pokémon is left weak and ill. Ash, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie finally find the Pokémon and immediately set out to find a new bamboo sprig so Pangoro can get its strength back. They’re successful, but when they get back, Meowth has shown his true colors once again, and the Team Rocket trio has Pangoro and Pancham all tied up! But as they try to drive our heroes off with their attacks, Ash makes a risky dash for Pangoro and manages to get the bamboo sprig into its mouth. Fully restored, Pangoro bursts out of its bindings and sends the villains blasting off again! All the harm has been repaired, and our heroes are ready to get going again...as soon as they finish their interrupted lunch!

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои устроили привал по пути в Силадж-Сити. Но за ними традиционно наблюдает Команда Р, а также два милых Панчама. Серена предлагает им перекусить, и они не успокаиваются, пока не съедают всё. Но реагировать на это нет времени – ведь Команда Р пользуется моментом и похищает Пикачу, Чеспина, Феннекина и Фроки! Джесси, Джеймс и Мяут мечтают о том, как босс отблагодарит их за улов. Но в итоге начинается ссора из-за того, кто получит больше всего похвалы. Между ними начинается настоящая битва! Но в результате они повреждают воздушный шар, на котором летели всё это время. После падения Мяут оказывается отрезанным от остальных членов Команды Р и остаётся наедине с Покемонами. Пикачу и Фроки с недоверием относятся к Мяуту. Джесси и Джеймс тем временем отправляются искать Мяута. По пути они встречают Панчамов, которых уже видели наши герои. А с ними Пангоро! И они явно не рады видеть злодеев. Джесси и Джеймс пытаются убежать. По дороге Джесси спотыкается о спящего Пампкабу и случайно ловит его! Тем временем, Пангоро и Панчамы наталкиваются на похищенных Покемонов. Испуганный Чеспин случайно портит веточку бамбука, которую Пангоро обычно носит во рту. Без нее Пангоро теряет все силы. Эш, Серена, Бонни и Клемонт находят наших Покемонов и обещают Пангоро найти ему новую веточку. У них это получается. Но тут Мяут показывает своё истинное лицо и приводит Джесси и Джеймса. Начинается битва, но Пангоро удаётся отправить злодеев в пролёт. Наши герои готовы продолжать путь. Но сначала им нужно закончить прерванный ланч!

Dutch Official Summary

Tijdens een lunchpauze onderweg naar Cyllage City, worden onze helden zoals gewoonlijk bespied. Ja, Team Rocket is in de buurt, maar ook twee schattige Pancham. Serena biedt hen wat van hun Pokémon voer aan, maar ze zijn pas tevreden als ze alles opgegeten hebben, ook de lunch van onze helden. Er is echter geen tijd om hier iets aan te doen, want Team Rocket maakt gebruik van de verwarring om Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin en Froakie te vangen, en ervandoor te gaan in hun Meowth ballon. Jessie, James en Meowth, hebben grootse ideeën over de beloning die ze van de Baas zullen krijgen voor deze indrukwekkende vangst, maar er ontstaat al snel ruzie over wie de eer zal krijgen. Die loopt uit op een echt gevecht tussen de Inkay van James en de Wobbuffet van Jessie, wat een ontploffing veroorzaakt in de ballon. Hierdoor worden de gevangen Pokémon van onze helden bevrijd. Meowth vliegt in zijn eentje door de lucht en belandt in een boom, waar hij de andere Pokémon ontdekt. Hij weet ze zover te krijgen dat ze hem bevrijden. Pikachu, die zich door jarenlange ervaring bewust is van de onbetrouwbaarheid van Meowth, twijfelt, en Froakie is wantrouwend, maar Chespin en Fennekin verwelkomen hem met open armen. Jessie en James gaan op zoek naar hun maatje en komen de twee Pancham van daarvoor tegen, evenals een boze Pangoro die hen beschermt. Nadat hij de boeven weggejaagd heeft, struikelt Jessie over een Pumpkaboo die op de grond ligt te slapen, en vangt hem, tot verbazing van James. Ondertussen zijn Pangoro en Pancham de Pokémon van onze helden tegen gekomen en een bange Chespin vuurt een Naaldraket af die per ongeluk de bamboe scheut die Pangoro altijd in zijn mond heeft, vernield. Zonder zijn geliefde bamboescheut, is de Pokémon ziek en zwak. Ash, Serena, Clemont en Bonnie vinden de Pokémon eindelijk en gaan op zoek naar een nieuwe bamboe scheut, zodat Pangoro zijn kracht terug krijgt. Het lukt ze, maar als ze terug komen, laat Meowth zijn ware aard weer zien en heeft het Team Rocket trio Pangoro en Pancham vastgebonden. Wanneer ze proberen om onze helden met hun aanvalleen weg te jagen, maakt Ash een gewaagde duik naar Pangoro en lukt het hem om de bamboe scheut in zijn mond te krijgen. Pangoro is weer helemaal de oude, bevrijdt zichzelf, en schiet de boeven de lucht in. Alle problemen zijn opgelost en onze helden zijn klaar om verder te gaan, zodra ze hun onafgemaakte lunch hebben opgegeten! Tijdens een lunchpauze onderweg naar Cyllage City, worden onze helden zoals gewoonlijk bespied. Ja, Team Rocket is in de buurt, maar ook twee schattige Pancham. Serena biedt hen wat van hun Pokémon voer aan, maar ze zijn pas tevreden als ze alles opgegeten hebben, ook de lunch van onze helden. Er is echter geen tijd om hier iets aan te doen, want Team Rocket maakt gebruik van de verwarring om Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin en Froakie te vangen, en ervandoor te gaan in hun Meowth ballon. Jessie, James en Meowth, hebben grootse ideeën over de beloning die ze van de Baas zullen krijgen voor deze indrukwekkende vangst, maar er ontstaat al snel ruzie over wie de eer zal krijgen. Die loopt uit op een echt gevecht tussen de Inkay van James en de Wobbuffet van Jessie, wat een ontploffing veroorzaakt in de ballon. Hierdoor worden de gevangen Pokémon van onze helden bevrijd. Meowth vliegt in zijn eentje door de lucht en belandt in een boom, waar hij de andere Pokémon ontdekt. Hij weet ze zover te krijgen dat ze hem bevrijden. Pikachu, die zich door jarenlange ervaring bewust is van de onbetrouwbaarheid van Meowth, twijfelt, en Froakie is wantrouwend, maar Chespin en Fennekin verwelkomen hem met open armen. Jessie en James gaan op zoek naar hun maatje en komen de twee Pancham van daarvoor tegen, evenals een boze Pangoro die hen beschermt. Nadat hij de boeven weggejaagd heeft, struikelt Jessie over een Pumpkaboo die op de grond ligt te slapen, en vangt hem, tot verbazing van James. Ondertussen zijn Pangoro en Pancham de Pokémon van onze helden tegen gekomen en een bange Chespin vuurt een Naaldraket af die per ongeluk de bamboe scheut die Pangoro altijd in zijn mond heeft, vernield. Zonder zijn geliefde bamboescheut, is de Pokémon ziek en zwak. Ash, Serena, Clemont en Bonnie vinden de Pokémon eindelijk en gaan op zoek naar een nieuwe bamboe scheut, zodat Pangoro zijn kracht terug krijgt. Het lukt ze, maar als ze terug komen, laat Meowth zijn ware aard weer zien en heeft het Team Rocket trio Pangoro en Pancham vastgebonden. Wanneer ze proberen om onze helden met hun aanvalleen weg te jagen, maakt Ash een gewaagde duik naar Pangoro en lukt het hem om de bamboe scheut in zijn mond te krijgen. Pangoro is weer helemaal de oude, bevrijdt zichzelf, en schiet de boeven de lucht in. Alle problemen zijn opgelost en onze helden zijn klaar om verder te gaan, zodra ze hun onafgemaakte lunch hebben opgegeten!

Norwegian Official Summary

I løpet av en lunsjpause på vei til Cyllage City, blir våre helter som vanlig spionert på. Ja, Team Rocket lusker rundt, men det samme gjør to nydelige Pancham! Serena tilbyr dem litt av Pokémon-maten deres, men de blir ikke fornøyde før de spiser opp alt sammen - også lunsjen til våre helter! Men de får ikke tid til å reagere, for Team Rocket utnytter forvirringen og fanger Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin og Froakie, og skynder seg avgårde i Meowth-ballongen sin. Jessie, James og Meowth har store visjoner om hvordan sjefen kommer til å belønne dem for den imponerende fangsten, men de begynner raskt å krangle om hvem som kan ta æren. Og det utvikler seg til en skikkelig kamp, mellom James sin Inkay og Jessie sin Wobbuffet. Det forårsaker en eksplosjon i ballongen, som slipper fri våre helters fangede Pokémon! Meowth blir blåst avsted alene og blir hengende i et tre, der han ser de andre Pokémon og overtaler dem til å hjelpe ham ned. Pikachu - som er veldig klar over at Meowth kan ha onde hensikter etter den lange historien de har sammen - er motvillig, og Froakie er mistenksom, men Chespin og Fennekin møter ham med åpne armer.   Jessie og James går for å lete etter partnerne sine og treffer på de to Pancham fra tidligere - og en sint Pangoro som beskytter dem! Etter at den har jaget kjeltringene bort, snubler Jessie over en Pumkaboo som sover på bakken - og fanger den umiddelbart, til James sin store overraskelse. Samtidig har Pangoro og Pancham møtt på våre helter sine Pokémon, og en redd Chespin slipper ut en Pin Missile som ved et uhell ødelegger bambus-kvisten Pangoro alltid har i munnen. Uten sin elskede bambus, blir denne Pokémon svak og syk. Ash, Serena, Clemont og Bonnie finner endelig alle Pokémon og begynner med en gang å lete etter en ny bambus-kvist så Pangoro kan få styrken sin tilbake. Det klarer de, men når de kommer tilbake har Meowth blitt sitt gamle jeg, og Team Rocket-trioen har bundet fast Pangoro og Pancham! Men når de forsøker å overvinne våre helter med angrep, tar Ash en risiko for Pangoro sin skyld og klarer å få bambus-spiren inn i munnen dens. Tilbake til hektene, sprenger Pangoro seg fri og blåser kjeltringene avsted igjen! Skaden er avverget, og våre helter er klare til å reise videre igjen...så snart de får fullført den avbrutte lunsjen sin!

Swedish Official Summary

Under en lunchpaus på sin väg mot Cyllage City, är det som vanligt någon som spionerar på våra hjältar! Jodå, Team Rocket smyger omkring, med det gör också två förtjusande Pancham! Serena erbjuder dem lite Pokémon-mat, men de är inte nöjda förrän de har glufsat i sig allting; även våra hjältars lunch! Men det finns ingen tid att göra något eftersom Team Rocket drar nytta av förvirringen och fångar Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin och Froakie i ett nät, och sticker iväg i sin Meowth-ballong! Jessie, James och Meowth har storartade drömmar om hur bossen ska belöna dem för deras imponerande kap, men de hamnar snart i bråk om vem som bör få äran för fångsten. Och det hela urartar till en riktig strid mellan James Inkay och Jessies Wobbuffet, vilket skapar en explosion i ballongen som gör att våra hjältars infångade Pokémon kommer loss! Meowth flyger iväg och blir hängandes i ett träd, där han får syn på de övriga Pokémon och övertalar dem att hjälpa honom ned. Pikachu, som är väl medveten om Meowths falska sätt efter deras långa historia tillsammans, är motvillig, och Froakie är misstänksam, men Chespin och Fennekin välkomnar honom med öppna tassar. Jessie och James ger sig av för att leta efter sin brottspartner och springer då på de två Pancham från tidigare, och en arg Pangoro som beskyddar dem! Efter att den jagat bort de två skurkarna, snubblar Jessie över en Pumpkaboo som sover under marken, och fångar den genast, till James stora förvåning. Under tiden har Pangoro och Pancham stött på våra hjältars Pokémon, och den förskräckte Chespin har släppt lös en Pin Missile, som av misstag förstört bambu-kvisten som Pangoro alltid har i munnen. Utan sin älskade bambu, blir denna stackars Pokémon alldeles svag och sjuk. Ash, Serena, Clemont och Bonnie hittar till slut alla Pokémon, och ger sig omedelbart iväg för att hitta en ny bambu-kvist, så att Pangoro kan få sin styrka tillbaka. De lyckas, men när de kommer tillbaka har Meowth åter visat sitt rätt jag, och Team Rocket-trion har bundit fast Pangoro och Pancham! Men när de försöker driva bort våra hjältar med sina attacker, gör Ash en riskfylld rusning mot Pangoro, och lyckas få in bambu-kvisten i dess mun. Helt återställd bryter sig Pangoro loss från sina rep, och ser till att skurkarna far iväg igen! All skada är nu reparerad, och våra hjältar är åter redo att ge sig av… så snart de har avslutat sin avbrutna lunchpaus!

Danish Official Summary

Under en frokostpause på vej mod Cyllage City, bliver vores helte som altid udspioneret. Ja, Team Rocket lusker omkring, men det gør to nuttede Pancham også! Serena tilbyder dem noget Pokémon-mad, men de er ikke tilfredse før de har slugt det hele – inklusive vores heltes mad! Men der er ikke tid til at tænke over det, for Team Rocket udnytter forvirringen og fanger Pikachu, Chespin, Fennekin og Froakie i deres net, og flyver så væk i deres Meowth-ballon! Jessie, James og Meowth har store visioner for hvordan deres boss vil belønne dem for denne imponerende fangst, men de kommer hurtigt op at skændes om hvem der skal have æren for kuppet. Og det udvikler sig snart til en rigtig kamp mellem James’ Inkay og Jessies Wobbuffet, hvilket forårsager en eksplosion på luftballonen, som slipper vores heltes Pokémon fri. Meowth bliver sendt på en flyvetur ud af ballonen og lander i et træ, hvor han får øje på de andre Pokémon og overbeviser dem om at hjælpe ham ned. Pikachu, som udmærket er klar over Meowths temmelig luskede metoder, tøver og Froakie er også mistænksom, men Chespin og Fennekin byder ham velkommen med åbne poter. Jessie Og James leder efter deres medsammensvorne og løber ind i de to Pancham fra tidligere - og en meget vred Pangoro, der beskytter dem! Da den har jaget skurkene væk, falder Jessie over en Pumpkaboo som sover på jorden – og hun fanger den hurtigt, til James’ store overraskelse. I mellemtiden er Pangoro og Pancham stødt på vores heltes Pokémon, og den skræmte Chespin affyrer et Pin Missile som uheldigvis ødelægger den bambuspind, den ene Pangoro altid har i sin mund. Uden sin elskede bambus bliver Pomémonen syg og svag. Ash, Serena, Clemont og Bonnie finder omsider Deres Pokémon og begynder straks at lede efter en ny bambuspind, så Pangoro kan genvinde sin styrke. Det lykkes, men da de kommer tilbage har Meowth endnu engang vist sit sande jeg, og Team Rocket trioen har bundet Pangoro og Pancham! Men mens de prøver at drive vores helte bort med angreb, laver Ash et risikabelt træk og det lykkes ham at få bambuspinden sat ind i Pangoros mund. Ved sig selv igen, bryder Pangoro sine lænker og sender skurkene af sted igen! Alt er godt igen, og vores helte er klar til at fortsætte rejsen…så snart de har fået spist deres frokost.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena
  • Japan セレナ
  • Japan Serena
  • Japan Serena
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Bonnie
  • Japan ユリーカ
  • Japan Eureka
  • Japan Eureka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont
  • Japan シトロン
  • Japan Citron
  • Japan Citron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Froakie
  • Japan サトシのケロマツ
  • Japan Satoshi no Keromatsu
  • Japan Satoshi's Keromatsu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Dedenne
  • Japan シトロンのデデンネ
  • Japan Citron no Dedenne
  • Japan Citron's Dedenne
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Bunnelby
  • Japan シトロンのホルビー
  • Japan Citron no Horubee
  • Japan Citron's Horubee
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Inkay
  • Japan コジロウのマーイーカ
  • Japan Kojirō no Maaiika
  • Japan Kojiro's Maaiika
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Fletchling
  • Japan サトシのヤヤコマ
  • Japan Satoshi no Yayakoma
  • Japan Satoshi's Yayakoma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Serena's Fennekin
  • Japan セレナのフォッコ
  • Japan Serena no Fokko
  • Japan Serena's Fokko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Clemont's Chespin
  • Japan シトロンのハリマロン
  • Japan Citron no Harimaron
  • Japan Citron's Harimaron
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Pumpkaboo
  • Japan ムサシのバケッチャ
  • Japan Musashi no Bakeccha
  • Japan Musashi's Bakeccha
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Kalos Pokédex I
  • Japan サトシのカロスのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Kalos no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Kalos Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pancham
  • Japan ヤンチャム
  • Japan Yancham
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pangoro
  • Japan ゴロンダ
  • Japan Goronda
No notes available for this episode.

Special First-Airing Segment Data Broadcast Boardgame

Data Broadcast Pokémon: Yancham (ヤンチャム)

Special First-Airing Segment TV Tokyo 50th Anniversary

To celebrate TV Tokyo's 50th Anniversary, a special eye catch aired at the beginning of the episode that featured Pikachu and Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie.

Eyecatch XY Titlecard

The XY title card for this episode featured Satoshi's Pikachu.

Who's that Pokémon XY


Who's that Pokémon Pokémon Quiz

Pokémon Quiz
Name (なまえ): Yancham (ヤンチャム)
Type (タイプ): Fighting


Okido Segment Pokémon Holo Caster

Pokémon Holo Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Pukurin (プクリン)
Japanese まるくなる どんどんふくらむ プクリンよ
Romaji Maruku naru dondon fukuramu Pukurin yo
Translated Pukurin: It keeps swelling until it becomes completely round


Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

Satoshi revealed Super-big news that an incredible 1-hour Pokémon special would air on New Year's Eve 2013 at 7:30 AM!

Viewers got to know about all the adventures they had to that point and they also showed lots of upcoming highlights! Exquisite presents were also given out.

Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

Another clip that showed episodes from upcoming XY episodes was also shown.

Encounters with new Pokémon and huge, suspenseful and exciting twists! A fierce battle between Gym Leaders and the mystery of Mega Evolution, with its key being the bond with your Pokémon!

You can't avert your eyes from our adventures that are getting more and more heated!

A noticed indicating the next episode of Pocket Monsters XY would air on January 9th, 2014 at 7 PM was also posted.

Special First-Airing Segment Movie Preview

A teaser trailer for the 17th Pocket Monsters movie The Cocoon of Destruction (破壊の繭) and the 17th Short Pikachu, What Kind of Keys are These? (ピカチュウ、これなんのカギ?) was shown.

It confirmed that Movie would premiere the Summer of 2014 on July 19th, 2014. Pokémon mega evolves throughout the world and the movies will also enter a new dimension!
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:05
Title: XY M19 The Rocket Gang's Plan
Rocket Gang spies on the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: V
Japanese (Romanized): Volt
Japanese (TL): Volt
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: XY M02 ジムバッジを手に入れた!
Japanese (TL): Obtained a Gym Badge! / XY Title Card
Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:32
Title: XY M23 連れて行く
Japanese (TL): Going Together
A trio of Yancham appears from the bushes.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:54
Title: XY M24 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4 / Citron's Inventions
Citron takes out another of his machines.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:57
Title: メロディベリーを探しにいくぞ!
Japanese (Romanized): Melody Berry wo sagashi ni iku zo!
Japanese (TL): Let's Go Search for the Melody Berry!
The Yancham are allowed to eat all the prepared food.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:50
Title: XY M14 The Rocket Gang Attacks!
Rocket Gang throws a net at the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:14
Title: フワライド ON!
Japanese (Romanized): Fuwaride ON!
Japanese (TL): Fuwaride On!
Rocket Gang has an internal fight.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:57
Title: XY M26 The Rocket Gang Lurks
The group sees Rocket Gang's balloon ahead.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:03
Title: 樹の上に…!
Japanese (Romanized): Ki no ue ni...!
Japanese (TL): Up in that Tree...!
Pikachu finds Keromatsu.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:32
Title: XY M19 The Rocket Gang's Plan
Nyarth plots to use the group's Pokémon as shields against Goronda.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:02
Title: XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:08
Title: XY M22 バトルハウス
Japanese (TL): Battle House
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:18
Title: XY M09 It's This!
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:42
Title: XY M25 ポケモンの村
Japanese (TL): Pokémon Village
The other Pokémon take care of Fokko.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:29
Title: 水中の戦い
Japanese (Romanized): Suichū no tatakai
Japanese (TL): Underwater Battle
A Bakeccha suddenly appears from the ground (the music begins 30 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:23
Title: XY M06 戦闘!トレーナー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Trainer
A Goronda gets angry at the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:17
Title: XY M36 ハクダンの森
Japanese (TL): Hakudan Forest
Satoshi scans Goronda.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:55
Title: リサイタルが始まる
Japanese (Romanized): Recital ga hajimaru
Japanese (TL): The Recital Begins
Serena suggests using Harimaron's Vine Whip to get to the tree in the cliff.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:24
Title: XY M14 The Rocket Gang Attacks!
The group arrives and sees Rocket Gang with a Goronda and a Yancham tied up.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:17
Title: 逃走1
Japanese (Romanized): Tōsō 1
Japanese (TL): Escape 1
Movie 15 BGM - Musashi's Bakeccha uses Leech Seed on the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:43
Title: XY M31 ジム
Japanese (TL): Gym
Goronda frees itself up from the ropes and sends Rocket Gang blasting off.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:00
Title: X海峡 Y景色(アニメサイズ3ver.)
Japanese (TL): The X Strait and the Y Scenery (Anime Size Ver. 3)
Ending Theme Japanese - Variant #3
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:21
Title: XY M05 タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Satoshi announces a New Year XY special (the music begins 10 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:37
Title: V
Japanese (Romanized): Volt
Japanese (TL): Volt
More scenes of the XY special are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:24
Title: タイトルテーマ2009
Japanese (Romanized): Title thema 2009
Japanese (TL): Title Theme 2009
Movie 12 BGM - 17th Movie is briefly advertised.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:39
Title: XY M04 カロスのテーマ
Japanese (TL): Kalos' Theme
Satoshi hypes up the series for the next year (the music begins 12 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: XY M27 ジムリーダーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Gym Leader!
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:28
Title: Pokémon Theme (Version XY) [From "Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction"]
Opening Theme for the English dub
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:58
Title: XY M02 ジムバッジを手に入れた!
Japanese (TL): Obtained a Gym Badge! / XY Title Card
Title Card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:12
Title: XY M06 戦闘!トレーナー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Trainer
A Pangoro gets angry at the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:32
Title: XY M31 ジム
Japanese (TL): Gym
Pangoro frees itself up from the ropes and sends Team Rocket blasting off.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Pokémon Theme (Version XY) [From "Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction"]
Ending Theme for the English dub (Instrumental version)

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 5
19 Nov 2013 07:07 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3189
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 竹林の追跡!ヤンチャムとゴロンダ!! / Chikurin no tsuiseki! Yancham to Goronda!! / A Chase Through the Bamboo Grove! Yancham and Goronda!!. Please comment below!
Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot!
11 Dec 2013 02:14 AM
Adamant Administrator
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Serena and Eureka fawn over how cute the Pokémon Yancham, which they've encountered in a forest, is. Little do they know that hell is just about to break loose...
Also, big 'Pokémon XY' news adorn the end of the year!

As they continue their journey, Satoshi and friends stop for lunch... but then, two Pokémon named Yancham suddenly come out of the forest and eat all the food. As the group is perplexed at these proceedings, the Rocket Gang attacks! They capture all Satoshi and friends' Pokémon in one fell swoop, before running away!

The Rocket Gang pulled off their plan with great success. However, they end up having a petty fight, causing the balloon they're riding in to explode! Chaos ensues as they're all sent off in different directions, the stolen Pokémon included. Nyarth ends up crashing into a Goronda as he falls, which greatly enrages it, and...

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mayuki Makiguchi: Serena
Yuki Kaji: Citron
Mariya Ise: Eureka
Megumi Sato: Dedenne
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Yuji Ueda: Sonansu
Yuka Terasaki: Yayakoma
Chinatsu Akasaki: Horubee
Hitomi Nabatame: Harimaron
Kenta Miyake: Maaiika
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration
Last edited 11 Dec 2013 03:23 AM by Adamant
28 Dec 2013 12:12 PM
Joined: 13 Jul 2007
Posts: 39
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"That Goronda sure chose something hard to get to put in its mouth." eh.... ok, here we go.
This episode features two kinds of Panda Pokemon. The duo of little panda Pokémon Yancham, who are somehow similiar in attitude to a spoiled Teddiursa. And the big boss Panda Goronda, who pretends to be cool only as long as it has a... bamboo... in its mouth.
A big part in this episode is played by Team Rocket, who, despite the fact that in BW they were always credited together as a team after achieving something, just argue with each other here like a trio of totally brainless idiots. Yay for the lack of consistency.

Another kick in the crotch that consistency receives in this episode is Citron's invention, which translates the speech of Pokemon. Seriously, world full of humans cooperating with Pokemon, noone except Nyaasu, N and maybe a few chosen ones being able to fully understand their speech and suddenly a kid invents a working translation machine? This invention could completely change lives of thousands of humans and Pokémon in the whole world. And I bet that despite that, noone will remember this invention in any of the following episodes, leaving the invention of the millenium forgotten inder a pile of pointless fillers.

Anyway, this episode is not a complete filler. After unsuccessful attempt of Team Rocket to catch a Yancham, they surprisingly meet a new Pokemon, which Musashi manages to capture.., Just by throwing a ball at it. It was obvious that Team Rocket is going to get a new Pokemon sooner or later, since Maaiika and Wobbuffet are not enough. And Team Rocket always gets at least two new Pokémon per person at the beginning of each generation. If only they would try to catch something more often and not just at the beginning. There are wild Pokémon everywhere, even those who are easy to catch. And if you can afford to create monstrous mechadroids, buying a few PokéBalls must b e a breeze. Right, Team Rocket?

In this episode we also see a completely new kind of background graphics, featuring a lot of bamboos. Finally a forest that doesn't look the same as all the other forests in the anime :)
And it now seems to be almost certain that all the battles are going to have a better animation than episodes before XY. At least the abstract backgrounds behind an attacking Pokémon were replaced with real backgrounds using the environment around the characters. So.. one more annoying thing about Pokémon anime has been eliminated.
And in this episode, there is quite an interesting animation used in the last scene where Satoshi runs for... a bamboo.

My rating:
All in all, this episode was quite enjoyable, despite being almost a filler (except for Musashi catching a pumpkin).
I give it 8.
You would totally like to be a tree.
08 Jul 2023 03:03 PM
Sunain Administrator
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TV Tokyo, XY Vol 2 Rental DVD and Amazon streaming all list Kiyotaka Furushima as Keromatsu in XY4. In XY12 and onward, Yūji Ueda is credited. It is unknown if there was a voice acting change or XY4 is just a miscredit that's never been fixed. Keromatsu's VA is therefore left unassigned for this episode.
Last edited 08 Jul 2023 06:52 PM by Sunain
Administrator of PocketMonsters.net