Home / Episode Guide / The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!ソムリエ探偵デント!消えたクマシュンの謎!!Dent the Sommelier Detective! The Mystery of the Missing Kumasyun!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!
  • Japan ソムリエ探偵デント!消えたクマシュンの謎!!
  • Japan Sommelier tantei Dent! Kieta Kumasyun no nazo!!
  • Japan Dent the Sommelier Detective! The Mystery of the Missing Kumasyun!!
  • Germany Das geheimnisvolle Verschwinden von Petznief!
  • France Le mystère du Polarhume disparu !
  • Spain ¡El Misterio del Cubchoo perdido!
  • Sweden Mysteriet med den försvunna Cubchoo!
  • Italy Il mistero del Cubchoo scomparso!
  • Mexico ¡El misterio del Cubchoo perdido!
  • Finland Cubchoo ja salaperäinen katoaminen!
  • Taiwan 酒侍偵探天桐!消失的噴嚏熊之謎!!
  • Netherlands Het mysterie van de vermiste Cubchoo!
  • Brazil O Mistério do Cubchoo Desaparecido!
  • Norway Mysteriet med den savnede Cubchoo!
  • Denmark Mysteriet om den forsvundne Cubchoo!
  • South Korea 소믈리에 탐정 덴트! 사라진 코고미의 수수께끼!
  • Portugal O Mistério do Cubchoo Desaparecido!
  • Russia Тайна пропавшего Кабчу!


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With My Friends
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Pokémon Roll Call
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Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Satoshi's Pikachu
Japan 宮野真守 (Mamoru Miyano) Dent
Japan 悠木碧 (Aoi Yūki) Iris
Japan 津田美波 (Minami Tsuda) Iris' Kibago
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Musashi
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Kojiro
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Nyarth
Japan 豊口めぐみ (Megumi Toyoguchi) Hikari
Japan 小桜エツコ (Etsuko Kozakura) Hikari's Pochama
Japan 水田わさび (Wasabi Mizuta) Satoshi's Chaoboo
Japan 福圓美里 (Misato Fukuen) Satoshi's Mijumaru
Japan 渡辺明乃 (Akeno Watanabe) Satoshi's Zuruggu
Japan 藤村知可 (Chika Fujimura) Chris' Kumasyun
Japan 佐藤健輔 (Kensuke Sato) Tunbear
Japan 中島愛 (Megumi Nakajima) Meloetta
Japan 星野貴紀 (Takanori Hoshino) Jeremy (Isshu Region)
Japan 寺崎裕香 (Yuka Terasaki) Chris
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan Uncredited
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Chris' Yogiras Uncredited
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Hikari's Manmoo Uncredited

Recording Studio
Aoi Studio
Audio Studio Logo


United States Tom Wayland Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Eileen Stevens Iris
United States Eileen Stevens Joltik
United States Jason Griffith Cilan
United States Jason Griffith Ash's Scraggy
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States James Carter Cathcart James
United States James Carter Cathcart Meowth
United States Emily Bauer Jenness Dawn
United States Michele Knotz Jessie
United States Michele Knotz Dawn's Piplup
United States Lisa Ortiz Chris
United States Lisa Ortiz Ash's Oshawott
United States Lisa Ortiz Chris' Larvitar
United States Kayzie Rogers Iris' Axew
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld Chris' Cubchoo
United States Sean Schemmel Jervis
United States Erica Schroeder Meloetta (Singing)
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Pignite
United States Marc Thompson Dawn's Mamoswine
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Unova Pokédex
United States Tom Wayland Beartic

Recording Studio
DuArt Media Services
Audio Studio Logo
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

Our heroes are staying at Cynthia’s house while they prepare for the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup. After Ash and Dawn have a practice battle that ends in a draw, a worried young neighbor named Chris comes by, looking for his lost Cubchoo. The boy tells them Cubchoo somehow got out of its Pokémon house overnight, although there’s only one door and Chris is sure he locked it from the outside. So...who will come to the rescue? Why, Connoisseur Detective Cilan, of course! After much questioning of the details surrounding the “case,” Cilan finds a small tunnel under the wall surrounding the Pokémon house, leading out to the forest. Our heroes investigate and find a surprisingly tame Beartic eating Berries nearby. Cilan decides it must have taken Cubchoo, but Dawn points out that Beartic is far too big to fit through the tunnel. Then he announces that Beartic is the missing Cubchoo, and that it must have evolved after it escaped! But when Beartic won’t return to Chris’s Poké Ball, it becomes clear that Cilan is wrong again. Finally, they spot Cubchoo when it comes running by, playing with a wild Larvitar! The two Pokémon are obviously good friends, and Cilan deduces that Larvitar must have figured out how to open the door to Cubchoo’s Pokémon house so they could play together. He declares the mystery solved, and Ash wants to celebrate with a battle! Chris and Cubchoo have never battled before, so Ash and Scraggy battle against Larvitar to show them how it’s done. The battle ends in a draw, but Chris and Cubchoo are excited about learning to battle too! Ash and Iris suggest that the two of them set off on a journey together, and Chris says they will—as long as Larvitar comes with them. Meanwhile, Team Rocket appears to be getting closer and closer to its mysterious target...

French Official Summary

Nos héros séjournent à la villa de Cynthia et se préparent à la Coupe Junior du Pokémon World Tournament. Sacha et Aurore terminent justement un combat sur une égalité, lorsqu'un jeune voisin nommé Adam, très inquiet, s'approche d'eux. Il explique à nos héros que son Polarhume est sorti, on ne sait comment, de sa maison Pokémon, la nuit dernière. Pourtant, la maison ne possède qu'une seule porte et Adam est sûr de l'avoir verrouillée de l'extérieur. Qui va bien pouvoir l'aider à résoudre ce mystère ? Le Connaisseur Détective Rachid, bien entendu. Après avoir questionné Adam sur tous les détails relatifs à l'affaire, Rachid découvre un petit tunnel qui passe sous le mur d’enceinte de la propriété et mène tout droit à la forêt. Nos héros font des recherches et sont surpris de rencontrer un Polagriffe sauvage en train de manger des Baies. Rachid affirme que c'est sûrement lui qui a kidnappé Polarhume. Mais Aurore lui signale que ce Polagriffe est bien trop grand pour le tunnel. Rachid annonce alors que ce Polagriffe n'est autre que le Polarhume disparu, et qu'il doit avoir évolué durant son évasion. Mais Polagriffe refuse de retourner dans la Poké Ball d'Adam. Il est donc évident que Rachid s'est trompé une fois de plus. C'est à ce moment que nos amis aperçoivent le petit Polarhume arriver en courant, accompagné d'un Embrylex ! Les deux Pokémon sont à l'évidence d'excellents amis. Et Rachid en déduit que cet Embrylex doit avoir compris comment ouvrir la maison Pokémon. C'est donc lui qui a fait sortir Polarhume pour qu'ils puissent jouer ensemble. Rachid déclare le mystère résolu et Sacha découvre qu’Adam et Polarhume n'ont jamais combattu auparavant. Sacha et Baggiguane décident donc de combattre l'Embrylex sauvage pour leur montrer comment on s'y prend. Le combat se termine par une égalité, mais Adam et Polarhume sont fascinés et veulent absolument apprendre à combattre, eux aussi. Sacha et Iris leur suggèrent alors de partir en voyage, et Adam affirme qu'il le fera, à condition qu'Embrylex aille avec eux. Pendant ce temps, la Team Rocket semble s'approcher de plus en plus de sa cible mystérieuse.

German Official Summary

Unsere Helden bereiten sich in Cynthias Haus auf den Junior Pokal beim Pokémon World Tournament vor. Ash und Lucia haben gerade einen Trainingskampf beendet, der unentschieden ausging, als plötzlich Chris, ein junger Nachbar von Cynthia, auftaucht. Er ist ganz aufgeregt und erzählt, dass er sich große Sorgen macht, weil sein Petznief verschwunden ist. Petznief hat irgendwie während der Nacht sein Pokémon-Haus verlassen, obwohl es nur eine Tür gibt, die Chris hundertprozentig von außen verschlossen hatte. Wer bietet da natürlich sofort seine Hilfe an? Der Kenner mit Spürsinn, Benny, ist doch klar! Nachdem er jede Menge Fragen, die Einzelheiten des „Falles“ betreffend, gestellt hat, findet Benny einen schmalen Tunnel, der unter der Mauer direkt neben dem Pokémon-Haus hindurch in den Wald führt. Unsere Helden nehmen sofort die Ermittlungen auf und finden ganz in der Nähe ein überraschend friedliches Siberio, das Beeren futtert. Benny kommt zu dem Schluss, dass dieses Siberio sich Petznief geschnappt haben muss. Lucia macht ihm jedoch klar, dass Siberio viel zu groß ist und deswegen nie durch diesen Tunnel passen würde. Mit der nächsten Theorie schnell bei der Hand erklärt Benny unseren Freunden, dass es sich bei dem Siberio um das vermisste Petznief handeln muss, das sich nach seiner Flucht weiterentwickelt hat! Da aber Siberio nicht in den Pokéball von Chris zurückkehren will, ist jetzt ganz klar: Benny hat sich auch diesmal geirrt! Schließlich entdecken die Gefährten Petznief doch noch, denn es läuft an ihnen vorbei und spielt voller Freunde mit einem Larvitar. Offensichtlich sind die beiden gute Freunde und Benny kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Larvitar herausgefunden hat, wie man die Tür von Petzniefs Pokémon-Haus öffnen kann, damit sie auch nachts miteinander spielen können. Daraufhin erklärt Benny das Rätsel für gelöst. Doch als Ash das Ganze mit einem Pokémon-Kampf feiern möchte, stellt sich heraus, dass Chris und Petznief noch nie gekämpft haben! Also fordern Ash und Zurrokex das wilde Larvitar zu einem Kampf heraus, um den beiden zu zeigen, wie viel Spaß so etwas machen kann. Der Kampf endet unentschieden, aber er hat seinen Zweck erfüllt: Chris und Petznief wollen unbedingt lernen, wie man kämpft! Ash und Lilia schlagen den beiden vor, zusammen auf Abenteuerreise zu gehen. Chris findet die Idee gut. Er ist zum Aufbruch bereit, aber nur, wenn Larvitar ihn begleitet. Währenddessen sieht es abseits der Geschehnisse ganz so aus, als würde Team Rocket seinem geheimnisvollen Ziel immer näher kommen…

Italian Official Summary

I nostri eroi sono ancora ospiti a casa di Camilla per allenarsi in vista della Coppa Junior del Pokémon World Tournament. Dopo l’ultima lotta tra Ash e Lucinda finita in parità, i ragazzi durante una pausa incontrano Chris, che abita nella casa accanto ed è preoccupato per il suo Cubchoo che sembra sparito nel nulla. Il bambino spiega che Cubchoo dev’essere riuscito a uscire durante la notte, anche se la casa per Pokémon ha solo una porta e Chris è sicuro di averla chiusa dall’esterno. L’Intenditore di indagini Spighetto non può lasciarsi scappare questa occasione! A caccia di indizi, il nostro eroe trova un tunnel scavato sotto le mura di cinta che circondano la casa e, poco distante, avvista un Beartic che mangia delle Bacche. Spighetto sospetta possa essere il rapitore, ma Lucinda gli fa notare che è troppo grosso per essere riuscito a passare dal tunnel in giardino. Il detective in erba, allora, conclude che il Beartic sia Cubchoo stesso, che si è evoluto dopo la fuga. Quando, però, Beartic non torna nella Poké Ball di Chris, appare chiaro che Spighetto si è di nuovo sbagliato. Finalmente, il gruppo avvista Cubchoo che sta correndo e giocando con un Larvitar! Evidentemente i due Pokémon sono buoni amici, perciò Spighetto deduce che Larvitar sa come aprire la porta della casa di Cucbchoo per farlo uscire e poter giocare insieme. Dichiarato risolto il mistero, Ash decide di festeggiare con una lotta! Chris e Cubchoo non si sono mai cimentati in una lotta Pokémon, quindi Ash e Scraggy affrontano Larvitar per mostrare loro di che cosa si tratta. La lotta finisce in parità, ma Chris e Cubchoo sono comunque entusiasti. Ash e Iris, allora, suggeriscono loro di intraprendere un viaggio insieme; Chris accetta il consiglio e decide di partire non appena avrà catturato anche Larvitar. Nel frattempo, il Team Rocket sembra essere sempre più vicino al suo misterioso obiettivo…

Portuguese Official Summary

Nossos heróis estão na casa de Cynthia enquanto preparam-se para a Copa Junior do Pokémon World Tournament. Após Ash e Dawn terem praticado uma batalha que termina em empate, um jovem vizinho preocupado chamado Chris aparece, procurando por seu Cubchoo perdido. O garoto conta a eles que Cubchoo, de alguma forma, saiu de sua casa Pokémon durante a noite, embora só exista uma única porta e Chris tem certeza que a trancou pelo lado de fora. Sendo assim, quem irá resgatá-lo? Ora, o especialista detetive Cilan, é claro! Após vários questionamentos sobre os detalhes que cercam o “caso”, Cilan encontra um túnel debaixo do muro que cerca a casa Pokémon, que vai dar na floresta. Nossos heróis investigam e descobrem um Beartic surpreendentemente manso comendo frutas ali perto. Cilan decide que ele deve ter levado Cubchoo, mas Dawn percebe que Beartic é muito grande para caber no túnel. Então ele anuncia que Beartic é o Cubchoo desaparecido, e que ele deve ter evoluído após ter escapado! Mas quando Beartic não retorna para a Pokébola de Chris, fica claro que Cilan está enganado novamente. Finalmente, eles localizam Cubchoo enquanto ele está correndo, brincando com um Larvitar! Os 2 Pokémon obviamente são bons amigos, e Cilan deduz que Larvitar deve ter descoberto como abrir a porta da casa Pokémon de Cubchoo assim eles poderiam brincar juntos. Ele declara que o mistério está solucionado, e Ash quer comemorar com uma batalha! Chris e Cubchoo nunca batalharam, então Ash e Scraggy batalham contra o Larvitar selvagem para mostrar a eles como se faz. A batalha termina em empate, mas Chris e Cubchoo estão animados em aprender a batalhar também! Ash e Iris sugerem que os 2 façam uma jornada juntos, e Chris diz que eles farão, contanto que Larvitar venha com eles. Enquanto isso, a Equipe Rocket parece estar mais e mais próxima de seu misterioso alvo...

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme asuvat Cynthian talossa valmistautuessaan Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cupia varten. Ashin ja Dawn harjoitusottelun päätyttyä tasapeliin, naapurin nuori Chris tulee huolestuneena etsimään Cubchootaan. Pojan kertoman mukaan Cubchoo on jotenkin kadonnut pokémontalostaan yön aikana, vaikka ovia on vain yksi ja Chris oli lukinnut sen ulkopuolelta. Mikä siis avuksi? Tuntijaetsivä Cilan tietenkin! Kyseltyään ”jutun” yksityiskohdista Cilan löytää metsään johtavan tunnelin pokémontaloa ympäröivän muurin alta. Sankarimme tutkivat asiaa ja löytävät lähistöltä yllättävän kesyn Bearticin syömässä marjoja. Cilan päättelee, että se on siepannut Cubchoon, mutta Dawn huomauttaa, että Beartic on aivan liian iso mahtuakseen tunnelista. Seuraavaksi Cilan ilmoittaa, että Beartic on kadonnut Cubchoo, joka kehittyi pakonsa jälkeen! Mutta koska Beartic ei palaa Chrisin poképalloon, on selvää, että Cilan on taas väärässä. Lopulta Cubchoo tulee näkyviin sen leikkiessä Larvitarin kanssa! Leikkikaverukset ovat selkeästi hyviä ystäviä, ja Cilan päätteleekin Larvitarin avanneen Cubchoon pokémontalon oven, jotta ne saisivat leikkiä yhdessä. Hän julistaa mysteerin ratkaistuksi. Ash haluaa juhlistaa tilannetta ottelulla! Chris ja Cubchoo eivät ole koskaan otelleet, joten Ash ja Scraggy saavat vastaansa villin Larvitarin. Ottelu päättyy tasapeliin, mutta Chris ja Cubchoo innostuvat ottelemaan opettelusta! Ash ja Iris suosittelevat ystävyksille matkustamista yhdessä, johon Chris myöntyykin, mutta vain jos Larvitar tulee mukaan. Sillä välin Rakettiryhmä lähestyy salaperäistä kohdettaan…

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Nuestros héroes se hospedan en la casa de descanso de Cynthia mientras se preparan para el Pokémon World Tournament Copa Junior. Después de que Ash y Dawn tienen una batalla de práctica que termina en empate, un joven y preocupado vecino llamado Chris llega buscando a su Cubchoo perdido. El chico les dice que Cubchoo salió de alguna forma de su casa Pokémon durante la noche a pesar de que sólo hay una puerta, la cual Chris está seguro de haber cerrado por fuera. Así que… ¿quién vendrá al rescate? ¡El Conocedor Detective Cilan, desde luego! Después de hacer muchas preguntas de los detalles que rodean el “caso”, Cilan encuentra un pequeño túnel bajo la pared que rodea la casa Pokémon y que llega hasta el bosque. Nuestros héroes investigan y encuentran a un Beartic sorprendentemente manso que come bayas cerca del lugar. Cilan decide que él debió llevarse a Cubchoo, pero Dawn le recuerda que Beartic es demasiado grande para entrar en el túnel. Luego, Cilan anuncia que Beartic es el Cubchoo extraviado y que debió evolucionar luego de escapar. Sin embargo, cuando Beartic no regresa a la Pokébola de Chris, queda claro que Cilan está equivocado de nuevo. Finalmente, encuentran a Cubchoo cuando pasa corriendo cerca de ahí, mientras juega con un Larvitar. Los dos Pokémon son obviamente buenos amigos y Cilan deduce que Larvitar debe haber encontrado la forma de abrir la puerta de la casa Pokémon de Cubchoo para poder jugar con él. Cilan declara que el misterio está resuelto y Ash quiere celebrarlo con una batalla. Chris y Cubchoo nunca han peleado antes, así que Ash y Scraggy luchan contra el Larvitar salvaje para mostrarles cómo se hace. La batalla termina en empate, pero Chris y Cubchoo están emocionados por aprender a combatir también. Ash e Iris sugieren que ambos hagan un viaje juntos y Chris dice que lo harán si Larvitar los acompaña. Mientras tanto, el Equipo Rocket parece acercarse cada vez más a su misterioso objetivo…

Spanish Official Summary

Nuestros héroes se alojan en casa de Cintia mientras se preparan para la Copa Júnior del Pokémon World Tournament. Tras un combate de práctica entre Ash y Maya que termina en empate, un vecino, que se llama Chris y que está muy preocupado, se acerca buscando a su Cubchoo perdido. El niño les dice que no sabe cómo, pero su Cubchoo se ha escapado de su casa Pokémon durante la noche, a pesar de que solo tiene una puerta y Chris está seguro de haberla cerrado desde fuera. ¿Quién se lanza a resolver el misterio? Pues el Sibarita Detective Millo, por supuesto. Tras diversas preguntas acerca de los detalles que envuelven el “caso”, Millo encuentra un pequeño túnel bajo el muro que rodea la casa Pokémon y que lleva hasta el bosque. Nuestros héroes investigan y descubren muy cerca de allí a un Beartic sorprendentemente manso comiendo Bayas. Millo decide que ha sido Beartic el que se ha llevado a Cubchoo, sin embargo Maya sugiere que Beartic es demasiado grande para arrastrarse a través del túnel. Luego Millo anuncia que Beartic es el Cubchoo desaparecido que ha debido de evolucionar tras escapar. Pero, cuando Beartic no vuelve a la Poké Ball de Chris, queda claro que Millo ha vuelto a equivocarse. Por fin ven a Cubchoo cuando llega corriendo jugando con un Larvitar. Los dos Pokémon parecen ser buenos amigos, y Millo deduce que Larvitar debió de descubrir cómo abrir la puerta de la casa Pokémon de Cubchoo para poder jugar juntos. Declara resuelto el misterio y Ash decide celebrarlo con un combate. Chris y Cubchoo nunca han combatido por lo que Ash y Scraggy combaten contra el Larvitar salvaje para enseñarles cómo se hace. El combate termina en empate, pero Chris y Cubchoo están entusiasmados aprendiendo a combatir. Ash e Iris sugieren que los dos emprendan un viaje, y Chris dice que lo harán siempre que Larvitar vayan con ellos. Mientras tanto, el Team Rocket parece estar cada vez más cerca de su misterioso objetivo…

English Great Britain Official Summary

Our heroes are staying at Cynthia’s house while they prepare for the Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup. After Ash and Dawn have a practice battle that ends in a draw, a worried young neighbor named Chris comes by, looking for his lost Cubchoo. The boy tells them Cubchoo somehow got out of its Pokémon house overnight, although there’s only one door and Chris is sure he locked it from the outside. So...who will come to the rescue? Why, Connoisseur Detective Cilan, of course! After much questioning of the details surrounding the “case,” Cilan finds a small tunnel under the wall surrounding the Pokémon house, leading out to the forest. Our heroes investigate and find a surprisingly tame Beartic eating Berries nearby. Cilan decides it must have taken Cubchoo, but Dawn points out that Beartic is far too big to fit through the tunnel. Then he announces that Beartic is the missing Cubchoo, and that it must have evolved after it escaped! But when Beartic won’t return to Chris’s Poké Ball, it becomes clear that Cilan is wrong again. Finally, they spot Cubchoo when it comes running by, playing with a wild Larvitar! The two Pokémon are obviously good friends, and Cilan deduces that Larvitar must have figured out how to open the door to Cubchoo’s Pokémon house so they could play together. He declares the mystery solved, and Ash wants to celebrate with a battle! Chris and Cubchoo have never battled before, so Ash and Scraggy battle against Larvitar to show them how it’s done. The battle ends in a draw, but Chris and Cubchoo are excited about learning to battle too! Ash and Iris suggest that the two of them set off on a journey together, and Chris says they will—as long as Larvitar comes with them. Meanwhile, Team Rocket appears to be getting closer and closer to its mysterious target...

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои остаются в загородном доме Синтии, где готовятся к мировому юниорскому кубку покемонов. Эш и Доун устраивают битву, которая заканчивается ничьей. Тут к ребятам заходит сосед Синтии, маленький мальчик по имени Крис. Он ищет своего Кабчу. Он сбежал из своего домика, хотя в доме была всего одна дверь, которая совершенно точно была заперта. Ко же поможет мальчику? Разумеется ценитель расследований Сайлан! Распросив всех свидетелей, Сайлан находит под забором небольшой ров, который ведет в лес. Там герои находят смирного Бертика, который ест ягоды. Сайлан обвиняет его в том, что он украл Кабчу. Но Доун указывает на то, что он слишком велик, чтобы пролезть по туннелю. Тогда Сайлан объявляет, что Бертик – и есть Кабчу. Просто он развился за ночь. Но, когда он отказывается отправляться в покешар, становится ясно, что это не так. Наконец, герои находят Кабчу. Он играет в Ларвитаром. Покемонам так весело друг с другом, что Сайлан заключает, что Ларвитар просто нашел способ открыть дверь в домике Кабчу, чтобы те смогли поиграть вместе. На этом Сайлан объявляет тайну раскрытой. Эш решает отметить это битвой. Крис и Кабчу никогда раньше не сражались. Поэтому Эш и Скрэгги бросают вызов дикому Ларвитару. Битва заканчивается ничьей, но Крис с Кабчу в восторге от увиденного. Эш и Ирис предлагают им отправиться в самостоятельное путешествие. Крис отвечает согласием, но с одним условием: с ними отправится еще и Ларвитар. Ну, а Команда Р, похоже, еще на шаг ближе к выполнению своего плана

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden verblijven in Cynthia’s huis, terwijl ze zich voorbereiden op de Pokémon World tournament Junior Cup. Nadat Ash en Dawn een oefengevecht, dat in gelijkspel eindigt, hebben gehouden, komt er een bezorgde buurman (Chris) langs. Hij is op zoek naar zijn Cubchoo. De jongen vertelt ze dat Cubchoo ’s nachts uit zijn Pokémon Huis is verdwenen. Er is maar één deur en Chris weet zeker dat hij die van buiten af op slot heeft gedaan. Detective Deskundige Cilan schiet hem te hulp! Na een fikse ondervraging vindt Cilan een smalle tunnel die naar het bos leidt. Deze bevindt zich onder de muur, die het Pokémon Huis omringt. Onze helden gaan op onderzoek uit en vinden een opvallend tamme Beartic, die bessen aan het eten is. Cilan denkt dat hij degene is die Cubchoo heeft meegenomen, maar Dawn legt uit dat Beartic veel te groot is om door de tunnel te passen. Daarna verklaart hij dat Beartic de vermiste Cubchoo is en dat hij na zijn ontsnapping geëvolueerd is! Maar als Beartic niet terugkeert in de Poké Ball van Chris, wordt duidelijk dat Cilan het weer bij het verkeerde eind heeft. Eindelijk vinden ze Cubchoo als hij spelend met een Larvitar voorbij komt rennen! De twee Pokémon zijn overduidelijk goede vrienden en Cilan concludeert dat Larvitar de deur van Cubchoo’s Pokémon Huis moet hebben opengemaakt, zodat ze samen konden gaan spelen. Hij verklaart dat het mysterie is opgelost en Ash wil dat vieren met een gevecht! Chris en Cubchoo hebben nog nooit gevochten, dus Ash en Scraggy zullen het tegen de wilde Larvitar opnemen om ze te laten zien hoe het er tijdens een gevecht aan toe gaat. Het gevecht eindigt in gelijkspel, maar Chris en Cubchoo zouden ook erg graag willen vechten! Ash en Iris stellen hem voor om met z’n tweeën op reis te gaan. Chris vindt dit een goed idee, maar dan wil hij wel dat Larvitar ook meegaat. Intussen komen de leden van Team Rocket steeds dichter bij hun doel…

Norwegian Official Summary

Våre helter bor hos Cynthia mens de forbereder seg til Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup. Etter at Ash og Dawn har hatt en øvelseskamp som ender uavgjort, kommer en bekymret ung nabo ved navn Chris innom og ser etter sin savnede Cubchoo. Gutten forteller dem at Cubchoo på en eller annen måte klarte å komme seg ut av Pokémon-huset sitt i løpet av natta, selv om det bare er én dør og Chris er sikker på at han låste den fra utsiden. Så...hvem kommer ham til unnsetning? Jo, Detektivkjenneren Cilan, så klart! Etter litt en del utspørring rundt detaljene i saken, finner Cilan en liten tunnel under muren rundt Pokémon-huset som leder ut til skogen. Våre helter undersøker nærmere og finner en overraskende tam Beartid som spiser bær like i nærheten. Cilan tror den må ha tatt Cubchoo, men Dawn mener Beartic er altfor stor til å få plass i tunnelen. Så mener han at Beartic er den savnede Cubchoo, og at den må ha utviklet seg etter å ha stukket av! Men når Beartic ikke vil tilbake til Chris sin Poké Ball, blir det klart at Cilan tar feil igjen. Endelig oppdager de Cubchoo i det den kommer løpende forbi og leker med en Larvitar! De to Pokémon er tydeligvis gode venner, og Cilan konkluderer med at Larvitar må ha funnet ut hvordan man åpner døra til Cubchoo sitt Pokémon-hus så de kunne leke sammen. Han erklærer mysteriet for løst, og Ash vil feire med en kamp! Chris og Cubchoo har aldri kjempet før, så Ash og Scraggy kjemper mot den ville Larvitar for å vise dem hvordan det gjøres. Kampen ender uavgjort, men Chris og Cubchoo vil også veldig gjerne lære å kjempe! Ash og Iris foreslår at de to drar ut på en reise sammen, og Chris sier at det skal de gjøre - så lenge Larvitar blir med dem. Samtidig viser det seg at Team Rocket kommer nærmere og nærmere det mystiske målet sitt...

Swedish Official Summary

Våra hjältar bor i Cynthias sommarhus medan de förbereder sig för Pokémon World Tournament Junior Cup. Efter att Ash och Dawn haft en övnings-strid som slutat oavgjort, kommer en orolig, ung granne, som heter Chris, förbi och letar efter sin försvunna Cubchoo. Pojken berättar för dem att Cubchoo på något sätt tagit sig ut ur sitt Pokémon-hus under natten, även om det bara finns en dörr och Chris är säker på att han låste från utsidan. Så, vem kommer då till hans räddning? Det gör Detektiv-kännaren Cilan såklart! Efter många frågor kring detaljerna i ”fallet”, hittar Cilan en liten tunnel under muren som omger Pokémon-huset, och som leder ut mot skogen. Våra hjältar undersöker saken och hittar en förvånansvärt tam Beartic som äter bär i närheten. Cilan antar bestämt att det måste ha varit Beartic som tagit Cubchoo, men Dawn påpekar att Beartic är alldeles för stor för att komma igenom tunneln. Då säger han tvärsäkert att Beartic är den försvunna Cubchoo, och att den måste ha utvecklats efter att den flytt! Men när Beartic inte vill återvända till Chris Poké-Ball blir det uppenbart att Cilan har fel igen. Till slut får de syn på Cubchoo, när den kommer springande förbi och leker med en Larvitar! De två Pokémon är uppenbarligen goda vänner, och Cilan antar då att Larvitar måste ha kommit på hur man öppnar dörren till Pokémon-huset, så att de skulle kunna leka tillsammans! Han förklarar mysteriet löst, och Ash vill fira det med en strid! Chris och Cubchoo har aldrig stridit förr, så Ash och Scraggy strider mot den vilda Larvitar, för att visa hur det ska gå till. Striden slutar oavgjort, men Chris och Cubchoo blir förtjusta och vill också lära sig strida. Ash och Iris föreslår att de två ska bege sig ut på en resa ihop, och Chris säger att de ska göra det, med villkoret att Larvitar följer med dem. Under tiden verkar det som om Team Rocket kommer allt närmare sitt mystiska mål...

Danish Official Summary

Vore helte opholder sig i Cynthias hjem, mens de forbereder sig til Junior Cuppen i Pokémon World Tournament. Ash og Dawn har lige haft en træningskamp, der endte uafgjort, da en bekymret ung nabo ved navn Chris kommer forbi på sin søgen efter sin Cubchoo, der er blevet væk. Drengen fortæller, at Cubchoo på en eller anden måde slap ud af sit Pokémon-hus, selvom der kun er én dør, og Chris er sikker på, at han låste den udefra. Hvem træder hjælpende til? Det gør Detektivkenderen Cilan selvfølgelig! Efter mange spørgsmål til detaljerne omkring ”sagen” finder Cilan en lille tunnel under muren omkring Pokémon-huset, som fører ud i skoven. Under vore heltes efterforskning finde de en overraskende tam Beartic, der spiser bær i nærheden. Cilan mener, at den må have taget Cubchoo, men Dawn påpeger, at Beartic er alt for stor til den lille tunnel. Så erklærer han, at Beartic er den forsvundne Cubchoo, som er flygtet og derefter har udviklet sig! Men da Beartic ikke vil tilbage til Chris’ Poké Ball, står det klart, at Cilan tager fejl igen. Til sidst får de øje på Cubchoo, da den kommer løbende forbi sammen med en Larvitar! De to Pokémon er tydeligvis gode venner, så Cilan udleder, at Larvitar må have fundet ud af at åbne døren ind til Cubchoos Pokémon-hus, så de kunne lege sammen. Han erklærer mysteriet for opklaret, og Ash vil fejre det med en kamp! Chris og Cubchoo har aldrig kæmpet før, så Ash og Scraggy kæmper mod den vilde Larvitar for at vise dem, hvordan man gør. Kampen ender uafgjort, men Chris og Cubchoo er vildt glade for at lære at kæmpe! Ash og Iris foreslår, at de to tager på en rejse sammen, og Chris siger, at det vil de også gøre – men så skal Larvitar også med. I mellemtiden er Team Rocket tilsyneladende kommet tættere og tættere på deres mystiske mål...


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Mamoswine
  • Japan ヒカリのマンムー
  • Japan Hikari no Manmoo
  • Japan Hikari's Manmoo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Scraggy
  • Japan サトシのズルッグ
  • Japan Satoshi no Zuruggu
  • Japan Satoshi's Zuruggu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pignite
  • Japan サトシのチャオブー
  • Japan Satoshi no Chaoboo
  • Japan Satoshi's Chaoboo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meloetta
  • Japan メロエッタ
  • Japan Meloetta
  • Japan Meloetta
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jervis
  • Japan ジェルミ (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Jeremy (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Jeremy (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chris
  • Japan クリス
  • Japan Chris
  • Japan Chris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chris' Cubchoo
  • Japan クリスのクマシュン
  • Japan Chris no Kumasyun
  • Japan Chris' Kumasyun
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Chris' Larvitar
  • Japan クリスのヨーギラス
  • Japan Chris no Yogiras
  • Japan Chris' Yogiras
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Larvitar
  • Japan ヨーギラス
  • Japan Yogiras
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Basculin
  • Japan バスラオ
  • Japan Bassrao
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Joltik
  • Japan バチュル
  • Japan Bachuru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Beartic
  • Japan ツンベアー
  • Japan Tunbear

Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Special First-Airing Segment Data Broadcast

Data Broadcast Capture Pokémon: Kumasyun (クマシュン)

Eyecatch 15th Anniversary

To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the movies and anime series in Japan (ポケモン映画&TVアニメ15周年), a special eyecatch was displayed at the beginning with Satoshi and Pikachu. A group of kids say "Pokémon anniversary".

Who's that Pokémon Rival Destinies


Who's that Pokémon Best Wishes Dare da

Dare da?
Type (タイプ): Ice
Name (なまえ): Kumasyun (クマシュン)
Weaknesses (じゃくてん): Fire, Fighting, Rock, Steel


Special First-Airing Segment Rocket Gang Live Caster

The Rocket Gang Live Caster fifth mission concerning the Pokémon movie was: "Search for the mythical Pokémon"! A pparently, there are mythical Pokémon hidden in "Meloetta's Sparkling Recital"! How many hidden Pokémon are there? Will you be able to find all of them? The Rocket Gang wanted to tell their own stories about something mythical they saw recently but they all got into a fight. Viewers could call in and select which one of the Rocket Gang members they wanted to hear. 15 viewers that made a call to the Rocket Gang Member with the most calls were chosen via a lottery to receive a set of super-exquisite prizes which included: a Stationary set (Keldeo/Meloetta series), Pocket Monsters BW Sausages, Megmilk Pokémon Drink Series 12-pack set, Pokémon Jell-o (mandarin, fruit mix). The deadline was Friday July 20th, 2012 at 8:00 PM.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Tornelos (トルネロス)
Japanese トルネード かぜがくるくる トルネロス
Romaji Toruneedo kaze ga kurukuru Torunerosu
Translated In a Tornado, the wind spins around and around - it's Tornelos

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: タイトルテーマ2009
Japanese (Romanized): Title thema 2009
Japanese (TL): Title Theme 2009
Movie 12 BGM - Pokémon 15th Anniversary
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:05
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
The episode starts with the narrator recapping last episode's events.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:23
Title: やじるしになって!
Japanese (Romanized): Yajirushi ni natte!
Japanese (TL): Becoming an Arrow!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:51
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:02
Title: 仲間にしてやるゾ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nakama ni shite yaru zo!
Japanese (TL): Do it for Your Friends!
Movie 13 BGM - Hikari looks up Kumasyun on her Zukan.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:29
Title: あれから20年…
Japanese (Romanized): Are kara 20-nen...
Japanese (TL): 20 Years Later...
Movie 13 BGM - Chris tells more about his Kumasyun.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:20
Title: Movie 12 BGM - Inside Michīna Ruins
Movie 12 BGM - Chris explains the circumstances of him leaving Kumasyun in the Pokémon House.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:03
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
It's detective time!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:36
Title: 未来を知る男
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai wo shiru otoko
Japanese (TL): Man who Knows the Future
Movie 13 BGM - Dent sneaks along the fence to search for a dug-out tunnel.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:55
Title: わんぱくゾロア
Japanese (Romanized): Wanpaku Zorua
Japanese (TL): Mischievous Zorua
Movie 13 BGM - The group and their Pokémon search for the culprit in the forest outside the fence.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:37
Title: BW M90B Meloetta's Song
Meloetta starts her low-key song again, to calm down Mijumaru and Pochama.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:34
Title: アクション・スタート!
Japanese (Romanized): Action, Start!
Japanese (TL): Action, Start!
Movie 13 BGM - Dent notices big Pokémon footprints.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:39
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Dare da?
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:46
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:56
Title: 1997-1998-M54 Eyecatch B
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:20
Title: オイラ強いんだゾ!
Japanese (Romanized): Oira tsuyoin da zo!
Japanese (TL): I'm Strong!
Movie 13 BGM - The group finds a Tunbear eating the apples.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:28
Title: ムヒヒヒッ!
Japanese (Romanized): Muhihihi!
Japanese (TL): Muhihihi!
Movie 13 BGM - Dent declares that the Tunbear is the Kumasyun that evolved after escaping the fenced area.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:08
Title: さらば未来の子供たち
Japanese (Romanized): Saraba mirai no kodomo-tachi
Japanese (TL): Farewell, Children of the Future
Movie 12 BGM - Chris finds Kumasyun playing with a Yogiras.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:57
Title: BW M48 戦闘!チェレン・ベル
Japanese (TL): Battle! Cheren/Bel
Satoshi's Zuruggu battles Yogiras.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:17
Title: 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Future
Movie 12 BGM - Chris takes Kumasyun back home.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:48
Title: 幻影の覇者
Japanese (Romanized): Gen’ei no hasha
Japanese (TL): Ruler of Illusions
Movie 13 BGM - The first part of the music plays as Rocket Gang prepares to send the underwater footage to Seger.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:59
Title: BW M17 Battle! Shootie
Rocket Gang's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:35
Title: BW M17 Battle! Shootie
The Rocket Gang trio tells more details about the contest.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:54
Title: みてみて☆こっちっち
Japanese (Romanized): Mitemite☆Kotchitchi
Japanese (TL): Look, look at me
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:17
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Best Wishes Season 2 Episode 5 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: やじるしになって!(カラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Yajirushi ni natte! (Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Becoming an Arrow! (Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
The group are training.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:18
Title: Rival Destinies
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:49
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:01
Title: BW M03A ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03
Its detective time!
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:35
Title: BW M90B Meloetta's Song
Meloetta sings to calm down Oshawott and Piplup.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:56
Title: さらば未来の子供たち
Japanese (Romanized): Saraba mirai no kodomo-tachi
Japanese (TL): Farewell, Children of the Future
Movie 12 BGM-Cilan pieces together the true mystery.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:46
Title: BW M48 戦闘!チェレン・ベル
Japanese (TL): Battle! Cheren/Bel
Scraggy Vs Larvitar
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Rival Destinies
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 26
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 8
20 Jun 2012 06:20 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3189
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ソムリエ探偵デント!消えたクマシュンの謎!!/Sommelier tantei Dent! Kieta Kumasyun no nazo!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
10 Jul 2012 10:28 AM
Adamant Administrator
Joined: 12 Jul 2007
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A Kumasyn disappears from a room in a giant mansion. However, the room was locked.... Where is Kumasyun? Dent the Sommelier Detective has deduced an answer.

As they train in Sazanami Town, Satoshi and his friends meet Chris, a boy searching for the 'Chill Pokémon' Kumasyun. He tells them Kumasyun disappeared from the Pokémon House, from a room that was supposed to be locked. Worried, Satoshi and friends join him in his search. Calling upon his Detective Sommelier powers, Dent detects mysterious footprints leading into the forest. He deduces that these footprints must belong to whomever abducted Kumasyun.

When Kibago discovers the remains of eaten fruit, Dent is secure in his case; these belonged to the perpetrator. As they continue deeper into the forest, they suddenly discover a runny-nosed 'Freezing Pokémon' Tunbear eating fruit. Is this Tunbear Chris'...!? Then what is the solution to the case!?

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Mamoru Miyano: Dent
Aoi Yuki: Iris
Minami Tsuda: Kibago
Megumi Toyoguchi: Hikari
Etsuko Kozakura: Pochama
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Wasabi Mizuta: Chaoboo
Misato Fukuen: Mijumaru
Akeno Watanabe: Zuruggu
Chika Fujimura: Kumasyun
Kensuke Sato: Tunbear
Megumi Nakajima: Meloetta
Takanori Hoshino: Jeremy
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration

Addendum to voice cast list:
Yuka Terasaki: Chris
Last edited 25 Jul 2012 05:40 PM by Adamant
03 Sep 2012 06:51 AM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
Posts: 335
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Only thing that really "bothered" me in this episode was the annoying comments from Iris and Hikari, it gave me the impression of watching a teenage girl 'Girlz Powah' show rather than, you know, Pokémon :p

Other than that, it was quite the funny episode (heh, you're a Detective sommelier alright, Dent :p). For some reason, I was sure the Kumasyun had evolved, even before we actually saw the Tunbear. Guess I really am a Detective sommelier too! ;)
17 Dec 2015 11:47 PM
Joined: 09 Aug 2010
Posts: 29
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I haven't been on this site for a long time...

About this episode....why did Dawn become a conceited sexist pig?

"Let's face it: boys can a royal pain in the butt sometimes."

What happened to the optimistic, likeable Dawn I loved? :/
J Stars Victory VS: The baby war
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax: The waifu war
21 Dec 2015 03:35 AM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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The actual quote from the closed captions is: "Let's face it, all guys can be a royal pain sometimes." and Dawn was talking about Brock's reaction when seeing girls. Hikari in the Japanese original says: "Really, boys are such a pain." So both Dawn and Hikari are pretty consistent in this instance and it's really just girl talk between Iris and Dawn. Dawn is actually a little less condescending than Hikari here as she adds the condition "sometimes" to her statement that Hikari didn't.

Last edited 21 Dec 2015 03:36 AM by Sunain
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