Home / Episode Guide / Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!ライモンジム! 華麗なる電撃バトル!! Raimon Gym! An Electric Shock Battle of Splendor!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!
  • Japan ライモンジム! 華麗なる電撃バトル!!
  • Japan Raimon Gym! Kareinaru dengeki battle!!
  • Japan Raimon Gym! An Electric Shock Battle of Splendor!!
  • Germany Ein brillanter Kampf in der Rayono City-Arena!
  • France L'éblouissant combat de l'Arène de Méanville !
  • Spain ¡Combate deslumbrante en el Gimnasio Mayólica!
  • Sweden Att strids-blända Nimbasa-gymmet!
  • Italy Un'incredibile lotta nella palestra di Nimbasa!
  • Mexico ¡Batalla, deslumbrando en el Gimnasio Nimbasa!
  • Finland Häikäisevää ottelemista Nimbasan salilla!
  • Taiwan 雷文道館!華麗的電擊對戰!!
  • Netherlands Een oogverblindend gevecht in de Nimbasa Gym!
  • Brazil Ofuscando o Ginásio de Nimbasa!
  • Norway Blendende kamper i Nimbasa Gym!
  • Denmark En blændende kamp i Nimbasa-Salen!
  • South Korea 뇌문체육관! 화려한 전격 배틀!!
  • Portugal Deslumbrando o Ginásio de Nimbaça!
  • Russia Битва в гиме Нимбаса!


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English Official Summary

In preparation for his challenge against Nimbasa Gym Leader Elesa, Ash is spending an extraordinary amount of time planning his strategy. The hard work proves valuable right away when their three-on-three battle begins: it’s Ash’s Palpitoad versus Elesa’s Zebstrika, who had defeated all of Bianca’s Pokémon the day before. Palpitoad, who’s immune to Electric-type moves, emerges victorious over the tough Zebstrika, but it’s exhausted. Ash decides to keep battling with Palpitoad anyway, and Elesa brings out her Emolga, an Electric and Flying type. Emolga manages to defeat Palpitoad, and that’s when we learn that Ash’s strategy was to count on Palpitoad’s type advantage to defeat all of Elesa’s Pokémon! After taking a surprise time out, Ash comes back with Snivy…but with its supereffective Flying-type moves, Emolga quickly takes Snivy down. Ash isn’t sure which Pokémon to use next…until Pikachu zaps him back to his senses! He brings his best buddy into the battle, and Pikachu defeats Emolga, forcing Elesa to bring out her secret weapon...the unlikely Tynamo. This tiny Pokémon proves to be powerful indeed, and Pikachu appears to be on the ropes. But Ash and Pikachu prove that their partnership is unmatched, as some quick thinking by both Trainer and Pokémon results in a unique strategy that overwhelms both Elesa and Tynamo! With the help of his trusty companion, Ash wins his fourth Unova Gym Badge!

French Official Summary

Sacha va affronter Inezia, la Championne d’Arène de Méanville, et il passe un temps considérable à élaborer sa stratégie. C’est ainsi que le combat à trois contre trois oppose d’abord Sacha et son Batracné à Inezia et son Zéblitz, qui a vaincu la veille tous les Pokémon de Bianca. Batracné en ressort victorieux mais épuisé. Sacha continue cependant avec lui, tandis qu’Inezia appelle son Emolga, qui maîtrise d’autres attaques que celles de type Électrik. Emolga l’emporte sur Batracné, et nous apprenons que la stratégie de Sacha était de vaincre tous les Pokémon d’Inezia avec le seul Batracné ! Sacha réclame un temps mort et revient avec Vipélierre, qui se fait vaincre à son tour par Emolga. Sacha ne sait plus quel Pokémon utiliser, lorsque Pikachu pénètre de force dans l’Arène pour l’aider. Même si les deux adversaires sont de type Électrik, Pikachu l’emporte sur Emolga, et Inezia appelle alors son arme secrète : Anchwatt. Ce tout petit Pokémon est vraiment très puissant et met Pikachu en grande difficulté. Mais Sacha et son ami sont en parfaite harmonie, et élaborent rapidement une stratégie unique, qui a raison d’Inezia et d’Anchwatt, permettant ainsi à Sacha de gagner son quatrième Badge d’Arène.

German Official Summary

Ash bereitet sich auf seinen Arenakampf gegen die Arenaleiterin Kamilla in Rayono City vor. Dieses Mal wendet er außergewöhnlich viel Zeit für das Austüfteln seiner Strategie auf. Das macht sich gerade zu Beginn des Dreierampfes bezahlt. Ashs Mebrana besiegt Zebritz, das alle Pokémon von Bell am Tag zuvor geschlagen hat! Obwohl Mebrana völlig erschöpft ist, kämpft Ash mit ihm weiter. Doch Kamilla setzt Emolga ein, dass auch andere Attacken als die vom Typ Elektro beherrscht. Emolga besiegt Mebrana und wir erfahren, dass Ashs Strategie darauf beruhte, alle Pokémon von Kamilla ausschließlich mit Mebrana zu schlagen! Im Anschluss an den Kampf nimmt sich Ash überraschenderweise eine Auszeit, um dann mit Serpifeu weiterzukämpfen, das aber auch von Emolga besiegt wird. Ash ist daraufhin völlig verwirrt, denn er weiß nicht, welches Pokémon er jetzt einsetzen soll. Wie aufs Stichwort meldet sich Pikachu zu Wort und fleht Ash geradezu um einen Kampfeinsatz an! Es möchte Ash unbedingt helfen und für ihn kämpfen! Ash willigt ein und obwohl jetzt zwei Elekro-Pokémon gegeneinander antreten, gelingt es Pikachu, Emolga zu schlagen. Doch dann bringt Kamilla ihre Geheimwaffe ins Spiel: Zapplardin. Dieses winzig kleine Pokémon ist wirklich unheimlich stark. Es sieht fast schon so aus, als würde Pikachu unterliegen, aber Ash und Pikachu arbeiten Hand in Hand und wenden eine Strategie an, die sowohl Kamilla als auch Zapplardin überwältigt und Ash ruck, zuck zu seinem vierten Einall-Arenaorden verhilft!

Italian Official Summary

Per prepararsi alla lotta contro Camelia, la Capopalestra di Sciroccopoli, Ash trascorre molto tempo a pianificare la propria strategia. Quando la Lotta tre contro tre ha inizio, per primi si scontrano il Palpitoad di Ash e lo Zebstrika di Camelia, che ieri ha sconfitto tutti i Pokémon di Belle. Palpitoad vince, ma è esausto. Ash insiste con lui, mentre Camelia sceglie Emolga, in grado di usare anche mosse non di Tipo Elettro. Emolga sconfigge Palpitoad, e si scopre che la strategia di Ash consisteva nel battere tutti i Pokémon di Camelia solo con questo Pokémon ! Ash chiede una pausa e torna con Snivy, che, però, viene subito sconfitto da Emolga. Ash è indeciso sul terzo Pokémon da usare, Pikachu inizia ad agitarsi perché vuole aiutarlo. In effetti, Pikachu sconfigge Emolga, costringendo Camelia a sfoggiare la sua arma segreta: Tynamo. Questo piccolo Pokémon è potente, e in un primo momento sembra avere la meglio. Ash e Pikachu, però, sono in perfetta sincronia, e riescono a mettere a punto una strategia che spiazza Camelia e Tynamo, garantendo ad Ash la vittoria!

Portuguese Official Summary

Preparando-se para o desafio da batalha no Ginásio de Nimbasa contra a líder do Ginásio, Elesa, Ash está despendendo uma quantidade extraordinária de tempo planejando sua estratégia. Ela inicia quando a batalha de 3 contra 3 começa com o Palpitoad de Ash contra o Zebstrika de Elesa, que havia derrotado todos os Pokémon de Bianca no dia anterior. Palpitoad sai vitorioso, mas exausto. Ash continua com Palpitoad assim mesmo, e Elesa traz sua Emolga, que pode usar outros movimentos além dos tipo-elétrico. Elmolga derrota Palpitoad, e nós descobrimos que a estratégia de Ash era derrotar todos os Pokémon de Elesa apenas com Palpitoad! Após ter uma surpresa, Ash volta com Snivy, mas ela é derrotada por Emolga também. Confuso, sem saber qual Pokémon usar, Pikachu implora e grita para entrar lá e ajudá-lo. Apesar dos 2 lados serem do tipo-elétrico, Pikachu derrota Emolga, e naquela momento Elesa traz sua arma secreta... Tynamo. Esse Pokémon pequenininho é mesmo super poderoso, e parece que Pikachu vai perder. Mas Ash e Pikachu estão em sincronia, e um pensamento rápido entre treinador e Pokémon resulta numa única estratégia que acaba com Elesa e Tynamo, permitindo que Ash ganhe sua 4ª insígnia de Ginásio de Unova!

Finnish Official Summary

Valmistautuessaan Nimbasan saliotteluhaasteeseen salijohtaja Elesaa vastaan Ash viettää epätavallisen paljon aikaa strategiansa suunnitteluun. Heidän kolme-kolmea-vastaan ottelunsa aluksi Ash valitsee Palpitoadin Elesan Zebstrikaa vastaan. Zebstrika voitti yksin kaikki Biancan kolme Pokémonia edellisenä päivänä. Palpitoad on voitokas, mutta uupunut. Ash jatkaa Palpitoadilla siitä huolimatta ja Elesa kutsuu esiin Emolgansa, joka osaa muitakin kuin sähkötyypin liikkeitä. Emolga kukistaa Palpitoadin ja selviää, että Ashin strategia oli voittaa KAIKKi Elesan Pokémonit pelkällä Palpitoadilla! Otettuaan yllättävän aikalisän Ash palaa Snivy mukanaan, mutta sekin saa pian köniinsä Emolgalta. Ashin pähkäillessä, mitä Pokémonia käyttäisi, Pikachu tuskastuu ja vaatii päästä auttamaan. Vaikka molemmat Pokémonit ovat sähkötyyppiä, Pikachu voittaa Emolgan, jolloin Elesa tuo esiin salaisen aseensa... Tynamon. Pikkuinen Pokémon on todellakin supervahva ja näyttää pahasti siltä, että Pikachu häviäisi. Ash ja Pikachu toimivat kuitenkin hyvin yhteen ja molempien nopean ajattelun tuloksena he punovat strategian, joka yllättää sekä Elesan että Tynamon, ja Ash voittaa neljännen Unovan salimerkkinsä!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Al prepararse para su Batalla en el Gimnasio Nimbasa, con la Líder de Gimnasio, Elesa, Ash pasa mucho tiempo planeando su estrategia. Esta se revela al comenzar la batalla tres contra tres con el Palpitoad de Ash contra el Zebstrika de Elesa, quien había derrotado a todos los Pokémon de Bianca el día anterior. Palpitoad gana, pero queda exhausto. Ash sigue con Palpitoad de todas formas y Elesa elige a Emolga, quien puede usar otros movimientos además de los tipo Eléctrico. ¡Cuando Emolga derrota a Palpitoad, nos damos cuenta de que la estrategia de Ash era derrotar a todos los Pokémon de Elesa sólo con Palpitoad! Después de un sorpresivo tiempo fuera, Ash vuelve con Snivy, pero Emolga también lo derrota. Dudando sobre cuál Pokémon elegir, Pikachu le ruega que lo deje subir a ayudarle. A pesar de que ambos contrincantes usan un tipo Eléctrico, Pikachu derrota a Emolga y es entonces cuando Elesa revela su arma secreta… Tynamo. Este pequeño Pokémon es realmente superpoderoso y, al parecer, Pikachu va a perder, pero Ash y Pikachu están en sincronía y las rápidas tácticas, tanto del Entrenador como del Pokémon, resultan en una estrategia única que abruma a Elesa y Tynamo. ¡Esto permite que Ash gane su cuarta Medalla de Gimnasio Unova!

Spanish Official Summary

Ash se prepara para su Combate contra Camila, la Líder del Gimnasio de Ciudad Mayólica. Ash pasa un montón de tiempo  planeando su estrategia, que sale a la luz cuando comienza el Combate de tres contra tres entre el Palpitoad de Ash y el Zebstrika de Camila, que derrotó a todos los Pokémon de Bel el día anterior. Palpitoad sale victorioso, pero se queda agotado. Aún así Ash continúa con él y Camila saca a su Emolga que sabe usar más movimientos, aparte de los de tipo Eléctrico. Emolga derrota a Palpitoad y nos enteramos de que la estrategia de Ash era vencer a todos los Pokémon de Camila sólo con Palpitoad. Tras pedir un tiempo muerto, Ash nos sorprende volviendo con Snivy, pero es derrotado de nuevo por Emolga. Al verle tan confuso en cuanto a qué Pokémon usar, Pikachu grita y suplica entrar a ayudarle. Aunque los dos contrincantes son de tipo Eléctrico, Pikachu vence a Emolga y, cuando eso ocurre, Camila saca su arma secreta: Tynamo. Este diminuto Pokémon es superpoderoso y parece que Pikachu va a perder. Pero Ash y Pikachu están compenetrados y unas decisiones rápidas de ambos, Entrenador y Pokémon, tienen como consecuencia una estrategia singular que abruma a Camila y a Tynamo, permitiendo a Ash ganar su cuarta Medalla de Gimnasio en Teselia.

English Great Britain Official Summary

In preparation for his challenge against Nimbasa Gym Leader Elesa, Ash is spending an extraordinary amount of time planning his strategy. The hard work proves valuable right away when their three-on-three battle begins: it’s Ash’s Palpitoad versus Elesa’s Zebstrika, who had defeated all of Bianca’s Pokémon the day before. Palpitoad, who’s immune to Electric-type moves, emerges victorious over the tough Zebstrika, but it’s exhausted. Ash decides to keep battling with Palpitoad anyway, and Elesa brings out her Emolga, an Electric and Flying type. Emolga manages to defeat Palpitoad, and that’s when we learn that Ash’s strategy was to count on Palpitoad’s type advantage to defeat all of Elesa’s Pokémon! After taking a surprise time out, Ash comes back with Snivy…but with its supereffective Flying-type moves, Emolga quickly takes Snivy down. Ash isn’t sure which Pokémon to use next…until Pikachu zaps him back to his senses! He brings his best buddy into the battle, and Pikachu defeats Emolga, forcing Elesa to bring out her secret weapon...the unlikely Tynamo. This tiny Pokémon proves to be powerful indeed, and Pikachu appears to be on the ropes. But Ash and Pikachu prove that their partnership is unmatched, as some quick thinking by both Trainer and Pokémon results in a unique strategy that overwhelms both Elesa and Tynamo! With the help of his trusty companion, Ash wins his fourth Unova Gym Badge!

Russian Official Summary

Готовясь к схватке с лидером гима Нимбаса, Элизой, Эш много времени уделяет планированию стратегии. Она просто необходима во время первой схватки между Палпитоудом Эша и Зебстрайкой Элизы. Ведь она днем ранее одолела всех покемонов Бьянки. Но на этот раз Палпитоуд берет верх, хотя победа дается ему и непросто. Но Эш всё равно решает продолжить битву с Палпитоудом. Элиза же вызывает Эмолгу, которая может использовать и не электрические приёмы. Эмолга побеждает Палпитоуда, и  мы узнаем, что стратегия Эша состояла в том, чтобы одолеть всех покемонов Элизы одним Палпитоудом! Придя в себя, Эш вызывает Снайви, но вскоре Эмолга побеждает и его. Эш не знает, кого выбрать. Но Пикачу буквально умоляет Эша вызвать его. Несмотря на то, что оба покемона электрические, Пикачу побеждает Эмолгу. И тогда Элиза вызывает своё секретное оружие – Тайнамо. Этот небольшой покемон очень силен. В какой-то момент начинает казаться, что Пикачу проиграет. Но Эш и Пикачу понимают друг друга с полусолова и придумывают стратегию, которая позволяет одолеть Тайнамо и завоевать четвертый значок в Юнове!

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl Ash zich voorbereidt op het gevecht tegen Gym Leader Elesa in de Nimbasa Gym, spendeert Ash ongewoon veel tijd aan zijn strategieplannen. Hun drie-tegen-drie gevecht begint en Ash’s Palpitoad vecht tegen Elesa’s Zebstrika, die alle Pokémon van Bianca de vorige dag heeft verslagen. Palpitoad wint maar is uitgeput. Toch besluit Ash Palpitoad weer in te zetten en  Elesa brengt haar Emolga tevoorschijn, die ook andere zetten kan dan Elektrische soorten. Emolga verslaat Palpitoad, en we komen er achter dat Ash van plan was alle Pokémon van Elesa te verslaan met alleen Palpitoad! Na een korte pauze, komt Ash met Snivy terug, maar die wordt ook door Emolga verslagen. Terwijl hij weet niet meer welke Pokémon hij moet gebruiken, schreeuwt en smeekt Pikachu hem om hem te gebruiken en te helpen. Hoewel beiden zijden Elektrische soorten zijn, verslaat Pikachu Emolga en daarna brengt Elesa haar geheime wapen tevoorschijn… Tynamo. Deze kleine Pokémon is inderdaad supersterk, en het lijkt erop dat Pikachu gaat verliezen, maar Ash en Pikachu zijn goed op elkaar ingespeeld. Door een snelle actie van zowel Trainer en Pokémon worden Elesa en Tynamo verslagen en wint Ash zijn vierde Unova Gym Badge!

Norwegian Official Summary

Ash bruker mye tid på å planlegge strategien sin og forberede seg til kampen mot lederen for Nimbasa Gym Battle, Elesa. Da deres tre mot tre kamp begynner, starter Ash med Palpitoad mot Elesa sin Zebstrika som hadde beseiret alle Bianca sine Pokémon dagen før. Palpitoad seirer men blir helt utslitt.  Ash velger likevel å fortsette med Palpitoad, og Elesa tar frem Emolga, som kan bruke andre trekk enn Elektriske typer. Emolga beseirer Palpitoad, og vi finner ut at strategien til Ash var å beseire ALLE Elesa sine Pokémon med bare Palpitoad! Etter at Ash tok en overraskende time out kommer han tilbake med Snivy, men Emolga seirer også denne gang. Når Ash blir forvirret over hvilken Pokémon han nå skal bruke, bønnfaller og skriker Pikachu om å få hjelpe han. Selv om begge er Elektriske-typer, vinner Pikachu over Emolga. Da tar Elesa fram sitt hemmelige våpen… Tynamo. Denne lille Pokémonen er superkraftig, og det ser ut som Pikachu kommer til å tape. Men Ash og Pikachu er synkroniserte og med rask tenkning fra både trener og Pokémon resulterer i en unik strategi som kom brått både på Elesa og Tynamo og fører til at Ash vinner sin fjerde Unova Gym Badge.

Swedish Official Summary

I förberedelserna inför Ashs fjärde Nimbasa Gym-stridsutmaning mot Gym-ledaren Elesa, spenderar Ash utomordentligt mycket tid med att planera sin strategi. Den framstår när deras tre-mot-tre strid börjar med Ashs Palpitoad mot Elesas Zebstrika, som hade besegrat alla Biancas Pokémon dagen före. Palpitoad är framgångsrik, men utmattad. Ash fortsätter med Palpitoad i alla fall och Elesa tar fram sin Emolga, som kan använda andra moves än bara Elektrisk-typer. Emolga besegrar Palpitoad och vi får veta att Ashs strategi var att besegra alla Elesas Pokémon med just Palpitoad! Efter att ha tagit en överraskande time-out, kommer Ash tillbaka med Snivy, men blir ordentligt besegrad av Emolga den med. Förvirrad över vilken Pokémon han ska använda, bönar och ber Pikachu att få ge sig in och hjälpa honom. Även om båda sidor använder Elektrisk-typer, besegrar Pikachu Emolga, och då tar Elesa fram sitt hemliga vapen… Tynamo. Den här pyttelilla Pokémon är verkligen super-kraftfull, och det verkar som om Pikachu kommer förlora. Men Ash och Pikachu är synkade och lite snabbtänkthet från både tränare och Pokémon, resulterar i en unik strategi som överväldigar både Elesa och Tynamo, vilket öppnar för att Ash ska vinna sin fjärde Unova Gym Badge! I förberedelserna inför Ashs fjärde Nimbasa Gym-stridsutmaning mot Gym-ledaren Elesa, spenderar Ash utomordentligt mycket tid med att planera sin strategi. Den framstår när deras tre-mot-tre strid börjar med Ashs Palpitoad mot Elesas Zebstrika, som hade besegrat alla Biancas Pokémon dagen före. Palpitoad är framgångsrik, men utmattad. Ash fortsätter med Palpitoad i alla fall och Elesa tar fram sin Emolga, som kan använda andra moves än bara Elektrisk-typer. Emolga besegrar Palpitoad och vi får veta att Ashs strategi var att besegra alla Elesas Pokémon med just Palpitoad! Efter att ha tagit en överraskande time-out, kommer Ash tillbaka med Snivy, men blir ordentligt besegrad av Emolga den med. Förvirrad över vilken Pokémon han ska använda, bönar och ber Pikachu att få ge sig in och hjälpa honom. Även om båda sidor använder Elektrisk-typer, besegrar Pikachu Emolga, och då tar Elesa fram sitt hemliga vapen… Tynamo. Den här pyttelilla Pokémon är verkligen super-kraftfull, och det verkar som om Pikachu kommer förlora. Men Ash och Pikachu är synkade och lite snabbtänkthet från både tränare och Pokémon, resulterar i en unik strategi som överväldigar både Elesa och Tynamo, vilket öppnar för att Ash ska vinna sin fjärde Unova Gym Badge!

Danish Official Summary

Ash forbereder sig til sin Nimbasa Sal-kamp mod Elesa, og er Ash bruger ekstraordinær tid på at planlægge sin strategi. Da deres tre-mod-tre kamp begynder, vælger Ash Palpitoad mod Elesas Zebstrika, der havde besejret alle Biancas Pokémon dagen før. Palpitoad sejrer, men er udmattet. Ash fortsætter alligevel med Palpitoad, og Elesa vælger nu Emolga, som kan bruge andre træk end bare Elektriske-type træk. Emolga vinder over Palpitoad, og vi lærer, at Ash’s strategi var at besejre ALLE Elesas Pokémon med blot Palpitoad! Efter at have taget en overraskende time out, kommer Ash tilbage med Snivy, men bliver også besejret af Emolga. Mens Ash tænker over hvilken Pokémon han nu skal bruge, tigger og beder Pikachu om at komme derind og hjælpe ham. Selvom de begge er Elektrisk-typer, vinder Pikachu over Emolga! Elesa hiver nu hendes hemmelige våben frem ... Tynamo. Denne lille Pokémon er super-kraftfuld, og det ser ud som om Pikachu kommer til at tabe. Men Ash og Pikachu er på bølgelængde, og nogle hurtige tanker af både træner og Pokémon resulterer i en unik strategi, der overvælder både Elesa og Tynamo, så Ash vinder sit fjerde Unova Sal-Badge!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Juniper
  • Japan アララギ博士
  • Japan Araragi-hakase
  • Japan Professor Araragi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Snivy
  • Japan サトシのツタージャ
  • Japan Satoshi no Tsutarja
  • Japan Satoshi's Tsutarja
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Palpitoad
  • Japan サトシのガマガル
  • Japan Satoshi no Gamagaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Gamagaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Elesa
  • Japan カミツレ
  • Japan Kamitsure
  • Japan Kamitsure
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Elesa's Zebstrika
  • Japan カミツレのゼブライカ
  • Japan Kamitsure no Zebraika
  • Japan Kamitsure's Zebraika
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Elesa's Tynamo
  • Japan カミツレのシビシラス
  • Japan Kamitsure no Shibishirasu
  • Japan Kamitsure's Shibishirasu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Elesa's Emolga
  • Japan カミツレのエモンガ
  • Japan Kamitsure no Emonga
  • Japan Kamitsure's Emonga
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Script Error

Dent's line in the Japanese original uses a lot the English words including: "taste" (テイスト) which was replaced with "recipe" in the English dub, "marriages" (マリアージュ) which was replaced with "well-thought" and "battle" (バトル) which was actually removed completely. It seems very odd to completely alter a line for the English when its mostly in English to start with in the Japanese original.

Cilan: It's not Ash's normal pre-battle recipe, but still, a well-thought out strategy can help!
Dent: It's an unusual taste for Satoshi, but thinking of marriages for the battle is a good thing.
(デント): サトシにしては珍しいテイストだけどバトルのマリアージュを考えるのはいいことだよ。


Culture Reference

Iris's pun in the Japanese original is based off of 'chienetsu' (知恵熱), a 'teething fever' which consists of the Japanese words for wisdom and fever.

Iris English: Long as he doesn't get a headache...
Iris Japanese: I just hope he doesn't develop wisdom teeth from this.
(アイリス): 知恵熱 出さなきゃいいけど…。

Script Error

Kamitsure in the Japanese original was very consistent in her usage of dizzy (クラクラ). The English dub broke that consistency yet again for Elesa and in this instance she says she is going to "glow".

Elesa: Now prepare to watch me glow!
Kamitsure: Be sure to watch my battle and become dizzy today!
(カミツレ): 私のバトルを見て今日も クラクラしていってね。


Script Error

Elesa in the English dub uses the same bright as the sun simile that was used in the previous episode but Kamitsure's statement is more direct in the Japanese original as she tells Satoshi that she will out shine him in the battle. Kamitsure in the Japanese original yet again does not compare her 'brightness' to that of the sun.

Elesa: I'll be shining as bright as the sun! I plan on dazzling you as well, Ash!
Kamitsure: I'll make sure to shine even more than you and make your radiance vanish!
(カミツレ): 私も あなた以上に輝いてあなたの輝きを消してみせるわ!


Script Error

The way the Japanese original uses the word 'taste' can often make it sound a bit awkward when translating the rest of the sentence into English. This specific line makes Dent's 'tasting' (テイスティング), his evaluating of a persons nature, seem very strange when taken literally but when taken in context though, it makes sense.

Cilan: An evaluating time to remember!
Dent: Yeah. I'll make sure to taste him.
(デント): うん。 しっかりテイスティングさせてもらおう。


Script Error

The English dub yet again breaks with the dizzy (クラクラ) consistency that Kamitsure has and in this case uses "tingle" but Kamitsure says she was going to make everyone in the gym dizzy from the shining lights whereas Elesa is more concerned about rhyming the word "tingle".

Elesa: Feel the spark! And feel the tingle! Watch me mix and mingle!
Kamitsure: All right, today we'll make everyone dizzy with our shining lightning flashes!
(カミツレ): さぁ 今日も キラキラビリビリでみんなを クラクラさせちゃうわ!


Script Error

The English dub yet again breaks with the dizzy (クラクラ) consistency that Kamitsure has and in this case uses "spinning".

Elesa: But he'll soon be spinning instead of sparkling.
Kamitsure: But you're the one who'll be dizzy next.
(カミツレ): でも次はクラクラしてもらう番よ。


Script Error

The English dub is anything but consistent. This time it replaces dizzy (クラクラ) with "dazzle".

Elesa: I told you I'd dazzle you two, didn't I?
Kamitsure: I told you I'd make you dizzy.
(カミツレ): クラクラしてもらうって言ったでしょう。


Script Error

In keeping with her earlier statement, Kamitsure asks the crowd if they'd become dizzy (クラクラ) yet and if they saw her Emonga shile. Elesa in the English dub doesn't ask the spectators any questions.

Elesa: My Emolga positively glows! I'm glad you feel the same way!
Kamitsure: Everyone, didn't my Emonga shine? Have you become dizzy?
(カミツレ): みんな 私のエモンガ輝いていたでしょ!クラクラしてくれたかな?


Script Error

Yet another change of dizzy (クラクラ).

Elesa: Like a million shooting stars!
Kamitsure: It's making me dizzy.
(カミツレ): クラクラしちゃうくらい。


Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Script Error

The consistency didn't last long as Iris (Japanese), who was referring to Kamitsure constant and consistent use of dizzy (クラクラ), says she got dizzy.

Iris English: At one point, you had me so worried that my head was spinning and my heart racing.
Iris Japanese: For a moment, even I was dizzy and nervous, wondering what would happen!
(アイリス): 一時は どうなるかと思って私まで クラクラドキドキしちゃった。


Script Error

After all the countless changes of dizzy (クラクラ) in the last two episodes, the English dub finally stays consistent with the Japanese original for this one line.

Elesa: I got dizzy watching your blinding pace.
Kamitsure: My heart was moved so much it made me dizzy.
(カミツレ): 私の心も クラクラと動かされたわ。


Script Error

Bizarrely, Kamitsure actually says "The Drawbridge to Hodomo" near the end of the episode when she remembers that its being repaired. It's official name is the 'Hodomoe Drawbridge' (ホドモエの跳ね橋). It's unclear why she says it that way, but presumably this was caused by a typo in the original script, as the error is also reflected in the closed captions.

Elesa: The Driftveil Drawbridge is closed for repairs, so you can't cross!
Kamitsure: You can't cross the Hodomoe Drawbridge because it's being repaired.
(カミツレ): ホドモの跳ね橋は今 修理中で渡れないんだった。


Who's that Pokémon Rival Destinies


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Zorua (ゾロア)
Japanese ゾロリンパ ゾロアがばけるよう いろいろと
Romaji Zororinpa Zoroa ga bakeru yo iroiro to
Translated Zorroing around, Zorua transforms into various things

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: 道に迷ったおかげで~君のそばで~
Japanese (Romanized): Michi ni mayotta okagede ~Kimi no soba de~
Japanese (TL): Thanks to Getting Lost ~By Your Side~
Movie 13 BGM - Satoshi prepares his Gym Battle with Kamitsure.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:18
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:46
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:29
Title: BW M43A チェレンのテーマ
Japanese (TL): Cheren's Theme
Kamitsure is shown to have been waiting for Satoshi.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:31
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
The two send out their pokemon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:25
Title: BW M23A 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
The Gym Battle starts.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:32
Title: BW M77 Sudden Death
Gamagaru is confused after being hit by Zebraika.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:03
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Gamagaru uses Supersonic.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:19
Title: 伝説の三体
Japanese (Romanized): Densetsu no santai
Japanese (TL): The Legendary Three
Movie 13 BGM - Kamitsure sends out Emonga.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:31
Title: ヤンヤンマ気球
Japanese (Romanized): Yanyanma kikyū
Japanese (TL): Yanyanma Balloon
Movie 13 BGM - Iris and Dent can't believe Satoshi's strategy was so short-sighted.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:58
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Satoshi brings Tsutarja's Poké Ball to the battle hall and continues the match.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:32
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:38
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:48
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:13
Title: ヤンヤンマ気球
Japanese (Romanized): Yanyanma kikyū
Japanese (TL): Yanyanma Balloon
Movie 13 BGM - Iris and Dent comment on Satoshi's battle clumsiness again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:49
Title: BW M62A Attack!
Satoshi orders Tsutarja to use Vine Whip before Emonga can use her Flying-type attacks.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:22
Title: 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Future
Movie 12 BGM - Satoshi lets Pikachu battle as his last Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:56
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Pikachu battles against Emonga.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:03
Title: BW M64 エンディング~それぞれの未来へ
Japanese (TL): Ending~To Each Future
Shibishirasu slams Pikachu against the wall.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:51
Title: BW M22A トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Satoshi wins against Kamitsure.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:52
Title: BW M33 A Proud Accomplishment
Satoshi inserts his Bolt Badge into his badge case.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:34
Title: BW M08 カラクサタウン
Japanese (TL): Karakusa Town
Satoshi decides to eat dinner.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M49 バトルサブウェイ
Japanese (TL): The Battle Subway
Best Wishes Episode 53 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:18
Title: Rival Destinies
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:49
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:34
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
The two send out their pokemon.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:28
Title: BW M23A 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
Palpitoad uses mud shot.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:06
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Palpitoad comes back with Supersonic.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:59
Title: Rival Destinies
Ash comes back with another pokemon, Elisa questioning if he only brought palpitoad to the battle.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:50
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Ash lets pikachu battle.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:45
Title: BW M22A トレーナーに勝利!
Japanese (TL): Victory over a Trainer!
Ash wins over Elisa.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:30
Title: BW M08 カラクサタウン
Japanese (TL): Karakusa Town
Ash and the group have no choice but to stay in the city.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Rival Destinies
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 26
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 10
26 Aug 2011 08:22 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ライモンジム! 華麗なる電撃バトル!! /Raimon Gym! Kareinaru dengeki battle!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
29 Sep 2011 07:42 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Finally Pikachu shows its a strong Pokemon, 2 KO's in one match, now that's what I'm talking about. It's already a super high level and whenever its used in battles like that it should be kicking some ass. At this point I can see why Pikachu should only be used in the leagues allowing Satoshi's other Pokemon to get strong by battling the trainers and gym leaders.
30 Sep 2011 12:37 PM
Joined: 04 Apr 2009
Posts: 69
Pikachu is still the mascot of the franchise, which is why it still has to be used in most battles even though it constantly loses to pokemon it shouldn't. Its been like this for the last few generations.

Even in the AG and DP episodes, Pikachu would lose to a random wild pokemon or some "weaker" trainer. It isn't just Best Wishes that has done this with Pikachu.
10 Oct 2011 03:45 PM
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Pikachu's behaviour in this episode was quite interesting... to see him disappointed and rather disheartened by the fact Satoshi didn't chose him at first for this gym battle.
This battle was quite nice, except for the 'middle' part, where Satoshi battled like a complete "n00b"... I've never been disappointed by Tsutarja's appearances so far, but you really have to wonder why Satoshi even chose it for this battle. I know it was for the whole attraction thing, but that felt kinda silly in my opinion.

Anyway, that episode was still great, despite some rather awkward parts (hopefully, Pikachu's battle really made up for Satoshi poor performance with Tsutarja). And the next episode looks as great... I absolutely love episode where Dent plays a prominent role. He's such a great character, and while I do miss Takeshi (and the good ol' paralysis gag from DP), I really got to give the writers credits for coming up with such an original 'side-kick' character, and not just a pale copy of Takeshi (a bit like that guy from the Orange Isles story-arc).

I really love the series so far. And it looks like it's not going to change any time soon.

Edit: is it me, or have they started using music from the previous generation in the past two episodes? Not already existing tracks, but rather some new version of previous series/games tracks...
Last edited 10 Oct 2011 03:47 PM by Chance
06 Dec 2011 02:33 PM
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Quote From: Chance

This battle was quite nice, except for the 'middle' part, where Satoshi battled like a complete "n00b"...

Yeah, this battle was pretty interesting. I wonder why Satoshi put so much thought into types, though, especially when he usually just goes with a random Pokémon. I guess that's why he was losing at first. Also I can't believe he expected to defeat the whole gym with Gamagaru. That was pretty arrogant of him. It must have been pretty embarrassing for him when he had to get more Pokémon. I didn't think he would ever make that mistake....
I felt that Pikachu was really the one who led to Satoshi's victory. Not only in making Satoshi choose him for the last battle, but also in that Pikachu was the one who came up with the strategy to defeat the Shibishirasu. I felt the nod Pikachu gave Satoshi at the end was really a testament to the strength of their bond, and that was what let them win in the end. I liked it earlier when Pikachu was so excited he shocked everybody else.
03 Mar 2012 02:10 AM
Sunain Administrator
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The English dub once again was very inconsistent with its usage of 'dizzy' (クラクラ). Most of the dub edits in the episode were all the difference usages of it.

Link to edits: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1305#Edits