Home / Episode Guide / 激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (後編)/Battle For The Underground!/A Mad Run!! The Battle Subway!! (Part Two)
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Battle for the Underground!
  • Japan 激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (後編)
  • Japan Gekisō!! Battle Subway!! (kōhen)
  • Japan A Mad Run!! The Battle Subway!! (Part Two)
  • Germany Der Kampf um die Metro!
  • France Combat pour le métro !
  • Spain ¡Combate por el metro!
  • Italy Lotta metropolitana!
  • Mexico ¡Batalla por el Subterráneo!
  • Finland Taistelu maanalaisesta!
  • Taiwan 疾奔!對戰地下鐵!!(後篇)
  • Netherlands De strijd om de metro!
  • Brazil Batalha no Metrô!
  • Norway Kamp for undergrunnen!
  • Denmark Kampen om undergrunden!
  • South Korea 폭주! 배틀서브웨이! (후편)
  • Portugal Combate no Subsolo!
  • Russia Битва за подземку!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Kato

Japan Screenplay 冨岡淳広 (Atsuhiro Tomioka)
Japan Storyboard 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
하나지방 포켓몬 외워보자~!
Let's Memorize the Pokémon of the Unova Region~!
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Actors Regions


Japan 三間雅文 (Masafumi Mima) Voice Director

Japan 松本梨香 (Rica Matsumoto) Satoshi
Japan 大谷育江 (Ikue Ōtani) Satoshi's Pikachu
Japan 宮野真守 (Mamoru Miyano) Dent
Japan 悠木碧 (Aoi Yūki) Iris
Japan 津田美波 (Minami Tsuda) Iris' Kibago
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Musashi
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Kojiro
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Nyarth
Japan 福圓美里 (Misato Fukuen) Satoshi's Mijumaru
Japan 水田わさび (Wasabi Mizuta) Satoshi's Pokabu
Japan 藤村知可 (Chika Fujimura) Dent's Yanappu
Japan 渡辺明乃 (Akeno Watanabe) Satoshi's Zuruggu
Japan 小室正幸 (Masayuki Omuro) Professor Seger
Japan 古島清孝 (Kiyotaka Furushima) Kudari
Japan 佐藤健輔 (Kensuke Sato) Nobori
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Narration
Japan 石塚運昇 (Unshō Ishizuka) Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan Uncredited
Japan 三木眞一郎 (Shin-ichiro Miki) Dent's Ishizumai Uncredited
Japan 林原めぐみ (Megumi Hayashibara) Satoshi's Tsutarja Uncredited
Japan 古島清孝 (Kiyotaka Furushima) Iris' Doryuzu Uncredited
Japan 犬山イヌコ (Inuko Inuyama) Satoshi's Dangoro Uncredited
Japan 福圓美里 (Misato Fukuen) Subway Master Nobori's Chandela Uncredited
Japan 渡辺明乃 (Akeno Watanabe) Subway Master Kudari's Shibirudon Uncredited

Recording Studio
Aoi Studio
Audio Studio Logo


United States Tom Wayland Voice Director

United States Sarah Natochenny Ash Ketchum
United States Eileen Stevens Iris
United States Jason Griffith Cilan
United States Jason Griffith Ash's Scraggy
United States Rodger Parsons Narrator
United States James Carter Cathcart James
United States James Carter Cathcart Meowth
United States Marc Diraison Ingo
United States Wayne Grayson Emmet
United States Eli James Cilan's Pansage
United States Michele Knotz Jessie
United States Michele Knotz Ash's Snivy
United States Lisa Ortiz Ash's Oshawott
United States Kayzie Rogers Iris' Axew
United States Sean Schemmel Ingo's Chandelure
United States Marc Thompson Doctor Zager
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Tepig
United States Marc Thompson Ash's Unova Pokédex
United States Tom Wayland Ash's Roggenrola
United States Tom Wayland Iris' Excadrill
United States Tom Wayland Cilan's Dwebble
United States Tom Wayland Subway Boss Emmet's Eelektross
United States Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld

Recording Studio
DuArt Media Services
Audio Studio Logo
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

Team Rocket’s sinister plot to steal all the Poké Balls from the Nimbasa City Pokémon Center continues at a frenetic pace, and our heroes, along with Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet, are in hot pursuit! They chase down one decoy after another, until Cilan figures out that the real Ghost Train must be heading for the rail yard in Anville Town. Meanwhile, our heroes’ trapped Pokémon have been trying to escape! Working together, they finally manage to break through their cages, and then figure out how to release the coupler that links their car to the Ghost Train. Back in the subway tunnels, Emmet’s Eelektross provides the needed boost for our heroes’ railcar to catch up with the Ghost Train in Anville Town, and Ingo’s Chandelure joins the fight to help them defeat Team Rocket. Although Pikachu is still seething about Meowth’s betrayal, Ash tells Meowth that he really enjoyed their time together traveling to Nimbasa City. Team Rocket and Dr. Zager escape in their helicopter, vowing to come back to fight another day. Meanwhile, Ash is looking forward to his long-delayed battle with Elesa, Nimbasa City’s Gym Leader!

French Official Summary

La Team Rocket poursuit frénétiquement sa tentative de voler les Pokémon du Centre Pokémon de Méanville, et nos héros, accompagnés des Chefs Métro Chammal et Chamsin sont à leurs trousses ! Mais ils se heurtent à un obstacle après l’autre, jusqu’à ce que Rachid se souvienne que le Train fantôme va, à un moment ou à un autre, devoir faire surface par la ligne de Rotombourg. Pendant ce temps, les Pokémon prisonniers tentent de s’échapper du Train fantôme, et les efforts combinés de Pikachu, Vipélierre, Minotaupe, Nodulithe, Gruikui et Feuillajou leur permettent de sortir de leur cage. Ensuite, avec l’aide de nos héros et celle du Lugulabre de Chammal, ils détruisent les attaches qui relient leur rame de métro à la locomotive de la Team Rocket. Et même les tentatives du Dr Zékor, à bord de son hélicoptère, ne peuvent les empêcher de ruiner les plans de la Team Rocket. Pikachu a beaucoup de mal à admettre que Miaouss n’a jamais cessé de faire partie de la Team Rocket, mais Sacha, lui, lance à leur ancien ami que voyager en sa compagnie jusqu’à Méanville a été un véritable plaisir. La Team Rocket et le Dr Zékor s’échappent en hélicoptère, non sans promettre de réussir une prochaine fois. Sacha tourne à présent ses pensées vers son futur Combat d'Arène de Méanville, et son affrontement avec la Championne, Inezia!

German Official Summary

Team Rockets finsterer Plan, alle Pokémon des Pokémon-Centers von Rayono City zu stehlen, geht in seine heiße Phase und unsere Helden befinden sich zusammen mit den Metromeistern Hin und Her mitten in einer rasanten Verfolgungsjagd! Ein Hindernis nach dem anderen säumt ihren Weg! Doch plötzlich wird Benny klar, dass der Geisterzug irgendwo an die Oberfläche kommen muss, um das Depot in Ferrula zu erreichen. Und so ist es auch. In der Zwischenzeit versuchen die gefangenen Pokémon unserer Helden aus dem Geisterzug zu flüchten. Mit vereinten Kräften gelingt es Pikachu, Serpifeu, Stalobor, Kiesling, Floink und Vegimak, sich aus ihren Käfigen zu befreien. Und mit der Hilfe unserer Freunde und der von Hers Skelabra koppeln sie kurzerhand ihren Metro-Waggon von dem Team Rockets ab. Letztendlich kann nicht mal Dr. Zager mit seinem Helikopter sie davon abhalten, Team Rockets Pläne zu durchkreuzen. Pikachu kocht vor Wut, als ihm klar wird, dass Mauzi immer noch ein Mitglied von Team Rocket ist, doch Ash gesteht Mauzi, dass die Reise mit Mauzi nach Rayono City ihm großen Spaß gemacht habe. Team Rocket und Dr. Zager flüchten mit ihrem Helikopter und schwören, dass sie irgendwann wieder zurückkommen werden. Doch Ash kann jetzt nur noch an die Arena von Rayono City denken und seinen Kampf gegen die Arenaleiterin Kamilla!

Italian Official Summary

Il piano del Team Rocket per rubare i Pokémon del Centro Pokémon di Sciroccopoli prosegue a un ritmo frenetico. I nostri eroi e i capimetrò Andy e Torn, però, gli stanno alle costole. Dopo diverse peripezie, Spighetto si ricorda che ci deve essere un punto in cui il Treno Fantasma tornerà in superficie: il centro ferroviario di Roteolia! Nel frattempo, i loro Pokémon cercano di fuggire dal Treno Fantasma: Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig e Pansage uniscono le proprie forze e riescono a uscire dalla loro gabbia. Con l’aiuto dei nostri eroi e del Chandelure di Andy, poi, riescono a staccare la loro carrozza da quella del Team Rocket e nemmeno gli sforzi del Dotto Zager con il suo elicottero riescono a salvare la situazione. Nonostante Pikachu non riesca a perdonare a Meowth di aver fatto credere loro di non fare più parte del Team Rocket, Ash ammette di essersi divertito durante il loro viaggio verso Sciroccopoli. Il Team Rocket e il Dottor Zager si allontanano in elicottero, promettendo di non arrendersi. Ash può finalmente concentrarsi sulla sua lotta nella Palestra di Sciroccopoli, dove affronterà la Capopalestra Camelia!

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto o plano sinistro da Equipe Rocket de roubar os Pokémon do Centro Pokémon da Cidade de Nimbasa continua a um passo frenético, nossos heróis, juntamente com os Mestres do Metrô, Ingo e Emmet, estão em franca perseguição! Obstáculos após obstáculos continuam sendo lançados em seus caminhos, até que Cilan lembra que o Trem Fantasma terá que emergir em algum ponto para o pátio dos trens a caminho da Cidade de Anville,  que é precisamente o caso. Enquanto isso, os Pokémon capturados de nossos heróis estão tentando escapar do Trem Fantasma, mas os esforços combinados de Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig e Pansage combinam forças e os Pokémon se libertam de suas gaiolas. Depois, juntamente com a ajuda de nossos heróis, e do Chandelure de Ingo, eles soltam o eixo do carro deles que liga ao carro da Equipe Rocket. Enfim, nem os esforços do Dr Zager com seu helicóptero podem impedir o fracasso dos planos da Equipe Rocket.Embora Pikachu esteja preocupado com o fato de que Meowth possa realmente estar com a Equipe Rocket o tempo todo, Ash diz a Meowth que ele realmente gostou do período que viajaram juntos para a Cidade de Nimbasa. A Equipe Rocket e o Dr Zager fogem em seu helicóptero, jurando voltar para lutarem um outro dia. Enquanto isso, Ash agora só tem olhos para a Batalha de Ginásio na Cidade de Nimbasa, batalhando contra a Líder do ginásio de Nimbasa, Elesa!

Finnish Official Summary

Rakettiryhmän Nimbasa Cityn pokémonkeskuksen pokémonien ryöstämiseen tähdänneen ilkeän suunnitelman edetessä vauhdilla, sankarimme sekä metropomot, Ingo ja Emmet, tulevat tiukasti perässä! He joutuvat kohtaamaan esteen toisensa perään, kunnes Cilan muistaa, että haamujunan on tultava maanpinnalle ja suunnattava Anville Townin ratapihalle. Sillä välin sankareidemme siepatut pokémonit ovat yrittäneet paeta haamujunasta, mutta vasta Pikachun, Snivyn, Excadrillin, Roggenrolan, Tepigin sekä Pansagen yhdistettyä voimansa he vihdoin saavat itsensä vapaiksi. Sitten, sankareittemme sekä Ingo Chandeluren avulla pokémonit saavat irrotettua vaununsa rakettiryhmän veturista. Lopulta ei edes Tri Zager helikoptereineen kykene pysäyttämään sankareitamme estämästä rakettiryhmän suunnitelman toteutumista. Vaikka Pikachu onkin raivoissaan siitä että Meowth oli rakettiryhmäläinen koko ajan, Ash sanoo Meowthille nauttineensa heidän yhteisestä matkastaan Nimbasa Cityyn. Rakettiryhmä ja Tri. Zager pakenevat helikopterillaan, vannoen vielä palaavansa. Nyt on Ashin aika kääntää katseensa Nimbasa Cityn saliottelua kohti, mikä tuo hänen vastaansa Nimbasan salijohtajan, Elesan!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras el siniestro plan del Equipo Rocket de robar los Pokémon del Centro de Ciudad Nimbasa continúa a ritmo frenético, ¡nuestros héroes, junto con los jefes del Subterráneo Ingo y Emmet, están en una emocionante persecución! Obstáculo tras obstáculo aparecen en su camino, hasta que Cilan recuerda que el Tren Fantasma tendrá que emerger a la superficie en algún punto y dirigirse al patio de ferrocarril de Pueblo Anville, lo cual es precisamente el caso. Mientras tanto, los Pokémon atrapados de nuestros héroes han estado tratando de escapar del Tren Fantasma, pero son los esfuerzos combinados de Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig y Pansage los que los liberan de su jaula. Entonces, junto con la ayuda de nuestros héroes, así como la del Chandelure de Ingo, ellos sueltan la unión entre su vagón y el del Equipo Rocket. Finalmente, ni siquiera los esfuerzos del Doctor Zager desde su helicóptero pueden detenerlos de frustrar los planes del Equipo Rocket. Aunque Pikachu estaba furioso por el hecho de que Meowth siempre estuvo con el Equipo Rocket, Ash le dice a Meowth que realmente disfrutó el tiempo que viajaron juntos a Ciudad Nimbasa. El Equipo Rocket y el Doctor Zager escapan en su helicóptero, jurando regresar otro día para pelear. Mientras tanto, Ash ahora se dirige a la Batalla de Gimnasio de Ciudad Nimbasa, para pelear contra Elesa la líder de Gimnasio Nimbasa.

Spanish Official Summary

El siniestro plan del Team Rocket para robar los Pokémon del Centro Pokémon de Ciudad Mayólica continúa a un ritmo frenético. Y nuestros héroes, junto a los Jefes de Metro, Fero y Caril, los persiguen implacablemente. En el camino encuentran un obstáculo tras otro, hasta que Millo cae en que el Tren Fantasma deberá salir a la superficie en algún punto. Por ello se dirigen a la terminal de trenes de Pueblo Biscuit, donde descubren que tenía razón. Mientras tanto, los Pokémon cautivos de nuestros héroes intentan escapar del Tren Fantasma. Uniendo sus fuerzas, Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig, Pansage y el resto de los Pokémon se liberan de sus jaulas. Después, con la ayuda de nuestros héroes, sumada a la del Chandelure de Fero, desenganchan el eslabón que une su vagón al del Team Rocket. Al final, ni la ayuda del Doctor Zager desde su helicóptero consigue impedir que nuestros héroes malogren los planes del Team Rocket. Aunque Pikachu está furioso porque Meowth nunca dejó de pertenecer al Team Rocket, Ash le dice a Meowth que ha disfrutado con su compañía en su viaje a Ciudad Mayólica. El Team Rocket y el Doctor Zager huyen en su helicóptero prometiendo volver a la lucha algún día. Por fin Ash puede concentrarse en su Combate de Gimnasio en Ciudad Mayólica, contra la Líder del Gimnasio Mayólica, Camila.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Team Rocket’s sinister plot to steal all the Poké Balls from the Nimbasa City Pokémon Center continues at a frenetic pace, and our heroes, along with Subway Bosses Ingo and Emmet, are in hot pursuit! They chase down one decoy after another, until Cilan figures out that the real Ghost Train must be heading for the rail yard in Anville Town. Meanwhile, our heroes’ trapped Pokémon have been trying to escape! Working together, they finally manage to break through their cages, and then figure out how to release the coupler that links their car to the Ghost Train. Back in the subway tunnels, Emmet’s Eelektross provides the needed boost for our heroes’ railcar to catch up with the Ghost Train in Anville Town, and Ingo’s Chandelure joins the fight to help them defeat Team Rocket. Although Pikachu is still seething about Meowth’s betrayal, Ash tells Meowth that he really enjoyed their time together traveling to Nimbasa City. Team Rocket and Dr. Zager escape in their helicopter, vowing to come back to fight another day. Meanwhile, Ash is looking forward to his long-delayed battle with Elesa, Nimbasa City’s Gym Leader!

Russian Official Summary

Команда Р осуществляет свой план по краже всех покемонов из хранилища Нимбаса-Сити. Наши герои вместе в начальниками подземки, Инго и Эмметом, начинают преследование. Под землей догнать злодеев не удается. Но тут Сайлан вспоминает, что поезд-призрак должен будет выехать на поверхность в районе Энвил-Тауна. Тем временем, покемоны наших героев пытаеются сбежать с поезда. Пикачу, Снайви, Экскадрилл, Роггенролла, Тепиг и Пансейдж объединяют свои усилия, и им это удается! Затем с помощью Шанделюра Инго они отсоединяют вагон с покемонами от поезда Команды Р.  В итоге даже доктор Зейгер на вертолете не может спасти план злодеев. Несмотря на то, что все теперь понимаю, что Мяут все это время был за Команду Р, Эш говорит ему, что ему понравилось время, которые они провели вместе. Команда Р улетает на вертолете доктора Зейгера. А Эш, наконец, может подумать о битве в гиме Нимбаса-Сити, против его лидера Элизы.

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl het duistere plan van Team Rocket om alle Pokémon van het Nimbasa City Pokémon Center te stelen in noodtempo wordt uitgevoerd, worden zij op de hielen gezeten door onze helden en de Metro Bazen Ingo en Emmet. Obstakel na obstakel wordt op hun weg gegooid, totdat Cilan zich herinnert dat de Spooktrein ooit bovengronds moet komen en naar het rangeerterrein van Anville Town moet gaan, wat precies het geval is. Ondertussen proberen de gevangen Pokémon van onze helden te ontsnappen uit de Spooktrein. Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig en Pansage bundelen hun krachten en weten zichzelf uit hun kooi te bevrijden. Met hulp van onze helden en Ingo’s Chandelure, lukt het ze om de koppeling los te maken die hun treinstel verbindt aan dat van Team Rocket. Tenslotte kunnen zelfs de inspanningen van Dokter Zager niet voorkomen dat de plannen van Team Rocket worden verijdeld. Hoewel Pikachu woedend is over het feit dat Meowth al die tijd deel uitmaakte van Team Rocket, zegt Ash tegen Meowth dat hij hun gezamenlijke reis naar Nimbasa City heel plezierig heeft gevonden. Team Rocket en Dokter Zager ontsnappen in hun helikopter, en zweren dat ze terug zullen komen om te vechten. Ash richt zijn blik op zijn Gym Gevecht in Nimbasa City, waarbij hij zal strijden tegen de Nimbasa gym Leader Elisa!

Norwegian Official Summary

Når Team Rockets ondsinnede plan om å stjele Pokémonene fra Pokémonsenteret i Nimbasa City fortsetter i et frenetisk tempo, følger heltene våre, sammen med Undergrunnsjefene Ingo og Emmet Ingo and Emmet følgende hakk i hæl! Hinder etter hinder blir kastet mot dem hele tiden, inntil Cilan kommer på at Spøkelsestoget er nødt til å dukke opp over jorden på et eller annet tidspunkt, og de setter kursen for Anville Town togparkering hvor dette vil skje. Samtidig har våre helters fangede Pokémon prøvd å slippe unna fra Spøkelsestoget, og med de samlede anstrengelsene til Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig og Pansage klarer alle Pokémon å komme seg ut av burene de er plassert i. Så, takket være hjelpen fra heltene våre, så vel som Ingos Chandelure, klarer de å kople løs deres undergrunnsvogn fra Team Rockets vogn. Til slutt kan heller ikke Dr. Zager’s anstrengelser fra helikopteret hindre i å forpurre Team Rockets planer. Selv om Pikachu nesten skummer over av raseri av det faktum at Meowth i grunnen var en del av Team Rocket hele tiden, forteller Ash Meowth at han virkelig hadde det gøy i den tiden de tilbrakte sammen under reisen til Nimbasa City. Team Rocket og Dr. Zager slipper unna i deres helikopter, men lover å komme tilbake for å kjempe en annen dag. Og samtidig retter Ash nå fokus mot sin Gymkamp i Nimbasa City, hvor han skal kjempe mot Nimbasa Gymleder Elesa!

Swedish Official Summary

Medan Team Rockets ondsinta plan att stjäla Pokémon från Nimbasa City Pokémon Center fortskrider i frenetisk hastighet, förföljer våra hjältar och tunnelbane-bossarna Emmet och Ingo efter i en hetsig jakt! Hinder efter hinder fortsätter att komma i deras väg, tills Cilan minns att Spöktåget kommer att behöva komma upp över markytan någon gång och beger sig till Anville Towns bangård, som ligger just så. Under tiden har våra hjältars tillfångatagna Pokémon försökt att rymma från Spöktåget, och med Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig och Pansages förenade krafter lyckas de frigöra sig från buren. Och sedan med hjälp av våra hjältar, så väl som av Ingos Chandalure, kopplar de loss länken som håller deras tunnelbanevagn ihop med Team Rockets vagn. Slutligen kan inte ens doktor Zagers ansträngningar från sin helikopter hindra dem från att stjälpa Team Rockets planer. Även om Pikachu kokar över av faktumet att Meowth tillhörde Team Rocket hela tiden, berättar Ash för Meowth att han har uppskattat deras gemensamma resa till Nimbasa City. Team Rocket och Doktor Zager flyr i sin helikopter, svärandes att komma tillbaka och slåss en annan dag. Under tiden ställer Ash nu in sitt sikte på sin Gym-strid i Nimbasa City, där han ska strida mot Gym-ledaren Elesa!

Danish Official Summary

Team Rockets plan om at stjæle alle Pokémon er stadig i fuld gang, og vores helte samt Ingo og Emmet er i skarp forfølgelse! De møder hele tiden forhindringer, men pludselig kommer Cilan i tanke om, at Spøgelsestoget er nødt til at komme op af undergrunden på et eller andet tidspunkt, og den eneste udgang fører mod Anville Town. I mellemtiden har vores heltes tilfangetagne Pokémon forsøgt at flygte fra Spøgelsestoget, og med en kombineret indsats fra Pikachu, Snivy, Excadrill, Roggenrola, Tepig og Pansage lykkes det dem at slippe ud af deres bur. De får sammen med vores helte samt Ingo og Emmet koblet vognen fra Soøgelsetoget. I sidste ende, kan ikke engang Dr. Zager fra hans helikopter gøre noget noget for at redde Team Rockets planer. Selvom Pikachu er rasende over, at Meowth hele tiden havde snydt dem, fortæller Ash Meowth, at han virkelig har nydt deres tid sammen. Team Rocket og Dr. Zager flygter i deres helikopter, og ssværger at vende stærkt tilbage! Nu fokuserer Ash på sin forestående kamp i Nimbasa City-Salen, hvor han skal kæmpe mod Sal-lederen, Elesa!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Tepig
  • Japan サトシのポカブ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pokabu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pokabu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Pansage
  • Japan デントのヤナップ
  • Japan Dent no Yanappu
  • Japan Dent's Yanappu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Snivy
  • Japan サトシのツタージャ
  • Japan Satoshi no Tsutarja
  • Japan Satoshi's Tsutarja
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Excadrill
  • Japan アイリスのドリュウズ
  • Japan Iris no Doryuzu
  • Japan Iris' Doryuzu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Dwebble
  • Japan デントのイシズマイ
  • Japan Dent no Ishizumai
  • Japan Dent's Ishizumai
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Scraggy
  • Japan サトシのズルッグ
  • Japan Satoshi no Zuruggu
  • Japan Satoshi's Zuruggu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Doctor Zager
  • Japan ゼーゲル博士
  • Japan Seger-hakase
  • Japan Professor Seger
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Roggenrola
  • Japan サトシのダンゴロ
  • Japan Satoshi no Dangoro
  • Japan Satoshi's Dangoro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ingo
  • Japan ーノボリ
  • Japan Nobori
  • Japan Nobori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Emmet
  • Japan クダリ
  • Japan Kudari
  • Japan Kudari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Subway Boss Emmet's Eelektross
  • Japan サブウェイマスタークダリのシビルドン
  • Japan Subway Master Kudari no Shibirudon
  • Japan Subway Master Kudari's Shibirudon
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ingo's Chandelure
  • Japan サブウェイマスターノボリのシャンデラ
  • Japan Subway Master Nobori no Chandela
  • Japan Subway Master Nobori's Chandela
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

The original had a Showcase of Upcoming Highlights (今後の見どころ大公開) featuring a preview of the following episodes: BW52, BW53, BW54, BW55, BW58, BW59, BW61, BW62.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Tabunne (タブンネ)
Japanese じごくみみ タブンネきくよ きみのこえ
Romaji jigokumimi Tabunne kiku yo kimi no koe

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: タイトルテーマ2010
Japanese (Romanized): Title Theme 2010
Japanese (TL): Title Theme 2010
Movie 13 BGM - The narrator recaps last episode's events.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:24
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: 時の波紋の秘密
Japanese (Romanized): Toki no Hamon no Himitsu
Japanese (TL): Secret of the Time Ripples
Movie 13 BGM - The second part of the music plays as Nobori and Kudari see the ghost trains multiplying on the screen.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:25
Title: BW M64 エンディング~それぞれの未来へ
Japanese (TL): Ending~To Each Future
Nobori and Kudari decide to meet Dent and rest of the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:25
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Tsutarja frees some of the groups pokemon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:11
Title: ショータイムだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Show Time da!
Japanese (TL): It's Show Time!
Movie 13 BGM - Pikachu sees Nyarth in his front.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:54
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:00
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:24
Title: 神々の戦い
Japanese (Romanized): Kamigami no tatakai
Japanese (TL): Battle of the Gods
Movie 12 BGM - Nyarth reports the situation of the captured Pokémon to Musashi and Kojiro.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:36
Title: サトシVSギシン
Japanese (TL): Satoshi VS Gishin
Movie 12 BGM - Shibirudon speeds up the tram.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:56
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Nobori sends out Chandela to move the group to Rocket Gang's freight car.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:21
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Satoshi orders Tsutarja and Pikachu to use their attacks on the helicopter.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:29
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Remake - Rocket Gang gets away in the helicopter.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:09
Title: BW M18A ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
The group reaches the railway depot area in Kanawa Town.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:16
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
The announcer announces "highlights of the next anime episodes".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:26
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:49
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Best Wishes Episode 51 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:17
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
The announcer starts revealing highlights of the future episodes.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:23
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
Satoshi's Raimon Gym match scenes are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 22:53
Title: BW M21 戦!トレーナー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Trainer
Scenes of Satoshi and Dent challenging the Subway Masters are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:17
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Scenes of Satoshi challenging Adeku are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:36
Title: BW M39A 戦闘でピンチ!
Japanese (TL): A Tight Spot During Battle!
The scenes with Satoshi and Adeku continue.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:47
Title: 蒼海の王子
Japanese (Romanized): Umi no Ouji
Japanese (TL): Prince of the Sea
Movie 9 BGM - Scenes between Iris and Monozu are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:25
Title: BW M83B 見物 人
Japanese (Romanized): Handsome
Japanese (TL): Looker
A-Gilder scenes are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:47
Title: アルセウスの怒り
Japanese (Romanized): Arceus no ikari
Japanese (TL): Arceus' Anger
Movie 12 BGM - Scenes of Tornelos and Voltolos two-parter are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 25:08
Title: アルセウス光臨
Japanese (Romanized): Arceus kourin
Japanese (TL): Arrival of Arceus
Movie 12 BGM - More scenes of the Tornelos and Voltolos two-parter are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 25:20
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Pokémon Musical scenes are shown.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 25:31
Title: BW M52 ベストウイッシュ! (インストゥルメンタル)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Instrumental)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: タイトルテーマ2010
Japanese (Romanized): Title Theme 2010
Japanese (TL): Title Theme 2010
Movie 13 BGM- The narrator recaps the previous episode.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:24
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:54
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:04
Title: 時の波紋の秘密
Japanese (Romanized): Toki no Hamon no Himitsu
Japanese (TL): Secret of the Time Ripples
Movie 13 BGM- The ghost train starts multiplying.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:13
Title: BW M64 エンディング~それぞれの未来へ
Japanese (TL): Ending~To Each Future
Ingo and Emmet are going to go to meet the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:55
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Snivy opens Dwebble's pokeball.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:41
Title: ショータイムだ!
Japanese (Romanized): Show Time da!
Japanese (TL): It's Show Time!
Movie 13 BGM- Pikachu meets Meowth from opposite carriages.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:30
Title: BW M65 勝利は目の前!
Japanese (TL): Victory Lies Before You!
Chandulure uses psychic to lift the group on the train.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:53
Title: Black & White
Pikachu uses electro ball to destroy the cargo hook.(Replaces BW intrsumental)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:59
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Remake-James deploys an explosion to get away.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:45
Title: BW M18A ユナイテッドタワー
Japanese (TL): United Tower
The group end up in Anville town.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 12
19 Aug 2011 02:25 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: 激走!! バトルサブウェイ!! (後編)/Gekisou!! Battle Subway!! (kōhen). Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
15 Sep 2011 12:15 PM
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Nyasu return Rocket gang :(
06 Oct 2011 06:43 AM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
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I found it a tad disappointing that Rocket Gang's plan eventually failed, though that was highly predictable. Personally, I really wished it would work. Why didn't they do as they did for the Galaxy Gang, who only got stopped at the end of the series? There was a lot of potential, story-wise,in letting Nyarth and co. escape with all the Pokémon (minus Satoshi an co's of course).

Anyway, this one-hour special was really great! As I've already saidd multiple times already, I'm really glad to see the Rocket Gang getting so much attention. And the plot is getting really interesting, even better than Diamon and Pearl... it's really refreshing, especially compared to the first series.

I'm really looking forward to the episodes teased at the end of this one hour special. Looks like we've got a great bunch of great episodes coming up!
Last edited 06 Oct 2011 06:44 AM by Chance
29 Oct 2011 02:57 PM
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Quote From: Chance

I'm really looking forward to the episodes teased at the end of this one hour special. Looks like we've got a great bunch of great episodes coming up!

Yeah, I'm really interested in the later episodes as well. I especially would like to see if Iris gets the Monozu in the upcoming episode.
Honestly this episode was somewhat disappointing compared to the previous one. I wished that Pikachu and the other Pokémon had opened more Pokéballs, not just their own, to get help. I wonder how they could tell the Pokéballs apart? It would have been nice to see random trainers' Pokémon working together. I also didn't quite understand why the helicopter couldn't keep chasing them after the blades were attacked, since they seemed to be working fine to me. I enjoyed the part when Pikachu considered which Pokémon would be best for breaking down the door. The idea of a car powered by Shibirudon was really cool as well.