Home / Episode Guide / The Scaaary Stories of Hitomoshi Mansion!/ヒトモシ屋敷のこわ~いお話!/Scare at the Litwick Mansion!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Scare at the Litwick Mansion!
  • Japan ヒトモシ屋敷のこわ~いお話!
  • Japan Hitomoshi yashiki no kowa~i o-hanashi!
  • Japan The Scaaary Stories of Hitomoshi Mansion!
  • Germany Schrecken ohne Ende im Anwesen der Lichtel!
  • France Le terrifiant manoir des Funécire !
  • Spain ¡Sustos en la mansión de los Litwick!
  • Italy Paura alla villa dei Litwick!
  • Mexico ¡Terror en la Mansión Litwick!
  • Finland Kauhua Litwickin kartanossa!
  • Taiwan 燭光靈大宅的恐~怖故事!
  • Netherlands Paniek in het Litwick Landhuis!
  • Brazil Susto na Mansão de Litwick!
  • Norway Panikk i Litwick-boligen
  • Denmark Det uhyggelige Litwick-slot
  • South Korea 영계의 안내자, 불켜미와 램프라!
  • Portugal A Casa Assombrada dos Litwick!
  • Russia Страх в особняке Литвиков!


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Aiming to enter the Unova League, Ash and his friends continue their journey to Nimbasa City where the next Gym is located.

Our exhausted heroes drag their tired bodies through a remote forest, heading towards Ash's next gym location. Ash complains about the heat and that if only it had rained, the coolness would really help. Iris stops and points towards the sky stating, "Southerly wind, which smells of water. It's about to rain" Ash and Cilan turn around questioning Iris's prediction, without a raincloud in sight. Ash laughs stating that the sun is shining so brightly that if it really rains, he will walk on his hands for the entire day. Iris continues pointing towards the sky shouting, "No, what will come will come!". The sound of thunder crackles through the sky causing Ash to stare in amazement. Lightning streaks across a darkened sky, bringing a downpour of rain atop Iris, Ash, and Cilan. Iris points up confirming her prediction. Cilan suggests they should take shelter somewhere, and the three begin racing down the drenched forest path.

Through the darkness, Iris manages to locate a mysterious structure in the distance. Dent states they should take shelter at the residence. Ash, Iris, and Dent finally reach the massive mansion previously noticed by Iris in the distance. The mansion appears to be in a maintained state. Ash begins banging on the front door while Cilan shouts if anyone is home. Ash continues knocking in an attempt to attract the mansion's owner. After a few moments, the front door opens without a soul in sight. Our heroes stare in a confused state, however take advantage of the situation and take cover in the mansion. Ash shouts if anyone is there. Dent shouts out that they should please let them take shelter from the rain for a while. Cilan suggests that no one is home. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has successfully setup communication and surveillance within the mansion prior to Ash's arrival, examining his every move. James complains that after they finally managed to find a perfect place for a hideout far from civilization, Ash manages to interrupt their operations. Meowth states that Ash arrived just shortly after they were able to successfully make communication with headquarters. The three sigh at the situation. James states that Ash continues to get in their way. Jessie suggests that they should take advantage of the situation, and capture Pikachu quickly. On the opposite side of the room, a group of four Litwick playfully dances with James's Yamask. James suggests that they should take advantage of the native Litwick in the mansion to scare away Ash. Meowth suggests that the Litwick will listen to Yamask's orders. James calls for Yamask, who floats over read to heed his command. James commands Yamask to tell the Litwick to get PIkachu and chase Ash out. Yamask floats over to the opposite side of the room and delivers the orders to the four Litwick.

Ash opens a door to an adjacent room to the main hallway asking if anyone is home. Iris states that it really looks like no one is home. Cilan suggests they should stay there until the rain stops and it would be fine to explain the situation afterwards. Our heroes sit down in the main hallway, waiting out the heavy rainfall. Iris announces it was just as she had predicted. Cilan compliments Iris on her instinct of the wilderness. Ash states that he will keep his previous promise (to walk on his hands for the entire day), bending over and flipping into a handstand. Iris states that Ash doesn't have to do such a thing and does such childish things. A window is forced open by the strong wind from the storm. Cilan steps over and reattaches the window latch, stating that everything will be fine. However, after a few moments, the latch reopens, and the windows flap against the wind. A nearby table begins shaking and after a moment, is thrown towards Iris and Ash who are seated on the mansion floor. Ash and Iris stare in a confused state, unsure how the table had moved by itself. Iris suggests that the mansion feels strange as if someone is watching them. Cilan suggests that it was just the wind. Iris questions Cilan if the wind can really move a huge table across the room. Ash and Cilan stare at Iris in a terrified state, at an object moving behind Iris. Iris questions why they both are looking at her like a Pidove that got hit by a Water Gun. Ash stutters, suggesting for Iris to look behind herself.

Iris rotates around and notices a statue comprised off an umbrella, lamp, and other household objects that are approaching them. The floating statue begins swinging the lamp at Iris, and the three begin racing around the mansion in an attempt to escape. Cilan suggests they should go outside however a giant dresser is thrown in front, blocking the entrance. Cilan shouts that they should find another exit. As Cilan examines the situation for an alternative exit, the floating statue quickly approaches and slams into the door, throwing Cilan, Ash, and Iris into the ground. The inanimate statue manages to fall to the ground beside Cilan, sending him screaming away in fear. Team Rocket continues examining the situation through their surveillance system. Jessie questions why the Litwick blocked the entrance when they were directed to chase everyone out of the mansion. Meowth suggests that the Litwick haven't understood their orders. Meowth stumbles off saying that he will go tell Yamask. Our heroes manage to escape into the dining hall and seat themselves at the gigantic table. Ash sighs, questioning what is wrong with the place. Cilan realizes that the table has been set. Iris suggests that maybe there is someone at the mansion after all. After a few moments, a small bell rings and Ash, Iris, and Cilan are levitated into the air. The three are thrown through the gigantic room and soon after, the dinnerware begins levitating at a high velocity towards our heroes, smashing into the mansion wall. The dining room doors open and Ash, Iris, and Cilan forcefully slam into the ground.

Ash stares up noticing a white glove, which appears as a person’s hand, only coming to realize that the costume, has no human body inside. The room is filled with many colorful women and men's attire. The haunted costumes begin throwing Dent, Iris, and Ash throughout the room. Soon after, Pikachu launches an attack, enveloping the room in electricity and returning the clothes to an inanimate state throwing Ash, Cilan, and Iris to the ground. A group of clothes begins rustling, and the group of Litwick attempt to escape the room, however are noticed by Ash. Ash shouts for the group to wait however they continue to rush out of the room. One Litwick manages to trip in its attempt to escape and slams into the ground. Ash rushes over, angrily demanding if it was the Litwick who were causing the disturbances. Ash queries his Zukan on Litwick's data: "Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. It appears in pitch-dark places and pretends to be a guide by lighting one's way…". The Zukan turns off halfway through the entry. Ash stares at the blank screen, having never encountered the problem before. Cilan states that Litwick is responsible for the strange events in the mansion and that he is sure it can use Psychic. Ash questions Litwick if it's trainer is the owner of the mansion. The three continue to question Litwick about its owner, however it just continues starting in a confused state. Ash states they haven't come to do anything bad. Iris contributes that they aren't burglars. Cilan states they had just thought they could rest there for a while during the storm.

Ash, Iris, and Cilan walk through a hallway, asking Litwick where it's friends are. Ash questions if Litwick is even able to understand what they are asking. Ash continues walking and is soon greeted by Yamask that has hidden all of its body except it's mask. Afterwards, Meowth and the remaining Litwick manage to walk down a hallway adjacent to Iris. Iris manages to notice Meowth walking through the nearby hallway. Ash shouts out, questioning Meowth about what he is doing with the Litwick. Meowth avoids the question and rushes down a nearby hallway with the group of Litwick. Ash turns around the corner, however the four are nowhere in sight. Cilan states he cannot believe that Team Rocket is in such a place. Ash states they must be plotting something and they should go and check. Meowth manages to successfully return to Team Rocket's hideout. Jessie lectures Meowth about being discovered. James questions Meowth if he is all right, because he appears to be thinner. Meowth responds that James does as well. James begins rubbing his face, unaware of his fatigued state as well. Jessie questions what is up with the two, looking so haggard. James states that Jessie also looks haggard as well. Meowth suggests that it is because they have been working without taking a break. Jessie states that they still have to get Pikachu and chase the others away as soon as possible, in order to preserve their secret base. James states that in order to be active in the Unova region, they must have a front line base. The three Litwick interrupt the trio, shouting "Litwick Litwick Litwick". James manages to realize that the Litwick flames are bigger than before. Jessie states that it is just his imagination. Jessie stares at Yamask, saying that it needs to tell the Litwick to continue chasing everyone away. Yamask delivers the orders and the group of Litwick grin in agreement.

Ash shouts out for Team Rocket to reveal themselves. Cilan demands to know where they are hiding. Iris shouts that if they are planning to do something bad, it won't work. A group of tables begin levitating, caused another Litwick. Litwick begins throwing the tables at Ash, Cilan and Iris. Ash commands for Litwick to stop because they are not its enemies. Litwick continues its barrage, forcing the room's chandeliers towards the ground. The three manage to escape the barrage of attacks and escape into an adjacent room. Cilan questions why the Litwick have been attacking them. After the attack, Iris realizes that Axew was lost during their escape. Ash questions Iris if Axew was running behind Pikachu as they were escaping. Iris begins shouting for Axew, however he is nowhere to be found. James discovers that Yamask has also disappeared. Meowth states that Yamask is away supervising the Litwick. Our heroes walk down a nearby mansion hallway, shouting out for Axew. Pikachu stares down an adjacent hallway, and is soon ambushed by Litwick. Ash turns around questioning where Pikachu had disappeared. Dent states that Pikachu had just been walking with them before. Iris suggests that Pikachu could have become separated as well. Iris suggests that Team Rocket may have a connection to the two Pokémon’s disappearance.

Team Rocket manage to successfully make contact with a professor, announcing that they have found the ideal place for a base in the Unova Region. The professor questions what kind of building it is. Team Rocket responds that it is a really big mansion including a kitchen, bathroom, elevator, walk-in closet, and even an army of Litwick. James states they are very obedient and nice Pokémon who listen to everything they say. The professor suggests they should be careful, because Litwick are said to absorb the life energy of Pokémon and humans. The professor continues stating that he has always wanted to analyze their abilities himself. James and Jessie come to the conclusion that their life energy has been absorbed the Litwick the entire time. James suggests it is the reason they look so haggard. James states that their situation is dire and they should escape. James soon realizes that Meowth has also disappeared. Jessie states that Meowth had went to check on the Litwick. Meowth manages to locate the Litwick and demands for them to continue chasing Ash. After a few moments, the Litwick uses Psychic and begins levitating Meowth into the air.

Our heroes continue their search for Axew and Pikachu, returning to the main entrance. Iris questions where they could have gone. Cilan states that earlier, the Zukan's entry was cut off and he should check the entry once more. The Zukan chirps: "Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. It appears in pitch-black places and pretends to be a guide… by lighting one's way, but in reality, it tries to invite one into the spirit world. It absorbs the life energy of humans and Pokémon and uses it to light the flame on its head". Cilan suggests that the Litwick switched off the Zukan in an attempt to prevent them from realizing the truth. Iris demands that they have to find Pikachu and Axew quickly. Jessie and James walk down a hallway in search of Meowth. Jessie shouts out for the Litwick to turn her life energy. At the end of the hallway, the elevator opens enveloping James and Jessie in a dark mist. Ash and Iris manage to locate two of the Litwick and chase them down a stairwell. At the end of the stairwell, is a basement, which contains the exhausted bodies of Pikachu, Axew, Meowth, and Yamask. Ash and Iris rush over to comfort their injured Pokémon. Moments later, the doors slam shut trapping the three inside. Team Rocket smash through the door afterwards, saying they have finally found them. Team Rocket recite their magnificent motto in a fatigued state, barely unable to form coherent sentences due to the Litwick's effect. Jessie states that they should escape as soon as possible. Meowth questions Jessie's intents, stating that it is their opportunity to capture Pikachu. James responds that they are in trouble and the Litwick is absorbing their life energy. The four Litwick reveal themselves with a Lampent. Ash queries his Zukan on Lampent's entry: "Lampent, the Lamp Pokémon. The evolved form of Litwick. In few cases, it absorbs the life energy of humans and Pokémon together with Litwick and is said to guide them to the spirit world". The ghost Pokémon launch a devasting Inferno attack, which collides into a nearby wall, creating an opening to the Spirit World. Three of the Litwick launch Shadow Ball while the other launches Inferno. The barrage of attacks successfully strike Axew, Pikachu, Yamask, and Meowth; throwing them towards the opening into the Spirit World. Lampent launches an Inferno attack, which collides with the opening causing it to enlarge. Cilan states that they won't be able to escape unless they defeat Lampent and the Litwick.

Ash rotates his wrist releasing Oshawott from his Monster Ball. Oshawott launches Water Gun towards the ghost Pokémon however Lampent uses Protect to deflect the attack. Dent releases Dwebble, who contributes with X-Scissor. The Litwick playfully dodge the attack putting in little effort. Jessie flicks her wrist releasing Woobat. Woobat and Yamask launch an Air Slash and Shadow Ball attack towards the Litwick. The Litwick continue to evade the attacks and retaliate with Psychic, restricting Yamask and Woobat's movements, forcing them into Jessie and James which thrusts them closer to the Spirit World entrance. The Litwick continue to absorb their life energy as Team Rocket struggles to keep their grasp on the ground. Jessie manages to lose her grip however Ash rushes over grasping her arm, preventing her from demise in the Spirit World. The Litwick launch a barrage of Shadow Balls, which strike Cilan and thrust him towards the Spirit World. James rushes over and grasps Cilan's arm, managing to save him. Jessie states they should form a truce to defeat the ghost Pokémon. James suggests they should combine their strengths to defeat the ghosts. Yamask launches Shadow Ball however Lampent uses Protect to deflect the attack. Dwebble follows up with X-Scissor as Lampent's shield begins to fade, striking the Litwick. Lampent retaliates with Inferno however Oshawott blocks the attack with Water Gun. Woobat launches Air Slash striking Lampent for a direct hit. Pikachu finishes with Electro Ball, which thrusts the ghosts back into the Spirit World, causing the mansion to return to its previous state. With the defeat of the ghosts, Team Rocket's vitality is returned. The group exit the mansion and realize that the mansion is actually in a ravaged state, only previously appearing as a magnificent mansion due to the ghost's illusion. Team Rocket states when they meet again, they will definitely take Pikachu!. Team Rocket blasts into the sky, equipped with Jetpacks. Iris points up to the sky stating it smells of water again.

Due to the Litwick's evil scheme, Ash and his friends were dangerously close to being taken to the spirit world. Going through various trials, their journey to Nimbasa City continues.

English Official Summary

Our heroes get caught in a torrential downpour. They duck into a nearby mansion to get out of the bad weather, finding no one inside. Upon further investigation, it turns out the mansion is inhabited by a group of Litwick…as well as Team Rocket! Jessie, James, and Meowth have turned the mansion into their new secret base! When they discover Ash and his friends inside, they ask the Litwick (through James’s Yamask) to capture Pikachu and chase the Twerps away. At first the Litwick try to prevent our heroes from learning about them by draining power from Ash’s Pokédex. But eventually, Ash learns that Litwick are known for pretending to guide people through dark places…while actually leading them into the Ghost World. And their flames can drain the life energy of people and Pokémon! The Team Rocket trio have fallen prey to the Litwick’s flames as well, and all three of them are completely exhausted. They decide to join forces with our heroes to fight against the Litwick, and after some intense battling on all sides, these dangerous Pokémon are sent back to the Ghost World! Working together, our heroes and Team Rocket all manage to escape from the frightening mansion. But the spirit of cooperation is short-lived, as Jessie, James, and Meowth let Ash know that stealing Pikachu from him is still their number one goal!

French Official Summary

En route vers Méanville et le prochain combat d'Arène de Sacha, nos héros sont surpris par un terrible orage. La pluie, le vent, le tonnerre et les éclairs se déchaînent. Ils aperçoivent un manoir et s’y précipitent pour échapper au mauvais temps, mais le lieu semble inhabité. Cependant, il s’avère qu’il est bel et bien occupé par un groupe de Funécire ainsi que par la fameuse Team Rocket. Jessie, James et Miaouss se sont dit que le manoir constituerait pour eux une excellente base secrète, et lorsqu’ils découvrent que les « Morveux » sont là également, ils demandent aux Funécire (par le truchement de leur Tutafeh) de capturer Pikachu et de chasser le reste de la troupe. Mais les Funécire ont d’autres projets... Malgré les efforts des Funécire pour empêcher les trois amis de se documenter sur eux grâce au Pokédex de Sacha, nos Héros finissent par découvrir que cette espèce de Pokémon “semble aider les gens à se frayer un chemin en illuminant les endroits obscurs, mais les conduit en réalité dans le Monde des Spectres. Ils se nourrissent de l’énergie vitale des humains et des Pokémon, et l’utilisent comme carburant pour alimenter les flammes situées sur leur tête.” Dans le même temps, l’énergie vitale de la Team Rocket est absorbée par les Funécire. Nos héros et la Team Rocket décident alors de faire cause commune. Après un terrible combat auquel participent tous les Pokémon, les Funécire (et un Mélancolux qui a rejoint leur quatuor) sont renvoyés dans le Monde des Spectres. La Team Rocket fait ses adieux, tout en jurant d’attraper un jour Pikachu, et nos héros reprennent la route de Méanville.

German Official Summary

Auf dem Weg zur Arena von Rayono City geraten unsere Helden in einen heftigen Sturm mit Regen, Windböen, Blitz und Donner! In einem verlassenen Herrenhaus suchen sie vor dem Unwetter Unterschlupf. Doch es stellt sich heraus, dass in diesem Anwesen eine Gruppe Lichtel ihr Unwesen treibt. Zu allem Überfluss hat sich außerdem auch noch Team Rocket dort niedergelassen. Jessie, James und Mauzi halten das Herrenhaus als Geheimbasis für geradezu perfekt. Als sie entdecken, dass die Ash und seine Freunde sich ebenfalls im Inneren des Hauses befinden, beauftragen sie ihr Makabaja und eine ansässige Gruppe von Lichtel damit, Pikachu zu fangen und den Rest der Gruppe aus dem Haus zu jagen. Die Lichtel jedoch haben ganz offensichtlich andere Pläne… Zunächst gelingt es ihnen, ihre wahren Motive vor unseren Helden zu verbergen, indem sie Ashs Pokédex stören. Doch unsere Helden kommen ihnen schließlich doch auf die Schliche: Die Lichtel saugen die Lebensenergie der Menschen und der Pokémon in sich auf und speisen damit die Flammen, die auf ihrem Köpfen brennen. Bei Team Rocket ist dieser Vorgang bereits so weit fortgeschritten, dass sie sich kaum mehr auf den Beinen halten können. Es bleibt ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als gemeinsam mit unseren Freunden gegen die Lichtel vorzugehen. Nach einem heftigen Kampf unter Einsatz all ihrer Pokémon ziehen sich die Lichtel sowie ein Laternecto, das das Lichtel-Quartett unterstützte in die Welt der Geister zurück. Nachdem Team Rocket sich mit dem Schwur, Pikachu irgendwann zu fangen, verabschiedet hat, setzen unsere Helden ihre Reise nach Rayono City fort.

Italian Official Summary

In viaggio verso Sciroccopoli e la prossima Lotta in Palestra di Ash, i nostri eroi vengono colti alla sprovvista da un forte temporale, con pioggia, vento, tuoni e fulmini. vedendo una villa, vi entrano per ripararsi dal maltempo, ma non trovano nessuno al suo interno. In realtà, la villa è abitata da un gruppo di Litwick ed è anche stata occupata dal Team Rocket. Jessie, James e Meowth la ritengono il luogo ideale per la loro base segreta e, quando si accorgono dei “Mocciosi”, tramite il loro Yamask chiedono ai Litwick di catturare Pikachu e mandare via gli altri. ma i Litwick hanno altri piani... Nonostante i Litwick vogliano impedirglielo, i nostri eroi scoprono dal Pokédex di Ash che questi Pokémon sembrano aiutare le persone a trovare la strada illuminando i luoghi bui, ma in realtà le conducono nel Mondo dei Fantasmi. Essi risucchiano l'energia vitale di persone e Pokémon e la usano come combustibile per le fiamme che hanno sulla testa. Nel frattempo, l'energia vitale dei membri del Team Rocket viene risucchiata dai Litwick, perciò i nostri eroi e il Team Rocket decidono di unire le proprie forze. dopo un duro scontro, i Litwick e un Lampent che si è unito a loro vengono rispediti nel Mondo dei Fantasmi. Il Team Rocket se ne va giurando che un giorno riusciranno a catturare Pikachu e i nostri eroi riprendono il cammino verso Sciroccopoli.

Portuguese Official Summary

A caminho da Cidade de Nimbasa e o próximo desafio de Batalha de Ginásio de Ash, nossos heróis encaram uma terrível tempestade com chuva, ventos, raios e trovões. Encontrando uma mansão, eles entram para se protegerem do mau tempo, mas não encontram ninguém lá. Depois vê-se que ela é habitada por um grupo de Litwick e também é ocupada por ninguém menos que a Equipe Rocket. Jessie, James e Meowth acham que a mansão será a base secreta perfeita para eles e quando eles secretamente descobrem que “Os Pirralhos” estão lá também, eles pedem aos Litwick (através do Yamask deles) para capturarem  Pikachu e espantarem os outros de lá. Mas os Litwick têm outros planos… Apesar dos Litwick tentarem impedir nossos heróis de descobrirem sobre eles no Pokédex de Ash, posteriormente eles descobrem que os Litwick “parecem estar ajudando a guiar o caminho das pessoas iluminando áreas que estão escuras, mas na realidade eles os estão conduzindo ao Mundo Fantasma. Eles se alimentam da energia vital das pessoas e dos Pokémon e as usam como combustível para as chamas de suas cabeças.” Ao mesmo tempo, a energia vital da Equipe Rocket está sendo sugada pelos Litwick, nossos heróis e a Equipe Rocket unem forças. Após uma poderosa batalha com os Pokémon de todos eles, os Litwick(e um Lampert que se uniu ao quarteto de Litwick)  são mandados de volta para o Mundo Fantasma! Despedindo-se e jurando pegar Pikachu algum dia, a Equipe Rocket faz sua saída e nossos heróis mais uma vez só têm vistas para a Cidade de Nimbasa.

Finnish Official Summary

Matkallaan kohti Nimbasa Cityä ja Ashin seuraavaa saliottelua, sankarimme joutuvat rajun ukkosmyrskyn kynsiin. He löytävät kartanon ja etsivät sieltä suojaa, mutta sisälle tullessaan huomaavat sen tyhjäksi. Käykin ilmi, että kartanoa asuttaa ryhmä Litwickejä, sekä rakettiryhmä. Jessie, James ja Meowth pitävät autiota kartanoa erinomaisena tukikohtana, siksipä he, huomattuaan että pällit ovat myös kartanossa, pyytävätkin Litwickejä (Yamaskinsa avulla) sieppaamaan Pikachun ja ajamaan toiset pois. Litwickeillä on kuitenkin toisenlaisia suunnitelmia… Vaikka Litwickit yrittävätkin estää sankareitamme käyttämästä Ashin pokédexiä, he saavat lopulta kuitenkin selville, että Litwickit “näyttävät auttavan ihmisiä valaisemalla pimeitä paikkoja, mutta todellisuudessa ne yrittävät johdattaa ihmisiä Haamumaahan. Ne imevät ihmisten ja pokémonien elinvoimaa ja käyttävät sitä valaistakseen päänsä päällä tanssivia liekkejä”. Samanaikaisesti, Litwickit imevät myös rakettiryhmän elinvoimaa, joten sankarimme ja rakettiryhmä yhdistävät voimansa. Oteltuaan raskaasti kaikilla pokémoneillaan, he saavat ajettua Littwickit (ja yhden Lampertin, joka liittyi Litwickeihin) takaisin Haamumaailmaan. Rakettiryhmä jättää jäähyväiset ja vannoo vielä sieppaavansa Pikachun jonakin päivänä. Sankarimme taas jatkavat matkaansa Nimbasa Cityyn.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

En su camino a Ciudad Nimbasa y a la siguiente Batalla de Gimnasio de Ash, nuestros héroes quedan atrapados en una furiosa tormenta con muchos rayos, relámpagos y lluvia. Al encontrar una mansión, entran para cubrirse del mal clima, pero no encuentran a nadie dentro. Resulta estar habitada por un grupo de Litwick y también por nada más y nada menos que el Equipo Rocket. Jessie, James y Meowth, creen que será una base secreta perfecta para ellos, cuando descubren que “Los Torpes” también están ahí, le piden a los Litwick (por medio de su Yamask) que capturen a Pikachu y persigan al resto de ellos. Pero los Litwick tienen otros planes… Aunque los Litwick trataron de evitar que nuestros héroes aprendieran de ellos con el Pokédex de Ash, al final descubrieron que los Litwick aparentan ayudar a la gente iluminándolos en la oscuridad, pero en realidad los llevan al mundo Fantasma. Los Litwick se alimentan de la energía vital de la gente y de los Pokémon, y la usan como combustible para las llamas en sus cabezas. Al mismo tiempo, la energía vital del Equipo Rocket está siendo absorbida por los Litwick, entonces unen fuerzas con nuestros héroes. Después de una poderosa batalla con todos sus Pokémon, los Litwick (junto con un Lampent que se unió al grupo de Litwick) regresan al mundo Fantasma. Diciendo adiós y jurando atrapar a Pikachu algún día, el Equipo Rocket huye y nuestros héroes dirigen la vista nuevamente hacia Ciudad Nimbasa.

Spanish Official Summary

En su camino hacia Ciudad Mayólica para el siguiente combate de Gimnasio de Ash, a nuestros héroes les pilla una increíble tormenta con lluvia, viento, truenos y relámpagos. Tras encontrar una mansión, entran en ella para refugiarse del mal tiempo, pero no encuentran a nadie allí. Pero resulta que está habitada por un grupo de Litwick y también está ocupada por nada menos que el Team Rocket. Jessie James y Meowth piensan que la mansión es una base secreta perfecta para ellos. Cuando en secreto descubren que los Mocosos también están allí, piden a los Litwick, a través de su Yamask, que capturen a Pikachu y echen a todos los demás. Pero los Litwick tienen otros planes. Aunque intentan evitar que nuestros héroes sepan nada sobre ellos por la Pokédex de Ash, al final averiguan que los Litwick simulan ayudar a guiar el camino de las personas al iluminar zonas que están oscuras, pero en realidad los están dirigiendo hacia el Mundo Fantasmal. Se alimentan de la energía vital de personas y Pokémon, y los usan como combustible para las llamas de su cabeza. Al mismo tiempo, están absorbiendo la energía vital del Team Rocket, por lo que nuestros héroes y el Team Rocket unen sus fuerzas. Tras un intenso combate, los Litwick (y un Lampert que se ha unido al cuarteto de Litwick) son enviados de vuelta al Mundo Fantasmal. El Team Rocket se marcha diciendo adiós y prometiendo que atraparán a Pikachu algún día. Nuestros héroes, una vez más, dirigen su atención hacia Ciudad Mayólica.

English Great Britain Official Summary

Our heroes get caught in a torrential downpour. They duck into a nearby mansion to get out of the bad weather, finding no one inside. Upon further investigation, it turns out the mansion is inhabited by a group of Litwick…as well as Team Rocket! Jessie, James, and Meowth have turned the mansion into their new secret base! When they discover Ash and his friends inside, they ask the Litwick (through James’s Yamask) to capture Pikachu and chase the Twerps away. At first the Litwick try to prevent our heroes from learning about them by draining power from Ash’s Pokédex. But eventually, Ash learns that Litwick are known for pretending to guide people through dark places…while actually leading them into the Ghost World. And their flames can drain the life energy of people and Pokémon! The Team Rocket trio have fallen prey to the Litwick’s flames as well, and all three of them are completely exhausted. They decide to join forces with our heroes to fight against the Litwick, and after some intense battling on all sides, these dangerous Pokémon are sent back to the Ghost World! Working together, our heroes and Team Rocket all manage to escape from the frightening mansion. But the spirit of cooperation is short-lived, as Jessie, James, and Meowth let Ash know that stealing Pikachu from him is still their number one goal!

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои продолжают путь к Нимбаса Сити, месту проведения четвертой гим-битвы Эша в регионе Юнова. Внезапно начинается ужасный ураган. К счастью, неподалеку оказывается заброшенный особняк. По крайней мере, наши герои думают, что он заброшенный. На самом же деле, его населяют Литвики. Кроме того, в нем скрываются никто иные, как Команда Р! Они считают, что дом станет для них прекрасной базой. Когда же они видят «болванов», они просят Ямаска подговорить Литвиков похитить Пикачу. Но у тех другие планы. Наши герои чуть не попадают в их ловушку. Они вовремя узнают данные из покедекса. Оказывается, под видом помощи, Литвики заманивают людей в мир призраков. Они используют энергию людей и покемонов для подпитки горелок на их головах. У Команды Р они высосали уже почти все силы. И тогда и Герои, и Команда Р решают объединить усилия. В результате битвы, Литвики, а с ними и Ламперт отправляются в мир призраков. Команда Р прощается, обещая поймать Пикачу в другой раз. А наши герои продолжают свой путь в Нимбаса Сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Op weg naar Nimbasa City en de volgende Gym Gevecht uitdaging van Ash, komen onze helden in een enorme onweersbui terecht. Ze vinden een landhuis, gaan er naar binnen om te schuilen, maar treffen niemand aan. Het blijkt bewoond te worden door een groep Litwick en ook bezet te zijn door niemand anders dan Team Rocket. Jessie, James en Meowth geloven dat het landhuis de perfecte geheime basis kan zijn en  wanneer zij er stiekem achter komen dat de Ettertjes er ook zijn, vragen zij de Litwick, via hun Yamask, om PIkachu te vangen en de rest weg te jagen. Maar de Litwick hebben andere plannen. Hoewel de Litwick proberen te voorkomen dat onze helden iets over ze te weten komen door de Pokédex van Ash, ontdekken zij uiteindelijk toch dat de Litwick mensen lijken te helpen om de weg te vinden, door donkere plaatsen te verlichten, maar in werkelijkheid leiden ze hen naar de Geestenwereld. Ze voeden zich met de levensenergie van zowel mensen als Pokémon en gebruiken die als brandstof voor de vlammen op hun hoofd.” Tegelijkertijd wordt de levensenergie van Team Rocket door de Litwick weggezogen, dus gaan onze helden samenwerken met Team Rocket. Na een stevig gevecht van al hun Pokémon, worden de Litwick (en een Lampent, die zich aangesloten heeft bij het Litwick kwartet) teruggestuurd naar de Geestenwereld. Team Rocket vertrekt en belooft ooit Pikachu te zullen vangen, en onze helden trekken weer verder naar Nimbasa City.

Norwegian Official Summary

På vei mot Nimbasa City og Ash sin neste Gym-kamputfordring, blir heltene våre overrasket av et voldsomt uvær med regn, torden og lyn. De oppdager et herskapshus, og de går inn der for å komme unna det dårlige været, men de finner ingen der. Det viser seg at det er bebodd av en flokk med Litwicker og ingen andre enn Team Rocket befinner seg også der. Jessie, James og Meowth mener at herskapshuset vil være en perfekt hemmelig base for dem, og når de i all hemmelighet oppdager at Dustene er der også, ber de Litwickene(vi deres Yamask) om å fange Pikachu og jage resten av dem vekk. Men Litwickene har andre planer. Selv om Litwickene prøver å forhindre heltene våre fra å finne ut om dem på Ash sin Pokédex, finner de til slutt ut at Litwickene ser ut til å hjelpe å lede folk ved å lyse opp steder som ligger i mørket, men i virkeligheten leder de dem til Spøkelsesverdenen. De livnærer seg på livsenergien til mennesker og Pokémon, og bruker den som brensel for flammene på hodene deres. Samtidig blir Team Rockets livsenergi tappet av Litwickene, så heltene våre og Team Rocket slår seg sammen. Etter noen voldsomme kamper med alle deres Pokémon, blir Litwickene (og Lampentene som har gått i lag med Litwick-kvartetten) sendt til Spøkelsesverdenen. Team Rocket tar farvel, men de lover å fange Pikachu en dag, og heltene våre har nok engang blikkene festet mot Nimbasa City.

Swedish Official Summary

På deras väg mot Nimbasa City och Ashs nästa Gym-stridsutmaning, hamnar våra hjältar i en ordentlig storm med massa regn, åska och blixtar. De hittar ett hus och går in, för att komma ifrån stormen, men hittar ingen där. Det visar sig vara bebott av en grupp Litwick och även av inga mindre än team Rocket. Jessie, James och Meowth tycker att huset är den perfekta platsen för en bas åt dem och när de i hemlighet upptäcker att ”Fjantarna” också är där, ber de Litwick (genom deras Yamask) att tillfångata Pikachu och jaga bort de andra. Men Litwick har andra planer… Även om Litwick försöker hindra våra hjältar från att få veta om dem på Ashs Pokédex, kommer de till sist fram till att Litwick ”verkar hjälpa genom att visa vägen genom mörka platser”, men i verkligheten leder de faktiskt dem till Spök-världen! De livnär sig på folks och Pokémons livsenergi och använder den som bränsle till flammorna på sina huvuden. På samma gång dräneras Team Rocket på sin livsenergi av Litwick, så våra hjältar och TeamRocket gör gemensam sak. Efter lite kraftfull strid med alla Pokémon, skickas Litwick (och en Lampent, som har gått med Litwick-kvartetten) tillbaka till Spök-världen. När de tar farväl svär Team Rocket på att en dag fånga Pikachu och så ger de sig iväg. Och våra hjältar styr åter igen kosan mot Nimbasa City.

Danish Official Summary

På vej mod Nimbasa City og Ash’s næste Sal-kamp, bliver vores helte fanget i en rasende storm-fyldt med regn, blæst, torden og lyn. De finder et slot, som de går ind i for at komme i ly for det dårlige vejr. Det viser sig, at det er beboet af en gruppe Litwick samt ingen ringere end Team Rocket. Jessie, James og Meowth tror, ​​at slottet vil være en perfekt hemmelig base for dem, og når de pludselig opdager, at rollingerne også er der, beder de Litwick (gennem deres Yamask) om at fange Pikachu og jage resten af dem væk. Men Litwick har andre planer. Selv om Litwick forsøger at forhindre vores helte i, at lære om dem på Ash 's Pokédex, ender de med at finde ud, at Litwick faktisk er ond, og fører mennesker ind i Spøgelseverdenen. De lever af livsenergien fra mennesker og Pokémon og bruger det som brændstof til flammerne på deres hoveder. På samme tid, er Team Rockets livsenergi drænet af Litwick, så vores helte og Team Rocket beslutter sig for at arbejde sammen. Efter nogle voldsomme kampe med alle deres Pokémon, bliver Litwick (og en Lampert, som har sluttet sig til Litwick-flokken) sendt tilbage til Spøgelsesverdenen. Team rocket siger farvel og lover, at de nok skal fange Pikachu en dag. Vores helte sætter igen kursen mod Nimbasa City.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Woobat
  • Japan ムサシのコロモリ
  • Japan Musashi no Koromori
  • Japan Musashi's Koromori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan's Dwebble
  • Japan デントのイシズマイ
  • Japan Dent no Ishizumai
  • Japan Dent's Ishizumai
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Doctor Zager
  • Japan ゼーゲル博士
  • Japan Seger-hakase
  • Japan Professor Seger
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Yamask
  • Japan コジロウのデスマス
  • Japan Kojirō no Deathmas
  • Japan Kojiro's Deathmas
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Litwick
  • Japan ヒトモシ
  • Japan Hitomoshi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Lampent
  • Japan ランプラー
  • Japan Lampler
No notes available for this episode.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Koaruhie (コアルヒー)
Japanese コアルヒー  もぐっておよいで いつとぶの
Romaji koaruhii mogutte oyoide itsu tobu no
Translated Koaruhie dives and swims, but when does it fly?

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M68 Entering a City
The group suffers from a strong heat.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:56
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
Satoshi, Iris and Dent find a mansion to take refuge in.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:24
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:52
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:21
Title: BW M05 Rocket Gang's Plan
Rocket Gang notices the "brats" from a monitor.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:10
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
The window behind Dent opens by "itself".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:59
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
An aglomeration of objects forming a "knight" chases the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:47
Title: BW M39A 戦闘でピンチ!
Japanese (TL): A Tight Spot During Battle!
The chairs the kids are sitting in start being moved with Psychic, along with other dining hall objects.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:50
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Satoshi scans Hitomoshi with his Zukan.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:28
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
Rocket Gang starts wondering about its fading energy.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:31
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M03 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M03 (Bonus Track)
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:37
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:47
Title: BW M16 Rivals In Isshu
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:11
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
The Hitomoshi start attacking the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:20
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM - Pikachu is taken away by the Hitomoshi (the music begins 37 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:13
Title: Movie 12 BGM - Catch The Jewel Of Life!
Movie 12 Unused BGM - Seger tells Rocket Gang that Hitomoshi are known to absorb energy from others.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:47
Title: 超克せよ!時空のさだめを!
Japanese (Romanized): Chōkoku se yo! Jikū no sadame wo!
Japanese (TL): Overcome The Law Of Time And Space!
Movie 12 BGM - Satoshi and friends learn that Hitomoshi suck the energy of living beings.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:18
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang's Isshu Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:01
Title: 神々の戦い
Japanese (Romanized): Kamigami no tatakai
Japanese (TL): Battle of the Gods
Movie 12 BGM - The Hitomoshi and a Lampler appear.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:34
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Satoshi grabs Musashi's hand.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:49
Title: BW M06D ポケモンジム
Japanese (TL): Pokemon Gym
Rocket gang and the group leave the mansion.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: ポケモン言えるかな?BW
Japanese (Romanized): Pokémon Ieru Ka Na? BW
Japanese (TL): Can You Say the Pokémon? BW
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M63A Celebrating Success Satoshi's BW Theme
Best Wishes Episode 30 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M68 Entering a City
The group suffer from strong heat.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:56
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
The group find a mansion to take refuge in.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:24
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:55
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:25
Title: BW M05 Rocket Gang's Plan
Team rocket spy on the twerps.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:14
Title: BW M09 Rocket Gang's Work
A window opens.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:01
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Many objects form a knight and start chasing the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:49
Title: BW M39A 戦闘でピンチ!
Japanese (TL): A Tight Spot During Battle!
The group are lifted in the air.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:52
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Ash uses the pokedex on litwick but the pokedex stops halfway.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:30
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
Team rocket are losing energy.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:04
Title: BW M34B 戦闘!野生ポケモン
Japanese (TL): Battle! Wild Pokémon
The litwick start attacking the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:14
Title: ギザみみピチューにつづけ!
Japanese (Romanized): Giza mimi Pichū ni tsuzuke
Japanese (TL): Jagged-eared Pichu Carries On
Movie 12 BGM- The litwick appear behind Pikachu.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:07
Title: Movie 12 BGM - Catch The Jewel Of Life!
Movie 12 BGM- Dr Zager says Litwick feed off other people's energy.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:42
Title: 超克せよ!時空のさだめを!
Japanese (Romanized): Chōkoku se yo! Jikū no sadame wo!
Japanese (TL): Overcome The Law Of Time And Space!
Movie 12 BGM- The group learn the truth about Litwick.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:12
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Team rocket's Unova motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:54
Title: 神々の戦い
Japanese (Romanized): Kamigami no tatakai
Japanese (TL): Battle of the Gods
Movie 12 BGM- Litwick and Lampent appear.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:28
Title: BW M61E ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 A Turn of Fortune
Ash grabs hold onto Jessie.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:44
Title: BW M06D ポケモンジム
Japanese (TL): Pokemon Gym
The group and team rocket leave the mansion.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 25
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 19
24 Mar 2011 10:53 PM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ヒトモシ屋敷のこわい話/Hitomoshi yashiki no kowai hanashi. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
07 Apr 2011 04:09 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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This episode ended up being better than I thought. I thought it was going to be similar to the Rotom DP episode and the Kanto Tower episode. It had elements of both episodes but fortunately it managed to stay unique.
12 Apr 2011 08:35 PM
bgt Administrator
Joined: 23 Jun 2007
Posts: 17
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Aiming to enter the Unova League, Ash and his friends continue their journey to Nimbasa City where the next Gym is located.

Our exhausted heroes drag their tired bodies through a remote forest, heading towards Ash's next gym location. Ash complains about the heat and that if only it had rained, the coolness would really help. Iris stops and points towards the sky stating, "Southerly wind, which smells of water. It's about to rain" Ash and Cilan turn around questioning Iris's prediction, without a raincloud in sight. Ash laughs stating that the sun is shining so brightly that if it really rains, he will walk on his hands for the entire day. Iris continues pointing towards the sky shouting, "No, what will come will come!". The sound of thunder crackles through the sky causing Ash to stare in amazement. Lightning streaks across a darkened sky, bringing a downpour of rain atop Iris, Ash, and Cilan. Iris points up confirming her prediction. Cilan suggests they should take shelter somewhere, and the three begin racing down the drenched forest path.

Through the darkness, Iris manages to locate a mysterious structure in the distance. Dent states they should take shelter at the residence. Ash, Iris, and Dent finally reach the massive mansion previously noticed by Iris in the distance. The mansion appears to be in a maintained state. Ash begins banging on the front door while Cilan shouts if anyone is home. Ash continues knocking in an attempt to attract the mansion's owner. After a few moments, the front door opens without a soul in sight. Our heroes stare in a confused state, however take advantage of the situation and take cover in the mansion. Ash shouts if anyone is there. Dent shouts out that they should please let them take shelter from the rain for a while. Cilan suggests that no one is home. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has successfully setup communication and surveillance within the mansion prior to Ash's arrival, examining his every move. James complains that after they finally managed to find a perfect place for a hideout far from civilization, Ash manages to interrupt their operations. Meowth states that Ash arrived just shortly after they were able to successfully make communication with headquarters. The three sigh at the situation. James states that Ash continues to get in their way. Jessie suggests that they should take advantage of the situation, and capture Pikachu quickly. On the opposite side of the room, a group of four Litwick playfully dances with James's Yamask. James suggests that they should take advantage of the native Litwick in the mansion to scare away Ash. Meowth suggests that the Litwick will listen to Yamask's orders. James calls for Yamask, who floats over read to heed his command. James commands Yamask to tell the Litwick to get PIkachu and chase Ash out. Yamask floats over to the opposite side of the room and delivers the orders to the four Litwick.

Ash opens a door to an adjacent room to the main hallway asking if anyone is home. Iris states that it really looks like no one is home. Cilan suggests they should stay there until the rain stops and it would be fine to explain the situation afterwards. Our heroes sit down in the main hallway, waiting out the heavy rainfall. Iris announces it was just as she had predicted. Cilan compliments Iris on her instinct of the wilderness. Ash states that he will keep his previous promise (to walk on his hands for the entire day), bending over and flipping into a handstand. Iris states that Ash doesn't have to do such a thing and does such childish things. A window is forced open by the strong wind from the storm. Cilan steps over and reattaches the window latch, stating that everything will be fine. However, after a few moments, the latch reopens, and the windows flap against the wind. A nearby table begins shaking and after a moment, is thrown towards Iris and Ash who are seated on the mansion floor. Ash and Iris stare in a confused state, unsure how the table had moved by itself. Iris suggests that the mansion feels strange as if someone is watching them. Cilan suggests that it was just the wind. Iris questions Cilan if the wind can really move a huge table across the room. Ash and Cilan stare at Iris in a terrified state, at an object moving behind Iris. Iris questions why they both are looking at her like a Pidove that got hit by a Water Gun. Ash stutters, suggesting for Iris to look behind herself.

Iris rotates around and notices a statue comprised off an umbrella, lamp, and other household objects that are approaching them. The floating statue begins swinging the lamp at Iris, and the three begin racing around the mansion in an attempt to escape. Cilan suggests they should go outside however a giant dresser is thrown in front, blocking the entrance. Cilan shouts that they should find another exit. As Cilan examines the situation for an alternative exit, the floating statue quickly approaches and slams into the door, throwing Cilan, Ash, and Iris into the ground. The inanimate statue manages to fall to the ground beside Cilan, sending him screaming away in fear. Team Rocket continues examining the situation through their surveillance system. Jessie questions why the Litwick blocked the entrance when they were directed to chase everyone out of the mansion. Meowth suggests that the Litwick haven't understood their orders. Meowth stumbles off saying that he will go tell Yamask. Our heroes manage to escape into the dining hall and seat themselves at the gigantic table. Ash sighs, questioning what is wrong with the place. Cilan realizes that the table has been set. Iris suggests that maybe there is someone at the mansion after all. After a few moments, a small bell rings and Ash, Iris, and Cilan are levitated into the air. The three are thrown through the gigantic room and soon after, the dinnerware begins levitating at a high velocity towards our heroes, smashing into the mansion wall. The dining room doors open and Ash, Iris, and Cilan forcefully slam into the ground.

Ash stares up noticing a white glove, which appears as a person’s hand, only coming to realize that the costume, has no human body inside. The room is filled with many colorful women and men's attire. The haunted costumes begin throwing Dent, Iris, and Ash throughout the room. Soon after, Pikachu launches an attack, enveloping the room in electricity and returning the clothes to an inanimate state throwing Ash, Cilan, and Iris to the ground. A group of clothes begins rustling, and the group of Litwick attempt to escape the room, however are noticed by Ash. Ash shouts for the group to wait however they continue to rush out of the room. One Litwick manages to trip in its attempt to escape and slams into the ground. Ash rushes over, angrily demanding if it was the Litwick who were causing the disturbances. Ash queries his Zukan on Litwick's data: "Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. It appears in pitch-dark places and pretends to be a guide by lighting one's way…". The Zukan turns off halfway through the entry. Ash stares at the blank screen, having never encountered the problem before. Cilan states that Litwick is responsible for the strange events in the mansion and that he is sure it can use Psychic. Ash questions Litwick if it's trainer is the owner of the mansion. The three continue to question Litwick about its owner, however it just continues starting in a confused state. Ash states they haven't come to do anything bad. Iris contributes that they aren't burglars. Cilan states they had just thought they could rest there for a while during the storm.

Ash, Iris, and Cilan walk through a hallway, asking Litwick where it's friends are. Ash questions if Litwick is even able to understand what they are asking. Ash continues walking and is soon greeted by Yamask that has hidden all of its body except it's mask. Afterwards, Meowth and the remaining Litwick manage to walk down a hallway adjacent to Iris. Iris manages to notice Meowth walking through the nearby hallway. Ash shouts out, questioning Meowth about what he is doing with the Litwick. Meowth avoids the question and rushes down a nearby hallway with the group of Litwick. Ash turns around the corner, however the four are nowhere in sight. Cilan states he cannot believe that Team Rocket is in such a place. Ash states they must be plotting something and they should go and check. Meowth manages to successfully return to Team Rocket's hideout. Jessie lectures Meowth about being discovered. James questions Meowth if he is all right, because he appears to be thinner. Meowth responds that James does as well. James begins rubbing his face, unaware of his fatigued state as well. Jessie questions what is up with the two, looking so haggard. James states that Jessie also looks haggard as well. Meowth suggests that it is because they have been working without taking a break. Jessie states that they still have to get Pikachu and chase the others away as soon as possible, in order to preserve their secret base. James states that in order to be active in the Unova region, they must have a front line base. The three Litwick interrupt the trio, shouting "Litwick Litwick Litwick". James manages to realize that the Litwick flames are bigger than before. Jessie states that it is just his imagination. Jessie stares at Yamask, saying that it needs to tell the Litwick to continue chasing everyone away. Yamask delivers the orders and the group of Litwick grin in agreement.

Ash shouts out for Team Rocket to reveal themselves. Cilan demands to know where they are hiding. Iris shouts that if they are planning to do something bad, it won't work. A group of tables begin levitating, caused another Litwick. Litwick begins throwing the tables at Ash, Cilan and Iris. Ash commands for Litwick to stop because they are not its enemies. Litwick continues its barrage, forcing the room's chandeliers towards the ground. The three manage to escape the barrage of attacks and escape into an adjacent room. Cilan questions why the Litwick have been attacking them. After the attack, Iris realizes that Axew was lost during their escape. Ash questions Iris if Axew was running behind Pikachu as they were escaping. Iris begins shouting for Axew, however he is nowhere to be found. James discovers that Yamask has also disappeared. Meowth states that Yamask is away supervising the Litwick. Our heroes walk down a nearby mansion hallway, shouting out for Axew. Pikachu stares down an adjacent hallway, and is soon ambushed by Litwick. Ash turns around questioning where Pikachu had disappeared. Dent states that Pikachu had just been walking with them before. Iris suggests that Pikachu could have become separated as well. Iris suggests that Team Rocket may have a connection to the two Pokémon’s disappearance.

Team Rocket manage to successfully make contact with a professor, announcing that they have found the ideal place for a base in the Unova Region. The professor questions what kind of building it is. Team Rocket responds that it is a really big mansion including a kitchen, bathroom, elevator, walk-in closet, and even an army of Litwick. James states they are very obedient and nice Pokémon who listen to everything they say. The professor suggests they should be careful, because Litwick are said to absorb the life energy of Pokémon and humans. The professor continues stating that he has always wanted to analyze their abilities himself. James and Jessie come to the conclusion that their life energy has been absorbed the Litwick the entire time. James suggests it is the reason they look so haggard. James states that their situation is dire and they should escape. James soon realizes that Meowth has also disappeared. Jessie states that Meowth had went to check on the Litwick. Meowth manages to locate the Litwick and demands for them to continue chasing Ash. After a few moments, the Litwick uses Psychic and begins levitating Meowth into the air.

Our heroes continue their search for Axew and Pikachu, returning to the main entrance. Iris questions where they could have gone. Cilan states that earlier, the Zukan's entry was cut off and he should check the entry once more. The Zukan chirps: "Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. It appears in pitch-black places and pretends to be a guide… by lighting one's way, but in reality, it tries to invite one into the spirit world. It absorbs the life energy of humans and Pokémon and uses it to light the flame on its head". Cilan suggests that the Litwick switched off the Zukan in an attempt to prevent them from realizing the truth. Iris demands that they have to find Pikachu and Axew quickly. Jessie and James walk down a hallway in search of Meowth. Jessie shouts out for the Litwick to turn her life energy. At the end of the hallway, the elevator opens enveloping James and Jessie in a dark mist. Ash and Iris manage to locate two of the Litwick and chase them down a stairwell. At the end of the stairwell, is a basement, which contains the exhausted bodies of Pikachu, Axew, Meowth, and Yamask. Ash and Iris rush over to comfort their injured Pokémon. Moments later, the doors slam shut trapping the three inside. Team Rocket smash through the door afterwards, saying they have finally found them. Team Rocket recite their magnificent motto in a fatigued state, barely unable to form coherent sentences due to the Litwick's effect. Jessie states that they should escape as soon as possible. Meowth questions Jessie's intents, stating that it is their opportunity to capture Pikachu. James responds that they are in trouble and the Litwick is absorbing their life energy. The four Litwick reveal themselves with a Lampent. Ash queries his Zukan on Lampent's entry: "Lampent, the Lamp Pokémon. The evolved form of Litwick. In few cases, it absorbs the life energy of humans and Pokémon together with Litwick and is said to guide them to the spirit world". The ghost Pokémon launch a devasting Inferno attack, which collides into a nearby wall, creating an opening to the Spirit World. Three of the Litwick launch Shadow Ball while the other launches Inferno. The barrage of attacks successfully strike Axew, Pikachu, Yamask, and Meowth; throwing them towards the opening into the Spirit World. Lampent launches an Inferno attack, which collides with the opening causing it to enlarge. Cilan states that they won't be able to escape unless they defeat Lampent and the Litwick.

Ash rotates his wrist releasing Oshawott from his Monster Ball. Oshawott launches Water Gun towards the ghost Pokémon however Lampent uses Protect to deflect the attack. Dent releases Dwebble, who contributes with X-Scissor. The Litwick playfully dodge the attack putting in little effort. Jessie flicks her wrist releasing Woobat. Woobat and Yamask launch an Air Slash and Shadow Ball attack towards the Litwick. The Litwick continue to evade the attacks and retaliate with Psychic, restricting Yamask and Woobat's movements, forcing them into Jessie and James which thrusts them closer to the Spirit World entrance. The Litwick continue to absorb their life energy as Team Rocket struggles to keep their grasp on the ground. Jessie manages to lose her grip however Ash rushes over grasping her arm, preventing her from demise in the Spirit World. The Litwick launch a barrage of Shadow Balls, which strike Cilan and thrust him towards the Spirit World. James rushes over and grasps Cilan's arm, managing to save him. Jessie states they should form a truce to defeat the ghost Pokémon. James suggests they should combine their strengths to defeat the ghosts. Yamask launches Shadow Ball however Lampent uses Protect to deflect the attack. Dwebble follows up with X-Scissor as Lampent's shield begins to fade, striking the Litwick. Lampent retaliates with Inferno however Oshawott blocks the attack with Water Gun. Woobat launches Air Slash striking Lampent for a direct hit. Pikachu finishes with Electro Ball, which thrusts the ghosts back into the Spirit World, causing the mansion to return to its previous state. With the defeat of the ghosts, Team Rocket's vitality is returned. The group exit the mansion and realize that the mansion is actually in a ravaged state, only previously appearing as a magnificent mansion due to the ghost's illusion. Team Rocket states when they meet again, they will definitely take Pikachu!. Team Rocket blasts into the sky, equipped with Jetpacks. Iris points up to the sky stating it smells of water again.

Due to the Litwick's evil scheme, Ash and his friends were dangerously close to being taken to the spirit world. Going through various trials, their journey to Nimbasa City continues.
14 Apr 2011 06:10 AM
Joined: 08 Feb 2011
Posts: 335
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Quote From: Sunain
This episode ended up being better than I thought. I thought it was going to be similar to the Rotom DP episode and the Kanto Tower episode. It had elements of both episodes but fortunately it managed to stay unique.

Yeah, that's also why I really liked this episode. They managed something unique with a rather cliché and over-used theme (the haunted mansion). Several scenes had me laugh quite a bit. Though I found it a little darker than the other BW episodes (what with the ghost Pokémon trying to suck them into the Ghost World = kill them), which kinda surprised me.

And I was so delighted to finally have some good ol' Rocket Gang action, though the episode didn't end up with them being blown away by Satoshi's Pikachu. It's still a marvel how they always end up in trouble whatever they're trying to do, even when it's something as simple as just try to stay hidden somewhere! I hope they'll get some new Pokémon in the following episode, though I'll admit I really miss Sonansu. He'd been there since the Johto episodes, it really feels weird not to have him around anymore.

Once again, great animation and great music.
As for the next episode... I can't wait to watch it. Hopefully, Kibago won't just be there for comic relief anymore. Good thing he's going to get some spotlight!