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24 Mar 2011 10:53 PM
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07 Apr 2011 04:09 PM
Sunain Administrator
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This episode ended up being better than I thought. I thought it was going to be similar to the Rotom DP episode and the Kanto Tower episode. It had elements of both episodes but fortunately it managed to stay unique.
12 Apr 2011 08:35 PM
bgt Administrator
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Aiming to enter the Unova League, Ash and his friends continue their journey to Nimbasa City where the next Gym is located.

Our exhausted heroes drag their tired bodies through a remote forest, heading towards Ash's next gym location. Ash complains about the heat and that if only it had rained, the coolness would really help. Iris stops and points towards the sky stating, "Southerly wind, which smells of water. It's about to rain" Ash and Cilan turn around questioning Iris's prediction, without a raincloud in sight. Ash laughs stating that the sun is shining so brightly that if it really rains, he will walk on his hands for the entire day. Iris continues pointing towards the sky shouting, "No, what will come will come!". The sound of thunder crackles through the sky causing Ash to stare in amazement. Lightning streaks across a darkened sky, bringing a downpour of rain atop Iris, Ash, and Cilan. Iris points up confirming her prediction. Cilan suggests they should take shelter somewhere, and the three begin racing down the drenched forest path.

Through the darkness, Iris manages to locate a mysterious structure in the distance. Dent states they should take shelter at the residence. Ash, Iris, and Dent finally reach the massive mansion previously noticed by Iris in the distance. The mansion appears to be in a maintained state. Ash begins banging on the front door while Cilan shouts if anyone is home. Ash continues knocking in an attempt to attract the mansion's owner. After a few moments, the front door opens without a soul in sight. Our heroes stare in a confused state, however take advantage of the situation and take cover in the mansion. Ash shouts if anyone is there. Dent shouts out that they should please let them take shelter from the rain for a while. Cilan suggests that no one is home. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has successfully setup communication and surveillance within the mansion prior to Ash's arrival, examining his every move. James complains that after they finally managed to find a perfect place for a hideout far from civilization, Ash manages to interrupt their operations. Meowth states that Ash arrived just shortly after they were able to successfully make communication with headquarters. The three sigh at the situation. James states that Ash continues to get in their way. Jessie suggests that they should take advantage of the situation, and capture Pikachu quickly. On the opposite side of the room, a group of four Litwick playfully dances with James's Yamask. James suggests that they should take advantage of the native Litwick in the mansion to scare away Ash. Meowth suggests that the Litwick will listen to Yamask's orders. James calls for Yamask, who floats over read to heed his command. James commands Yamask to tell the Litwick to get PIkachu and chase Ash out. Yamask floats over to the opposite side of the room and delivers the orders to the four Litwick.

Ash opens a door to an adjacent room to the main hallway asking if anyone is home. Iris states that it really looks like no one is home. Cilan suggests they should stay there until the rain stops and it would be fine to explain the situation afterwards. Our heroes sit down in the main hallway, waiting out the heavy rainfall. Iris announces it was just as she had predicted. Cilan compliments Iris on her instinct of the wilderness. Ash states that he will keep his previous promise (to walk on his hands for the entire day), bending over and flipping into a handstand. Iris states that Ash doesn't have to do such a thing and does such childish things. A window is forced open by the strong wind from the storm. Cilan steps over and reattaches the window latch, stating that everything will be fine. However, after a few moments, the latch reopens, and the windows flap against the wind. A nearby table begins shaking and after a moment, is thrown towards Iris and Ash who are seated on the mansion floor. Ash and Iris stare in a confused state, unsure how the table had moved by itself. Iris suggests that the mansion feels strange as if someone is watching them. Cilan suggests that it was just the wind. Iris questions Cilan if the wind can really move a huge table across the room. Ash and Cilan stare at Iris in a terrified state, at an object moving behind Iris. Iris questions why they both are looking at her like a Pidove that got hit by a Water Gun. Ash stutters, suggesting for Iris to look behind herself.

Iris rotates around and notices a statue comprised off an umbrella, lamp, and other household objects that are approaching them. The floating statue begins swinging the lamp at Iris, and the three begin racing around the mansion in an attempt to escape. Cilan suggests they should go outside however a giant dresser is thrown in front, blocking the entrance. Cilan shouts that they should find another exit. As Cilan examines the situation for an alternative exit, the floating statue quickly approaches and slams into the door, throwing Cilan, Ash, and Iris into the ground. The inanimate statue manages to fall to the ground beside Cilan, sending him screaming away in fear. Team Rocket continues examining the situation through their surveillance system. Jessie questions why the Litwick blocked the entrance when they were directed to chase everyone out of the mansion. Meowth suggests that the Litwick haven't understood their orders. Meowth stumbles off saying that he will go tell Yamask. Our heroes manage to escape into the dining hall and seat themselves at the gigantic table. Ash sighs, questioning what is wrong with the place. Cilan realizes that the table has been set. Iris suggests that maybe there is someone at the mansion after all. After a few moments, a small bell rings and Ash, Iris, and Cilan are levitated into the air. The three are thrown through the gigantic room and soon after, the dinnerware begins levitating at a high velocity towards our heroes, smashing into the mansion wall. The dining room doors open and Ash, Iris, and Cilan forcefully slam into the ground.

Ash stares up noticing a white glove, which appears as a person’s hand, only coming to realize that the costume, has no human body inside. The room is filled with many colorful women and men's attire. The haunted costumes begin throwing Dent, Iris, and Ash throughout the room. Soon after, Pikachu launches an attack, enveloping the room in electricity and returning the clothes to an inanimate state throwing Ash, Cilan, and Iris to the ground. A group of clothes begins rustling, and the group of Litwick attempt to escape the room, however are noticed by Ash. Ash shouts for the group to wait however they continue to rush out of the room. One Litwick manages to trip in its attempt to escape and slams into the ground. Ash rushes over, angrily demanding if it was the Litwick who were causing the disturbances. Ash queries his Zukan on Litwick's data: "Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. It appears in pitch-dark places and pretends to be a guide by lighting one's way…". The Zukan turns off halfway through the entry. Ash stares at the blank screen, having never encountered the problem before. Cilan states that Litwick is responsible for the strange events in the mansion and that he is sure it can use Psychic. Ash questions Litwick if it's trainer is the owner of the mansion. The three continue to question Litwick about its owner, however it just continues starting in a confused state. Ash states they haven't come to do anything bad. Iris contributes that they aren't burglars. Cilan states they had just thought they could rest there for a while during the storm.

Ash, Iris, and Cilan walk through a hallway, asking Litwick where it's friends are. Ash questions if Litwick is even able to understand what they are asking. Ash continues walking and is soon greeted by Yamask that has hidden all of its body except it's mask. Afterwards, Meowth and the remaining Litwick manage to walk down a hallway adjacent to Iris. Iris manages to notice Meowth walking through the nearby hallway. Ash shouts out, questioning Meowth about what he is doing with the Litwick. Meowth avoids the question and rushes down a nearby hallway with the group of Litwick. Ash turns around the corner, however the four are nowhere in sight. Cilan states he cannot believe that Team Rocket is in such a place. Ash states they must be plotting something and they should go and check. Meowth manages to successfully return to Team Rocket's hideout. Jessie lectures Meowth about being discovered. James questions Meowth if he is all right, because he appears to be thinner. Meowth responds that James does as well. James begins rubbing his face, unaware of his fatigued state as well. Jessie questions what is up with the two, looking so haggard. James states that Jessie also looks haggard as well. Meowth suggests that it is because they have been working without taking a break. Jessie states that they still have to get Pikachu and chase the others away as soon as possible, in order to preserve their secret base. James states that in order to be active in the Unova region, they must have a front line base. The three Litwick interrupt the trio, shouting "Litwick Litwick Litwick". James manages to realize that the Litwick flames are bigger than before. Jessie states that it is just his imagination. Jessie stares at Yamask, saying that it needs to tell the Litwick to continue chasing everyone away. Yamask delivers the orders and the group of Litwick grin in agreement.

Ash shouts out for Team Rocket to reveal themselves. Cilan demands to know where they are hiding. Iris shouts that if they are planning to do something bad, it won't work. A group of tables begin levitating, caused another Litwick. Litwick begins throwing the tables at Ash, Cilan and Iris. Ash commands for Litwick to stop because they are not its enemies. Litwick continues its barrage, forcing the room's chandeliers towards the ground. The three manage to escape the barrage of attacks and escape into an adjacent room. Cilan questions why the Litwick have been attacking them. After the attack, Iris realizes that Axew was lost during their escape. Ash questions Iris if Axew was running behind Pikachu as they were escaping. Iris begins shouting for Axew, however he is nowhere to be found. James discovers that Yamask has also disappeared. Meowth states that Yamask is away supervising the Litwick. Our heroes walk down a nearby mansion hallway, shouting out for Axew. Pikachu stares down an adjacent hallway, and is soon ambushed by Litwick. Ash turns around questioning where Pikachu had disappeared. Dent states that Pikachu had just been walking with them before. Iris suggests that Pikachu could have become separated as well. Iris suggests that Team Rocket may have a connection to the two Pokémon’s disappearance.

Team Rocket manage to successfully make contact with a professor, announcing that they have found the ideal place for a base in the Unova Region. The professor questions what kind of building it is. Team Rocket responds that it is a really big mansion including a kitchen, bathroom, elevator, walk-in closet, and even an army of Litwick. James states they are very obedient and nice Pokémon who listen to everything they say. The professor suggests they should be careful, because Litwick are said to absorb the life energy of Pokémon and humans. The professor continues stating that he has always wanted to analyze their abilities himself. James and Jessie come to the conclusion that their life energy has been absorbed the Litwick the entire time. James suggests it is the reason they look so haggard. James states that their situation is dire and they should escape. James soon realizes that Meowth has also disappeared. Jessie states that Meowth had went to check on the Litwick. Meowth manages to locate the Litwick and demands for them to continue chasing Ash. After a few moments, the Litwick uses Psychic and begins levitating Meowth into the air.

Our heroes continue their search for Axew and Pikachu, returning to the main entrance. Iris questions where they could have gone. Cilan states that earlier, the Zukan's entry was cut off and he should check the entry once more. The Zukan chirps: "Litwick, the Candle Pokémon. It appears in pitch-black places and pretends to be a guide… by lighting one's way, but in reality, it tries to invite one into the spirit world. It absorbs the life energy of humans and Pokémon and uses it to light the flame on its head". Cilan suggests that the Litwick switched off the Zukan in an attempt to prevent them from realizing the truth. Iris demands that they have to find Pikachu and Axew quickly. Jessie and James walk down a hallway in search of Meowth. Jessie shouts out for the Litwick to turn her life energy. At the end of the hallway, the elevator opens enveloping James and Jessie in a dark mist. Ash and Iris manage to locate two of the Litwick and chase them down a stairwell. At the end of the stairwell, is a basement, which contains the exhausted bodies of Pikachu, Axew, Meowth, and Yamask. Ash and Iris rush over to comfort their injured Pokémon. Moments later, the doors slam shut trapping the three inside. Team Rocket smash through the door afterwards, saying they have finally found them. Team Rocket recite their magnificent motto in a fatigued state, barely unable to form coherent sentences due to the Litwick's effect. Jessie states that they should escape as soon as possible. Meowth questions Jessie's intents, stating that it is their opportunity to capture Pikachu. James responds that they are in trouble and the Litwick is absorbing their life energy. The four Litwick reveal themselves with a Lampent. Ash queries his Zukan on Lampent's entry: "Lampent, the Lamp Pokémon. The evolved form of Litwick. In few cases, it absorbs the life energy of humans and Pokémon together with Litwick and is said to guide them to the spirit world". The ghost Pokémon launch a devasting Inferno attack, which collides into a nearby wall, creating an opening to the Spirit World. Three of the Litwick launch Shadow Ball while the other launches Inferno. The barrage of attacks successfully strike Axew, Pikachu, Yamask, and Meowth; throwing them towards the opening into the Spirit World. Lampent launches an Inferno attack, which collides with the opening causing it to enlarge. Cilan states that they won't be able to escape unless they defeat Lampent and the Litwick.

Ash rotates his wrist releasing Oshawott from his Monster Ball. Oshawott launches Water Gun towards the ghost Pokémon however Lampent uses Protect to deflect the attack. Dent releases Dwebble, who contributes with X-Scissor. The Litwick playfully dodge the attack putting in little effort. Jessie flicks her wrist releasing Woobat. Woobat and Yamask launch an Air Slash and Shadow Ball attack towards the Litwick. The Litwick continue to evade the attacks and retaliate with Psychic, restricting Yamask and Woobat's movements, forcing them into Jessie and James which thrusts them closer to the Spirit World entrance. The Litwick continue to absorb their life energy as Team Rocket struggles to keep their grasp on the ground. Jessie manages to lose her grip however Ash rushes over grasping her arm, preventing her from demise in the Spirit World. The Litwick launch a barrage of Shadow Balls, which strike Cilan and thrust him towards the Spirit World. James rushes over and grasps Cilan's arm, managing to save him. Jessie states they should form a truce to defeat the ghost Pokémon. James suggests they should combine their strengths to defeat the ghosts. Yamask launches Shadow Ball however Lampent uses Protect to deflect the attack. Dwebble follows up with X-Scissor as Lampent's shield begins to fade, striking the Litwick. Lampent retaliates with Inferno however Oshawott blocks the attack with Water Gun. Woobat launches Air Slash striking Lampent for a direct hit. Pikachu finishes with Electro Ball, which thrusts the ghosts back into the Spirit World, causing the mansion to return to its previous state. With the defeat of the ghosts, Team Rocket's vitality is returned. The group exit the mansion and realize that the mansion is actually in a ravaged state, only previously appearing as a magnificent mansion due to the ghost's illusion. Team Rocket states when they meet again, they will definitely take Pikachu!. Team Rocket blasts into the sky, equipped with Jetpacks. Iris points up to the sky stating it smells of water again.

Due to the Litwick's evil scheme, Ash and his friends were dangerously close to being taken to the spirit world. Going through various trials, their journey to Nimbasa City continues.
14 Apr 2011 06:10 AM
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Quote From: Sunain
This episode ended up being better than I thought. I thought it was going to be similar to the Rotom DP episode and the Kanto Tower episode. It had elements of both episodes but fortunately it managed to stay unique.

Yeah, that's also why I really liked this episode. They managed something unique with a rather cliché and over-used theme (the haunted mansion). Several scenes had me laugh quite a bit. Though I found it a little darker than the other BW episodes (what with the ghost Pokémon trying to suck them into the Ghost World = kill them), which kinda surprised me.

And I was so delighted to finally have some good ol' Rocket Gang action, though the episode didn't end up with them being blown away by Satoshi's Pikachu. It's still a marvel how they always end up in trouble whatever they're trying to do, even when it's something as simple as just try to stay hidden somewhere! I hope they'll get some new Pokémon in the following episode, though I'll admit I really miss Sonansu. He'd been there since the Johto episodes, it really feels weird not to have him around anymore.

Once again, great animation and great music.
As for the next episode... I can't wait to watch it. Hopefully, Kibago won't just be there for comic relief anymore. Good thing he's going to get some spotlight!