Home / Episode Guide / スカイアローブリッジとゴチルゼル!/The Lost World of Gothitelle!/The Skyarrow Bridge and Gothiruselle!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Lost World of Gothitelle!
  • Japan スカイアローブリッジとゴチルゼル!
  • Japan Skyarrow Bridge to Gothiruselle!
  • Japan The Skyarrow Bridge and Gothiruselle!
  • Germany Die verlorene Welt von Morbitesse!!
  • France Le monde perdu de Sidérella !
  • Spain ¡El mundo perdido de Gothitelle!
  • Sweden Gothitelles förlorade värld!
  • Italy Il mondo perduto di Gothitelle!
  • Mexico ¡El mundo perdido de Gothitelle!
  • Finland Gothitellen kadonnut maailma!
  • Taiwan 天之箭橋與歌德小姐!
  • Poland Zaginiony świat Gothitelle!
  • Netherlands De verloren wereld van Gothitelle!
  • Brazil O Mundo perdido de Gothielle!
  • Norway Gothitelles tapte verden!
  • Denmark Gothitelles fortabte verden!
  • South Korea 고디모아젤! 추억은 깊은 안개 속으로!
  • Portugal O Mundo Perdido da Gothitelle!
  • Russia Затерянный мир Гофитель!


Staff List

OP/ED List

Best Wishes!
心のファンファーレ (バージョン2)
Kokoro no Fanfare (Variant 2)
Best Wishes!
함께 걸어가는 길
Walking Together Along a Road
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

The last leg of Ash and the gang’s journey to Castelia City means crossing the massive Skyarrow Bridge. As our heroes attempt to cross it, they are stopped by an angry Gothitelle—who uses its psychic power to send them back to the past, when the bridge was still under construction! A little girl named Sally offers them a ride to the city on the Water Taxi, and when our heroes board, they discover the same Gothitelle working on the boat with Sally. The two make a great team, helping the customers and handing out snacks, and Gothitelle seems very happy. Something terrible must have happened to make it so angry in the present! Slowly, the pieces come together: when the Skyarrow Bridge was finished, the Water Taxi went out of business, Sally and her family moved away, and Gothitelle went off on its own. Now it’s trapped our heroes inside its memories and won’t let them free. Ash challenges the stubborn Pokémon to a battle, but they are interrupted by a woman who calls out to Gothitelle. It’s Sally, now grown up and trapped with our heroes inside Gothitelle’s memories! Sally talks to her old friend, letting Gothitelle know how much she misses their time together on the Water Taxi, and as the two of them reconnect, Gothitelle releases our heroes back into their own world. After bidding goodbye to Gothitelle and thanking Sally for coming to the rescue, Ash and friends cross the bridge, finally making their way into Castelia City!

French Official Summary

Nos Héros découvrent que, pour atteindre enfin la ville de Volucité, ils doivent traverser le Pont Sagiciel. Mais au moment où ils veulent le franchir, ils sont arrêtés par une Sidérella en colère. Peu de temps auparavant, ils avaient rencontré une dame inconnue, qui leur avait raconté que, avant que le pont ne soit construit, un « taxi fleuve » se chargeait de transporter les passagers sur l'autre rive. Nos Héros se retrouvent soudain plongés dans ce que Rachid pense être un autre monde, un monde où le Pont Sagiciel n'est pas encore terminé et où Sidérella travaille sur le « taxi fleuve » en compagnie de cette dame qu’ils viennent de rencontrer, encore petite fille ! Il s'avère que Sidérella a créé une distorsion de la réalité, inventant ainsi un monde dans lequel nos Héros sont pris au piège. Ces derniers essaient à plusieurs reprises de convaincre Sidérella de les laisser partir, mais ils échouent sans cesse, jusqu’à l’arrivée de la Léa adulte. Léa explique à Sidérella à quel point elle aussi regrette cette merveilleuse époque du « taxi fleuve » sur lequel elles travaillaient ensemble. Folle de joie de revoir Léa et heureuse d'apprendre qu'elle partage ses sentiments, Sidérella laisse retourner nos Héros dans leur propre monde. Après avoir fait leurs adieux à Léa, ils traversent le pont et arrivent enfin à Volucité !

German Official Summary

Unmittelbar bevor unsere Helden Stratos City erreichen, begegnen sie einer ihnen bis dato unbekannten Frau. Sie eröffnet ihnen, dass es vor dem Bau der Brücke ein Wasser-Taxi gab, das alle Reisenden sicher an die andere Seite des Flusses nach Stratos City brachte. Als Ash und seine Freunde nun die Brücke betreten, werden sie gewaltsam von einem wütenden Morbitesse aufgehalten. Bevor sie sich versehen, werden sie – wie Benny mutmaßt - in eine andere Welt versetzt. Dort befindet sich die Himmelspfeilbrücke noch mitten im Bau, und Morbitesse arbeitet mit einem jungen Mädchen namens Sally auf dem Wasser-Taxi! Es stellt sich schließlich heraus, dass Morbitesse diese Parallelwelt mithilfe einer Raumkrümmung geschaffen hat. Ash und die Anderen versuchen Morbitesse davon zu überzeugen, sie wieder gehen zu lassen. Aber so oft sie es auch versuchen, Morbitesse lässt nicht locker. Doch Rettung ist nah: Auf einmal begegnen unsere Freunde der erwachsenen Sally, die sich ebenfalls in die Projektion von Morbitesse verirrt hat. Sally gesteht dem Pokémon, wie sehr sie die wundervolle Zeit mit ihm auf dem Wasser-Taxi vermisst. Sie vermisst sie genau so wie Morbitesse. Morbitesse ist sehr froh, Sally wiederzusehen, und dankbar, dass es jetzt weiß, dass Sally genau wie sie empfindet. Es entlässt unsere Helden wieder in ihre eigene Welt. Nachdem unsere Freunde sich von Sally verabschiedet haben, überqueren sie die Brücke, hinter der Stratos City liegt!

Italian Official Summary

I nostri eroi scoprono che l'ultima parte del loro viaggio verso Austropoli consiste nell'attraversare il Ponte Freccialuce. Ci provano immediatamente, ma vengono bloccati da un Gothitelle infuriato. Poco prima si erano imbattuti in una donna sconosciuta dalla quale avevano saputo che un tempo, prima della costruzione del ponte, un “Acquabus” trasportava i passeggeri da una sponda all'altra. I tre si trovano improvvisamente in quello che Spighetto ritiene essere un altro mondo, dato che il Ponte Freccialuce non è completato e Gothitelle lavora per l’acquabus ancora in attività insieme alla donna incontrata, Sally, che è solo una ragazzina! Si scopre che in effetti Gothitelle ha creato una distorsione temporale che rievoca il mondo in cui sono intrappolati. Mentre i nostri eroi cercano invano di convincere Gothitelle a lasciarli andare, Sally, ormai adulta, spiega a Gothitelle che anche a lei mancano molto quelle belle giornate passate a lavorare sull’acquabus insieme a lei. Felice di rivedere Sally e di sapere cosa prova, Gothitelle lascia tornare i nostri eroi nel loro mondo. Dopo aver salutato Sally, i tre finalmente attraversano il ponte e si dirigono ad Austropoli!

Portuguese Official Summary

Descobrindo que a última parte da jornada para a Cidade de Castelia é atravessar a Ponte Skyarrow, nossos heróis tentam, mas são forçosamente detidos por uma Gothitelle irritada. Pouco antes disso, eles quase trombam com uma mulher que nunca haviam visto e diz a eles que antes da ponte ser construída, um "táxi aquático" transportava os passageiros cruzando o rio. Agora, eles, de repente, se encontram, no que segundo a teoria de Cilan, é um outro mundo, porque eles podem ver que a Ponte Skyarrow não está completa, e Gothitelle está trabalhando no táxi aquático com a mulher (Sally) como uma menina! Acontece que Gothitelle, de fato,  havia criado uma deformação no tempo, criando o mundo em que eles agora estavam presos. Tentando convencer Gothitelle deixá-los sair, nossos heróis são mal sucedidos por várias vezes, até que a já crescida Sally chega. Ela deixa Gothitelle saber o quanto elas sentem saudades daqueles dias maravilhosos de trabalho no táxi aquático com Gothitelle, assim como Gothitelle também sente saudade daqueles dias. Feliz por ver Sally de novo e grata por saber como Sally se sente, Gothitelle liberta nossos heróis de volta ao seu próprio mundo. E depois de despedir-se de Sally, eles atravessam a ponte, finalmente a caminho da Cidade de Castelia!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme ovat jo Castelia Cityn lähellä. Heidän tarvitsee enää ylittää Skyarrow-silta, mutta kun he yrittävät tehdä niin, vihainen Gothitelle pysäyttää heidät voimakeinoin. Juuri ennen sitä he törmäsivät tuntemattomaan naiseen, joka kertoi, että ennen sillan rakentamista vesitaksi vei matkustajia joen yli. Sankarit tempaistaan yllättäen paikkaan, jota Cilan arvelee toiseksi todellisuudeksi, sillä siellä Skyarrow-silta ei ole vielä valmis ja Gothitelle on töissä liikennöivässä vesitaksissa nuoren tytön kanssa, joka osoittautuu aiemmaksi naiseksi (Sally) nuorempana! Selviää, että Gothitelle on vääristänyt todellisuutta ja luonut mailman, jossa sankarimme nyt ovat ansassa. He yrittävät saada Gothitellen päästämään heidät pois, mutta turhaan, kunnes aikuinen Sally saapuu. Hän kertoo Gothitellelle, miten paljon kaipaa niitä aikoja, kun oli töissä vesitaksissa Gothitellen kanssa – aivan kuten Gothitelle itsekin. Gothitelle ilahtuu nähdessään Sallyn jälleen ja on kiitollinen saadessaan tietää, että Sally tuntee samoin kuin sekin. Niinpä se päästää sankarimme takaisin maailmaansa. Sanottuaan näkemiin Sallylle he ylittävät sillan ja pääsevät vihdoinkin Castelia Cityyn!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Al descubrir que la última parte de su viaje a Ciudad Castelia es cruzar el Puente Flechacielo, nuestros héroes lo intentan, pero son detenidos a la fuerza por un furioso Gothitelle. Justo antes de eso se encontraron con una mujer desconocida, quien les dijo que antes de que se construyera el puente, un “Taxi Acuático” había transportado pasajeros a través del río. Ahora, sorpresivamente se encuentran en lo que Cilan cree que es otro mundo, ¡ya que pueden ver que el Puente Flechacielo no está terminado y Gothitelle está trabajando en el “Taxi Acuático” junto con la mujer (Sally) cuando era niña! Resulta que Gothitelle creó una desviación en el espacio, creando el mundo donde ahora se encontraban atrapados. Intentando que Gothitelle los deje ir, nuestros héroes fracasan una y otra vez, hasta que la Sally adulta aparece. Ella le dice a Gothitelle lo mucho que extraña aquellos días maravillosos de trabajo en el “Taxi Acuático” con él, y parece que Gothitelle también extraña esos días. Feliz de ver a Sally otra vez y agradecido por saber cómo se siente, Gothitelle libera a nuestros héroes y los envía de vuelta a su mundo. Después de despedirse de Sally, ¡cruzan el puente y finalmente toman su camino a Ciudad Castelia!

Spanish Official Summary

Al descubrir que la última parte de su viaje hacia Ciudad Porcelana es cruzar el Puente Saeta, nuestros héroes intentan cruzarlo, pero los detiene a la fuerza un furioso Gothitelle. Justo antes de esto, se habían encontrado con una mujer, Sally, a la cual no habían visto nunca antes. Ella les dice que, antes de que construyeran el puente, un taxi acuático transportaba a los pasajeros a través del río. Ahora, de repente, se encuentran en lo que Millo llama otro mundo, ya que pueden ver que el Puente Saeta no está terminado y que Gothitelle trabaja en el taxi acuático con Sally, cuando esta era pequeña. Al parecer, Gothitelle ha creado un bucle en el espacio, formando el mundo en el que ahora están atrapados. Intentando que Gothitelle les deje marchar, nuestros héroes fracasan una y otra vez hasta que llega la adulta Sally. Ella comenta cuánto ha echado de menos aquellos maravillosos día en los que trabajaba en el taxi acuático con Gothitelle. Feliz de ver a Sally otra vez y agradecida por ver lo que siente Sally, Gothitelle deja ir a nuestros héroes de vuelta a su propio mundo. Y tras despedirse de Sally, cruzan el puente entrando por fin en Ciudad Porcelana.

English Great Britain Official Summary

The last leg of Ash and the gang’s journey to Castelia City means crossing the massive Skyarrow Bridge. As our heroes attempt to cross it, they are stopped by an angry Gothitelle—who uses its psychic power to send them back to the past, when the bridge was still under construction! A little girl named Sally offers them a ride to the city on the Water Taxi, and when our heroes board, they discover the same Gothitelle working on the boat with Sally. The two make a great team, helping the customers and handing out snacks, and Gothitelle seems very happy. Something terrible must have happened to make it so angry in the present! Slowly, the pieces come together: when the Skyarrow Bridge was finished, the Water Taxi went out of business, Sally and her family moved away, and Gothitelle went off on its own. Now it’s trapped our heroes inside its memories and won’t let them free. Ash challenges the stubborn Pokémon to a battle, but they are interrupted by a woman who calls out to Gothitelle. It’s Sally, now grown up and trapped with our heroes inside Gothitelle’s memories! Sally talks to her old friend, letting Gothitelle know how much she misses their time together on the Water Taxi, and as the two of them reconnect, Gothitelle releases our heroes back into their own world. After bidding goodbye to Gothitelle and thanking Sally for coming to the rescue, Ash and friends cross the bridge, finally making their way into Castelia City!

Russian Official Summary

Последняя часть пути к Кастелия Сити пролегает по мосту Скайэроу. Наши герои пытаются его пересечь, но им не дает это сделать озлобленная Гофитель. Незадолго до этого они встретили незнакомую женщину, которая рассказала им, что до постройки моста два берега реки связывало водное такси. Внезапно наши герои оказываются в параллельном мире. Они видят, что мост еще не достроен, а Гофитель работает на водном такси вместе с Салли. Это та незнакомая женщина, но в молодости! Оказалось, что Готитель создала завихрение во времени, в которое и попали наши герои. Они раз за разом пытаются уговорить Гофитель их отпустить, но ничего не выходит до тех пор, пока не появляется взросла Салли. Она рассказывает Гофитель, как она скучает по тем старым дням. Та рада вновь видеть Салли и отпускает наших героев. Попрощавшись с Салли, наши герои пересекают мост и, наконец, оказываются в Кастелия Сити.

Dutch Official Summary

Als onze helden de Skyarrow Bridge willen oversteken om in Castelia City te komen, worden ze tegengehouden door een boze Gothitelle. Vlak daarvoor zijn ze een vrouw tegen het lijft gelopen, die ze nooit eerder hebben gezien en hen vertelt dat voordat de brug was gebouwd er een watertaxi  was die de mensen naar de overkant van de rivier bracht. Plotseling bevinden ze zich in een andere wereld, want ze zien dat de Skyarrow Bridge nog niet af is en Gothitelle werkt samen met de vrouw (Sally), die nog een jong meisje is, op de watertaxi! Volgens Cilan heeft Gothitelle de ruimte vervormd en een nieuwe wereld, waarin ze nu vastzitten,  gecreëerd. Onze helden proberen Gothitelle zo ver te krijgen dat hij hen laat gaan, maar dat mislukt, totdat de volwassen Sally arriveert. Ze vertelt Gothitelle dat ze ook die geweldige dagen samen met hem op de watertaxi mist.  Gothitelle is blij om Sally te zien en laat onze helden naar hun eigen wereld terugkeren. En nadat ze afscheid hebben genomen van Sally, steken ze de brug over en zijn dan eindelijk in Castelia City!

Norwegian Official Summary

Når de oppdager at den siste delen av reisen deres til Castelia City går over Skyarrow-broen, prøver våre helter å komme over, men blir stoppet med makt av en sint Gothitelle. Rett før det, hadde de truffet på en kvinne de aldri hadde sett før, som fortalte at før brua ble bygget var det en "vann-taxi" som hadde fraktet folk over vannet. Nå befinner de seg plutselig i det Cilan forestiller seg at kan være en annen verden, fordi de kan se at Skyarrow-broen ikke er ferdig, og Gothitelle jobber på vann-taxien med kvinnen som her er liten jente! Det viser seg at Gothitelle faktisk hadde laget en krumning i rommet som har skapt den verdenen de nå befinner seg i. De prøver å få Gothitelle til å la dem få dra, men våre helter feiler om og om igjen, til den voksne Sally ankommer. Hun lar Gothitelle få vite hvor mye hun savner de flotte dagene da hun jobbet med Gothitelle på vann-taxien – og Gothitelle savner også de dagene. Glad for å se Sally igjen og takknemlig for å ha fått vite hva hun føler, slipper Gothitelle våre helter fri så de kan komme tilbake til sin egen verden. Og etter å ha sagt ha det til Sally, krysser de endelig brua, og kommer endelig til Castelia City!

Swedish Official Summary

När de upptäcker att den sista biten av deras resa mot Castelia City innefattar att korsa Skyarrow-bron, försöker sig våra hjältar på det, men de blir kraftfullt stoppade av en arg Gothitelle. Strax före det hade de sprungit på en kvinna de aldrig sett förut, som berättade att före bron byggdes hade en vattentaxi skeppat människor över floden. Och nu finner de sig plötsligt i vad Cilan bedömer vara en annan värld, för de kan se att bron inte är färdig och att Gothitelle arbetar på den aktiva vattentaxin med kvinnan de mötte, Sally, men nu som ung flicka! Det visar sig att Gothitelle faktiskt hade producerat en vurpa i tidsrymden och skapad den värld de nu är fast i. När våra hjältar försöker få Gothitelle att låta dem lämna världen misslyckas de flera gånger, ända tills Sally dyker upp. Hon låter Gothitelle höra hur mycket hon saknar de där underbara dagarna när de arbetade på vattentaxin tillsammans – liksom Gothitelle även hon saknar den tiden. Glad att se Sally igen och tacksam för hur Sally känner det, släpper Gothitelle våra hjältar tillbaka till sin egen värld. Och efter det att de sagt farväl till Sally, korsar de över bron och kommer slutligen fram till Castelia City.

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte opdager, at sidste del af rejsen til Castelia City går over Skyarrow-broen. De forsøger at krydse den, men tvinges til standsning af en arrig Gothitelle. Kort forinden var de stødt på en kvinde de aldrig før havde mødt. Hun fortalte dem, at før broen blev bygget, havde en vandtaxa sejlet passager over floden. Nu befinder de sig pludselig i noget, som Cilan mener må være en anden verden, da de kan se, at Skyarrow-broen ikke er bygget færdig, og at Gothitelle arbejder på den fungerende vandtaxa sammen med kvinden (Sally) som ung pige! Det viser sig, at Gothitelle faktisk har skabt en tidslomme, hvis verden de nu er fanget i. Det mislykkes igen og igen for vores helte at overtale Gothitelle til at lade dem slippe fri, indtil den voksne Sally kommer til. Hun fortæller Gothitelle, hvor meget hun savner den vidunderlige tid, da de to arbejdede sammen på vandtaxaen – et savn, som også Gothitelle føler. Den bliver lykkelig over at se Sally igen og taknemmelig over at høre, hvad hun føler. Nu lader Gothitelle vores helte komme tilbage til deres egen verden. De tager afsked med Sally, krydser boren, og kan omsider tage ind til Castelia City!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Juniper
  • Japan アララギ博士
  • Japan Araragi-hakase
  • Japan Professor Araragi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cilan
  • Japan デント
  • Japan Dent
  • Japan Dent
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny (Unova)
  • Japan ジュンサー (イッシュ地方)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu-chihō)
  • Japan Junsa (Isshu Region)
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Snivy
  • Japan サトシのツタージャ
  • Japan Satoshi no Tsutarja
  • Japan Satoshi's Tsutarja
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sally
  • Japan サリイ
  • Japan Sarii
  • Japan Sally
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny's Swanna
  • Japan ジュンサーのスワンナ
  • Japan Junsa no Swanna
  • Japan Junsa's Swanna
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sally's Gothitelle
  • Japan サリイのゴチルゼル
  • Japan Sarii no Gothiruselle
  • Japan Sally no Gothiruselle
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sally's Father
  • Japan サリイの父親
  • Japan Sarii no Chichioya
  • Japan Sally's Father
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Unova Pokédex
  • Japan サトシのイッシュのポケモン図鑑
  • Japan Satoshi no Isshu no Pokémon Zukan
  • Japan Satoshi's Isshu Pokémon Zukan

Paint Edit

The 'Skyarrow Bridge' can be seen on Dent's Town Map. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
imgimgimgimgimgimgimgimg imgimgimgimgimgimg SKYALLOW BRIDGE


Script Error

Iris in the Japanese original thinks they came through a 'Time Slip' (タイムスリップ) and specifically says that in English. Dent then tells her that they didn't come through a Time Slip.

Iris in the English dub says they traveled through time and Cilan doesn't deny her assumption which Dent specifically denied in the Japanese original.

Character English Translation Japanese
Iris You mean we've traveled through time into the past? Does that mean we came here through a time slip?! タイムスリップしてここに来ちゃったってこと!?
Cilan Perhaps, though there could be other explanations... Ah, no, you can't say that either. あ… いやそうとも言い切れないんだよな。


Script Error

Cilan calls the world they are in a 'loop' while Dent calls it a 'closed world/universe (閉じた世界)'.

Cilan: We're stuck in some kind of loop!
Dent: This... could be a closed world.
(デント): ここは…閉じた世界なのかもしれない。


Script Error

Cilan makes it seem like they want to travel on the 'Water Taxi' multiple times but Dent just indicates that they wanted to ride on it once before it stopped so they had the experience.

Cilan: We heard the water taxi was closing, so we wanted to have a ride on it at least once more!
Dent: We've wanted to board the water bus once because we heard that it'll be removed.
(デント): 水上バスがなくなると聞いてね僕たちも一度乗ってみたいと思ったんだ。


Paint Edit

Iris in the Japanese original specifically wants to know where the exit (出口) is while Iris in the English dub says they need to get back to their world.

Iris: We're not saying this isn't a nice world, 'cause it is but we need to get back to ours.
Iris Japanese: I know this is a nice world as well, but can you please tell us where the exit is?
Iris: 確かに ここもいい世界だと思うけど出口を教えてくれない?


Script Error

Officer Jenny states in the English dub that she'll open the bridge again. In the Japanese original, Junsa-san says she'll allow cars (車) to cross the bridge again. Its obvious that the bridge wasn't fully closed as Ash and his friends started to walk across it.

Officer Jenny: Anyway, I'll open the bridge again.
Junsa-san: Anyway, looks like I can let the cars pass.
(ジュンサー): ふ~ん とにかく車を通してもよさそうね。


Scene Cut

The original airing on TV Tokyo on Thursday March 3rd, 2011 did not include the standard Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster segment. Instead a trailer for the 14th Pocket Monsters movie was shown instead.

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Updated Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Iris and Dent.

Special First-Airing Segment Movie Preview

The initial airing of this episode didn't contain a Live Caster segment. Instead of that a special preview that revealed the two versions of Movie 14, Victini and the Light Hero - Reshiram / Victini and the Dark Hero - Zekrom was aired.

Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

This Okido segment did not air in the initial airing of the episode but only in subsequent repeats on channels like Kids Station and on the DVDs.

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Pokémon Chillarmy (チラーミィ)
Japanese チラーミィ チラチラみるよ きみのかお
Romaji Chiraamii chirachira miru yo kimi no kao
Translated Chillarmy intermittently looks upon your face

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M53 2番道路 (秋~冬)
Japanese (TL): Route 2 (Fall to Winter)
The group is about to reach the Skyarrow Bridge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:01
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:10
Title: BW M54B A Festival
The group reaches the Skyarrow Bridge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:03
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Satoshi switches Kurumiru with Mamepato.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:18
Title: BW M37 ワンダーブリッジ
Japanese (TL): Wonder Bridge
Satoshi notices the same woman in the store observing the paintings.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:09
Title: BW M55 An Obstacle
A Psychic beam hits the floor in front of the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:39
Title: BW M54B A Festival
The group is invited into a water taxi by a girl.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:37
Title: BW M46 Fix the Problem
The group starts feeling something wrong about the situation.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:00
Title: BW M56 Memories
Satoshi, Iris and Dent talk again with the girl.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:34
Title: 伝説(ひかり絵)
Japanese (Romanized): Densetsu (Hikari e)
Japanese (TL): Legend (Picture of Light)
Movie 12 BGM - Dent explains his theory on what situation they're in.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:00
Title: BW M57 Eyecatch Return
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:07
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:17
Title: BW M50 Eyecatch Intro
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:59
Title: BW M55 An Obstacle
Gothiruselle uses Psychic on the group again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:20
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Satoshi uses Tsutarja to engage Gothiruselle.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:41
Title: 16のプレート
Japanese (Romanized): 16 no Plate
Japanese (TL): 16 Plates
Movie 12 BGM - Gothiruselle meets the older Sally.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:37
Title: 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Future
Movie 12 BGM - Gothiruselle disappears with the fog.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:09
Title: BW M54A A Festival
The group parts ways with Sally and enters the Skyarrow Bridge.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: 心のファンファーレ
Japanese (Romanized): Kokoro no Fanfare
Japanese (TL): Fanfare of the Heart
Ending Theme for Japanese Version (2nd Verse)
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Best Wishes Episode 22 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M53 2番道路 (秋~冬)
Japanese (TL): Route 2 (Fall to Winter)
The group approach Skyarrow bridge.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:33
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:04
Title: BW M47A タイトル
Japanese (TL): Title
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:07
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Ash sends over sewaddle for Pidove.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:21
Title: BW M37 ワンダーブリッジ
Japanese (TL): Wonder Bridge
Ash notices the same women from before staring at the paintings.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:12
Title: BW M55 An Obstacle
A psybeam hits the ground.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:33
Title: BW M46 Fix the Problem
Cilan clocks that the bridge hasnt been completed.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:37
Title: 伝説(ひかり絵)
Japanese (Romanized): Densetsu (Hikari e)
Japanese (TL): Legend (Picture of Light)
Movie 12 BGM- Cilan explains his theory.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:53
Title: BW M55 An Obstacle
Gothitelle uses Psybeam again.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:12
Title: BW M45 It's An Ambush!
Ash sends out Snivy.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:35
Title: 16のプレート
Japanese (Romanized): 16 no Plate
Japanese (TL): 16 Plates
Movie 12 BGM- Gothitelle finally meets Sally
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:33
Title: 未来へ
Japanese (Romanized): Mirai e
Japanese (TL): Towards the Future
Movie 12 BGM- Gothitelle dissapears into the fog.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 23
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 13
08 Feb 2011 11:38 AM
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: スカイアローブリッジとゴチルゼル!/Sky Arrow Bridge to Gothiruselle!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
10 Mar 2011 11:24 AM
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A pretty decent episode, but there was nothing special about it in my opinion. The plot itself wasn't that original, either. Just your run-of-the-mill Pokémon episode.

But what really piqued my interest was the preview for the upcoming movies, at the end. The footage shown seems to suggest it's going to be one... two truly epic movies; in the vein of the DP trilogy. And indeed, they do say those movies are just the first part of a trilogy (maybe?). Now that really got me excited about those movies, as I really loved the trilogy format of the DP movies.

There were some gorgeous sceneries in the trailer (the part where the name of the director is displayed, for example), and overall, it looks like the art is going to be even more gorgeous than the DP movies, which were the best-looking movies so far. When I think about how nice the anime series looks, I just can't wait to see just how much more nicer the movies will look like. What's more, there's definitely much to be expected story-wise too. Personally, I'm pretty intrigued by that 'People of the Earth' legend, and the two 'heroes'. Quite curious how the overall 'trilogy' will unfold, and how each movie will 'connect' with each other. Quite curious about the 'two-movies' format too, though I can't hide the fact I'm still not sure whether this was a good idea or not.

Anyway, I am so looking forward to those movies. They might even surpass the DP trilogy movies, which are by far my favorite Pokémon movies.
However, I'm not really excited about the next episode, maybe because there'll be Shootie in it, and I really don't like that character. Maybe it'll get better later in the series. I hope so.

Oh, and I just love the instrumental version of 'Best Wishes'. Can't wait for it to be released on CD;
Last edited 10 Mar 2011 11:35 AM by Chance
10 Mar 2011 01:38 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: Chance
Oh, and I just love the instrumental version of 'Best Wishes'. Can't wait for it to be released on CD;

I really like the new guitar version of Best Wishes that 'teases' the viewers in the last few episodes. I don't think we'll be seeing any more BGM music for awhile though. But you never know, they may surprise us by releasing a few more tracks on an upcoming CD.
11 Mar 2011 05:33 AM
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That's what I was thinking about: some new BGM tracks for the CD release of the next Opening/Ending theme (whenever that will be... it's pretty likely they'll just have some variation of 'Best Wishes' next April anyway).
19 Oct 2011 08:49 PM
Sunain Administrator
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This episode basically had a bunch of needless changes that the dub for some reason insisted on changing. Time Slip was already in English and there was no real need to change that.

Obviously the English dub writers had never seen the very famous Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Cause and Effect when they improperly called the memory world a 'loop'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_loop

A time loop is the constant repeating of an event. Ash and his friends only experienced it once and didn't really have anything as reference to know that it was a loop.

Links to edits: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1240#Edits

Last edited 19 Oct 2011 08:52 PM by Sunain
21 Oct 2011 12:31 AM
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This episode really touched me because it showed how time passed but friendships can still stay strong. And I can kind of relate to the protagonist because I'm in university right now. It was great that Gothitelle could be reunited with its friend after such along time. But I agree that this episode didn't really contribute anything overall to the plot. There wasn't even really a battle, which I thought would occur after watching the preview from the previous episode.