Home / Episode Guide / Mijumaru! Meguroco! Close Call!!/A Sandile Gusher of Change/ミジュマル!メグロコ!危機一髪!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States A Sandile Gusher of Change!
  • Japan ミジュマル!メグロコ!危機一髪!!
  • Japan Mijumaru! Meguroco! Kiki ippatsu!!
  • Japan Mijumaru! Meguroco! Close Call!!
  • Germany Gefahr im Verzug!!
  • France Mascaïman à la rescousse !
  • Spain ¡Los Sandile y los géiseres!
  • Sweden Sandile frambringar en förändring!
  • Italy Dispettosi Sandile!
  • Mexico ¡El pozo de Sandile!
  • Finland Sandilet muutoksen lähteenä!
  • Taiwan 水水獺!黑眼鱷!危在旦夕!!
  • Poland Sandile w natarciu!
  • Netherlands Sandile blaast stoom af!
  • Brazil Um Sandile louco para mudar!
  • Norway En Sandile kilde til forandring!
  • Denmark Sand , vand og Sandile!
  • South Korea 깜눈크! 간헐천에서 위기일발!
  • Portugal Os Sandile e a Corrente da Mudança!
  • Russia Горячий душ!


Staff List

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Best Wishes!
心のファンファーレ (バージョン1)
Kokoro no Fanfare (Variant 1)
Best Wishes!
함께 걸어가는 길
Walking Together Along a Road
Pokémon Roll Call
Open your Hand
Episode Director
Animation Director
Satoshi and Iris walking on a dirt path road are seen fighting over who is following who. Each speeding up continuously to prove so. Iris asks Satoshi why he should lead if he isn’t even familiar with Isshu, and he should be grateful she is guiding him. While facing off they notice a Pokémon staring at them, none other than Mijumaru.

Mijumaru tries to calm down the situation, but Satoshi and Iris are more worried about the Pokémon. They realize it is the same Mijumaru that saved them before from Team Rocket. Satoshi uses his Pokédex to scan Mijumaru. It tells Satoshi that Mijumaru can use its shell as a scallsword. Satoshi thanks Mijumaru for the help before. The otter Pokémon runs to Satoshi and Pikachu explains Mijumaru has been following them around. Absorbed by its cuteness Iris grabs Mijumaru and begins to pinch the uncomfortable Pokémon’s cheeks. It denies Iris and jumps on top of Satoshi’s shoulder, dumping Pikachu in the process. Iris wonders if Mijumaru likes Satoshi and as a reaction Pikachu immediately uses Thunderbolt on Mijumaru. Quickly responding it uses its shell to guard itself making the attack bounce onto Satoshi. Iris and Kibago just laugh at the situation. She wonders if this Mijumaru just wants Satoshi to capture it. Satoshi agrees and runs off and throws his Pokéball. But to his dismay it only manages to hurt Mijumaru and land on the floor. Satoshi wonders, then asks if it could happen to be Prof. Araragi’s Mijumaru, and Mijumaru responds happily.

Knowing the situation they run to the nearest telephone station where Satoshi tells Prof. Araragi what happened. She had been wondering where it had gone as was glad Mijumaru was safe. She asks if Satoshi could take care of the Pokémon. He agrees and Prof. Araragi sends Mijumaru’s Pokéball over the transfer device. He turns off the station but Mijumaru has disappeared. They run to look for it but before they can get far they fall into a mysterious hole. A kid comes from above the whole and explains the hole is Meguroco’s doings.

Team Rocket appears in overcoats, sunglasses, and hats rushing quickly but falling into a similar pitfall as well before getting very far. A Meguroco with sunglasses inside the hole angrily greets Team Rocket.

Satoshi’s Pokédex is seen revealing Meguroco’s Pokédex entry. Glad for his help they greet the boy. He reveals his name is Dan and his family owns a spa resort hotel. Iris is glad to hear this but Dan also explains that Meguroco has been causing problems at his resort.

There are trees and holes all over the floor at the resort’s sand bathes. He explains, while people were resting in his sand bathes many Meguroco would rest in the sand. But then all the Meguroco would throw sand as they went underground and would scare the customers away. Iris wonders why the usual docile Meguroco would suddenly act in such a way. In order to “investigate” Satoshi and Pikachu quickly get themselves on the sand and begin to rest. Iris protests but from the floor Kibago pops out and bathes too. Team Rocket is then shown spying on Satoshi and Co. but while doing so Meguroco is threatening them from the behind.

Meguroco quickly goes underground and heads for Satoshi. Reminding Satoshi that he is still looking Mijumaru Satoshi stands up. A faint “Miju” is head from the other side of the bath. Resting on a pillow is Mijumaru with its shell on its forehead. Meguroco is then shown jumping from the floor and landing in front of Satoshi and Co. The kid points out the Meguroco with glasses is the leader of the Megurocos. The Pokémon jumps and captures Kibago with its mouth. Satoshi orders a Thunderbolt but Iris stops him before he can attack. Using Thunderbolt would also harm her Kibago. She runs over to Meguroco and grabs it by its neck in an attempt to release Kibago. Satoshi, Pikachu, and Mijumaru run over to help out their comrade. Pikachu’s ear goes inside Meguroo’s nostril as they are trying to push Kibago out and it causes Meguroco to let go. But immediately it jumps in the air grabbing Pikachu by its arm and Mijumaru by its foot in the process. Meguroco tries to run away but is lifted by a magnet before he can get any further. Team Rocket reveal themselves within the crane that is holding the huge magnet.

Satoshi demand they let Meguroco go. But Team Rocket wouldn’t give it away that easily and they go no their way. Nyarth throws an explosive on the floor to slow them down. Team Rocket stops for a second and the floor around their vehicle begins to tremble. Meguroco from all over begin appearing. Satoshi and Co. catch up to find Team Rocket surrounded by several Megurocos and their crane slowly sinking into the ground. Team Rocket manages to jump out in time. But the magnet keeping Meguroco up is released and it begins to walk away. Team Rocket flees knowing they can’t do anything about the situation.

The Meguroco drops Pikachu and Mijumaru off on the floor where several frightened Minezumi, Mamepato, and Shikijika are at. Satoshi and Co. watch from behind a rock. The leader Meguroco makes a speech but is interrupted by a geyser. After some more talking the frightened Pokémon move along despite several geyser’s sprouting everywhere. Dan notes that geysers have never appeared before. Everyone begins to wonder if maybe the reason he rampaged at the sand bath was because it sensed this danger was coming. Satoshi calls Pikachu and all of a sudden the ground begins to tremble. A series of geysers circle the frightened Pokémon and a small river is formed, stranding them all on a small platform. As Satoshi runs over to help Pikachu also runs towards the platform, but Mijumaru throws Pikachu onto the floor preventing Pikachu from going on. Satoshi runs for the river but the boiling water quickly makes Satoshi jump back.

The Meguroco with sunglasses calls all the other Meguroco. He bites a tiny boulder that is grounded to the floor and lifts his body up. A second Meguroco climbs him and lifts his body up. Several Meguroco do this creating a pseudo-bridge. After the last Meguroco gets on they fall backwards landing on the platform, creating the bridge to set the stranded Pokémon free.

Satoshi tells them to come over, but they are too scared. The determined Satoshi climbs over to the platform and encourages the Pokémon. A Shikijika is the first to go. The Minezumi follow and the Mamepato fly to the other side. Pikachu goes too, but immediately after Pikachu jumps over the floor underneath the Meguroco on the platform beings to crumble. Satoshi manages to capture it by its tail in time. While Satoshi is keeping the bridge going so everyone can get off, and suddenly a nearby geyser sets off aiming directly at Satoshi. Mijumaru responds and jumps and uses its Water Gun to counter the geyser. Mijumaru begins to fall, but Satoshi is able to recall it back to its Pokéball in time. But because of this Satoshi became distracted and lost his grip on Meguroco. Out of no where a hand grasps Satoshi’s hand. Iris had grasped her legs around the last Meguroco and grabbed Satoshi’s hand before the bridge could collapse. The first Meguroco then lifts the entire bridge vertically again. The entire bridge collapses, but everyone is ok and laughing. The scene cuts to Iris, Satoshi, and all their Pokémon in a taking a bath in the new hot springs. Dan and his Father explains the geysers destroyed any chance of sand baths but have left hot spring bathes an option. The Meguroco with sunglasses then appears off to the side coming out of the floor and laughing.

English Official Summary

As Ash and Iris continue toward Striaton City, they once again run into Oshawott, who officially joins Ash’s Pokémon team! Along the road, they stumble into a deep hole and are rescued by a boy named Dan. He takes them to his family’s resort hotel, where they discover that the hotel’s famous hot sand spa has been destroyed by several similar holes. Dan explains that a group of friendly Sandile often come to the resort to bask in the hot sand, but they’ve recently started behaving oddly, digging these huge holes and turning hostile toward the guests. To top it off, the leader of the Sandile suddenly appears, grabs Pikachu and Oshawott in its jaws, and runs away with them! When Ash and friends chase after the Sandile, they discover several geysers beginning to erupt all around the area, trapping many wild Pokémon on a small island in the midst of boiling water. Ash, Iris, and Dan figure out that the Sandile have been trying to save these Pokémon and the hotel’s guests by scaring them away from the geysers. When the Sandile form a bridge by locking tails, Ash crosses over to help the frightened wild Pokémon to safety. Iris also pitches in by getting Ash back to solid ground in the nick of time! Back at the resort, the geysers have flooded the sand bath, turning it into a hot spring. Our heroes enjoy a little rest and relaxation before resuming their journey through the Unova region!

French Official Summary

Tandis que Sacha et Iris se rendent à Ogoesse pour le premier Combat d’Arène de la région d’Unys de Sacha, ils se retrouvent soudain piégés dans un trou profond. Mais ils sont sauvés par un garçon nommé Tom, dont la famille tient un hôtel et un centre de thalassothérapie. Il leur apprend que ces trous ont été creusés par un troupeau de Mascaïman, obligeant l’hôtel à fermer. Alors qu’ils sont d’habitude très amicaux et qu’ils apprécient les bains de sable chauds offerts par l’hôtel, ces nombreux Mascaïman sont soudain devenus très agressifs, s’attaquant à tout le monde et même à Pikachu et Moustillon, qu’ils emmènent au loin! Mais nos amis découvrent vite que de nombreux geysers surgissent soudain un peu partout, emprisonnant des Pokémon sauvages, qui se retrouvent encerclés par de l’eau bouillante. Comprenant que les Mascaïman essayaient en fait de les sauver, Sacha, Iris et Tom réalisent que les Mascaïman sont en réalité leurs amis, et -dès lors- Sacha passe à l’action! Lorsque les Mascaïman forment un pont en se tenant par la queue pour délivrer les Pokémon sauvages terrorisés, Sacha traverse et accomplit le sauvetage – grâce à l’aide de Iris, qui passe à l’action elle aussi et sauve Sacha à la dernière seconde! Finalement, en utilisant l’eau chaude des geysers, l’hôtel peut rouvrir ses portes avec une toute nouvelle attraction: une source d’eau chaude, et nos Héros s’offrent un moment de relaxation et de repos bien mérité avant de poursuivre leur voyage à travers la région d’Unys!

German Official Summary

Als sie ihre Reise nach Orion City und somit Ashs erstem Arenkampf in der Einall-Region fortsetzen, fallen Ash und Lilia plötzlich in ein großes Loch. Ein Junge namens Dan rettet die beiden. Seine Familie besitzt ein Wellness-Ressort und Hotel ganz in der Nähe. Sie erfahren von Dan, dass dieses Loch nur eins von vielen ist, die eine Herde Ganovil gegraben hat. Und aus diesem Grund musste auch das Hotel geschlossen werden. Normalerweise sind die Ganovil sehr freundlich und genießen die Attraktion des Hotels, die heißen Sandbäder, auch selbst. Doch plötzlich scheinen sie sehr aufgebracht zu sein, sie erschrecken die Gäste und verschleppen schließlich sogar Pikachu und Ottaro! Doch dann entdecken Dan, Ash und Lilia, dass eine große Anzahl von Geysiren kurz vor dem Ausbruch steht. Als die ersten ausbrechen, wird eine große Gruppe von wilden Pokémon von dem kochenden Wasser eingeschlossen. Und als Ash, Dan und Lilia sehen, dass die Ganovil versuchen, sie zu retten, wird ihnen klar, dass die Ganovil friedlich sind. Ash ist sofort bei der Rettungsaktion dabei! Die Ganovil bilden mit ihren Körpern eine Brücke über das kochende Wasser, doch die wilden Pokémon haben Angst, sie zu überqueren. Ash läuft über die Brücke und hilft ihnen. Im allerletzten Moment springt Lilia Ash zu Hilfe, der um ein Haar ins heiße Wasser gestürzt wäre. Das Hotel wird wieder eröffnet. Die Hauptattraktion ist jetzt jedoch die heiße Quelle. Und unsere Helden entspannen sich in dem warmen Wasser, bevor sie sich wieder auf ihre Reise durch die Einall-Region machen.

Italian Official Summary

Mentre Ash e Iris proseguono verso Levantopoli e la prima sfida di Lotta in Palestra della regione di Unima di Ash, si trovano improvvisamente intrappolati in un buco nel terreno. Quando vengono salvati da un ragazzo di nome Dan, la cui famiglia gestisce una spa e un albergo, vengono a sapere che il loro è solo uno degli alberghi che sono stati devastati da un gruppo di Sandile, che ne ha causato la chiusura. Normalmente molto amichevoli e desiderosi di godersi la spiaggia calda che l’albergo mette a disposizione, questo vasto gruppo di megaroco iniziano a sembrare molto arrabbiati, se la prendono con tutti e portano via anche Pikachu e Oshawott. Scoprono presto che un grande numero di geyser sta iniziando a eruttare in tutta l’area circostante, intrappolando molti Pokémon selvatici che rimangono bloccati in mezzo all’acqua bollente che zampilla. Vedendo che i Sandile stavano cercando di salvarli, Ash, Iris e Dan capiscono che i Sandile in realtà sono solo gentili e Ash entra in azione. Quando i Sandile formano un ponte intrecciando le code per consentire ai Pokémon selvatici impauriti di scappare, Ash corre a cercare di salvarli, ma non senza l’aiuto d’ Iris, che entra in azione e riporta in salvo Ash all’ultimo secondo. Alla fine, sfruttando l’acqua calda proveniente dai geyser, l’albergo offre una fonte d’acqua calda come attrazione principale e i nostri eroi non possono fare a meno di godersi un po’ di riposo e relax prima di riprendere il loro viaggio nella regione di Unima.

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto Ash e Iris continuam em direção à Cidade de Striaton e o primeiro desafio do Ash da Batalha de Ginásio na Região de Unova, de repente eles se vêem presos em um grande buraco. Mas quando resgatados por um menino chamado Dan, cuja família possui um Spa Resort e Hotel. Eles descobrem que é apenas um dos muitos buracos que foram cavados por um grupo de Sandile, causando o fechamento do hotel. Normalmente muito agradável de se desfrutar das atrações como o Spa de areia quente que hotel tem para oferecer, de repente, esse grupo de Sandile parecem estar muito zangados, mexendo com todo mundo,  e até levando Pikachu e Oshawott para longe! Mas depois, descobrem que um grande grupo de gêiseres está começando a entrar em erupção por toda área, prendendo muitos Pokémon selvagens, cercando-os com um turbilhão de água fervente. Vendo que os Sandile estavam tentando salvá-los, Ash, Iris e Dan perceberam que na verdade os Sandile são amigáveis, e então Ash entra em ação! Quando os Sandile formam uma ponte com suas caudas para que os assustados Pokémon selvagens escapem, Ash cruza a ponte e ajuda todos eles, mas não sem a ajuda de Iris, que também entra em ação e resgata Ash em segurança em cima da hora! Finalmente, usando a água quente dos gêiseres como principal atração, o hotel reabre para uma quente primavera, e nossos heróis não deixam de aproveitar um bom descanso e relaxamento antes de retomarem sua jornada pela Região de Unova!

Finnish Official Summary

Ashin ja Iriksen jatkaessa kohti Striaton Cityä Ashin ensimmäiseen saliotteluhaasteeseen Unova-alueella he putoavat yhtäkkiä syvään kuoppaan.  Heidät pelastaa poika nimeltä Dan, jonka perhe omistaa läheisen kylpylähotellin. Selviääkin, että kuoppa oli vain yksi monista, joita Sandile-joukko on kaivellut, mikä on pakottanut Danin perheen sulkemaan hotellinsa. Tämä suuri Sandile-joukko on tavallisesti oikein ystävällinen ja nauttii hotellin tarjoamista kuumista hiekkakylvyistä, mutta nyt se vaikuttaa hyvin vihaiselta, hyökkää kaikkien kimppuun ja jopa nappaa Pikachun ja Oshawottin mukaansa! Mutta sitten selviää, että alueella alkaa purkautua monia geysirejä, ja useita villejä Pokémoneja jää kiehuvan kuuman veden ympäröimäksi. Ash, Iris ja Dan tajuavat, että Sandilet ovatkin ystävällisiä ja yrittävät pelastaa ne. Silloin Ash säntää liikkeelle! Sandilet muodostavat sillan haukkaamalla toisiaan hännästään, jotta villit Pokémonit pääsisivät pakoon. Ash juoksee Sandile-sillan yli auttamaan niitä, mutta hänelle meinaa käydä huonosti – ellei Iris olisi tullut apuun juuri viime hetkellä! Viimein geysirien avulla hotelli voidaan jälleen avata, sillä se voi nyt laskea kuumat lähteet vetonaulakseen. Sankarimmekin saavat hieman levätä ja rentoutua ennen kuin jatkavat matkaansa Unova-alueella!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras Ash e Iris continúan hacia Ciudad Striaton y la primera Batalla de Gimnasio de Ash en Región Unova, de pronto se encuentran atrapados en un gran agujero. Pero al ser rescatados por un chico llamado Dan, cuya familia es dueña de un balneario y hotel, se enteran de que es sólo uno de los muchos agujeros que han sido excavados por un grupo de Sandile, haciendo que el hotel entre en crisis. Normalmente son muy amables y también disfrutan del spa con arena caliente del hotel, este gran grupo de Sandile repentinamente parece estar muy molesto, atacando a todo el mundo, ¡e incluso llevándose a Pikachu y Oshawott! Pero después descubren que una gran cantidad de géiseres están empezando a entrar en erupción en toda el área, atrapando a muchos Pokémon silvestres, rodeándolos con un remolino de agua hirviendo. Al ver que los Sandile estaban tratando de salvarlos, Ash, Iris y Dan se dan cuenta de que los Sandile son en realidad amigables, ¡así que Ash entra en acción! Cuando los Sandile forman un puente enlazando sus colas con el fin de permitir que los Pokémon silvestres escapen, Ash cruza y lleva a todos a un lugar seguro, pero no sin la ayuda de Iris, que también entra en acción y pone a salvo a Ash justo a tiempo. Finalmente, usando el agua caliente de los géiseres, el hotel abre con aguas termales como su principal atractivo. Nuestros héroes no logran resistirse y deciden disfrutar un poco de descanso y relajación antes de reanudar su viaje en Región Unova.

Spanish Official Summary

Al continuar hacia Ciudad Gres para el primer combate de Gimnasio de Ash en la región de Teselia, Ash e Iris se encuentran de pronto atrapados en un gran agujero. Pero cuando los rescata un chico llamado Dan, cuya familia posee un balneario y hotel, se enteran de que es solo uno de los muchos agujeros que han sido excavados por un grupo de Sandile, lo cual ha provocado que el hotel cierre. Aunque antes eran muy amistosos y disfrutaban de la arena caliente del balneario, este grupo grande de Sandile parece estar de repente muy enfadado, volviéndose contra todos e incluso llevándose con ellos a Pikachu y Oshawott. Pero entonces se descubre que un gran número de géiseres están empezando a entrar en erupción por toda la zona, atrapando a muchos Pokémon salvajes al verse rodeados por los remolinos de agua hirviendo. Al ver que los Sandile están intentando salvarlos, Ash, Iris y Dan comprenden que en realidad son amistosos, y es cuando Ash entra en acción. Cuando los Sandile forman un puente uniendo sus colas para permitir que escapen los asustados Pokémon salvajes, Ash lo cruza y ayuda a todos ellos a ponerse a salvo, pero no sin la ayuda de Iris, que también entra en acción y pone a salvo a Ash en el último momento. Por fin, usando el agua caliente de los géiseres, el hotel abre unas aguas termales como principal atracción, y nuestros héroes disfrutan de un pequeño descanso antes de continuar su viaje por la región de Teselia.

English Great Britain Official Summary

As Ash and Iris continue toward Striaton City, they once again run into Oshawott, who officially joins Ash’s Pokémon team! Along the road, they stumble into a deep hole and are rescued by a boy named Dan. He takes them to his family’s resort hotel, where they discover that the hotel’s famous hot sand spa has been destroyed by several similar holes. Dan explains that a group of friendly Sandile often come to the resort to bask in the hot sand, but they’ve recently started behaving oddly, digging these huge holes and turning hostile toward the guests. To top it off, the leader of the Sandile suddenly appears, grabs Pikachu and Oshawott in its jaws, and runs away with them! When Ash and friends chase after the Sandile, they discover several geysers beginning to erupt all around the area, trapping many wild Pokémon on a small island in the midst of boiling water. Ash, Iris, and Dan figure out that the Sandile have been trying to save these Pokémon and the hotel’s guests by scaring them away from the geysers. When the Sandile form a bridge by locking tails, Ash crosses over to help the frightened wild Pokémon to safety. Iris also pitches in by getting Ash back to solid ground in the nick of time! Back at the resort, the geysers have flooded the sand bath, turning it into a hot spring. Our heroes enjoy a little rest and relaxation before resuming their journey through the Unova region!

Russian Official Summary

По пути в Стриатон Сити, месту проведения первой гим-битвы Эша, наши друзья неожиданно проваливаются в яму. Их спасает мальчик по имени Дэн. Он рассказывает им, что его семья владеет отелем, но дела у его родителей идут плохо, так как все окрестности изрыла группа Сэндайлов. Обычно Сэндайлы – милые и дружелюбные покемоны. Теперь же они почему-то стали злобными. Они распугали всех постояльцев, а потом выкрали Пикачу и Ошавотта! Но потом друзья узнают, что неподалеку внезапно начали извержение гейзеры. И многие дикие покемоны оказались в ловушке. Тогда-то Эш, Ирис и Дэн понимают, что на самом деле Сэндайлы просто старались помочь своим друзьям. Эш тоже решает им помочь. Сэндайлы берут друг друга за хвосты и образовывают мост через кипящую воду. Эш проходит по нему и спасает покемонов. Владельцы же отеля использую горячую воду для восстановления своих спа-бань. Наши герои не могут устоять перед возможностью проведения столь приятных процедур. А затем путешествие по региону Юнова продолжится!

Dutch Official Summary

Wanneer Ash en Iris hun reis vervolgen naar Striaton City, waar Ash zijn eerste Gym Gevecht in de Unova regio  zal houden, vallen ze plotseling in een groot gat. Ze worden gered door een jongen met de naam Dan en zijn familie heeft een kuuroord en hotel. Ze komen er achter dat de gaten zijn gegraven door een groep Sandile en daardoor is het hotel nu gesloten. De Sandile zijn normaal gesproken erg vriendelijk en genieten ook van de warme zandbaden van het hotel, maar zijn plotseling erg nijdig geworden en keren zich tegen iedereen, zelfs tegen Pikachu en Oshawott! Maar dan komen de geisers in het gebied tot uitbarsting en worden de wilde Pokémon omringt door het kolkende en kokende water. Ash, Iris en Dan begrijpen dat de Sandile ze wilden waarschuwen rdden en in feite vriendelijk zijn, en dus komt Ash in actie! Terwijl de Sandile een brug vormen, door hun staarten in elkaar te haken en de bange wilde Pokémon kunnen ontsnappen, helpt Ash ze veilig aan de overkant. Maar dit doet hij niet zonder de hulp van Iris, die ook in actie komt en Ash op het nippertje in veiligheid brengt! Het hotel gaat weer open en gebruikt het hete water uit de geisers voor een nieuwe attractie: een warmwaterbron. Onze helden gebruiken hun tijd om uit te rusten en relaxen in het warme water, voordat ze hun reis door de Unova Regio voortzetten!

Norwegian Official Summary

Når Ash og Iris fortsetter mot Striaton City og Ash sin første Gym-kamp utfordring, blir de plutselig fanget i et stort hull. Men når de blir reddet av en gutt som heter Dan, hvis familie eier et resort spa og hotell, får de vite at hullene er blitt gravd av en gruppe Sandile, og det har fått hotellet til å stenge. Den normalt vennlige gjengen som liker sandbadene hotellet tilbyr, virker plutselig sinte, og angriper alle, og tar til og med med seg Pikachu og Oshawott! Men så oppdager de at en stor gruppe geysirer begynner å få utbrudd i hele området, og har fanget mange ville Pokémon ved å omringe dem i voldsomt, kokende vann. Når de ser at Sandile bare ville redde dem, skjønner Ash, Iris og Dan at disse Sandile faktisk er vennlige, og så går Ash til aksjon! Når alle Sandile går sammen og lager en bro ved hjelp av halene, som de redde ville Pokémon kan krysse for å unslippe, krysser Ash og hjelper alle i sikkerhet – men ikke uten hjelp fra Iris, som også går til aksjon og får Ash i sikkerhet i siste liten! Endelig, ved hjelp av det varme vannet fra geysirene, åpner hotellet med en varm kilde som sin største attraksjon, og våre helter tar seg tid til litt hvile og avslapning før de fortsetter på reisen i Unova-regionen!

Swedish Official Summary

Medan Ash och Iris fortsätter mot Striaton-gym och Ashs första Gym-strid utmaning i Unova-regionen, finner de sig plötsligt fångar nere i ett stort hål. Men när de räddas av en pojke vid namn Dan och vars familj äger en resort med spa och hotell, får de veta att detta är bara ett av många hål som grävts av en grupp Sandile och detta har lett till att hotellet fått stänga. Normalt är de vänliga och brukar njuta av attraktionen i den heta sanden på spaet, men nu har den här stora gruppen Sandile plötsligt blivit väldigt arga och ger sig på alla och för till och med bort Pikachu och Oshawott! Men sedan upptäcker de att en stor mängd gejsrar har börjat få utbrott i hela området och detta leder till att många vilda Pokémon blivit fångade när de blivit omringade av kokande vatten. När de ser at Sandile faktiskt bara försökte rädda dem, inser Ash, Iris och Dan att Sandile i själva verket är vänliga och då kastar sig Ash in i handling! När Sandile formar en bro genom att bita tag i varandras svansar, så att de skrämda vilda Pokémon kan ta sig över, korsar Ash över och hjälper dem i säkerhet – men inte utan hjälp från Iris, som också kastar sig in i handlingen och räddar Ash tillbaka till säkerheten i sista sekunden! Slutligen kan hotellet öppna igen genom att locka med de varma källorna med vatten från geysrarna som sin huvudatttraktion. Och våra hjältar kan inte undgå att njuta av lite vila och återhämtning innan de fortsätter sin resa i Unova-regionen.

Danish Official Summary

Ash og Iris fortsætter mod Striaton City og Ash’ første Sal-kamp udfordring i Unova-regionen. Men pludselig befinder de sig nede i et stort hul og kan ikke komme op. De bliver dog reddet af en dreng ved navn Dan, hvis familie ejer et feriecenter med hotel og spabad og finder ud af, at en gruppe Sandile har gravet så mange af den slags huller, at hotellet er truet af lukning. Normalt er disse Sandile meget venlige og nyder de varme sand-spabade, hotellet kan byde på – men pludselig virker de meget vrede over for alle, og tager endda Pikachu og Oshawott med sig! Det viser sig, at en stor mængde geysere er ved at ødelægge alt i området og at mange vilde Pokémon bliver fanget, omringet af brusende, kogende vand. Da det bliver klart, at Sandile-flokken faktisk prøvede at redde dem, forstår Ash, Iris og Dan, at de er venligtsindede, og så griber Ash til handling! Da flokken af Sandile låser deres haler sammen for at danne en bro, som de rædselsslagne vilde Pokémon kan flygte henad, går Ash over og hjælper dem alle sammen i sikkerhed, men ikke uden hjælp fra Iris, som også går i aktion og får hevet Ash i sikkerhed i sidste øjeblik! Det ender med, at hotellet udnytter det varme vand fra geyserne til at åbne en ny hovedattraktion: En varm kilde. Vores helte tillader sig lidt hvile og afslapning før de fortsætter deres rejse i Unova-regionen.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris
  • Japan アイリス
  • Japan Iris
  • Japan Iris
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Iris' Axew
  • Japan アイリスのキバゴ
  • Japan Iris no Kibago
  • Japan Iris' Kibago
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Juniper
  • Japan アララギ博士
  • Japan Araragi-hakase
  • Japan Professor Araragi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Woobat
  • Japan ムサシのコロモリ
  • Japan Musashi no Koromori
  • Japan Musashi's Koromori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Oshawott
  • Japan サトシのミジュマル
  • Japan Satoshi no Mijumaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Mijumaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dan
  • Japan ダン
  • Japan Dan
  • Japan Dan
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dan's Father
  • Japan ダンの父親
  • Japan Dan no Chichioya
  • Japan Dan's Father
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Sunglasses Sandile
  • Japan サングラスのメグロコ
  • Japan Sunglasses no Meguroco
  • Japan Sunglasses's Meguroco

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Oshawott
  • Japan ミジュマル
  • Japan Mijumaru
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Patrat
  • Japan ミネズミ
  • Japan Minezumi
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Pidove
  • Japan マメパト
  • Japan Mamepato
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Sandile
  • Japan メグロコ
  • Japan Meguroco
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Deerling
  • Japan シキジカ
  • Japan Shikijika

Paint Edit

The Zukan entry animation is the same one from BW001. Anime Language transcriptions:

Anime Language Decrypted
[bwtext]TSUTAZYA[/bwtext] TSUTAZYA


Script Error

Mijimaru's shell is called a scallsword (hotachi ホタチ) in the Japanese original. It's a combination of the words hotategai (ホタテガイ) which is a scallop and tachi (太刀) which is a sword.

Oshawott's shell is called a scalchop in the English dub. It's a combination of the words scallop and chop.

Dex English Dub: Oshawott attacks and defends using the scalchop that can be removed from its stomach.
Zukan: It detaches the shell-like scallsword from its stomach and uses it for offensive as well as defensive purposes.
(ポケモン図鑑): 貝殻に似たホタチを お腹から外し攻撃や 防御にも使う。

Script Error

Meowth in the English version doesn't say anything about their plan for the day like Nyarth did.

Meowth: Success is as sure as the day is long !
Nyarth:Today's plan is perfect!
(ニャース): 今日の計画は 完璧なのニャ。

Who's that Pokémon Black and White


Eyecatch Zekrom and Reshiram Eyecatch

Zekrom Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi and Pikachu.

Reshiram Commercial Return Eyecatch with Satoshi and Pikachu.

Special First-Airing Segment Pokémon Live Caster

Because the initial airings of Best Wishes 1 and Best Wishes 2 did not have a Live Caster segment, the first time Best Wishes 3 aired, it used the segment from Best Wishes 1 rather than its standard segment. This presumably is because that segment introduces the Live Caster itself, and the writers wanted it to be the first to air.

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Theme The first Pokémon a beginning Trainer chooses: Tsutarja (ツタージャ), Pokabu (ポカブ), Mijumaru (ミジュマル)
Japanese パートナー みず・くさ・ほのお まよっちゃう
Romaji Paatonaa mizu kusa honoo mayocchau
Translated Partner, Water, Grass, Fire, I can't decide


Okido Segment Pokémon Live Caster

This Okido segment did not air in the initial airing of the episode but only in subsequent repeats on channels like Kids Station and on the DVDs.

Pokémon Live Caster & Senryu
Theme Pokémon Zukan
Japanese こまったら けんさくいっぱつ ポケモンずかん
Romaji Komattara kensaku ippatsu Pokemon zukan
Translated When stuck, just refer to the Pokémon Zukan

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
Satoshi travels with Iris towards Sanyo City.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:15
Title: ベストウイッシュ!
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes!
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:43
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Best Wishes Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:54
Title: BW M14A A Curious Encounter
Mijumaru approaches Satoshi
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:46
Title: BW M01B ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01 B
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 B
Satoshi caves in to Mijumaru's plea to join his team.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:26
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Satoshi remembers that Mijumaru's Poké Ball is likely with Araragi.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:10
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Araragi sends Mijumaru's Poké Ball to Satoshi.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:47
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Meguroco disturbs rocket gang.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:33
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
Dan says there's a problem in his Spa resort.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:33
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
The meguroco start causing chaos.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:09
Title: BW M26B Trying It Out
Satoshi, Pikachu and Kibago try the sand bath.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:48
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Meguroco disturbs rocket gang again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:27
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Meguroco charges towards the group which overlaps the eyecatch with omitted instruments.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:39
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:50
Title: BW M26A Trying It Out
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:58
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
The leader Meguroco attacks.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:12
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M02 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M02 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M02 (Bonus Track)
Rocket Gang Isshu Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:56
Title: BW M10 Rocket Gang's Operation
Rocket Gang starts to escape.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:26
Title: BW M23A 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
The Meguroco gather around Rocket Gang's crane to rescue the leader.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:57
Title: BW M27A Something Bad
Geysers erupt in the background.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:37
Title: BW M28A ポケモンリーグ
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon League
Some pokemon are seen trapped on a stone platform in the water.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:58
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Satoshi runs up with the Pikachu over the Meguroco "bridge" to convince the Pokémon to cross it.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:34
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
Satoshi and Iris are rescued, with the Meguroco bridge collapsing afterwards.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: 心のファンファーレ
Japanese (Romanized): Kokoro no Fanfare
Japanese (TL): Fanfare of the Heart
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:15
Title: BW M06C World of Pokémon
Professor Okido's Pokémon Live Caster
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:16
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Best Wishes Episode 4 Preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:45
Title: ベストウイッシュ! (オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes! (Original Karaoke)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: BW M14C Today's Isshu Curiosity
Ash travels with Iris to Striaton city.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:15
Title: Black & White
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:45
Title: BW M07 なみのり
Japanese (TL): Surf
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:57
Title: BW M14A A Curious Encounter
Oshawott approaches Ash.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:49
Title: BW M01B ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M01 B
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M01 B
Ash agrees for oshawott to join his team.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:28
Title: BW M24 It's Strange
Ash remembers this is the starter pokemon from the lab.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:13
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Professor Juniper sends its pokeball to Ash.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:49
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Sandile bothers team rocket.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:35
Title: BW M25 That's Not Quite Right...
The spa resort is damaged because of the sandile.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:35
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
The sandile scare away the customers.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:12
Title: BW M26A Trying It Out
Ash and pikachu try out the hot bath.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:51
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Sandile bothers team rocket again.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:19
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Oshawott is found chilling until sandile appears(The dub cut out some of this theme so they have their own music in the eyecatch)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:51
Title: BW M19A 進化
Japanese (TL): Evolution
Sandile makes a proper appearance.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:06
Title: ベストウイッシュTV BGM-M02 (ボーナストラック)
Japanese (Romanized): Best Wishes TV BGM-M02 (Bonus Track)
Japanese (TL): Best Wishes TV BGM-M02 (Bonus Track)
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:50
Title: BW M10 Rocket Gang's Operation
Team rocket escape.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:20
Title: BW M23A 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
A group of sandile appear stopping team rocket.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:51
Title: BW M27A Something Bad
Geysers being to erupt.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:31
Title: BW M28A ポケモンリーグ
Japanese (TL): The Pokémon League
Some pokemon are seen trapped in between the water and the rest of the group.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:52
Title: BW M15 4番道路
Japanese (TL): Route 4
Ash helps the pokemon cross the sandile bridge.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:28
Title: BW M06A World of Pokémon
The sandile and everyone else are safe.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:50
Title: Black & White
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 27
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 22
30 Aug 2010 10:33 PM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: ミジュマル!メグロコ!危機一髪!!/Mijumaru! Megroco! Kiki ippatsu!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
30 Sep 2010 11:55 AM
Sunain Administrator
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This episode reminded me too much like the Diamond and Pearl episode Hot Springing A Leak! An out of commission hot spring and Satoshi is 'sent' to investigate. It was nice to see that Mijumaru was finally captured and it should make a pretty good addition to Satoshi's team.
30 Sep 2010 04:02 PM
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Quote From: Sunain
This episode reminded me too much like the Diamond and Pearl episode Hot Springing A Leak! An out of commission hot spring and Satoshi is 'sent' to investigate. It was nice to see that Mijumaru was finally captured and it should make a pretty good addition to Satoshi's team.

Oh, they are recycling plots for Best Wishes now? What about later?
Last edited 30 Sep 2010 04:08 PM by Rumpelstiltskin
Look at my YouTube account!

03 Oct 2010 09:56 AM
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Yahoo :)

Satoshi finally caught Mijumaru.It is my favourite pokemon in the Isshu Region :)
Last edited 03 Oct 2010 10:32 AM by michan
07 Oct 2010 05:52 AM
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Aside from the first minutes, when Satoshi got a Mijumaru in a relatively original way, the rest of the episode reminded me average Pokemon fillers... Well, with better animation, but i think it was definitely worse than with the first 2 episodes...
I liked how the destroyed sand bath looked like, with the palm trees chopped down etc. :D
The Meguroko tower was also an interesting idea and i lol'd when i saw them falling ^^
Overally its a good episode, but could be better, as a 3rd ep of a new series ^^
03 Nov 2010 01:02 AM
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I liked how this episode showed humans and Pokémon working together at the end. It was also funny to see a Meguroku wearing sunglasses. They remind me of the item Blackglasses. I agree that there was nothing really significant happened, but it was still worth watching. The Meguroku were really smart and really cared for all life, even the people.
23 Feb 2011 04:50 PM
Sunain Administrator
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The English dub episode was practically identical to the Japanese original and I was only able to find one *minor* difference in the entire episode.

Dub Edit: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/episodes/1175#Edits
10 Mar 2012 10:00 AM
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Danish Airdate: Today
Title: Sand, Vand og Sandile!