Home / Episode Guide / Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn!開幕!ポケモンコンテスト・アサツキ大会!!Opening! Pokémon Contest・Asatsuki Tournament!!
Asatsuki Town, an anime exclusive town nestled between a mountain range, hosts the Asatsuki Tournament Pokémon Contest that Hikari is going to challenge. As devoted as ever, Hikari shouts out with glee that she'll train with enthusiasm! Satoshi states that he is going to strive to make "Flame Ice" look perfect before the tournament starts. Takeshi lectures Satoshi advising him to also work on the other performances in his rehearsal as well.

Up ahead, a charming Minun and Plusle practice their routine jumping left to right in a joyful fashion. Hikari stares at the duo in a state of agitation. After a few moments, she soon falls to the ground in a hysterical sense kicking and squealing. Satoshi questions Hikari as to why she is bothered by the cute duo. Startled by Hikari's anguish, the Plusle & Minun's trainer, known as Urara, turns around and recognizes Hikari from a past encounter. Hikari makes it to her feet and says that it has been a long time. The young woman, wearing a white top, blue skirt, and with a pasty red hair color, asks Hikari if she is going to enter the Asatsuki Tournament as well and how many ribbons she has obtained. Hikari replies back with four in hesitation. The young woman also concludes in an arrogant fashion that she also possesses four ribbons and asks Hikari as to who will obtain their fifth ribbon. Hikari shouts in a fiery rage that she will be fine and everyone has worked hard in preparation for the contest.

Urara waves her hand at Hikari's gesture as if to propose she possesses greater skill than Hikari and then blatantly states that she is better than Hikari underestimating Hikari's ability. She states that she has raised her "aces", a term used to refer to Plusle and Minun, for proficiency in double performances and stretches her arms to call for the duo. Plusle-chan and Minun-chan heed her call gathering at the bottoms of her legs jumping left to right in a spirited fashion. After a few seconds of seeing the routine, Hikari experiences the same symptoms as before falling to the ground, squealing, and holding her head in anguish. Hikari and Takeshi question Hikari's strange reaction to the two because of their cute nature and appeal. Satoshi soon realizes that this may not have been Hikari's first encounter with Plusle and Minun.

Satoshi opens his Pokédex to query data on Plusle. The robotic voice chirps: "Plusle, the Cheer Pokémon. It has the trait of cheering for Pokémon it has befriended. By shorting out the electricity released from its hands, it can create firework-like pom-poms. Minun, the Cheer Pokémon. Simultaneous exposure to Plusle's and Minun's electricity results in better circulation and improved vitality". Hikari shouts out in a hysterical fashion, "No, I said no!" as if to reject Plusle and Minun's existence. Yuuta scolds Hikari on her actions and advises her that if she continues with her negative remarks, she may hurt their feelings. Plusle and Minun stand straight up with their hands at their hips as if to confirm their trainer's statement.

In a manner to cheer Hikari up, Urara offers to show Plusle & Minun's performance as a special treat. Urara extends her right hand pointing at Hikari to engrave the performance into her mind and feel the pressure upon her. Plusle and Minun extend their hands and create a short in their palms which create a "pom-pom" like effect. Hikari stares in curiosity but soon breaks out into a shriek as the duo jump towards her in haste. The two electric-type pokémon create a small electrical charge in Hikari's hair which discharges from the buildup of energy. Urara attempts to hold in her laughter and but manages to chuckle at Hikari's new found hair style which emanates a sparkling, “pikapika” effect. Hikari falls to the ground shortly after in exhaustion.

Nearby, Rocket-dan examines our heroes and notices Urara whom had participated with Gabite in the Akebi Tournament. Musashi is dressed in a strange wardrobe consisting of a bittersweet orange dress accented by gold-rimmed glasses and hair accessories. Musashi states in a confident gesture: "No matter whom her opponent is she doesn't feel like losing this contest". Nyarth acknowledges her statement adding that without a doubt she will conquer the contest. Kojiro brings both arms down in a furious motion stating that his Muskippa has devised the ultimate performance for the contest. Nyarth breaks out into a joyful mood recalling the days that were filled with spirit, tears, and practice. In a team like fashion, the three extend their arms into a huddle agreeing to make Rocket-dan the greatest performance on stage.

Meanwhile, Hikari located in a nearby Pokémon Center attemps to recover from the encounter with the aces. Pochama presses on Hikari's right arm as if to revive her from her brief slumber. Hikari rises up in an accelerated motion knocking Pochama to the ground in a rush to adjust her hair. Takeshi asks in a sympathetic tone if Hikari has recovered from her confrontation. Satoshi offers Hikari a cup of warm milk to sooth her mind and soul. Hikari, surprised about Satoshi's consideration for her well being, extends her arm taking grasp of the cup and takes a small sip. Satoshi shows his adolescent nature stating that he only gave her the milk because Takeshi suggested it to him.

Pochama hops onto a small bench extending their wing to verify that Hikari has recovered. Hikari thanks Pochama stating that she is fine. Satoshi addresses Hikari's previous actions questioning why she responded in such a bizarre fashion. Takeshi concurs that it is not normal to get frightened upon seeing a Plusle and Minun. Hikari bows her head slightly agreeing with Takeshi's statement. Takeshi queries Hikari if anything had happened in the past. Satoshi jokingly suggests that she failed to capture a Plusle and Minun previously. Hikari rejects Satoshi's theory stating that it is not the reason behind her anguish. Hikari hesitates at Satoshi and Takeshi's response possibly ashamed from her previous encounter.

Hikari states that the incident happened while she was attending kindergarten. The kindergarten grounds has a brick wall surrounding it with a few playground items scattered across the yard including a Torchic playhouse, jungle gym, swings, and a Surskit themed slide. Three classmates; Hikari, Kengo, and Yumomi, were assigned to a Pokémon Duty Group. The Pokémon Duty Group consisted of jobs including feeding Pokémon fresh food and water which were located at the facility or cleaning the cabin that they were staying in. However one day during their duties, Hikari runs towards a Plusle and Minun located in the cabin they are assigned to cleaning for the day shouting in a childish fashion that it is "Hugging" time.

Plusle and Minun continue to avoid Hikari's onslaught of hugs and affection running around the cabin in a hasty retreat. Kengo and Yumomi scold Hikari commanding for her to complete her Pokémon Duty work properly. Hikari manages to catch the two mice restraining both in each of her arms. Hikari states that she was only attempting to capture Plusle and Minun so they wouldn't get in the way. Plusle and Minun struggle waving their arms and legs as if to break Hikari's grasp on their fragile bodies. Kengo informs Hikari that the two pokémon are agitated and do not want to be held. Hikari says that it will be alright but soon afterwards, the two pokémon release an electrical discharge in disagreement with Hikari shocking her hair into an awe-inspiring manner. Yumomi questions if Hikari is alright from the duo's attack while Kengo teases about her sparkling, “pikapika” hair stating that she is more like a "Pikari" rather than Hikari. “PikaPika” is onomatopoeia for “sparkling”. Kengo announces that from then on, Hikari will be referred to as Pikari. Plusle and Minun peacefully eat their food watching the bickering kindergartners.

Afterwards, the instructor reads a short story to the class about a Neatle and Mimirol whom compete in a challenge to the top of a mountain. During the story, Kengo continues to antagonize Hikari about her "pikapika" hair which entices the other classmates to join him. Laughter soon fills the tiny room as Hikari's classmates being conversing about her nickname. Hikari begins to cry as her classmates continue to tease and laugh at her expense.

Satoshi states that Plusle and Minun are the reason behind the nickname, "Pikari". Hikari cherished Plusle and Minun so much as a child that she had no idea why they had attacked her. Takeshi, Satoshi, Pochama, and Pikachu begin to burst into laughter at her childhood nickname. Hikari shouts at the group questioning why they are laughing. Satoshi and Pochama attempt to regain their posture as Takeshi concurs that no pokémon attacks without a reason. Satoshi and Takeshi support the reason that Plusle and Minun attacked her was because she continued to chase them around the cabin. Hikari sheepishly admits that it was her fault that the duo had attacked her. Satoshi attempts to brighten Hikari's spirits with a gesture that it was a past event and no longer matters. Takeshi states there are cases where even if it's perceived as a catastrophe by the affected person, it doesn't turn out to be such a big deal after listening closely. Satoshi shouts with enthusiasm that Hikari should crush Urara in the upcoming contest and blow the past away. Takeshi states that it is a perfect opportunity to put the past behind her. Hikari asserts that it is a great opportunity to put the past behind her. Nearby behind a pillar, Urara manages to overhear the story laughing at the nickname, “Pikari”.

The Pokémon Contest Center is surrounded by a large forest which consists of a circular building with a cylindrical ball located on top. A sign attached to the front of the structure is titled "Pokémon Contest". The contest is soon to be underway as the announcer's voice breaks the silence shouting; "One Pokémon, Two Pokémon, Three, Four Pokémon, and Five Pokémon! Let's obtain a ribbon at this Contest. Dear members of the audience, I'm sorry for the long wait! Today's Pokémon Contest takes place in Asatusuki Town, the town where the morning dew glitters!” An overhead monitor in the lobby displays the announcer as participants finalize their routine and pokémon. The contest consists of the first double performance to be held in a long time.

Meanwhile, Ayako, Hikari's mother, watches the contest preparations with anticipation of Hikari's performance. The coordinator who breaks through the barrier and emerges victorious will be awarded the Asatsuki Ribbon! Nozomi and Suzuna additionally watch the contest with expectation. The Asatsuki Ribbon, a gold medallion with a three pointed top and purple fabric, is held in Momoan's hand. The Asatsuki Contest will employ kind but strict judgment towards the double performances. The head of the jury for the tournament, Contesta, makes a short statement to enjoy the magnificence of double performances that Asatsuki has to offer. The president of the Pokémon Fan Club, Sukizo, is additionally a judge whom favors double performances. The third and final judge is Joy of Asatsuki Town's Pokémon Center. Joy wishes the participants the best of luck and to put on an enjoyable performance.

Hikari, adorned in her standard contest attire which consists of a pink dress and white gloves, shouts with enthusiasm that it is their turn to participate. Hikari attempts to instill the fires of competiveness in Pochama confirming that they are different from when they had challenged the double performances in Yosuga City. Pochama, with its wings at their hips, shouts out "Pocha" in confirmation. Hikari recalls that they have lost, won, and leveled up through their trials and tribulations. With an extension of her wrist, Hikari recalls Pochama to their pokéball and places it in a glass carrier attaching a gold star to the front. Plusle and Minun surprisingly jump onto each of Hikari's shoulders in a show of affection. Hikari, appearing to possibly have overcome her past encounter, begins to wave her arms throwing the duo off and manages to drop Pochama's Pokéball which bounces on the ground. Urara thanks Hikari for playing with her Plusle and Minun in a jokingly fashion addressing her as Pikari-san. Hikari, in a furious motion, enunciates her name as Hi-ka-ri but soon comes to question how Urara knows of the nickname. Urara continues her teasing asking Hikari if she would like to be sparkly "pikapika" for the contest while Hikari shouts back "No". Musashi overlooks the two bickering contestants hoping they continue their efforts to better her chances of winning.

The first round of the Atasuki Contest utilizes the performance stage. The first entry is the vibrant Musashi and her Muskippa. Musashi shouts out with glee that she is "Candy Musashi". Musashi and Muskippa begin moving their arms in a wave motion and the crowd explodes. Nyarth and Kojiro wish Musashi luck with Sonansu agreeing with his usual agreement of "Sonansu!” Muskippa leaps over Musashi and lands in a graceful stance. Momoan, the announcer, questions Musashi's usage of only one pokémon. Musashi spins a small flute shaped like an Arbok in her right hand. Kojiro states that Musashi will show everyone the results of her furious preparation. Nyarth concurs that everyone will cry seeing her ultimate performance. Satoshi and Takeshi question Musashi's approach towards the doubles contest. Musashi begins to play the Arbok-shaped flute as Muskippa continues to wave its arms. Muskippa opens its gigantic mouth revealing a pokéball which explodes in an astounding fashion revealing Habunake ominously emerging from Muskippa's mouth. Habunake slams to the ground in a loud thud. Satoshi is astounded at Musashi's approach to Asatsuki. Takeshi states that Musashi has established another style of participation. The crowd cheers showing their enduring love for Musashi. Kojiro begins to cry at her performance while Nyarth states that it will be a spectacle that will go down in history. Muskippa waves their arms as Habunake moves its tail in synchronization.

Hikari and Urara watch the monitor screen in confusion and question the actual effectiveness of Musashi's performance. Hikari sighs stating that only Musashi would be able to come up with the performance. Habunake begins spinning in a fast motion and bounces on the ground propelling itself upward. Muskippa launches a barrage of seeds at Habunake which collide creating a firework-like collaboration. Habunake begins its decent and slams down coiling around Musashi. Muskippa launches into the air concluding the performance. Contesta supports the performance stating that it was truly surprising and its content was worth of opening the double performances. Sukizo states that he likes both Muskippa and Habunake. Joy concurs that she additionally enjoyed the strange performance. Other contestants in the first round include Kapoerra, Saniigo, Roserade, Bunyatto, Chiriin, Riishan, Kabigon, and Upaa.

Hikari is the sixth performance in the first round choosing to use Pochama and Mimirol for her spectacle. In a flick of her wrists, Hikari throws both pokéballs into the air which explode open revealing Pochama and Mimirol in a charming and energetic entrance. Pochama launches a barrage of bubbles into the air which is supplemented by Mimirol's Ice Beam. Ice Bean instantly freezes the bubbles which float around the entire contest hall like balloons. Satoshi shouts for Hikari's continued success however Takeshi notes that Hikari may run into problems continuing her performance. Mimirol uses its Bounce attack jumping back and forth amongst the frozen bubbles which creates a musical chime. The unusual collaboration between Mimirol's Bounce and Pochama's Bubblebeam can even play scales. Urara states that her performance isn't bad while Musashi arrogantly concludes that Hikari's performance cannot compare to the applause she received.

Mimirol explodes into the air spinning in a rapid motion destroying the frozen bubbles as Pochama uses its Peck attack to smash through. The bubbles explode in a vibrant fashion while the crowd sits in amazement. Hikari shouts out "We did it!" applauding Mimirol and Pochama for their performance. Satoshi applauds Hikari on her performance. Takeshi states that Hikari should have gained more confidence with the completion of her performance.

Contesta follows up that he was unable to take his eyes off the performance where Pochama and Mimirol's moves were synchronized and combined freely. Sukizo responds with his standard response of "I like Pochama and Mimirol". Joy supports both judges statements by supplementing it stating that she didn't realize such a melody could be created by Pochama and Mimirol.

The seventh and final entry, Urara, takes the stage adorned in a black top and burgundy bottom. Urara arrogantly addresses the crowd stating that she will be displaying the contest's main performance. Urara rotates her arm flinging two pokéballs into the air which rapture to reveal Gabite and Purin. Purin uses its momentum to bounce off the ground and onto Gabite's right scale maintaining balance in a rotating fashion. Hikari reaches for her Pokédex and queries Purin's data. The tiny unit proclaims in a robotic voice: "Purin, the Balloon Pokémon. When it wavers its cute eyes, it starts singing a lullaby which makes everyone sleepy." Musashi notes that the combination is unfitting for a competition. Purin begins its rollout attack rotating at a very high speed which is controlled by Gabite's true elegance. Gabite uses its Iron Tail to launch Purin into the contest hall's ceiling which is followed up by Stone Edge. Purin launches its Hyper Voice which collides with Stone Edge creating a magnificent explosion. Satoshi states that every move has intense power with Takeshi following up that it must have taken intense effort to raise both pokémon to the level of competitiveness displayed at Asatsuki. Hikari confirms to both Pochama and Mimirol that Urara's skill should not be underestimated. Purin launches into a Gyro Ball attack towards Gabite spinning at rapid speeds creating a shimmering blue light around itself. Gabite manages to launch a Sand Tomb which causes an adverse effect with Gyro Ball creating a rainbow-colored light. Gabite finishes the performance with Dragon Claw balancing Purin with excellence.

Contesta states that the combination of Gabite and Purin was truly excellent and was a wonderful show. Sukizo responds with a stale comment of: "I like Gabite and Purin". Joy includes that she was impressed at the combination of attacks which accented both pokémon and made them shine. Satoshi and Takeshi exit the stands and head down to greet Hikari for her perfect performance. Hikari thanks the two for continuing to support her during the contest. Pikachu jumps down to congratulate Mimirol for its participation who responds by hugging Pikachu in an affectionate manner. Takeshi additionally thanks Mimirol and Pochama for their participation. Hikari concludes that thanks to Pochama and Mimirol, she has finally become more confident about double performances. As confident as ever, Hikari shouts that she will claim her fifth ribbon. Satoshi and Takeshi cheer Hikari on and coincide that they believe in her.

Urara interrupts the conversation in an audacious manner stating that Hikari's performance is nothing more than a lot of energy. Musashi laughs at the two bickering at each other’s performance. The overhead monitor in the preparation room lights up with the contest results. Musashi, Hikari, and Urara all clear the first round. Satoshi thanks Hikari for her brilliant performance. Hikari expresses gratitude to Pochama and Mimirol for their presence in the first round. Hikari opens her arms and the two jump with loving passion. Takeshi states that Hikari should not get careless and underestimate the second round, Contest Battles. Urara confidently states that it will finally be Plusle and Minun's turn to shine and that she is looking forward to their bout. Hikari proudly shouts that she will not lose because her fifth ribbon depends on the Asatsuki Contest. Urara agrees that this would also count towards her fifth ribbon. Hikari and Urara stare at each other for a brief moment as if to discover each other’s weakness. Plusle and Minun jump to Urara's shoulders and Hikari grasps her head squealing in frightfulness.

Hikari has made it through the first round of the Asatsuki Tournament. Will Hikari overcome her fear of the “aces”? What kind of battles awaits her in the second round and who will obtain the ribbon?

English Official Summary

Our heroes finally make it to Daybreak Town for Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, where they suddenly come across a Plusle and Minun who happen to belong with one of Dawn's rivals, Ursula. The two cute Pokémon scare Dawn half to death, which perplexes the rest of our heroes. Dawn explains that when she was in kindergarten, she was part of a team responsible for taking care of the class Plusle and Minun. Once, they zapped her for chasing them around and then holding them a bit too tight, making her hair stand on end and sparkle, prompting the nickname "Dee Dee Dancer," or "Dee Dee" for short. Ursula overhears this story and taunts Dawn with it, vowing to beat her in the Daybreak Contest. Since it's a Double Performance, all Coordinators use two Pokémon. Dawn's Piplup and Buneary prove masterful, sending Dawn on to the second round, along with Jessilina (Jessie in disguise) and Ursula. Ursula assures Dawn she'll beat her in the upcoming round. But Dawn, with renewed confidence after her successful performance, has other ideas in mind!

French Official Summary

Arrivée à Aubeville pour son prochain Concours Pokémon, Aurore tombe sur une ancienne rivale qui rêve de la défier... et nos héros ne tardent pas à découvrir des informations sur le passé d'Aurore.

German Official Summary

In Dämmerstadt begegnet Lucia vor ihrem Pokémon-Wettbewerb einer ehemaligen Rivalin, die sie herausfordern will. Ash und Rocko erfahren etwas über Lucias Vergangenheit!

Italian Official Summary

Finalmente giunta a Ororopoli per la sua prossima Gara di Pokémon, Lucinda s'imbatte in una rivale del passato desiderosa di battersi con lei. Nel frattempo, il resto del gruppo scopre qualcosa sul passato di Lucinda.

Portuguese Official Summary

Nossos heróis estão agora na Cidade Daybreak para o próximo torneio Pokémon de Dawn, quando de repente eles cruzam com Plusle e Minun que, por acaso, pertencem a uma antiga rival de Dawn, Ursula. Os 2 Pokémon fofinhos assustam Dawn pra valer, o que deixa perplexos os nossos outros heróis. Dawn explica que quando ela era pequena no jardim de infância, ela fazia parte de um grupo responsável por cuidar de Plusle e Minun que eram de sua classe e quando eles fugiram dela que os perseguia e os segurava muito apertado, o cabelo dela ficou duro e brilhante, favorecendo o apelido de “Diamante Duro” ou “Dee-Dee”, para abreviar. Ursula ouve, por acaso, essa história e amola Dawn com isso, jurando vencê-la no torneio de Daybreak. Por ser uma apresentação dupla, todos os Coordenadores usam 2 Pokémon, e Buneary e Piplup de Dawn demonstram muita habilidade, mandando Dawn para o 2º round, juntamente com Jessilina(Jessica disfarçada) e Ursula. Nós partimos enquanto Ursula garante a Dawn que vai derrotá-la no próximo round, mas Dawn, com a confiança renovada após sua apresentação bem-sucedida, tem outras idéias!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme ovat saapuneet Daybreak Towniin Dawnin seuraavaan Pokémon-kilpailuun, kun he yhtäkkiä törmäävät Plusleen ja Minuniin, jotka kuuluvat eräälle Dawnin kilpakumppaneista, Ursulalle. Söpöt Pokémonit säikäyttävät Dawnin tolaltaan, mikä ihmetyttää muita ystävyksiä. Dawn selittää, että kun hän oli pienenä tarhassa, hänet pantiin ryhmään, joka oli vastuussa Pluslen ja Minunin hoitamisesta. Kun Dawn jahtasi niitä ympäriinsä ja halasi hieman liian rajusti, ne tärskäyttivät häntä sähköiskulla, mikä sai Dawnin hiukset nousemaan pystyyn ja kipinöimään. Pöllähtänyt Dawn sai tästä lempinimen “Dynamiittidaami”, eli lyhyemmin ”Dee Dee”. Ursula kuulee tarinan ja ärsyttää sillä Dawnia vannoen voittavansa hänet Daybreakin kilpailussa. Koska kilpailu on tuplaesitys, kaikki koordinaattorit käyttävät kahta Pokémonia. Dawnin valitsemat Piplup ja Buneary loistavat ja Dawn siirtyy toiselle kierrokselle, samoin kuin Jessilina (Jessie valepuvussa) ja Ursula. Jakso päättyy, kun Ursula vakuuttaa Dawnille voittavansa hänet seuraavalla kierroksella, mutta onnistuneesta suorituksestaan uutta itsevarmuutta saanut Dawn ei yhdy tähän näkemykseen!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Nuestros héroes se encuentran ahora en Pueblo Amanecer para el próximo Concurso Pokémon de Dawn, cuando de repente se encuentran con unos Plusle y Minun, que resultan pertenecer a una rival de Dawn, Úrsula. Los dos lindos Pokémon asustan mucho a Dawn, lo que deja perplejos al resto de nuestros héroes. Dawn explica que cuando iba en preescolar, era parte de un equipo de su clase que se encargaba del cuidado de Plusle y Minun, y que cuando jugaba a perseguirlos y los abrazaba muy fuerte, su cabello se erizaba y brillaba, lo que le dio el apodo de "Diva Diamante" o "Di Di" para abreviar. Úrsula, que escuchó esta historia, se burla de Dawn, quien promete vencerla en el Concurso Amanecer. Al ser una Presentación Doble, todos los coordinadores usan dos Pokémon, y los Piplup y Buneary de Dan demuestran su poder, llevando a Dawn a la segunda ronda, junto con Jessilina (Jessie disfrazada) y Úrsula. Las dejamos cuando Úrsula asegura a Dawn que la vencerá en la próxima ronda, pero Dawn, con renovada confianza después de su exitoso desempeño, no piensa igual.

Spanish Official Summary

Ya han llegado a Pueblo Amanecer para su próximo Concurso Pokémon, y Maya se topa con un adversario del pasado que espera a retarla… ¡ el resto de nuestros héroes descubren algo sobre el pasado de Maya, también!

English Great Britian Official Summary

Our heroes finally make it to Daybreak Town for Dawn's next Pokémon Contest, where they suddenly come across a Plusle and Minun who happen to belong with one of Dawn's rivals, Ursula. The two cute Pokémon scare Dawn half to death, which perplexes the rest of our heroes. Dawn explains that when she was in kindergarten, she was part of a team responsible for taking care of the class Plusle and Minun. Once, they zapped her for chasing them around and then holding them a bit too tight, making her hair stand on end and sparkle, prompting the nickname "Dee Dee Dancer," or "Dee Dee" for short. Ursula overhears this story and taunts Dawn with it, vowing to beat her in the Daybreak Contest. Since it's a Double Performance, all Coordinators use two Pokémon. Dawn's Piplup and Buneary prove masterful, sending Dawn on to the second round, along with Jessilina (Jessie in disguise) and Ursula. Ursula assures Dawn she'll beat her in the upcoming round. But Dawn, with renewed confidence after her successful performance, has other ideas in mind!

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои прибывают в Дейбрейк Таун, место проведения следующих состязаний Доун. Вскоре они сталкиваются с Пласом и Маунуном, которые, как оказывается, принадлежат старой сопернице Доун, Урсуле. Два милых покемона пугают Доун до смерти, что немного озадачивает наших героев. Позже Доун объясняет, что еще в детском саду им дали задание ухаживать за двумя маленькими Пласлом и Майнуном, но Доун не отступала от них ни на шаг и постоянно душила в объятьях, в ответ на что покемоны как-то раз ударили ее током. От разряда ее волосы встали дыбом, а одногруппники Доун высмеяли ее за это и прозвали Ди-Ди. Урсула же, подслушавшая эту историю, дразнит Доун и решает использовать ее боязнь Пласла и Майнуна в своих интересах. Состязания проходят в форме двойного представления, когда все координаторы должны использовать по два покемона одновременно. Доун вместе с Пиплапом и Бунири триумфально выходят во второй круг, как и Джессилина с Урсулой. После первого раунда Урсула обещает Доун одолеть ее во втором круге, но Доун, получившая заряд уверенности в себе, придерживает иного мнения.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden zijn nu in Daybreak Town voor Dawn’s aankomende Pokémon Wedstrijd, als ze plotseling een Plusle en Minun tegenkomen. Deze twee Pokémon zijn van Dawn’s rivale, Ursula. Dawn is erg bang voor deze Pokémon en de rest van onze helden begrijpt daar niets van. Dawn legt uit dat toen ze klein was en op de kleuterschool zat, verantwoordelijk was voor de verzorging van Plusle en Minun. Toen ze hen een keer achterna rende en te hard vasthield heeft ze van hen een schok gekregen, waardoor haar haar rechtovereind stond en vol met glitters zat. Hierdoor heeft ze de bijnaam “Diamanten Dikkop” gekregen, afgekort Dee Dee. Ursula hoort het verhaal aan en pest Dawn ermee, en belooft haar te verslaan tijdens de Daybreak Wedstrijd. Omdat het een Dubbel Performance is, moeten alle Coördinators twee Pokémon inzetten. Dawn’s Piplup en Buneary zijn fantastisch en ze mag samen met Jessilina (een vermomde Jessie) en Ursula door naar de tweede ronde. De aflevering is afgelopen als Ursula tegen Dawn zegt haar vast en zeker in de volgende ronde te verslaan, maar Dawn heeft na haar succesvolle performance meer zelfvertrouwen gekregen en denkt daar heel anders over!

Norwegian Official Summary

Våre helter er nå i Daybreak Town for Dawns neste Pokémon-konkurranse, når de plutselig kommer over en Plusle og en Minun, som tilfeldigvis tilhører en av Dawns rivaler, Ursula. De to søte Pokémon skremmer Dawn halvt ihjel, og det forundrer resten av våre helter. Dawn forklarer at da hun var liten og i barnehagen, var hun del av et lag som skulle ta seg av klassens Plusle og Minun, og da de zappet henne for å jage dem rundt og så holde dem litt for hardt. Det gav henne kallenavnet "Diamant Dryssflass", eller bare Dee Dee.  Ursula overhører denne historien og erter Dawn med den, og sverger på å vinne over henne i Daybreak-konkurransen. Siden det er en Dobbel forestilling, bruker alle koordinatorer to Pokémon, og Dawn sin Piplup og Buneary er mesterlige, og sender Dawn til andre rundt sammen med Jessilina (Jessie i forkledning) og Ursula. Vi forlater dem i det Ursula forsikrer Dawn om at hun vil slå henne i den neste runden, men Dawn, med ny selvtillit etter sin flotte opptreden, har andre idéer!

Swedish Official Summary

Våra hjältar befinner sig nu i Daybreak Town för Dawns nästa Pokémon-tävling när de plötsligt stöter på Plusle och Minun som råkar tillhöra en av Dawns rivaler, Ursula. De två söta Pokémon skrämmer Dawn halvt fördärvad, vilket förvånar våra övriga hjältar. Dawn förklarar att när hon var liten och gick i förskolan ingick hon i ett team som skulle ta hand om klassens Plusle och Minun. Dock slutade det med att de gav henne en energistöt för att hon jagat dem och hållit dem lite för hårt, så att hennes hår glittrade och stod på ända, vilket ledde till att hon fick öknamnet ”Diamant Damm”, och ibland bara ”Dee Dee”. Ursula råkar höra hennes berättelse och börjar reta Dawn för det, samtidigt som hon lovar att besegra henne i Daybreak-tävlingen. Eftersom de tävlar i Dubbla prestationer använder alla koordinatorer två Pokémon, och Dawns Piplup och Buneary visar sig vara mästerliga, vilket gör att Dawn går vidare till andra ronden tillsammans med Jessilina (Jessie förklädd) och Ursula. När vi lämnar dem försäkrar Ursula Dawn om att hon ska besegra henne i nästa rond, men Dawn – som fått nytt självförtroende efter sin framgångsrika uppvisning – har andra planer!

Danish Official Summary

Vores helte er netop ankommet til Daybreak Town og Dawns næste Pokémon-konkurrence, da de støder på Plusle og Minun, som viser sig at tilhøre en af Dawns rivaler, Ursula. De to søde Pokémon skræmmer næsten livet af Dawn, hvilket dybt forbavser resten af vores helte. Dawn forklarer, at dengang hun var lille og gik i børnehave, var hun med i en gruppe der havde ansvaret for at passe stuens Plusle og Minun, og da de greb hende i at jage rundt efter dem og knuge dem lidt for tæt, strittede hendes hår og glimtede, hvilket gav hende øgenavet Dawn Diamant-skæl, eller bare Dee Dee. Ursula overhører historien og håner Dawn med den, idet hun sværger, at hun vil slå hende i Daybreak-konkurrencen. Da det er en Dobbelt Opvisning, bruger alle koordinatorerne 2 Pokémon, og Dawns Piplup og Buneary sender med deres dygtighed Dawn videre til anden runde sammen med Jessilina (Jessie i forklædning) og Ursula. Da afsnittet slutter, forsikrer Ursula Dawn om, at hun vil slå hende ud i næste runde, men Dawn, der har genvundet selvtilliden efter sin vellykkede optræden, har ikke tænkt sig at give op!