Home / Episode Guide / The Battle Finale of Legend!ディアルガとパルキア! 最後の戦い!!Dialga and Palkia! The Final Battle!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Battle Finale of Legend!
  • Japan ディアルガとパルキア! 最後の戦い!!
  • Japan Dialga to Palkia! Saigo no tatakai!!
  • Japan Dialga and Palkia! The Final Battle!!
  • Germany Der große Kampf um Raum und Zeit!
  • France Un combat pour la vie !
  • Spain La batalla final de leyenda
  • Sweden Legendens sista strid!
  • Italy La lotta leggendaria!
  • Mexico ¡La batalla final de leyenda!
  • Finland Legendaarinen lopputaisto!
  • Taiwan 帝牙盧卡與帕路奇犽!最後的戰鬥!!
  • Netherlands De legendarische gevechtsfinale!
  • Brazil A Batalha Final da Lenda!
  • Israel הקרב האגדי האחרון
  • Czechia Zápasové finále legend
  • Norway Legendens siste kamp!
  • Denmark Den legendariske kampfinale
  • South Korea 디아루가와 펄기아! 최후의 싸움!
  • Portugal O Combate Final de Uma Lenda!
  • Russia Финальная битва легенды!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Iguchi

Japan Screenplay 冨岡淳広 (Atsuhiro Tomioka)
Japan Storyboard 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

High Touch! 2009
Dotchi Nyo?
모든 게 궁금해
Curious About Everything
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

The battle to stop Team Galactic from creating a new world order rages on as our heroes, as well as Cynthia, Looker, and Team Rocket, mount assaults from different vantage points. All of Team Galactic’s evil plans seem to be progressing on schedule. When Cyrus calls forth the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia, it appears that a brand-new universe is about to be created right on Mt. Coronet, destroying the old world and everyone in it! But the three lake guardians Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit have connected their hearts with Ash, Brock, and Dawn. After our heroes save the three lake Pokémon from Cyrus’s grip, their valiant and powerful group effort breaks the chains that have been holding Dialga and Palkia! The Pokémon are sent back to where they belong, which stops the excessive energy levels that threatened to destroy the entire Sinnoh region. After Cyrus enters the vortex of his newly created universe alone, Team Galactic is finally defeated. Team Rocket slips away unnoticed, feeling vindicated and happily victorious with their defeat of the "fashion freaks." And Cynthia marvels at the way Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit joined forces with our heroes, knowing for sure it’s all because of their great love of Pokémon!

French Official Summary

Tandis que nos héros affrontent la Team Galaxie pour l'empêcher de créer un nouvel ordre mondial, le destin de la région de Sinnoh et de l'univers est plus que jamais menacé !

German Official Summary

Der Kampf zwischen unseren Helden und Team Galaktik geht weiter. Das Schicksal von Sinnoh und der ganzen Welt steht auf dem Spiel!

Italian Official Summary

Mentre i nostri eroi continuano a scontrarsi con il Team Galassia e il suo piano per creare un nuovo ordine mondiale, il destino della regione di Sinnoh e dell'intero pianeta è in pericolo!

Portuguese Official Summary

Enquanto nossos heróis batalham contra a Equipe Galática e sua busca para construir uma nova ordem mundial, o destino da Região de Sinnoh e do mundo todo está em jogo!

Finnish Official Summary

Sankarimme taistelevat yhä estääkseen Galactic-tiimiä luomasta uutta maailmaansa, ja he, yhdessä Cynthian, Lookerin ja Rakettiryhmän kanssa hyökkäävät asemistaan. Kaikki Galactic-tiimin pahan suunnitelman palaset näyttävät olevan paikoillaan, ja kun Cyrus kutsuu paikalle legendaariset Pokémonit Dialgan ja Palkian, alkaa näyttää siltä, että uusi maailmankaikkeus luotaisiin saman tien Coronet-vuorella, jolloin koko vanha maailma ja sen asukkaat tuhoutuisivat! Mutta järvien kolme vartijaa, Azelf, Uxie ja Mesprit ovat yhdistäneet sydämensä Ashin, Brockin ja Dawnin kanssa. Sankarimme saavat lopulta pelastettua järvien kolme vartijaa Cyrusin vallasta ja urhealla ja vaikuttavalla yhteisponnistuksella. Dialgaa ja Palkiaa sitoneet kahleet murtuvat ja ne singahtavat takaisin sinne, minne kuuluvatkin, estämään suuria energiavirtoja, jotka uhkaavat tuhota koko Sinnohin alueen. Cyrus astuu yksin pyörteeseen, joka johtaa hänen vastasyntyneeseen universumiinsa ja muu Galactic-tiimi kokee vihdoin tappion. Rakettiryhmä livahtaa huomaamatta tiehensä tuntien itsensä voitokkaaksi ja vapautuneeksi päihitettyään nuo Galactic-tiimin muotioikut! Cynthia ihastelee sitä, miten Azelf, Uxie ja Mesprit yhdistivät voimansa sankareidemme kanssa ja on varma, että se onnistui heidän Pokémoneja kohtaan tuntemansa suuren rakkauden johdosta! Sankarimme taistelevat yhä estääkseen Galactic-tiimiä luomasta uutta maailmaansa, ja he, yhdessä Cynthian, Lookerin ja Rakettiryhmän kanssa hyökkäävät asemistaan. Kaikki Galactic-tiimin pahan suunnitelman palaset näyttävät olevan paikoillaan, ja kun Cyrus kutsuu paikalle legendaariset Pokémonit Dialgan ja Palkian, alkaa näyttää siltä, että uusi maailmankaikkeus luotaisiin saman tien Coronet-vuorella, jolloin koko vanha maailma ja sen asukkaat tuhoutuisivat! Mutta järvien kolme vartijaa, Azelf, Uxie ja Mesprit ovat yhdistäneet sydämensä Ashin, Brockin ja Dawnin kanssa. Sankarimme saavat lopulta pelastettua järvien kolme vartijaa Cyrusin vallasta ja urhealla ja vaikuttavalla yhteisponnistuksella. Dialgaa ja Palkiaa sitoneet kahleet murtuvat ja ne singahtavat takaisin sinne, minne kuuluvatkin, estämään suuria energiavirtoja, jotka uhkaavat tuhota koko Sinnohin alueen. Cyrus astuu yksin pyörteeseen, joka johtaa hänen vastasyntyneeseen universumiinsa ja muu Galactic-tiimi kokee vihdoin tappion. Rakettiryhmä livahtaa huomaamatta tiehensä tuntien itsensä voitokkaaksi ja vapautuneeksi päihitettyään nuo Galactic-tiimin muotioikut! Cynthia ihastelee sitä, miten Azelf, Uxie ja Mesprit yhdistivät voimansa sankareidemme kanssa ja on varma, että se onnistui heidän Pokémoneja kohtaan tuntemansa suuren rakkauden johdosta!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes luchan contra el Equipo Galáctico en su misión por construir un nuevo orden mundial, el destino de la región Sinnoh y del mundo entero pende de un hilo.

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes siguen su lucha contra el Equipo Galaxia y su intento por construir un nuevo orden mundial, ¡el destino de la región Sinnoh y el mundo entero es aún dudoso!

English Great Britian Official Summary

The battle to stop Team Galactic from creating a new world order rages on as our heroes, as well as Cynthia, Looker, and Team Rocket, mount assaults from different vantage points. All of Team Galactic’s evil plans seem to be progressing on schedule. When Cyrus calls forth the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia, it appears that a brand-new universe is about to be created right on Mt. Coronet, destroying the old world and everyone in it! But the three lake guardians Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit have connected their hearts with Ash, Brock, and Dawn. After our heroes save the three lake Pokémon from Cyrus’s grip, their valiant and powerful group effort breaks the chains that have been holding Dialga and Palkia! The Pokémon are sent back to where they belong, which stops the excessive energy levels that threatened to destroy the entire Sinnoh region. After Cyrus enters the vortex of his newly created universe alone, Team Galactic is finally defeated. Team Rocket slips away unnoticed, feeling vindicated and happily victorious with their defeat of the "fashion freaks." And Cynthia marvels at the way Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit joined forces with our heroes, knowing for sure it’s all because of their great love of Pokémon!

Russian Official Summary

Наши герои, Лукер, Синтия и Команда Р продолжают попытки помешать Команде Галактика создать новый мир и мировой порядок. Теперь у злодеев есть всё необходимое для осуществления их плана, и, когда Сириус вызывает Диаглу и Палкию, начинается создание новой вселенной, которое неизбежно приведет к уничтожению старого мира и всего живого в нем. Но три озерных покемона соединили свои сердца с сердцами наших героев. Герои освобождают озерных покемонов, и вшестером они освобождают Диаглу и Палкию от оков, которые удерживали их во власти Команды Галактика. Таким образом, создание вселенной, угрожавшей нашему миру, прекращается. После того, как Сириус растворяется в вихре своей не до конца созданной вселенной, становится ясно, что Команде Галактика настал конец. Команда Р  довольна, ведь теперь ее члены – единственные злодеи в регионе. Синтия же рассказывает нашим героям, что озерные покемоны выбрали их за их безграничную любовь к покемонам.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden zetten hun strijd tegen Team Galactic en diens streven naar een nieuwe wereldorde voort. Nu wordt over het lot van de regio Sinnoh en de hele wereld beslist!

Norwegian Official Summary

Kampen for å stoppe Team Galactic fra å skape deres nye verden og deres nye verdensorden raser videre, med heltene våre, Cynthia, Looker og Team Rocket som setter inn angrep fra forskjellige gunstige posisjoner. Alle nødvendige komponenter for Team Galactics ondsinnede suksess ser ut til å være på plass, og når Cyrus kaller på de legendariske Pokémon Dialga og Palkia, virker det som et nytt univers er i ferd med å skapes på Coronet-fjellet, som vil knuse den gamle verden og alle i den! Men de tre sjøvokterne Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit har koblet sine hjerter sammen med Ash, Brock og Dawn. Etter at heltene våre redder de tre sjøvokterne fra Cyrus sitt grep, og med en modig og kraftig gruppeinnsats, blir lenkene som har holdt Dialga og Palka fanget, brutt, og de blir sendt tilbake til der de hører til og stopper de ekstreme energinivåene som truet med å ødelegge hele Sinnohregionen. Etter at Cyrus entrer virvelstrømmen i dette nyskapte universet alene, blir Team Galactic endelig beseiret. Team Rocket forsvinner ubemerket, og de føler seg frikjent og i lykkerus over å ha seiret over “moteslavene”.  Og Cynthia undrer seg over måten Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit allierte seg med heltene våre, men hun vet at det garantert var på grunn av deres store kjærlighet for Pokémon! Kampen for å stoppe Team Galactic fra å skape deres nye verden og deres nye verdensorden raser videre, med heltene våre, Cynthia, Looker og Team Rocket som setter inn angrep fra forskjellige gunstige posisjoner. Alle nødvendige komponenter for Team Galactics ondsinnede suksess ser ut til å være på plass, og når Cyrus kaller på de legendariske Pokémon Dialga og Palkia, virker det som et nytt univers er i ferd med å skapes på Coronet-fjellet, som vil knuse den gamle verden og alle i den! Men de tre sjøvokterne Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit har koblet sine hjerter sammen med Ash, Brock og Dawn. Etter at heltene våre redder de tre sjøvokterne fra Cyrus sitt grep, og med en modig og kraftig gruppeinnsats, blir lenkene som har holdt Dialga og Palka fanget, brutt, og de blir sendt tilbake til der de hører til og stopper de ekstreme energinivåene som truet med å ødelegge hele Sinnohregionen. Etter at Cyrus entrer virvelstrømmen i dette nyskapte universet alene, blir Team Galactic endelig beseiret. Team Rocket forsvinner ubemerket, og de føler seg frikjent og i lykkerus over å ha seiret over “moteslavene”.  Og Cynthia undrer seg over måten Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit allierte seg med heltene våre, men hun vet at det garantert var på grunn av deres store kjærlighet for Pokémon!

Swedish Official Summary

Striden rasar vidare för att stoppa Team Galctic från att skapa sin nya värld och nya världsordning, och våra Hjältar, Cynthia, Looker och Team Rocket iscensätter anfall från olika strategiska utkiksplatser. Alla nödvändiga beståndsdelar för Team Galactics onda framgångar verkar vara på plats, och när Cyrus kallar fram de Legendariska Pokémon Dialga och Palkia, ser det ut som ett helt nytt universum håller på att skapas mitt på Coronet-berget – vilket kommer att förgöra den gamla världen och alla i den! Men de tre Sjö-beskyddarna Azelf, Uxie och Mesprit har förbundit sina hjärtan med Ash, Brock och Dawn. Sedan våra Hjältar räddat de tre Sjö-beskyddarna ur Cyrus grepp, med en tapper och kraftfull grupp-prestation, bryts de bojor som hållit fast Dialga och Palkia, något som skickar tillbaka dem där de hör hemma och stoppar de orimliga energinivåer som har hotat förgöra hela förinta hela Sinnoh-regionen. När Cyrus ensam träder in i sitt nya universums häxkittel, är Team Galactic äntligen besegrat. Team Rocket slinker iväg obemärkta, med en känsla av upprättelse och lyckligen segerrika efter att ha slagit ner ”mode-monstren”. Och Cynthia förundrar sig över sättet som Azelf, Uxie och Mesprit slöt sig samman med våra Hjältar, i visshet om att allt berodde på deras stora kärlek till Pokémon!

Danish Official Summary

Kampen for at hindre Team Galactic i at skabe deres nye verden og verdensorden raser videre, mens vore helte, Cynthia, Looker og Team Rocket angriber fra forskellige sider. Alle nødvendige tiltag for at opfylde Team Galactics onde planer synes at være på plads, men da Cyrus hidkalder de legendariske Pokémon Dialga og Palkia, er et helt nyt univers tilsyneladende ved at blive skabt på Coronet-bjerget. Et univers, der vil tilintetgøre den gamle verden og alt, hvad der er i den! De tre sø-guardians Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit har imidlertid koblet deres hjerter til Ash, Brock og Dawn, og det lykkes nu disse at redde de tre sø-guardians fra Cyrus’ jerngreb. Herefter får de ved hjælp af en heltemodig fælles indsats brudt de lænker, der har holdt Dialga og Palkia. Disse sendes nu tilbage, hvor de kom fra, og der bliver sat en stopper for de enorme mængder af energi, der truer hele Sinnohregionen med udslettelse. Da Cyrus træder alene ind i det nye univers’ malstrøm, kan Team Galactic endelig besejres. Samtidig stikker Team Rocket i al ubemærkethed af i selvretfærdig sejrsrus over ”modenørdernes” nederlag. Men Cynthia er bare i dyb forundring over den måde, hvorpå Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit har gjort fælles sag med vore helte, men er ikke i tvivl om, at det skyldes deres store kærlighed til Pokémon! Kampen for at hindre Team Galactic i at skabe deres nye verden og verdensorden raser videre, mens vore helte, Cynthia, Looker og Team Rocket angriber fra forskellige sider. Alle nødvendige tiltag for at opfylde Team Galactics onde planer synes at være på plads, men da Cyrus hidkalder de legendariske Pokémon Dialga og Palkia, er et helt nyt univers tilsyneladende ved at blive skabt på Coronet-bjerget. Et univers, der vil tilintetgøre den gamle verden og alt, hvad der er i den! De tre sø-guardians Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit har imidlertid koblet deres hjerter til Ash, Brock og Dawn, og det lykkes nu disse at redde de tre sø-guardians fra Cyrus’ jerngreb. Herefter får de ved hjælp af en heltemodig fælles indsats brudt de lænker, der har holdt Dialga og Palkia. Disse sendes nu tilbage, hvor de kom fra, og der bliver sat en stopper for de enorme mængder af energi, der truer hele Sinnohregionen med udslettelse.Da Cyrus træder alene ind i det nye univers’ malstrøm, kan Team Galactic endelig besejres. Samtidig stikker Team Rocket i al ubemærkethed af i selvretfærdig sejrsrus over ”modenørdernes” nederlag. Men Cynthia er bare i dyb forundring over den måde, hvorpå Azelf, Uxie og Mesprit har gjort fælles sag med vore helte, men er ikke i tvivl om, at det skyldes deres store kærlighed til Pokémon!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gary Oak
  • Japan オーキド・シゲル
  • Japan Shigeru Ōkido
  • Japan Shigeru Okido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Officer Jenny
  • Japan ジュンサー
  • Japan Junsa
  • Japan Junsa
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Gliscor
  • Japan サトシのグライオン
  • Japan Satoshi no Glion
  • Japan Satoshi's Glion
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Croagunk
  • Japan タケシのグレッグル
  • Japan Takeshi no Gureggru
  • Japan Takeshi's Gureggru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Rowan
  • Japan ナナカマド博士
  • Japan Nanakamado-hakase
  • Japan Professor Nanakamado
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Yuzo
  • Japan ユウゾウ
  • Japan Yūzō
  • Japan Yuzo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Saturn
  • Japan サターン
  • Japan Saturn
  • Japan Saturn
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Team Galactic Grunts
  • Japan ギンガ団員
  • Japan Ginga-danin
  • Japan Galaxy Gang Grunts
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cynthia
  • Japan シロナ
  • Japan Shirona
  • Japan Shirona
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cynthia's Garchomp
  • Japan シロナのガブリアス
  • Japan Shirona no Gablias
  • Japan Shirona's Gablias
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mars
  • Japan マーズ
  • Japan Mars
  • Japan Mars
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Mars' Purugly
  • Japan マーズのブニャット
  • Japan Mars no Bunyat
  • Japan Mars' Bunyat
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Yanmega
  • Japan ムサシのメガヤンマ
  • Japan Musashi no Megayanma
  • Japan Musashi's Megayanma
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Cyrus
  • Japan アカギ
  • Japan Akagi
  • Japan Akagi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Saturn's Toxicroak
  • Japan サターンのドクロッグ
  • Japan Saturn no Dokurog
  • Japan Saturn's Dokurog
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jupiter
  • Japan ジュピター
  • Japan Jupiter
  • Japan Jupiter
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jupiter's Skuntank
  • Japan ジュピターのスカタンク
  • Japan Jupiter no Skutank
  • Japan Jupiter's Skutank
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Staraptor
  • Japan サトシのムクホーク
  • Japan Satoshi no Mukuhawk
  • Japan Satoshi's Mukuhawk
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Looker
  • Japan ハンサム
  • Japan Handsome
  • Japan Handsome
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Charon
  • Japan プルート
  • Japan Pluto
  • Japan Pluto

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Golbat
  • Japan ゴルバット
  • Japan Golbat
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Uxie
  • Japan ユクシー
  • Japan Yuxie
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Mesprit
  • Japan エムリット
  • Japan Emrit
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Azelf
  • Japan アグノム
  • Japan Agnome
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Dialga
  • Japan ディアルガ
  • Japan Dialga
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Palkia
  • Japan パルキア
  • Japan Palkia
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl HD Eyecatch

Satoshi-centered Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Satoshi, Pikachu, Takeshi and Hikari.

Hikari-centered Commercial Return Eyecatch with Hikari, Pochama, Satoshi and Takeshi.

Special First-Airing Segment Upcoming Episodes Preview

Clips from the upcoming Diamond and Pearl episodes where shown during the original aired special.

DP154: Glion challenges the Hassam of a specialist on midair battles called Mitsuzo!
DP159: Buoysel gets fired up watching the martial artist Kijuro and his Barrierd, who they meet in the mountains.
DP161: Manmoo and Hinoarashi, who Hikari chooses for the training to overcome her weakness, create a miraculous performance!

Okido Segment Great Pokémon Examination

Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination
Pokémon Upah (ウパー)
Quiz Level Beginners' Level (初級レベル)
Quiz Question For protective purposes, Upah's film contains what?
Quiz Answers
(Correct Quiz Answer in Bold)
A: Electricity B: Poison
(A: 電気 B: 毒

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Time Track Notes
Japan 00:00 Movie 5 BGM - Latias' Disguise Busted Movie 5 BGM - The group fights a hopeless battle against Galaxy Gang.
Japan 00:42 Movie 10 BGM - Baron Alberto Appears Movie 10 BGM - The Lake Guardians become controlled.
Japan 01:44 2002-2005(AG)-M42 進化おめでとう
Japanese (Romanized): Shinka omedetō
Japanese (TL): Congratulations for the Evolution
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Japan 02:12 Movie 11 BGM - Mugen Explains the Reverse World Movie 11 BGM - The group is locked up in a cell.
Japan 03:12 Movie 11 BGM - Zero Returns to His Ship Movie 11 BGM - Rocket Gang and Handsome's disguises are blown.
Japan 03:56 事件のはじまり
Japanese (Romanized): Jiken no hajimari
Japanese (TL): The Problems Begin
Movie 11 BGM - The Spear Key is used by Galaxy Gang to open the door to Spear Pillar.
Japan 05:10 Movie 11 BGM - Jibacoil Army Is Expelled Movie 11 BGM - Shirona's Gablias dominates Jupiter.
Japan 05:51 Movie 10 BGM - City Begins to Dematerialize Movie 10 BGM - The group and Shirona start running down the Spear Pillar's stairs.
Japan 07:33 大空中戦!
Japanese (Romanized): Daikūchūsen
Japanese (TL): A Battle in Mid-air
Movie 11 BGM - The second part of the music plays as Akagi summons Dialga and Palkia, after which the group and Shirona's Pokémon strike.
Japan 09:43 Movie 11 BGM - Shaymin's Seed Flare Movie 11 BGM - Dialga and Palkia are covered in painful rings.
Japan 09:55 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch B Eyecatch Break
Japan 10:01 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Sponsor Message
Japan 10:11 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch D Eyecatch Return
Japan 10:18 シェイミVSギラティナ
Japanese (Romanized): Shaymin VS Giratina
Japanese (TL): Shaymin VS Giratina
Movie 11 BGM - Dialga and Palkia's rings inflict further pain to them.
Japan 12:51 大空中戦!
Japanese (Romanized): Daikūchūsen
Japanese (TL): A Battle in Mid-air
Movie 11 BGM - The first part of the music plays as Satoshi, Takeshi, Hikari and Shirona's Pokémon concentrate their attacks on the rings.
Japan 15:37 Movie 8 BGM - Mew Teleports Movie 8 BGM - Shinou's energy rapidly flies and concentrates in Mt. Tengan.
Japan 16:13 出撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shutsugeki!
Japanese (TL): Sortie!
Movie 5 BGM - The Lake Guardians make a final effort to free Dialga and Palkia.
Japan 18:27 Movie 5 BGM - The Final Dream Projection Movie 5 BGM - The Lake Guardians leave, after which the Galaxy Gang is arrested.
Japan 20:16 ドッチ~ニョ?
Japanese (Romanized): Dotchi~nyo?
Japanese (TL): Which one~ is it?
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Japan 23:10 ファンファーレ
Japanese (TL): Fanfare
Movie 8 BGM - Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination
Japan 23:15 舞踏会
Japanese (Romanized): Butou Kai
Japanese (TL): Ballroom Dance
Movie 8 BGM - Professor Okido asks a question about Dumbel.
Japan 24:10 2006-2010(DP)-M17 Diamond & Pearl Episode 153 preview
Japan 24:39 ハイタッチ!(インストバージョン)
Japanese (TL): High Touch! (Instrumental Version)
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Dub Music:

Time Track Notes
United States 00:00 Movie 5 BGM - Latias' Disguise Busted The group fight with team Galactic.
United States 00:42 Movie 10 BGM - Baron Alberto Appears The lake guardians become controlled.
United States 01:44 ~Battle Cry~ (Stand Up!) English opening
United States 02:52 Movie 11 BGM - Mugen Explains the Reverse World The group is locked up in a cell.
United States 03:52 Movie 11 BGM - Zero Returns to His Ship Team rocket and Looker's disguises have been blown.
United States 04:36 事件のはじまり
Japanese (Romanized): Jiken no hajimari
Japanese (TL): The Problems Begin
The spear key is used to open Spear pillar.
United States 05:49 Movie 11 BGM - Jibacoil Army Is Expelled Garchomp takes care of Jupiter.
United States 06:30 Movie 10 BGM - City Begins to Dematerialize Everyone has arrived at Spear pillar
United States 08:12 大空中戦!
Japanese (Romanized): Daikūchūsen
Japanese (TL): A Battle in Mid-air
Cyrus summon Dialga and Palkia to which the group retalliate.(second part)
United States 10:22 Movie 11 BGM - Shaymin's Seed Flare The legendaries are still under control.
United States 10:36 大空中戦!
Japanese (Romanized): Daikūchūsen
Japanese (TL): A Battle in Mid-air
The group concentrate their attacks on the rings(First part)
United States 15:55 Movie 8 BGM - Mew Teleports The energy concentrates in Mt coronet heavily.
United States 16:32 出撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shutsugeki!
Japanese (TL): Sortie!
The group make a final effort to save Dialga and Palkia.
United States 18:43 Movie 5 BGM - The Final Dream Projection The guardians leave, Team galactic is arrested.
United States 20:46 ~Battle Cry~ (Stand Up!) English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 23
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 15
12 Nov 2009 03:00 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
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New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Dialga to Palkia! Saigo no tatakai!!/ディアルガとパルキア! 最後の戦い!!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
18 Nov 2009 12:59 PM
michan Administrator
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As lovely as part 1.
Home cooking is killing restaurant industry (and it's tasty)!
08 Feb 2010 08:16 PM
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What I enjoyed was them giving each of the Lake Trio "powers" at the end, Agnome rushing in to close up the vortex, Emrit calming Dialga and Palkia down, and Yuxie allowing Takeshi to communicate with them. Also worthy of note is that when Yuxie did it`s part, it was almost identical to when Damos and Sheena "touch the hearts of Pok
10 Nov 2010 04:32 PM
Erlade Administrator
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Characters in Episode: Satoshi, Satoshi's Pikachu, Hikari, Hikari's Pochama, Takeshi, Takeshi's Gureggru, Mars, Mars' Bunyat, Jupiter, Jupiter's Skutank, Saturn, Saturn's Dokurog, Akagi, Pluto, Galaxy Gang, Musashi, Musashi's Megayanma, Kojiro, Nyarth, Handsome, Shirona, Shirona's Gablias, Shigeru, Professor Nanakamado, Yuzo (Professor Nanakamado's assistant), Satoshi's Mukuhawk, Satoshi's Glion, Junsa

Pokémon in Episode: Agnome, Emrit, Yuxie, Dialga (anime debut), Palkia (anime debut), Galaxy Gang's Golbat (multiple)

Pokémon Attacks used in Episode:
- Satoshi's Pikachu: Thunderbolt
- Hikari's Pochama: Bubblebeam
- Mars' Bunyat: Iron Tail
- Jupiter's Skutank: Iron Tail, Flamethrower
- Saturn's Dokurog: Sludge Bomb
- Musashi's Megayanma: Silver Wind
- Shirona's Gablias: Giga Impact, Draco Meteor
- Takeshi's Gureggru: Brick Break, Poison Sting
- Dialga: Roar of Time
- Palkia: Spacial Rend
- Agnome, Yuxie and Emrit: Two attacks that don't have a vocal reference in the episode
(Screenshots can be seen here:
http://www.pocketmonsters.net/images/ib/46/12894245840097.jpg Timestamp: 13:12
http://www.pocketmonsters.net/images/ib/46/12894246460032.jpg Timestamp: 13:58)

Episode Location: Mt. Tengan / Spear Pillar

Episode Highlights:
- Akagi manages to open the gate to Spear Pillar by using the Spear Key and Red Chain.
- After entering the Spear Pillar, he uses the power of the Lake Trio (controlling them with the Red Chain) and the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs to summon Dialga and Palkia.
- Controlling them too with the Red Chain, he manages to open the portal to a new universe.
- He goes through that portal, and the portal shortly after vanishes.
- Satoshi, Hikari and Takeshi use the Lake Trio's powers to calm the enraged Dialga and Palkia.
- Palkia, Dialga, Agnome, Yuxie and Emrit all leave shortly after.
- Shigeru promises to return the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs to Professor Karashina.
- Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are arrested.
- The Galaxy Gang is disbanded.

Eyecatch info:
- first one: Satoshi, Hikari, Takeshi, Satoshi's Pikachu (the one where Satoshi throws the monster ball)
- second one: Hikari, Satoshi, Takeshi, Hikari's Pochama (the one where Hikari holds the pink Pokémon Zukan)

Number of Times Team Rocket Blasted off in the episode: Zero

Team Rocket Balloon Enhancements: Wings Enhancement.
Screenshot can be seen here: http://www.pocketmonsters.net/images/ib/46/12894244130062.jpg Timestamp: 19:20

Did Team Rocket use a Mecha in the episode?: No

Professor Okido's Great Pokémon Examination Theme: Dumbel [This is present in the Japanese version of the episode.]
(Q: Dumbel's source of power is magnetic force. What are all of its cells made of?
A: It's magnets! Everything in its body is based on magnetic force.)

In the Japanese version of the episode, there was also a one minute and a half preview of the upcoming episodes (specifically DP154, DP155, DP157 and DP159) before Professor Okido's segment.

Character bios written:
- Akagi:
At the Galaxy Gang headquarters, thanks to the commanders taking action, he managed to escape with Agnome, Yuxie and Emrit still under his control. Before doing so, he revealed to Satoshi and his friends that he intended to control the Lake Trio with the Red Chain fragments and create a new world where he would reign as a god.
He later arrived at Mt. Tengan along with Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, and using the Spear Key and the Red Chain fragment on his glove, he revealed the entrance to Spear Pillar. Once in there, he took advantage of the Lake Trio's powers and the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs to summon the legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. By further manipulating the powers of the Red Chain, he trapped both legendary Pokémon and commanded them to create a new world. When the portal to the new dimension opened, he forbid any of his team members to enter it, because he didn't deem them worthy enough of the new world he wanted to create. Once the rings that enabled him to control the legendary Pokémon were destroyed by Satoshi and the others, though, the portal started to rapidly close. However, he managed to go through it, and vanished into the new universe when it completely closed.
- Mars:
At the Galaxy Gang headquarters, she used her Bunyat to stop Satoshi and his friends from saving Agnome, Yuxie and Emrit.
She later arrived at Mt. Tengan along with Akagi, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, and assisted her boss in using the Lake Trio's powers and the Orbs to summon the legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. After the portal to the new world opened, even though she wanted to enter it with Akagi, she was stopped when she received a negative response, because he didn't deem her and the other Galaxy Gang members worthy enough of the world he wanted to create. Despite that, when Akagi went through the rapidly closing portal, she still tried to follow him, but her move was halted by Saturn. She was then shown to be devastated at losing her boss, who vanished into the new universe.
After the Galaxy Gang's plan had been thwarted by Satoshi and the others, she was arrested along with Saturn and Jupiter.
- Jupiter:
At the Galaxy Gang headquarters, she used her Skutank to stop Satoshi and his friends from saving Agnome, Yuxie and Emrit.
She later arrived at Mt. Tengan along with Akagi, Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, but was left to keep watch over Satoshi and the others who were kept captive by Galaxy Gang. While being on guard, her Skutank was attacked by Shirona's Gablias, and thus, not being able to counterattack, she was taken prisoner by Handsome and the Rocket Gang. To Handsome's surprise, when asked, she said that she wouldn't care at all if she would disappear too, together with the old world, due to a new one being created by her boss.
After the Galaxy Gang's plan had been thwarted by Satoshi and the others, she was arrested along with Mars and Saturn. When she queried them about their boss' state, she was shocked to hear that he entered the portal to the new universe all by himself.
- Saturn:
At the Galaxy Gang headquarters, he used his Dokurog to stop Satoshi and his friends from saving Agnome, Yuxie and Emrit.
He later arrived at Mt. Tengan along with Akagi, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, and assisted his boss in using the Lake Trio's powers and the Orbs to summon the legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. Later, when Mars tried to follow Akagi into the rapidly closing portal to the new universe, he stopped her movement, implying that it would be of no use.
After the Galaxy Gang's plan had been thwarted by Satoshi and the others, he was arrested along with Mars and Jupiter.
- Handsome:
Disguised as a Galaxy Gang member, together with Rocket Gang, he ambushed the grunts that were guarding the entrance to Spear Pillar. After assuming their places, he managed to establish a contact with champion Shirona and let her know of the situation. While waiting for Shirona, he was able to discover who was the Galaxy Gang's boss when Akagi arrived at the site along with the commanders. However, they immediately saw through their disguises and consequently, he and the Rocket Gang were taken prisoners.
He was later rescued by Shirona, and was left keeping watch over Jupiter and some of the Galaxy Gang's members that were kept captive, while she, along with Satoshi and his friends, followed Akagi and the commanders to Spear Pillar.
After the evil team's plan had been thwarted, it was shown that he wondered where the Rocket Gang left off to, as they had mysteriously disappeared.
Last edited 12 Nov 2010 01:23 PM by Erlade
18 Mar 2011 02:19 PM
Joined: 09 Aug 2010
Posts: 29
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This episode was charming. Just like Mobile Suit Gundam Seed. *sarcasm intended*
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