Home / Episode Guide / ヒコザルの涙!/Hikozaru's Tears!/Tears for Fears!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States Tears for Fears
  • Japan ヒコザルの涙!
  • Japan Hikozaru no Namida!
  • Japan Hikozaru's Tears!
  • Germany Tränen der Vergangenheit
  • France Les larmes de Ouisticram
  • Spain Lágrimas de miedo
  • Sweden Skräckens tårar!
  • Italy Lacrime di paura!
  • Mexico ¡Enfrenta Tus Temores!
  • Finland Pelonkyyneleitä!
  • Taiwan 小火焰猴的眼淚!
  • Poland Łzy Chimchara
  • Netherlands Tranen van angst!
  • Brazil Lágrimas de Chimchar!
  • Israel הדמעות של צימצאר
  • Czechia Slzy strachu
  • Norway Tårer av frykt!
  • Denmark Tårer og frygt!
  • South Korea 불꽃숭이! 눈물이여, 안녕!
  • Portugal O Medo do Sucesso!
  • Russia Слезы страха


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Iguchi

Japan Screenplay 松井亜弥 (Aya Matsui)
Japan Storyboard 小山賢 (Masaru Koyama)
Japan Episode Director 小山賢 (Masaru Koyama)
Japan Animation Director 広岡トシヒト (Toshihito Hirooka)

OP/ED List

君のそばで ~ヒカリのテーマ~ Winter Version
Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ Winter Version
함께 가는길
On the Road Together
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
Ash and co. have begun their journey to Tobari City, where Ash will compete in his next gym battle. Right now, Ash and co. have stopped for a lunch break. Ash whines if the lunch is ready yet. This gets Brock mad because Ash hasn't done one thing to help him prepare. Dawn agrees with Brock as she lays down a blanket. Ash sighs and sends out all his Pokémon. Thinking it's a good idea, Dawn does the same. Brock sends out his Pokémon too, and together all the Pokémon help set things up except for Chimchar. Chimchar thinks about the time when it has had lunch with Paul. Ash breaks Chimchar's flashback and tells it to eat. Ash takes a bite out of his food and notes that it is the best as always. Chimchar tries its food and enjoys it.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is also enjoying their lunch. Suddenly, Seviper hears something nearby, and an evil expression appears on its face. A trio of Zangoose appear, and they attack Seviper. Seviper fights back, and Seviper and the Zangoose get into a bloody fight. James knows that Seviper and Zangoose are rivals and that they hate each other a lot. Knowing that Seviper may end up getting hurt, Jessie returns Seviper back into its Pokéball. Her plan fails as Seviper pops back out again and attacks the Zangoose. Jessie keeps on trying to stop Seviper from fighting, but Seviper ignores Jessie. Eventually, the trio of Zangoose unleash one final attack on Seviper. Seviper flies back into Team Rocket, and they blast off again. Meowth, however, gets blasted off into a different direction.

When lunch is over, Chimchar watches Ash, Dawn, and Brock practice their battling moves with their Pokémon. Ash and Dawn are having a battle. Buizel starts off with Aqua Jet, but Pikachu dodges it. Then Pikachu uses Iron Tail. Buizel counters with Sonicboom, and the two attacks collide into each other. Then Ash orders Pikachu to run around in circles to confuse Buizel. Ash's strategy works, and Pikachu hits Buizel with Iron Tail. Brock declares the battle over. Ash and Dawn compliment their Pokémon for the nice work. Chimchar has paid close attention to the battle, and it suddenly recalls a flashback with its battles with Paul. Ash walks up to Chimchar and asks if it would like to battle. Dawn states that Piplup is itching to test out its skills, so Chimchar agrees to the battle.

Piplup starts off with Bubblebeam. Chimchar dodges the attack by digging into the ground. Dawn orders Piplup to be careful. Chimchar suddenly surfaces the ground and attacks Piplup. It then uses Scratch on Piplup. Piplup quickly recovers and uses Peck on Chimchar. The two Pokémon then begin to deliver a series of attack at each other for a while. Meanwhile, Meowth is walking in the forest wondering where Jessie and James went. Meowth notices the battle and realizes that Ash is in control of Chimchar now. Ash orders Chimchar to Dig once again. Chimchar digs underground and then attacks Piplup. Chimchar then uses its Flamethrower, and Piplup counters with Bubblebeam. Piplup's Bubblebeam is a bit stronger, however, and it manages to defeat Chimchar. Chimchar recalls the flashback it had with Paul back in the Tag Battle when it lost a battle. Ash picks up Chimchar and compliments on how strong Chimchar is. Ash states that Chimchar would have won if it had not been for the type disadvantage. Dawn, Brock, and all the other Pokémon also compliment on Chimchar's strength. Tears form in Chimchar's eyes, and it begins to cry. Dawn notes that Chimchar has never felt so much joy before.

Night comes, and everyone is asleep. Chimchar is having a nightmare about his battles with Paul. In Chimchar's nightmare, a trio of Zangoose corners Chimchar. Chimchar has no where to run because it is on the edge of a cliff. Zangoose uses Crush Claw, and Chimchar suddenly wakes up from its nightmare. Realizing that it was only a nightmare, Chimchar sighs in relief. Meanwhile, Meowth continues to call out for Jessie and James, hoping that they will find him. Meowth hears a rustle in the bushes. Chimchar comes out, and the two face each other. Meowth doesn't think that they should fight since it would be pointless at the time of night. They both sit together and stare at the full moon. Meowth tells Chimchar to keep being happy and to keep on moving on forward because it now has new friends.

It's daylight again, and Ash and co. are preparing for breakfast. Ash tells Chimchar to come and help him get water. Chimchar appreciates Ash's offer, and the two of them run off to fetch the water. Jessie and James have finally found Meowth, and they pull him up into their balloon. They quickly make up a plan to capture Ash and co.'s Pokémon. They soon find Dawn, Brock, and their Pokémon. Meowth presses a button on a switch, and two nets pop out. The nets capture the Pokémon and traps them in a cage. Then Team Rocket says their motto. Brock demands for their Pokémon back. Dawn tries to return them back into their Pokéballs, but the cage blocks the Pokémon off. Then Dawn and Brock order their Pokémon to attack the cage, but their attacks fail.

Suddenly, Seviper pops out of its Pokéball. The same trio of Zangoose climb a large pine tree. They jump off of it and attack Team Rocket's balloon. The balloon crashes to the ground. Team Rocket tries to stop Seviper from attacking the Zangoose. They end up placing themselves in the cage with Ash and co.'s Pokémon. The Zangoose then end up pushing the cage towards the edge of a cliff. Soon, Ash and Chimchar return from their water task. Chimchar sees the Zangoose and immediately gets scared. Brock and Dawn know that Team Rocket and their Pokémon will be goners if the Zangoose aren't stopped. Ash wants Chimchar to fight, but Chimchar is too afraid to even move. Ash tries to comfort Chimchar. He tells Chimchar that all of their Pokémon are in trouble, and that they need Chimchar to beat the Zangoose. Chimchar decides to give it all its got.

Chimchar first uses Flamethrower on the Zangoose, but the Zangoose all dodge the attack. The Zangoose end up going for Chimchar now. Ash orders Chimchar to fight with Scratch. Chimchar manages to defend itself a bit even with the assistance of Ash, who saves Chimchar from a massive attack. The Zangoose charge towards Chimchar again. Chimchar uses Dig to save itself. Then Chimchar surfaces and attacks one of the Zangoose. The Zangoose faints, but there are still two more left. The two Zangoose charge for Chimchar, but Chimchar digs again. It then reappears behind the Zangoose and uses Flamethrower. The last two Zangoose faint, and Chimchar is the winner. Ash, Dawn, and Brock congratulate Chimchar for its fine battling. Suddenly, Dawn sees Team Rocket trying to escape. Team Rocket knows that they are in trouble now. Ash and Dawn have all of their Pokémon attack Team Rocket, and Team Rocket blasts off again.

Now that Ash and co. have defeated the Zangoose, they continue their way towards Tobari City.

English Official Summary

As our heroes head towards Veilstone City, Ash's new Chimchar struggles to adapt to its new surroundings. Everything is the complete opposite of life with Paul: mealtimes are fun and everyone treats each other with friendship and kindness! Chimchar still has vivid memories of the lonely and harsh treatment it received from Paul, so this sudden reversal of fortune is nearly too much to take. When Ash even praises Chimchar after it loses a practice battle with Dawn's Piplup, Chimchar breaks down in emotion. Meowth, who's searching for Team Rocket after their group was split up by some rampaging Zangoose, sees this scene and has a pang of sympathy for Chimchar. That night, Chimchar can't sleep and it finds Meowth sitting in the moonlight. Meowth isn't in the mood for a fight; instead, it gently tells Chimchar to make the best of its new life. Of course, all bets are off the next morning once Meowth rejoins Jessie and James: they catch Dawn and Brock by surprise, then try to steal all of their Pokémon by trapping them in giant canisters! But when the Zangoose show up, Team Rocket has to hide in the canisters for their own protection. Ash and Chimchar reach the scene and realize the Zangoose are about to knock the canisters off a cliff! Chimchar has encountered Zangoose before and it's still afraid of them. Ash knows this, so he encourages Chimchar and gives it the confidence it needs to take on and defeat the Zangoose. With everyone safe and sound, it's three cheers for Chimchar, who finally feels like a part of its new family!

French Official Summary

En chemin vers Voilaroc et le prochain combat d'Arène de Sacha, un trio de Mangriff en colère force Ouisticram à faire face à son terrible passé.

German Official Summary

Auf dem Weg nach Schleiede zu Ashs nächstem Arenakampf gelingt es Panflam im Kampf gegen ein Trio wütender Sengo, seine tief verwurzelte Angst zu überwinden.

Italian Official Summary

I nostri eroi si dirigono verso Rupepoli, ma il nuovo Chimchar di Ash ha difficoltà ad adattarsi al nuovo ambiente.

Portuguese Official Summary

A caminho da Cidade de Veilstone e da próxima Batalha de Ginásio de Ash, um trio de Zangoose bravos forçam Chimchar a enfrentar seu temido passado.

Finnish Official Summary

Matkalla Veilstone Cityyn ja Ashin seuraavaan saliotteluun, Chimchar joutuu kohtaamaan pelottavan menneisyytensä kolmen vihaisen Zangoosen pakottamana.

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

En su camino hacia Ciudad Veilstone y a la siguiente batalla de Gimnasio de Ash, un trío de furiosos Zangoose obligan a Chimchar a enfrentar su terrible pasado.

Spanish Official Summary

Mientras nuestros héroes se dirigen a Ciudad Rocavelo, el nuevo Chimchar de Ash lucha por adaptarse a su nuevo entorno.

English Great Britian Official Summary

As our heroes head towards Veilstone City, Ash's new Chimchar struggles to adapt to its new surroundings. Everything is the complete opposite of life with Paul: mealtimes are fun and everyone treats each other with friendship and kindness! Chimchar still has vivid memories of the lonely and harsh treatment it received from Paul, so this sudden reversal of fortune is nearly too much to take. When Ash even praises Chimchar after it loses a practice battle with Dawn's Piplup, Chimchar breaks down in emotion. Meowth, who's searching for Team Rocket after their group was split up by some rampaging Zangoose, sees this scene and has a pang of sympathy for Chimchar. That night, Chimchar can't sleep and it finds Meowth sitting in the moonlight. Meowth isn't in the mood for a fight; instead, it gently tells Chimchar to make the best of its new life. Of course, all bets are off the next morning once Meowth rejoins Jessie and James: they catch Dawn and Brock by surprise, then try to steal all of their Pokémon by trapping them in giant canisters! But when the Zangoose show up, Team Rocket has to hide in the canisters for their own protection. Ash and Chimchar reach the scene and realize the Zangoose are about to knock the canisters off a cliff! Chimchar has encountered Zangoose before and it's still afraid of them. Ash knows this, so he encourages Chimchar and gives it the confidence it needs to take on and defeat the Zangoose. With everyone safe and sound, it's three cheers for Chimchar, who finally feels like a part of its new family!

Russian Official Summary

На пути в город Вейлстоун новый покемон Эша Чимчар пытается приспособиться к новой для себя среде.

Dutch Official Summary

Terwijl onze helden op weg zijn naar Veilstone City, doet de nieuwe Chimchar van Ash hard zijn best zich aan zijn nieuwe omgeving aan te passen.

Norwegian Official Summary

På vei til Veilstone City og Ash sin neste Gym-kamp, tvinger en trio sine Zangoose Chimchar til å konfrontere sin redselsfulle fortid.

Swedish Official Summary

På vägen mot Veilstone City och Ashs nästa Gym-strid, tvingar tre arga Zangoose Chimchar att göra upp med sitt fruktansvärda förflutna.

Danish Official Summary

På vej til Veilstone City og Ashs næste Salkamp tvinger tre Zangoose Chimchar til at se sin frygtelige fortid i øjnene.


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn
  • Japan ヒカリ
  • Japan Hikari
  • Japan Hikari
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Aipom
  • Japan サトシのエイパム
  • Japan Satoshi no Eipam
  • Japan Satoshi's Eipam
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Turtwig
  • Japan サトシのナエトル
  • Japan Satoshi no Naetle
  • Japan Satoshi's Naetle
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Chimchar
  • Japan サトシのヒコザル
  • Japan Satoshi no Hikozaru
  • Japan Satoshi's Hikozaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Staravia
  • Japan サトシのムクバード
  • Japan Satoshi no Mukubird
  • Japan Satoshi's Mukubird
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Sudowoodo
  • Japan タケシのウソッキー
  • Japan Takeshi no Usokkie
  • Japan Takeshi's Usokkie
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Happiny
  • Japan タケシのピンプク
  • Japan Takeshi no Pinpuku
  • Japan Takeshi's Pinpuku
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Croagunk
  • Japan タケシのグレッグル
  • Japan Takeshi no Gureggru
  • Japan Takeshi's Gureggru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Piplup
  • Japan ヒカリのポッチャマ
  • Japan Hikari no Pochama
  • Japan Hikari's Pochama
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul
  • Japan シンジ
  • Japan Shinji
  • Japan Shinji
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Seviper
  • Japan ムサシのハブネーク
  • Japan Musashi no Habunake
  • Japan Musashi's Habunake
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Carnivine
  • Japan コジロウのマスキッパ
  • Japan Kojirō no Muskippa
  • Japan Kojiro's Muskippa
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul's Elekid
  • Japan シンジのエレキッド
  • Japan Shinji no Elekid
  • Japan Shinji's Elekid
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James's Cacnea
  • Japan コジロウのサボネア
  • Japan Kojirō no Sabonea
  • Japan Kojiro's Sabonea
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Dustox
  • Japan ムサシのドクケイル
  • Japan Musashi no Dokucale
  • Japan Musashi's Dokucale
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Mime Jr.
  • Japan コジロウのマネネ
  • Japan Kojirō no Manene
  • Japan Kojiro's Manene
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Paul's Chimchar
  • Japan シンジのヒコザル
  • Japan Shinji no Hikozaru
  • Japan Shinji's Hikozaru
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Buizel
  • Japan ヒカリのブイゼル
  • Japan Hikari no Buoysel
  • Japan Hikari's Buoysel
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Buneary
  • Japan ヒカリのミミロル
  • Japan Hikari no Mimirol
  • Japan Hikari's Mimirol
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Dawn's Pachirisu
  • Japan ヒカリのパチリス
  • Japan Hikari no Pachirisu
  • Japan Hikari's Pachirisu

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Graveler
  • Japan ゴローン
  • Japan Golone
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Zangoose
  • Japan ザングース
  • Japan Zangoose
No notes available for this episode.

Eyecatch Diamond and Pearl Eyecatch

Fourth variation of the Diamond and Pearl Intro and Return Eyecatches featuring Hikari, Satoshi and Takeshi.
Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:03
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M23 戦闘!ジムリーダー
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Gym Leader
Japanese (TL): Battle! Gym Leader
The cold opening scenes run.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:21
Title: Together <TVバージョン>
Japanese (Romanized): Together <TV Version>
Japanese (TL): Together <TV Version>
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:48
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Subtitle
Diamond & Pearl Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:00
Title: Movie 2 Short - たんけんたいをつくろう (インストルメンタル)
Japanese (Romanized): Tankentai wo Tsukurou! (Instrumental)
Japanese (TL): Let's form an Exploration Party (Instrumental)
The group takes a break for a lunch in the woods, beside a cliff.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:48
Title: Movie 3 BGM - Spying
Movie 3 BGM - Hikozaru watches the other Pokémon preparing the food while remembering the way Shinji gave it to him.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:05
Title: 1997-1998-M14 Rocket-Powered Disaster!
Musashi's Habunake fights against the Zangoose.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:28
Title: Movie 2 Short - The Search for Togepi
Hikozaru watches the group's Pokémon train under their trainers' commands.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:26
Title: Movie 3 BGM - Checking E-Mail
Movie 3 BGM - Hikozaru remembers the training he got under Shinji (the music starts some time through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:35
Title: 対決!本物対コピーポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Taiketsu! Honmono tai Copy Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Showdown! The Real versus the Copy Pokémon
Movie 1 BGM - Satoshi orders Hikozaru to Dig.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:11
Title: Movie 3 BGM - Spying
Movie 3 BGM - Hikozaru remembers yet more harsh treatment from Shinji.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:04
Title: Movie 3 BGM - 虹がうまれた日 (インストルメンタル)
Japanese (Romanized): Niji ga umareta hi (Instrumental)
Japanese (TL): The Day a Rainbow Was Born (Instrumental)
Movie 3 BGM - Hikozaru cries under the confusion of being praised after the loss.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:21
Title: Movie 3 BGM - A Shattering Reveal
Movie 3 BGM - Hikozaru has a nightmare with battles under Shinji.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:53
Title: ニャースのうた(オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Nyarth no uta (Original karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Nyarth's Song (Original Karaoke)
Nyarth "talks" with Hikozaru at night (the song begins 6 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:50
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch B
Eyecatch Break
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:56
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M21 210ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 210-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 210 (Day)
Sponsor Message
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:07
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-Eyecatch A
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:12
Title: Movie 4 Short - Hide-and-Seek
At morning, Hikozaru sees the other Pokémon preparing for breakfast, but Satoshi tells to come and help him get water.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:26
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Rocket Gang's Diamond & Pearl Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:08
Title: 1997-1998-M16 強敵現わる
Japanese (Romanized): Kyōteki Arawaru
Japanese (TL): A Formidable Opponent Appears
Takeshi and Hikari try to retrieve their Pokémon from Rocket Gang.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:39
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
The Zangoose jump into the Rocket Gang's balloon from the top of a tree and slash it, leading it to collapse.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:05
Title: マナフィのために
Japanese (Romanized): Manaphy no Tame ni
Japanese (TL): For Manaphy's Sake
Movie 9 BGM - Satoshi motivates Hikozaru to fight.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:13
Title: Together
Japanese (Romanized): Together
Hikozaru battles the Zangoose under Satoshi's command (the song begins 7 seconds through).
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:22
Title: Movie 2 Short - Final Farewell
Hikozaru officially completes its integration with the group's Pokémon.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:54
Title: 君のそばで~ヒカリのテーマ~Winter.VER(TVサイズ)
Japanese (Romanized): Kimi no Soba de ~Hikari no Theme~ Winter.VER (TV Version)
Japanese (TL): By Your Side ~Hikari's Theme~ Winter.VER (TV Version)
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:14
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M22 206ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 206-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 206 (Day)
Professor Okido's Pokémon Encyclopedia
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:20
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M08 201ばんどうろ(昼)
Japanese (Romanized): 201-ban dōro (hiru)
Japanese (TL): Route 201 (Day)
Okido explains the characteristics of Gablias.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:03
Title: Okido's Senryū Theme
Okido recites a Senryū.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:15
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M11 視線!げいじゅつか
Japanese (Romanized): Shisen! Geijutsuka
Japanese (TL): Eye Contact! Artist
Diamond & Pearl Episode 54 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:44
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M01 けんきゅうじょ(オープニング)
Japanese (Romanized): Kenkyūjo (Opening)
Japanese (TL): Laboratory (Opening)
Sponsor Message

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:22
Title: We Will Be Heroes
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:11
Title: 1997-1998-M14 Rocket-Powered Disaster!
Seviper notices the presence of Zangoose.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:42
Title: 対決!本物対コピーポケモン
Japanese (Romanized): Taiketsu! Honmono tai Copy Pokémon
Japanese (TL): Showdown! The Real versus the Copy Pokémon
Movie 1 BGM-Chimchar uses dig.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:59
Title: ニャースのうた(オリジナルカラオケ)
Japanese (Romanized): Nyarth no uta (Original karaoke)
Japanese (TL): Nyarth's Song (Original Karaoke)
Meowth talks with Chimchar at night.(begins 6 seconds in)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:10
Title: 2006-2010(DP)-M17
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:24
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
The Zangoose jump from a tree into Team rocket's balloon.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:03
Title: マナフィのために
Japanese (Romanized): Manaphy no Tame ni
Japanese (TL): For Manaphy's Sake
Movie 9 BGM-Ash motivates Chimchar to fight.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:39
Title: We Will Be Heroes
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 29
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 8
08 Nov 2007 03:00 AM
AnimeBot Automated Bots
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
Posts: 3188
New episode title(s) has/have been added to the database. Title: Hikozaru no Namida!/ヒコザルの涙!/Tears for Fears!. Please comment below! Thanks, your friendly PM.Net AnimeBot
09 Nov 2010 03:12 PM
Joined: 09 Nov 2010
Posts: 3
The 11th season of Pokémon (with new dubbing) is being broadcast by Panda Biggs, and many episodes titles hava been revealed.
The episodes titles are:
Episode 521 (DP053): O Medo do Sucesso!
Episode 522 (DP054): Verdes São os Campos!
Episode 523 (DP055): Trocas e Baldrocas
Episode 524 (DP056): A Pedra Angular Vai ao Ar!
Episode 525 (DP057): Pedras Moles em Águas Duras!
Episode 526 (DP058): Os Nariguetas da Serra!
Episode 527 (DP059): A Visão do Luxray!
Episode 528 (DP060): Unown – Aventura Obscura!

Others have not yet been transmitted...
09 Nov 2010 04:38 PM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: cjex
The 11th season of Pokémon (with new dubbing) is being broadcast by Panda Biggs, and many episodes titles hava been revealed.
The episodes titles are:
Episode 521 (DP053): O Medo do Sucesso!
Episode 522 (DP054): Verdes São os Campos!
Episode 523 (DP055): Trocas e Baldrocas
Episode 524 (DP056): A Pedra Angular Vai ao Ar!
Episode 525 (DP057): Pedras Moles em Águas Duras!
Episode 526 (DP058): Os Nariguetas da Serra!
Episode 527 (DP059): A Visão do Luxray!
Episode 528 (DP060): Unown – Aventura Obscura!

Others have not yet been transmitted...

What country are they airing in and do you have the air dates for these titles? Thanks.
10 Nov 2010 10:43 AM
Joined: 09 Nov 2010
Posts: 3
Portugal is the country!!

The air dates these are (and new titles):
Episode 521 (DP053): O Medo do Sucesso! 26-10-10
Episode 522 (DP054): Verdes São os Campos! 27-10-10
Episode 523 (DP055): Trocas e Baldrocas 28-10-10
Episode 524 (DP056): A Pedra Angular Vai ao Ar! 29-10-10
Episode 525 (DP057): Pedras Moles em Águas Duras! 01-11-10
Episode 526 (DP058): Os Nariguetas da Serra! 02-11-10
Episode 527 (DP059): A Visão do Luxray! 03-11-10
Episode 528 (DP060): Unown – Aventura Obscura! 04-11-10
Episode 529 (DP061): O Grande Choque! 05-11-10
Episode 530 (DP062): Obrigado pelas Memórias! 08-11-10
Episode 531 (DP063): Uma Fuga nas Termas! 09-11-10
Episode 532 (DP064): Os Ventos da Mudança! 10-11-10

Is one episode per day!
Thanks! ;D
10 Nov 2010 11:37 AM
Sunain Administrator
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Quote From: cjex
Portugal is the country!!
Is one episode per day!
Thanks! ;D
Thanks, the titles and airdates have been added to the episode guide.
11 Jan 2011 07:58 PM
ivantuga2 Administrator
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I'd like to complete the info about the titles and airdates of the Portugal dub.
DP065 ("Uma Aventura na Areia!"): 11-11-2010
DP066 ("A Estratégia do Líder Vencido!"): 12-11-2010
DP067 ("Pisando o Risco de Combate!"): 15-11-2010
DP068 ("Oportunidade Tripla de Combate!"): 16-11-2010
DP069 ("A Team Galáctica!"): 17-11-2010
DP070 ("O Canto dos Sinos!"): 18-11-2010
DP071 ("O Ranger Pokémon e o Riolu Raptado! 1ª Parte"): 03-12-2010
DP072 ("O Ranger Pokémon e o Riolu Raptado! 2ª Parte"): 06-12-2010
DP073 ("Caminhos Cruzados!"): 19-11-2010
DP074 ("Pika contra Golias!"): 22-11-2010
DP075 ("A Nossa Taça Transborda!"): 23-11-2010
DP076 ("Combate Tag com Todos!"): 24-11-2010
DP077 ("Os Heróis Sobem ao Palco!"): 25-11-2010
DP078 ("O Grupo de Amigos Fica Reduzido!"): 26-11-2010
DP079 ("Estratégia Sorridente!"): 29-11-2010
DP080 ("Uma Vez Ladrão Sempre Ladrão!"): 30-11-2010
DP081 ("Chim-Chamuscado!"): 01-12-2010
DP082 ("A Fina Flor dos Croagunk!"): 02-12-2010
DP083 ("O Curso de Potência do Crasher!"): 07-12-2010
DP084 ("Com Fome de Boa Vida!"): 08-12-2010
DP085 ("Combatendo o Medo com o Medo!"): 09-12-2010
DP086 ("Chegando em Grande Estilo!"): 10-12-2010
DP087 ("Ninguém Passa pelos Psyduck!"): 13-12-2010
DP088 ("Acampamento Escolar!"): 14-12-2010
DP089 ("Ao Vivo e a Cores!"): 15-12-2010
DP090 ("Danças com Fantasmas!"): 16-12-2010
DP091 ("Uma Equipa, Duas Equipas, Equipa Vermelha, Equipa Azul!"): 17-12-2010
DP092 ("Team Rocket - Aquela Máquina!"): 20-12-2010
DP093 ("Nivelando Combate e Competição!"): 21-12-2010
DP094 ("Doutor Brock!"): 22-12-2010
DP095 ("Conflito de Gerações!"): 23-12-2010
DP096 ("Perdendo o Brilho!"): 24-12-2010
DP097 ("Reviravolta na Equipa Dupla!"): 27-12-2010
DP098 ("Se o Cachecol te Serve, Usa-o!"): 28-12-2010
DP099 ("A Criança e o Treinador!"): 29-12-2010
DP100 ("Ajudando o Inimigo!"): 30-12-2010
DP101 ("O Barry Vai Multar toda a Gente!"): 31-12-2010
DP102 ("A Melhor Defesa É o Ataque!"): 03-01-2011
DP103 ("Perdidos e Achados!"): 04-01-2011
DP104 ("O Teu Mal É Sono!"): 05-01-2011
Last edited 11 Jan 2011 08:20 PM by ivantuga2
11 Jan 2011 09:01 PM
Sunain Administrator
Joined: 18 Jun 2007
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Quote From: ivantuga2
I'd like to complete the info about the titles and airdates of the Portugal dub.

Thank you very much. All the titles have been added to the episode guide.