Home / Episode Guide / ミニリュウのでんせつ/The Legend of Miniryu


Despite this episode never airing as a dubbed episode, the official English Pokémon website did have a summary blurb for the episode.

Episode 35
After finally entering the safari zone, our heroes meet up with the elderly supervisor of the zone. As they are being explained the rules of the safari zone in his office, a picture, carefully hung there, catches Ash’s attention. It is a picture of the elderly supervisor as a boy, taken alongside a Dratini, the legendary Pokémon. Ash asks desperately about the existence of Dratini, but the elderly man denies everything. Hearing of the plenitude of Pokémon in the safari zone, Team Rocket also arrives on the scene.

Paint Edit

The sign says Pokémon Safari Zone (ポケモンサファリゾーン)

Paint Edit

The broken-down sign reads "No entry" (立ち入りきんし).

Culture Reference

During their "interrogation" of Kaiser, Nyarth offers him some pork bowl in an attempt at making him talk.

In the immediate aftermath of World War 2, pork bowl was considered a relative luxury in Japan, and a detective drama series from the time featured a scene where a detective interrogating a suspect bought him a pork bowl with his own money, telling the suspect he wouldn't get to eat food like this in jail. Overcome by the detective's kindness, the suspect broke down and confessed to the crime.

The idea of a detective making a suspect confess by serving him some pork bowl has since become a running trope in Japan, and has been parodied countless times.