Home / Episode Guide / The Lotad Lowdownハスボーとフラワーショップの三姉妹!Hassboh and the Three Sisters from the Flower Shop!!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States The Lotad Lowdown
  • Japan ハスボーとフラワーショップの三姉妹!
  • Japan Hassboh to flower shop no san shimai!!
  • Japan Hassboh and the Three Sisters from the Flower Shop!!
  • Germany Rocko und das kleine Loturzel
  • France La Team Rocket prend l'eau
  • Spain Lotad acuáticos
  • Sweden Brocks nya vän!
  • Italy Tutti frutti
  • Mexico Los pequeños Lotad
  • Finland Alakuloinen Lotad
  • Taiwan 蓮葉童子與花店三姊妹!
  • Poland Podły Lotad
  • Netherlands Leve De Lotad
  • Brazil O Pequeno Lotad
  • Israel האמת על לוטד
  • Norway Lotad overalt
  • Denmark Skibet er lastet med Lotad
  • Portugal O Meu Amigo Lotad
  • Russia Вывести Лотадов на чистую воду


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Ota

Japan Screenplay 十川誠志 (Masashi Sogo)
Japan Storyboard 片貝慎 (Shin Katakai)
Japan Episode Director 浅田裕二 (Yūji Asada)
Japan Animation Director 岩根雅明 (Masaaki Iwane)

OP/ED List

Because There is Sky There
포켓몬스터 AG
Pocket Monsters AG
행복한 여행
A Happy Journey
Pokémon Roll Call
Episode Director
Animation Director
Ash, May, and Brock jump into the lake for some swimming. Brock does some stretches before he jumps into the water. Ash and May splahes Brock. Brock floats on top of the water. He loves the smell of the fresh water. Suddenly, Pikachu senses something. A bunch of things that look like lily pads creep up to them. Ash suggests they swim to shore immediately. They start to swim back when Max is pulled down. Soon, Ash, May, and Brock are pulled down as well. The things they saw are Lotad. The group gets a good look at all of them. Then the Lotad push Ash and co. out of the water and onto the shore.

Ash looks up Lotad in his Pokédex. They think the lake belongs to the Lotad. Then the Lotad all jump onto land near Ash and co. May hides behind Max. Ash thinks the Lotad are friendly and that they just want to play. Then all the Lotad use Water Gun in the sky. The Water Guns touch each other, and they form a welcome for Ash and co. Max says that normal Lotad can't use Water Gun. They see one Lotad in this situation. Brock walks to the Lotad and gets sprayed with water by it.

A girl walks to Ash and co. She says that they can't swim in the lake because it belongs to the Lotad. The girl is really bossy. She then wants Ash and co. to come with her for a lecture. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is slowly walking through the forest. They are very thirsty and tired. Jessie wants to know where they are at, but none of them know. Suddenly, James collapses. Jessie and Meowth want to help James. James sees a berry on a tree. Jessie and Meowth both run over to it, and they fight over it. When they both take a bite from the berry, their mouths are on fire.

The girl leads Ash and co. to her house. An older woman gives the girl a lecture about being kinder to travelers. The older woman's name is Nicole, and the younger girl is Natalie. Their house is a flower shop. Nicole runs the flower shop. Ash and co. introduce themselves to Nicole and Natalie. When Brock introduces himself, he holds Nicole's hand and tells good things about her. Nicole offers the group a slice of pie. Ash and co. accept her offer.

Suddenly, another girl walks in the door with a Wailmer Pail. Her name is Rita. Brock says lots of nice things about Rita, and this makes Natalie jealous. Rita thinks that it is love at first sight. Everyone sits at a table and has a slice of pie. May loves the taste of the pie. Nicole tells her that the pie is from the berries that they grew. Because of their mild climate, they can grow a lot of good things. Rita asks May if she would like to see some more things that they have been growing. May agrees to this. Natalie has prepared a special pie for Brock. It is a big stack of pies.

When they are done eating, Ash sends out Treecko and Taillow, so that they can enjoy the outside. Brock thinks it is a good idea and he sends out Forretress. May sends out Torchic. All the Pokémon are happy to be outside. Then Nicole leads them all to her garden. May compliments on the garden's beauty. Nicole also shows them the berries they grow. She introduces the group to a few of the berries. Ash notices a red-looking berry from the tree. He is about to eat it when Nicole stops him. She says that the berry is a Tomato Berry and that it is very hot. Ash and co. wonder why Nicole would be growing berries that are hot. Nicole tells them that the berries all have different effects on the Pokémon. Natalie explains that transforming the berries into Pokémon food can heal your Pokémon and do all sorts of other nice things. Nicole points to a tree and explains that the tree has Sitrus Berries. Brock is very interested in the berries because he wants to learn how to be a great breeder. Natalie decides to make Brock a list of all the different berries. Brock is happy by that.

Rita comes out and tells Nicole that one of their pipes are broken, and that she will have to fix it. Fortunately for Rita, the Lotad are helping fix the pipe. The Lotad have water on their heads and they pour the water near the trees. Then the Lotad use Water Gun. Max wants to know why the Lotad can use Water Gun since they normally can't. Nicole tells Max that these Lotad can perform all kinds of special moves. Ash suggests that they help out too.

Team Rocket is at the lake. They are drinking from the lake to regain their strength. Jessie and Meowth have red lips from the previous berry they ate. James takes out his binoculars. He sees Ash and co. on the other side of the lake. With them are a group of Lotad. Meowth suggests they steal the Lotad and give them to the boss. They dream of themselves getting big promotions and lots of money. They think of a plan to capture the Lotad.

Everyone is helping the Lotad by carrying a bucket of water. Suddenly, the Lotad stop. At the front of the line is that weird Lotad that couldn't use Water Gun. Brock walks up to the Lotad and shows it how to pour the water onto the soil from its head. Lotad thanks Brock for helping it out. Rita notices how nice Brocks is to Pokémon. She thinks Brock will be a great Pokémon Breeder.

When the Lotad are done watering the plants, they all head on back to the lake. Suddenly, Nicolie runs up to the group and presents Rita a note. The note is from Natalie and it says that she went to look for Sitrus Berries. Brock thinks that Natalie went to get the Sitrus Berries for him, so he decides to find her. Rita and Ash also go with Brock to look for Natalie.

It is finally dark outside and Brock, Rita, and Ash still haven't found Natalie yet. Pikachu hears something in the bushes. Lotad comes out. Brock picks Lotad up and takes care of it. Meanwhile, Natalie is still searching for the Sitrus Berries. She suddenly finds one on a tree. She pulls it off a tree. Suddenly, Natalie hears something in the bushes. A Beedrill pops out of the bush and faces Natalie. Natalie screams. Ash, Brock, and Rita hears Natalie's scream, and they rush to her rescue. Before the Beedrill can hit Natalie, Brock sends out Forretress. Forretress uses a Rapid Spin on Beedrill, causing it to fly away. Rita scolds Natalie for disappearing. Natalie apologizes to her big sister, and then she gives the Sitrus Berry to Brock.

Pikachu senses something again. They all run to the lake only to find Team Rocket there with a boat. Team Rocket laughs and they say their motto. When Team Rocket is finished with their motto, they drive off in their boat to capture the Lotad. Lotad and Pikachu get an idea. Pikachu climbs on Lotad's head, and Lotad swims off to catch Team Rocket. Meanwhile, all the Lotad are being sucked into Team Rocket's boat. Nicole, May, and Max sees Team Rocket stealing all of the Lotad. Suddenly, Pikachu and Lotad begin to gain on Team Rocket. Pikachu jumps off Lotad and lands on Team Rocket's boat. Team Rocket is happy to see Pikachu because they can catch it. Then the Lotad that Pikachu was riding on fires a powerful Water Gun at Team Rocket's boat. A hole is created and the other Lotad begin to escape. When all the Lotad are free, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt. The boat explodes and Team Rocket blasts off again.

The Lotad are all fine. Nicole tells Natalie not to run off by herself again. The next day, Natalie gives Brock a list of all the berries. Brock thanks Natalie for the list. Nicole tells Ash that Rustboro City is just ahead. Rita wishes Ash and May good luck with their gym battles. The same Lotad from before walks up to Brock. Brock picks the Lotad up. Max thinks that Lotad wants to stay with Brock. Nicole, Natalie, and Rita agree with Max. Brock is happy to have Lotad on his team. Now Ash and co. head up to Rustboro City.

English Official Summary

Ash, Pikachu, Brock, May and Max decide to cool off in a picturesque lake en route to Rustboro City. But they're not the only one's splashing around! The lake is actually home to a whole flock of Lotad. The Lotad seem to be having fun with their new friends, but a little girl named Natalie thinks that Ash and crew are out of line. She brings them back to the flower shop which her two older sisters run. There, Ash and the gang learn all about berries and the effects that different berries have on Pokémon. Brock promptly falls in love with the two older sisters, making little Natalie very jealous. In fact, Natalie isn't the only one smitten with Brock—a quirky little Lotad seems to have taken a liking to him as well. Natalie decides to win Brock's affection by finding a Sitrus Berry and she wanders off into the woods. She finds one, but a Beedrill wants it, too! Luckily, Brock arrives in time to save her from the Beedrill. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has decided to catch all the Lotad in the lake and it's up to Brock's quirky Lotad friend and Pikachu to save the day.

French Official Summary

Toujours en route vers Mérouville, nos héros décident de se rafraîchir dans un lac pittoresque, et se retrouvent bientôt à faire les fous dans l’eau avec tout un groupe de Nénupiot qui vivent là ! Bientôt, ils rencontrent trois sœurs qui possèdent un magasin de fleurs dans les environs, et qui ont la gentillesse de faire visiter leur jardin à nos héros, en leur présentant toutes les différentes sortes de Baies qui y poussent. Sacha et ses amis apprennent que les Nénupiot amicaux de tout à l’heure aident les trois sœurs à faire pousser les Baies, en sortant de l’eau pour arroser les buissons. Cette aventure pastorale n’est interrompue que lorsque la Team Rocket, qui s’intéresse à ces bienveillants Nénupiot, décide de les capturer tous et de les emmener au quartier général de la Team Rocket...

German Official Summary

Ash, Pikachu, Rocko, Maike und Max möchten sich in einem hübschen See abkühlen. Aber sie sind nicht die einzigen, die gerne im Wasser plantschen!

Italian Official Summary

Ash, Pikachu, Brock, Vera e Max decidono di rilassarsi in riva a un lago pittoresco sulla strada per Ferrugipoli. Tuttavia, non sono i soli ad aver avuto questa idea!

Portuguese Official Summary

Nossos heróis conhecem três irmãs que cultivam frutas com a ajuda de um grupo local de Lotad!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

Nuestros héroes conocen a tres hermanas que cultivan bayas con la ayuda de un grupo cercano de Lotad.

Spanish Official Summary

De camino a Ciudad Férrica, la pandilla decide relajarse en un pintoresco lago, donde acabarán chapoteando ¡con un grupo de Lotad que vive ahí! Conocerán a tres hermanas que regentan una tienda de flores cerca de allí. Estas mostrarán encantadas a nuestros héroes sus jardines y les explicarán las maravillas de los diferentes tipos de bayas que crecen ahí. Ash y sus amigos sabrán que el simpático Lotad de antes, en realidad, ayuda a las hermanas a cultivar esas bayas: se acerca a la orilla para regar los arbustos. La bucólica aventura es interrumpida cuando el Team Rocket tiene noticia del servicial Lotad, pues decide capturarlos a todos y llevarlos al cuartel general del Team Rocket.

English Great Britian Official Summary

Ash, Pikachu, Brock, May and Max decide to cool off in a picturesque lake en route to Rustboro City. But they're not the only one's splashing around! The lake is actually home to a whole flock of Lotad. The Lotad seem to be having fun with their new friends, but a little girl named Natalie thinks that Ash and crew are out of line. She brings them back to the flower shop which her two older sisters run. There, Ash and the gang learn all about berries and the effects that different berries have on Pokémon. Brock promptly falls in love with the two older sisters, making little Natalie very jealous. In fact, Natalie isn't the only one smitten with Brock—a quirky little Lotad seems to have taken a liking to him as well. Natalie decides to win Brock's affection by finding a Sitrus Berry and she wanders off into the woods. She finds one, but a Beedrill wants it, too! Luckily, Brock arrives in time to save her from the Beedrill. Meanwhile, Team Rocket has decided to catch all the Lotad in the lake and it's up to Brock's quirky Lotad friend and Pikachu to save the day.

Russian Official Summary

Эш и его друзья отдыхают на берегу озера, когда замечают группу Лотадов. Лотады помогают трём сёстрам выращивать ягоды на продажу. Брок замечает, что одному Лотаду не хватает уверенности и навыков, и решает помочь советом и поддержкой. Натали, самая младшая из сестёр, влюбляется в Брока, и отправляется в лес за Ситрус-ягодой для него. Брок и его друзья едва успевают спасти ее от дикого Бедрилла. В это время, Команда Р решает отловить всех Лотадов в озере. Пикачу объединяет силы с обитателями озера и противостоит Команде Р. После битвы, маленький Лотад решает стать покемоном Брока.

Dutch Official Summary

Onze helden ontmoeten drie zusjes die bessen kweken met behulp van een groep Lotad!

Danish Official Summary

Vore helte møder tre søstre, som dyrker bær sammen med en gruppe af lokale Lotad!

Swedish Official Summary

Våra hjältar träffar tre systrar som odlar Bär med hjälp av en grupp Lotad som bor i närheten!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Giovanni
  • Japan サカキ
  • Japan Sakaki
  • Japan Sakaki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May
  • Japan ハルカ
  • Japan Haruka
  • Japan Haruka
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Max
  • Japan マサト
  • Japan Masato
  • Japan Masato
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Treecko
  • Japan サトシのキモリ
  • Japan Satoshi no Kimori
  • Japan Satoshi's Kimori
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Taillow
  • Japan サトシのスバメ
  • Japan Satoshi no Subame
  • Japan Satoshi's Subame
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Forretress
  • Japan タケシのフォレトス
  • Japan Takeshi no Foretos
  • Japan Takeshi's Foretos
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock's Lotad
  • Japan タケシのハスボー
  • Japan Takeshi no Hassboh
  • Japan Takeshi's Hassboh
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie's Wobbuffet
  • Japan ムサシのソーナンス
  • Japan Musashi no Sonansu
  • Japan Musashi's Sonansu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States May's Torchic
  • Japan ハルカのアチャモ
  • Japan Haruka no Achamo
  • Japan Haruka's Achamo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Nicole
  • Japan ノリコ
  • Japan Noriko
  • Japan Noriko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Natalie
  • Japan ナオコ
  • Japan Naoko
  • Japan Naoko
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Rita
  • Japan レイコ
  • Japan Reiko
  • Japan Reiko

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Beedrill
  • Japan スピアー
  • Japan Spear
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Lotad
  • Japan ハスボー
  • Japan Hassboh
No notes available for this episode.

Who's that Pokémon Pokémon Advanced

Magby - This Pokémon's body temperature is over 1100 degrees!

Eyecatch Groudon and Kyogre Eyecatch

Groudon Commercial Intro Eyecatch with Pikachu, Satoshi, Haruka, Masato and Takeshi.

Kyogre Commercial Return Eyecatch with Pikachu, Satoshi, Haruka, Masato and Takeshi.

Okido Segment Pokémon Lecture

Pokémon Lecture & Senryu
Pokémon Natio (ネイティオ)
Japanese ネイティオが いいとしねがって みらいよち
Romaji Neitio ga ii toshi negatte mirai yochi
Translated When a Natio wishes it were old enough it views its future

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: アドバンス・アドベンチャー ~Advance Adventure~
Japanese (Romanized): Advance Adventure
Japanese (TL): Advance Adventure
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:28
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M02 トウカシティ
Japanese (Romanized): Touka City
Japanese (TL): Touka City
The group dives into a lake to play and relax.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:13
Title: Movie 2 BGM - Fire Orb
Movie 2 BGM - The Hassboh approach the group.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:31
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M42 進化おめでとう
Japanese (Romanized): Shinka omedetō
Japanese (TL): Congratulations for the Evolution
Advanced Generation Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:57
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M28
The group finds out that it were Hassboh that brought them down the water.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:45
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Rocket Gang wanders through the forest and is dying of thirst.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:15
Title: 1999-2001-M29 Very Sad Moments
Kojiro tells Musashi and Nyarth to leave him there to die.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:54
Title: Movie 1 Short - Yadon Eyecatch
Musashi and Nyarth begin breathing fire from the berry's spicy flavor.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:39
Title: 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme)
Takeshi flirts with Noriko.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:25
Title: 1997-1998-M64 Hiya, Hot Stuff! (Jazzy Theme)
Takeshi now flirts with Reiko.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:50
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M01B ヒワマキシティ
Japanese (Romanized): Hiwamaki City
Japanese (TL): Hiwamaki City
The group takes a meal with Noriko's family.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:07
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M04 ミナモシティ
Japanese (Romanized): Minamo City
Japanese (TL): Minamo City
Noriko's family takes the group into its berry garden.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 10:36
Title: 1999-2001-M06 じてんしゃ
Japanese (Romanized): Jitensha
Japanese (TL): Bicycle
The Hassboh appear to water the garden's trees.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:57
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M33 ロケット団隠密のテーマ(ホウエン・バージョン)
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan onmitsu no thema (Houen Version)
Japanese (TL): Rocket Gang Spying Theme (Houen Version)
Nyarth's boss fantasy: a Hassboh carrying water goes to Sakaki's bed and lets him wash his face with the water.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 13:20
Title: 1997-1998-M09 再会
Japanese (Romanized): Saikai
Japanese (TL): Reunion
Takeshi teaches the Hassboh in front to water the plants. The music plays throughout the Eyecatch Break.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:27
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M43
Eyecatch Return
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:01
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M26
Takeshi explains why Naoko dissapeared.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:41
Title: 1997-1998-M27 激闘果てしなく~逃げろや逃げろ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nigero ya Nigero!
Japanese (TL): Run Away, Run Away!
A Spear appears and attacks Naoko.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:37
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M32 ロケット団参上!のテーマ(ホウエン・バージョン)
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan sanjō! no thema (Houen Version)
Japanese (TL): Rocket Gang Arrival Theme (Houen Version)
Rocket Gang Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:15
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M22 戦闘!レジロック・レジアイス・レジスチル
Japanese (Romanized): Sentō! Regirock - Regice - Registeel
Japanese (TL): Battle! Regirock - Regice - Registeel
Rocket Gang goes in the boat to capture all the Hassboh.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 19:12
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Pikachu is riding on top of a swimming Hassboh, both to attack Rocket Gang.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:35
Title: 1997-1998-M04 出会いと別れと
Japanese (Romanized): Deai to Wakare to
Japanese (TL): Meeting and Parting
The group prepares to depart, with Takeshi receiving the list of berries Naoko promised to give him.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:17
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M02 トウカシティ
Japanese (Romanized): Touka City
Japanese (TL): Touka City
Takeshi receives a Hassboh from the family. The group then leaves the location.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:44
Title: そこに空があるから
Japanese (Romanized): Soko ni Sora ga Aru kara
Japanese (TL): Because the Sky is There
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:05
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Advanced Generation Episode 13 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:36
Title: 1997-1998-M33A Professor Okido's Pokémon Lectures
Professor Okido's Pokémon Lecture
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:40
Title: 1997-1998-M18B トキワへの道‐マサラより
Japanese (Romanized): Tokiwa e no michi - Masara yori
Japanese (TL): The Road to Tokiwa - From Masara
Okido explains the characteristics of Natio.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 24:24
Title: Okido's Senryū Theme
Okido recites a Senryū.

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:02
Title: I Want To Be A Hero
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:48
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:01
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Team rocket are in a forest with no water.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:31
Title: 1999-2001-M29 Very Sad Moments
James gives up with life.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:58
Title: 1997-1998-M27 激闘果てしなく~逃げろや逃げろ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nigero ya Nigero!
Japanese (TL): Run Away, Run Away!
A beedrill appears infront of Natalie.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:55
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M32 ロケット団参上!のテーマ(ホウエン・バージョン)
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan sanjō! no thema (Houen Version)
Japanese (TL): Rocket Gang Arrival Theme (Houen Version)
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:29
Title: 2002-2005(AG)-M40 ~アドバンス・アドベンチャー~ (BONUS-TRACK) 競技中 OPテーマ「アドバンス・アドベンチャー」INST.
Japanese (Romanized): OP thema 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Japanese (TL): Opening Theme 'Advance Adventure' INST.
Pikachu appears, surfing on Lotad.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:56
Title: I Want To Be A Hero
English ending
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:56
Title: I Want To Be A Hero
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 28
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 9
13 Feb 2003 03:00 AM
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15 Nov 2014 01:15 PM
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As Satoshi and his friends are taking a break at a lake, they meet a group of the 'Water Weed Pokémon' Hassboh and three sisters from a flower shop; Noriko, Reiko and Naoko. The group accompany the sisters to their shop, where they are served food made from delicious berries as they're told of the various effect berries have on Pokémon.

The youngest sister Naoko acts far less polite than the other two, but gives Takeshi special treatment, coming across as having a crush on him.

After Takeshi mentions he's interested in the rare 'Obao Berry', Naoko heads out into the forest all by herself to search for one!

However, the forest is very dark and the chance of getting lost there at night is very high.

Satoshi and his friends immediately go to search for her, but...!

Voice Cast:
Rica Matsumoto: Satoshi
Ikue Ohtani: Pikachu
Yuji Ueda: Takeshi
KAORI: Haruka
Fushigi Yamada: Masato
Megumi Hayashibara: Musashi
Shinichiro Miki: Kojiro
Inuko Inuyama: Nyarth
Kumiko Nishihara: Naoko
Naomi Shindo: Noriko
Tomoe Hanba: Reiko
Chinami Nishimura: Achamo
Natsuki Yoshihara: Subame
Miyako Ito: Hassboh
Unsho Ishizuka: Narration