Home / Episode Guide / A Claim to Flame!/シロガネリーグかいまく!シゲルふたたび!/The Shirogane League Begins! Shigeru Returns!
Titles and Airdates


  • United States A Claim to Flame!
  • Japan シロガネリーグかいまく!シゲルふたたび!
  • Japan Shirogane league kaimaku! Shigeru futatabi!
  • Japan The Shirogane League Begins! Shigeru Returns!
  • Germany Die Flamme des Ho-Oh
  • France La cérémonie d'ouverture
  • Spain ¡Esperando la antorcha!
  • Sweden Fackelbäraren
  • Italy Le prime gare
  • Mexico ¡El portador de la llama!
  • Finland Haaste on heitetty
  • Taiwan 白銀大會跟小茂再度交手!!
  • Poland Zapłonął znicz!
  • Netherlands Het uur van het Vuur
  • Brazil Uma Chama para a Fama!
  • Israel אהבה בסגנון פוקימוני
  • Czechia Právo na oheň
  • Norway Ærens prakt
  • Denmark Flammens Mester
  • South Korea 은빛대회! 바람이와의 재회!
  • Portugal Atrás da Chama!


Staff List
Anime Studio Logo
OLM Team Ota

Japan Screenplay 藤田伸三 (Shinzō Fujita)
Japan Storyboard よこた和 (Kazu Yokota)
Japan Episode Director 鈴木敏明 (Toshiaki Suzuki)
Japan Animation Director 志村泉 (Izumi Shimura)

OP/ED List

Episode Director
Animation Director

English Official Summary

After arriving at Silver Town, Ash runs into his favorite person: Gary! Gary is set on entering the Silver Conference, and is determined that this time he will be able to make it all the way, and beat Ash! While Gary huffs his way into the Pokémon Center, Brock leads the way to the Athlete's Village. On the way, they bump into Mr. Goodshow, who is giving out balloons to greet the and, as part of his duties as Pokémon League Torch Committee President. Ash promises Mr. Goodshow that he will give it his all in the Silver Conference, which cheers Mr. Goodshow up even further than his normal level of cheer. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are working at a restaurant in order to try and get some money, but wind up eating their way out of a job. Ash, Misty, and Brock make it to the Athlete's Village, where they are treated to a luxury room, with a networked computer. They immediately head to the Trainer Screening, where trainers use their one best Pokémon to try and qualify for the Silver Conference. Ash is called to the floor to take on Salvador from Cherrygrove City, and the computer determines that Ash must draw his Pokémon first. He chooses Pikachu against Salvador's Furret. Furret's Dig seems to get the best of Pikachu, and goes in for a Headbutt to finish things off. Pikachu manages to jump on top of it before Headbutt can land, and performs a powerful Thunderbolt that leaves Furret vulnerable to a Quick Attack. That is enough to win the battle, as Ash gets his first victory. Phanpy and Cyndaquil take out Ash's next two opponents, allowing Ash to move on to the Semi-Finals! Harrison made it through the Screening as well, along with Gary. Mr. Goodshow reminds Ash that only 16 trainers will be able to move from the Semi-Finals on to the Victory Tournament, but Ash is determined to win it all, no matter what! Later that night, Ash is unable to sleep, and takes Pikachu for a walk along the shoreline. They stumble upon Gary, who is also out to clear his head. Gary reminisces about the day he left Pallet Town, which also happened to be the day Ash got his Pikachu. Gary compliments Ash on how he was able to tame Pikachu's wild streak, to the point where they are now best friends. Who knows where they might have ended up is things turned out differently? Gary sees the possibilities awaiting both him and Ash, but that won't let him be stopped from trying to win it all in the Tournament! While continuing their friendship, the rivalry is still strong between the two trainers. Waiting for the Silver Conference torch to arrive in Silver Town, Ash is approached by two people looking to get him to apply for the Footprint Pokémon Panel. When he goes to sign what he believes to be paperwork, the people are revealed to be Team Rocket, who tie Ash up and take Pikachu! Gary finds Ash tied up and goes to stop Team Rocket, who manage to bump into the Torch Runner along the way. Pikachu Thunderbolts Team Rocket, blasting them off, but the Torch Runner is hurt. While Gary cares for the injury, Ash runs the torch for him, lighting the flame in the stadium, signaling the beginning of The Johto League Silver Conference!

Italian Official Summary

Arrivati a Città dell'Argento, Ash si imbatte nel suo rivale Gary! Anche lui ha deciso di iscriversi alla Conferenza Argento ed è sempre più determinato a vincere il torneo e a battere Ash! Mentre Gary, molto sicuro di sé, si reca al Centro Pokémon, Brock conduce gli amici al villaggio degli Allenatori dove saranno alloggiati. Sulla strada incontrano Mr. Goodshow che sta distribuendo palloncini ai bambini: è uno dei suoi compiti in veste di presidente del comitato della fiaccola della Conferenza Argento accogliere i tifosi. Ash gli promette che darà il meglio di sé nella Conferenza Argento! Nel frattempo, il Team Rocket sta lavorando in un ristorante per racimolare un po’ di soldi, ma i tre finiscono per mangiarsi tutto il cibo dei clienti e vengono cacciati. Ash, Misty e Brock arrivano al villaggio degli Allenatori dove ricevono una stanza di lusso, dotata addirittura di un computer. Ma subito dopo devono recarsi alla selezione degli Allenatori, una serie di incontri in cui gli aspiranti partecipanti si sfidano mandando in campo il proprio Pokémon migliore per cercare di qualificarsi per la Conferenza Argento. Ash lotta contro Salvador di Fiorpescopoli e viene stabilito dal computer che Ash sceglierà per primo il suo Pokémon. il nostro eroe sceglie Pikachu che dovrà affrontare il Furret di Salvador. All'inizio Furret sembra avere la meglio: attacca Pikachu con Fossa e poi cerca di finire l’incontro con Bottintesta. Ma dopo un po' Pikachu riesce a saltare sul dorso di Furret, a schivarne gli attacchi e a colpirlo con un potente Fulmine, seguito da un Attacco Rapido. Ash vince così la sua prima sfida! Poi, con l'aiuto di Phanpy e Cyndaquil, supera i due incontri successivi e arriva alle semifinali! Anche Harrison e Gary hanno superato la selezione. Mr. Goodshow ricorda ad Ash che solo 16 Allenatori si affronteranno nelle finali, ma Ash non si fa scoraggiare. Ha intenzione di sbaragliare gli avversari a tutti i costi! La stessa notte Ash non riesce a dormire e va con Pikachu a passeggiare sulla spiaggia. I due incontrano Gary, anche lui in giro per schiarirsi le idee. Gary ricorda il giorno che ha lasciato Biancavilla che è lo stesso in cui Ash ha ricevuto Pikachu. Si congratula con Ash per essere riuscito ad allevare Pikachu così bene e per il legame di amicizia che li lega. Chissà come sarebbero andate le cose se l’inizio fosse stato diverso? Gary riconosce che entrambi hanno buone chance al torneo, ma questo non gli impedirà di fare di tutto per vincerlo! Anche se chiacchierano come vecchi amici, la rivalità tra i due è palpabile! La fiaccola della Conferenza Argento sta arrivando a Città dell'Argento e Ash viene avvicinato da due persone che cercano di convincerlo a far domanda per richiedere la targa con l’impronta del Pokémon d’argento, necessaria per la gara. Quando si reca a compilare i moduli, trova il Team Rocket ad attenderlo, che lega Ash e si porta via Pikachu! Gary trova Ash legato, lo slega e i ragazzi si mettono subito a rincorrere il Team Rocket che si va a scontrare con il tedoforo. Pikachu con Fulmine spazza via il Team Rocket, ma il tedoforo si è fatto male. Mentre Gary lo soccorre, Ash prende il suo posto, corre con la fiaccola nello stadio e accende il braciere con la fiamma sacra: è l’inizio della Conferenza Argento della Lega di Johto!

Portuguese Official Summary

A Conferência de Prata da Liga Johto começou e tanto Ash quanto seus rivais levam muito a sério o que o futuro lhes reserva!

Spanish Latin America Official Summary

¡La Conferencia Plateada de la Liga Johto ha comenzado, y Ash y sus rivales comienzan a considerar seriamente lo que el futuro les tiene deparado!

Spanish Official Summary

Después de llegar a Pueblo Plata, Ash se encuentra con su enemigo favorito: ¡Gary! Gary se ha decidido a apuntarse en el Congreso Plata y está convencido de que, esta vez, será capaz de llegar hasta el final y vencer a Ash. Mientras Gary se va confiado al Centro Pokémon, Brock dirige al grupo a la Villa de los Atletas. En el camino, se tropiezan con el señor Goodshow, que está dando globos y dando la bienvenida a la gente como parte de sus obligaciones como jefe del Comité de la Llama de la Liga Pokémon. Ash le promete al señor Goodshow que lo dará todo en el Congreso Plata, lo cual hace que el señor Goodshow se anime aún más de lo que acostumbra a estarlo. Mientras tanto, los miembros del Team Rocket están trabajando en un restaurante para intentar ganar algo de dinero, pero acaban sin trabajo por ponerse a comer. Ash, Misty y Brock llegan a la Villa de los Atletas, donde les dan una habitación de lujo con un ordenador conectado a la red. Inmediatamente, se dirigen a las canchas para ver las rondas de eliminación, donde los Entrenadores usan a su mejor Pokémon para intentar clasificarse para el Congreso Plata. Llaman a Ash para que salga a enfrentarse con Salvador, de Ciudad Cerezo, y el ordenador determina que Ash debe sacar a su Pokémon primero. Ash elige a Pikachu, y Salvador a Furret. El Excavar de Furret, seguido de Golpe Cabeza, parece afectar a Pikachu, pero este consigue saltar y subirse encima de Furret antes de que otro Golpe Cabeza lo alcance, y después usa un poderoso Rayo, que deja a Furret vulnerable a Ataque Rápido. Eso es suficiente para ganar el combate, así que Ash consigue su primera victoria. Phanpy y Cyndaquil ayudan a Ash a acabar con sus dos oponentes siguientes, permitiéndole llegar a las semifinales. Harrison y Gary también pasan las primeras rondas eliminatorias. El señor Goodshow le recuerda a Ash que solo 16 Entrenadores podrán pasar las semifinales para llegar al torneo final, pero Ash está decidido a ganar todos los combates, ¡sea como sea! Más tarde esa misma noche, Ash no puede dormirse y se va con Pikachu a dar un paseo por la orilla. Se encuentran con Gary, que también ha salido a despejarse un poco. Gary recuerda el día que dejó Pueblo Paleta, que también fue el día que Ash consiguió a su Pikachu. Gary felicita a Ash por cómo fue capaz de controlar al Pikachu rebelde que quedaba hasta el punto de convertirlo en su mejor amigo. ¿Quién sabe qué habría sido de ellos si las cosas se hubieran presentado de otra manera? Gary ve las oportunidades que les aguardan a él y a Ash, ¡pero eso no le impedirá intentar ganarle en el torneo! Aunque siguen siendo amigos, la rivalidad entre estos dos Entrenadores sigue siendo fuerte. Mientras espera en una cola a que la antorcha del Congreso Plata llegue a Pueblo Plata, dos personas se acercan a Ash para preguntarle si ya tiene el Panel de Huellas Pokémon. Cuando va a firmar el papeleo necesario, descubre que esas dos personas son, en realidad, el Team Rocket, ¡que atan a Ash y se llevan a Pikachu! Gary encuentra a Ash atado y lo ayuda a perseguir al Team Rocket, que se tropieza con el corredor que lleva la antorcha en el camino. Pikachu usa Rayo contra el Team Rocket, haciendo que salgan disparados por los aires, pero el corredor resulta herido. Gary se encarga de ayudar al corredor herido, mientras que Ash lleva la antorcha corriendo hasta el estadio para encender la llama y señalar el comienzo del Congreso Plata de la Liga Johto.

English Great Britian Official Summary

After arriving at Silver Town, Ash runs into his favorite person: Gary! Gary is set on entering the Silver Conference, and is determined that this time he will be able to make it all the way, and beat Ash! While Gary huffs his way into the Pokémon Center, Brock leads the way to the Athlete's Village. On the way, they bump into Mr. Goodshow, who is giving out balloons to greet the and, as part of his duties as Pokémon League Torch Committee President. Ash promises Mr. Goodshow that he will give it his all in the Silver Conference, which cheers Mr. Goodshow up even further than his normal level of cheer. Meanwhile, Team Rocket are working at a restaurant in order to try and get some money, but wind up eating their way out of a job. Ash, Misty, and Brock make it to the Athlete's Village, where they are treated to a luxury room, with a networked computer. They immediately head to the Trainer Screening, where trainers use their one best Pokémon to try and qualify for the Silver Conference. Ash is called to the floor to take on Salvador from Cherrygrove City, and the computer determines that Ash must draw his Pokémon first. He chooses Pikachu against Salvador's Furret. Furret's Dig seems to get the best of Pikachu, and goes in for a Headbutt to finish things off. Pikachu manages to jump on top of it before Headbutt can land, and performs a powerful Thunderbolt that leaves Furret vulnerable to a Quick Attack. That is enough to win the battle, as Ash gets his first victory. Phanpy and Cyndaquil take out Ash's next two opponents, allowing Ash to move on to the Semi-Finals! Harrison made it through the Screening as well, along with Gary. Mr. Goodshow reminds Ash that only 16 trainers will be able to move from the Semi-Finals on to the Victory Tournament, but Ash is determined to win it all, no matter what! Later that night, Ash is unable to sleep, and takes Pikachu for a walk along the shoreline. They stumble upon Gary, who is also out to clear his head. Gary reminisces about the day he left Pallet Town, which also happened to be the day Ash got his Pikachu. Gary compliments Ash on how he was able to tame Pikachu's wild streak, to the point where they are now best friends. Who knows where they might have ended up is things turned out differently? Gary sees the possibilities awaiting both him and Ash, but that won't let him be stopped from trying to win it all in the Tournament! While continuing their friendship, the rivalry is still strong between the two trainers. Waiting for the Silver Conference torch to arrive in Silver Town, Ash is approached by two people looking to get him to apply for the Footprint Pokémon Panel. When he goes to sign what he believes to be paperwork, the people are revealed to be Team Rocket, who tie Ash up and take Pikachu! Gary finds Ash tied up and goes to stop Team Rocket, who manage to bump into the Torch Runner along the way. Pikachu Thunderbolts Team Rocket, blasting them off, but the Torch Runner is hurt. While Gary cares for the injury, Ash runs the torch for him, lighting the flame in the stadium, signaling the beginning of The Johto League Silver Conference!

Dutch Official Summary

De Johto League Silver Conference is begonnen en Ash en zijn rivalen zijn gespannen over wat de toekomst voor hen in petto heeft!

French Official Summary

À Ville d’Argent, Sacha tombe sur son rival, Régis ! Régis veut lui aussi participer à la conférence Argentée et compte bien, cette fois, battre Sacha ! Tandis que Régis se rend vers le Centre Pokémon, Pierre mène ses amis vers le village des athlètes. En chemin, ils tombent sur Monsieur Goodshow, qui distribue des ballons aux enfants puisqu’il est le président du Comité de la Ligue Pokémon. Sacha promet à Monsieur Goodshow qu’il donnera le meilleur de lui-même lors de la conférence Argentée. Pendant ce temps, la Team Rocket travaille dans un restaurant pour gagner de l’argent, mais ils dévorent les plats qu’ils devaient servir et perdent leur emploi. Sacha, Ondine et Pierre arrivent au village des athlètes, où ils se retrouvent dans une chambre de luxe, avec un ordinateur qui donne des infos sur les autres participants. Ils se rendent immédiatement aux épreuves éliminatoires de la conférence Argentée. Sacha doit affronter un certain Salvador, de Ville Griotte, et c’est à lui de choisir son Pokémon en premier. Il choisit Pikachu, qui doit affronter le Fouinar de Salvador. Les attaques de Fouinar déstabilisent Pikachu, et son attaque Coup d’Boule semble sur le point de mettre fin au combat. Mais Pikachu parvient à esquiver Coup d’Boule et lance une puissante attaque Tonnerre après laquelle Vive-Attaque lui permet de remporter le combat. Sacha obtient ainsi sa première victoire. Phanpy et Héricendre éliminent les deux adversaires suivants de Sacha, et de dernier se qualifie donc pour les demi-finales ! Harrison et Régis se sont également qualifiés. Monsieur Goodshow rappelle à Sacha que seize Dresseurs seulement seront sélectionné au terme des demi-finales, mais Sacha compte bien remporter le tournoi ! Cette nuit-là, victime d’une insomnie, Sacha va se promener en compagnie de Pikachu. Ils tombent sur Régis, qui ne peut pas non plus dormir. Régis évoque le jour où il a quitté Bourg Palette ; c’est le même jour que Sacha a obtenu son Pikachu. Régis complimente Sacha sur la manière dont il est parvenu à apprivoiser le rebelle Pikachu, au point qu’ils sont maintenant meilleurs amis. Qui sait ce qui serait arrivé si les choses s’étaient déroulées autrement ? Régis voit bien qu’ils ont tous deux un grand potentiel, et il va donner le meilleur de lui-même dans le but de remporter le tournoi. Ils ont beau être amis, les deux Dresseurs sont aussi rivaux ! En attendant d’entrer dans le stade, Sacha est approché par deux inconnus qui lui proposent de demander sa plaque d’empreinte du Pokémon d’Argent. Quand il se rend remplir les formulaires, il découvre que les inconnus sont en fait la Team Rocket, qui ligote Sacha et emporte Pikachu ! Régis trouve Sacha tout ligoté et se lance à la poursuite de la Team Rocket, qui tombe sur le porteur de la torche en chemin. Pikachu lance Tonnerre, ce qui envoie la Team Rocket vers d’autres cieux ! Mais le porteur de la torche est blessé. Pendant que Régis s’occupe de la blessure, Sacha part en courant avec la torche, puis allume la flamme dans le stade. La conférence Argentée de la Ligue de Johto peut commencer !

German Official Summary

Nach ihrer Ankunft in Silber City treffen unsere Freunde auf Ashs Erzrivalen Gary, der auch an der Silberkonferenz teilnehmen wird und sich vorgenommen hat, alle zu besiegen. Rocko führt die Gruppe zum Dorf der Trainer. Unterwegs begegnen sie Mister Goodshow, dem Präsidenten des Pokémon-Fackel-Komitees. Zur Begrüßung verteilt er Ballons an alle Besucher. Ash verspricht ihm, dass er bei der Silberkonferenz alles geben wird, was Mister Goodshow sehr glücklich macht. Team Rocket arbeitet derzeit in einem Restaurant, um sich ein wenig Geld zu verdienen. Allerdings dauert es nicht lange, bis sie aufgrund ihrer Selbstbeköstigung entlassen werden. Ash, Misty und Brock gelangen schließlich zum Dorf der Trainer, wo sie ein Luxuszimmer beziehen, in dem es sogar einen Computer gibt. Als Nächstes begeben sie sich zum Qualifying der Trainer, bei dem jeder Trainer versucht, sich in den Sichtungskämpfen mit seinem besten Pokémon für die Silber-Konferenz zu qualifizieren. Ash muss als Erstes gegen Salvador antreten. Der Computer entscheidet, dass Ash zuerst sein Pokémon auswählen muss. Er entscheidet sich für Pikachu, während Salvador sich für Wiesenior entschließt. Zu Beginn hat es den Anschein, dass Wieseniors Attacken Pikachu fest im Griff haben, aber Pikachu kann sich mit seinen kraftvollen Attacken zur Wehr setzen, und so für Ash den ersten Sieg einfahren. Phanpy und Feurigel kümmern sich anschließend um die nächsten Gegner von Ash, sodass dieser ins Halbfinale vorrückt. Harrison und Gary haben das Qualifying ebenfalls überstanden. Mister Goodshow erinnert Ash daran, dass nur 16 Trainer aus dem Halbfinale hervorgehen und am Siegerturnier teilnehmen können. Ash ist fest entschlossen, alles zu gewinnen. Dieser Gedanke bereitet ihm aber auch eine schlaflose Nacht, sodass er mit Pikachu einen Spaziergang unternimmt. Sie treffen dabei auf Gary, der auch versucht, sich den Kopf frei zu machen. Gary denkt über den Tag nach, an dem er Alabastia verließ. Am gleichen Tag erhielt Ash auch sein Pikachu. Gary ist sehr davon beeindruckt, dass Ash und Pikachu mittlerweile die besten Kumpel sind. Dabei hätte alles ganz anders kommen können. Gary ist überzeugt, dass es für ihn und Ash noch viele Möglichkeiten im Leben geben wird. Allerdings will er sich auch die Gelegenheit, das Siegerturnier zu gewinnen, nicht entgehen lassen. Zwischen den beiden Trainern existiert nicht nur eine große Freundschaft, sondern auch eine gesunde Rivalität. Während Ash auf die Ankunft der Silber-Konferenz-Fackel in Silber City wartet, wird er von zwei Personen angesprochen, die ihn für eine Silber-Pokémon-Fußabdruckplatte anmelden möchten. Als er die notwendigen Unterlagen unterschreiben will, stellt sich heraus, dass es sich um Team Rocket handelt, die ihn fest verschnüren und sich Pikachu schnappen! Gary findet Ash und sie nehmen sofort die Verfolgung der Gauner auf. In Panik und auf der Flucht schafft es Team Rocket, mit dem Fackelläufer zusammenzustoßen, der sich dabei verletzt. Pikachu sorgt dafür, dass sich die Schurken mit einem Schuss in den Ofen verabschieden. Während sich Gary um den verletzten Läufer kümmert, trägt Ash die Fackel bis ins Stadion. Dort entfacht er die geweihte Flamme des Ho-Oh, die den Beginn der Silberkonferenz der Johto-Liga verkündet!


Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash Ketchum
  • Japan サトシ
  • Japan Satoshi
  • Japan Satoshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Pikachu
  • Japan サトシのピカチュウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Pikachu
  • Japan Satoshi's Pikachu
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty
  • Japan カスミ
  • Japan Kasumi
  • Japan Kasumi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Brock
  • Japan タケシ
  • Japan Takeshi
  • Japan Takeshi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Gary Oak
  • Japan オーキド・シゲル
  • Japan Shigeru Ōkido
  • Japan Shigeru Okido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Delia Ketchum
  • Japan ハナコ
  • Japan Hanako
  • Japan Hanako
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Mr. Mime (Mimey)
  • Japan サトシのバリヤード (バリちゃん)
  • Japan Satoshi no Barrierd (Barri-chan)
  • Japan Satoshi's Barrierd
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Misty's Togepi
  • Japan カスミのトゲピー
  • Japan Kasumi no Togepi
  • Japan Kasumi's Togepi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Meowth
  • Japan ニャース
  • Japan Nyarth
  • Japan Nyarth
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Jessie
  • Japan ムサシ
  • Japan Musashi
  • Japan Musashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James
  • Japan コジロウ
  • Japan Kojirō
  • Japan Kojiro
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Samuel Oak
  • Japan オーキド ユキナリ博士
  • Japan Yukinari Okido-hakase
  • Japan Professor Yukinari Okido
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Cyndaquil
  • Japan サトシのヒノアラシ
  • Japan Satoshi no Hinoarashi
  • Japan Satoshi's Hinoarashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Ash's Phanpy
  • Japan サトシのゴマゾウ
  • Japan Satoshi no Gomazou
  • Japan Satoshi's Gomazou
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Tracey Sketchit
  • Japan ケンジ
  • Japan Kenji
  • Japan Kenji
Character Thumbnail
  • United States James' Mime Jr.
  • Japan コジロウのマネネ
  • Japan Kojirō no Manene
  • Japan Kojiro's Manene
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Charles Goodshow
  • Japan タマランゼ会長
  • Japan Tamaranze-kaichou
  • Japan President Tamaranze
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Harrison
  • Japan ハヅキ
  • Japan Hazuki
  • Japan Hazuki
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Professor Elm
  • Japan ウツギ博士
  • Japan Utsugi-hakase
  • Japan Professor Utsugi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Darren
  • Japan タカシ
  • Japan Takashi
  • Japan Takashi
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Salvador
  • Japan サブロウ
  • Japan Saburō
  • Japan Saburo
Character Thumbnail
  • United States Salvador's Furret
  • Japan サブロウのオオタチ
  • Japan Saburō no Ootachi
  • Japan Saburo's Ootachi

Wild Pokémon

Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Nidoking
  • Japan ニドキング
  • Japan Nidoking
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Machoke
  • Japan ゴーリキー
  • Japan Goriky
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Exeggutor
  • Japan ナッシー
  • Japan Nassy
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Feraligatr
  • Japan オーダイル
  • Japan Ordile
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Ursaring
  • Japan リングマ
  • Japan Ringuma
Pokémon Thumbnail
  • United States Donphan
  • Japan ドンファン
  • Japan Donfan
No notes available for this episode.

Who's that Pokémon Master Quest

Scizor - This Pokémon is the final evolution of Scyther!

Who's that Pokémon Gold and Silver

Episode Music Regions
Music Player

Japanese Music:

Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 00:00
Title: Ready Go!
Japanese (Romanized): Ready Go!
Japanese (TL): Ready Go!
Opening Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:29
Title: 1999-2001-M02 タイトル
Japanese (Romanized): Title
Japanese (TL): Title
Satoshi and the friends leave the Shirogane Conference building.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:27
Title: 1999-2001-M26 Unhinged
Satoshi and Shigeru exchange pleasantries.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:51
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Kanto Title Card
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:12
Title: 1999-2001-M01 29ばんどうろ
Japanese (Romanized): 29-ban dōro
Japanese (TL): Route 29
The group meets President Tamaranze again.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 04:30
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Musashi keeps getting angry at the girl that called her an "old hag".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 05:46
Title: 1997-1998-M60 ハナダへの道‐おつきみ山より
Japanese (Romanized): Hanada e no michi - Otsukimi Yama yori
Japanese (TL): The Road to Hanada - From Moon-viewing Mountain
Shots and parts of the Shirogane Tournament's preliminaries are shown, as Takeshi explains some of the round's rules.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:23
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Satoshi begins his first battle, against a trainer named Saburo.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 08:30
Title: 1997-1998-M79 ラストバトル(VSライバル)
Japanese (Romanized): Last Battle (VS Rival)
Japanese (TL): Last Battle (VS Rival)
Saburo's Otachi uses Dig and Headbutt against Satoshi's Pikachu.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 09:53
Title: 1999-2001-M21 こうそくせん
Japanese (Romanized): Kōsokusen
Japanese (TL): The High-speed Liner
Satoshi tells Pikachu to use 100,000 Volts. After the battle is won, two other battles are shown quickly.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 11:49
Title: サトシ戦いの決意
Japanese (Romanized): Satoshi tatakai no ketsui
Japanese (TL): Satoshi's Battle Resolve
Movie 1 BGM - The second part of the music plays as President Tamaranze appears to tell that the tournament won't be easy due to the format of the next round.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:47
Title: 1999-2001-M38 ~OK!~ (BONUS-TRACK)
Who's that Pakémon? Otachi!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 12:52
Title: 1999-2001-M31 Dejected
Satoshi thinks while lying on the bed, but soon leaves to walk outside, where he finds Shigeru.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 14:04
Title: Movie 2 BGM - Kasumi to the Rescue!
Movie 2 BGM - Satoshi and Shigeru talk together about their past.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 15:55
Title: 1999-2001-M24 むしとりたいかい
Japanese (Romanized): Mushitori taikai
Japanese (TL): Bug Catching Contest
The opening ceremony of the League begins.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:55
Title: 1999-2001-M25 Imminent Danger
Rocket Gang (in officials' disguise) appears behind Satoshi to tell him about a "procedure that he has to make, or else is disqualified".
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:30
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Rocket Gang Motto
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 18:37
Title: 1997-1998-M27 激闘果てしなく~逃げろや逃げろ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nigero ya Nigero!
Japanese (TL): Run Away, Run Away!
Rocket Gang is chased by Satoshi and Shigeru.
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 20:09
Title: めざせポケモンマスター
Japanese (Romanized): Mezase Pokémon Master
Japanese (TL): Aim to Be a Pokémon Master
Satoshi takes the Sacred Flame all the way up the stairs to light up the big torch!
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:44
Title: ポケッターリ モンスターリ
Japanese (Romanized): Pokettāri Monsutāri
Japanese (TL): Pocketing Monsting
Ending Theme for Japanese Version
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:05
Title: Mezase Pokémon Master Instrumental
Johto Episode 151 preview
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:36
Title: 1997-1998-M33A Professor Okido's Pokémon Lectures
Professor Okido's Special League Segment
Language/Country: Japan Japan
Play Sample:
Timecode: 23:44
Title: 1999-2001-M24 むしとりたいかい
Japanese (Romanized): Mushitori taikai
Japanese (TL): Bug Catching Contest
Okido explains the format of the Shirogane Conference.

Dub Music:

Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 01:23
Title: Believe In Me
English opening
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 02:09
Title: 1997-1998-M52 Title Card
Title card
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 03:44
Title: 1997-1998-M26 ロケット団隠密作戦
Japanese (Romanized): Rocket-dan Onmitsu Sakusen
Japanese (TL): The Rocket Gang's Secret Schemes
Jessie gets angry at a customer
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 06:38
Title: 1997-1998-M15 襲撃!
Japanese (Romanized): Shūgeki!
Japanese (TL): Attack!
Ash sends out pikachu(I figured a ground pokemon would be strong against an electric type)
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 07:44
Title: 1997-1998-M79 ラストバトル(VSライバル)
Japanese (Romanized): Last Battle (VS Rival)
Japanese (TL): Last Battle (VS Rival)
Furret uses Dig to confuse Pikachu.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 16:44
Title: 1997-1998-M20 なんだかんだと聞かれたら…
Japanese (Romanized): Nandakanda to Kikaretara…
Japanese (TL): If You Ask Us About Whatever…
Team rocket motto
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 17:52
Title: 1997-1998-M27 激闘果てしなく~逃げろや逃げろ!
Japanese (Romanized): Nigero ya Nigero!
Japanese (TL): Run Away, Run Away!
Ash and Gary help stop Team rocket.
Language/Country: United States United States
Play Sample:
Timecode: 21:02
Title: Believe In Me
English ending

Music Statistics:

Number of Assigned Tracks to the Japanese Original: 23
Number of Assigned Tracks to the English Dub: 8
19 Sep 2002 03:00 AM
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Titles: A Claim to Flame!/シロガネリーグかいまく!シゲルふたたび!/The Shirogane League Begins! Shigeru Returns!
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Last edited 15 Sep 2024 05:03 PM by AnimeBot